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by Rick Heizman, June 27, 2018, San Francisco

Two articles by Reuters deserve to be exposed as the propaganda and BS that they are -
this article titled, Myanmar Military Leaders 'Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’, and,
Tip of the Spear. This expose will deal with the first article, and then separately I will expose
and demolish the 2nd article.

According to Reuters, Muslims, particularly Bengali Muslims (they insist on using the political
construct term ‘Rohingya’ that has zero historic validity) are the innocent, sincere, angelic,
hated for no reason at all, people; and the Buddhists, particularly the Burmese and Rakhine
Buddhists, are the antagonists, the guilty, the evil ones, the ones that hate for no reason at all,

My comments will be in blue from here on:

Myanmar military leaders 'guilty of crimes against humanity'

• 27 June 2018
Top Myanmar military officials should be tried for crimes against humanity for a systematic
attack on Rohingya Muslims, Amnesty International says. Soldiers targeted villagers in a co-
ordinated campaign of rape, torture and murder, the rights group alleges. It also says the
military prepared its offensive before attacks last year led 700,000 people to flee. Myanmar
has always said they were the trigger. There was no immediate reaction from the military,
which denies any abuses.
The Amnesty report was published shortly before the UN's special rapporteur on Myanmar
said there was no evidence conditions for Rohingya Muslims had improved since August last
year, when violence erupted. Yanghee Lee told the UN Human Rights Council any discussion
of a safe, voluntary and dignified return was futile. In response, Myanmar's ambassador told
the UN Ms Lee lacked independence, and called for her to be replaced.

This is some of the worst Orwellian doublespeak propaganda - it sounds more like what you
would expect from a hate-spitting Mullah screaming on Muslim World Media, in Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.

The Bengali Muslims (Rohingya) have been surging into Arakan ever since the British started
to bring them in as laborers 150 years ago. And, the Bengali Muslims, with their twisted
intolerant and supremacist Wahhabi-based Islamic minds have tried again and again to
annihilate the indigenous Rakhine Buddhists and various tribal ethnicities - whose one and
only homeland it was - in wanton genocidal attacks with the goal of eliminating all infidels from
the land, with the brainwashed belief that Allah would be pleased.

In the last 3 major explosions of violence in 2012, 2016, and 2017, the Bengali Muslims had
systematically preplanned the attacks by stockpiling and making weapons and explosives,
and conducting training classes in weaponry usage and skills, bomb-making and landmine-
making techniques at secret camps in the mountains or in Bangladesh. At the same time
through the mosques essentially every Mawlawi (Bengali term for Imam) hammered the plans
into the villagers minds - that one day soon they all will attack the security posts with only
weapons they had, kill all of the security (police, army, border guards) forces, and then take
all of the weaponry from the security posts and use it to kill all Buddhist, Hindu, and tribal
men, women, children, babies, and the elderly.

When the Bengali Muslims launched their jihad on August 25, 2017 - with an estimated
4000-8000 attackers attacking 30 security outposts and 30-60 villages, trying to kill as many
infidels as possible - they became the ENEMY. They were attacking, with the intent to kill, the
government, the police forces, the army forces, and the civilians of Myanmar. They started a
war, and the duty of any police or army forces is to respond quickly, vigorously and
overwhelmingly enough stop the terrorism, drive the aggressors and the threat away,
eliminate the threat if possible, rescue civilians under attack, escort civilian populations to
safety, bring in supplies to trapped villages, and provide emergency medical care.

The manner that Reuters says that the army planned its campaign against the Bengali
Muslims is very Orwellian - Armies of ANY country must prepare for whatever threats there
are against them - and OBVIOUSLY the biggest threat against the army, the police forces, the
nation, and the non-Muslims of Rakhine State IS the Bengali Muslims with their Islamic limited
mindsets. They have launched jihad attacks in 1942, 1945, 1947, the 1950s, 1960s, 1978,
1984, 1994, 2012, 2016, and 2017. Of course the army should prepare for the next jihad
attacks! Next time (and there WILL BE a next time) the army needs to be a lot tougher, so that
the threat is eliminated, and can never happen again - and then good people can have
peaceful lives again and progress and development can be the news of the day.

Think about this, Reuters:

• If the Bengali Muslims did NOT attack, they would NOT be in Bangladesh now!
• If the Bengali Muslims didn’t harbor and teach supremacist hatred of all infidels they would
not be disliked - that is the reason why NOBODY likes them, and ALL OTHERS have been
victims of them.
• The Bengali Muslims will NEVER be accepted in Myanmar, nor should they be, after the
countless acts of terror, killings, and mayhem they are responsible for.
• The Bengali Muslim Islamic twisted minds know nothing of cause and effect, responsibility
and consequences, tolerance, compassion, and metta.

I Have Evidence That Reuters Refuses To Acknowledge - Info From
Prisoner Interragations
Reuters knows that I have it, but has refused to acknowledge it, or see it, clearly shows
captured militants talking about:

1) What They Were Taught in the Mosques:

The Mawlawis [Imams, or Mullahs] in all cases, are the ones systematically planning and
organizing the Bengali Muslims to take up arms at a given time, to create their goal of
declaring Maungdaw, Buthidaung, and Rathedaung Townships an autonomous (and
apartheid) Islamic State. To do so, the men and boys must kill all of the Infidels. In order
to do that the men and boys must go to the training camps in the Mayu Mountains,
isolated villages, or in Bangladesh, where they will learn how to use guns, martial arts,
fighting techniques, bomb making, landmine making, and more. They are warned, again
and again, if they do not attend or participate they will have their heads cut off in
accordance with Islamic Law. And, they did carry that out as some prisoners described.

2) The Violent Nature of Bengali Muslim Culture:

Prisoners often mention that they were threatened with death / having their heads cut off:
a) if the didn’t participate in the attacks when that time came

b) if they did not attend the militant training

c) if they were captured and gave info about ARSA their family would be killed

d) if they did not flee to Bangladesh

e) if they did not burn their houses

f) if they cooperated in any way with Burmese Buddhists

g) if they gave any info to authorities about militant whereabouts, hidden arsenals, etc

3) The Nature of the Militant Training

Many details emerge concerning the militant training that ARSA members received, and

the training that the ARSA members gave to the local villagers. The training included

weapons training - guns, knives, swords - fighting techniques, martial arts, bomb

making, landmine making, and other explosives training. In fact, it is known that some of

the bomb making sessions went awry with sudden explosions killing those who were

trying to make bombs - including the deaths of some foreign bomb makers.

The training for the ARSA militants was in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and

the training sessions for the villagers were held in remote villages, the Mayu

Mountains, and in Bangladesh.

4) The Short-term, and the Long-term Goals of the Bengali Muslims:

The short-term goal, which is emphasized again and again by the mosque leaders, is for

the Bengali Muslims to seize the 3 Townships of Maungdaw, Bhutidaung and

Rathedaung, and declare them an autonomous Islamic (and thereby Apartheid) Islamic

State, for Muslims only, and the way to achieve that is by attacking the security forces,

killing them all, seizing the weapons and ammo from the outposts, and then ethnically

cleanse the land, in a wanton genocide, of all Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, ethnic tribal

people, and anyone else that is not a Muslim.

The long-term goal of Muslims is to spread Islam everywhere, and taking over northern

Rakhine State would certainly not be the end of it. Notice the ARSA emblem with the two

guns crossed over a map of NOT just northern Rakhine State, but the WHOLE State of

Rakhine. After seizing all of Rakhine State the focus would become the rest of Myanmar,

then Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. The Quran is absolutely clear about this: the entire

world must be Islamic, and there shall not be ANY other religions, and ALL Muslims have

a sacred duty to wage war, or prepare for war, until the world is Islamic - everywhere.

5) How They Prepared to Attack and How They Attacked the Various Targets:
Many interesting details of how they were gathered together the night before the attacks,

who led them - Mawlawis by name, ARSA leaders, or both, the villages they met up in,

and then they most often surrounded a target with hundreds of Bengalis, and then started

the attacks.

6) How They Generally Failed, and Retreated, and Were Arrested or Captured:
How they failed, most often, to kill everyone at the police outposts, and thereby failed to

steal all the weaponry from the outposts. In the cases of attacking villages they succeeded

in killing scores of villagers, from the youngest baby to the oldest elderly person, and they

succeeded in driving 60,000 or so, Buddhists, Hindus, and Tribal Peoples to flee for their

lives, often spending many harrowing days and nights hiding in the mountains, or huddled

together in a Buddhist Monastery compound, or in precarious Police outposts which were

under attack for days and weeks after August 25th.

The details of how they were captured and arrested are very interesting. Most of them

were captured a few days after the attacks or a few weeks after. Many of the militants and

village militants continued to attack targets as they fled for Bangladesh.

7) Setting Their Own Homes and Villages On Fire:

About half of the prisoners gave details of being ordered by the Mawlawis and / or the

ARSA leaders to set their homes and villages on fire and flee to Bangladesh. They talk

about explicate orders that if they did not flee to Bangladesh and f they did not burn their

homes that they would be treated as Buddhists - meaning that their heads would be cut

off according to Islamic Law.

8) A Look Into the Minds (or Brainwashed Minds ) of the Bengali Muslims:
The prisoner interrogations provide a way to examine the mindset of these people, and

how they are so rigidly stuck in a medieval violence laden ideology, and how their

absolute supremacist manner permits them to think that they can kill anyone who is not


What happened in Myanmar?
In its report Amnesty released what it says is detailed evidence of the military's crimes during
the brutal crackdown on the Muslim minority. In August 2017, Rohingya militants - the Arakan
Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa) - attacked several police posts in Rakhine state. The military
responded by launching a major operation it said was targeting the militants. The military
action forced tens of thousands of people from their homes and saw entire villages burned
down. About 700,000 Rohingya have now fled to Bangladesh, where they are living in refugee

Reuters tries to diminish the scale of the attacks of Aug 25, 2017, by saying ‘attacked several
police posts’. The word ‘several’ generally means 3 or 4, even 5 - but certainly does not mean
30! The military had to pursue those who were the deadly attackers! And if they happen to
melt into villages - where they had great support, then the troops have to carefully enter
villages prepared to shoot or get shot themselves!

Once again, the Bengali Muslims had, and still have, other options - such as, NOT attacking,
and therefore NOT having to flee, etc. However, the Islamic addled minds of Bengali Muslims
does not let them see cause and effect, because to them, everything is the will of Allah! And,
ironically, when things go wrong for them, they don’t get upset at Allah - one would think it
would finally dawn upon them that Allah does not seem to care about the Bengali Muslims - at
all - unless he so cruelly enjoys seeing ‘Rohingya’ suffer.

Who are the Rohingya?

The Rohingya are one of the many ethnic minorities in Myanmar and make up the largest
percentage of Muslims. The government, however, sees them as illegal immigrants from
Bangladesh and denies them citizenship. They are widely despised by the Burmese public.
Before the crisis, there were about one million Rohingya in Myanmar, with the majority living
in Rakhine state.

‘Rohingya’ people are Bengalis. They share the same language, the same dialect of the
language, the same traditions, the same culture, the same food, the same dress, and even
the same intolerance, supremacism and hatred of all infidels. Just because some of the them
crossed a river does not mean they are different. Bangladesh has a lot of rivers, and if people
on either side of a river claimed that they were unique, then Bangladesh would have
hundreds of different peoples. It is convenient for them to try to be something else other than
one of close to 250 million Bengalis (mostly in India and Bangladesh).

Here is a question for Reuters:

If the Bengali Muslims living in Arakan in 1947-48 (no ‘Rohingya’ term at that time anywhere
on earth) had succeeded in joining the new nation of Pakistan (at the time 2 halves, East
Pakistan later became Bangladesh in 1971) would they still have needed to invent the term
‘Rohingya’? After all, they wanted to join East Pakistan BECAUSE they were fellow Bengalis!

Instead of saying, ‘They are widely despised by the Burmese public.’ Reuters could much
more fairly say, ‘The ‘Rohingya’ detest and despise all infidels (non-Muslims) and consider
Hindus and Buddhists as the worst of all, because they are idol-worshippers’ and they are
not ‘monotheistic’ (that is, they venerate statues of Buddha, or Shiva, etc, and they don’t
worship a singular all-encompassing God). That is why the Burmese, Rakhine, and all non-
Muslim people of the world don’t like them. (with the odd exception of Reuters reporters and
other so-called human rights champions.) There is nothing wrong, to any degree, with not
liking those who want to kill you, or tolerating the intolerable.

The report, titled We Will Destroy Everything, says: "The ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya
population was achieved by a relentless and systematic campaign in which the Myanmar
security forces unlawfully killed thousands of Rohingya, including young children."
The rights group accuses the military of sexual violence, torture, forced displacement and
burning of markets and farmland to force communities to flee. "These crimes amount to
crimes against humanity under international law, as they were perpetrated as part of a
widespread and systematic attack against the Rohingya population," the study says.

Amnesty also says it can prove the Burmese military had been gearing up for an offensive
against the Rohingya before the August violence. The government has always said it was
responding to a specific threat from Arsa. The report is based on more than 400 interviews in
Myanmar and Bangladesh, satellite imagery, forensic analysis and confidential military

Who are the accused?

Amnesty names 13 top officers as being most culpable and says they should be put on trial at
the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The list includes army commander-in-
chief Min Aung Hlaing and former head of the western command in Rakhine, Maung Maung
Soe, who earlier this week was sacked by the military. The report also includes several low-
level commanders and soldiers Amnesty says played a critical role in specific incidents.

The people to go to the ICC, are ARSA leader Ata Ullah, and any other ARSA members,
former members, and villagers who participated in the attacks. They all are guilty (will be
found to be) of murder, mass murder, attempted murder, attempted mass murder, conspiracy
to commit ethnic cleansing, conspiracy to commit genocide, making explosives with intent to
murder, various terrorism charges, etc.
As well, the many supporters, contributors, and suppliers of ARSA, including Fortify Rights,
Matthew Smith, Human Rights Watch Phil Robertson, Kenneth Roth, Reuters, Simon Lewis,
and plenty of others.

Will they go to court?

Myanmar has not ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC and is not bound to co-operate with it.
Bringing a case would require the approval of all five permanent members of the UN Security
Council, and China has until now given its support to the Myanmar government's handling of
the crisis. That makes it very unlikely the military figures will be tried. Under the Burmese
constitution, drawn up after years of military leadership ended, the military still holds a quarter
of seats in parliament. Unlike most countries, the army acts independently of the government.
What is Myanmar's stance?
Myanmar has not responded to the Amnesty report but has in the past always maintained the
crackdown was a justified response to a specific terrorist threat.
The army has also insisted that any investigation into possible wrongdoings would be done
internally. In a November 2017 investigation, the Burmese army exonerated itself of any
blame regarding the crisis. Several individual soldiers though, have since been prosecuted
and sentenced for particular incidents.

by Rick Heizman, June 27, 2018, San Francisco


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