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Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Herbs and medicinal Plants in July and August are

Worm Fern, Club Moss, Foxglove, Fly Agaric, Thyme

The Wheel of The Year represents the Annual Cycle of the Seasons and their Midpoints.
It is traditionally associated with Heathendom but has its origins stretch very far back into Celtic
Society where the coming and going of the Seasons, the shortening and lengthening of Daylight
hours impacted strongly on this agricultural race.

parsifalrain, July 1

please note:
Always consult a doctor before using healing remedies and read disclaimer at the end of my abstract.

Mythology and Legends from the Realm of Plants

In popular belief, many Flowers are closely related to the Elves.
In the old Legends you hear again and again that the Elves have control over certain Plants.
Elves also have their favorite Flowers and all kinds of Stories entwine around the interplay,
because Nature was still a World full of Magic at that Time and the borders between the Realm of
Elfin and the World of Humans were fluent.

1 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Since the Fairies and natural beings are so closely associated with the Plant Kingdom, it is not
surprising that people assumed that Flowers and Trees were under the protection of the small
Those who wanted to find out more about the Nature-creatures stuck to the old Legends and
searched for a four-Leaf Clover.
Because, it is said, the four-Leaf Clover brings us luck and leads us to the Elves...

Worm Fern (Driopteris filix-mas) Family of Ferns - Aspidiaceae [family Dryopteridaceae, incl.
Aspidiaceae] (Wood Fern family), Basket Fern, Knotty Brake, Sweet Brake, Shield Fern, Bear's-Paw Root ,
Male Woodfern, Wurmfarn

Ferns are one of the oldest Plants in the World.

They've been around for 400 million Years.
In the Coal Age (carbon) there were even Ferns as big as Trees.
Together with the Lycopods (Club Moss) [Lycopodium] [family Lycopodiaceae] and Horsetail
Plants [genus Equisetum], the deposits of these Plants formed the important basis for our hard
coal today.
Today we enjoy the Ferns especially when we walk through the Forest.
They shine in wonderful green and especially in Spring, when they unroll in a Spiral, they exert a special
magic on us.
The most common is the Worm Fern, which occurs most frequently and is still known today for his healing
power in forms of worm disease and other intestine parasites.

History and Myths

Ferns have always been revered as very mystical, magical Plants.
They were considered sacred Plants used for various magical purposes and related to the Elves.

2 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

For a long Time men could not explain the reproduction of the Fern.
Propagation by Spores was unknown.

I like to call the Fern a 'Witch's' Herb.

There are various reasons why people regarded Ferns as magical Herbs.
On the one hand, the Spiral form of the young Herb is probably responsible for this.
The symbol of the Spiral is a very old, very meaningful allegory.
It stands for continuous growth, for further development at an ever higher level, but also for the perpetual
Cycle of Life.
The Spiral has always been an allegory of Life and happiness.
And so the Fern that unrolls in a Spiral was also regarded as a Life-supporting and Herb of Luck.
Special meaning is due to the Fern spores, which sit on the underside of the Fern Fronds and contain
goldish-yellow dust.
They contain the secret of the Fern's reproduction.
After all, like other Plants, the Fern does not form any Flowers or Seeds.
This circumstance was also very 'enchanting' for the former man.
In any case, these Fern Spores were considered particularly magical.
The so-called Wish-Seeds (Fern Spores) were even attributed miraculous properties:
Among other things, the Spores were to help in the search for hidden treasures and to give the power of 40
With Fern Seeds in their pockets, everyone became rich and happy.
Furthermore, with the help of Fern Seeds one could understand the animals and even become invisible, as it
is described in the following Story:

From the rich treasure of Legends of Father Willibald Leeb

On Midsummer Night at Midnight from eleven to twelve the Fern Seeds are coming up, bloom and fall.
It has the property that it can make you invisible.
Once a man drove home with the oxen through the Forest at this time when the Fern Seed fell, and such a
Seed of the Fern fell into his shoe.
Now that he got home, his people must have seen the cart, but they didn't see him.
Only when he had taken off his shoes inside the parlor did they see him again, but the shoes where the seed
was inside remained invisible.
If you walk around in the long, white flowering Fern on St. John's Night ( June, 24th) and such a Fern seed
falls into your shoes, you are invisible.

According to popular belief, the Fern protects from the evil eye and the Root of the male Fern was
supposedly one of the ingredients of Love potions.
It is not surprising that Fairies feel particularly well between the majestic Fronds of these mysterious
Therefore, in ancient England, the well-intentioned advice was given to reveal no secrets near Ferns.
The Elves could finally retell these ...

healing purposes

3 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

anti-parasitic - for worm disease (ancylostomiasis)
Caution, the Fern is poisonous, under no circumstances should you dose it yourself, do not intake male
Fern if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or anemic, or if you have a liver or intestinal disorder

external (Tincture from the Root)

back pains
neuralgic pains

The Fern is widespread throughout Europe, also in West to Central Asia as far as North America and
Northwest Africa.
He grows most frequently in shady, dense Forests, on humus-rich soils.
You can find the Worm Fern up to altitudes of about 2600 m.
Depending on the location, the perennial Worm Fern is 100 to 140 cm high.

collection tips
The Leaves of the Fern are collected from June to September.
The Root is excavated in August or September.

filmaron - an amorphous acid
filicic acid

4 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

ethereal oils

recipes for healing application

Fern Root Tincture
collect the Root of the Fern on an August or September Day.
Clean well and cut into small pieces.
Pour into a closable container and pour over with high-proof alcohol.
About half a liter to three-quarters of alcohol is added to a middle - size Root.
The glass is closed and should remain standing for about 4 Weeks.
The Tincture can then be strained and stored in a dark bottle.
This Tincture is used to treat back pain, sciatica, headaches or rheumatic complaints.

warm compresses also work very well

The Tincture is put into warm Water and a linen cloth is soaked in it.
You put this linen cloth on the aching place and wrap it with a firm cotton cloth or a towel.

image by Fotolia

5 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Club Moss [Lycopodium] (Lycopodium clavatum), (a family of Lycopodiaceae), Ground Pine,
Groundcedar, Gout Moss, Devil's Weed, Clubbear Lobes, Stag's-Horn Clubmoss, Scapefoot, Witchweed,
Club Moss is one of the true 'Witch' Herbs.
Because his fine Pollen has always been used in Shamanic Cultures as ' Witch' Dust, which was
thrown into the Fire for Rituals and could develop its pyrotechnical effects (bangs, explosions,
strong smoke development).
Club Moss has been an appreciated medicinal Plant since the Middle Ages.
Today it has almost been forgotten and is more commonly used in Homeopathy.
I know a wonderful Lycopod place, which I sometimes visit to meditate and connect with the old Plant
I like these soft yet strong Plant cushions.

Stories and Myths

Club Moss has been regarded from the earliest times as a very effective Plant that fends off magic.
For example, he was nailed to stable doors to ward off evil spirits.
In addition, wreaths were woven from it, which were then hung over the beds as 'restlessness'.
In the bed rooms there was a constant breeze - if the Lycopod wreath stood still, one thought that an ogre
had entered the room.
The shepherds also used the Club Moss during their forays.
They put the Plant in their hat and were protected against evil spells.

6 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Club Moss was considered a very powerful protective Plant.

properties and effect


healing purposes
helps in many forms of skin disease - Club Moss powder can heal even the most serious injuries in a short
for cleaning injuries
leg cramps

against all urinary system disorders
gout and rheumatism
constipation and hemorrhoids
liver disease - Maria Treben writes that a man who suffered from cirrhosis in the last stage, already
abandoned by orthodox medicine, drank Club Moss Tea and after a short time almost completely lost his
severe respiratory problems associated with liver disease.
liver cancer, cirrhosis

image by Encyclopaedia Britannica

7 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

The Plants are mainly native to tropical mountains but also common in northern Forests in both
Lycopods are evergreen Herbage with needlelike or scalelike Leaves and, often, conelike clusters of small
Leaves, each with a kidney-shaped spore capsule at its base.
Generally, Club Moss grows in dry coniferous Forests, especially in northern parts of the Forest, or on the
edge of the Forest.
It is more likely to be found at higher altitudes, around 800 meters above sea level.
Club Moss is a radium-containing medicinal Plant and can be easily distinguished from the other Moss
species by its ropy Tendrils and the yellow Pollen of his Cobs.

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collection tips - please observe Nature Conservation

The whole Herb can be collected from May to September.
The fine Spore dust is collected in August and September.
To obtain the Spores, the Fruit spikes are collected.
These are first left to dry in the Sun.
Then they are knocked out on a base with the Spores falling out.
These Spores are the well-known 'Witch' flour, which is used for wound-healing, but also for these
'magical' effects during burning.
Remember, Club Moss can easily be confused with other, sometimes extremely poisonous Plants.
Club Moss needs should therefore be covered in a pharmacy or, at an experienced Herbalist.


8 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

fatty oil, glycerine
organic acids, palmitine

recipes for healing

Club Moss Tea
1 teaspoon of dried Club Mos with ¼ liters of boiling Water (note: never boil Club Moss) and leave to
infuse briefly.
Do not drink more than 1 cup a Day, best in the morning on an empty stomach

Tea against constipation

From equal parts Club Moss, Alder Buckthorn Bark [cortex Frangulae, cortex Frangulae, cortex Rhamni
Frangulae, cortex Avorni], Dandelion Root [radix Taraxacum officinale], Blackthorn (Sloe) blossom [flos
Prunus spinosa]

Club Moss Sachet for cramps

Dried Club Moss (depending on the size of the cramped area, either 100 g, 200 g or 300 g) is filled into a
pillow, which is placed overnight on the painful cramps.
This cushion retains its effect for up to one Year.

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9 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Foxglove [Digitalis purpurea] (genus Digitalis), (Family of the Pheasant - Scrophulariaceae) sometimes
called Red Thimble, Red Foxglove, Fingerhut
The Foxglove is probably one of the strongest domestic poisonous Plants.
Even very small amounts can be deadly.
That's why I have to warn at the Foxglove right at the beginning.
He must never be collected and used by oneself.
I recommend to visit and to encounter the Foxglove in Nature with the highest respect.

10 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

It is a natural wonder that there are any such powerful Plants.
Reconsidering that even 2 Leaves of this Plant can be fatal to humans, makes me generally thoughtful.
What our wonderful Nature spawns and how careless we sometimes deal with it.
As beautiful as the Foxglove looks, he can be so dangerous if is not used mindfully.

Stories and Myths

In various English and Irish Legends it is said that Foxglove is the headdress of the Fairies and the Elf
So it was believed that the Elves use the beautiful pink Flowers with their red dots as headgear and hats.
In England and Ireland, the Foxglove is also called 'Purple Foxglove'.
It was said that the Elves learned the foxes to ring the Flower bells to warn each other of the hunters.
There should also have been evil Fairies who gave the foxes Foxglove Flowers on their paws, so that they
could quietly do mischief in the chicken coops.
In Ireland, the Foxglove was carried to guard against the evil eye in the old Days.

The purple-red Foxglove also finds his home in places where the Elves feel comfortable: so he likes to grow
in Forests along paths and glades.
His color is pink with purple and shows his Flower bells from June to August and can grow up to 150cm

'... your purple dress shows who you are:

You'd not hide yourself, so shining bright
and show us the way to the Elves very fast'.
- Flower poem by Anke Junginger

Already since the 5th Century, the Foxglove is known in Ireland.

He was then called 'Fairie's Herb' and was used to heal 'bewitched' children, which often ended in death.
The knowledge of the healing effect was then spread by Irish monks across Scotland and England
throughout central Europe.
Furthermore, a collection of recipes is known from the 5th Century, in which it was described that the Red
Thimble is recommended for tumors of the abdomen, for ulcers, headaches, abscesses and paralysis.
Later, the English physician William Withering found out that the Foxglove can help very well with Heart
Modern digitalis therapy goes back to him, because in 1786 he announced in a report how successfully the
dropsy (edema), in connection with Heart failure can be treated by digitalis.

properties and effect

In Folk medicine, the Foxglove has been used mainly against Heart failure.
The active ingredient digitoxin increases the performance of the Heart.
The Heart then beats slower and at the same time gets an increased pumping power.

Throughout Europe and Asia.
Foxglove grows mainly on clearcuts, on stony Forest slopes and on lime-deficient soils.

11 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

In Forest clearings he appears plentiful.
Among other reasons, Foxglove has spread so much because he became a popular garden Plant.
Especially gardeners and garden friends should note that in gardens where toddlers live, no highly toxic
Plants should be planted.

collection tips and usage

Since the Plant is highly toxic, I advise against any form of collection and use.

12 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Fly Agaric [Amanita muscaria] from the genus Amanita, Fliegenpilz
Mushrooms are creatures as they belong to organic living Nature.
But Mushrooms are neither Plants nor are they animals or insects.
They form, in the biological sense, a very own kingdom.
Mushrooms seem to us as if they were site-bound, always in the same place where we found them
last Year.
That is not so.
Mushrooms hiking.

In Popular Belief and Folk Tradition, Mushrooms are usually treated like Plants, so they should also find
their worthy place herein.

We all love and fear the beautiful red Fly Agaric with its white spots since childhood.
He appears in many Fairy Tales, in many gardens he is an ornament and on New Year's Eve we often get a
Fly Agaric as a lucky symbol.
But of course we also know the warnings of our parents: 'You can not collect or eat the Fly Agaric, it is
very poisonous'.
Even today, I can well remember how skeptical my Mother has always looked at and processed the
'Mushrooms' collected by Papa.
Always in the fear that even a poisonous Mushroom could end up on the Family table.
Of course it is almost impossible to confuse with the Fly Agaric - so striking is his red color, with the
white dots on it.
The energy of the Fly Agaric is more masculine, earthy.

Stories and Myths

13 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

In many Cultures the Fly Agaric was and is used as an intoxicant.
West Siberian Shamans like to use the Mushroom for his ecstasy-inducing properties and as a means of
travel to immerse themselves in the Otherworld.
In some peoples, the Fly Agaric is considered materialized Divine flesh.
The priests of the Maya also used the Mushroom as an intoxicant to obtain visions from the Gods.
Also the intoxication 'Soma', which goes back to the Indian Vedas, is said to have contained the Fungus.
When consumed, you merge with the Spiritual World.
The Amarita Muscaria, so the Latin name, is a hallucinogen and as such the oldest drug of Mankind.
The knowledge of the intoxicating effect of the Fly Agaric is estimated to be more than 4.000 Years -
which has given the revered and at the same time despised Fungus countless Legends.
Probably the lucky symbol Fly Agaric goes back to the experience of happiness in the intoxication.
The effect of the Fly Agaric can be described in such a way that one sees big things small and small things
seem big.
Attentive readers of 'Alice in Wonderland' will learn more about the hallucinogenic effects of the Fungus.
Depending on which side of the Mushroom Alice breaks down a piece, she gets bigger or smaller.
Fly Agaric was also always considered a habitation of Dwarfs and Forest Creatures.
Especially Dwarfs like to hide under the red caps of Fly Agarics.
Because this has been the case for thousands of Years, the Dwarfs (garden gnomes) who dwell among the
people are wearing red pointed caps.
Also many legends of the Germanic refer to a deep veneration of the Fly Agaric.
It is reported that Wotan, the Germanic God of ecstasy and knowledge is responsible for the genesis of Fly
According to Legend, Wotan rides through the clouds at the Winter Solstice.
Wherever the drivel of his horse falls on the ground, Fly Agaric Mushrooms sprout from the ground
exactly nine months later in Autumn.
By the way, Fly Agarics were considered elf tables or chairs.

The Fly Agaric - opener of the perception portal

Smudging with Fly Agaric
Among other things I use the (dried) Fly Agaric in moderation and very consciously in Trance Incenses,
sometimes as Ritual Incense, but then only in Nature, not indoors.
In Shamanic Cultures, tobacco was smudged together with Fly Agaric.

The Fly Agaric is also the main ingredient of Witch's Flight Ointments:
They consist of Plant and Mushroom extracts, which are thickened and mixed with fat.
They are preferably applied to areas of the skin where absorption into the body through the skin is
particularly effective.

The Fly Agaric is used homeopathically (and spagyric) for considerable neurological disorders such as
MS, epilepsy, paralysis and delirium.

Fly Agaric poisoning

The concentration of active ingredients in the Fungi varies considerably (up to 100 times) depending on
site and environmental conditions.

14 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

Fly Agaric poisoning initially manifests itself in symptoms similar to those of severe drunkenness:
However, there are also hallucinations, increased acoustic stimuli, changing sleep-wake phases, delirium,
visions, synaesthesia (color hearing).
According to these symptoms, the poisoning usually leads to a deep unconsciousness or deep sleep with a
possible duration of 10-15 hours, from which the affected persons usually wakes up without remembering
what happened.

Since no deaths from untreated poisoning are documented, the risk of dying from contraindicated therapy
is higher than from the Fungus itself.
If it is really necessary to give an antidote, then Physostigmine - the antidote to Hyoscyamine and
Muscimol - is appropriate.

The nausea that can occur at the beginning after eating Fly Agaric is part of a physical cleansing process,
vomiting is a sign of physical-mental cleansing, so do not panic if a Fly Agaric should have slipped down
once, because panic intensifies the symptoms and prevents a purposeful and professional possible cure.

In any case, prior you play unaccompanied with the idea, trying Fly Agaric, I advise you to get to know the
Fly Agaric VERY well !
To have really shamanic experiences with this Fungus, one should know oneself really very well !
Otherwise it could be more of a trip to demons and/or horror !

Image by

The Fly Agaric is found in Northern Europe, North America and North Asia.
Very often we find him in coniferous Forests or at the edge of the Forest.
The Fly Agaric likes to seek the proximity of Birches [genus Betula] less often also with Spruces [genus
Picea] and forms a mycorrhiza partnership with them.
The Fly Agaric prefers acid soils, so we often find him in granitic territory.

15 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

From July to October he can be found on acid soils - often in the company of Porcini [Boletus edulis]
Mushrooms, which have similar location preferences.

Ibotenic acid - this disintegrates into muscimol when dried, which causes the psychotropic properties of
the fungus
muscarin - gives great physical strength and endurance - but it also paralyzes the nerves.
bufotenin- is a psychedelically active hallucinogenic tryptamine alkaloid

Once again - don't worry about fatal poisoning - there is not a single described death by toadstool
poisoning caused by Fly Agaric.

'All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not poison'.

- Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) in Septem Defensiones 1538
Works Volume II, Darmstadt 1965

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source of the Tales about Fairies: Jacob Grimm - Deutsche Mythologie, Band I-III, Dieterichsche
Buchhandlung, 1844.
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16 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

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Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) - the breath of the Gods
Plant Family Lamiaceae, [Lamiaceae]
Thyme is an important medicinal Herb in severe forms of respiratory disease.

Thyme acts
reassuring (comforting)
Its germicidal and antispasmodic properties are especially effective for convulsive cough and deep-seated
Thyme is just a really good cough Herb.

I use it as Tea, as a cough Balm, as an addition to the bath Water or also very much as an essential oil.
With that I massaged my feet again and again (of course mixed with a good carrier oil like the quickly
absorbed Sesame [(oleum) Sesamum indicum] oil) or I dripped a few drops of the oil onto the pillow or
put it in an aroma lamp.
Thyme oil from Phytopharma can even be taken internally.
I did this in my Lyme disease in 2010.
Put a drop of essential Thyme oil daily on a small piece of bread and eat.
Is terribly gruesome - but helps – however, internally the Root of the Wild Teasel (more likely known as
Fuller's Teasel) [Dipsacus fullonum] as a Tincture for several Months, is proved acting more profoundly
and can also be used as a preventive measure against Lyme disease.

17 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

I have even smudged the house with Thyme over and over again, because even as an incense Plant, Thyme
gives us valuable help.
On the one hand, it cleans the Air by killing viruses and bacteria, but also subtly frees from all negative
On the other hand, Thyme acts as a smudging Herb strengthening and invigorating.
He gives new courage and confidence, which one can use well, if one is sick.
I think that Thyme, no matter in what form, is always very positive.
Thyme is a Plant that accompanies us especially well during the cold period.
He is currently growing in my garden and this alone is my assurance to use Thyme and brew my Tea daily
from the fresh Plant.
It is also possible now to buy a Thyme Plant, which serves as a houseplant over the Winter, so you have the
healing properties of this fresh Herb constantly available.
Thyme is a Mediterranean Herb and as such is not native to us.
The term 'thymus' comes from the Greek word thymos = Life Force and thus symbolizes strength and
Thyme is also an aphrodisiac, a bath with it cheers up lovers.
Wild growing, we find the Field Thyme (also known as Quendel or Creeping Thyme) [Thymus
serpyllum], which likes to grow on dry grassland and now partly blooms.

I love Thyme because on the one hand it is a very tasty Herb and on the other hand it has such a great
healing effect that it is an almost indispensable companion over the Winter Months.
Thyme relieves respiratory ailments because it promotes expectoration, is mucolytic and anticonvulsant.
In addition, it inhibits viruses, bacteria, fungi and other germs in their growth.
Drinking Thyme Tea or Thyme syrup regularly strengthens our body's defenses.

Stories and Myths

Similar to the Oregano [Origanum vulgare], the Thyme is a significant and very strong protective Herb.
Thyme protects against lightning, storms and even the 'devil'.
There are many stories where 'devil' approaches a girl or a virgin and can not a moment too soon be
stopped by a Thyme Plant.
Thyme was also used for the milk magic.
The Plants collected at the Summer Solstice were boiled and the resulting decoction was used to wash the
udders of the cattle, so that the milk flows abundantly and the animals remain healthy all Year round.
The hens were put the Herb in their breeding grounds, so they were well protected and laid enough eggs.
It was also very popular with the Thyme smudged.
Protective Fumigation was carried out and in turn stables and sickbeds were fumigated to free from
viruses, but also from bad energies.
The great protective effect of Thyme was also used in the Middle Ages, where Women sutured Thyme into
their men's robes, so that they were well protected during the battles and raids.
The Roman legionnaires took baths with Thyme before a battle to give them strength and courage.
Like the Oregano, Thyme was also known for giving back a lot of Life and happiness to melancholy and sad

18 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

all Plant parts contain essential oils, as well as bitter substances and tannins

Thyme in the kitchen - a classic

In the kitchen, whole branches are used for garnishing or chopped leaves for roasts, marinades, herb bread
and vegetables.
Who thinks whole Branches are exaggerated, can also take some Leaves - enough !

Thyme as a Fumigating Plant

gives self-confidence
makes brave, strong and confident
dissolves fears
gives protection when we feel discouraged, lonely and abandoned
is good for blessing and purifying rooms
strong protection against all negative influences
let us define well
cleans and disinfects the Air
strengthens our resistance and protects against illness
strengthens the sensual feminine, aphrodisiac
let us perceive inner abundance/wealth

the solar plexus chakra

Seat of feelings - undigested feelings also spoil the physical digestion

physical symptoms
stomach - digestion
stomach disorders, digestive problems, heartburn, gastritis, ... ..

lungs and subconsciousness:

Thyme clears the lungs, clears the airways, encourages you to breathe deeper and yet quieter, to widen
your lungs, to open your lungs, to get more air, oxygen and space, to expand and to flow more energy in; a
deeper breathing arises, you absorb more oxygen and energy; Through the deepening breathing more
suppressed and repressed feelings rise.
Blocked and repressed memories are released in the lungs, repressed memories are released and can re-enter
consciousness; repressed memories are 'released' through the lungs and breathing, and can be disengaged
from the lungs.
- to remove slag from the lungs, to increase the expectoration
- feeling unable to breathe, having shortness of breath, something left me breathless (... is taking my breath
away), I can not get enough air (I can't breathe), I think I'm suffocating, I'm breathing hard, (I feel
constricted and restricted ...)
- when accumulated memories, 'slags' and 'dirt' in the lungs were collected.
- with restrained grief and pain in the lungs (when energy is withhold in the lungs); unlived mourning,
unlamented tears, emotional pain and energy trapped in the lungs.

19 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

the Thyme topics
supports the development of a healthy self-confidence
represents the development of the Self
promotes our assertiveness
let us say and do what is important to us (lets us say 'no !')
gives us strength and courage to live our own wishes and ideas about Life
brings the world of feelings and thoughts into harmony / balance
seat of emotions - including the negatives ('Boiling with anger' 'Burning with passion' - expresses the heat
that can develop through feelings in the navel chakra)
also stands for intuitive gut decisions
female creative power
harmonization of the navel chakra
visualize the color yellow
experience the element of Fire (imagine campfire, ingel, candle)
living a gut feeling - following the intuition
express feelings
belly dance
visualize (a) Sun and let him dance around the navel

Thyme as a medicinal Herb

recipe for a cough Balm
100ml native, virgin, organic Olive oil, 50 gr. fresh Thyme, 10 gr. beeswax, essential, pure Thyme oil.
Collect the Thyme on a dry Day (or use dried Thyme) and warm in very good Olive oil.
The mixture should not cook, just 'simmer'.
Leave the Thyme oil mixture on the oven for about half an hour.
Then it has to cool overnight.
The next Day it is heated again.
The Plant parts are sieved and the beeswax added.
Once the wax has dissolved, you can put the Balm in small cans.
Three drops of high-quality, essential Thyme oil are added per 50 ml of Balm.
This is a very beneficial cough Balm which can be massaged onto the chest and thereby relieve persistent

Thyme Wine
A handful of fresh Thyme Herb is put into a liter of white wine and left for 7 Days.
Then the Plant parts are strained and bottled in a dark bottle.
Every Day drunk a glass of liqueur is strengthening, calming and invigorating your immune system.
This wine can also lighten the mood a little bit.

Thyme Ointment
Put fresh, lightly dried Thyme in a good carrier oil and leave for at least four weeks in a sunny, not too
warm place.

20 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

After four Weeks, this oil macerate is ready and can either be used as pure oil, or boiled with beeswax to a
healing Ointment.
Thyme Oil can be used as a cough and breast Balm, but also as a massage oil for musculoskeletal disorders.
It appeals slightly warm, however.

Thyme Syrup
Two handfuls of fresh Thyme Herb, along with half a pound of wholesome sugar (or real bee honey), are
added to three quarters of a liter of Water.
The mixture is warmed slowly and allowed to simmer for one hour.
You can let the syrup cool overnight.
The next Day is reheated and after a short simmering phase the Plant parts are strained and bottled the
This syrup can be used as a cough syrup, also be used to brighten the soul, or to strengthen the immune

Thyme cold Bath

Fresh Thyme Herb is mortared and mixed in a ratio of 1: 5 with (unrefined) natural Salt.
Leave this bath Salt for a few weeks and use it as a cold or strengthening bath.

This information is supplied without liability, limit or warranty.
Please note - this healing recipes may be subject to change and are without guarantee – always contact a
Medical doctor before the application !

21 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

The information in this article has been carefully reviewed by me.
However, I decline any liability for any damage or consequences arising from the use or misuse of the
information I have provided.

I do not give any medical advice.

If you have serious health problems, you should refrain from self-medication and seek the advice of a
Medical doctor or alternative practitioner.

Some Wild Plants are protected regionally, consult the nature conservation authorities.
Collect only individual Plants, so that the stock remains !
Remember – you can only harvest something which belongs to you !

all images from Wikipedia, Wikimedia or self-made unless otherwise stated

Plants in the Wheel of the Year - June
Summer Solstice - Litha - June 21

Plants in the Wheel of the Year – September
Reapers Festival - Lammas - Lughnasad

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22 Plants in the Wheel of the Year - July and August

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