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Title : AWP Mod

Author : Resurrection-Studios, kank
Description : Enhance AWP
* Play Information *

Joc : O Saptamana In Paradis

Tip : Single Player
Ai nevoie de : O Saptamana In Paradis [AWP]

Instalare :

1. Dezarhiveaza , arhiva ...

2. Apoi dute la : Postal 2-AWP/AWP/System/Awp(Click dreapta pe icon-ul Postal2Awp
si dai - Trimitere la dekstop)
3. Acum dute pe dekstop deschide jocul ... si distreazate ;)

Scrie un cod pentru arme ex: "Modsweapons"si apoi scrie : cleanmyweaps si baga alt
cod pentru alte arme daca iei toate armele deodata jocul se va bloca

Nu lua peste 120 de arme deodata!

Cum sa joci:

Doar foloseste codurile ca sa iei armele

Daca vrei sa reincarci armele doar seteaaza din optiuni ( Options -> Controls ->
Actions ).

Lista de coduri :D -> :


Ati da toate armele din Eternal Damnation.

Ati da niste arme noi.

Ati da armele din moduri

Ati da arme super din K&W Mod v2.0 contine Mod of Mods v2.0

Ati da armele "Tn."

Ati da armele "Cd.", contine Mod of Mods v2.0

Ati da armele "Ea."
Da cate o arma la toti oamenii de pe mapa, si ei devin agresivi.

Ati da vedere din spate

Faci 1/100 progrese.

Ati da armele Tub.

Ati da: M@DBerbarianAxe, M@DHammer, M@DMace, M@DSword and M@DShotgun.

Ati da cateva arme din Mp. (installed mods only).

Ati umple munitia la toate armele.

Ati da niste arme din lista(s-ar putea sa nu mearga EDWeapons.ini).

Transforma toti oamenii in Zombie

Activeaza Pisatul care distruge orice (sperma)

Ati reseteaza toate armele.

"ChangeHeadSize (Value)"
Ati schimba marimea capului ... bagi un numar in fatza .. ex "changeheadsize 4"

Schimba marimea la Npc

Ati schimba pielea.. parul... (Configurabil in ini.).

Ati da "Boltons" (Configable in ini).

Npc poate numai sa faca pipi

NPC are gaina fara arme

Reseteaza armele la NPC.

Adauga Mail-ul aerian (foarte marfa ... ai un fel de skill-uri cu care omori
oamenii si super puteri .. care cad din cer"
Genereaza Npc nelimitat

"Cosp (Value)"
Te schimba in alte doua caractere ... bagi numar in fata ex "cosp 1" " cosp 2"

Chestii noi ,Schimbari,Fixari etc:

Addition, change, fix, etc...


Add: Displayed the number of bullets of the clip in HUD.

Add: some new cheats.
Add: many weapons.
Add: Axe secondary works like boomerang.
Add: M79 secondary got wall hugging (it sticks to the wall or person and drops two
seconds later).
Add: Big jump when you're involved in Original Shotgun blast.
Add: Light when shot M@DUSAS12 and OriginalShotgun.
Add: boodoo plugin in cheat "SwimWithFishes".
Add: dynamite secondary.
Add: New setting option (Options -> Game -> Next).

Change: OriginalShotgun reload counts 4 to 6.

Change: When you have dusters, fists and hands are disable.if you have fists, hands
are disable.
Change: MaDUSAS12 cross hair.
Change: Initial state of MP5 be automatic mode.
Change: Throwing knife.
Change: Some weapon speed.
Change: Some weapon number.
Change: Some weapon design.
Change: HUD icons.
Change: Flame effects.
Change: Stronger M79 (Grenade Launcher).
Change: Abled alpha channel for HUD.
Change: Some bullets penetrated all at once.
Change: Bounce of bullets effects.
Change: Restored all old cheats.
Change: Unlock AW cheats with the cheat "GottabeFuckingKidding".
Change: KarmaGun.
Change: Reinstated disabled some of the T-shirt.

Fix: Crossbow.
Fix: Some third person view animations.
Fix: Memorized mode of Grock and MP5.
Fix: The tip turned at the time of when you attacking with Drill.
Fix: M@D Bong.
Fix: OriginalShotgun animations.
Fix: Hands skin when you don't put on normal clothes.
Fix: Double Grock muzzle flash.
Fix: Clips ammo number when you changed map.
Fix: Some ED weapons exploded in Enhanced Game.
Fix: Couldn't pickup some items when your health is over 100.
Fix: Couldn't find dusters and some M@D weapons.
Fix: Fall to under the map at school.
Fix: Not return normal FOV when end the game with fisheye.
Fix: Increase katana pickup when throw with Close to people.
Fix: Couldin't destroy cars with M@D SPistol in Enhanced Game.

Special Thanks:
M16 uses some Steven Mod anim and CDInventory textures.
Bows model uses Nico's Dreadweave Bow.
It uses P2M@DMods and combined.
It uses Karma Gun by GameFan74.
It combined AirMail.
Thank you ED Team and some other developers.

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