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Florin-Grigore, PETRAȘ
Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Bălcescu”, Sibiu,
Scientific coordinator: Col (rz.) prov. univ. dr. Gheorghe, UDEANU

Above all, the arms race during the Cold War was a
technology arms race, both blocks followed obtain a decisive
technological advantage over the opponent. Military
technology becomes a priority and for each scientific discovery
is seeking its applicability in the military domain. The best
examples for this are automated computing systems and
satellites. Sending the first military satellites and space
platforms into space, introduced the cosmic dimension,
military art became truly multidimensional (land, air, naval,
informational and cosmic) and provides for war an infinite
Integration of computer systems in the military domain
began towards the end of the Cold War and from all military
technology, that one has grown the most, resulting in
“the fourth technological revolution”, that humanity is going
through at this moment. The main implications of this last
revolution of military art are cybernetic and technologies of the
battlefield, leading to a new organization of modern armies and

Keywords: technology, scientific discovery, military domain

Noting area of influence and the staffing and technical of the Second World War, we
can conclude that it is spearheading the "Total War" which Clausewitz noted in his
works. Subsequent conflicts have assumed a small amount of force and a low intensity level.
Intensive development of technology and production growth lead to "third technological
revolution begins in the fifth decade of the twentieth century"[1], triggering numerous
changes in terms of military art. This revolution resulted in downsizing participating on the
battlefield and to emphasize the significance of technology. These issues could be observed in
the conduct of the Korean War (1956) and Arab-Israeli wars.
The Cold War was characterized by an arms race that has translated into an arms race
with technology, where the two poles of power have sought to obtain a decisive technological

advantage against opponents. In this way, any scientific discovery was analyzed in terms of
military and its applicability in this area and military technology received primordiality
character. As illustrative examples stand out satellites and automated computing systems.
Sending military satellites in space (60s) as well as cosmic platforms (decades 7 and 8)
were added to the discussion size cosmic and military art received maximal multidimensional
character (land, air, naval, informational and cosmic). Following the above, we can say that
space has become one ongoing war forever. Changes appearance art military satellites have
been obsoleted by the integration of computing technical means. This process of integration
of computing systems in the military, began with the completion of the Cold War and military
technology represents the highest level of development, which is materialized in the fourth
technological revolution driven by mankind at present.
This last revolution of military art has resulted in cybernetic and technologies of the
battlefield elements that have competed in a new organization of the armies of the world and
the emergence of new strategies for waging the struggle.

1. The determining influence of the technological dimension of the principle of

surprise over the informational, decisional and operational-action components
The principle of surprise is a difficult concept to grasp approached by military theorists
because of the multitude valences assigned to it. What underlies surprise is its unpredictable
nature, which gives features like ambiguity and complexity. Methods to counter the surprise
are difficult to distinguish because the current battlefield is studded infinite and unknown
Regardless of the level of development of technology, the surprise was that used in
ancient times and it contributed directly to achieving the greatest successes of humanity. In
space combat contemporary, technology is part of achieving surprise.
Military art and its development in the twentieth century and XXI were strictly
conditioned by technological progress. To respond positively to the new requirements of
military art, surprise had to include in its content a new dimension on the technology. In the
context of modern offensive operations, Persian Gulf Wars of the late twentieth century
proved that technology is a prime success factor in capturing the opponent.
To fulfill this requirement to contribute to success on the battlefield, it is necessary to
design actional original, plus the use of certain weapons systems and new technologies to
provide forces high operational embodied in the battlefield by implement the plan established
a special actional efficiency.
In terms of achieving surprise by technology, it is realized by using new types of
armaments and military equipment.
In any military confrontation, the introduction of new types of weapons, new
ammunition, caused surprise opponent by insufficient response or lack of it. The use of new
weapons systems and technologies on the battlefield led to the transformation of
physiognomy war, causing the following effects: "increased efficiency of its
shares; expansion areas for action; compression strategic time "[2].
An example of technological surprise effectiveness on the battlefield is given by the
intervention of Coalition forces, especially the US military deployment in the Persian Gulf
War. In this conflict, surprise it demonstrated its usefulness as a multiplier of effectiveness
actionable own forces.
Capacity and combat power of Coalition forces resulted in innovations weapons and
technical systems (particularly changes planes and tanks), but not in their numerical
superiority. "It was the first conflict in which information technology, aircraft invisible and

intelligent ammunition began to be used as a force multiplier, making the transition from War
of the Third Wave" [3].
In carrying out this war, precision strikes sent by US-led forces have demonstrated their
overwhelming efficiency and managed to destroy a number of strategic objectives, a number
of 150 in one day. This number is even more impressive considering the fact that the entire
aviation allies managed to destroy in the summer of 1943 a total of 3 times lower than
strategic objectives. "Technology has made, even in 50 years, hitting capacity increase of
about 1000 times" [4].
According to military analysts, future technology will emerge in the following
- improvement of technical and tactical systems weapons and combat means;
- increasing the power of destroying the conventional means;
- increasing the volume and accuracy of fire;
- improve the accuracy and the ability to destroy missiles long range;
- achieving integration technologies that provide increased efficiency;
- increased use of small units;
- formation of invisibility and detectability;
- develop armor plating and composite materials;
- upgrading of technical tactics of "smart munitions"[5];
- production of new military technologies such as electromagnetic cannon.
Military technologies of the future will have a huge impact on how to conduct
conflict. Experts seek substantial development of technology, so surprise accomplished using
combat techniques, conventional munitions and weapon systems to have the same level of
intensity as the use of nuclear weapons. Basically, the use of technology, is targeted
retaliatory capacity forces the enemy to their actions, aiming its cancellation.
"The future war will form dominant informational confrontation"[6]. Information
supremacy was over time a key factor in achieving surprise. Size information of strategic
surprise occurs on two levels of reference, "the truth and obtaining appropriate information on
potential and real intentions of future opponent and misinformation and misleading permanent
and effective, the strategic command of the enemy"[7].
- obtaining information;
- misinformation enemy.
The first level refers to obtaining information by performing an effective research on
space fighting the enemy, giving details about the structure, organization and performance of
weapons and military objectives vital location. Obtaining this information is a crucial step in
achieving surprise, because correlation provides a multi-faceted enemy and provides an
opportunity to capitalize its weaknesses (for example: destruction of communication centers;
determining center of gravity and its neutralization). Research has known it new meanings,
along with the progress of technology, allowing real-time commands to locate different
objects and observe how your opponent's action.
The second dimension reference information includes a set of measures and actions with
political-military, economic-financial, designed to mislead the enemy about the actions
carried out by forces, plans and strategic objectives.
Modern means of communication such as telegraph, radio and satellites allowed to
establish a connection between technology and information, two basic elements in achieving
In the contemporary era, fundamental technical means providing the essential
information is the military satellites. They are designed to collect information ( "the cosmos

can be made an assessment very precise critical capabilities of his opponent and maneuver its
forces and means made" [8]) and transmit it in no time, structures policymaking. That reduced
the time necessary collection, analysis and submission of the relevant services in the decision
led to the transformation of information into "intelligence" offensive operations providing
current information requirements.[9]
Dynamics space combat offensive operations in the context of modern commander
requires the ability to make decisions very quickly. Ability to make decisions in a rapid
manner, fundamentally determine the effective realization of capturing the enemy in
particular, recovery effects. The commander holds information processed, which gives
evaluations in order to understand the operational environment and its possible
developments. Following the completion of surprise to keep upheaval and inability to react
enemy commander must adapt battlefield and exploit opponent weaknesses effectively.
The phrase "Who owns the information, owns power" emphasizes that the future will be
an information war. This war will use smart weapons, sensors, information technologies,
control systems and control integrated into a complex network system elements allowing real-
time access to information.
Providing support information (shield information), so crucial to support military action,
in addition to satellites is conducted by: drones, unmanned aircraft, AWACS[10] (Electronic
Air Control and Warning) and JSTARS[11] (surveillance radar system and Attack ).
Regarding the next conflict, the bottom seems to be made of information technology as
it seeks integration into concepts like "network-based warfare" and C4ISR.
"Conceptual dimension of the principle of surprise is found in the idea of superiority of
our maneuver to the possibilities maneuver of opponent and is reflected in strategic offensive
operation plan"[12].
Chinese theorist Sun Tzi II emphasized the following statement: "In designing the plan
and establish standard measurement, focus only on what is appropriate"[13]. The concept
drawings of the command must be justified doctrine and based on the principles of the armed
combat of describing and initiative, so as to ensure the deployment of appropriate forces and
destabilization of the center of gravity of the opponent, negating the ability to apply maneuver
specified in the original plan.
Versatility and energy raised in the context of modern armed conflicts, confirmed that
no one service, regardless of education and its level of technology can not ensure the
achievement of objectives. To this end, the plan offensive operations provided for the use of
all categories of forces embedded in a unitary enabling strategic objectives of the entire
device destruction opposition.
Their current technologies and development tendencies aim at directing offensive
operations to overcome the enemy's ability to use and manage forces, not its physical
The link between technological and conceptual dimension is represented by the concept
of "Decisional domination", which refers to "the opportunity to shape their own structures and
strategic decisions intentions of the enemy"[14].
In line with this, modern armies want the development of technologies for evaluating
courses of action planned by the enemy's troops and excluding unfavorable rates. In "War of
the six days" between Israel and Arab coalition, surprise conceptual played an important
role. That used an innovative and well-designed plan, it has guaranteed Israel's success on the
battlefield. Israeli army carried out preventive strikes have disrupted Arab headquarters,
which were found unable to handle the situation and to take countermeasures. Another factor

that has influenced the final outcome of this conflict was the use of weapons and technique of
the Israeli army, especially aviation.
Operational-action component is a considerable element of strategic surprise, the
"effective to bring about the purpose of any armed conflicts: victory"[15]. The assignment is
against direct coordination with consistent execution intentions commander and military
actions. Unrepeatable nature of the actions, procedures and innovations fighting techniques
and coordination of complex actions in a seamlessly led to success in running conflict. As a
crucial component of surprise, the size of the operational rate-action guarantees the
maintenance of the plane of the offensive operation designed. The contribution of technology
on the operational dimension-action in the context of modern offensive operations, is
characterized by the opportunity to use the available forces in unusual circumstances or by the
use of new technical means foreign enemy, to cause his surprise.
A good example of operational surprise-action is the 1982 Falklands War between the
UK and Argentina played. British forces landing did not take place in favorable areas covered
with fire, but in a sector as unsatisfactory this transaction that Argentine troops did not have
any way to defend it. Moreover, actions taken took place at night, because the Argentine army
did not have night vision devices, as had the British. By combining these two elements, the
British army did surprise and offensive operations release Malvinas Islands was finalized after
two months and 12 days of their employment on the date of June 14, 1982.
Regardless of the importance given to technology in achieving surprise or influence on
the other three dimensions (information, conceptual and operational-action) it is essential to
use all components surprise for success in armed struggle. In contemporary military literature,
experts believe that the place and role in the armed struggle surprise, because complete
overhaul relations between its components: technology, information, conceptual and

2. Reflecting the importance of the technological dimension of surprise in

contemporary military art
The continuous evolution of technology, has implemented major changes in military art
at the beginning of the third millennium, adjusting it to the characteristics of the information
Because that technology is a complex process of development of technical means and
weapons systems, imposed the inevitable emergence of new concepts and doctrine to mention
the role, utility and how to use these systems.
The most important changes that contemporary military arts support are:
"- development binomial sensors, smart munitions;
- increasing role in the battlefield unmanned technical means;
- decreased number of troops while increasing their capacity by tech;
- informational confrontation becomes dominant;
- digitization of the battle space by rendering inter-fighting systems"[16].
Influence of applied art military technology was not simply a change of principles, but
also an adjustment of actions and structures to new possibilities.
According to the concept of "Joint Vision 2020 ', opinion drawn up by the great military
strategists of the US military, the concept of "Air Defense Battle" no longer consistent with
the new requirements of the battlefield, in the context of offensive operations from the
beginning of the third millennium despite the fact that this concept has proven its worth in
conflicts fought in the late twentieth century.

The technological revolution has produced major changes in strategy forces, means and
arguably the operational strategy. Initially, decisions have come to be taken in hours, minutes
or even seconds and strategic objectives of the enemy can be promptly hit by shots from
distance. The maneuver executed is embedded in an integrated research and information-
decision striking it "immobilize" the opponent and brings unable to take effective measures to
counter the actions of their forces. The answer to this effect is given by the asymmetric
response technology (provided by American specialists) and intensification of terrorist acts.
This asymmetry combined with the globalization of contemporary conflicts have led to
changes in the conception of the US armed forces. Dynamism and asymmetric warfare is
characterized by ongoing confrontation that no longer waged between two armies with similar
technological level that have a similar organization.[17]
Technological development during the last decades, Romanian military thinking has
changed the concept of "Air Defens Battle" at the "high-tech joint struggle". Therefore,
differences between high-tech armies of the great powers, especially the US, in terms of
capabilities and mode of waging military operations and armies of most countries of the world
have introduced asymmetry, as a feature of military art.[18]
Asymmetry of military actions resulting from the mode of action of forces on the
opponent. On the same line of ideas, actions will not wear against the opposing ready for
battle, but against those on the go, in the recovery or during the preparation of the action.
The manifestation of this asymmetry on the battlefield materialize both in the context of
direct confrontation with the enemy, and the alliances, by interposing the interoperability and
integration of various actions in a unitary state.
The answer given military art asymmetric threats, consisted of introducing a new
doctrine which is according to the requirements of high-tech space battle. In this way, the new
US military doctrine was represented by "full spectrum operations"[19]. Said concept
illustrates the US military view on the conduct of military operations that require the use of
combat power land forces as part of a plan to defeat the opponent[20]. In the same way, the
new doctrine emphasizes the role of technology in military actions[21].
The two ideas detailed above show that military theorists Americans have provided
effects of the "digital revolution" on the military and the essence of its armed struggle so that,
for the transactions offensive have adopted the concept of "struggle sitting high tech". These
two mutations in the battle space and depth were aware of Romanian military thinking.
In the context of playing the complexity physiognomy conflict as a consequence of the
use of advanced technologies and performance and destructiveness of weapons and
ammunition, with major influence on the ability of combat soldiers and commands, create
surprise plays a remarkable role, with the highest share in regarding the outcome of military
action. Achieving surprise involves a direct impact on operational capabilities-action forces
and headquarters about effective decision-making, requires a careful analysis of the actual
The role of strategic surprise in offensive operations modern in its infancy, is to get
the initiative and freedom actional and then, during the course of offensive operations, by
exploiting the effects of capturing original to ensure the continued initiative and freedom
actionable, giving thus maximum rate of their forces forward with minimal losses . To
understand the importance of the technological dimension of surprise on contemporary
military art is necessary to analyze the most important concepts of it.
The doctrine of "full spectrum operations / full spectrum dominance" the capability of
the US armed forces who, operating alone or in a coalition / alliance, have the ability to defeat
any adversary and to take any action spectrum military operations, sending forces anywhere

in the world "[22]. "The concept of full spectrum dominance claims that the US armed forces
can deploy synchronized joint operations [...] and that they have freedom act in all
environments - space, air, water, land and informational "[23]. Observe therefore the central
role of technology in the application of this doctrine, since without technology the US
military does not have the necessary capabilities to use the force (groups mixed ships, aircraft,
cruise missiles, etc.) anywhere in the world. The rapid design and concentrated forces against
an opponent sufficiently prepared to ensure his capture.
According to American military specialists, this doctrine are based on four
capabilities: dominant maneuver, precision engagement, focused logistics and full spectrum
force protection[24].
Summary of the maneuver decisive is the ability to control the forces in all the
dimensions, the battle space, achieving a decisive advantage [25]. The role of technology is to
provide the forces required mobility and technical means necessary synchronization and
achieve synergy acting the concentration effects of combat power in place of the opponent is
less prepared is made surprise him, creating favorable conditions for the execution of the
maneuver dominant.
Commitment requires precise hitting military targets of strategic importance and
centers of gravity force while limiting the maximum collateral damage. This concept would
be virtually impossible without the use of technology observation (high resolution satellite
images, airplanes UAV drones) and ammunition intelligent, highly accurate (cruise missiles,
laser guided bombs or GPS). Destruction of major economic objectives and strategic political-
military, especially communication centers, will neutralize commandments ability to control
forces, guaranteeing both achieve initial surprise and the possibility of exploiting its effects.
Multidimensional force protection will allow the design and use of units and protect it
at the same time the hostile actions of opponents[26]. Technology will provide both physical
protection force (armor, body armor) but more importantly, protection of information,
psychological and electromagnetic, both before the onset of attacks and during
them. Multidimensional force protection is intended to be so effective as to lead to the
application of the concept of "Losses 0" in the conduct of modern offensive.
War Based Network (RBR) is another concept which seeks to adapt the military
power to specific asymmetric threats "Information Age", both in terms of armed struggle, and
especially, the organization of the armed forces. RBR term describes the combination of
strategies, tactics, techniques and procedures by technological possibilities, in particular, the
information on which a force can be used to obtain an advantage by transforming the
information in the fighting power [27]. It can be applied at all levels of military art and the
full spectrum of military operations.
This concept aims at generating combat power by putting in a common network of
sensors, decision makers and combat forces to gain insight in real time over the battle space,
facilitation of leadership, a high tempo actions lethality high effective protection auto-
synchronization of force and military actions [28].
Connecting elements of force in such a network allows commands to carry " effects-
based operations" (Effect-Based Operations-EBO"[29] by assessing, planning and conducting
military actions to ensure achievement of military objectives and achieving political goals of
war by application of combat power in place and the right time.
EBO acts mainly on the psychological level of your opponent and his forces ,
destabilizing of leadership, cohesion and morale of soldiers and impaired ability to perceive
commands the battlefield.

Tech space battle resulted in streamlining military actions to increase their complexity,
while expansion space and compression time. Such substantial changes occurred in terms of
organization of the armed forces: numerical decrease the increasing importance of tactical
units, increasing the role of modular structures (task force).

Because of the complexity, multiplicity of meanings and infinite possibilities of
application which has surprised a theoretical approach it is complete and will remain
In the modern offensive operations principle of surprise plays a central role in the
military actions and the ultimate goal of any conflict, namely victory. Regardless of how it is
treated surprise: the basic principle of armed struggle or as a consequence to planning, it is the
result of an approach in scientific and not empirical. To facilitate understanding of this area is
necessary to study it by 4 its dimensions: technological, informational, conceptual and
Technological dimension of surprise changed the physiognomy of war throughout
history. Closely related to war is military art that gives it shape. The most important leaps in
the development of military art were determined by a few battles, battles which were preceded
brilliant maneuvers executed and completed with a clearly offensive. Particularly important
was the use of arms or technical means whose purpose was to surprise the enemy.
Such conflict is the War in the Persian Gulf since the success of the actions of the
coalition forces were not influenced by their inferiority numerical in front of the Iraqi army,
but the technological superiority decisive that allowed them to obtain one of the most
stunning victories in the history of art military. A significant impact on the conduct of military
actions have had the use of military satellites, C4ISR systems, smart munitions and land and
air superiority means.
Through this technology, war has turned the battlefield into the high-tech space battle,
requiring as prerequisite for success in the modern offensive operations, high-tech
forces. Coalition forces, relying on technological superiority and almost total information,
turned in one cybernetic conventional war through the use of new concepts such as Network
Centric Warfare, full spectrum operations and effects-based operations.
In Operation "Iraqi Freedom" technological surprise coalition forces conducted acted
as multiplier efficiency actionable, having decisive role in paralyzing the Iraqi army and
offensive transformation into a genuine show of force.
Military art, due to the development and continuous improvement of the technological
dimension, will be an ongoing process evolutionary process, providing new ways of
conducting offensive operations.

[1] I.Vranceanu , Determinările revoluţiei în afaceri militare asupra operaţiilor forţelor
terestre în câmpul de luptă integrat şi cibernetizat, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii Naţionale
de Apărare “CAROL I”, 2011, p. 24
[2] Gh. Udeanu, M. Neag, Elemente de artă militară, Sibiu, Editura Academiei Forţelor
Terestre “Nicolae Bălcescu”, 2013, p 210
[3] C-tin. Stanciu, Implicaţiile dezvoltării şi inovării tehnologiei în cadrul ameninţărilor
asimetrice în contextul globalizării, Bucuresti, Editura Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare
“CAROL I”, 2011, p.82
[4] I. Mituleţu, Impactul tehnologiei asupra acţiunilor militare, Bucuresti, Editura
Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare “CAROL I”, 2006, p.43
[5] I.Vranceanu, Op. cit., p. 26
[6] I. Bărbulescu, Caracteristicile principale ale războiului viitor, în revista „Impact
Strategic” nr. 3-4/2003, p. 63
[7] Gh. Udeanu, M. Neag, Op. cit., p. 211
[8] I. Chiriac, Perspectiva corelaţiei tehnologie-acţiune militară strategică, Bucureşti,
Editura Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare „CAROL I”, 2010, p.39
[9] M. Dempsey , „Joint Inteligence”, Washington, Editura Headquarters Department of the
Army, 2013
[12] Gh. Udeanu, M. Neag, Op. cit., p. 210
[13] Sun Tzî II, Nobila artă a războiului, Pitești, Editura Incitatus, 2004, p.57
[14] I. Mituleţu, Op. cit., p. 46
[15] Gh. Udeanu, M. Neag, Op. cit., p.211
[16] C-tin. Arvătescu , Angajarea eficientă în luptă, tendinţe şi perspective determinate de
evoluţia tehnologică în domeniul militar, Bucuresti, Editura Universităţii Naţionale de
Apărare „CAROL I”, 2012, p 81
[18] C-tin. Stanciu, Op. cit., p. 66
[20] FM 3-0 , Department of the Army, Washington DC, 2011
[23] I. Mituleţu, Op. cit., p. 39
[25] I. Chiriac, Op. cit., p.34
[26] I. Chiriac, Op. cit., p.34


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