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Introduction to TurningPoint®

Training Manual

Issue 1: 4/28/2004
INTRODUCTION TO TURNINGPOINT® INSTALLATION ............................................................................... - 4 -
HARDWARE INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................... - 5 -
CREATING A PARTICIPANT’S LIST................................................................................................................... - 7 -
ACTIVITY 1.A ........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 -
CREATING A PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................................... - 10 -
EXERCISE 2.A ...................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
EXERCISE 2.B ...................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -
RUNNING YOUR INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION ........................................................................................ - 15 -
EXERCISE 3.A ...................................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
RESPONSE REMINDERS .................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
MODIFYING AND FORMATTING ..................................................................................................................... - 18 -
EXERCISE 4.A ...................................................................................................................................................... - 18 -
EXERCISE 4.B ...................................................................................................................................................... - 19 -
SETTINGS AND OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................. - 20 -
EXERCISE 5.A ...................................................................................................................................................... - 21 -
ACTIVITY 5.B....................................................................................................................................................... - 26 -
SETTING CORRECT AND INCORRECT ANSWERS........................................................................................ - 28 -
EXERCISE 5.C ...................................................................................................................................................... - 28 -
POST PRESENTATION ........................................................................................................................................ - 29 -
REPORT TYPES .................................................................................................................................................... - 30 -
EXERCISE 5.D ...................................................................................................................................................... - 32 -
UNDERSTANDING SESSIONS ........................................................................................................................... - 33 -

Introduction to TurningPoint®

System Requirements
® ®
TurningPoint operates on Windows 98, 2000 or XP. It requires Microsoft Office 2000, XP or 2003.
® ® ® ®
Office should include PowerPoint , Excel , Word and Outlook . Your system must be equipped with
Pentium 3 Processor with 650MHz, 128 MB RAM and at least 100 MB of free disk space for installation.

Start Menu Programs

® ®
In addition to the toolbar added to the PowerPoint menu, the reports module and TurningPoint help can
be accessed from the Windows Start Menu. Both can be accessed from within PowerPoint as well.

Install the Software

1. Insert your installation CD into your CD-ROM drive to launch the installation wizard.
2. The Windows install wizard will walk you through the process of installing the software.
3. After installing the software, reboot your PC.
® ®
4. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and you will see the TurningPoint toolbar has been added to the
application. All functionality of TurningPoint is available from this menu.

5. TurningPoint will prompt you to select which type of hardware you will be using from six options.
Select the type that is written on your keypads.

Hardware Installation
TurningPoint® is designed for use with many hardware platforms.

See your hardware specific instructions for installation or a

TurningPoint® Quick Start Guide.

Keypad Receiver
The Keypad Receiver receives information from individual keypads and
relays that information to TurningPoint software.

Students use input devices called “keypads” or “clickers” to send selected responses to the receiver.
See Appendix for keypad types and specifications.

After software installation is complete

1. Connect the cable of the receiver to an available 9 pin RS-232 (Com) port on your PC.
2. Place the Receiver in a central, elevated location in the front of the room.

The effective range of the Receiver is about 75 feet (25 meters). However, this is important
to know since you are using "infrared" technology and communication is line-of-sight. It
should be placed in the front of the room in a position high enough to be seen by everyone in
the room. Although it is line-of-sight technology, responses will often be received if the
keypads are simply pointed in the general direction of the receiver. When the receiver is
connected, the keypad user simply has to press the number or letter that corresponds with his
choice to vote.

® ®
3. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and you will see the TurningPoint toolbar has been added to
the application. All functionality of TurningPoint is available from this menu.

4. Connect the dongle into the USB port (if using more than 5 keypads). If you have activated
online you will not have a dongle.

5. Click on the “Test Response Gathering” button on the TurningPoint toolbar.

6. The TurningPoint software will communicate with the hardware and detect the COM port you have
chosen to use.

7. Point one of the keypads towards the receiver and press one of the buttons to test the infrared signal.
If no response: press Esc – the software will try the next COM port or keypad system. Once it has
found the right combination of keypad system (Response Card or PRS) it will open up the
TurningPoint Keypad Setup.

8. In the right hand box above you can now select your starting and ending keypad’s numbers by right
clicking on: Starting Keypad number and Ending Keypad number.

9. Click on “Test Keypads.”

10. Click each keypad once to test that the infrared signal has been received.
Total responses should match total keypads.
11. Close TurningPoint Keypad Setup by clicking the red x in the top right hand corner.

Set up class participation list (optional)
1. Click on Participant’s button on TurningPoint toolbar.
2. Select Create Participant List, enter name.
Excel opens a spreadsheet where you enter names of participants.
3. Close and save Excel spreadsheet.
4. Select participant list name from TurningPoint toolbar before running session.

The purpose of using a Participant List is to track responses by an individual. The absence
of a Participant List would allow for anonymous responses.

Creating a Participant’s List

Activity 1.A
1. Click on Participant’s button on toolbar.
2. Select Creates Participant List

3. Type New Horizons for the name for the list. Press OK.
4. Excel opens and names the spreadsheet automatically.

5. Type in the Last Name and First Name for the first 5 keypads as follows:
• Chandler, Craig
• Forwood, Terry
• Driessen, Marcus
• Penton, Amanda
• Azel, Eugene

6. Save and then close the spreadsheet.

7. Go back to PowerPoint .
8. Click on the drop down box to the right of Participants.

9. Notice that the Participant’s List just created, is now one of the options to choose from.
10. Select required participant list as needed.

The Participant’s List is kept as a spreadsheet in a folder called Participants in the

TurningPoint folder located in the file folder My Documents.

Creating a Presentation

Using the TurningPoint® toolbar

Con v e r t Add a Pa r t icipa n t
Slide t o St a t s Opt ions
Ope n Pict u r e H olde r Ju m p t o
e x ist ing An sw e r s D ispla y Se le ct e d
D a t a I n put
pr e se n t a t ion
Opt ions Opt ions Slide

Re se t Da t a Te st Ch a nge Ru n
Re sponse An sw e r Se le ct Re por t
Ga t h e r in g * Ch a r t Ty pe Pa r t icipa n t
I nse r t List H e lp
I nse r t a An sw e r
qu e st ion Qu e st ion
Slide Re m in de r

* (The Test Response Gathering button is also known as the Hardware Wizard)
® ®
When you open PowerPoint , you will notice the TurningPoint toolbar has been added to your
® ®
PowerPoint application. All of the functionality needed to run an interactive TurningPoint session will be
accessed from this toolbar.

Create an interactive presentation from an existing PowerPoint® file.

What to do How to do it
1. Open an existing PowerPoint 1. Click on File, Open, browse to the
slideshow. existing presentation and click open.
2. Insert question slides where appropriate. 2. From the slide pane, place your cursor at
the insertion point. Click on the “Insert
Slide” button on the TurningPoint
toolbar. Choose the question type from
3. Type the question and answers. the list.
3. Type the question in the Title text holder.
Type the answers against the individual
bullets. Highlight the bullets, click on
4. Save the presentation. Format, Bullets and Numbering and
change the bullet type to 1-5.
4. Choose File, Save As - save the

- 10 -
Create an interactive presentation from an
existing PowerPoint® file.
You’re already familiar with how to create a PowerPoint presentation…

Ever wondered just how much information your audience has taken in? With the
TurningPoint toolbar you can add interactive slides to pre-existing presentations. Get real-
time feedback on knowledge, opinion, likeability and more!

Exercise 2.A
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Exercise 2.A (C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise
files folder).
2. In the slide pane, create an insertion point by clicking below slide 5.

3. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on Insert slide, from the pull down list choose Vertical Slide.
4. In the “Enter your Response” text holder type “Which is not one of the 4 C’s”?
5. In the answer text holder type “Cut” for the first answer.
6. For the second through to fourth type: 2) Clarity
3) Cost
4) Carat
5) Color

7. Choose File, Save As –Diamonds.

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Exercise 2.B
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called exercise 2.B.
2. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on Insert slide, from the pull down list choose Horizontal Slide.
3. Replace “Enter your Response” with “How many Lord of the Rings movies are there”?
4. Enter the answers as follows, pressing return after each response:
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
5. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Countdown, Ball Drop.
6. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Response Table, Fixed Table.

7. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on Insert slide, from the pull down list choose Horizontal Bar then,
Four Answer Slide.
8. Replace “Enter your Response” with “How many books are there in the complete Lord of the Rings”?
9. Enter the Answers as follows:
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
5. Six
10. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Countdown, Hourglass.
11. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Response Table, Fixed Table.

- 12 -
Just Note…
Charts and icon graphics can be rearranged to better fit your slide.

12. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on Insert slide, from the pull down list choose 3D Pie Slide.
13. Replace “Enter your Response” with “What is the name of the actor who plays Aragorn”?
14. Enter the answers as follows, hitting return after each response:
1. Sean Astin
2. Viggo Mortensen
3. Orlando Bloom
4. Andy Serkis
15. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Countdown, Countdown.
16. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Reminders, Response Table, Fixed Table.

17. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on Insert slide, from the pull down list choose Likert Slide
then, Five Scale Likert.
18. Replace “Enter your Response” with “I found the Lord of the Rings movies enjoyable”.

- 13 -
19. Choose File, then Save As and save the presentation as Trivia.

- 14 -
Running your interactive presentation
Once you have created your interactive presentation, running it is a breeze!
Run your slideshow the same way you would a regular PowerPoint slideshow. Once you
have finished running the slideshow you can run a report using the data collected or print
out the slides displaying the collected data. (If no hardware is connected switch the
dropdown menu to “simulated”).

Exercise 3.A
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Diamonds ((C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise
files folder).
2. Run slide show – navigate to slide one and press F5 on the keyboard.
3. Each participant selects the appropriate response to the question, ensuring their response is
registered via the Response Table at bottom of screen.
4. Click on slide to see the participants’ result.
5. Click again to move to the next slide.
6. Continue until the end of presentation. If you do not complete the session, you can save the
session data and complete it at a later date.
® ®
7. TurningPoint prompts you to save session data when closing PowerPoint or when a new
session is activated (reset session).
8. TurningPoint automatically saves the session data into the folder “My
Documents\TurningPoint\Sessions,” with the PowerPoint presentation name, time and date
stamp. You may override these default settings with another name if desired.

Helpful tips for presenting an interactive

PowerPoint® presentation

1. Always run at least 1 test question or response gathering prior to the beginning
of a session to make sure all is running smoothly.

2. Where a participant list is not being used hand out the keypads to participants in
numerical order, this will make it easier to see who has not responded and
prompt them to do so.

3. Verbalise the questions as they appear on the screen – this will make the
presentation more interactive and provide quicker response times.

4. Use a countdown to assist in speeding up the response time of your


5. Encourage Participants to discuss while they are reading and responding to


- 15 -
Response Reminders
® ® ®
To identify a PowerPoint slide as a TurningPoint interactive slide, it must contain a TurningPoint
“Response Reminder”. These reminders serve several purposes.
ƒ Response Reminders identify the slide as an interactive slide and signal TurningPoint software to poll
audience response information with this slide.
ƒ Response Reminders appear on your PowerPoint slide to remind the audience to respond with their
ƒ Response Reminders can display specific response information related to the currently displayed

To show a response reminder on your

question slide, click on the “Reminders”
4 types of ®
button on the TurningPoint toolbar.
Response Reminders
are available

Answer Now – Response Reminder

An Answer Now reminder simply adds a shape and the text Answer Now to the
bottom of your slide to remind your audience to respond to the question with their
keypads. If you click on the Answer Now option on the Response Reminders
menu, you will see a variety of shapes available for the Answer Now reminder.
Click on the shape you want to use and it will appear on your slide.

Only one Answer Now reminder can appear on an individual interactive slide. To
change an Answer Now Reminder, select another from the menu and the original
will be replaced. The Answer Now reminder will be placed on the bottom center
portion of your slide. Like most objects, you can click and drag it to anywhere on
the slide. In addition, click on the text and you can change or replace the Answer
Now text instructions. Do not be concerned if this object overlaps your chart
object. Remember that typically these objects will be displayed at different times.

Count down – Response Reminder

A Countdown reminder is used to give your audience a time limit to respond to an

individual question. When the slide is displayed with the Countdown reminder, an
animation graphically displays the amount of time remaining to respond to the current
question. Only one Countdown reminder can appear on an individual interactive
slide. To change a Countdown reminder, simply select another from the menu and
the original will be replaced.

The Countdown reminder will be placed on the lower right hand corner of your slide.
Like most objects you can click and drag it to anywhere on the slide. The original
default time for this reminder is 10 seconds. Remember that polling is opened as
soon as the slide is displayed. These are reminders that are generally displayed later
to remind the audience to enter their response. Don’t be concerned if this object
overlaps your chart object. Remember that these objects will typically be displayed at
different times.

- 16 -
The timing on each countdown can be changed on individual slides by simply clicking on the box and
changing the countdown text. E.g. a more difficult question may require a 30 second countdown, while an
easier question may only require a 10 second countdown. Once the countdown has ended, the results are
automatically displayed.

Response Counter – Response Reminder

A Response Counter reminder is typically used when you want to gain a certain
percentage of responses. The Response Counter reminder graphically displays the
percentage of participants that have responded compared to the total number of keypads
in the audience.

Only one Response Counter reminder can appear on an individual interactive slide. To
change a Response Counter Reminder, select another from the menu and the original will
be replaced. The Response Counter reminder will be placed on the lower left portion of
your slide. Like most objects, you can click and drag it to anywhere on the slide. Do not
be concerned if this object overlaps your chart object. Remember that typically these
objects will be displayed at different times.

Response Table – Response Reminder

The most commonly used Response Reminder is a Response Table. The
Response Table is used in determining if all participants have answered a
question or not. There are two types of Response Tables – the Fixed or
Rotating Table.

The Fixed Response Table shows a table with all keypads that are to be used.
The Rotating Response Table shows up to 40 table cells and if there are more than 40 participants, brings
up a new table and continues with another 40 table cells. E.g. 41 – 80, as required.

® ®
TurningPoint “Statistics” are available for you to insert on any TurningPoint slide.
During polling, the result of the selected formula(s) will be visible to the audience.
Click on the “Stats” button on the TurningPoint toolbar to display the menu of
available TurningPoint statistics that can be added to your slide. Again, this is an
object which can be moved on the screen and placed in the desired position.

TurningPoint Charts are what you will use to show the results of a response slide
in your presentation. By using the TurningPoint toolbar to insert a slide, your
question slide will automatically be created with the style of chart you selected. If
you have inserted a standard PowerPoint slide and want that slide to be
interactive, click on the “Charts” button on the TurningPoint toolbar.

It is important to note that Offset charts support single line answers only. If you
would like to change to another chart style, simply select the chart style that you
want and your existing chart will be replaced.

- 17 -
Modifying and Formatting
Occasionally you will need to make changes to your interactive presentations, either modifying the
existing layout or formatting new question slides. Here you will find several time saving features to
speed up the process.

Exercise 4.A
Modifying Existing Question Slides
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Trivia.
(C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise files folder)
2. Navigate to slide four.
3. Click on the bulleted answer list.
4. Place your cursor in bullet 4 and change the text to “Billy Boyd”, then click out of the
bulleted list.
5. On the TurningPoint toolbar choose Charts then Distributed Pie.
6. Choose File, then Save.

Formatting Chart Responses

F2 – Chart Value or %

When the answer chart results have been displayed, pressing “F2” will toggle between
displaying the chart results as a percentage or raw numeric value. In other words, if your
chart was created to show percentages on the data point labels of the chart, pressing “F2”
while the chart is displayed will change that to the actual number of keypad responses.

- 18 -
Exercise 4.B
Changing Chart Colors on Question Slides
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Diamonds.
(C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise files folder)
2. Place your cursor below slide six to create an insertion point.
3. From the TurningPoint toolbar choose Insert Slide, Likert Slide, Four Scale Likert.
4. In the “Enter you response” text holder type “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend…”.
5. Double click on the bulleted area.
6. Select all bars (so that there is a square in each bar) and choose “Format Data Series”.

7. Choose a color form the color pallet and click OK.

8. Choose File then Save.

- 19 -
Settings and Options
Navigate to the settings options window.
To open the presentation setting/slide setting function, click on the Display Options (eye glasses)
D ispla y
Opt ions

Presentation Options
To view the available “Presentation Level” settings, click on “Presentation Settings” on the left
column of the TurningPoint Settings dialog. The right window will now display all of the
individual “Presentation Level” settings.

Remember that most of these settings are defaults and can be changed for any individual slide as well as
at the presentation level. Changing these settings will change the defaults for slides to be created in this
and other presentations created in the future.

Team Competition
Individual participants may be linked to predetermined teams. This may be done whether you choose to
display Participant Leader Boards or not. You may assign and track team scores for any number of teams
from two up to twenty.

Assigning Teams
Teams can be assigned in either of two different ways. You will want to predetermine both team names
and numbers. Make a list of the team names that you want to use and list them in numbered format.
Although the numbers are not included when the final Leader Boards are displayed with points, it is
important to do this so that each Team slide has the teams entered in the right numerical order.
TurningPoint internally tracks scores by team number and will display the accumulated points on Leader
Boards in accordance to how you have entered the team names and numbers and the Leader Boards and
the Team Assignment Slide if one is used.

- 20 -
Teams can be entered into the "Team" column of a Participant List that is included in your TurningPoint
session. Here you will enter the team number next to each participant in the list. As individual scores are
accumulated during the competition, they are aggregated to their particular teams.

Teams can also be assigned by including a "Team Assignment Slide" into your presentation. A "Team
Assignment Slide" works like a normal "Question Slide", except that instead of regular answer options,
team numbers and names appear and each participant enters the number that corresponds to his team
into his keypad. When he/she responds to future competition questions, his scores will be included into
his team’s overall score. When responses are gathered from a "Team Assignment Slide," they are also
entered into the "Participant List" for that session. Any pre-existing values in the Team Column in the
Participant List will be overwritten with the new Team Assignments.

Team Scoring
Team scores are calculated in such a way that no individual team may have an advantage over any other
team. The math involved in calculating team scores is calculated in such a manner that each team can
only earn up to the assigned point value for any particular question. For example, during a competition,
the "Red Team" may have five participants and the "Blue Team" may have ten participants. If a question
worth 100 points is displayed and responses gathered, the most either team can earn is 100 points for that
question. Therefore, in this example, each "Red Team" member’s correct response will be worth 20
points towards his team score and each "Blue Team" member’s correct response will be worth 10 points
towards his team score. For individual participant Leader Boards however, each participant is awarded
the full assigned point value for a question regardless of his team assignment if both individual and team
competition are desired for the same session.

Team Leader Boards

Team Leader Boards can be inserted anywhere in your presentation after competition slides. The
accumulated team points will be displayed in the Leader Board when the slide is displayed. To insert a
Team Leader Board, from the Insert Slide drop down, select "Team Leader Board". On the slide that
appears, you must enter the team numbers and names of all included teams in numeric order. When the
Team Leader Board is displayed, it will display all of the teams and their accumulated point totals in
ranked order.

Exercise 5.A
Setting up Teams
1. Click on the Participants button and select Edits Participants List.

2. Double clicking on New Horizons opens the Participant List into an Excel spreadsheet.
3. Under the Teams column, add the information as displayed below.

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4. Click on File, Save and save the Excel spreadsheet.

Display Show Bar

® ®
The TurningPoint Show Bar is a toolbar that can appear over the slideshow screen of PowerPoint . It
provides buttons that correspond to each of the function keys that are available while running a slideshow.
If you want the Show Bar to automatically display when displaying a slide show, set the value to “Yes”. If
not, set it to “No”. Regardless of the setting here, the Show Bar can be toggled on and off during the slide
show with the “F9” function key.

Total Number of Teams

This property sets the default number of teams that will be created when a Team Leader Board or Team
Assignment slide is created. Of course, the number can be changed manually on any created slide, but
this is the default.

Participants in Leader Board

This property sets the default number of participants that will be displayed on a Participant Leader Board.

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Match Bullet Color with Answer Color
If set to “Yes”, TurningPoint will make sure that the color of the bullets in the answer choice box will
® ®
match the font color of the answer choices. If it is set to “No”, then TurningPoint allows PowerPoint to
manage the color of the bullets.

Answers over Chart

If set to “Yes”, TurningPoint will make sure that the answer choice text is always on top of the chart.
Therefore, the answer’s text will not be hidden if the chart is in the same area.

Auto-Change Title and Chart Labels

If this property is set to "True", title and chart labels will be changed when the text of a question or answer
is changed. Set this to "False", if you want your slide title (for reports) to be different than the actual text
and the chart labels (for reports and on-screen vertical bar charts) to be different from the answer text.

Response Reminder
As discussed previously, a Response Reminder must appear on any slide that involves audience
® ®
response. When you insert a TurningPoint slide or add a chart to an existing PowerPoint slide,
TurningPoint will automatically add a Response Reminder object on the screen. The default Response
Reminder can be one of three options. It can be Answer Now which appears on-screen to remind the
audience to respond with their keypads. It can be Countdown, which displays a countdown timer to remind
the audience and show them how many seconds remain to respond with keypads in a timed voting
situation. It can also be a Response Counter, which shows how many participants have responded in
comparison to how many responses that TurningPoint is looking for from your audience.

If you have selected a Response Counter response reminder object, you can choose to display the raw
number of responses as they arrive, the percentage of the total responses that TurningPoint is looking
for, or both on the same right-click menu. You can also set the Denominator for the response counter -
you can tell the response counter how many responses to look for from your audience by right-clicking on
Counter Denominator. Refer to the section on Response Tables (see page 16) for further information.

Countdown Seconds
If a Countdown Response Reminder is used on a slide, this setting sets the number of seconds remaining
before polling is automatically closed. It is a reminder that appears after the question and answers are
displayed. Typically, the question and answers will have been read before the Countdown object appears.
When it appears, it will automatically count down to zero. The countdown can be set between 1 and 99
seconds. The default setting is 10 seconds.

Auto-Display Chart
If this setting is set to “Yes”, the chart will display as soon as the polling is automatically closed when
using a Countdown or “Response Counter” response reminder object. If it is set to “No”, the chart will not
appear until the operator presses one of the “next event” (spacebar, right arrow, etc.) options.

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PowerPoint® Chart Refresh Rate
When polling, TurningPoint will populate the chart based on settings of 0 to 5 seconds or “only when
polling closes.” If set to “0”, TurningPoint will populate the chart every time it receives a complete
response string from an input device. If set to 1 – 5, TurningPoint will populate the chart after 1, 2, 3, 4,
or 5 seconds. If set to “only when polling closes”, it will only populate the chart once polling has been
closed. When polling with large audiences or using slower computers, it may be a good idea to set this
rate higher for more efficient operation.

Display Charts when Reviewing only

When this option is set to "Yes", charts will not appear during the slideshow presentation. Results from
polling can be reviewed at a later time. In other words, if you do not want your audience to view the result
charts as the questions are asked, but want to review them later, set this option to "Yes".

Match Horizontal Label with Answer Color

If set to “Yes,” TurningPoint will make sure that the chart labels match the color of the answer choice text.

Use Default Colors for Horizontal Chart

® ®
If set to “Yes”. TurningPoint will create horizontal charts using the default PowerPoint color scheme. If
set to “No”, TurningPoint will create the horizontal charts using a preset color scheme, that will have
significant contrast to light colored answer text which will overlay the chart.

Chart Value Format

When a chart is added, this value determines whether the chart data points are displayed as a percentage
value or raw value.

Chart Label Type

This setting allows you to determine the label information that will be displayed on the chart. The label
can be “Bullet”, which is simply the number or letter of the corresponding answer, or it can be “Chart
Label”, displaying the text that describes the label. Setting “Chart Labels” is discussed in the next section
as it only applies to an individual slide.

Chart Percent Format

If the Chart Value Format is set to “Percent”, then this setting determines how many decimal places the
percent label will be carried out. For example, you can display 26.32547% as 26%, 26.3% and 26.33%.
Only in rare cases will you probably want to display anything other than a whole number percentage
value. In fact, only in an audience of over 100 participants can a single decimal have any measurable
impact. Only in an audience of over 1000 participants can two decimals have any measurable impact.

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Use Correct / Incorrect Chart Colors
When this option is set to "Yes", when an answer value is set as "Correct", the color bar associated with
that answer and any other correct answers will turn green. The color bars associated with any incorrect
answers will turn red.

Slide Options
Demographic Slide
There may be times when a presenter is wishing to collate demographic information about the
participants. There are different reports that can be run after the presentation is concluded and one of
these reports is Demographic Comparison. To use this report, changes must be made to the
TurningPoint slides that ask the questions.

Create the interactive slide/s as normal with the appropriate type of slide. Once completed, click on the
Display Options button on the TurningPoint toolbar. Under Slide Settings on the left-hand side of the
screen, click on the slide with the demographic question. On the right-hand side, right click on the option
of Slide Type and change this from Question to Demographic. Repeat this for all the slides that contain
the demographic questions.

Data Slicing
While running a slide show, any slide that has had audience response gathered may be cross-tabulated
against the responses to any other previously run slide. For example, maybe you want to be able to
compare responses from your employees and your customers to specific opinion questions. Early in the
session, you will want to display and have the audience respond to a “demographic” question that
identifies them as either an employee or customer. Then when you have gathered responses for any
other question and you want to compare employee and customer responses, you can use the “F3” Data
Slicing capability of TurningPoint .

To slice data from one slide by the responses to any other slide, you must have the primary slide with its
results chart displayed. Then press “F3”. The TurningPoint Slicing Dialog will appear.

TurningPoint will slice the current data displayed, by the answers for the question chosen in the Slicing
Dialog Window. You can double click on the question title that you to want to by slice or single click and
click “OK”. This will default to show the first answer.

You can also single click on the plus ‘+’ sign in front of the question title that you want to slice by. This will
display the available answers to the selected question. Then you can double click on any individual
answer or single click on any individual answer and click on the “OK” button to display the current question
responses from any specific answer in the chosen question.

Once you have displayed an individual data slice, you can toggle between all of the available slices by
pressing the number on the keyboard that corresponds to the answer. After displaying the data slices
you can easily return to the original chart by pressing “F6”.

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Comparative Slide
The Comparative Slide option allows you to present a chart result of two interactive slides on the slide at
the same time. For example, in a training session where you would ask a series of questions at the
beginning of the session, then ask the same series of questions at the end of the session. Each slide at
the end of the presentation can be set as a Compare Slide and linked to corresponding original question.
When the results chart is displayed, it will appear as a multi-series chart with both the original and final
results displayed.

There is another type of Comparative Slide. Notice the “Show percentage of change” checkbox on the
Comparative Slide selection dialogue. If this setting is selected it will create a “Stacked Bar” chart with the
first stack representing the results of the currently polled question the second stack representing the results
of the question it is being compared against, and the third stack representing the percentage of the group
that have changed their answer from the first time the question was polled.

Just Note…
Comparative Slides cannot be set on slides containing pie charts.

Activity 5.B
Adding Demographic questions to an interactive slide
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Diamonds.
2. Click on slide seven.
3. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Insert Slide, Distributed Pie Slide, Two Answer Slide.
4. Rename the Title to “State your gender”.
5. In Answer 1, type Male and in Answer 2, type Female.

6. From the TurningPoint toolbar, choose Insert Slide, Horizontal Slide.
7. Rename the Title to “Choose the appropriate age bracket”.

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8. Click on the Display Options button on the TurningPoint toolbar.
9. Click on the “State your gender” statement on the left-hand screen.
10. On the right-hand screen, right click on Slide Type and change it to Demographic.

11. While still in “Choose the appropriate age bracket”, right click on Comparative Slide in the right-hand
screen and select “Select Comparative Slide”.
12. Save the presentation.

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Setting correct and incorrect Answers
There may be occasions when you will want to display the correct answer after a
question slide has been presented.

Exercise 5.C
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Trvia.ppt.
(C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise files folder)
2. On the TurningPoint toolbar click on the Display options button.

3. On the left side of the window, click on the slide called “How many Lord of the Rings
movies are there?”
4. On the right side of the window click on “Three”.
5. On the lower half of the window right click on “Value” and choose “Correct”.
6. Once one answer has been set to correct, if you click on any other answer option you will
notice they have automatically been set to “Incorrect”.
7. Repeat these steps for the remaining slides: (the bolded answers being the correct
o Three o Sean Astin
o Four o Viggo Mortensen
o Five o Orlando Bloom
o Six o Andy Serkis

8. Save the presentation.

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Post Presentation
® ® ®
TurningPoint integrates with Microsoft Word and Excel to present the results of your interactive
sessions in standard documents and worksheets that you can print, view, and modify.

A report can be printed on any previous session or on the session that you are currently running
with your audience. See the section on “Sessions” in chapter 6 for more information on how
TurningPoint stores and saves data.

® ®
To work with TurningPoint Reports, click on the “Reports” button on the TurningPoint toolbar.
Note: Session data must exist in order for the TurningPoint Reports menu to populate. To run reports
either poll your audience and capture data or open a previously run session, with existing data and run

The TurningPoint Reports session selection window will appear. You will notice that the window lists all
of the TurningPoint sessions that reside in the “My Documents” folder of your computer.

Loading Sessions
If you have gathered audience response data from another computer, you can load a session(s) from an
external drive or folder on the computer. To do so, simply click on the “Load a Session” button. A dialog
box will appear which will allow you to select and load a session or multiple sessions from any other drive
or directory.

Deleting Sessions
Selecting any session in the list and clicking on the “Recycle Bin” button or pressing the “Delete” key will
move the session to the “Recycle Bin” for deletion.

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Email Session Data
To send a session data file by e-mail, simply click on the “Outlook button”. A window will open which
allows you to select one or more sessions, enter a destination email address and send the selected
session data to the destination address. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon “;” to send
to multiple recipients. This functionality requires Microsoft Outlook to be installed on your computer and
configured with your email account.

Export PowerPoint® Presentation

® ®
The completed TurningPoint session file includes a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation, as it existed
when the session was saved. You can export the presentation from the TurningPoint session file to view
and/or print the PowerPoint slides, including the charts with the audience keypad results of your session.
® ®
To export the PowerPoint presentation, simply select the session and click on the PowerPoint icon. You
will then be able to choose a location and name the presentation file.

Selecting a Session for Reporting

In the session selection window, simply double-click on the session that you would like to run reports on.
You may also select a session and click on the “Right Arrow” button to select a session. The
TurningPoint reports list now appears.

Report Types
Results by Question
This report opens an Excel document which includes the number of responses and overall percentage of
responses received for each answer to each question. The questions are listed in the order they were
displayed to the audience.

Graphical Results by Question

This report opens an Excel document that includes the same information as the "Results by Question",
with a graph of the results included.

Ranking Summary
This report opens an Excel document that includes results from all of the ranking slides polled, as well as
a bubble chart with the results of the polling session.

This report opens a Word document that displays the question and answer information for all questions in
your presentation. They are listed in the order they were displayed to the audience.

Demographic Comparison
This Excel report displays the “Results by Question” information and adds a breakdown according to how
the participants responded to any demographic questions.

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Graphical Comparison
This report opens an Excel document which includes the same information as the "Demographic
Comparison" with a graph of the results included.

Response Data Export

This Excel Report is an export of the actual keypad response values by individual keypads.

Participant List
® ®
This report available in both Word and Excel formats, simply displays the information from your
“Participant List”.

Make sure you print this list if you are using a Participant List as it will aid in handing out
correct keypads to each participant.

Participant Results
This report exports participant information into an Excel Spreadsheet. It displays one row per participant
including all of the participant’s information on the “Participant List”, and actual keypad response

Graded Participant Results

This Excel report is very similar to the “Participant Results” report but adds a column that displays each
participant’s accumulated percentage score. This report is particularly beneficial when correct/incorrect
answer values are used. A “Participant List” must be included in your session for this report to be

Ranking Wizard
The Ranking Wizard allows you to easily create "lists" of items, issues, priorities or goals, and rank them
against up to three specific "criteria". These lists can be ranked against a static scale (1 – 10) or against
each other using a "paired comparison" approach. To use the Ranking Wizard for this process, simply
launch the wizard, type in the list of items, type in the three criteria, change any optional settings including
whether to use "paired comparisons" or a specific "scale" and click one button. TurningPoint will then
automatically create all of the necessary PowerPoint slides and an X/Y chart, which will automatically
display the results. All that you will need to do is advance through the PowerPoint presentation with your
audience as they respond to the question slides.
To launch the wizard, select Insert Slide on the TurningPoint toolbar then select Ranking Wizard to
create your lists of items, issues, priorities, goals, candidates, etc. Enter the item in the Enter Item: field
and either press Enter or click on the green arrow button. Repeat the process for each list item. If you
notice there are two buttons in the bottom right hand corner of the Ranking Wizard List Item Screen. With
these buttons you can Save a list of items you just entered or Load a list of items you saved at another
time. After you have created your list, click on the blue Forward button and proceed to the next step.

Once complete, slides will automatically be inserted into the presentation about each criterion, prompting
participant action to rate each criteria on a scale.

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Exercise 5.D
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation called Lord of the Rings Trivia.
(C:/Program Files/TurningPoint/exercise files folder)

2. You will be asked if you want to keep the data from the previous session – click Yes.

3. Click on the Reports button -

4. Choose the “Results By Question” report type from the list, double click the chosen report

5. This will open Excel and serve up the report.

6. Choose File, Save As – My report.

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Understanding Sessions
The only new concept that you will need to understand before using TurningPoint with participants is that
of “Sessions.” A “session” is an individual data set from a specific audience participation event.
A session data file includes a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, a copy of the participant list used in
the session and all of the individual responses gathered during that session. These session files can be
saved at the end of every session. A session is ended when you either close PowerPoint or click on the
“Create New Session” button to initialise a new session when there is existing session data.

Starting a New Session

® ®
Whenever you open PowerPoint , TurningPoint automatically creates a new polling session. Before you
show your presentation to an audience, you may want to be sure that you have a new session and that
any test data is cleared. Session data may exist if you have stepped through the presentation to rehearse
or test. To be sure you are beginning a clean data session, simply click on the “Reset” button. If prior
response data exists, you will be prompted with an opportunity to save the existing session data. If you
click “No” at that prompt, data from that session will be sent to your computer’s “Recycle Bin” for deletion.
If you do not want the entire session reset for polling but would like certain slides reset simply select the
slide you want to reset and then select “Current Slide” from the “Reset” drop down menu.

Continue Prior Session

You may have an occasion where you have gathered responses from an audience and for some reason
closed and saved a session file from that session. Maybe you have taken a break for lunch or for
whatever reason have closed PowerPoint and want to reopen a prior session appending new response
data to the prior session’s data.

One of the things that you will want to be sure of, if continuing a prior session, is that each participant is
using the same keypad that he or she used in the prior session. This is critically important if you are using
a specific participant list or you are polling any demographic questions to cross-tabulate against other

To continue a prior session, simply click on the “Continue Prior Session” button. A dialog box will appear
asking you to select the prior session you wish to continue. Select the appropriate TurningPoint session
“.tpz” file and click the “Open” button. The selected session file will be opened along with its associated
PowerPoint presentation, participant list and data set. You can now continue where you left off.

Ending a Session
® ®
TurningPoint will continue to store response data within a session until it is ended. A TurningPoint
response session can be ended in three different ways. You can click on the “Create New Session” button
to begin a new session. You can also click on the “Continue Prior Session” button to open a prior session
data file for appending. Thirdly, TurningPoint will prompt you to end a session if there is existing
response data when you exit PowerPoint .

In each of these instances, if session data exists, you will see a message box asking if you want to save
the data from the current session. If you click “Yes”, TurningPoint will allow you to name the
TurningPoint session file. If you click “No”, the data from the current session will be sent to the “Recycle
Bin” for deletion.

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