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“For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” – John 6:55

I introduce myself as a Catholic lay preacher who fully

respects people with other beliefs and religions. And I do.
I’ve worked with Born Again Christians, Iglesia ni
Cristo members, Pentecostals, Mormons, etc. I’ve been
with Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, New Agers, even
atheists. I even respect and mingle with drug addicts,
alcoholics, prostitutes and criminals.
But respecting, working and being with people of
different faiths and lifestyles don’t mean giving up my own
Catholic beliefs. I celebrate what’s common with us but will
stand my ground on what’s essential to my faith. I believe
that the Eucharist is the highest form of worship and that
receiving Holy Communion is receiving the true Body and
Blood of Jesus.
I respect others if they believe that the Bible is the
only source of faith, or that Jesus is just a man, or that
Mohammad is the great prophet, or that we are reborn
again and again until we reach Nirvana. In the same way, I
expect to be respected too in my belief in the Catholic
Church, in the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist,
and in Jesus, my Lord and my God! Alvin Barcelona

Reflection: It’s good to respect people with other beliefs and

lifestyles. But it’s also good to guard yourself from compromising
too much and giving up your own beliefs in the process.
Dear Lord, grant me the grace to practice tolerance and respect
while standing firm on my faith in You, and in Your Holy Church.

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