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目 录

第一单元 破除迷雾-从评分标准来解决雅思写作的理解误区 ............................................................................... 2

(误区一)Task Response – 题目要求不重要 ................................................................................................................... 3
(误区二)Coherence and Cohesion – 文章结构有一定 ................................................................................................. 6
(误区三)Lexical Resources – 词汇必须要复杂少见 ...................................................................................................11
(误区四)Grammatical Range and Accuracy – 句子越长句式越复杂越好 .............................................................12
第二单元 Task Response 抢分攻略 - 大作文破题和观点扩充技巧 ................................................................. 17
1.问题原因解决方法类(Problem-Reason-Recommendation) ................................................................................22
3.观点比较选择类 ...............................................................................................................................................................31
4.说明描述类 ........................................................................................................................................................................35
5.复合类 ................................................................................................................................................................................37
第三单元 Coherence and Cohesion 抢分攻略 – 段落内行文技巧 ................................................................... 40
五大类题目对应树状结构 .....................................................................................................................................................42
如何举例例证 ..........................................................................................................................................................................46
五大类题目的开头与结尾 (Introduction & conclusion) .................................................................................................47
第四单元 Lexical Resource & Grammatical Range and Accuracy .................................................................... 51
学术类大作文范文解析 .........................................................................................................................................................52

第五章 雅思写作小作文 ................................................................................................................................................ 68

2017 年学术类大作文真题 ..................................................................................................................................................75
IELTS Writing Task 1: checklist ........................................................................................................................................79

第一单元 破除迷雾-从评分标准来解决雅思写作的理解误区
本单元我们将会一起来从最根本着手来看一看雅思写作 Task 2 的要求。我们将会从评分标准出发,逐一

雅思写作考试是一项英语写作能力的测试。Task 2 的要求为在时间范围内写出一篇 250 字以上的论述性


1.对于任务的回应 2.连贯与衔接 3.词汇资源 4.语法结构的范围和准确性

Task Response Coherence & Cohesion Lexical Resources Grammatical Range & Accuracy

雅思写作的评分是定性评估(Qualitative Evaluation),也就是说不是以对错的数量多少来评分而是根据文
Task Response 和 Coherence & Cohesion 两个单项占了总分的 50%,剩下的一半依靠 Lexical Resources 和
Grammatical Range & Accuracy 的表现。所以,如果考生析提清晰,立意新颖,但是词汇语法方面捉襟见
肘,那么 Task 2 的总分很难漂亮。同理,如果考生的词汇和语法能力很好,但是题目要求没有分析清楚,
不错的同学考移民类的写作题目与 “Unhealthy Diet”相关,结果由于自己的马虎大意,将题目错看成了
“Unhealthy Die”了,而且还匪夷所思得洋洋洒洒写了近300字.结果只能看着自己其他几个单项成绩

下表中是 Task 2 的 8 分的官方评分标准:

任务完成(TR) 连贯流利(CC) 词汇资源(LR) 语 法 多 样 准 确 度

8 • sufficiently addresses all • sequences • uses a wide range of vocabulary • uses a wide range of
parts of the task information and fluently and flexibly to convey structures
• presents a well-developed ideas logically precise meanings • the majority of
response to the question with • manages all • skilfully uses uncommon sentences are error-free
relevant, extended and aspects of cohesion lexical items but there may be • makes only very
supported ideas. well occasional inaccuracies in word occasional errors or
• uses paragraphing choice and collocation inappropriacies
sufficiently and • produces rare errors in spelling
appropriately and/or word formation

(误区一)Task Response – 题目要求不重要

整体来讲, 大家都倾向于讲大作文分为两种,也就是说明类问题(Descriptive Writing)和论证类问题
(Argumentative Writing)。例如, 2005 年 12 月的题目:
What are some of the essential qualities that a good journalist should have?
这就是典型的说明类的题目,要描述一个好的新闻记者的必备素质并例证支持。再有如 09 年 3 月的下
Many people think music is an important role in society, others, however others believe music is just simply a
form of entertainment
for individuals. What's your opinion?
“For Writing Task 2, candidates are presented with an opinion, problem or issue which they must discuss.
They may be asked to present the solution to a problem, present and justify an opinion, compare and contrast
evidence or opinions, or evaluate and challenge an argument or idea.”

“The input to Task 2 consists of a statement of a point of view, argument or problem about a specific topic.
This is followed by instructions asking candidates to discuss the topic by providing general factual
information, outlining and/or presenting a solution, justifying an opinion, or evaluating ideas and evidence”
上面分别是雅思写作学术类和移民类 Task 2 的官方描述。对比分析后我们不难发现,Task 2 要求我们做

1. 提供关于题目的事实信息(Factual Information)
2. 提出解决方法
3. 给出并且证明一个观点
4. 比较并且对比论据和观点
5. 评价并驳斥一个观点或论点

作为一个标准化考试,雅思写作 Task 2 的出题要求决定了任何一篇 Task 2 的题目必须围绕考察考生的上


题一: Some people prefer to live in a house while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an
apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages living in a house compared with living in an apartment?

题二: Some people prefer to live in a house while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an
apartment. In your opinion, which do you prefer and why do you think so?

一种?为什么?”,这里,我们只需要比较两种选项:住房子 vs 住公寓, 并且表态孰好孰坏即可。题一
是剑桥雅思 7 中的一篇官方评分 7 的范文。让我们接这篇范文来看一下审题的重要性。首先我们一起来

Cambridge IELTS 7, General Training Test A, Writing Task 2

In big business cities there are two options available for the type of accommodation: houses and apartments.(描
述问题的普及性,引出话题)Some people prefer to live in apartments and some like to live in houses.(引出

In big business cities, where almost everyone is going out daily for work or study, apartments provide a much
more comfortable and safe way of living.(给出观点一:公寓可以提供更多的舒适与安全。从句的使用对给
语法有加分的作用)The advantages include the fact that there is one key and lock they have to take care of, and
also the sense of being a part of a big family. (将上述观点展开并具体化。体现住公寓的安全与舒适。从句
的使用和连词 and also 的使用加强了文章的连贯流行性)Usually a guard sits at the main gate, so children
can play around in the compound with their next door friends.(用例证来支持“安全”这一个点。词汇方面,
compound-住宅的使用不错) In addition, not much daily cleaning is required in apartments as no staircase have
to be clean, which is a difficult task-all house wives know it very well.(用递进的方式来例证舒适,不用打扫。
clean 的被动语态使用错误,连词 in addition 用得有些机械,非限定状语从句的使用满足了语法的要求)
But a key advantage is that it is safe to go on voccation for a long trip.(用递进的方式来例证安全。转折连词
用得过于机械。vacation 拼写错误)

On the other hand, houses have their own attraction for its inhabitants.(转折,描述房子的好处。词汇方面,
inhabitants 的选词不错)Garden lovers usually prefere houses as they can have their own garden.(房子的优
势之一:针对园艺爱好者。prefer 的拼写错误)It is also easy to keep a pet, especially a dog in a house because
dog can play around the garden.(例证上面论点)If someone is interested in maintaing cars himself, it can only
be possible in houses where one can have his own garage.(假设例证继续论证上面论点。虚拟语气的使用。
maintaining 拼写错误)

Where people are sometimes much more concerned about their privacy, living in apartments can be a very difficult
for them. (转向描述公寓的缺点。地点状语从句。can be a very difficult 词性错误。改为 can be very difficult
略好)It may also be the case that someone is not able to deal with other people, for instance next door
neighboures, and than house can be a best choice for such people.(假设例证反证房子的私密性好。neighbours,
then 拼写错误)

However, sometimes houses can be a bad choice for low income people.(转折描述房子的缺点:贵!) Maintaing
a big house and running it properly can be a problem for such cases(例证支持上述观点。动名次作主语,
maintaining 拼写错误)

At the end I must say both options can be good or bad, depending on the personal considerations.(总结表示两
者都各有利弊,因人而异)But from my point of view, I must say apartments seem a gift of modern way of life
which is not common in my home town.(给出个人观点,seems to be 会好一些。which 应该改为 that)

使得这篇文章的 Task Response 完成的非常之好。让我们来看一下考官针对本篇文章 TA 这一项的评语:
The response looks at the advantages of living in apartments and houses then briefly considers some disadvantages
before giving the candidate’s own opinion. Fuller development of the disadvantages would raise the candidate’s
score here.
当然,这篇文章的句法和词汇都谈不上十分之精彩。但这样的文章依然可以得到 7 分更能够反映出正确

In many countries, children are sent to school at the age of seven, while in others, children go to school at the age
of four. Some believe the earlier children receive school education the better it is. What is your opinion?

In many countries, children are sent to school at the age of seven, while in others, children go to school at the
age of four. In your opinion, which one is better?

(误区二)Coherence and Cohesion – 文章结构有一定


列 7 中就附了一篇结尾段表态的满分范文,让我们一起来分析一下:

Cambridge IELTS 7, Academic Test 1, Writing Task 2

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others
are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to

explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.(开头段落描述题干所讨论问题的普遍

性。开头句式简短,不冗赘,一个复合句搞定。插入语的使用避免了题干的机械性重复, 同时保证了句


Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire

different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music. (-ly 副词开头主题段落一肯定第一个观

点,表示作者本身的态度。宾语补足语和被动语态的使用保持了句式的多样性) So from our own school

experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued

teaching and guided practice.(模糊例证,支持上一句中的观点。使用了定语从句)

However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play

a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. (转折词 however,承接上文,引出第二个观
点的支持论证。词汇方面使用了 innate 内在的 adj, differentiate 区分 verb.语法方面继续使用复杂句式)In

other words, there is more to the skill than a learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter

how good the teacher or how frequently a child practices.(对于观点二的展开解释,使用了 in other words 来


I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. (表达自己

对观点一的部分支持。句式上使用了定语从句和强调语气;词汇方面使用了 inherit,继承,verb)Such talents

can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never

manage to reach a comparable level.(解释论证上述观点。用 while 连接前后反差论证。使用了 such 连接

上文,词汇方面出现了 excel 表现杰出 verb, comparable level 相仿的水准.语法上依然是定语从句)But,

as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. (转折词 but 引出作者的观点:

兼收并取;词汇方面,nature versus nurture 先天对后天; mutually exclusive 互相排斥, adj)Good musicians

or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent.

(用例证进一步解释“兼收并取”;词汇上使用了 exceptional, 杰出的,adj )Without the natural talent,

continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn

how to exploit and develop their talent(假设例证支持自己观点。排比双重否定句强调肯定效果;词汇方面

使用了 continuous 持续的,adj; exploit,开发,verb)

In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as

music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required. (最后一段表态,支持两个观点的结合)


作文有 70%以上都是议论性文体。而议论性的问题又包括同不同意类,如:

2007 年 2 月 10 日

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is so advanced that the Internet
and computer can replace them. To what extend do you agree or disagree?


2009 年 9 月 17 日

Many believe that criminals should be sent to prison. While others think they can better serve the society if

made to work for the society. Discuss the two opinions and present your own opinion.

当大家写到同意不同意类的题目的时候,很多朋友都会发愁到底选择正反那一面才好些。 有些题目很明
显的是一边倒的题目,例如 “是否应该在公共场合全面禁烟?” 那是不是就一定要写个人同意呢?实际
观点:所有的同意不同意类的表态都是 “我不敢同意题干是完全正确的”。 为什么这么说呢? 因为大
逻辑上来讲,既然这件事情有好也有坏,那就不能够简单的说它是好的。因为如果简单定性的话, 就无

Some people believe that individuals cannot improve environment, but only governments and big companies can
make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?


Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is so advanced that the Internet
and computer can replace them. To what extend do you agree or disagree?



Do you think advertisements should be banned from public media such as TV?



Some people believe that unpaid community works (eg. working in a charity organization; teaching sports to
children) should become a compulsory part of high school curriculum. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

的确,高中生作义工是有好处的,但是,也不能够忽视它可能会带来的坏处 。所以,不敢同意题中观点



点,这不就是 2>1,表示我支持多于反对,所以表态应该就是同意题干观点吗? 其实不然, 题干命题






的确, 不吸烟的人认为禁烟是必然的。但是,烟民会担心自己承受不了戒烟所打来的心理生理的压

力。同时,国家也有可能担心由禁烟造成的税收减少影响国家财政。所以, 即便禁烟的提议看起来是

十分之应该的,但是综合考量各方的顾虑, 我依然不敢说“我同意公共场合全面禁烟是一个好主意”。



(误区三)Lexical Resources – 词汇必须要复杂少见



诵很多非常学术性的词汇来充门面。这些词汇生僻复杂,但都多少带有一些通用性,例如 proliferation

(增长) 。仿佛几乎所有的文章中都会用到“增长”这个词,因此看起来这类词汇就成了所谓的万用词

汇,好像可以通用在所有的写作中。然而实际上这个词并不是可以简单通用的。Proliferation 是一个专


如“proliferation of nuclear weapon”。因此如果考生将 “普通家庭越来越多的养宠物已经没有什么不寻常

的了”翻译成“The proliferation of pet in common family is not an uncommon thing”就会给人毛骨悚然的感

觉。的确,写作的评分标准中有提到如果考生能够使用一些 uncommon word 的话分数会有提高。但是






“Australia is suffering from serious water shortage.”或者类似的句式。为了显示词汇的复杂程度,可能还有

同学写成 “Australia is being tormented by grave drought.” 上述两个表达都没有任何错误,然而表达效果



Thirsty 这个词非常生动形象的用拟人的手法表达出了澳洲缺水的紧迫局面.而且这个句子短促有力,像

新闻标题一样,非常适合做主题句。且,torment, grave, drought 这些词不一定所有的同学都会使用,但

是 thirsty 这个词想必大家是都很熟悉的。


汇的巧用妙用。单词方面最重要的是大家要使用正确而不在于其生僻度。剑桥雅思 6 里面就有一篇 7.5


一句写“人们不会轻易受广告的影响”,就巧妙的用了 sway (摇摆) 这个词,“People would not easily be





(误区四)Grammatical Range and Accuracy – 句子越长句式越复杂越好




题目要求都不能准确掌握的话, 如果拿中文都写不出一篇作文的话,纵然语法词汇再强,写作也是不









“On the contrary, some speeches had stand for computers has it’s advantages in broaden young people’s

horizons, enrich young people’s knowledge and cultivate young people’s temperament by the wide information

that young people can easy got on net.”









With the development of society and economy, computer has brought our life more and more convenience that

saves us a lot of time and money.


Computer has brought us convenience.




会所公布的官方评分标准中关于语法单项(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)单项 5 分至 7 分的描述,


• uses a wide range of structures

• the majority of sentences are error-free
• makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies
• uses a variety of complex structures
• produces frequent error-free sentences
• has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
• uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
• makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication
• uses only a limited range of structures
• attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple sentences

• may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause
some difficulty for the reader


应该要正确。7 分和 8 分的描述中很明确地指出了文章都是基本上没有语法错误地句子,而 6 分和 5 分

的描述中明显得体现出错误的数量从 some errors(一些错误)上升到了 frequent errors (频繁的出

错);错误的程度从 rarely reduce communication(很少影响沟通理解)加剧成为 cause difficulty for the




多越好。我们可以发现,随着分数的上升,对于句式多样性的要求经历了从 a limited range(有限的几

种句式)到 a mix of simple and complex sentence forms(复杂句和简单句的混合),再到 a variety of

complex structures(多种复杂句式),8 分时上升到 a wide range of structure(较广泛的句式结构)。我们



简单的说,如果我们使用复杂句,但是常出错,那就只能符合第一阶段,也就是 5-6 分。如果我们能够

保证正确使用一种复杂句,纳闷就可以满足第二阶段,也就可以确保达到 6 分的要求。若我们正确使用

两种以上的复杂句,根据种类的多少和句中错误的多少,就可以满足第三阶段 7-8 分的要求。这里要求




剑桥雅思 6 中有一篇得分 7.5 分的大作文范文,且根据考官评语,这篇范文的语法表现几近 8 分。让我


Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the

society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the streets(使用简单句铺垫出这个题目的背

景). Some people think that the advertsing boosts the sales of goods and it encourages people to buy things

unnecessarily (宾语从句,点出观点的一面). This arguments may be true in my country, many advertising

companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers(使用简单句拓展这个观点).

People, especially youngsters, buy goods that their favourite singer advertise, although they do not really need

the products (使用了定语从句和插入语结构;这一句用例子来支持上述观点).

Also, on the television screen, a product may look gorgeous and good quality (使用简单句引出第二个支持

论点). As a result of it, people often buy goods without enough consideration(使用因果关系简单句展开论

点). Consumers may not actually need it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertising

(使用简单转折句用假设例证支持上述观点). Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product

due to its advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not of the

real needs of the society (使用让步状语从句.引出第三个支持论点)

On the other hand, there are various aspects against these arguments(使用简单句转折引出反面观点).

Moreover, it is people's choice to make a decision to buy goods(使用简单句引出反面论点一). Advertising

may be not a cause of customers' buying habits(使用简单句再次强调反面论点一). Individuals have their

own spending habits(使用简单句解释支持反面论点一). If they have got enough disposable income, then

the right to make a decision is given to them (使用虚拟语气进一步支持). No one actually can judge whether

the goods sold are the real needs of the society or not(使用同位语从句支持论点).

In addition, as there should be a limited amount of disposable income consumers are able to spend, people try to

allocate their budgets (使用原因状语从句引出反面论点二). They cannot be simply swayed by those


In conclusion, as customers have their own strong opinions and standard of good quality goods, it is better to

leave them to make their own decision in buy goods(使用原因状语从句总结自己的观点). It is fairly

difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy good impulsively(使用形式主语 it, 并使用宾语
从句支持自己的观点). However, in sensitive area of businesses such as toy industries, it may be necessary to

band advertising to those children as children have not got enough ability to control themselves or to know what

they need (使用后置原因状语从句提出建议).


用上也是表现平平,没有什么华丽的词藻。但依然,这篇文章得到了 7.5 分的高分。这篇文章共 19 句

话, 其中 9 句话是简单句,剩下的 10 句话中共使用了 6 种复杂句式。让我们看考官针对语法这一评


Similarly, a sophisticated range of structures is used but there are too many minor errors and omissions (such as

in the use of prepositions and basic subjedct/verb agreement) to reach Band 8. Nevertheless these mistakes do

not reduce the clarity of the answer and overall a wide range of language is used with a high level of


如上所见,这篇文章所使用的句法结构已经满足了 8 分的描述(a wide range of structures);但是小的错

误出现的较多,所以得不了 8 分。所以,我们是不是可以说只要文章中有一半左右是复杂句式,且能够

正确使用 5 到 6 种复杂句结构的话,从语法这个评分角度讲就可以达到 8 分的水准?我的答案是肯定


保证简单句的正确使用保持简单句的比例在一半左右使用 5 种左右复杂句式保证这些复杂句的正




生们要明白, 有的时候 “Less Is More”。考官在读文章的时候非常注意句子的可读性。如果可以简单





第二单元 Task Response 抢分攻略 - 大作文破题和观点扩充技巧

本单元会针对 Task Response 这个点入手,来探讨一下如何能够灵活破题并能够快速组织论证观点。这第
雅思写作的评分标准第一项为 Task Response。这一项要求考生的写作能够尽量涵盖到题目中所提到的所
的是什么,并且对症下药。这样才能首先保证 Task Response 的单项分数。那雅思写作的题目要求到底是
只要大家仔细观察不难发现,雅思写作大作的题目由三部分内容组成。下面我们借剑桥雅斯 6 中的一个
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions(题
目相关背景介绍). Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair (需要讨论的观点).
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (题目的要求)

三个部分会揉在一起出现,又或者省略了背景介绍的一句。例如下面的这个题目是剑桥雅斯 6 中的第二
Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods (题目相关背景介绍)reflect the power of advertising and
not the real needs of the society (题目需要讨论的观点)in which they are sold.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (题目要求)
In some countries children start their school as early as 4 years old while in other countries children start school
at the age of 7. Some people say that the earlier children start their school the better.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
很多同学在处理这个题目的时候由于对到底 4 岁上学还是 7 岁上学没什么概念,结果情急之下处理成了
比较到底该 4 岁上学还是该 7 岁上学。然后就一段写 4 岁上学的好处,另外一段写 7 岁上学的好处。这
首先,题目的要求是 To What extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that the earlier children start their school the better.
In some countries children start their school as early as 4 years old while in other countries children start school
at the age of 7.
让我们一起从雅思真题中来印证这个结构规律的一贯性。下面我将剑桥雅思系列 5 到 7 册中所有的大作
Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 1
Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. 论点
To what extent do you agree r disagree? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 2
In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and
starting university studies. 背景描述
Discussion the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 题目要求和论点
Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 3
Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who
are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. 题目论点
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 4
Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and
development than any experiences we may have in our life. 背景描述
Which do you consider to be the major influence? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 5 General Training Test A
Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do
more schoolwork. 题目论点
How do you think children should spend their free time? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 5 General Training Test B
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. 背景描述
Why do you think this is happening? 题目要求
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 1
Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the
society in which they are sold. 题目论点
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 2
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. 背
Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. 题目论点
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 3
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. 题目论点
Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. 题目论点
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 Test 4
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. 题目论点
Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. 题目论点
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 General Training Test A
Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent. 题
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 题目要求
Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 6 General Training Test B
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. 题目论点
Do you agree or disagree? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 7 Test 1
It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others
are not. 题目论点
However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. 题
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 7 Test 2
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. 题目论点
Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should
always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. 题目论点
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 7 Test 3
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual
wellbeing. 背景描述
What factors contribute to job satisfaction? 题目要求

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 7 Test 4
Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the
workplace. 题目论点
Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake,
regardless of whether the course is useful to an employee. 题目论点
What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university? 题目要求
Cambridge IELTS 7 General Training Test A
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment.
Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?
Cambridge IELTS 7 General Training Test B
Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. 题目
Do you agree or disagree? 题目要求
Which other types of job should be highly paid? 题目要求
而且, 纵观一下所有这些题目要求的形式,不难发现很多的相似之处,例如 “To what extent do you agree
or disagree?/Do you agree or disagree?”的问法, “Discuss both views and give your own opinion”的要求,
以及使用 What, why 提问的方式, 都反复出现在多个题目当中。正如上面所述,雅思考试是一项标准化
的英语能力考试, 只所谓标准化,就意味着每一套题目都要符合统一的标准。也正是这种标准,造成了
听力和阅读中同类型题目的题目要求是一样的:选择题总是 “choose the correct letter A, B, C or D”, 填空
题总是“complete the sentence below”; 同理,写作当中,同类题型的题目要求也是一致的。
不同题型的要求。根据笔者所收集的历年雅思写作题目和雅思考试官方介绍, 本书中将雅思写作大作文
分成五个大类。针对不同类型的题目,标准化的题目要求各有不同,考官所期待的答案内容(Task Response)

的考试当中。此类题型的标志词为 cause, solution, suggestion, why 等。按照官方描述来解释,这类的题目
考察的是大家讨论既定话题,提供基本性的事实信息,并且给出解决方案的能力。“to discuss the topic by
providing general factual information, outlining and/or presenting a solution”。
“ What are some of the reasons behind this problem and can you recommend some suggestion?”
“Why do you think has caused this problem and what should be done to solve this?”等。统一特征就是题目要
求中(问号句)会出现 why, what caused, what factor, reason,suggestion,solution,recommendation,how 等表
因果关系的标志词。例如下面列出的是 07 年此类的题目汇总,请大家留意每个题目的问号句的特征:
2007 年问题原因解决方法类(PRR 类)真题汇总:
2007 年 1 月 6 日
The frequent change of the world has often resulted in the change of people’s jobs and work life. Discuss what
has caused this and give your suggestions on preparing people who are going to work in the future.
2007 年 8 月 16 日
The resources on the earth are above a dangerous level. What might be the causes of this problem? How to solve
this problem?
2007 年 1 月 13 日
The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, as the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. What
are the causes of this and can you suggest some solutions?
2007 年 3 月 3 日 (悉尼考点移民类)
More and more children are putting on more weight than ever before. Why do you think this is happening and
can you give any suggestions?
2007 年 3 月 10 日 (移民类)
The level of noise in our day-to-day life is increasing. What are some of the reasons behind this problem how
can we reduce the damage of this phenomenon?
满足 Task Response 这个评分标准,我们就将文章中安排一个主体部分专门服务于分析表达问题本后的


主体第一部分:这个问题背后的原因(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:解决这个问题的建议(给出并展开)

针对任何此类题目,世间万物的起因都有二:主观原因+客观原因(Sujective reason+obective reason)。
解决方法也有二: 短期速效+治标治本(quick fix+silver bullet)。
的目的;类比过来,要解决交通问题,罚款就是短期速效(Quick Fix),而教育才是治标治本的“银子弹”
(Silver Bullet)如下述所有 08 年的此类题目题目都可以通过这个方法来轻松找出原因和解决方法各一
2008 年 8 月 21 日 8.21 学术类
Some people think that international travel makes them prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Why do you think
people may fail to benefit from international travel? How can people benefit from this kind of travel?
主观原因(subjective reason):
不能深入了解当地文化特性 Subjectively, tourists might lack essential awareness of local culturual identity.
客观原因(objective reason):
文化差异较大 The aftermath of severer cultural shock might be the objectivce reason causing unecessary
短期速效(quick fix):
找当地的导游 One quick fix for such a problem could be as simple as hiring a professional local guide.
治标治本(silver bullet):
学习关于相关知识 A deeper understanding of and respect for the cultural difference could be a silver bullet to
kill the prejudice.
2008 年 9 月 13 日 9.13 学术类
Many people believe that it's important to protect the environment but they make no efforts on it. Why is this
case? What’s your advice for individual to protect it.
主观原因(subjective reason):
个人意识淡薄 Subjectively, they might lack the awareness to start saving the planet from every single citizen.
客观原因(objective reason):
缺乏实际能力知识. Deficient knowledge in environmental management might be a exisiting dilemma that holds
back those who are willing to do so.
短期速效(quick fix):
生活垃圾再造 A few more mintues to recycle your household garbage could be worthwhile.
治标治本(silver bullet):
学习环保知识 To unroot the problem, however, one needs to grasp more practical knowledge on protecting the
2008 年 5 月 22 日移民类
Doctors say that in many countries people do not have enough physical exercise. What are the causes for this
problem? What can be done to solve it?
主观原因(subjective reason):
缺乏重要性的认识 Subjectively, some, if not many, might not have seen the importance of regular physical
客观原因(objective reason):
没有时间或条件 Tightly packed daily schedule might be another reason, or excuse, for some to run away from
physical exercise.
短期速效(quick fix):
走路上下班 One quick fix for such a problem could be as simple as walk to work, if possible, and walk off a
few pounds every day.
治标治本(silver bullet):
制定健身计划 To maintain a healthy lifestyle, however, might still need scientifically customized workout plan.
2008 年 6 月 28 日移民类
In many places of tour such as lakes,mountains and beaches,the environment is polluted because of the
rubbish and litters produced by tourists. Why is this? How can we solve the problem?
主观原因(subjective reason):
个人环保意识的单薄 Subjectively, they might lack the awareness to start saving the planet from every single
客观原因(objective reason):
环境卫生设施的缺乏 Crippled sanitation facilities could be an akwardness indirectly resulting in this problem.
短期速效(quick fix):
配备相关设施和规定 One quick fix to such a problem could be providing more rubbish bins around these
densely populated area.
治标治本(silver bullet):
教育大家的环保意识 Awakening public awareness of environmental protection and its role might be the silver
bullet to kill this problem.
2008 年 7 月 26 日移民类
Nowadays,many people have to work longer time and they feel more stressed than before. What are the
reasons? What can the employers do to make the workers’ life easier?
主观原因(subjective reason):
个人不擅长调和工作和减压 Subjectively, some, if not many, felt powerless in balancing work pressure.
客观原因(objective reason) :
竞争压力激烈 The ever growing competition no doubt is an objective reason behind this phenomenon.
短期速效(quick fix) :
参加减压项目 One quick fix to such a problem could be as simple as attending several stress relief programs.
治标治本(silver bullet) :
合理安排工作和生活 To know how to switch seamlessly between work and life and stick to it, however, still
remains to be the silver bullet to kill this pain.
可见,只要大家能够针对 “主观原因+客观原因, 短期速效+治标治本”两条主线的话,这一类题目的观
在真正写作的时候,一片文章并不需要有 2 个原因 2 个解决方法这么多。考生完全可以根据临场的发挥
写成 1 个原因 2 个解决方法,或 2 个原因 1 个解决方法。

描述来解释,这类的题目考察的是大家论证一个观点,评价论点和论据。 “Justifying an opinion, evaluating
ideas and evidence”。
“ Do you agree or disagree?”
“To What extent do you agree?”等。
问法多样,但其统一特征就是题目要求中(问号句)为一般疑问句 (Do you agree or disagree?/Do you think
sb should do sth/ Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantage? 等)或带有如下标志词的特殊疑问句:
Opinion, think, attitude 等。请大家仔细观察下面的此类考题,分析总结题目要求的特征规律性:
2007 年部分同意不同意类真题
A 2007 年 2 月 3 日 (Australia) (G)
Some schools have special courses for sports while other schools do not provide any of the kind.
Do you think schools should have sports lessons and why do you think so?
2007 年 3 月 31 日(G)
Some people suggest building more roads to reduce traffic problem. What is your opinion?
2007 年 4 月 14 日
Do you think advertisements should be banned from public media such as TV?
B 2007 年 2 月 3 日
Some people believe that individuals cannot improve environment, but only governments and big
companies can make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 7 月 14 日
Lectures have been used to teach large number of students. Now as the advanced technologies are
available for education, some people believe that technologies can replace lectures as the main
way to teach large number of students. Do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 10 月 6 日
Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
C 2007 年 2 月 10 日
Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is so advanced
that the Internet and computer can replace their function. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 6 月 9 日
Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can
see historical objects and works by using computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 5 月 19(G)
Nowadays many young people do not like their majors. Therefore some people say students
studying majors that don't like is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?


主体第一部分:支持这个观点的论点(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:反对这个观点的论点(给出并展开)

细心的同学可以发现上面 07 年同类的题目要求问法不出上述种类。同时,通过分析同意不同意类题型的
题干, 根据所需要论证的题干的逻辑性不同,我们将其再细分为三小类:
第一大类我们称之为应该不应该类(上表内 A 部分)。基本逻辑结构为:某人应该/不应该干某事。
题干中的标志词大都为 should, do you think, positive, negative, outweigh。描述的是简单的是否问题,“好
或不好”,“该做或是不该做”,“会或者不会”。包括我们常见的问法 “Do you think its advantages outweigh
disadvantages?”或者“Do you think this is positive or negative?”,都在问某一件事是应该做还是不应该做。
如 2007 年 2 月 3 日 (Australia) (G) 的题目:
Some schools have special courses for sports while other schools do not provide any of the kind. Do you think
schools should have sports lessons and why do you think so?
2008 年 11 月 20 日 学术类
International travel is becoming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door and with more and more
tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?
那不就是应该做的事情吗?所以, 我们还是把这一类的题目归进同意不同意 之 应该不应该类。


主体第一部分:该做的道理(展开并支持) 主体第二部分:不该做的道理(展开并支持)

第二大类我们称之为因果关系类(上表内 C 部分)。 顾名思义,此类题目的基本逻辑结构为:有人

认为因为某个原因,所以某个结果一定成立。你同意不同意? 题干一般包括前因后果两个部分,标志词
多为因果关系词,如 because, since, therefore 等。下面是此类的几个题目:
2007 年 2 月 10 日
Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is so advanced that the Internet
and computer can replace their function. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 6 月 9 日
Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical
objects and works by using computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 5 月 19(G)
Nowadays many young people do not like their majors. Therefore some people say students studying majors
that don't like is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?


主体第一部分:的确,前因是有道理的(展开并支持) 主体第二部分:但是,后果不是必然的(展开并支持)

第三大类的同意不同意题型我们称之为 A>B 类(上表内 B 部分)。此类题目的题干基本逻辑结构为:有

人认为 A 观点比 B 观点更好/更坏。 你同意吗?这个题干结构中表示的是一个比较完后的结果。出题人
认为前者比后者一定更好或者一定更坏。题干的标志词当然就是形容词的比较级形式了, 如 more 或者
better 等。此类题干的另外一种形式就是在同一题干中否定一种观点(B)并且肯定另外一种观点(A)。
否定 B 观点但是肯定 A 观点,从逻辑上也可以看做是认为 A>B。例如下面的题目:
2007 年 2 月 3 日
Some people believe that individuals cannot improve environment, but only governments and big companies can
make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
政府和大财团(A 观点)比个人(B 观点)更能够改善环境。你同意不同意?
2007 年 7 月 14 日
Lectures have been used to teach large number of students. Now as the advanced technologies are available for
education, some people believe that technologies can replace lectures as the main way to teach large number of
students. Do you agree or disagree?
运用科技(A 观点)比使用传统的讲座授课(B 观点)更适合用于教授大量的学生。你同意吗?
2007 年 10 月 6 日
Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
今天的儿童(A 观点)比以前的儿童(B 观点)有更多的压力。你同意吗?
我们都统一标准描述清楚,最后表态说很难比较孰好孰坏即可。A 比 B 好就是各自描述 A 和 B 的好处,
A 比 B 坏就是各自描述 A 和 B 的坏处。所以上述题目就可以分析结构为:
2007 年 2 月 3 日
Some people believe that individuals cannot improve environment, but only governments and big companies can
make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 7 月 14 日
Lectures have been used to teach large number of students. Now as the advanced technologies are available for
education, some people believe that technologies can replace lectures as the main way to teach large number of
students. Do you agree or disagree?
2007 年 10 月 6 日
Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?

题干内容:A 大于 B,你同意吗?

主体第一部分:的确 A 观点是有道理的(展开并支持) 主体第二部分:但是 B 观点也是有一定道理的(展开并支持)

找出此类题目的组织拓展观点的通用方法。这里我们可以借用商科中的工具 SWOT 分析法来拓展论据。
SWOT 中的四个字母分别指的是 Strengths(优势)、Weaknesses(劣势)、Opportunities(机会)、Threats(威
胁 )。 SWOT 分 析 法 经 常 被 用 来 分 析 企 业 策 略 的 一 种 工 具 。 它 可 以 帮 助 我 们 通 过 整 合 分 析 事 前
( Strengths/Weakness ) 和 事 后 ( Opportunities/Threat ), 从 主 体 内 部 ( Strengths/Weakness ) 和 外 部
情的结果好与不好来判断,而忽略了有没有能力和义务去做某件事。使用 SWOT 分析进行论据整理不仅
可以结构性的剖析题目,并且可以帮助大家从事前事后平衡的考虑,扩大论点的来源。使用的时候,S 和
O 就可以看做是支持做某事的论点(既,为什么能做,为什么该做,以及做的话会有什么好的结果),而
W 和 T 就可以看做是不支持做某事的论点,

2007 年 4 月 14 日 应该不应该
Do you think advertisements should be banned from public media such as TV?
Strengths Weakness
政府有责任净化媒体内容 没有能力在所有媒体上禁播广告
Undoubtedly, government should and have to Unfortunately, with such responsibility,
keep pulic media a clean resort for all. government might not possess the ability required
to execute such initiatives.

Opportunities Threats
人们免受不良广告的危害 电视可能要收费
Some may also say this could shield the public To many, if not all, such proposal might sacrifice
from unwanted harm from illy produced their priviledge for free TV program.

热点词汇: undoubtedly, adv. 毫无疑问得

Sb should and have to do sth, 某人应该,并且必须做某事
Resort, noun. 圣地,常去的地方
Unfortunately,adv. 很不幸得
Execute, verb. 执行
Shield, noun, 盾牌,verb,保护
Illy, adv. 不好得,坏得
Sacrifice, verb 牺牲
Priviledge, noun 特权
2007 年 2 月 10 日 因果关系
Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since the computer technology is so advanced that the Internet
and computer can replace their function. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Strengths Weakness
高存储能力节省空间 科技的发展依然有局限
Indeed, mega computers nowadays do have the Unfortunately, despite the miracle of computer
power to hold books from libaries all over the technology, still it is not possible to replace public
world onto one console. library completely.

Opportunities Threats
网络功能让你足不出户 技术性的要求使图书馆成为了特权
Some sing, with such progress, everyone can have Some are also concerned that forcing people to
access to library content on their laptop or Ipod. switch from paper-base to electronic-base might
deprive reading from those technologically
disadvantaged people.
热点词汇:mega computer, noun, 超级电脑
Console, noun, 主机
Have access to.., 获取,得到,使用
Miracle, noun, 奇迹
Switch from A to B, 从 A 换到 B
Paper-base/electronic-base, 以纸为基础/以电子为基础
Deprive, verb, 剥夺
Technologically disadvantaged people, 科技上上的弱势群体

2007 年 2 月 3 日 A>B 请注意:此类题目因为要写两个观点(A 和 B)的合理之处,所以只需要分析
支持观点 S 和 O,反对观点 W 和 T 就不用了
Some people believe that individuals cannot improve environment, but only governments and big companies can
make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
政府财团执行环保 从每个人开始保护环境
Strengths Strengths
政府和财团有较大的财力优势。 个人的力量结合起来是很大的。
Admittedly, government and business Individual deed, though might seem tiny, can
organization have advantaged financial resource. accumulate to enormous dynamics if properly

Opportunities Opportunities
全球环保进程加快。 减少环保的成本。
If cooperated on a worldwide level, such initiative Starting from every single citizen might be the
could dramatically speed up the progress of most cost-effective approach toward saving our
environement improvement. planet.

热点词汇: admittedly , adv, 不可否认得

Accumulate, verb, 累计
Dynamics, noun, 力量, 动量
Initiative, noun, 动案
Dramatically, adv, 戏剧化得
Cost-effective, adj, 性价比高的,划算的

要硬扛。SWOT 提供给大家的是四个快速切入问题的通道。没有人能够知道考试的时候到底哪一条通道
会带给大家思路。就算大家想到了两个 strength 一个 threat,但是一个 opportunity 也想不到也无妨。文章


或相反)给出自己的选择态度。在 08 年以后的写作考试中,此类题目的出现频率有着很明显的提高。此
类题型的标志词为 Both opinion, prefer, others, while,compare 等。按照官方描述来解释,这类的题目考察
的是大家比较观点和论据的能力(Compare evidence or opinions).
“ Which do you prefer?”
“Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”等。统一特征就是题目要求中(问号句)会出现让大家进
行比较选择的字眼,并且题干中有两个观点。例如下面列出的是 07 年部分此类的真题回顾,请大家留意
2007 年 1 月 13 日 0113
Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to students' future career; others
think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What's your opinion of the
main function of university?

2007 年 1 月 20 日
Some people say that governments should pay for the public health care and education, while others say that it
is not the government's responsibility. Please discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2007 年 3 月 3 日
Some people think that school should put students in different classes according to their academic ability, while
some others believe that students of different abilities should be educated together. Please discuss both views
and then present your own opinion.

2007 年 3 月 22 日
Some people think that government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists (eg. painters, musicians, poets)
while some others think it is a waste of money. What is your opinion?

一类题干的特点就是会出现“while others do not think so”或“However, some people disagree”一类的否定陈
2007 年 6 月 16 日(G)
There is a number of people think that watching TV would be good for children's development while others
disagree. What is your opinion?
2007 年 7 月 21 日(G)
Air travel become a much cheaper form of transportation than in the past. Some people say that is positive
development, some people disagree. What is your opinion?
逻辑上的两者比较便不会有简单的 A 比 B 更好这样的结果。所以,从逻辑角度上来讲,这一类的题目最
In many countries, children are sent to school at the age of seven, while in others, children go to school at the age

of four. Some believe the earlier children receive school education the better it is. What is your opinion?

In many countries, children are sent to school at the age of seven, while in others, children go to school at the
age of four. In your opinion, which one is better?
意类(同不同意“越早上学越好”),而第二题是观点比较选择类(七岁上学 VS 四岁上学)

早上学的确有一定的道理 但其反对者也有一些道理


四岁上学有道理 七岁上学也有一定道理

上学的好处和七岁上学的坏处或反之,那么就没有完全按照题目要求来写,则 Task Response 单项分数会

有人认同观点 A 但有人认同观点 B

主体第一部分:观点 A 有一定的道理(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:但观点 B 也有一定的道理(给出并展开)

那这一类题目如何能够快速准确的拓展观点论据呢?我们掌握下面的 3W 三字方针便可以轻松解决这个
问题:Who, What, Why
三字方针实际上是 SWOT 方法的延伸,并不仅限于观点比较选择类题目。各种题型都可以使用。这个方
Who will support/oppose such opinion? 这个观点会对谁带来好处,会对谁带来危害?
What positive/negative outcome this will bring? 这个观点会带来什么好的或坏的结果?
Why people proposed to/not to carry out such initiative? 为什么人们提出或反对这个观点?
SWOT 方法的使用让大家注意到了从往往被忽略的该不该做某事的优势和劣势来切观点。而 3W 带着大

家在此基础上又着眼于另外一个新的观点高产地:Who。这个 Who 引导我们注意针对一个观点,什么样
豫不定。 雅思写作大作文的议论性题目往往都是给出一个矛盾命题让大家来表态支持或反对。当然,没
Some believe smoking should be banned at all public areas. Do you agree or disagree?
和心理上都是非常残酷的(physically and mentally cruel)。那么既然他们有如此的顾虑,我们就不能够无视
With the development of medical sicence and technology, people nowadays can live much longer than ever before.
Do you think this is a good thing or bad thing?
毕竟能力有限,且要照看各个年龄层的人群的健康。如果灰发族 (The grey population)的健康医疗要求增
加过快,医疗系统就可能会不堪重负( overwhelmed)。那么既然医疗系统有着合理的顾虑,那么我们就应
Some companies nowadays provide employees with high salary and good welfare so as to help them work
wholeheartedly at their position. Do you think this is a good idea?
的确谁都会想要一个好工作,俗话说 “钱多事少离家近,老板人好有假期”,这样的观点那有人不欢喜。
由上面的例子我们可以发现, Who 这个切题角度是非常实用的。结合上 What 和 Why, 我们就可以对于
矛盾中的不同主体分析事前事后的条件影响,快速得出丰富的论点。下面是 2008 年真题中,部分观点选
择类题目和 3W 切题点,仅供大家参考。
Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. However,
some people think that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What’s
your opinion?
传统观点对正确的生活方式有好处 传统观点不利于年轻一代将来融入生活
Who Grandparents might be the first group to support such Teenagers, however, might still hold their view against some, but
opinion. not all, old doctrine.
What Traditional ideas can pass on the essence of family, It might be providing perspective that can not fit into their spectrum
loyalty and justice.
Why They hope such ideas can be a source of reference for Modern life if the future challenges young people with new scenerio
the younger generation in their life. that the traditional ideas might not be able to prepare them for.

Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get
primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. What’s your opinion?
初级教育就可以了 中级教育是必须的
Who Some family business owner mgith prone to have their Educators,however, argue that secondary education is
children receive merely primary education. indispensible, no matter what line you are in.
What The most obvious benefit is saving time. Secondary education can equip students with the critical thinking
they need to really tackle with life and work.
Why They think instead of spending years and dollars at Students have the right to receive better education, to have a better
school, childern should meet the real world earlier and change while facing crisis and to live a better life.
primary education is far enough for them to be prepared.

The number of cars keeps increasing, so road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government
should pay for it, while others think the car owners should pay for it. What is your opinion?
政府应该为道路建设买单 车主应该为道路建设买单
Who Most taxpayers might vote for government to pay that Government believe car owners have the responsibility to pay for
bill. better road system.
What Government paying this money might achieve the most Accumulating public funds, first of all, can relieve government
effect with the least time. from heavy financial burden.
Why Government, first of all, has the financial ability to pay As the major users of road systems, car owners should pay for better
for this. service.

个参考的素材。真正考试的时候大家灵活使用,不需要每个 W 都必须要想到才写。观点比较选择类题目

“What are the advantages and disadvantages?”

“What are the essential qualities?” 或者
“What is the situation in your country?”
此类题目的标志词是 what,或者是 discuss,问号所在句常出现 effects, advantages, disadvantages, impacts,
factors, situation, qualities 等名词,且多为复数形式。按照官方描述,此类题目考察的是考生提供一般性
的事实信息 (provide general factual information)。下面是 2007 年全年的说明描述类题目,请大家仔细
2007 年 3 月 31 日
It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works, without
meeting people face to face. What are the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?
2007 年 5 月 19 日
In which areas of education do you think computers are more important and in which areas do you think teachers
are more important? Discuss and explain why.
2007 年 8 月 11 日
The range and quality of the food have been improved by the advancement of science and technology. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages about this and present your view.
2007 年 1 月 20 日(G)
Nowadays people are living longer hence in some countries there are more old people than young people. What
are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this issue?
2007 年 2 月 24 日(G)
Some people believe that practical skills such as maintaining of a car, or managing a bank account should be
taught at school as well as traditional academic subjects. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this
人格特质。有的时候,题目要求会直接给我们提示如何切题。让我们直接切一个题目来看一下。例如 2007
年 3 月 31 日的考题:
It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works, without
meeting people face to face. What are the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?


主体第一部分:对个人的影响(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:对社会的影响(给出并展开)

会给出几个具体实例供大家参考。下面是 2008 年全年的说明描述类题目和结构图:
Figures show that some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger.
What do you think are the current and future effects of this may be for those countries? 说明类
15 岁及以下人口比例增加

主体第一部分:现阶段的影响(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:将来的影响(给出并展开)

8.9 [社会与科技发展话题]
In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of cities into regional
areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new development? 说明类

主体第一部分:优点(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:缺点(给出并展开)

Nowadays many old cities are rebuilt and redesigned in order to make them look modern. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of this practice. 说明类

主体第一部分:优点(给出并展开) 主体第二部分:缺点(给出并展开)

目中任意两种的结合体。其标志就是题目中有两个问号,或者用 and 连接的两个题目要求。经常出现的
原因 reason+同意不同意 agree or disagree (RA)
描述说明 describe+同意不同意 agree or disagree (DA)
同意不同意 agree or disagree +建议 recommendation (AR)
同意不同意 agree or disagree+描述说明 describe (AD)
下面是 2007 年部分的说明描述类题目,请大家仔细观察题目要求的特征规律性:
With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, less people tend to write letters. Some people even think
the skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important
do you think letter writing is?
To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures do you think can
protect them?
An increasing number of developing countries are expanding their tourist industry. Why do you think it is the
case? And do you think it is positive?
Development of countries leads to increasing demand for energy fuel, such as petrol and coal. What dangers
might this lead to? Are there any solutions to deal with this problem?
Cars cause many problems. What are some of these problems? Should we discourage people to use cars?
Nowadays, some employers think the academic qualities are more important than the life experiences and personal
qualities when they choose the employees. Why this phenomenon exists? Is this a negative or a positive
Some countries encourage teenagers to take up part-time jobs. What is the situation in your country? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of teenagers taking up part-time jobs?
In many countries, people eat with their family or parents less frequently. What is the situation in your country?
Do you think it is necessary to have meals with family and friends regularly?

20070602 的题目是 RA 结构
An increasing number of developing countries are expanding their tourist industry. Why do you think it is the
case? And do you think it is positive?


主体第一部分:原因之一 主体第二部分:的确有好处 主体第三部分:但也不可忽略其坏处

20070908 的题目结构是 DA,

Cars cause many problems. What are some of these problems? Should we discourage people to use cars?

主体第一部分:主要问题一个 主体第二部分:的确有人支持 主体第三部分:但不可忽略这个观点的弊端

20070908(G) 的题目结构是 AR
Some people claim that cartoon program contains violence therefore it is not good for children to watch. Do you
agree or disagree? Can you give some recommendation?

主体第一部分:的确暴力卡通不好 主体第二部分:但教育意义的卡通还 主体第三部分:政府通过检审机制可以更好

是好的 的控制卡通内容

20070310 的题目结构式 AD
With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, less people tend to write letters. Some people even think
the skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important
do you think letter writing is?

主体第一部分:人们越来越多的依赖 主体第二部分:但写信的技能是不会 主体第三部分:写信技能的重要性体现在其

科技,越来越少地写信 消失的 正式性

是 2008 年部分的复合类题目和结构图,供大家参考。
An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the
government encourage people to live in small towns? 复合类(说明+应该不应该)

主体第一部分:造成的最大问题 主体第二部分:鼓励人口迁移到小城 主体第三部分:鼓励人口迁移到小城镇的弊

镇的好处 端

More working people are busy with work and have no enough time to spend with their family and friends. Why
does this happen? What are the effects on family life and society as a whole? 复合类 (原因+说明类)

主体第一部分:主要的原因 主体第二部分:对家庭的影响 主体第三部分:对社会的影响

6.28 [社会与科技发展话题:老年人与科技问题(新)]
Mobile phones and the internet are very useful. However, it is rare for the old people to use them. In what ways
can mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people? What could be done to encourage the old people
to use mobile phones and the internet? 复合类(说明+解决方法)

主体第一部分:手机网络可以帮助老 主体第二部分:手机网络可以帮助老 主体第三部分:开设免费课程帮助老年人使

年人照顾健康 年人解除孤寂 用科技

10.25 [社会与科技发展话题]
Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some people think there are other
factors. What other factors should be considered? Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important
than the others? 复合类(说明+观点比较选择)

主体第一部分:科技发展为因素之二 主体第二部分:文化发展为因素之三 主体第三部分:各种因素都同等重要

第三单元 Coherence and Cohesion 抢分攻略 – 段落内行文技巧



通过分析雅思写作大作文的评分标准我们不难发现,有三个动词一直出现在 Task Response 评分栏中的

高分段落,请看下面引用的 Task 2 6-9 分 Task Response 栏的评分标准:
比较之下不难发现,Present ideas, extend/develop ideas and support ideas 一直是被着重比较的点。6 分的描
6 7 8 9
述 指
• addresses all parts of the task • addresses all parts of the task •sufficiently addresses all parts of the •fully addresses all parts of the task

出“给 although some parts may be more •presents a clear position throughout task • presents a fully developed position
fully covered than others the response • presents a well-developed response in answer to the question with

出 相 • presents a relevant position although • presents, extends and supports to the question with relevant, relevant, fully extended and well
the conclusions may become unclear main ideas, but there may be a extended and supported ideas supported ideas
关 主 or repetitive tendency to over-generalise and/or
• presents relevant main ideas but supporting ideas may lack focus
要 观 some may be inadequately
是有些有可能展开不够或不清楚”;到 7 分的时候,描述变成了“给出,展开并支持主要观点,但是有可
能存在过分泛化的趋势或者支持论点缺少中心”。而 8 分和 9 分的描述中都强调了 Present ideas,
extend/develop ideas and support ideas,差别只是程度问题而已。由上所知,我们不妨大胆的假设:只要我
们的文章顺利完成了给出观点-展开观点-支持观点 这三步,那么在 Task Response 这一栏下的得分就应
该能够在至少 7 分以上。

观点论点 解释展开

回证论点 例子细节


只论证一个论点,所以就有四句话。三段加起来就共 12 句话。从考试的字数要求上来讲,也足够完成。

段 15 句话的万用结构就成型了。根据我们上述的几大类题型,笔者做出了下面的结构图:

同意不同意类 (argumentative writing)

观点比较选择类 (argumentative writing)

问题原因解决方法类 (Report Writing)

说明描述类 (argumentative writing)

复合类题目 (Report and argumentative Writing)的题目只是上述四类的组合,不再冗赘。

当然,根据考试的时候考生能够想到的双边观点的数量,我们还可以把上述的这种 1 个观点对两个观点
(1:2)的结构变成 2 个观点对 1 个观点(2:1)的结构,如同意不同意类的题目。如果考试的时候只

按照上图,我们每一篇文章都可以写成三段,每一段都可以写成 5 句话。如下面的这个例子:
Do you think advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages?

1.Indeed, the Internet brings a lot of benefits to our daily life. (Agree)
2.The first advantage that attracts people can be its rich information.(Pro point 1)
3.Because the Internet links up computers all over the world, it therefore can provide people information from every corner
of the earth. (Explain)
4.For example, when you want to map a place anywhere in the world, Google Map can give you a detailed location in seconds.
5.All this information at the tip of your finger shall thank to nothing but the Internet. (Support)

1. Another advantage that the Internet has might be its low cost. (Pro point 2)
2. Due to the fact that the Internet provides us with plenty of free resources and service, thus it helps to cut expense in our
daily life. (Explain)
3. When you call overseas via Skype, it cost you almost nothing.(Example)
4. However, if you call via mobile or landline, it might cost you quite a fortune. (Support)
5. This is why many people believe that the Internet, indeed, has brought us a lot of bonus. (Summary)

1. In spite of the fact that, as mentioned above, the Internet has been benefiting us for a long time, others worry about its
negative impact on us. (Disagree)
2. One of people’s biggest worries might be the security problem online. (Con point 1)
3. The Internet technology is not flawless, as a result of that, online security could not be always assured. (Explain)
4. One example can be that Trojan software can steal your bank details easily, and consequently you might lose everything
you have in your account. (Example)
5. Such risk factors have halted many people from believing in it.(Support)

Some believe that those who are not talented in language learning should not be required to learn a foreign
language. Others think school should require all students to learn a foreign language. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

1. It is not strange why many, if not all, educators embrace foreign language acquisition as a essential part of education.
(Opinion A)
2. Their first argument is that language learning can introduce students into an exciting exotic culture. (Pro Point 1)
3. Since language is the carrier of culture beneath, therefore mastering a second language could better promote cultural
understanding and hence students can indulge themselves in a different culture.(Explain)
4. Without knowing a foreign language, one might not be able to appreciate the essence of cultural event overseas. (Example)
5. Using a foreign language, one could not only grasp a deeper understanding, but participating joyfully as well.(Support)

1. Better employment opportunity could be another reason why many are supporting languange learning as a compulsory part
in school. (Pro Point 2)
2. With language skills becoming an important column on resume, parents believe by mastering a foreign language their
children can have a better chance to find a job in the future. (Explain)
3. In international trade business, for example, almost all employees are required to be fluent in at least one foreign language.
4. For young students, thus, a second tongue could bring them a better chance. (Support)
5. These mentioned above could be the two major reasons why many support foreign language acquisition as an compulsory
course for all students.(Summary)

1. In spite of the fact that, mastering a foreign language can, indeed, bring students many benefits, to name but two, those
who believe only the gifted should be compelled also have their ground.(Opinion B)
2. They believe that talent could be the source of motivation. (Pro Point 1)
3. Due to the fact that motivation is the key in learning of all kinds, without talent students might feel frustrated and lose
motivation in learing, consequently the language learning process could be time-wasting and exhausting. (Explain)
4. Literatures in language learning have indicated that without motivation it could be extremely difficult to learn a foreign
language. (Example)
5. This is why some believe, to save children from heavy burden of learning a foreign language, only the gifted children should
be required to learn a foreign language. (Support)

Many young people today are too worried about the way they look and this causes them problems. Do you
agree or disagree? What is the situation in your country?
这是 2009 年的真题。其中第一个问号是同意不同意类,它自己就需要两段分别进行正反描述。第二个问

1. It might be fair to say that many youngsters in my country are overwhelmingly concerned about their appearance.(Agree)
2. They argue that in an era of individuality, they have the right to identify themselves through their appearance. (Pro Point
3. Since first impression is critical in promoting oneself, therefore, a few bucks more on fashion and fad are worthwhile as
long as it delivers a unique impression to others. (Explain)
4. One good example of this is the fact that many teenagers are strongly repelling against wearing uniforms at school.
5. To them, this is suffocating their individuality and uniqueness. (Support)

1. No sensible person will either deny the pinch brought by such phenomenon. (Disagree)
2. Besides financial concern, distraction from work or study might be people's biggest fear. (Con point 1)
3. Due to the fact that some young people are willing to sacrifice tremendous amount of time on taking care of their appearance,
thus little time might there be left for their study or work and consequently their performance in study or at work could not
be secured. (Explain)
4. One rationale behind requiring uniform at schools is to partially avoid such disaster. (Example)
5. By doing so, people hope students can shift more concentration from appearance to attendance. (Support)

1. In spite of the concerns raised by many as mentioned above, many young people in my country have voiced out their
opinion at variance. (Category 1)
2. They believe the attention on appearance can benefits the development of their social skills.(Factor 1)
3. With appearance becoming common topic during daily conversation, not discussing it might seclude one from social
communication among peers. (Explain)
4. If they well attend their appearance, it can not only provide them an ice-breaking topic, but enhance their self-confidence
as well. (Example)
5. If not, however, they might feel isolated from the mainstream. (Support)

分点上,这样的写法是完全符合 7 分以上的标准的。用四句一组的逻辑论证展开三个观点,再加上一句
“段首总起句”,一句“承上启下句”和一句“段落小结句”。总共 15 句话,干净利落的完成了题目的要求,


1.具体事例。具体事例就是发生过的,考生和读者都熟悉的事例。例如下面的范文中大家会见到 Bill Gates,
Princess Diana 等众所周知的事例。这种例证的成色最好,最容易引起考官的共鸣。但此类的事例多来源
于平日的阅读,不能强求,所以大家在考试的时候尽量用即可。作者在写 09 年范文的时候也通过查阅磁
It is reported that a boy has lost his life in front of computer screen after having played computer games for over
48 hours consecutively.
Such tragic example can show the damage computer could do to our children.
If a child spend adequate amount of time on computer then they might still have time for regular physical exercise.
If not, however, they might easily put on too much weight without enough outdoor activities.

五大类题目的开头与结尾 (Introduction & conclusion)

通过上面的内容,我们现在应该可以迅速准确的将任何一个大作文的题目的主干部分 15 句话要写的内
容都确 定了 、在开 始 遣词造 句之 前,我 们 先来看 一下 各大类 题 目的开 头段 (Introduction)和结尾段
让我们首先来看开头 introduction.应为写作中的 Introduction 是非常重要的一个部分。一个好的 introduction
会注意下面的一些 Do’s and Don’ts:
Do’s Don’ts
抓住读者的眼睛 开头太长
让读者了解题目的范畴 引用字典定义开头
让读者知道你接下来要干什么 泛用滥用背景描述,如“Throughout human history…”,
“Since the beginning of time…” 或 者 “with the
development of human race…”等。
结合不同题型的题目要求和上述的 Do’s and Don’ts,秉着不写废话的原则,我们很容易可以得到开头段
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 通过实例,数字,现象等描述抓住读者的眼睛,拉近与考官距离,引起兴趣
第2句 概略点出文章接下来要描述的一个或两个原因
第3句 概略点出文章接下来要描述的一个或两个解决方法 或 说明文章接下来要分析原因给出建议
Most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment,
discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 According to statistics in Beijing 2002 only, thousands died in traffic accident.
第2句 Both subjective and objective reasons causing such tragedy can be easily identified.
第3句 This essay is going to look at some of the causes of traffic problem and suggest possible solutions.

同意不同意类(Agree or Disagree)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 通过实例,数字,现象等描述抓住读者的眼睛,拉近与考官距离,引起兴趣
第2句 概括引出针对题干的正反两个观点
第3句 概括表达自己的观点态度 或 说明文章接下来要通过论证正反面最后给出自己的观点

Major airlines worldwide are increasing their airfare. In your opinion, do you think they should or should
not raise the airfare?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 Economy class with Japan Airline used to cost you $1,200 from Brisbane to Shanghai and now costs you no less than
第2句 Many believe the air fair is going up outrageously, while others claim that it is, unfortunately, necessary.
第3句 Personally, I think though reasons do exist to raise airfare, it could bring people too many pressure rather than
This essay is going to look at the both sides of this topic and furthermore to present my own view.

观点比较选择类(Compare A and B)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 通过实例,数字,现象等描述抓住读者的眼睛,拉近与考官距离,引起兴趣
第2句 概括引出针对题干的两个不同观点
第3句 概括表达自己的观点态度 或 说明文章接下来要通过比较两个观点,最后给出自己的观点

Many people think music is an important role in society, others, however others believe music is just simply
a form of entertainment for individuals. What is your opinion?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 After the first sellout, Pink is holding another concert here in Brisbane this year.
第2句 Some say music is shaping our society while others claim that it is just another form of entertainment.
第3句 Personally, I think music can well adopt and adapt being informative as well as being entertaining.
This essay is going to compare the two opinions and furthermore to give my personal view.

说明描述类 (Description)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 通过实例,数字,现象等描述抓住读者的眼睛,拉近与考官距离,引起兴趣
第2句 概括引出针对题干的两个不同的分类标准(一般题目会给出提示词)
第3句 说明文章接下来要分类进行描述
As most people spend a majority part of their adult life in work. Job satisfaction is an important part of
individual well-being. What are the factors contribute to the job satisfaction?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 According to a survey, a sound percentage of people interviewed expressed that they are not satisfied with their job.
第2句 Factors that contribute to job satisfaction include financial incentive as well as psychological one.
第3句 This essay is going to describe some of the factors under these two catagories.

复合类 (Combination)

句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 通过实例,数字,现象等描述抓住读者的眼睛,拉近与考官距离,引起兴趣
第2句 针对第一个问号进行概括总起
第3句 针对第二个问号进行概括总起 或 说明文章接下来要分别完成两个问号的要求
Media are having more and more interest in celebrities and their life. Why are they so interested about
celebrities? What is your opinion about on this focus?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 Princess Diana's tragedy is still striking us after a decade.
第2句 Despite that, media argues that their focus on celebrities is satisfying people’s desire.
第3句 Personally, I think such focus can bring advantages as well as disadvantages.
This essay is going to analyze the reasons behind this focus and present my opinion regarding it.

由上面的分类我们可以发现开头的三句话可以正好完成所有的 Do’s 并且避免所有的 Don’t。

同样, 结尾段也有着自己的 Do’s & Don’t:

根据上述 Do’s Don’ts 的结尾的特

点, 我们 总结上文中的论点 重复开头 也可以得到
相应的五 强调自己的观点 加入新的论点 大类作文的
结 尾 公 提出建议意见 给出消极观点 式:

句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 总结上述的问题产生原因
第2句 总结上述的问题解决方法
第3句 提出意见建议
Most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment,
discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 In conclusion, accident and traffic congestion might be the two major traffic problems in my country.
第2句 Severe fine and education could be some of the approaches to solving it.
第3句 Only through integrating such methods can we efficiently solve traffic problem.
同意不同意类(Agree or Disagree)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 让步肯定题干观点合理的部分
第2句 反差表达自己的观点
第3句 针对题目提出意见建议
Major airlines worldwide are increasing their airfare. In your opinion, do you think they should or should
not raise the airfare?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 In conclusion, major airlines do seems to have their groud for charging higher airfare.
第2句 However, I believe they should take into consideration the concerns of passengers.
第3句 Only if a balance between the two parties can be achieved, can such proposal bring us more pleasure rather than

观点比较选择类(Compare A and B)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 肯定两个观点都有可取之处
第2句 给出自己的观点
第3句 针对题目提出意见建议
Many people think music is an important role in society, others, however others believe music is just simply
a form of entertainment for individuals. What is your opinion?

句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 To sum up, although it is evident that music serves importance social role, those who believe it should stay pure
entertainment could also be supported.
第2句 Personally, I think music can well balance between being informative as well as being entertaining.
第3句 Only through integrating the two idea can music bring us more pleasure rather than pressure.

说明描述类 (Description)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 总结第一大类的描述
第2句 总结第二大类的描述
第3句 提出自己的意见建议
As most people spend a majority part of their adult life in work. Job satisfaction is an important part of
individual well-being. What are the factors contribute to the job satisfaction?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 To sum up, unfortunately there are indeed many people work to feed their hunger for money.
第2句 Still we can see many others are working towards a sense of achievement and fulfillment of interest.
第3句 Only through analyzing individual case can we identify the key factors contributing to one’s job satisfaction.

复合类 (Combination)
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 总结第一个问号
第2句 总结第二个问号
第3句 针对题目提出意见建议
Media are having more and more interest in celebrities and their life. Why are they so interested about
celebrities? What is your opinion about on this focus?
句子位置 句子应该完成的任务
第1句 In conclusion, people's thirst for news about celebrities is the major reason why media is interested in them.
第2句 Personally, I think media should not go too deep into lives of celebrities.
第3句 Only if celebrities' human right is protected can they better play their role in society.

段落的成型,再到段内观点的论述,最后是开头和结尾一一切开。更重要的是,这 21 句话的结构可适应





第四单元 Lexical Resource & Grammatical Range and Accuracy

本单元我们着手来给文章的骨架填上血肉。因为有了上面的万用 21 句结构,所以我们可以把词汇和句子
以通用到几乎任何一篇文章的 21 句结构所对应的句子位置。在这个单元里,笔者附上了 09 年全年学术
类大作文的范文和讲解。每一篇范文都是按照 21 句,3-5-5-5-3 的结构来谋篇布局。通过精读本单元里的

Commented [汤1]: It is no doubt that..常用套句

学术类大作文范文解析 Commented [汤2]: 背景句开头引入题目

Task 2:Some people believe that a range of technology increased gaps between rich people and poor people, Commented [汤3]: Lighter and cheaper,简单地道的表述
but other people believed it has opposite effects. Please discuss both views and give out you opinions. 响。

这是典型的观点比较选择类的题目: Commented [汤4]: Despite 为介词,直接接名词做介词

观点 A:科技增加了贫富差距 同意不同意类开头段第二句话,用来让步引出两个相反
观点或者不同观点。如 Despite A, B. 或者 Despite of the
观点 B:科技缩小了贫富差距 fact that A, B 等

Commented [汤5]: Fanatic, 狂热者

Commented [汤6]: 插入语,就算不是很多人,也有一些
It is no doubt that technology is developing rapidly towards lighter and cheaper. 人

毫无疑问科技正迅速地朝着更轻便更便宜的方向发展。 Commented [汤7]: 科技带来的魔法

Despite technology fanatics, some, if not many, believe the magic promised by certain technology is actually Commented [汤8]: 直译为撕开,此译为扩大,形象动词
短语替代 enlarge, extend 等,为词汇妙用
tearing up the gap between the financially advantaged and the disadvantaged.
Commented [汤9]: 直译为财力上占优势或劣势的人群,
尽管有着一些科技狂热者,也有一些人(如果不是很多人)相信科技带来的魔法实际上是在拉大贫富之 既富人或者穷人。为词汇妙用,替换老套的 the rich or
the poor.
间的差距。 Commented [汤10]: 强调文章严格遵守题目要求进行了
Through comparison, I believe with enough caution and awareness we could all better enjoy modern technology.
Commented [汤11]: 有了足够的认识和谨慎
Commented [汤12]: Enjoy 在这里的使用替代了 benefit
Indeed, in the short term certain technology could, unfortunately, draw a deeper line between the rich and poor. Commented [汤13]: Unfortunately, 副词,译为,很不幸

Commented [汤14]: 主题句,体现观点 A 的确有合理之
This can be particularly obvious on a worldwide level. 处。强调从短期效果来看

这在世界范围层面上尤其明显。 Commented [汤15]: Draw a line between A and B, 习语,

译为区别 A 和 B,这里改写使用,用形容词比较级 deeper
Less technologically advanced countries needs to buy patterns and intellectual properties from the more advanced 来体现题目中贫富差距“变大”的概念。使用 the rich and
poor 防止表达的重复,同时作为主题句不宜过长冗赘,
ones, these could easily add up to a monstrous bill that widens the gap. 短小有力为上。

科技欠发达的国家需要从较发达国家购买专利和知识产权,这些加起来很容易就会变成一张骇人的账单, Commented [汤16]: 简单句做论点句,并且将论点引到

世界层面具体讨论。 ...
Commented [汤17]: 科技上欠发达的国家
The well-know anti-HIV ‘cocktail’ therapy could be an appalling example.
Commented [汤18]: Patterns,专利,intellectual properties,
众所周知的抗艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法就是可以是一个令人震惊的例子。 Commented [汤19]: monstrous,怪物般的,吓人的

Greedy drug companies have been making filthy money by ripping or killing poor countries cursed by the terrible Commented [汤20]: bill,账单,词汇妙用,喻费用成本,
disease. Commented [汤21]: 解释上述第一个论点,因为要买专...

贪婪的制药公司一直在赚着肮脏的钱, 他们在敲诈着那些被这可怕的疾病诅咒的国家,或是把他们杀掉 。 Commented [汤22]: Anti-HIV,抗艾滋病;cocktail therapy

Commented [汤23]: Appalling,吓人的,令人震惊的

Commented [汤24]: 简单句引出大家都较了解的例子,...

For those countries with abundant natural resources but crippled technology this could also be a nightmare of the
Commented [汤25]: Greedy,贪婪的
same kind
Commented [汤26]: drug company,可以替换为 ...
Commented [汤27]: filthy money,肮脏的钱
As these countries might not have the proper technology to exploit their own natural resources, they might have
Commented [汤28]: 敲诈或者杀掉
to surrender a significant part of their own treasure of nature to those who come to exploit them.
Commented [汤29]: Curse,诅咒,cursed by,动词被动
由于这些国家可能没有适当的科技去开发他们自己的自然资源,他们有可能必须要将自己的自然宝藏中 Commented [汤30]: Abundant,丰富的
的很大一部分献给那些来开发这些资源的人。 Commented [汤31]: crippled,跛脚的,这里指欠发展的

The black gold should serve those underserved African people. Commented [汤32]: nightmare,噩梦;Of the same kind, 同

那些黑色的金子应该造福于那些没有得到服务的非洲人民 Commented [汤33]: surrender 投降,surrender sth to sb,给

Commented [汤34]: 自然的宝藏,喻自然资源。
Ironically, this oil has been used to help those wealthy westerners become even wealthier.
Commented [汤35]: 一语双关,因为 exploit 可以取义开
Commented [汤36]: The black gold,喻石油
For those who hate technology, as mentioned above, their feelings should be supported.
Commented [汤37]: 造福于那些没有被服务到的人
如上所述,对于那些痛恨科技的人, 他们的感受应该得到支持。
Commented [汤38]: Ironically,有讽刺意义得

Commented [汤39]: wealthy,富裕的,避免 rich 的重复,

In spite of the fact that the early stage of technology development might seems dark, let not forget it also be able Commented [汤40]: 段落小结
to help shrink the gap. Commented [汤41]: In spite of the fact that 的使用替换了
尽管科技发展的早期阶段看起来有些黑暗,不要忘记它也有能力帮助缩小这种差距。 Commented [汤42]: Shrink,直译缩水,此译缩小。定...

The development of transportation technology has already benefited many developing countries. Commented [汤43]: 转折句引出观点 B 也是有道理

Commented [汤44]: 支持观点 B 的论点

交通运输科技的发展已经造福了很多发展中国家 Commented [汤45]: Defeat,直译战胜,此译克服

With advanced methods of transportation, some developing countries could defeat being geographically isolated Commented [汤46]: geographically isolated,地理位置上
and have a better taste the perk of global economy.
Commented [汤47]: perk,额外的好处,同 tips
有了发达的交通运输方式,一些发展中国家可以不再畏惧地理上的孤立化并且可以更好的体验全球经济 Commented [汤48]: 解释上述论点
的好处。 Commented [汤49]: could be a fine example of this, 避免
了使用字数少,机械化,重复性强的 for example, for
Certain tourism countries could be a fine example of this. instance 等

一些旅游国家就可以个是很好的例子。 Commented [汤50]: 使用熟知的例子来证明论点

Low-cost and reliable modern transportation methods have brought them many tourists as well as foreign currency. Commented [汤51]: 外汇,喻财富或经济的发展

低成本又可靠的现代交通运输方式给他们带来了很多游客和外汇。 Commented [汤52]: 例子回证

Commented [汤53]: fairly distributed,合理分配

Commented [汤54]: Gulf,海湾,例如波斯湾(the Persian

To sum up, technology, if not fairly distributed, could turn the gap into the gulf. Gulf)
,在这里使用谐音前面的 gap,体现差距扩大,从沟
综上所述,如果不能够公平分配, 科技会使得这沟壑变成海湾。
Commented [汤55]: 总结句可定观点 A 的合理之处
While myself still believe technology itself could greatly help the poor if well adopted and adapted.
Commented [汤56]: Adopt and adapt,采用并且改良,实
但我自己依然相信如果能够被很好的采用并改良的话,科技本身可以大大地帮助贫困人口。 际等于 use,取之好好使用的意思。谐音押韵,为词汇的
To bridge the economic gap, we have the ability as well as the responsibility to make use of technology for the
sake of all. Commented [汤57]: 表达自己的观点,支持更加积极向
上的观点 B.
Commented [汤58]: Bridge the gap between A and B,缩
小 A 和 B 之间的差距

Task 2: Students at school and university learn far more from lessons with their teachers than other sources (for
Commented [汤59]: Have the ability as well as the
example, internet and television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? responsibility,有能力且有责任

典型的同意不同意类题目-A>B 型 Commented [汤60]: 提出倡议,升华文章主旨

既:是否同意学生在学校从老师上课学的比从其他来源(如网络或电视)学的多得多。 Commented [汤61]: Make use of sth for the sake of all,让...
A:从老师上课来学习 B:从其他媒体来学习
切题标准:A/B 都很有效,不能简单说一个就比另一个好,所以不同意。 Commented [汤62]: Online access,线上使用

Till 2009, MIT Open Courseware has published nearly 2,000 courses for online access all over the world. Commented [汤63]: 具体实例开头,更加生动的引入话
到 2009 年为止,麻省理工学院开放式课件总共发表了近两千个课程让大家可以在全球范围内免费通过
Commented [汤64]: Despite 的使用同上一篇文章,用来
互联网获得。 引出一方观点

Commented [汤65]: Many, if not most, still believe 就算不

Despite this, many, if not most, still believe the traditional chalking and talking still have unchallenged advantages 是大多数人,也有很多人相信,这里使用了插入语体现
over other media sources in education. 主体的程度。同上一篇中的 some, if not many, believe

Commented [汤66]: Chalking and talking,习语表达,

尽管如此,还是有很多人( 如果不是大多数人的话 ) 相信在教育中,传统的老师教学方式与比其他媒 chalk 直译为粉笔,这里指传统的老师一边用粉笔写字一
边讲课的授课方式。可泛用指传统教学方式。为词汇妙 ...
Commented [汤67]: Hold its ground,立场站的住
I believe such argument might not be able to hold its ground.
Commented [汤68]: 因所有此类的题目表态都是无法同...
Commented [汤69]: 不可否认得,常用本位置的开头方

It is undeniable that lectures have been and are still going to be an important part in education. Commented [汤70]: Have been and are still going to be 曾
不可否认,讲座式授课一直以来都是,并且也依然将会是教育的一个重要部分。 搭配作表语

Compared with other sources, teachers can achieve better simultaneous interaction with students in a classroom. Commented [汤71]: 主题句引出观点 A 的合理之处

Commented [汤72]: Achieve,得到,达到

Commented [汤73]: Simultaneous,即时的,同时的;
With strong interpersonal skills, teachers could comprehend students more efficiently and therefore could better Interaction,互动
adopt and adapt their teaching accordingly. Commented [汤74]: 使用简单的论点句引出论点

由于老师有很强的人际交往能力,他们可以更有效的了解学生并因此可以得更好的采用并改良相应的教 Commented [汤75]: Interpersonal skill,人际能力

学方法。 Commented [汤76]: Comprehend,理解,了解,等于

Excellent lecturers can always maintain pleasant rapport with students while delivering contents.
Commented [汤77]: Adopt and adapt 的又一次使用,依
然是表示更好的使用,同 use
Such rapport, in return, could help students to achieve higher learning effectiveness.
Commented [汤78]: Accordingly,相应得
Commented [汤79]: 因果关系展开解释上述论点

In spite of the fact that teachers have been proven an irreplaceable source in educating our younger, other sources Commented [汤80]: Maintain 保持
Pleasant 令人愉快的 ...
could also become a powerful teaching tool.
Commented [汤81]: 模糊例证来支持上述论点
Commented [汤82]: 使用了 such,有效地连接了上下文,
Multimedia can be the first advantage of media sources, such as TV, in education. Commented [汤83]: In return, 作为交换,体现与上述例

多媒体可以成为媒体源头在教育中(例如电视)的第一个优势。 Commented [汤84]: Higher 更高的,在这里替换重复出...

It can turn tedious teaching content into vivid and interesting material therefore better draw students' attention. Commented [汤85]: Learning effectiveness 学习效果,专

它可以将乏味的教学内容变成生动有趣的材料,因此可以更好的吸引学生注意力。 Commented [汤86]: 进一步解释例子如何能够回证到上...

For example, there are plenty of educational TV programs that are popular among schools, which is because they Commented [汤87]: Irreplaceable,不可取代的
have fully taken advantages of multimedia technology. Commented [汤88]: 转折句承上启下,将话题引入对观...

例如,有很多教学软件受到学校的欢迎。这正是因为他们全面利用了多媒体技术。 Commented [汤89]: 给出论点。使用了 AAA can be the...

Commented [汤90]: Tedious,乏味的

The Internet has also innovated the way teaching can be in modern life. Commented [汤91]: Turn sth into, 把某物变成某物

互联网也创新了现代生活中的教学方式。 Commented [汤92]: 因果关系解释上述观点

With the Internet, students could share teaching resources over the world freely. Commented [汤93]: 例证支持上述观点,模糊例证。

有了互联网,学生可以自由分享全世界的教学资源。 Commented [汤94]: 语法上使用了非限定性状语从句,...

Students can listen to lectures from Harvard or read articles from Cambridge and all of this shall thank to the Commented [汤95]: 并列结构,紧扣题干中的(for ...
Internet technology. Commented [汤96]: 进一步拓展解释上述论点 ...
Commented [汤97]: 所有这些都要感谢,常用套句,表...

Commented [汤98]: 使用具体事例例证上述论点。使用...

To sum up, I agree students can learn a lot from teachers in classroom. Commented [汤99]: 总结观点 A 的合理的地方。

Nevertheless, I found it far fetched to say this is simply the best source of education. Commented [汤100]: I found it far fetched to say that...我
然而我觉得,简单的说这是最好的教育之源的说法有些牵强。 通用
Other sources, as suggested here, could also bear significant educational value and shall not be understated. Commented [汤101]: 给出自己的观点:简单的论断 A>B
Commented [汤102]: As suggested here,如这里所讲,总

Commented [汤103]: Bear,拥有

Commented [汤104]: Shall not be understated,不应该被

淡视。Understate,淡化,淡视, 反义词为 overstate,夸

Task 2: People nowadays can choose any countries and anywhere to live and work, because of the improved
technology of communication and transport. Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?
这是典型的同意不同意,问号所在句直译为“其优点是否大于缺点?”。A>B 型。
Commented [汤105]: Be used to doing sth/sth, 习惯于做
切题点为优缺点兼备,不能够简单的说优点就一定大于缺点,所以不同意。 某事/某事

Commented [汤106]: 具体实例开头,生活形象化

Most oversea Chinese are already used to staying in contact with their families and friends in China via Skype or
Commented [汤107]: While 的使用将会非常常见,在后
MSN. 面的范文中会经常被用来引出一方观点

大部分的海外华人早已习惯了通过 Skype 或 MSN 与他们在中国的亲人朋友保持联系。 Commented [汤108]: 让步句子引出问题的两面性

While technology is making oversea living and working possible, this modern form of life sometimes could also Commented [汤109]: Dare not say,此译不敢说,属于间
cause small troubles.
Commented [汤110]: Optimal,最好的,最优的,可以用
当科技使得海外生活和工作成为了可能,这种现代的生活方式有时也会造成一些小麻烦。 来替换 the best

Personally, I dare not say living or working overseas is always the optimal choice for all. Commented [汤111]: 使用 such 巧妙的连接上文中所描述
Commented [汤112]: 使用 no doubt 强调肯定语气

Commented [汤113]: 使用 exciting 使写作更生动,更容

易吸引考官。比起使用 beneficial 或者 advantage 等都有
For working professionals, such development no doubt could be exciting.
对于工作的专业人士来说,这种发展无疑是令人兴奋的。 Commented [汤114]: 使用 suggest 提现可能性而不是绝
The possibilities of working overseas suggest more opportunities and better income.
Commented [汤115]: Domestic,国内的,室内的
Commented [汤116]: 使用,especially….可以做灵活的插
Compared to the limited domestic job market, especially in certain industries, a global view can match them with 入语,一来具体化范围,二来可以凑字数

more satisfactory position. Commented [汤117]: Headhunters,人力资源猎头

与有限的国内市场相比(尤其是某些行业),一个全球化的视野可以将他们找到更加令人满意的职位。 Commented [汤118]: Games,本意为游戏,这里随着前

面的 headhunters 一词取其另外一个意思为猎物
One good example of this is that headhunters are already looking for their games all over the world. Commented [汤119]: 使用 so 来衔接上文且避免重复
这方面的一个非常好的例子就是猎头们已经在全世界寻找他们的猎物。 Commented [汤120]: 使用 boost 的名词形式,取其意为
In doing so, they have helped many to achieve another boost in their career.
Commented [汤121]: Promising,有前途的有前景的
Commented [汤122]: 依然使用虽然但是结构来承上启

In spite of the fact that for some this could mean better opportunities, for others, this might not seem to be so Commented [汤123]: 使用 headache 来替换 problem,使
Commented [汤124]: Tackle,处理,解决
Commented [汤125]: Overseas recruitment,海外招聘
Unemployment might be the first headache that many need to tackle. Commented [汤126]: Talents,人才,才能
失业有可能第一个很多人要面对的头疼的问题。 Commented [汤127]: Brutal,残忍的,不人道的,为词
Due to overseas recruitment could also bring foreign talents to local job market and therefore the job competition
Commented [汤128]: 又一种替换 for example 的方式。
locally might become even more brutal. 且这种方式将套句部分放到了句子后部,避免了和 one
good example of this is that 形式上的重复。同时,使用
由于海外招聘也可能把外国人才带到本地就业市场,因此,本地的工作竞争也有可能变得更加残酷。 simplest 来形容例子,增加举例的生动性和个性。
Simplest 可以按照例子内容灵活换为其他形容词,如
Foreigner language teachers working in China could be the simplest example. fortunate,sad,fine,interesting 等
在中国工作的外国语言老师就可以是最简单的例子。 Commented [汤129]: ESL, English as a Second ...
The ever-increasing need for foreigner ESL teachers mirrors the fading away of Chinese ESL tutors in some Commented [汤130]: Mirror,本译为镜子(名词)
markets. Commented [汤131]: Fade away,慢慢的褪色淡去,凋 ...

对外籍英语教师的需求不断增加,这恰恰反映了中国籍英语老师在一些市场中的淡出。 Commented [汤132]: 用 on the other hand 替换 also,引...

Commented [汤133]: Seek,寻找,追寻

Commented [汤134]: Dilemma,进退两难的窘迫局面,

On the other hand, for those seeking living abroad, this could also be a dilemma.
Commented [汤135]: Evolve,进化,这里使用的是其形
Commented [汤136]: Conquer,攻克,征服 ...
Though the evolving technology has effectively conquered geographical barrier, cultural difference still persiss.
Commented [汤137]: Geographical barrier,地理障碍,...
Commented [汤138]: Persistent,持续的,长期存在的
Due to persistent difference between alien and local cultures, for many migrants it is not easy to blend into the Commented [汤139]: Alien,译为外来的,
mainstream. Commented [汤140]: Migrant,移民

由于长期存在的外来文化和本地文化之间的差异,对于很多移民来说要溶入主流并不容易。 Commented [汤141]: Blend into,溶入,blend 有搅拌的...

Commented [汤142]: Mainstream,主流

Recently it is not uncommon to see overseas Chinese returning homeland to live and work. Commented [汤143]: It is not uncommon to see 是比较通
最近海外华人归国居住和工作的情况并不少见。 技巧又凑字数
Besides the recent global recession, national identity is also an important reason calling them back. Commented [汤144]: Global recession,全球经济萧条,
Commented [汤145]: National identity,民族学专业词
In conclusion, for some, being able to work or live anywhere could be a bless.
Commented [汤146]: Call them back,呼唤他们回来,写
综上所述,对于一些人来说,能够去任何地方工作或生活可以是一种祝福。 作更加生动个性,加强与读者的沟通

But for others, this could bring them more unexpected concerns. Commented [汤147]: Bless,祝福,幸福,可做动词或名
词使用,反义词对应 curse(诅咒)
Commented [汤148]: 总结对于某个人群,题中观点有可
Only through considering a certain case can we say whether the advantages can triumph over the disadvantages. 能是好的。

只有考虑某一个具体事例的时候我们才能够说优点是否胜过缺点。 Commented [汤149]: Concerns,担忧,顾虑

Commented [汤150]: 总结个人看法,对于另外某个人


Commented [汤151]: Triumph,胜利,这里用作动词,

triumph over 译作胜过,替换 outweigh,为高分词汇。

Commented [汤152]: 提出需要具体情况具体分析才能够


Task 2 Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so rich countries
should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or
秉承“让进来,打回去”的思路,这个题目的切题点为: Commented [汤153]: It is not uncommon to see,使用双重
Commented [汤154]: 背景句通过使用体现问

Commented [汤155]: 使用 nonetheless 替换 however,或

From Africa to the Middle East, it is not uncommon to see the work of international financial aid.
者不 but。体现词汇的复杂程度
从非洲到中东,我们不难发现国际资助的成就。 Commented [汤156]: 使用 curse(诅咒)
述的问题,可以用来替换 problem,用来形容长期存在的
Nonetheless, poverty still remains a heavy curse on many of those being helped.
然而,对于那些被帮助的很多国家,贫穷依然是一个沉重的诅咒。 Commented [汤157]: 表态同意,但是是有条件的同意。
Personally I agree that other forms of aids should be integrated as well to better help them. 题目中所说完全否定资助。如前所述,此类题目的通病
来看如何去弊存利,如何去 agree to disagree(留同存疑)
integrate,整合,似 combine,但更强调优势结合
There is no doubt that diverse forms of aids are needed to combat poverty. Commented [汤158]: There is no doubt that,毫无疑问,等
于 undoubtedly,但是既多了字数又成了复合句。表强调
毫无疑问,要与贫困做斗争需要多样性的援助。 肯定态度,为常用套句,推荐
Sharing development-friendly technology could be the first step to take. Commented [汤159]: …-friendly 本译为亲…型,如
Commented [汤160]: …could be the first step to take.替换
With the potential to convert effectively into productivity, such technology can trigger economic growth in a short
Commented [汤161]: Potential, 潜力,潜在的,可做名
Commented [汤162]: Convert into,转化成为
Commented [汤163]: Productivity,生产力
Only if those least developed countries can healthily raise their own industries can they escape from relying on Commented [汤164]: Trigger,本译枪的扳机,此译为触
others. Commented [汤165]: Economic growth,经济增长

只有当那些最不发达国家能够健康地建立起自己的产业的时候,他们才能够脱离对其他国家的依赖。 Commented [汤166]: 专用搭配,简称 LDC

If not, however, they might be caught in the poverty trap where slow growth limits further investment and vice Commented [汤167]: 副词的使用可以让写作更加个性化

versa. Commented [汤168]: Only if… can sb do…典型的倒装句

Commented [汤169]: Escape,译为逃脱,写作更为生动

Commented [汤170]: 利用假设情况来例证,使用了条件
Commented [汤171]: The poverty trap,专用词汇,贫困陷
Commented [汤172]: Vice versa 直译为反之亦然,描述...
Another practical aids can be as simple as opening labor market to citizens of these countries.
Commented [汤173]: 利用反面假设来进一步例证,继续
另外一个可以采取的援助方式可以是很简单的,只要对这些国家得公民开放劳动市场就可以。 Commented [汤174]: 使用 another 来替换 secondly,
With them working overseas, their income level could be lifted and they might also become a major source of Commented [汤175]: 如。
。。般简单。可以替换之前的 ...
foreign currency for their countries. Commented [汤176]: 劳动力市场

但他们在海外工作的时候,他们的收入水平便能有所提高,并且他们也会成为他们国家的一个主要外汇 Commented [汤177]: 引出并列的第二种援助方法

来源。 Commented [汤178]: with sb doing sth, sb can do sth.可以

Commented [汤179]: foreign currency,外汇
Mexico could be used as an example of this type.
Commented [汤180]: 可以是一个很好的例子,用来替换
Commented [汤181]: 使用大家熟悉的具体实例
With huge amount of Mexican working in the states, legally or illegally, they are sending back quite a stunning
Commented [汤182]: 使用插入语,体现文章的严谨性,
number of dollars back to homeland each year.
Commented [汤183]: stunning,令人惊奇的
随着大量的墨西哥人在美国合法或非法的打工,他们每年都在寄回惊人数量的美金到他们的祖国。 Commented [汤184]: 描述例子如何很好的回证观点
If labor market can be opened to these countries, not only the case of illegal immigrants could be ceased, Commented [汤185]: 使用 not only..but also…,可以
developed countries could also get bargain labor force. Commented [汤186]: Illegal immigrants,非法移民

如果劳力市场可以对这些国家开放的话,不仅仅非法移民的问题可以得到抑制,发达国家也可以得到廉 Commented [汤187]: Bargain 价廉物美的

价的劳动力。 Commented [汤188]: 反差回证和条件状物从句 ...

Commented [汤189]: 替换 although,可以用来凑字数,

In spite of the fact that international financial aids did not seem to be the miracle pill, it is still an indispensable Commented [汤190]: miracle pill,直译为奇迹药丸,喻可...

Commented [汤191]: indispensable,不可缺少的。系雅...

part in this war against poverty. Commented [汤192]: this war against poverty,这场对贫穷
It prepares the social and economic infrastructure for future economic growth. Commented [汤193]: infrastructure,基本设施,同
foundation,basic facilities 等。常用词汇。
Commented [汤194]: 使用简单扼要的主题句引起读者的
With this money, hospitals and schools could be built and the starved could be fed for the moment, subsequently, 兴趣和疑问,然后在下一句的解释拓展中答疑解惑。一
they can have the possibility to develop local industry or to work overseas. 释拓展句无话可说
有了这笔钱,就可以建造医院和学校,并且暂时喂饱饥饿的人,然后,他们才能有可能去发展本地产业 Commented [汤195]: 依然是 with 表似乎因果关系的用

Commented [汤196]: the starved,饥饿的人
UN has been urging donating countries all over the world to increase the ratio of their financial aids in the last
Commented [汤197]: 为了保持 and 前后的一致性,前后
few years. 都用了被动语态

在过去的几年,联合国一直在督促世界上的捐赠国增加他们资助的比例。 Commented [汤198]: for the moment,暂时的

Commented [汤199]: subsequently,随之,然后,可以替

This could well support the fact that financial aids are not to be replaced. 换 then,后者过于简单
这就可以很好的证明,资金援助助是不能够被取代的。 Commented [汤200]: urge sb to do sth,督促某人作某
事,高分词汇,替换 ask sb to do sth

Commented [汤201]: donate,捐赠,

In conclusion, multidimensional aids are needed to help a country fight against poverty
Commented [汤202]: ratio,比率
Commented [汤203]: 使用指示代词避免重复上述例子,
Personally I cannot agree to the idea that financial aids are useless. 并且引出例子如何回证观点

个人来讲我不能够同意“资金援助是毫无用处”这种想法。 Commented [汤204]: multidimensional,多层的,多面

的,常用高分词汇,可以灵活使用来替换 different,
On the contrary, financial aids should be and have to be called for to better boost the effectiveness of other forms diverse,complex 或 complicated 等

of aids. Commented [汤205]: personally I cannot agree to the idea

Commented [汤206]: on the contrary, 反而言之。用

Commented [汤207]: Should and have to,应该而且必


Commented [汤208]: Boost,推动,可作动词或名词使用

Commented [汤209]: Effectiveness,有效性,效果

TASK 2 Development in technology is causing environmental problems. Some people think that the solution is
for everyone to accept a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve these problems. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
这个是科技与环保的题目,属于观点比较选择类的题目要求。观点 A 是回归简单来环保,观点 B 是使用
A carbon-neutral life has become not just a fashion but also a trend in many countries lately. Commented [汤210]: 炭中性生活,不产生炭排放

最近,在世界上炭中性的生活方式不仅仅是一种时尚,而是已经成为了一种趋势。 Commented [汤211]: 常用套句

While many regards a simpler way of life like this could save the planet, technology fanatic still believe science Commented [汤212]: 背景描述开头

and technology is the panacea in this. Commented [汤213]: technology fanatic,科技热衷者

Commented [汤214]: panacea,解决方法,万灵药

Personally, I do not see the two options as mutually exclusive. Commented [汤215]: 常用表态套句


There is no doubt that environmental salvation beckons for a simpler lifestyle. Commented [汤216]: 拯救环境

毫无疑问,拯救环境呼唤着更简单的生活方式。 Commented [汤217]: beckon for,呼唤,号召

On top of the list, such a lifestyle could dramatically relieve green house effect. Commented [汤218]: dramatically,戏剧化的,大大的

首先,这样的生活方式可以大大的减轻温室效应。 Commented [汤219]: relieve sth,减轻,舒缓

A modern lifestyle is featured with machines that generate high carbon emission, while a simpler lifestyle could Commented [汤220]: be featured with,
avoid overreliance on machines and therefore, curtailing such emission.
Commented [汤221]: carbon emission,炭排放
Commented [汤222]: overreliance,过度依靠
Commented [汤223]: curtail,减少,缩减
One simple example can be avoiding unnecessary driving on a daily basis. Commented [汤224]: 常用举例套句
一个简单的例子就是避免日常的不必要的开车。 Commented [汤225]: on a daily basis,日常基础

Excessive driving emits redundant green house gases and walking could easily halve that problem or even lower. Commented [汤226]: excessive,过度的,过量的

过度的开车排放过剩的温室气体,而走路可以简单的将这个问题减半或甚至降到更低。 Commented [汤227]: redundant,多余的

Commented [汤228]: 常用套句

A simpler lifestyle could also directly truncate pollution on environment. Commented [汤229]: truncate,截断

Commented [汤230]: eradicate,根除
To simplify one’s life is to eradicate rampant consumption and wastefulness, hence we could reduce what ends
Commented [汤231]: 疯狂的消耗和浪费
up in landfills. Commented [汤232]: landfill,垃圾堆,垃圾填埋处

Consumers are brainwashed by media to constantly replace electrical appliances with the latest models. Commented [汤233]: be brainwashed by,被。

消费者被媒体洗了脑,不停地要把家里的电器更新换代。 Commented [汤234]: electrical appliances,家用电器

The old ones are then abandoned somewhere and they might need hundreds of years to degrade. Commented [汤235]: abandon,抛弃

旧的电器然后就被抛弃到某个地方,要花费数百年的时间让他们降解。 Commented [汤236]: degrade,降解

These reasons above are all supporting the pursuit of simplicity in life. Commented [汤237]: 对简单的追求


Despite the fact that a simpler lifestyle can indeed solve environmental problems, let not deny that technology Commented [汤238]: 不要否认;常用套句
could also be utilized to facilitate the progress. Commented [汤239]: be utilized to facilitate,被用来帮助

尽管一个更加简单的生活方式的确可以解决环境问题,我们也不该否认科技也可以被用来来协助这个过 Commented [汤240]: 承上启下引出另一个观点

Technology promised human race more powerful tools in tackling such problems.
The advancement of technology extend the boundary of our ability hence we can make more impossible possible. Commented [汤241]: 延伸了我们能力的界限

科技的进步延伸了人类能力的界限,因此我们可以让更多的不可能变成可能。 Commented [汤242]: 将很多不可能变成了可能

The development in alternative energy could be an optimistic example. Commented [汤243]: 可以是个令人乐观的例子

Through promoting clean and sustainable energy, a simpler lifestyle could also enjoy the convenience of Commented [汤244]: 清洁的可持续的能源
technology and automation while not damaging the environment. Commented [汤245]: 科技和自动化


To sum up, I do agree returning to simplicity in life could be the simplest and most effective way for every single
person to save the planet.
Commented [汤246]: weapon,武器
However, technology could also be our powerful weapon in fighting dreadful environment problems.
Commented [汤247]: be our weapon in fighting…成为我们
然而,科技也可以成为我们与可怕的环境问题作斗争的强大的武器。 与。。。作斗争的武器;常用套句
Only through integrating the two, instead of alienating them, could we achieve the victory sooner. Commented [汤248]: dreadful,可怕的

只有通过整合两者,而不是分化两者,我们才能更早得到胜利。 Commented [汤249]: 两段表态

Commented [汤250]: instead of,而不是

Commented [汤251]: victory,胜利

TASK 2 Some think that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve, while others think
that individuals can take some action. What is your opinion?
Commented [汤252]: Carbon neutral life,专用词汇,无炭
典型的观点比较选择类的题目,为旧体变形。旧题为 生活,既生活中尽量不要产生炭基的污染物。
Some people believe that it should be the government and business organization to be responsible for Commented [汤253]: 不仅是时尚而是一种趋势,常用搭
environmental protection and individuals cannot do much about it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Commented [汤254]: 背景描述开头来引出话题
此类题目的切题点通用,既观点 A(环境问题对于个人来说太大)和观点 B(个人还是能够采取一些行
Commented [汤255]: despite that, 尽管那样,常用在此
动)都有一定道理。范文如下: 位置让步引出另外一个观点。推荐套句,以后会经常见
Living a carbon neutral life is becoming not only a fashion but also a trend for modern people in some countries.
Commented [汤256]: Concerns,顾虑,担忧,常用词汇。
对于某些国家的现代人来说,过无炭生活已经不再仅仅是一种时尚,而是正在成为一种趋势。 很多人之所以持反对意见只是因为有自己的顾虑,且其
Despite that, many people still see environmental problem too big for individuals to handle.
Commented [汤257]: 拯救我们的星球,使用生动表达的
尽管如此,很多人依然认为环境问题过于庞大,个人无法应付。 方法来避免一直重复 protect environment

Though their concerns could be understood, I still believe individuals are the key to saving our planet. Commented [汤258]: 让步描述并且表态

Commented [汤259]: pessimist, 悲观主义者

Commented [汤260]: easily,使用副词增加写作的个性。

Commented [汤261]: Scare them away,把他们吓走,生动

For those pessimists, the scale of environmental problems could easily scare them away. 的表达有些人不敢支持。

对于那些悲观者,环境问题的程度会很容易把他们吓跑。 Commented [汤262]: 通过界定人群来引出一方观点

Their first concern might be that they do not have the money to make a change. Commented [汤263]: 第一个顾虑有可能是,常用套句用
Commented [汤264]: Make a change=make a
Since media inputs are suggesting, unintentionally, to build an environment-saving program might need millions difference,译为做出改变,喻产生影响

Commented [汤265]: Unintentionally,无意得

of dollars, they simply feel that their donation seems to be powerless.
Commented [汤266]: Simply,使用副词体现个性,此译为
因为媒体的灌输无意中在暗示着建造一个拯救环境的项目需要数百万元,他们实在感觉他们的捐赠是毫 “实在是”

无用处的。 Commented [汤267]: Celebrity,名流,名人,替换 famous

When seeing those celebrities writing checks to environment organization, they might subconsciously feel that
Commented [汤268]: Write check to sb,开支票给某人,
this is not their business. 此喻捐钱给某人

当看到那些名流名士给环境组织捐钱的时候,他们有可能下意识的感觉这不关他们的事。 Commented [汤269]: Subconsciously,潜意识上得

Feeling so powerless, they might consequently choose to step down and watch. Commented [汤270]: Consequently, 最终

Commented [汤271]: Step down 走下来,让位,此喻退


Commented [汤272]: 为了避免与上一段观点句结构重

Time might be another perspective that they looked at when deciding no to do anything.
当他们决定什么也不做的时候,时间有可能是他们所考量的另外一个方面。 Commented [汤273]: Perspective=aspect,译为方面,层

Subjectively, they might think only after a long period of time can environment really be improved. Commented [汤274]: Subjectively,主管来说,常用在 PRR
Commented [汤275]: 使用倒装句
Compared with their own short but heavily packed life on earth, they might feel pointless in trying to make any
Commented [汤276]: 直译为严重塞满的人生,此喻忙碌
change. 的人生

They could have planted a tree in their backyard and watched it grow. Commented [汤277]: could have done sth,表示本可
Commented [汤278]: 假设例证
However, they might feel it is too long to wait or one single tree could make no difference then why bother do it.
然而,他们有可能觉得时间太久而无法等待,或者一个树本身也改变不了什么,那么干嘛还要这么麻烦 Commented [汤279]: why bother do it 何必费心去做


In spite of the fact that such pessimistic feelings could be understood, let this not be the excuse to surrender our Commented [汤280]: 转折套句再现,替换 although
responsibilities. Commented [汤281]: let this not be,让这不要成为.

尽管这种悲观想法可以被理解,不要让这成为逃避我们责任的借口。 Commented [汤282]: surrender,直译投降,此译放弃,

替换 give up。高分词汇,推荐使用。
Every single person has the abilities as well as the responsibilities to save the environment.
Commented [汤283]: 有责任且有义务去作某事,等于
每一个人都有责任且有义务去拯救环境。 could and should do sth,英文经典搭配,常用高分词
With everyone on the same line to protect the green in our life, this power could easily build up stunning dynamic.
Commented [汤284]: On the same line,直译在同一条线
当每一个人都在一起去保护我们生活中的绿色的时候,很容易这股力量就能汇聚成令人震惊的动力。 上,此译在一起

Commented [汤285]: The green,绿色,此喻环境

If everyone started to donate even a single cent to environment program, it can still add up to millions.
Commented [汤286]: Stunning,惊人的,前面出现过
Commented [汤287]: Dynamic,动态,动力,可作名词或
If we do not start today, then it would be our children to suffer the consequence. 形容词,可以用来替换 power。推荐使用

如果我们不从今天开始,那么承受后果的将会是我们的孩子。 Commented [汤288]: 使用 Even a single 来强调一分钱的


Commented [汤289]: 假设例证,条件状语从句

To sum up, we have pessimists as well as optimists along the cause of saving the environment.
Commented [汤290]: Suffer the consequence,承受后果。
综上所述,在拯救环境的事业上我们有悲观的人也有乐观的人。 常用表达形式,推荐。

Personally, I believe every one can start doing so from their daily life. Commented [汤291]: 反差回证,条件状语从句

Commented [汤292]: Pessimist,悲观人士,optimist,乐

个人来说,我相信每一个人可以从他们的日常生活开始这么做。 观人士
Only through this can environment problems be solved efficiently. Commented [汤293]: Cause,此译为目标,理想,事业

只有通过这样,环境问题才可以被有效的解决。 Commented [汤294]: Only through this, can sb do sth,只


TASK 2 Some people believe that improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities, others
believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it. Discuss both opinions and present your
典型的观点比较选择类的题目。切题方法同上。观点 A(增加体育运动设施)和观点 B(采取其他方法)
Lately, President Obama has just passed his new health care plan. Commented [汤295]: 使用时事为例,拉近考官距离

Regarding how to improve public health, infrastructure, such as hospitals or sports facilities, no longer remains Commented [汤296]: 从举例中点出题目
the sole area to be discussed. Commented [汤297]: no longer,不再是,体现问题的发展
Commented [汤298]: sole,唯一的
Personally, I believe new measures should be adopted and adapted to better secure public health.
Commented [汤299]: adopt and adapt,采纳并且改良,这
个人来说,我相信新的措施应该被采纳并改良,从而更好的确保公众健康。 里是其被动语态的用法

Commented [汤300]: secure,确保

For those who are against building more sports facilities, they do have some even delicious idea. Commented [汤301]: 指出了单一人群,有利于进一步的
Commented [汤302]: 用 delicious 来形容想法,充分体
They believe education could be a more crucial link in securing public health. 现词汇妙用,增加个性

他们相信教育可以成为确保公众健康的一个更加关键的环节。 Commented [汤303]: crucial link,关键的环节

Due to the fact that students could be better educated on healthy lifestyle, therefore, this could fundamentally Commented [汤304]: 等于 because。很多同学怀疑是否
可以用 because 之类的做句子开头,实际上是可以的。
improve public health from every single person. 如 Emily Dickinson 的著名诗句 "Because I could not
stop for Death—He kindly stopped for me."
Commented [汤305]: 使用从句表示因果关系开头虽然有
During the latest H1N1/swine flu pandemic, schools at all levels are required to provide students knowledge about 些非正式,但依然是正确的形式。
how to avoid infection. Commented [汤306]: Fundamentally,基本上

在最近的猪流感疫情期间,各级学校都被要求提供学生关于如何避免感染的知识。 Commented [汤307]: H1N1/swine flu 猪流感,pandemic

Thanks to this, we can now control the monster to a certain extent.
Commented [汤308]: At all levels,各级或各层
Commented [汤309]: Thanks to sth,受益于某物。常用表

Environment protection also wins the hearts of those looking for another straw. Commented [汤310]: Trigger,同上,译为触发

环境保护也赢得了那些另寻希望的人的芳心。 Commented [汤311]: Severer,严重的

Since many diseases can be triggered by severer environmental pollution, hence, improving the environment can Commented [汤312]: Hence,因此,同 therefore,
thus,so 等
directly reduce the number of pollution-related diseases and improve public health as a whole.
Commented [汤313]: As a whole,从整体上,发音的时候
It is not uncommon to see many cities over the world are moving heavy industries out and place them where has Commented [汤314]: 常用双种否定表肯定的形式,之前
a lower population density.
Commented [汤315]: 使用地点状语从句
Commented [汤316]: population density,人口密度,
In doing so living environment would be greatly improved and public health would be better assured.
With proposals like these, people are turning away from believing in building sports facilities. Commented [汤317]: proposal,提议,提案

有了像这样的提议,人们在逐渐离弃建造更多的运动设施的想法。 Commented [汤318]: turn away from,离开,这里指不再


In spite of the fact that all the concepts suggested above no doubt needs to be taken, maintaining sports Commented [汤319]: 又见凑字句式
infrastructure is either something that shall be forgot. Commented [汤320]: 也不应能该被忘记,常用套句,推
Its value weighs far more than providing people equipment when they want to exercise. Commented [汤321]: 某事的价值远远大于。

Commented [汤322]: …的迅速成长,常用套词,前面有
The mushrooming of sports facilities can well publicize the notion of regular physical exercise, which is a crucial 出现过

element of a healthy lifestyle. Commented [汤323]: publicize,宣传

Commented [汤324]: notion=idea,观点,想法

体育设施的迅速成长可以很好地宣传保持有规律的体育运动的观点, 而这正是健康生活方式的一个关
Commented [汤325]: regular,有规律的,
Commented [汤326]: 使用非限定性状语从句
For those who feel too busy to exercise, putting sports facilities at the tip of people’s hands can help them escape
Commented [汤327]: 固定到具体人群,使用模糊例证
no more and take up regular sports actively.
Commented [汤328]: put sth at the tip of sb’s hand,把某
对于那些觉得太忙而不能锻炼的人,提供运动设施到他们触手可得的地方可以帮助他们不再逃避并主动 物放到某人触手可得的地方。常用套词,可以用来表达
开始规律性的运动。 Commented [汤329]: Escape,逃离,逃脱,此为词汇妙
One good example of this can be that gym studios spring up in every major city worldwide and they are amazingly
Commented [汤330]: Do sth actively,主动作某事
Commented [汤331]: “举例常用从句套句”再现!
一个此类的好例子就是在世界上的每个主要城市,健身房不断涌现并且受到令人惊讶的欢迎。 再次推荐! !

Commented [汤332]: Spring up,涌现

In conclusion, a multidimensional approach needs to be taken to improve public health. Commented [汤333]: Multidimensional,多面的,多维
Commented [汤334]: Cause, 这里取其“事业,目标”
Personally, I think building sports facilities are still essential in this cause. 的意思

Commented [汤335]: In the long run,从长期来说
In the long run, all measures needs to be integrated to achieve the most efficiency. Commented [汤336]: To achieve the most efficiency,从而

第五章 雅思写作小作文
先, 在雅思考试中常出现的图表作文共 8 大类,而各类图表的功能侧重也略有不同.这其中有描述数据
在 Task 1 中,考生被要求在短时间内通过筛选,将图表中最重要的点表达出来,而次要的信息点则可以
一笔带过或者忽略不写.对于广大考生来讲,图表作文的难点不在于词汇语法,因为区区 150 字的要
整体趋势(Overall trend):多出现于线图,柱状图和表格,饼图不能够表到趋势,柱状图和表格若有连续
相似相异(Similarities & Differences):包括数值和趋势的相似相异;存在于线图(如曲线的交叉),柱状
最大最小(Maximum & Minimum):数值上的极值,峰顶谷底.
这个点的数据.例如下面的这个来自剑 6 学术类第二套题目的例子:
The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England 
between 1985 and 2000.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting 
the main features, and make comparisons where

最大最小:开车在两年里都是对应最大的数值,1985 年出租车对应的数值和 2000 年自行车对应的数值

The overall distance traveled per person per year mirrored an obvious increase by all means of transportation.
With 4740 miles in 1985, the number shot up to 6475 in 2000. (数据)

Comparing the data from two year, except the distance traveled by walking and bicycle showed no apparent
difference, other forms of transportation have all experienced dramatic change. (主题)
While other data changed significantly, the miles covered by walking and bicycle hovered around 250 and 40-
50 respectively.(数据)

In both years, car was apparently the most popular form of transportation. (主题)
People drove 3199 miles in 1985 and that number easily rocketed to 4806 miles in 2000. (数据)

The least favored form of transportation in 1985 was Taxi and that has title shifted to bicycle in 2000. (主题)
In 1985, distance per person per year covered by taxi only counted to 13 miles and averagely people only
traveled 41 miles by bicycle in 2000, the lowest in that year. (数据)
In contrast, it is interesting to see despite all other forms of transportation have been gaining popularity,
people traveled less by bicycle, walking and local bus. (主题)
The miles covered by these three forms of transportation dropped correspondingly from 55 to 41, 255 to 237,
and from 429 to 274.(数据)

1. ………., rising from …. to……(趋势+动词 ing)
2. ………. It started with….and rose to(趋势+另起一句)
3. ………, which rocketed from …. To…..(趋势+which 从句)
4. ………..( from….to….). (趋势+括号内数据)

第一段: 总共有几个图,什么类型的图,图的特点,图的主题
第二段: 图中的趋势最值,相似相异和相反;如果有多图的话可以按照图的数量或其分组
The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.
Summarize the information by selecting ad reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.

There is a line chart/graph describing/depicting/illustrating the change of people’s preference for different kinds of meat
(chicken, beef, lamb and fish) in a European country over the period between 1979 and 2004.
In general, the consumption of lamb fell dramatically during the period (from 150 grams per person per week to barely over
50). Similarly, the consumption of beef also experienced steep drop during the same period, plunging from approximately 220
grams per person per week to just a little over 100. On the contrary/In contrast, people showed more favor for chicken between
1979 and 2004. In 1979, averagely one person consumed 150 grams of chicken per week and in 2004, that number easily spiraled
up to 250 grams per person per week. In comparison, however, it is interesting to see the consumption of fish remained rather
stable during this time, which hovered around 50 grams per person per week, despite a slight decrease. In 1979, fish remained
the least popular food for people in this country while beef ranked the most favored. In 2004, fish managed to hold its position
at the bottom, however, chicken has overtaken beef and become the most popular meat.
In overview, after decades of drastic change, chicken has become increasingly popular in this country.
The pie charts below show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

There are four pie charts describing proportion of units of electricity produced with different/varied/diverse fuels (coal, oil,
natural gas, hydro power and nuclear) in Australia and France in two years (1980 and 2000 respectively).
In general, the total production of electricity in Australia almost doubled from 1980 to 2000 (from 100 units to 170 units).
Similarly, electricity produced by coal also experienced sharp increase. Occupying half of the total production in 1980 (50 units),
its percentage rocketed to more than 3 quarters in 2000 (130 units). In contrast, however, the importance of natural gas and oil
in electricity production has dramatically diminished, felling from 20 units and 10 units respectively to merely/only 2 units in
In comparison, the total production in France also doubled over the two decades (from 90 units to 180). The most
significant/remarkable/obvious increase resided/resident with the proportion of nuclear power. It started with only 15 units in
1980 and the number soared up to 126 units in 2000, ranking the most important source of energy in France. Differently/It is
interesting to see that the proportion of electricity produced by coal and oil almost stayed unchanged over this period,
nonetheless, hydro power and natural gas both fell to be less significant/vital (from 5 and 25 respectively to 2)
In overview, remarkable increase in total production and changes of major energy source could be easily identified in both
The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. 
You should
write at least 150 words. 
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

There is a bar chart describing the difference of people’s preference for diverse forms of transportation in an European
country in three years accordingly (1960, 1980 and 2000).
In 1960, bus was the most favored form of transportation for daily commuters, occupying approximately 38%. In sheer
constrast, car was the least popular one among people (around 6%). Similarly, car remained the least preferred form of
transportation/vehicle in 1980, despite a dramatic increase from consisting 7% to 21%. The percentage of commuters travelling
on tube recorded a similar percentage in this year (barely over 21%). The most popular forms of transportation went to public
transportation as train and bus (around 25%). In 2000, however, car has grown to be the most favored way to travel among
people. The percentage of people choosing cars consisted barely under 40%. On the contrary, few people were willing to
commute by bus (15%).

In overview, while private way to travel has become increasingly popular, fewer people would like to commute by public
transportation in 2000
The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain according 
to sex and age. Write a report
for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

There are three bar charts showing the different percentage of purchase of three types of music (Pop, Rock and Classical music) by people of
different age groups and gender.
In general, it is obvious classical music is the least popular type of music among people, except for people aging above 45, who showed the
most interest in it on the contrary (20%). In contrast, people aged over 45 consist the smallest group purchasing Pop (10%) and Rock music (9%). For
the age group of 16-24,25-34 and 35-44, their percentage shows similarities regarding both type of music, which is around 28-30%. (With age group
25-34 occupying slightly higher percentage than the others)
Under all three music categories, males showed a stronger purchasing power than female, ranking around 30% in Pop and Rock and 10% in classical
music while the percentage of female purchasers reaches only 20% and 8% correspondingly.
Overall, as age climbs up, Pop and Rock music sells best among people between 16 and 34. However, people’s interest in these two categories
starts to fall after 35.Interest in classical music grows with time, despite being least favored by the age group 35-44.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the table below.
You should write at least 150 words. 
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

There is a table offering data on time spent on 6 forms of leisure activities (……) among different age groups( ).
In general, along people age, they tend not to participate in socializing with 4 peopl or more. Teenagers and 20 somethings
averagely spend 350 hours on socializing with a larger group. When they reached their 34s and 40s, that numbered
easily/dramatically dropped to only 50 hours and it halved to 25 hours when they get older (50s and 60s and 70+). Similarly,
group exercise and sports are also loosing their popularity as people get older (from 450 hours among teens to 50 hours among
50s). According to this table, when people aged over 60, they do not spend any time on such activities. In contrast, solitary
activities are gaining popularity as people age. Teens spend 150 hour per year on socializing with 4 or less people and when they
reach their 60s they spend averagely 200 hours on such activities. Among these 6 activities, people at all age groups spend most
time on watching TV/videos/watching Tv/video is always the most popular forms of preference. Teenagers and those over 70s
spend more than a thousand hours on this per year. For people at other age groups, watching tv/video also takes them around
600 hours per year. On the contrary, going to cinema is the least favored activity among all people. Even for teenagers, they only
spend 100 hours on going to cinema per year.
In overview, people at different age level tend to spend diverse amount of time on these activities.


There is a diagram illustrating the components of a device to obtain water from wilderness and how it works.
The device consists of two parts in general. On the top there is a pane and a plastic film. The plastic film is fixed onto the
plane by using four stones on each corner. The bottom part consist of a small container just beneath the plastic film , and some
plants around it. A larger container encompasses/holds these plants and supports the plane on top as well.
The whole process to get water can be described into 3 stages. To start with, the device is put under the sun so plants can emit
water in the form of gas. This gas goes up through the plastic film since it weighs lighter than air. In the second stage, this gas is
cooled down when it touches the plastic film and then it can be turned back into liquid. Finally, this water/liquid can drip down
through a slight opening in the center of the plastic film and directly into the container beneath it.
In overview, this is a simple but effective device to obtain water from nature.


There is a diagram illustrating the process to manufacture bricks for building purpose.
In general the whole process can be described as 3 stages. In the first stage, a disproportionate amount of clay is dug out
from earth by diggers. This clay is then broken into smaller chunks through a metal grid and then carried away by a roller. Sand
and water is added to enhance strength. By using a wire cutter or a mould, either solid bricks or hollow ones can be produced
accordingly. In the second stage, these bricks are put in a drying oven to dehydrate. The heating process after that starts from
200-980 c in a kiln to 870-1300 c, which is followed by 48- 72 hours of cooling down in a cooling chamber. The whole process
easily wraps up/finishes with packaging and delivering. These bricks would be readily packed and transported by trucks or lorries
to divers construction sites.
In overview, this is a simple but efficient process to produce bricks.


There are three diagrams illustrating the development of a town called Kelsby in 1760, 1980 and 2000 respectively.
In general, local population has experienced significant increase/boost during this period. Started from only 100 homes in
1760, local population easily doubled to 200 homes in 1980 and in 2000, the number soared up to 500 homes. Alongside the
booming of population, local road/transport system has also developed remarkably. In 1760, there was neither a bridge nor any
road in Kelsby. In 1980, a bridge was built/erected across the river to the west of this town and a road was also built/established
to connet the town to the bridge. Another new road was built/is expected to be built reaching to the south of Kelsby. In stark
contrast, the size of farm and forest shrinked drastically in this small town. In 1980, the size of farm and forest has already havled
their original/former/previous size and in 2000 none of them existed anymore. Interestingly, in 2000, more new facilities was
brought to Kelsby. New schools and sports fields were built to the south of Kelsby. A large area of wetlands for birds emerged to
the bottom left of school areas, sitting/locating/residing just near the river. A string of shops were also launched along the
riverside/right bank of the river.
In overview, Kelsby has developed dramatically into a more populated town.

2017 年学术类大作文真题
Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be
compulsory subject in high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in
the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Somebody thinks job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others hold
the opposite view: job permanent is much more important. Discuss both views and give your own

The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public
transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Do you agree or disagree?

In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for
being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?

Some people think that "vertical "City is the best, where people live and work in tall
buildings. Others think that "horizontal" City is better, where there is few tall buildings. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler
without using the technology. Agree or disagree?

Some people want the government to spend more money looking for life on other
planets, while others think it is a waste of public money and there are many problems on the earth.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Most young people leave school with a negative attitude toward learning. Why do you
think this is happening? What can be done to encourage them to have a positive Attitude?

Children can learn effectively through watching TV. Therefore children should be
encouraged to watch TV regularly both at home and at school.

Some said teachers’ main role is to transmit the information. Nowadays students are
exposed to many kinds of information, so the role of the teacher will not work in modern education.
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In the past, knowledge were stored in books, now knowledge are stored in Internet, do
you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

In many countries, people decide to have children at a later age than in the past? Why?
Do advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

In the past, people lived in the same place in their life. However, it is common that now
people change their place where they live several times during their life. What are the reasons for this?
Is it a positive or negative development?

17-4-22 Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects. Others t
hink it has negative social effects because individuals are not satisfied with w ho they are and what
they have. Discuss both views and give your own opini on.

17-4-29 Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to their study in

school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?

17-5-6 Some people think that young people who commit serious crime should be
punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

17-5-13 In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food imported
from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

17-5-20 The government should control the amount of violence in films and on
television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or

17-5-25 Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad

consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement?

17-6-3 Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or

17-6-8 Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such
as those related to science and technology.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

17-6-17 Some people think a country benefits a large proportion of young people
university educated. others think sending young people to universities lead to graduate
unemployment, discuss both views and your opinion.

17-6-24 government funding for universities should only be provided for top students.
all other fees should be collected from student fees and private sponsors, agree or not?

17-7-8 In parts of world, children have more freedom than they used have. Do you
think it is a positive or negative development?

17-7-15 Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think
parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

17-7-20 More attention is paid to being “responsible tourists” in order to preserve the
cultural and environmental aspects of tourist places. However, some people think it is impossible to be
a “responsible tourist” in the society. To what extant do you agree or disagree?

17-7-29 In many cities, planners build shops, schools, offices and homes in specific
areas which may be separated from each other, do you think the advantages outweigh the

17-8-3 Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area
rather than develop a wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

17-8-12 Some groups of people are beneficial from modern communication

technology, but some of them think they are not beneficial from these. To what extent do you agree or

17-8-19 In recent years pressure on school and university students has been increasing
and they are pushed to work very hard from a young age. Do you think this is a positive or negative

17-8-26 Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, but it is
essential to be involved in other activities.To what extend do you agree or disagree?

17-9-9 Some people think that any money spent by the government in supporting
artist (such as painters, musicians and writers) should be spent on more important things.To what
extant do you agree or disagree?

17-9-16 An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence
several times in their lives.Is it a positive or negative development?

17-9-21 Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens
have a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individuals should be responsible for their own diet
and health.Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

17-9-30 In some countries, the widespread use of the Internet has given people more
freedom to work or study at home, instead of travelling to work or college. Do the advantages
outweigh disadvantages?

17-10-5 It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We
can learn from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

17-10-14 Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful
members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

17-10-21 Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the
government, while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

17-10-28 Nowadays, people can choose the place they live and work because of the
development of communication technology and transport. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

17-11-2 Some people believe that it is a good idea to continue to work at their old age.
Do you agree or disagree?

17-11-4 Some people say that the government should spend money on measures to save
languages that are used by few speakers, while others believe that it is a waste of financial resources.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

17-11-11 Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is a

negative or positive development?

17-11-25 As major cities around the world are growing fast and many problems occur.
What are the problems that young people live in cities are caused by continued growth? What
solutions do you suggest?

17-12-2 Too much money is spent in maintaining and repairing old buildings, some
people think that them should be knocked down and give way to the modern buildings. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

17-12-9 A rise in the standard of living in a country seems to only benefit cities than
rural areas. What problems might this difference cause? How might the problems be reduced?

17-12-14 In many countries, more and more men are staying at home to look after their
children when women work full-time.What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development?

17-12-16 Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on
both individual and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Writing Task 1: checklist
Here's my preparation checklist for writing task 1.
 Know what the six types of question are (e.g. line graph...).
 Try several real test examples of each type.
 Practise paraphrasing the question to write introductions.
 Understand why we don't write a conclusion for task 1.
 Know how to write an 'overview', and what to include in this paragraph.
 Practise selecting key information, rather than describing everything.
 Be able to write good 'comparing' sentences.
 Be able to describe changes and trends (e.g. increase, decrease).
 Be able to use the passive to describe steps in a process.

IELTS Writing Task 1: the overview

A current examiner recently told me that the most common mistake in students' task 1
answers is that there is no overview.
So what makes a good overview? Here are a few tips:
 An overview is simply a summary of the main things you can see.
 Because the overview is so important, I recommend putting it at the beginning of
your report, just after the introduction sentence.
 I write two overview sentences. A one-sentence overview I
sn't really enough.
 Try not to include specific numbers in the overview. Save the specifics for later
 Look at the 'big picture' e.g. the overall change from the first year to the last year (if
years are shown on the chart), the differences between whole categories rather than
single numbers, or the total number of stages in a process.

IELTS Writing Task 1: where to put the 'overview'

People often ask me why I put the overview (summary) after the introduction instead of
at the end of my task 1 reports.
I tell my students that they can choose where to put the overview. It's fine to put it after
the introduction, and it's fine to put it at the end - your score will be the same either way.
However, there are 2 reasons why I personally prefer to put the overview after
the introduction, rather than at the end:
1. I find it easier and more logical to begin with the general information and main features
before I describe specific details.
2. The overview is very important, so I think we should prioritise it. If you want a high score,
your overview / summary needs to be good, not something that you write in a hurry when
your time is running out.

IELTS Writing Task 1: how to write the 'overview'
The overview / summary is a very important part of your task 1 report. Many people have
no trouble describing specific details, but they find it difficult to describe the general
features of a graph, chart or diagram. So here are my tips on how to write a good

1. Always try to write two sentences. This forces you to describe two main or general features
of the graph, chart or diagram.
2. Don't put any numbers in your overview. Save specific numbers for the 'details' paragraphs.
3. If the graph or chart shows a time period (e.g. years), look for the overall change from the
beginning to the end of the period (e.g. from the first year to the last year).
4. Look for overall trends, and ignore individual figures that don't fit the trend. For example, if
a graph shows a rising trend overall, you can ignore a specific year when the figures
decreased - save that year for your 'details' paragraphs.
5. If no time period is shown, you can't look for trends. Instead, look for differences and
similarities between items.
6. Don't look for individual 'highest' or 'lowest' figures such as a 'peak' on a line graph. Instead,
describe the highest and lowest items overall (e.g. which line on the graph was the highest
for the whole or most of the period?).
7. Start your overview with a simple phrase that clearly shows the examiner that this is your
summary paragraph e.g. It is clear that... , It is noticeable that... , Overall we can see that...
8. If there are two different charts, write one overview sentence about each chart.
9. If there are more than two charts, they must be connected in some way, so look for two
main features overall.
10.If the task is to describe a diagram or map that compares things, you can mention the main
differences and maybe the number of differences and / or similarities between the two
11.If the task is to describe a process diagram, you can mention the total number of stages in
the process and say where or how the process begins and ends.

Typical writing task 1 collocations:

 amount of time
 the time spent on
 in terms of
 throughout the period
 the period shown
 a dramatic increase in
 increased steadily
 reached a peak
 the figure for
 the rise in

IELTS Writing Task 1: avoid common mistakes
Here's some advice to help you avoid common mistakes in IELTS writing task 1:
1. Don't copy the question for your introduction. You should paraphrase the question (i.e.
rewrite it using some different words).
2. Don't forget to separate your paragraphs clearly.
3. Don't forget to write a good summary/overview of the information. A quick one-sentence
conclusion is not good enough. I prefer to put the overview straight after the introduction,
and I try to write 2 sentences describing the information in general. You won't get a high
score if you don't write a good overview.
4. Don't describe items separately (e.g. 2 lines on a graph). You should always try
to compare things if it is possible to do so. Instead of describing 2 lines separately, compare
the 2 lines at key points.
5. Don't try to describe every number on a chart or graph (unless there are only a few
numbers). A key skill in task 1 is being able to select the key information and describe or
compare it well. I usually mention around 6 or 7 numbers in my main paragraphs.
6. Don't spend longer than 20 minutes on task 1. Practise spending 5 minutes on each of your
4 paragraphs. Stop yourself after 20 minutes; remember that task 2 is worth more marks.

IELTS Writing Task 1: timing and introduction

20 minutes is a very short amount of time, so you need to be very organised. I suggest
breaking the 20 minutes into four parts, each lasting 5 minutes.
Part 1
First five minutes: read the question, understand it, underline key figures or
trends, and write your one-sentence introduction.
Parts 2, 3 and 4
Five minutes for each paragraph: overview, details, details.

IELTS Writing Task 1: different word forms

A good way to vary the language you use is by learning different word forms.
For example:
Verbs and nouns
- the number increased
- there was an increase in the number
- UK house prices fell
- the UK saw a fall in house prices
Adverbs and adjectives
- sales rose dramatically
- there was a dramatic rise in sales
- with sales reaching €3 million and €15 million respectively
- with sales of the two respective products reaching €3 million and €15 million

IELTS Writing Task 1: general to specific
Write 4 paragraphs, and use a "general to specific" essay structure.
 The introduction is the most general part of the report; it tells the reader what the
chart is about.
 Then write a short paragraph about the main / general points.
 Finally, write 2 paragraphs describing specific facts or figures.
 Don't write a conclusion because you have already summarised the information in
paragraph 2.
One reason why it is preferable to put the overview / summary near the beginning (rather
than at the end) is because it's easier to describe general things first, then specific things

IELTS Writing Task 1: line graph 'details' tips

After writing your introduction and overview paragraphs, you need to describe the
information in detail. Here are my tips for describing line graph details:
1. Try to write two paragraphs. This isn't a 'rule', but it's a good idea because it forces
you to group the information, and this should improve the organisation and
coherence of your report. One big paragraph full of numbers can look messy, whereas
two separate paragraphs will look neater and be easier to read.
2. Aim for just two or three sentences in each 'details' paragraph. Some of your
sentences will be quite long, because you'll be comparing several numbers, so two
sentences can sometimes be enough.
3. Always compare the lines; never describe each line separately.
4. Select key numbers only. You won't have time to describe every number in every
5. Start at the beginning, with the first year on the left of the x axis. Compare the
numbers (i.e. all lines) in that year.
6. Then choose an interesting point towards the middle of the graph, and compare the
figures at that point.
7. OR: Summarise the line trends over the first half of the period (to somewhere around
the middle of the graph).
8. Then start a new paragraph for the second half of the time period.
9. Compare the figures for all of the lines at any key points. Or summarise the line
trends over the second half of the period.
10. Finish at the end, with the last year shown. Compare the numbers (i.e. all lines)
in that year.
Here's a short version of the advice above:
Paragraph 3
Compare the lines (giving numbers) in the first year shown, then describe any significant
numbers or overall trends in the first half of the time period.

Paragraph 4
Describe any significant numbers or overall trends in the second half of the time period,
then compare the lines (giving numbers) in the last year shown.

IELTS Writing Task 1: charts showing countries
A few things to remember when the graph or chart shows countries:
1. If the question doesn't name the countries (e.g. "in three countries"), you could name
them in your introduction (e.g. "in Britain, France and Germany"). You could even
write "in three countries, namely Britain, France and Germany".
2. Don't forget the word "the" when writing about "the USA" and "the UK".
3. Always compare the countries; never describe the figures for each country in
separate paragraphs.
Finally, try to vary the way you write about countries. For example:
 The number of elderly people in the USA rose.
 The USA saw a rise in the number of elderly people.
 The figure for the USA rose.

IELTS Writing Task 1: where to put the figure

Let's compare some sentences with figures in different positions.
1) Figures at the beginning of sentences:
 10 million people voted in the election.
 A quarter of the population voted.
 25% of people voted in the election.
2) Figures at the end of sentences:
 The number of people who voted in the election was 10 million.
 The proportion of the population that voted was a quarter.
 The figure for people who voted in the election was 25%.
For me, the sentences in the first group (with figures at the beginning) seem clearer and
more natural. While it's good to vary your sentence structure, it's probably best to have
the "figure at the beginning" structure as your first choice.

IELTS Advice: stop using 'given'

I've noticed that a lot of people use the word "given" in their writing task 1 introductions.
For example:
 Given is a chart showing...
 The given chart shows...
 The chart given shows...

Although it isn't grammatically wrong, I don't like this use of "given". It's completely
unnecessary, and it seems forced (like you're trying too hard).
Don't try to do anything 'less common' in the first few words of your task 1 introduction.
Just keep it simple and clear: The chart shows... (or compares or illustrates).

IELTS Writing Task 1: first, came first, first place
Don't describe items on a graph or chart in terms of coming first, second or last. This
makes it seem like you're describing a competition!
For example, don't write:
 Theme parks were first.
 Theme parks came first, and museums were in second place.
 In last place were wildlife parks and zoos.

Instead, you should write:

 Theme parks were the most popular type of tourist attraction.
 Theme parks attracted the highest proportion of visitors, and museums were the second most
visited attraction.
 Wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction.

IELTS Writing Task 1: good vocabulary

Here are some good words and phrases:
 The line graph compares..... in terms of.....
 waste output / waste produced / amount of waste / waste material / waste production
 there were significant changes in
 company A produced....., while companies B and C produced..... and..... respectively
 the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B
 around / approximately / roughly
 saw + noun + noun: saw an increase in waste production
 saw + noun + verb: saw waste output fall
 past perfect after "by": By 2015..... had risen / had dropped
 cut waste production
 reduced its waste production
 over the following 5 years
 over the same 10-year period

The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a
period of 15 years.

The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and
It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies
shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the
amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.
In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes
and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies
B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.
From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its
waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of
approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen
to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes
and only 3 tonnes.
(192 words, band 9)

The chart below shows the amount of time that 10 to 15-year-olds spend chatting on the Internet
and playing on games consoles on an average school day in the UK.

The bar chart compares the time spent by 10 to 15-year-olds in the UK on two activities, namely chatting
online and playing computer games.
Overall, we can see that playing computer games is marginally more popular than chatting on the
Internet. However, completely different trends can be seen if we look at the specific figures for boys
and girls.
Boys aged between 10 and 15 clearly favour playing on games consoles over chatting online. According
to the chart, while 85% of boys play computer games every day, only 55% chat online daily.
Furthermore, the majority of boys play on their consoles for more than one hour each day, and 10% do
this activity for four hours or more.
By contrast, girls prefer chatting online. Close to 70% of 10 to 15-year-old girls engage in online
conversation each day, compared to about 50% of this cohort who play computer games. Of the girls
who do play on consoles, most of them play for less than an hour, whereas most girls who chat online
do so for more than one hour, and nearly 10% chat for four hours or more.

 the amount of time = the time spent COMPARISON
 10 to 15-year-olds = aged between 10 and 15
 more popular than...
 chatting on the Internet = chatting online = chat
online = engage in online conversation  Boys favour... / By contrast, girls prefer...
 playing on games consoles = playing computer  while 85% of boys..., only 55%...
games = play on their consoles  close to 70% of girls..., compared to about 50%
 more popular = boys favour = girls prefer of this cohort who...
 the majority of = most of them = most girls  most of them..., whereas most..


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