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In house style

Panduan Gaya Selingkung





Cita-cita untuk menjadi Jurnal terakreditasi sudah menjadi tekad Tazkia Islamic Finance and
Business Review (TIFBR) sejak diterbitkan pertama kali pada volume 1 (tahun 2006). Proses
penilaian akreditasi sudah pernah dilakukan pada tahun 2011, tepatnya saat TIFBR mencapai volume
ke- 6. Namun demikian hasil penilaian asesor pada jurnal TIFBR belum mencukupi nilai untuk Jurnal
terakreditasi B.
Berdasarkan evaluasi asesor dan tim internal dibuatlah beberapa rekomendasi kebijakan
pengelolaan Jurnal. Rekomendasi tersebut antara lain (1) Restrukturisasi manajemen pengelolaan
jurnal TIFBR, (2) Perubahan strategi pengumpulan naskah paper, dan (3) Penajaman manajemen
naskah meliputi materi jurnal dan gaya selingkung jurnal. Salah satu aspek penting dalam manajemen
Jurnal adalah manajemen naskah untuk memastikan materi naskah sesuai dengan misi Jurnal dan gaya
penulisan seragam bagi semua naskah. Buku ini dibuat sebagai panduan bagi para penulis, editor,
serta associate editors TIFBR.
Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi seluruh tim Journal dan kontributor (author) untuk
memastikan kualitas penerbitan dan cita-cita menjadi Jurnal Terakreditasi minimal B dapat tercapai.
Semoga Allah SWT meridhai ikhtiar dan doa kita semua.

Bogor, Juli 2013

Yulizar D. Sanrego
Editor in-Chief
Pengantar Editor

TIFBR menerima tulisan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam ranah keilmuan
Ekonomi Islam. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Inggris namun redaksi menerima tulisan dalam
bahasa Indonesia maupun Melayu.
Sebagaimana dipahami setiap Jurnal ilmiah mempunyai in-house style (gaya selingkung)
yang harus diterapkan secara ketat dan dan mengikat/taat-azas. Jurnal yang baik, dengan nilai
akreditasi minimal-B memiliki keseragaman materi jurnal dalam tiap edisi terbitan. Kami selaku Tim
Manajemen Penerbitan TIFBR mencatat bahwa masih terdapat keragaman gaya selingkung pada tiap
naskah dan terdapat penulis yang tidak mengikuti ‘panduan penulisan‘. Walaupun terkadang
kesalahan atau ketidak seragaman tersebut sederhana namun tetap memerlukan perbaikan oleh tim
editor. Terkadang proses ini memperlama proses penerbitan. Namun demikian jika hal ini tidak
dilakukan akan menyebabkan variasi yang pada akhirnya mengurangi kualitas Jurnal.
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan materi pelatihan bagi Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah yang diadakan
DP2M Dikti. Selain itu sumber bacaan juga diperoleh dari sebagai standar referensi. Penerbitan buku ini
diharapkan menjadi panduan bagi para kontributor naskah/authors untuk memastikan bahwa naskah
yang dikirim pada TIFBR telah sesuai dengan in-house style jurnal ini. Proses ini akan
mempermudah proses editing dan penerbitan artikel, yang akan menunjang proses akreditasi TIFBR.
Buku ini terdiri dari dua bagian. Bagian pertama adalah In-house style (summary) yang ditulis
dalam bahasa Inggris serta bagian kedua adalah Gaya Selingkung dengan pemaparan lebih detil yang
ditulis dengan bahasa Indonesia. Tiada gading yang tak retak. Pada edisi pertama ini tentu banyak
kekurangan yang ada. Buku ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pemakaian internal STEI TAZKIA,
oleh kontributor naskah, dosen dan tenaga penunjang, serta mahasiswa. Semoga Bermanfaat.

Bogor, Desember 2012

Ries Wulandari
Managing Editor
Bagian 1. In-house style (Summary)

A paper submitted for publications must conform to the following guidelines:

1. Articles must be original work of the author (individuals, groups or institutions) that do not infringe copyright.
Article submitted have never been published and is not being sent to other journal at the same time. The copyright
in the article is accepted, still be right author.

2. Each article is approved for publication by the editorial board; the material will be honored in accordance with
applicable policies.

3. The front page should consist of the article title, author name, and institution where the writer is coming from

4. Titles must be as brief as possible, within the limits of clarity. In general, titles should not exceed fifteen words.

5. Each article must be accompanied by abstraction, which is written in Indonesian and English. Abstract must be
structured with the subtitle, starting with Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Keywords. Abstract of not
more than 250 words (use the word count - the computer program), and does not contain abbreviations or
acronyms that are not standard. The abstract should be informative.
6. Paper must be double-spaced with Times New Roman; font size of 11 and paper size A4 and on one side of the
paper only, length should be minimum 15 and maximum 30 pages.

7. Qur’anic citations should be fully referenced; followed by the name and number of the surah, and number of
verse(s), i.e. “…….” (Al-Baqarah [2]: 275).

8. CHAPTER articles are written with the preparation consistently as follows:

- Introduction
o Introduction of research report briefly outlines the core justification (justification) why the research
needs to be done.
o Introduction of research in the journal reports should be brief. Usually the required information outlined
in the Introduction enough in 5 or 6 paragraphs, and overall no more than 1-2 pages.
o The first section (paragraphs 1-2) provides background research (justification of why the research needs
to be done, what is known, what needs to be added and the supporting data).
o The second section (paragraph 3-4/ 4-5 ) of the introduction should be supported by relevant literature
and strong, but need not be described in detail.
o The last
section (paragraphs 5-6) contains a hypothesis or research purposes.

- Methodology
o In the case the research used quantitative, the methodology contains some information, including:
1. Research design
2. Place and time
3. Population and sample
4. Detailed information about how the study was conducted
5. Definitions are important variables
6. Means of collection and data management
7. Computer programs used

o In case the research used qualitative approach, the methodolgy contains below:
1. state the method (content analysis, decriptive analysis)
2. state the citation (Al Qur’an, Hadits, and Book)

- Results and Discussion

o Result is the most important thing in research report. The result are written to a logical sequence
according to research.
o For quantitative research, the result should be began with presentation of research result by chart,
tables, and output from data processing. Table is made with an open tabel system.
o Pages, tables and figures should be numbered consecutively series.
o For qualitative research, the result could be in line with the research purposes. Supported by main
literature or previous thought.
o Discussion should support the result and could be vary depends on the researcher. the discussion
can be began with the major finding in the research and followed by a comprehensive finding.

- Conclusion
o Conclusion answer the purposes of the research, stated in introduction.
o It must be stated by paragraph and not by number.

9. REFERENCES prepared by following the following rules:

a. Publication of the book:
Author, Initials., (Year). Title of the book. Edition.(only include this if not the first edition). Place of publication (must be
atown or city, not a country):Publisher.
Enders, W., (2004). Applied Econometric Time Series. Second edition. New York : John Wiley & Son.

b. Articles in journals:
Author, Initials., (Year). Title of article. Full title of journal, Volume number (Issue/Part Number), Page number(s).
Rangazas, P., (2000). Schooling and Economic Growth: A King-Rebelo Experiment with Human Capital. Journal of
Monetary Economics, 46 (2), pp. 397-416

c. Article in a book edited others:

For books which are edited give the editor (s) surname and initials, followed by ed. or eds.
Author, Initials., ed., (Year). Title of book. Edition. Place : Publisher.
Silverman, D.F. and Propp, K.K. eds., (1990). The active interview. Beverly Hills, CA : Sage.
Daryono. ed., (2005). Concept of Fiscal Decentralization and Worldwide Overview. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University

d. Working papers and Conference report

Author (s)., (Year). Full Title. In : Followed by editor name or organization, Working Paper Number (or Full title of
conference) . Place of Publication : Publisher
Kremer, M. and Chen, D., (2000). Income Distribution Dynamics with Endogenous Fertility. In : National Bureau of
Economic Research, Working Paper No.7530. Cambridge : MA.

e. Unpublished work
you may occasionally have access to a document before it is published and may therefore not be able to provide full detail.
Knowles, J., (1999). Parental Decision Can Explain U.S. Income Inequality?. Mimeo : University of Pennsylvania.

f. Article from Web site and other electronic forms:

Author or corporate author, (Year). Title of document.[type of medium] Place : Producer : Publisher. Available at:include
web site address/URL.
Summers, R. and Heston, A., (1997). Penn World Table, Version 5.6. http:// /.

g. Articles in newspapers, magazines and similar periodicals:

Authors, Initials., (Year). Title of Article. Full titel of magazine/newspaper, day and month before page numbers and
coloumn line.
Begley, S., (1993). Killed by Kindness. Newsweek, 12 April. p. 50-56.

h. Personal Communication
Where you refer to a more informal personal communication, e.g. letter, email, phone call or conversation, provide as much
detail as possible and note the nature of the communication.
Permission should be sought before these sources are quoted, and a copy retained for reference.
Tanjung, H., (2013). Kajian Pengembangan Lembaga Mikro Syariah.[conversation](Personal communication, 2 November
Bagian 2. Gaya Selingkung

1. Title/Judul
 Hal yang pertama dibaca orang adalah Judul naskah/makalah

 Judul akan menentukan apakah pembaca akan melanjutkan bacaan atau tidak.
 Dengan demikian judul harus dimuat dengan hati-hati, ringkas, lugas, informatif, dan
 Judul makalah merupakan hal yang paling awal dan paling banyak dibaca orang.
 Judul tidak merupakan kalimat yang terlalu panjang dan sebaliknya terlalu pendek,
secara umum terdiri dari maksimal 20kata.

 Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan akronim kecuali baku.

 Penyertaan metode atau desain penelitian, bila sesuai, dapat disertakan dalam judul.

Contoh judul yang baik / dianjurkan:

Analisis Determinan Peringkat Sukuk dan Peringkat Obligasi di Indonesia

Integrating Zakat, Waqf, and Sadawah : MyinMyatPhuZin Clinic Model in


Contoh judul yang kurang baik /tidak dianjurkan :

Lembaga ZIS dan Agenda Inclusive Asset Building (terlalu pendek)

2. Authors & Correspondence
 Nama pengarang dituliskan tanpa gelar / titel apa pun.

 Penulisan nama pengarang dimulai dengan nama pertama (lengkap), diikuti dengan
nama tengah (jika ada, boleh lengkap atau inisial) dan nama keluarga (lengkap).

 Bila tidak ada nama keluarga, maka nama akhir yang dianggap sebagai nama

 Jika pengarang berasal lebih dari satu lembaga dapat ditambahkan nomar (superskrip)
di belakang nama tiap pengarang.

 Tuliskan nama institusi (Departemen, Fakultas, Universitas) dengan lengkap dan


 Alamat surat menyurat sebaiknya ditulis dengan alamat kantor, telepon kantor, nomor
faksimile, dan e-mail.

Contoh :

Weni Hawariyunia, Marhanum Che Mohd Sallehb

Ph.D Economics Candidate, Department of Economics, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Kuala
Lumpur 50728, Malaysia
Ph.D Business Candidate, Department of Business, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Kuala
Lumpur 50728, Malaysia

3. Abstract & keywords

 Abstrak adalah bagian yang sangat penting dan pertama dibaca setelah judul naskah.

 Dalam abstrak harus tergambar keseluruhan isi naskah meliputi pendahuluan sampai
 TIFBR menggunakan abstrak terstruktur (structured abstract) dengan subjudul, mulai
dengan Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

 Abstrak tidak lebih dari 250 kata dan dapat menggunakan word count untuk
memastikannya dan tidak diperkenankan memuat singkatan dan akronim yang tidak
standar. Abstrak harus informatif.


Objective – The main objective of this paper is to discuss, to evaluate and to construct a new
mathematical model as outcomes of regression multivariate, from simultaneous equations under
principle of participatory among agents. The proportion of micro-entrepreneurs (ME) as a case
study to be setting up as dependent variable and its determinant factors had been identified as
education level (TP), Saving (TM), Funding (PB), Number of Bank Offices (KP), Consumption
(KM), and PDB Per capita (PDB).

Methods- The model will be checked and evaluated by construction model as single equation
single variable (SESV), single equation multiple variables (SEMV) and multiple equations
multiple variables (MEMV).

Results- Under selected methods as mention, it generate conceptual of construction framework

in how to solve simultaneous equations which is to consider calculation method, to reflex
correlation among variables, dynamic data condition and to redefine or reformulate a new
concept of “participatory among agent”. The concept is contribution variables in every changing
of dependent variable. It is show the principle in the circular causation and closed link correlation
among selected variables as pairness and complementary matter.


Keywords :

4. Introduction
 Pendahuluan suatu laporan penelitian intinya menguraikan dengan ringkas
argumentasi dan pembenaran mengapa penelitian perlu dilakukan. Pendahuluan
untuk laporan penelitian di jurnal sebaiknya dibuat ringkas. berbeda dengan
Pendahuluan untuk usulan penelitian seringkali sepanjang 3-6 halaman atau lebih.
 Informasi yang diperlukan dalam Pendahuluan sebuah naskah artikel Jurnal
cukup diuraikan dalam 4 atau 5 paragraf, dan secara keseluruhan tidak lebih dari 1- 2

 Bagian pertama (paragraf 1-2) pertama berisi latar belakang penelitian (justifikasi
mengapa penelitian perlu dilakukan): apa yang sudah diketahui, apa yang perlu
ditambahkan dan data-data pendukung.

 Bagian ketiga (paragraf 3-4) dari pendahuluan harus didukung oleh pustaka yang
relevan dan kuat, namun tidak perlu diuraikan secara rinci. Pustaka yang relevan ini
sebenarnya adalah bagian dari Tinjauan Pustaka pada laporan penelitian. Pustaka
yang dapat disertakan dapat berupa penelitian terakhir, pendapat dari ahli pada bidang
ilmu yang sama, dan sumber ilmiah lain. Jika masih terdapat pustaka yang sangat
penting dapat dikemukaan pada Pembahasan (Discussion).

 Bagian kedua (paragraf 5) berisi hipotesis atau tujuan penelitian. Hipotesis yang
digunakan dapat berupa hipotesis statistik maupun hipotesis kalimat. Tujuan
penelitian dapat menggunakan penomoran ke samping atau langsung dalam sebuah
Farmers’ Practices in Developing Agricultural Land in Malaysia: Is there an
Islamic Microfinance Solution?
Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai
Amira Ajeerah Binti Mohd Samsi

1. Introduction

Agricultural projects in Malaysia are often in the form of small holdings owned by families
and households in rural areas. Private ownership is, by and large, the predominant attribute in
the ownership of properties and assets. Most of these small-scale agricultural and non-
agricultural enterprises are left to their own devices. Therefore, they have limited capacity to
generate revenues beyond the equivalents of the subsistence needs. Thus, it is necessary for
financiers to be aware of and to understand the reality of the lives of farmers and the risks
they face, in order to effectively finance agricultural land development and eventually to
contribute to economic growth. Since Islamic finance is regarded as a flagship of Islamic
economics and agricultural development is one of the important aspects in Islamic economic
discourse which has still not been emphasized enough by Islamic economists in the current
age, there is potential space for the discussion of Islamic microfinance for agriculture sector
and for the enrichment of literature on Islamic economics as well as Islamic banking and
finance. Therefore, the outcome of this paper suggests an Islamic microfinance model to be
implemented in agriculture sector.

Generally, four major types of physical assets that form the farm capital are; farm land and
buildings, implements and machineries, livestock, and stored crops. Land derives its value
from its usefulness in agricultural production and not from its potential as urban estate or in
mining (Tostlebe, 1957) . The value of land can be raised by the investment of effort and
money in cultivating and preserving jobs. In general, labour is the key factor of production
while profit is the reward given as motivation for them. The misunderstanding about where
the value of land derives, drag the initiative to activate agricultural land with a structural and
technological transformation into the increment in the size of idle agricultural land instead.
This is what happened in Malaysia when a program named as “pertanian kontrak” results
failure (Amriah & Ratnawati Yuni, 2011).

Such cycles take a long time to complete, regularly lasting more than a generation. (Hunges,
1986). It is a fact that agricultural production is a seasonal process. Farmers have to pay for
all production inputs such as seed, fertilizer, land preparation and machinery at the beginning
of farming season; but they are only able to produce the output at the end of the season. The
lag between the time that they have to pay for their expenses and when they receive output
revenues requires them to take a loan to maintain their liquidity.

Therefore, improving the availability of agricultural credit enables farmers to use enough
inputs and engage in farm investments in order to produce the optimal level of output and
achieve or increase their profits. Thus, agricultural finance helps farmers to expand their
production activities and earn their living; in the absence of which both their output supply
and their welfare would decline.

Consequently, this paper focus is to find solution in term of financing by proposing on

Islamic microfinance products in order to help farmer’s sustainability and at the same time
resolving the idle agricultural land.
5. Methodology
5.1. Pendekatan Kuantitatif

 Prinsip penulisan metode pada artikel ilmiah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan
kuantitatif adalah berpedoman pada metode ilmiah.
 Pada artikel kuantitatif penulisan methodology harus cukup rinci sehingga orang lain
dapat mengulangi penelitian tepat seperti yang dilaporkan. Pada umumnya
mengandung beberapa informasi, termasuk:
1.Desain penelitian, tempat dan waktu
2.Populasi dan sampel, informasi terinci tentang bagaimana penelitian ini dilakukan
3.Definisi variabel yang penting, cara pengumpulan dan manajemen data
 Model penelitian atau persamaan yang digunakan pada penelitian.
 Sub-judul dapat digunakan untuk membuat penyajian lebih informatif pada

2. Methodology

We only consider stocks in this paper since the price data of the other securities is not freely
available. We also consider only the first and the second issuance of DES because in that
period, becoming Islamic or conventional stockis independent from any company actions. In the
following periods, companies could adjust their financial ratios to comply withBapepam-LK
regulation to be included in the DES (endogeniety problem) and IDX also immediately adjust
the stocks listed in the JII following the issuance of DES (no different opinion on the sharia
compliance exist for considerably long period).

We collect data of stock prices and trading volume from the Yahoo Finance. We exclude 15
stocks which their type is changed (Included in first DES, but not included in second DES, and
vice versa). Our population consists of 116 new Islamic securities, 182 non Islamic securities,
and 30 stocks (Islamic securities) included in the Jakarta Islamic securities (JII). The new
Islamic securities are defined as stocks which are included in DES, but not in JII. The non
Islamic securities are defined as stocks which are not included both in DES and JII.

As sample, we randomly take from the population 30 new Islamic securities, 40 non Islamic
securities, and 29 Islamic securities (data of 1 company included in JII is not available in the
Yahoo Finance). We categorize further 29 Islamic securities into two groups: stock included
both in DES and JII, and stock included in JII, but not in DES. To measure immediate, medium
and long-term market response to the issuance of DES, we employ simple differences in
differences (DID) regression using the following Ordinary Least Square (OLS) specification:

5.2. Pendekatan Kualitatif
Pada penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, maka metodologi penelitian dapat
menjelaskan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Penjelasan metode apakah analisis isi, deskriptif analisis, dan metode lain.
2. Penjelasan rujukan terutama Al Quran, hadits, maupun pendapat tokoh ekonomi islam dan ulama
terdahulu yang relevan.

2. Methodology

Mawdudi (2011), Khan (1989) and Mannan (1987), are among the qualitative studies
that dominate the area of Islamic economics, which discuss the role of Faraid in economics of a
society. Qualitative research is a research which takes an interpretive, naturalistic approach to
its subject matter (Denzin and Lincoln (1994) as quoted in Maxwell (1995), hence it is
intended to close the gap between science of discovery and implementation (Maxwell, 1995).
Furthermore, according to Maxwell (2005), qualitative research are useful to achieve
following goals; (1) understanding the meaning of events, situations, and actions which the
phenomenon takes place, (2) understanding how events, actions, and meanings are shaped by
the unique circumstances, (3) identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences and
generating new, “grounded” theories about the latter, and (4) understanding the processes by
which events and actions take place.
6. Results and Discussion
 Result adalah hasil penelitian sebenarnya merupakan inti laporan penelitian, merupakan
hal yang terpenting.
 Hasil penelitian dituliskan dengan sekuens yang logis sesuai dengan alur penelitian.
 Pada penelitian kuantitatif pemaparan diawali dengan hasil penelitian dan dilanjutkan
dengan pembahasan. Pemaparan hasil dapat dilampiri dengan grafik, tabel, maupun
output hasil olahan data dengan software tertentu.
 Tabel dibuat dengan sistem tabel terbuka. Penomoran tabel berurutan sesuai bab yang

Table 2: the Parents’ Share in Islamic Inheritance Law

,/ Beneficiaries Share for each condition

Presence of male offspring Absence of any male or female Presence of female offspring +

 offspring
Hal yang harus dibahas dalam Discussion Ikhwah
bisa beragam, namun dapat diawali dengan
Father 1/6 share utama dari penelitian
pemaparan penemuan asabah (residue) 1/6 +penelitian.
kemudian dibahas temuan asabah (residue)
membahas temuan
Mother penelitian dalam diskusi
1/6 share 1/3 adalah : 1/6
1. Membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan pengetahuan atau hasil penelitian
sebelumnya, apakah mendukung, menolak, atau sebagian mendukung dan
sebagian bertentangan.
2. Mengaitkan temuan dengan aspek praktis ekonomi Islam serta ilmiah. Semua
hasil penelitian sebaiknya dibahas dengan baik dengan syarat sesuai dan
relevan dengan tujuan penelitian. yang sesuai/relevan dengan tujuan penelitian
harus dibahas dengan baik. Namun demikian tetap harus diperhatikan prinsip
ringkas, akurat, dan mudah dipahami.
3. Sub bab ditulis dengan ukuran huruf yang sama namun berubah italic
 Sebaiknya tidak mengulang secara berlebihan hasil yang sudah disampaikan dan tidak
mengulang secara berlebihan informasi yang telah disajikan. Diskusi tetap mengacu
pada hasil kunci yang diperoleh.
 Untuk tujuan ilmiah sebaiknya kelemahan dan kekurangan penelitian disebutkan dan
dibahas dampaknya terhadap hasil penelitian. Pembahasan naskah diakhiri dengan
kesimpulan penelitian.

 Contoh :

4.Economic Implications of Islamic Law of Inheritance

4.1.Empowering Women to Involve in Economic Activities

7. InConclusion
Islam there is no gender bias between man and woman, which is also evidenced in Islamic
Laws of Inheritance. Equality is not equal to sameness or identical, just like people are created
equalsto each other but menjawab
Kesimpulan not identical. Thereyang
tujuan is notermuat
space topada
assume and assess that man is superior
to woman. Islam gives
 Penulian woman pada
kesimpulan equaljurnal
rights ini
in dengan
which means that Islam
menggunakan takes woman
penjelasan into
per alinea
consideration and recognized her as independent person.
dan bukan kesimpulan per nomor.
 Contoh

5. Conclusion

From the discussion above, specifically from the economic point of view, Faraid
plays a great role in managing the redistribution of wealth after the death of deceased
which if we apply it, will decrease the degree of income inequality that occurred in our
current economic system, protects the property right, takes woman to the economic
activities and as whole Faraid encourages the economic growth and creates proper
economics order in a society.
Further research regarding to this field will encourage more understanding in
application of Faraid, not just as part of rule compliance as Muslim but also as a tool
for redistribution of wealth like zakat and waqf in bigger perspective that will affect
the whole society.
8. References
 Menggunakan panduan baku sebagai mana penjelasan di awal buku ini.
 contoh

Al Quran

Enders, W., 2004. Applied Econometric Time Series. Second edition. New York : John Wiley & Son.

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