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Cancer 2018: Depression. Van Gogh. Suicide. Spade &

Bourdain. Robin Williams. Summer Solstice. Cancerian Sweden.

Keynote for Cancer

“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

(Full moon: June 28, 2018. 5.52 am. UT.)

Depression: A Global Problem

Esoteric Causes of Depression
Remedies for Depression
Aspirants and Disciples are Not Immune to Depression
The DINA Disciples and Depression
Global Suicide Statistics
Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain
Robin Williams: Comic Genius
Churchill’s Black Dog
The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
Sweden: An Accommodating Cancer Personality
USA: Splitting of Immigrant Families

Depression: A Global Problem
If you have been experiencing a bit of a dark
night of the soul recently, it may relate to
Jupiter’s ongoing transit through Scorpio,
bringing to light what is hidden in the depths.
This has been accentuated by the trine of
Jupiter to Neptune in Pisces.

Depression is suffered by millions, with many

suicides on a daily basis (USA: 120 per day!),
but is brought to light occassionally when a
high profile individual like Kate Spade or Anthony Bourdain takes their own life – more astrological
analysis on both of them later. As stated in the recent commentary for Pisces 2018, reasons for
depression cover most aspects of life!

The death of a loved one. A divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship.

Losing custody of children, or feeling that a child custody decision is not fair.
A serious loss, such as a loss of a job, house, or money.
A serious illness. A terminal illness. A serious accident.
Chronic physical pain. Intense emotional pain.
Loss of hope. Being victimized (domestic violence, rape, assault, etc).
A loved one being victimized (child murder, child molestation, kidnapping, murder, rape, assault,
Physical abuse. Verbal abuse. Sexual abuse. Unresolved abuse (of any kind) from the past.
Feeling “trapped” in a situation perceived as negative. Feeling that things will never “get better.”
Feeling helpless. Serious legal problems, such as criminal prosecution or incarceration. Feeling
“taken advantage of.”
Inability to deal with a perceived “humiliating” situation. Inability to deal with a perceived “failure.”
Alcohol abuse. Drug abuse. A feeling of not being accepted by family, friends, or society.
A horrible disappointment. Feeling like one has not lived up to his or her high expectations or those
of another.
(Adults, as well as children, can be bullied.) Low self-esteem.

Depression is the result of internalising the above experiences whilst anger is the other side of the coin,
externalising frustration. Can it be stated that homicide is driven by anger, whilst suicide is driven by
depression? The key to survival must be finding the middle way between those extremes. There are also
several types of depression.

Depression: Astrologically and Rayologically Considered

Depression is experienced by all signs of the zodiac, though some are especially prone – such as the
water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – and also Capricorn. Water is symbol of the astral feeling
nature, whilst earthy Capricorn may experience some aridity in this sphere!

Notable for the latter is the pilot Andreas Lubitz, a Sun-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, whose
depression drove him to suicide-crash a Germanwings aircraft in 2015. Lubitz had his Capricorn sun
squared by the sun in Aries on that fateful day.1

Even in Aquarius, a supposedly emotionally detached sign:

“The results of the valley experience (to use the well-known language of the mystics of all ages) and of
the mountain top with its vision and light, are very vividly depicted by the sign. The Aquarian can
experience the depths of depression and of self-depreciation or he can know and pass through the
exaltation of the soul and the sense of spiritual power which soul control gives.”2

A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Albert Bierstadt.

The interpretation above is based upon several factors. First, the wavy lines of Aquarius symbolise the
mountain-valley experience. Second, airy Aquarius has an unique connection to water (the Water-
Bearer), expressing a strong emotional empathy. Third, the Moon is the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius,
and also the co-ruler of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. In Taurus lies another example of
how all the signs can be affected by depression:

“He [the Taurean] will be almost painfully conscious of duality but, instead of its producing a struggle for
unity, it produces often a set and static depression. He will be destructive because “bull-headed” and
because the hammer aspect of Vulcan will be dominant. Because he has a measure of light—his power
to be thus destructive will distress him.” 3

One must always consider the whole horoscope, with

all the predisposing factors that can point to having a
generally sunny outlook (i.e. Leo, Sagittarius) or one
that might have a tendency to be a bit more bleak or
darkly introspective. Also the rays – fourth ray
personality types are particularly prone to depression,
given its co-rulership of the moon, as explained later.
Also, the sixth ray, the most common conditioning
quality of the astral body for humanity, ruled by Mars
and Neptune the planets that also rule the solar

Sometimes it is a particular aspect in a horoscope that

is the significator of tendency to depression – such as
Moon square Saturn, even if the individual has a
The 10 petalled solar plexus chakra. (Manipura.)
“sunny outlook”. Also, by progression and transit, a
person not normally prone to depression may
experience one or two cycles of this debilitating condition. Most people have gone through varying
degrees of depression or sadness at some point in their lives.

The three water signs are uniquely “emotional” – ever more so esoterically, through their planetary

Cancer Scorpio Pisces


Exoteric ruler Moon Mars-Pluto Neptune-Jupiter

Chakra Sacral Solar plexus-Base Solar plexus-Heart

Esoteric ruler Neptune Mars Pluto

Chakra Solar plexus Solar plexus Solar plexus-Base

A few things to note in the table above,

1. The predominance of the solar plexus ruled by Mars, Neptune – and to a lesser extent, Pluto.
2. The moon’s presence is generally regarded in mainstream astrology as representing the feeling
nature and instinctual urges.
3. Although Pluto rules the base chakra, it has a close association with the solar plexus and Mars.

If the seven rays are considered, then the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict and the Sixth Ray of
Idealism and Devotion are prominent via their planetary rulers:

Hence, in all astrological and ray

Ray Ruling Planets Chakras assessments, the solar plexus chakra is
4 ray Harmony through Conflict Moon. Mercury. Sacral. Ajna. the most accentuated. Mars and Neptune
are therefore the most prominent planets.
6th ray Idealism and Devotion Mars. Neptune. Solar plexus
The solar plexus is the battleground for
the aspirant and disciple and through
Pluto’s association is known as “the lesser burning ground”. In the folowing perspective, Mars is
assigned the sacral-sex chakra and Pluto the solar plexus:

“Two of the other non-sacred planets—Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre
(Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is
“becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who
governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.””4

Neptune is the seat of desire and addiction,

revealing why “Neptune rules drugs” –
Neptune in its lower expression is the point
of least resistance for the majority of
humanity. Neptune in its higher register is
the longing for union with god, the mystic
and the visionary, spiritual aspiration and
devotion, the creative imagination and true
intuition – buddhi or “pure reason” –
“Neptune is the God of reasoning.”5 Can we
not entertain the idea that addiction in all its
forms – drugs, sex, food etc. is a “longing for Statue of Poseidon (Neptune) in Copenhagen.
union with the divine”?

Depression enters when an individual cannot reconcile reality with the ideal or imagined vision, or feels
that it is unattainable, or only accessible through the endless cycle of addiction to something. This is
because the individual is emotionally polarised and not in control via the mind:

“This condition persists just as long as the emphasis is laid upon feeling—which feeling will run the
gamut between a potent joyfulness as the man seeks to identify himself with the object of his devotion or
aspiration, or fails to do so and therefore succumbs to the blackest despair and sense of failure.”6

Esoteric Causes of Depression
The majority of Humanity is astrally or emotionally polarised, with real thinking only utilised by a small

“ … the entire human family … [is] occupied with feeling, with sensuous perception and with the many
and differing aspects of emotionalism such as irritability, worry, acute anxiety, aspiration towards some
desired end or goal, depression, plus the dramatic life of the senses and of the “I in the centre”

Few live in the world of thought and fewer still in the world of reality. When they do, the result is
inevitably a better average of health, because there is better integration, and as a result a freer play of
the life forces throughout the vehicles of expression.”7

Two of the main “glamours” that under which humanity

labours are fear and depression – fear of the future or
failure; they constitute part of the shadow or Dweller of
Humanity that must be faced and eradicated, using the soul
and mind together:

“…when fear and depression are overcome, the race will

enter into its heritage of happiness, of true satisfaction and
of liberation.” 8

These astral glamours of fear and depression keep

Humanity wandering through a thick fog, making it
impossible to perceive reality. The cause is astral or
sometimes physical but mainly astral, that is why it is
technically incorrect to call depression a “mental disease”,
although the mind has difficulty of course in coping. This is
simply due to lack of the development of mind in the
Melancholia 1 (Albrecht Durer)
majority of Humanity.

Esoterically, the causes of depression are enumerated in this lengthy passage from A Treatise on White

“1. The world glamour. This sweeps an isolated unit, otherwise free from individual conditions
producing depression, into the depths of a world reaction. This world glamour, with its devitalising and
depressing results, has its roots in various factors …

a. Astrological factors, either affecting the planetary chart [horoscope] and hence individuals, or
primarily racial. [Races and nations are ruled by astrological forces, some ethnic types are more
predisposed to depression.]

b. The path of the sun in the heavens. The southern path tends to a lowered vibratory influence and
aspirants should bear this in mind in autumn and the early winter months. [Northern hemisphere:
Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn. Southern hemisphere: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer.

c. The dark half of the moon, the period
towards the end of the waning [full] moon, and
the early new moon. [A 2-week period, the
“balsamic” phase.] This, as you well know,
affects the meditation work.

d. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions

due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet
and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary
humanity. These forces, playing upon the human
race, affect the most sensitive; they in their turn
affect their environment and gradually a
momentum is established which sweeps through
a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression
and of mutual distrust …(Passage has been shortened, full quote available in footnotes.)

2. Astral polarisation. Just as long as a man identifies himself with his emotional body, just as long as
he interprets life in terms of his moods and feelings, just as long as he reacts to desire, just so long will
he have his moments of despair, of darkness, of doubt, of dire distress, and of depression.

They are due to delusion, to the glamour of the astral plane, which distorts, reverses and deceives.
There is no need to dwell on this. If there is one factor aspirants recognise, it is the need of freeing
themselves from the Great Illusion.”

[Suggestions for Overcoming Depression]

“Arjuna knew this, yet succumbed to despair.

Yet in his hour of need, Krishna failed him not,
but laid down in the Gita the simple rules
whereby depression and doubt can be
overcome. They may be briefly summarised as

1. Know thyself to be the undying One. [The

2. Control thy mind, for through that mind the Krishna talks to Arjuna. From Peter Brook’s The Mahabharata.
undying One can be known.
3. Learn that the form is but the veil which hides
the splendour of Divinity.
4. Realise that the One Life pervades all forms so that there is no death, no distress, no separation.
5. Detach thyself therefore from the form side and come to Me, so dwelling in the place where Light and
Life are found. Thus illusion ends.

It is his astral polarisation which lays a man open to his many emotional reactions and to waves of mass
feeling of any kind. This is the cause of his being swept into that vortex of uncontrolled energy and
misdirected emotional force which eventuates in a world war, a financial panic, a religious revival, or a

It is this also that raises him to the heights of hilarity and of spurious happiness in which the “light
deceptive” of the astral plane uncovers to him false sources of amusement, or the mass hilarity—owing
to his sensitivity—sweeps him into that hysterical condition which finds its vent in unrestrained merriment
and which is the opposite pole of unrestrained weeping. I refer not here to true merriment nor the proper
sense of humour, but to those hysterical outbreaks of hilarity which are so common among the rank and
file of humanity and lead to reactions of fatigue.”

3. A devitalised condition of the physical body. This is due to various causes, such as:

1. A depleted etheric or vital body.

2. Physical disease, either inherent or brought over from another life, accidental, or due to wrong
emotional reactions, or produced as the result of group karma, such as an epidemic.

3. Atmospheric. This is sometimes overlooked, but the condition of the atmosphere, the nature of the
climate, the density, humidity or dryness, the heat or cold have a definite effect upon the psychological
outlook. [SAD – seasonal affective disorder – lack of sunlight, particularly during Capricorn in the
northern hemisphere.]

You will find, if you study, that all subsidiary and temporary causes of depression and its opposite can be
grouped under one of these three heads, and when one has ascertained the cause, the cures will
become apparent.”9

Virtually none of Humanity is immune from depression. About 3-8% of nations suffer from clinically
diagnosed depression. There must be many other unreported cases, but nevertheless, the following map
gives an idea.

Redder countries have higher depression rates. Bluer countries have lower depression rates. (Max Fisher/The Washington Post)

“The Middle East and North Africa suffer the world’s highest depression rates, according to a new study
by researchers at Australia’s University of Queensland — and it’s costing people in the region years off
their lives … Globally, they found, depression is the second-leading cause of disability, with slightly more
than 4 percent of the world’s population diagnosed with it. The map at the top of this page shows how
much of the population in each country has received a diagnosis of clinical depression.

… More than 5 percent of the population suffers from depression in the Middle East, North Africa, sub-
Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean. Meanwhile, depression is reportedly lowest in East
Asia, followed by Australia/New Zealand and Southeast Asia. This chart shows how each region of the
world is affected by depression; the orange line indicates the number of years spent living with clinical
depression per every 100,000 people.”10

Remedies for Depression

“Cultivate happiness, knowing that depression,
an overmorbid investigation of motive, and undue
sensitiveness to the criticism of others leads to a
condition wherein a disciple is almost useless.
Happiness is based on confidence in the God
[soul] within, a just appreciation of time, and a
forgetfulness of self …11

“It will be good also to cultivate the joy that brings

strength. This is not the time for gloom, despair or
depression. If you give way to these, you become
negative and destructive focal points in your
environment.” 12

These may be regarded as platitudes by some, Depression burden by age and sex. (Ferrari et al.) The chart
above is revealing in that females suffer far higher rates of
the ABC’s of positive thinking and mental
depression than men. The water signs of the zodiac, plus the
development. Some people say they do not have nature of the emotional body, are “feminine”.
time to be depressed! To “cultivate joy” is
somewhat of a discipline, it takes some work to
effect, to be vigilant of the joy and beauty which exists all around us. There are other methods to help
offset depression, such as medications, discussed in the Pisces 2018 commentary.

Many of these drugs however simply mask the deep-seated causes, giving temporary relief, allowing a
person to live a “normal life” but to also deal with long term side-effects. There are of course, alternatives
in the plant kingdom and with dietary supplements that can enhance an individual’s sense of well-being:

“Rose [oil] acts upon the nervous system and tends to

vitalisation, and to the removal of depression, and
symptoms of debilitation; it increases the will to live.”13

Rose is a symbol of the heart, its sublime fragrance draws

us deep into the remembrance and reality of the heart, and
why roses are given as an expression of love. The heart
does not know depression, it is only joy and love.

Other flowers in nature’s bounty have similar effects like

Jasmine and Geranium, whilst several essential oils are
recommended specifically for depression: Bergamot,
Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Peppermint, Vetiver, and Roman Chamomile. St. John’s Wort
(hypericum) is known as “nature’s Prozac”. Taking probiotics can also help:

“Probiotics are good for your gut, they can help your mind as
well. This is likely due to the connection between the central
nervous system and the gut. An Australian data review found
that probiotic supplements can help reduce symptoms of
depression. According to Natalie Colson, a nutritional
geneticist at Griffith University in Australia, “A daily probiotic
can help otherwise healthy people manage the stressful
14 8/38
situations of everyday life.”14

Of course all these substances help alleviate depression but

are not the silver bullet that will magically evaporate
depression! One has to do the emotional and mental work to
effect self-healing. Meditation is of course the main discipline
that will have long term benefits on emotional health; the
practice of expressing gratitude as an aspect of mindfulness.
Good sleep and exercise also contribute greatly to the sense
of well-being and spiritual vitality.
St. John’s Wort flower.

Aspirants and Disciples are Not Immune to Depression

Although “undeveloped” or “unawakened” humanity are prone to all the reasons given for depression,
those consciously on the Path are not immune. In fact, depression can be magnified many times due to
accelerated expansion of consciousness, soul stimulation, rapid processing of past karma, having
certain ray and astrological sensitivities – and, confronting the Dweller on the Threshold.

“Let us remember first of all that no aspirant, no matter how sincere and devoted, is free from faults.
Were he free, he would be an adept. All aspirants are still selfish, still prone to temper and to irritability,
still subject to depression and even at times to hatred.

Oft that temper and hatred may be aroused by what we call just causes. Injustice on the part of others,
cruelty to human beings and to animals, and the hatreds and viciousness of their fellow men do arouse
in them corresponding reactions, and cause them much suffering and delay.”15

Indeed, have we observed in ourselves a hateful

response to a repugnant politician – hatred begets
hatred, just as love fosters love. Disciple’s are often
shocked at the degree of hate that can be stirred
from the depths, making them no better than the
perpetrators of hateful acts or speech. Note that
hatred is one of the “astral heads” of the Scorpio

Likewise, for one on the Path, frequent episodes of

depression and doubt may ensue, self-criticism and
criticism by others – all suppressing the potential to
be of service to the ashram, the outer group or to

“Upon the Probationary Path there comes the swing,

consciously registered, between the pairs of
opposites until the middle way is sighted and
emerges. This activity produces the glamour of the pairs of opposites, which is of a dense and foggy
nature, sometimes coloured with joy and bliss and sometimes coloured with gloom and depression as
the disciple swings back and forth between the dualities.16

“Thus the first thing of which the aspirant becomes aware is that which he knows to be undesirable and
the revelation of his own unworthiness and limitations, and the undesirable constituents of his own aura
burst on his vision. The darkness which is in him is intensified by the light which glimmers faintly from the
centre of his being and frequently he despairs of himself and descends into the depths of depression.
All mystics bear witness to this and it is a period which must be lived through until the pure light of day
drives all shadows and darkness away – and little by little the life is brightened and lightened until the
17 9/38
sun in the head is shining in all its glory.”17

Many who read these words are these “mystics” who

have reached a certain degree of heart development
and where the intuition has come into stronger
expression. Yet, like the rest of Humanity, we are not
fully mentally developed, we have mental flaws and
weaknesses that prevent us from complete control of
the astral body, signified by the Scorpio initiation.

We all strive toward a mental/intuitive understanding

of cosmic and earthly laws, moving from the way of
the mystic toward the path of occultism, where the
Science of the Soul is apprehended – the goal of
synthesis between heart and head, the mystic and
the occultist blended.

“The life of the aspirant begins to repeat earlier

cycles. He is assailed by a sudden stimulation of the
physical nature and violently swept by ancient desires
and lusts. This may be succeeded by a cycle wherein
the physical body is conscious of the flowing away
from it of vital energy and is devitalised, because not the subject of attention. This accounts for much of
the sickness and lack of vitality of many of our most cherished servers.

The same process can affect the emotional body, and periods of exaltation and of highest aspiration
alternate with periods of the deepest depression and lack of interest. The flow may pass on to the mental
body and produce a cycle of intense mental activity. Constant study, much thought, keen investigation
and a steady intellectual urge will characterize the mind of the aspirant.

To this may succeed a cycle wherein all study is distasteful, and the mind seems to lie entirely fallow and
inert. It is an effort to think, and the futility of phases of thought assail the mind. The aspirant decides
that to be is better far than to do. “Can these dry bones live?” he asks, and has no desire to see them
revitalised.” 18

Consciously ridding oneself of glamour, creates

a broader realm of service. Yet in confronting
that shadow, the entire force of world glamour
becomes apparent, creating a daunting situation
that can easily plunge the aspirant into deep
depression, inferiority complex and futility.
Hence the feeling of being trapped, with the
corresponding thoughts of suicide as an escape

Often, personal glamours are the result of

cultural conditioning from the glamours and
illusions of the greater entity from which we have
emerged – our own nations. As a disciple
progresses upon the Path, the refinement of all the vehicles renders him acutely sensitive in the nervous
system, the astral body and in the physical form. The dualities of pleasure and pain, or sorrow and joy
become far more pronounced, especially in our current Western race:

“This becomes terribly true in the case of an aspirant and of a disciple. His sense of values becomes so
acute and his physical vehicle so sensitized that he suffers more than the average man. This serves to
drive him forward with increasing activity in his search. His response to outer contacts is ever more rapid
and his capacity for pain, physical and emotional, becomes greatly increased.

This is apparent in the fifth race and particularly in the fifth subrace [5.5] in the increasing frequency of
suicide. The capacity of the race to suffer is due to the development and refinement of the physical
vehicle and to the evolution of the body of feeling, the astral.”19

The “capacity of the race to suffer” is emulating the Way of the Christ, to develop empathy, compassion
and understanding.

The DINA Disciples and Depression

“As I [The Tibetan] have studied the world disciples during the present world crisis [WWII], I see them
borne down by inertia—not the inertia that comes from selfishness and self-centredness, or the inertia
due to lack of understanding of the nature of the crisis, or the inertia due to sheer laziness, but an inertia
based upon a deep, inner depression, to a sense of human failure and to an introspectiveness which is
natural but useless at this time.”20

DINA is an acronym for the “Discipleship in the New Age” books, volumes 1 & 2 – part of the series of 24
books written by Alice A. Bailey in her role as an amanuensis for the The Tibetan, the Master Djwhal

In these books The Tibetan gives personal instruction to various men and women who were part of
several groups that he presided over for about thirty years. The instructions are illuminating, containing
each disciple’s ray structure. Since then, most of their horoscopes have become available through
unpublished sources and are regarded as “gold” by all serious students of Esoteric Astrology.

Several studies by various students have been made of these disciples’ charts over the years and can
be found at the website listed in the footnote below.21

The DINA books are very inspiring – and humbling – reading

about the personal struggles and vulnerabilities of those
individuals, their progress under the watchful eye of the Master.
Some passages in these books are so specific that it is as if one
were being directly addressed.

Several of those disciples suffered from depression and the

passages referring to this are reproduced below, with some
astrological commentary. The disciples were known by acronyms
which stood for qualities that they were advised to develop.

Alice Bailey herself was part of these groups and discussed her
suicide attempts at a young age, though this might be more about
immature attention-seeking, as opposed to a mature adult making
that decision.

“I made my first attempt to commit suicide! I just did not find life
worth living. The experience of my five years made me feel that
things were futile so I decided that if I bumped down the stone
kitchen steps from top to bottom (and they were very steep) I
would probably be dead at the end. I did not succeed. Bridget, the
cook, picked me up and carried me (battered and bruised)
upstairs where I met much comforting—but no understanding.

As I went on in life, I made two other efforts to put an end to things, only to discover it is a very difficult
thing to commit suicide. All of these attempts were made before I was fifteen. I tried to smother myself
with sand when I was around eleven years old, but sand in one’s mouth, nose and eyes is not
comfortable and I decided to postpone the happy day. The last time, I tried to drown myself in a river in
Scotland. But again the instinct to self-preservation was too strong. Since then I have not been very
interested in suicide, though I have always understood the impulse.”22

Bailey had Mercury in Cancer, a signature of her role as an amanuensis, receiving the esoteric
teachings.23 But the position of Mercury here is a very subjective one emotionally, and with the addition
of its square to Jupiter in Aries, can be somewhat the over-imaginative “drama queen”.

BSD (*Being* Stillness Detachment)

“A life tendency towards depression which you have amazingly offset by negation and a persistent
attitude of service. It has nevertheless complicated your life pattern and yet has been one of your major

Melancholy (Edvard Munch,1894.)

BSD had Moon in Leo square Saturn in Taurus, one of the most common aspects that can indicate
depression, regardless of the sign positions of the planets. In his case, the natural flare of a Leo moon
may have felt inhibited by Saturn. BSD had a potent 5th ray mind that would have given him the mental
disciple to persist despite the odds.

LUT (*Love* Understanding Transmutation)

“What, therefore, is the cause of your condition? What lies at the root of your malaise (as the Latins call
it)? What leads to your sense of physical ill and to the gloom and depression with which you greet the
world? Just the glamour of preoccupation— an intense preoccupation with yourself.

If I should call this attitude “self-pity,” will you accept it and use your intelligent mind to reason yourself
out of your impasse? … Having said this, let me at the same time remind you that any reaction of
depression as the result of my words will but prove the extent of my truthful presentation.”25

LUT also had Moon in Leo, square to Mars in Taurus in his case. Mars is in detriment in Taurus, creating
“war” in the emotional body. Moon in Leo people can suffer from lack of recognition and wanting to be in
the spotlight. LUT also had a 4th ray mind and a 6th ray emotional body that would have not made
matters any easier. (See Ray table above.)

GSS (Gentleness *Silence* Stability)

“Much that is regarded by you as faulty and wrong, much that seems to you of hindrance to your group,
much of the depression and of glamour in your life has a purely physical or physiological reason and is,
therefore, upon the plane of superficiality. It leaves the real inner man untouched and leaves your
influence, consequently, free to work and move among your brothers.” 26

GSS had Mercury, Sun and Mars in Virgo, either creating the greatest sensitivity in the physical body
and/or imagined ills arising from a fussy Virgoan/imaginative Pisces nature. As a Cancer rising with the
moon as ruler placed in Pisces there was extra sensitivity – a point of least resistance to be polarised in
the astral nature. LUT’s 6th astral body would also have contributed.

PDW (Patience *Dynamic Thought* Wisdom)

“With patience you have handled life. Your moments of deep depression (mounting at times in the past
almost to crises of despair), are well nigh over. You are becoming more and more immersed in the
service of your fellowmen, and are drawing closer to the goal which has been set you.

One of the problems which all sincere disciples have to solve is to learn to live as if the physical body did
not exist. By that I mean that its limitations and the hindrances which it imposes upon the expression of
the free, spiritual consciousness are negated by an inner attitude of mind.

It is the cultivation of a detached attitude to life and to circumstances which has constituted your major
lesson in this particular incarnation. You are learning it. With a sense of inner freedom, you must learn to
function as a Messenger, despite all handicaps and the demands of a physical vehicle, too frail really to
handle the force which must flow through.”27

PDW had Mars in Cancer square Moon in Libra. Mars is in its fall in Cancer, providing a challenging
emotional life. Note that this disciple also had a major aspect to their Moon, the Dweller. Many of these
disciples were living through WWII and PDW was eventually killed by the Nazis.

DHB (Detachment Humility *Being*)

“Your replies indicate a glamour out of which you should at once emerge—the glamour of depression,
based on a sense of spiritual inferiority which is not … Clear away the glamour of depression and enter
upon the new cycle with joy…

You, my brother, have done your full share in the preservation of group integrity; I should like to take this
opportunity to tender to you my gratitude for your unfailing cooperation, undertaken in the face of
physical liability, home difficulties, personal glamour and deep depression. No matter what has been
eventuating in your personal life and environment, you have stood with steadfastness and have thereby
won much for your group.”28

DHB was one of DK’s most advanced disciples and was being prepared for the third initiation. Sun,
Saturn and Mercury were all in sensitive Cancer. DHB was a 2nd ray soul and had the 2nd ray glamour of
self pity – one of the most common glamours for Humanity. DHB also had a Moon-Mars in Taurus
conjunction which would have been quite difficult emotionally. DHB’s “spiritual inferiority” probably arose
from having Sun and Venus in Virgo, noted for its modesty, self-effacing or self-deprecating nature.

LTSK (*Lucidity* Truth Self Knowledge)

“There is absolutely no need for the profound depression and for the process of self-accusation in which
you so constantly live. Years ago, your dream was to serve the Master, to be known by Him and to be a
part of His group or Ashram. You longed for the status, technically understood, of an accepted disciple

Your quiescence, demonstrated upon the physical plane, largely as depression and fatigue, produced a
negativity which made it difficult for any positive glamour to show itself; this greatly helped, weakening
through attrition the hold which it has had upon your astral body. See that it gains no strength again. But
be not depressed; simply be negative to all the suggestions of glamour and be encouraged.”29

LTSK was neither an aspirant, nor had taken the first initiation, though was linked to DK through karma.
He thought he was in line to take the 4th degree in that life … such is maya! Mercury, Moon and Sun all
in Capricorn – with the Moon square to Saturn in Aries! As stated earlier, Capricorn can be one of the
most difficult signs for expressing the feeling nature. Again, another difficult moon (the dweller) aspect.
But the potency of the Capricorn mental nature did bring some measure of success for LTSK.

Churchill’s Black Dog

Winston Churchill is included here as he is famous for referring to his
depression as his “black dog”. He was, despite his personality
shortcomings, an undoubted disciple/initiate who was born in Sagittarius,
in those “autumn/early winter months”.

Could this have been the main contributing factor to his depression?
Interestingly he shares a Leo moon with some of the disciples discussed
earlier. Leo’s soul ruler is Neptune, ruler of the sixth ray, solar plexus etc.
– and Churchill’s Moon made a close trine to Neptune.

“For months on end, Churchill was so paralysed by despair that he

couldn’t get out of bed to attend the simplest session of parliament. He
had no energy, no interests, lost his appetite, couldn’t concentrate. He
was completely non-functional – and this didn’t just happen once or twice
in the 1930s, but also in the 1920s and 1910s and earlier. These darker
periods would last a few months, and then he’d come out of it and be his normal self.

… But normal for Churchill was in a sense also rather abnormal: when he wasn’t severely depressed
and low in energy and lying in bed, Churchill had very high energy levels. He wouldn’t go to sleep until
two or three in the morning, instead staying up and dictating his dozens of books.

He would talk incessantly in a tantivy of whirling thoughts. So much so that the then US president,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, once said of him: “He has a thousand ideas a day, four of which are good.” These
are manic symptoms, part of the disease of manic-depression (which includes but is not exactly the
same thing as today’s “bipolar” illness terminology).”30

This latter paragraph also describes the Sagittarius-Gemini polarity in Churchill’s chart. But the most
probable astrological significator of Churchill’s depression may have been Mercury in Scorpio opposite
Pluto in Taurus; some pretty deep and dark thoughts with this combination, a profound aspect for
penetrating, incisive thinking. A basic interpretation of Mercury-Pluto, uncannily accurate:

“Basically, the tone of your insight will be pessimistic and essentially depressive, and you will see the
world as a place where disorder, pain and problems are rapidly multiplying. Social problems feel
personal and real to you, even if your own circumstances do not bring you into personal contact with

Your sensitivity (or inner receptivity) leads you to see a world in crisis, makes you feel responsible for its
problems, and offers little way out for you unless you become involved in efforts to improve matters.”31

Suicide: Vincent van Gogh

“Prolific for his struggling mental being and inner turmoil, van
Gogh’s art has been an early staple for the depiction of
mental illness. Institutionalised and manic depressive for
most of his later life, van Gogh used art to encapsulate his
feelings of isolation, sadness and resentment for the world.

His 1890 oil on canvas piece, Sorrowing Old Man (‘At

Eternity’s Gate), encapsulates the sorrow and grief of a man
who is beyond the point of happiness. Finished just two
years before his suicide, the painting is an ode to his
relapse into mental despair and depressive deliriousness.

The painting exemplifies the isolation one goes through

when left in a sordid state of mind. By using a strong blue to
highlight the main figure of the painting, van Gogh is
32 15/38
physically showing his depression and anxiety.”32

Van Gogh’s soul purpose was Cancer rising and he had the
Sun in pioneering Aries. Neptune is soul ruler of Cancer and
is therefore intimately concerned with Van Goh’s soul
purpose. Neptune is placed in its own rulership of Pisces –
ruling over dreams, fantasies, imagination, paranoia, fear

Cancer rising explains a lot of his supersensitivity – and with

the Moon in Sagittarius squaring solar plexus ruler Mars in
Pisces, that is the rock that he was broken upon. Moon-
Mars squares are quite volatile, especially from fiery, flighty
and impulsive Sagittarius to watery Pisces.

Sorrowing Old Man (‘At Eternity’s Gate’), Vincent

van Gogh.

Vincent Van Gogh

Mars also rules Aries, hence this Moon-Mars square aspect was the bridge or integrating factor
(depression, emotional challenges) – between soul and personality. Van Gogh most likely had a 6th ray
astral body and perhaps personality too – ruled by Mars-Neptune.

Venus is also in Pisces conjunct Mars, contributing signficantly to his artistic prowess. This artistic genius
is worthy of a longer astrological biography, such was the depth of his life, suffering and great

Global Suicide Statistics

As a result of depression and other factors, over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year.
The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population and on average, one person dies by suicide every
40 seconds somewhere in the world. 1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides. Global suicide rates have
increased 60% in the past 45 years.”33

Understanding the Law of Rebirth or reincarnation, will help to lessen the increasing tendency to suicide.
Karma and reincarnation are the ABC’s of esotericism, and these laws need to be dessiminated into the
mainstream more deeply and through formal institutions:

“As humanity becomes soul-conscious, death will be seen as an “ordered” process, carried out in full
consciousness and with understanding of cyclic purpose. This will naturally end the fear at present
rampant, and will also arrest the tendency to suicide, evidenced increasingly in these difficult times.”34

There are also “slow suicides” – such as alcholism or drug addiction as well as their associated diseases
– liver, heart, lungs etc. For the more consciously oriented, a “slow suicide” might be the hidden,
continual transgression of spiritual laws – for which the individual “should know better”:

“The man who deliberately sins, and who is psychologically wrong in his attitudes and consequent
actions, commits suicide just as truly as the man who deliberately blows out his brains. This is seldom
realised, but the truth will become increasingly apparent.”35

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain

Both these individuals were highly successful in their respective spheres of activity. Spade a fashion
designer and Bourdain a celebrity chef – suiciding within three days of one another.

Spade had been receiving treatment and counselling for some months
for depression. She was a Capricorn sun, with several planets in
Scorpio – both signs prominent for depression, as stated in the Pisces
commentary for 2018:

“Given that Pisces is one of the most emotionally sensitive (or over-
sensitive) signs, it can be certainly prone to depression, although it
exists in all the signs, especially for instance, Capricorn and
Scorpio. 36

Spade’s suicide came with two major transits to those Capricorn and
Scorpio placements:

1. Transiting Saturn was heading toward the second of three passes over her Capricorn sun during
2018. The first conjunction occurred in early January 2018. This kind of combination can easily push a
person into even deeper depression – it challenges the individual (amongst other things), to really face
the Dweller and to take responsibility for it.

2. Transiting Jupiter over her natal Venus and Neptune in Scorpio. On the date of her death (June 5,
2018), Jupiter’s transit to her Neptune in Scorpio was probably the most telling factor of essentially
“staring into the abyss”, feeling a hopelessness, of being trapped – that had probably already been
experienced during Jupiter’s first pass over her Neptune in December 2017.

Jupiter’s subsequent conjunctions to Venus in Scorpio (arguably her artistic, creative flair) – in February
and April, may have also left its mark, via disappointment in her relationship with her husband, who had
been living separately from her for the previous year. June 5 also saw the Moon enter Neptune-ruled
Pisces, increasing her sensitivity.

Anthony Bourdain Like Spade, he had been going through a

Saturn transit – an opposition from Saturn to his Cancer Sun
(January-November 2018), suggesting an individually challenging
and potentially discouraging period, physically and emotionally.

Low vitality, depression, feeling alone or isolated (Saturn

characteristics) might contribute to losing the will to live (Sun). But
this transit can just as easily be utilised for consolidation in his life.
Apparently he had a grueling work/travel schedule and was
“absolutely exhausted” in the months leading up to his death –
which, if accurate, refers this Saturn opposition to his Sun.

As with Spade, the moon had been in Pisces days before his death,
perhaps creating an “at risk” scenario. Apparently, Bourdain “had been in a dark mood these past couple
of days”. The moon had conjoined his natal Mars in Pisces triggering the natal square to Mercury in
Gemini, possibly driving him into a disorienting moodiness or confusion. Gemini is the imitator and could
news of Spade’s suicide tipped Bourdain over the edge, in a “copycat” suicide? Bear in mind that Pisces
is one of the sensitive water signs and Mars rules the solar plexus chakra.

For both individuals, all the significators of depression and suicide were present by transit to natal
planets, especially for Spade. Bourdain is not so certain however, he had much to live for and was at the
top of his game. Speculation has been rife that he was murdered or “suicided”, i.e. made to look like
suicide. Even the Wikipedia article about him states, “was found dead of an apparent suicide”. Motive for
foul play is allegedly based upon some controversial tweets about some individuals in politics and show

Anthony Bourdain

Bourdain had a colorful life and his main contribution came through his great ability to bring people
together, and communicate with diverse peoples around the planet; Venus in Gemini is the main
astrological signature of that skill.

The chart above is a speculative rectification for Bourdain as a Scorpio rising, putting transiting Jupiter
on his ascendant at the time of his death. The latter may also suggest foul play, as does Scorpio’s ruler
Pluto on the midheaven, indicating dealings with people in positions of great power.

Scorpio rising might also describe many highs and lows in his life, his dalliances in “sex, drugs and rock
and roll” – and being the “bad boy” of his profession. The latter image can also be attributed to his
Aquarian moon opposite Uranus in Leo, the rebel and original innovator.

There is an argument for an earlier birth time that would give him a Capricorn moon, one of the most
difficult placements emotionally. That scenario would generate a rising sign anywhere between Pisces
and Libra, seven signs. However, the author’s tendency is for an Aquarian moon, hence the rising sign
possibilities from Libra through to Pisces.

Robin Williams: Comic Genius

Robin Williams was also a Cancer sun, taking his own life in 2014.
He had a Pisces moon and Scorpio rising, a potent watery

On the day of his suicide he had the following transits. Note both
rulers of his Scorpio ascendant – Mars and Pluto – were very
powerfully in play, hence the capacity to plunge him into the depths
of depression:

1. Transiting Venus exactly conjunct his Cancer sun

2. Transiting Sun conjunct Pluto – squaring Saturn in Scorpio.
3. Transiting Pluto exactly opposite natal Mars in Cancer.
4. Transiting Mars on Scorpio trine to natal Mars in Cancer.

(The following was written four years ago when Wiliams passed.) Robin Williams’ generous soul touched
millions of people, through comedy and drama, he was the quintessential Leonine performer who drew
upon a great emotional depth and understanding of the human condition.

Robin Williams

These qualities are strongly reflected by the many watery placements in his horoscope, a Cancer Sun
with a grand trine in water between Mars-Uranus, Scorpio rising and a Pisces Moon. Here is his empathy
and great sensitivity, reflected in one instance by his character in the “Its not your fault” scene from Good
Will Hunting. His Pisces Moon was also the source of his years of struggle with addiction.

The Mercurial fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict was

prominent in his make-up, perhaps the personality or mental body
ray. One of the symbols of the fourth ray is the theatrical happy-
sad mask, one that Williams embodied fully.

The Mars-Pluto rulers of his Scorpio rising soul purpose – are

very prominent. Mars is conjunct Uranus in Cancer, a rich source
of his off-beat and original perspectives, whilst Pluto is conjunct
Mercury in Leo on the midheaven, another ingredient of a
devastatingly wicked wit.

Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of his Scorpio ascendant, giving him the ability to reach billions. Mercury
in Leo on the midheaven is the guy in the crow’s nest at the top of an old tall ship’s mast, beaming with
excitement and bellowing “Land ho!” (Think “Live at the Met” 1986.)

Williams also starred in a quite esoteric movie What Dreams May Come – about a man’s after-death
journey through the subtle worlds. Well now a new adventure begins as he sails back into the Great

Leonard Cohen’s Watery Pisces Nature
Although Cohen’s music has been superficially and inaccurately
criticised as “music to slash your wrists by”, it simply reflects the
depth of his soul nature which deals with all facets of human
experience, not focusing unduly in morbid introspection:

“Though his music is haunted by mortality, it is also deeply

romantic, reverentially spiritual, daringly political, darkly sexy,
and often very, very funny. His songs are deeply human,
compulsively self-depreciating, and forever yearning for the

Recently departed Cohen had Moon in Pisces with Pisces ruler

Neptune opposite. There was the source of his great sensitivity
to the human condition which he so admirably expressed through the wordsmith, Virgo
rising/Sun/Venus/Neptune. The following song is one of Cohen’s most haunting : “You who wish to
conquer pain, you must learn what makes me kind”:


Well I stepped into an avalanche,

it covered up my soul;
when I am not this hunchback that you see,
I sleep beneath the golden hill.
You who wish to conquer pain,
you must learn, learn to serve me well.
You strike my side by accident
as you go down for your gold.
The cripple here that you clothe and feed
is neither starved nor cold;
he does not ask for your company,
not at the centre, the centre of the world.

When I am on a pedestal,
you did not raise me there.
Your laws do not compel me
to kneel grotesque and bare.
I myself am the pedestal
for this ugly hump at which you stare.

You who wish to conquer pain,

you must learn what makes me kind;
the crumbs of love that you offer me,
they’re the crumbs I’ve left behind.
Your pain is no credential here,
it’s just the shadow, shadow of my wound.

I have begun to long for you,

I who have no greed;
I have begun to ask for you,
I who have no need.
You say you’ve gone away from me,
but I can feel you when you breathe.

Do not dress in those rags for me,
I know you are not poor;
you don’t love me quite so fiercely now
when you know that you are not sure,
it is your turn, beloved,
it is your flesh that I wear.

The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time

“Sol-stice” means literally “sun stands still’ because the Sun *appears* to rise in the same place for three
days – having reached its maximum declination between the equator and the ecliptic. The solstice in
Cancer is a doorway into birthing that which was begun in Aries, the beginning of the new year. These
four cardinal cross signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, represent “re-set” points of the year where
the experiences of each quarter are assimilated and consolidated. Is your *new year resolution* initiated
in Aries, still on track for the remainder of the 12 month zodiac cycle?

As the Sun is a measurer of time – and as time is

an illusion, especially when the Sun *appears* to
stand still, the solstice period is an opportunity to
transcend the illusion of linear time, in which the
whole world is immersed; to move into “no time”
or “now time” – or the *eternal now* – the deepest
recesses of the heart.

Studying the astronomical diagram of the

Celestial Sphere – the ecliptic represents time, as
its invisible circle describes the year it takes for
the Earth to move around the Sun. The equator
represents space, as it is the division that is made
between the northern and southern hemispheres.
The four cardinal points mark out these two ecliptic and equator
They are the equinoxes and solstices – where
space and time meet, bringing the possibility to
transcend the illusion of space-time; they are initiatory doorways to align with the inner, timeless realms
– the real world – devoid of maya, glamour and illusion.

That alignment is enabled by potent impulses from the Sun, our Solar Logos whose annual cycle marks
these four cardinal points, reminding us of Earth’s relationship to the greater whole, its place within the
family of planets in the solar system. Sirius through Cancer-Capricorn

The Cancer solstice is the polar opposite of the

Capricorn solstice, where the third climactic day is
celebrated on Christmas Day. The Cancer solstice is a
no less important three-day festival celebrated from
ancient times. It can be utilised for quiet reflection and
assimilation; for cultivating the psychic sensitivity and
receptivity of Cancer; for appreciation of one’s
biological family as well as the family of humanity; for
communion and ritual with one’s “spiritual family”.

The presence of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic,

Order or Organisation in these four cardinal signs is
quite marked. Hence the opportunity of group ritual at
the solstices and equinoxes, that can help invoke and
anchor these solar forces, furthering the “Planetary Plan”. The Cancer-Capricorn axis is also a “double
doorway” for entry by the forces from Sirius, discussed in other commentaries. As a reminder,

“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the
Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the
Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius]. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable
the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that
section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”38

(“Learns to feel” – in the Cancerian sense of the term, but also in a higher sense.)

| Cancer
Sirius………………. | Saturn……………… Fifth Creative Hierarchy
| Capricorn (the 8th Unknown)”39

As our Sun or Solar Logos marks these four cardinal points, so it acts as an intermediary for the forces
of Sirius – our solar system is the “progeny” of Sirius. Sirius is akin to the higher self or soul to this solar
system. Hence, on Earth’s lesser cycles throughout the year, we acknowledge these higher
correspondences of Earth’s alignment within the solar system to the solar logos, and to the Sirian Law of

Saturn, as one of the four Lords of Karma is the

ruler of Capricorn (in “dignity”), and serves as the
intermediary to Sirius – for the distribution of
karma in our solar system. Currently Saturn is
transiting through its own sign of Capricorn and
will be exactly conjunct the moon at the 2018
Cancer full moon festival. Hence, this Cancer-
Capricorn “gateway” is highly activated. On the
other pole of Capricorn, Saturn is in “detriment” in
Cancer where it,

“… produces those difficult conditions and

situations which will lead to the needed struggle.
This makes Cancer a place of symbolic
imprisonment and emphasises the pains and penalties of wrong orientation.

It is the conflict of the soul with its environment—consciously or unconsciously carried on—which leads
to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has
willingly undertaken when—with open eyes and clear vision—the soul chose the path of earth life with all
its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.”41

“In order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity” – such a poignant and beautiful passage that
avers to the salvaging/saving/redeeming work, of and by Humanity. We can see how much pain and
conflict are associated with Cancer, via the unredeemed nature of Cancer’s ruler the moon, creator of
emotional tides – in its role as the shadow or dweller in the personal horoscope. And of course, the
Moon is the co-ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the ray that rules over humanity as a
whole. We will eventually achieve harmony through the constant conflicts over many lives – between the
unconscious self and the conscious Self, or soul.​​

Sweden: An Accommodating Cancer Personality
In Sweden (the author’s summer residence), the Cancer solstice
is celebrated with a national holiday, so appropriate for a nation
with a Cancer personality! Actually, it is the four Scandinavian
nations – Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden that share
this Cancer personality and Libra soul. But Sweden’s
expression of the Cancerian forces is quite marked and

At this time, many women (and some men!) wear garlands of

flowers in their hair, in the street, working in the supermarket
etc. In fact Swedish summer is also celebrated in many other cities around the world, London, NYC etc.
Like in Norway and Finland, it is believed that if a girl picks 7 different flowers in silence of the
midsummer night and puts them underneath her pillow, she will dream of her future husband.

Volvo Cars
Sweden’s characteristics are certainly visible
through the car company Volvo (now sold out to
the Chinese, sacrilege!). Volvo has a reputation
for SAFETY, one major feature of the sign
Cancer. Safety drills and procedures are
probably higher in this nation than others. In
fact, Scandinavia as a whole is regarded as one
of the world’s safest regions to live. In fact the symbol on the grill of Volvo is Mars, which rules over
machinery and metals. Volvo means “I roll” (originally it was a ball-bearing company) and they do roll
with these cars, though classic old American cars a big favourite! Its not uncommon to find oneself in a
roundabout with five same model Volvo’s!

The Volvo horoscope for August 10, 1926 sees the sun in Leo and Moon in Virgo. Venus is in Cancer,
part of a watery grand trine – an appropriate position for Venus where there is an emphasis on family
relations, strong emotional ties, devotion and loyalty. In other words, Volvo is the family car!

Ikea is another icon of Sweden, prolific throughout the
world, a supplier of household furniture and effects. You
cannot get more Cancerian than this!

“Ikea was founded in Sweden in 1943 by then-17-year-old

Ingvar Kamprad, who was listed by Forbes in 2015 as one
of the ten richest people in the world, worth more than $40 billion. IKEA owns and operates 415 stores in
49 countries.”42

Ikea is a company known for modernist designs of various types of appliances and furniture – for its
functionality combined with aesthetic design; these qualities are in keeping with the soul of Sweden –
Libra. Ikea’s design work is often associated with an eco-friendly simplicity and it was the innovator of
the notorious Ikea flatpack!

All of the above traits point toward the third ray of Active-
Intelligence and the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or
Organisation, the only two rays to pass through Cancer. The
third ray is the only ray to pass through Libra and it
associated with the Law of Economy and money.

The recently passed Ingvar Kamprad was an Aries sun

square Pluto in Cancer, arguably the signature of the
enormous wealth he generated in his company; he had the
classically frugal and penny-pinching traits and a reputation
for being “cheap”. His rising sign is unknown because of
unknown birth time, but it may well have been Cancer!

Kamprad used to take the subway to work and when he drove it was an old Volvo; he used to buy his
clothes at flea markets to save money – “I don’t think I’m wearing anything that wasn’t bought at a flea
market. It means that I want to set a good example,” he said.43

Sweden’s Refugees and Immigrants

Cancerian Sweden has been the largest receiver of refugees, quite remarkably, in all of Scandinavia.
One is reminded of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty in Cancerian New York City, “Give me your
tired, your poor, your huddled masses”. The table below starkly illustrates the extraordinary figures.

Visiting a local town in Sweden, one might visit an Iraqi-run coffee bar in the morning, then later go to a
Syrian-run restaurant for some
delicious Middle-Eastern food, while waiting for the Kurd mechanic working on your Volvo. Most of them
speak Arabic, Swedish and English.

“The Tradition of Generous Asylum Policies. Well known for having some of the world’s highest living
standards and respect for the rule of law and equality, Scandinavian countries have long prided
themselves on playing responsible, constructive roles on the world stage.

Sweden, a champion of high global morals, has been historically refugee-friendly, receiving resettled
refugees through the United Nations since 1950. Finland adopted a legalistic approach to immigration
and humanitarian issues, with a focus particularly on peace keeping and conflict resolution abroad.

Norway has long considered itself the global peace facilitator, whereas Denmark elaborated policies to
enhance the well-being of its resident population, including newcomers. With this approach to
humanitarian affairs, Scandinavia has been largely welcoming to refugees and asylum seekers from
diverse origins. All four countries have long traditions of participation in refugee resettlement from
countries of first asylum and have developed comprehensive humanitarian protection policies.”44

The combination of affable and friendly soul ruler
Libra, combined with Cancer the mother’s all
embracing and receptive nature, has been the
reason for this. Critics of Sweden have said the
refugee influx has been the result of over-idealistic
liberal policies that have now caused many
problems – crime, small scale terrorism,
manipulation of the social security system etc.

Yet this has been the pattern in most other

European nations, such as Britain and Germany – in
several generations of deeper integration, the
current problems now experienced will not exist. The bottom line is that integration between the third and
fifth subraces of the Fifth Rootrace is going ahead – a world historical first.

Cancer is a sign of tradition and conservative values, so this does exist in Sweden and the rest of
Scandinavia. The classic red and white houses are one good example of the Cancerian tradition, as are
the lights that are displayed in all their open windows during winter, giving a sense of cosyness, warmth
and goodwill. Cancer’s keynote is of course, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

Sweden and the English Language

Practically everyone speaks good English in Sweden, in common with several northern European
nations, but Sweden is one of the best. This language facility is another factor relating to Libra and
Cancer combined, accommodating and friendly. Using English as the universal language is a particularly
handy interface between Swedish and the various languages of immigrants.

USA Splitting Children from Families

Very briefly on the Cancer family theme, a few comments
on the recent debacle of immigrant and refugee children
being separated from their parents at the Mexico-US

This has been a problem for some decades, under

various governments and is now coming to a head, as
Saturn transits through Capricorn, opposing USA’s
Cancer planets – Sun, Venus and Jupiter. USA’s exoteric
chart is a Cancer personality, and the two capitals New York City and Washington DC are both ruled by
Cancer esoterically.

In fact, the Cancer full moon of 2018 has Saturn opposing Jupiter in Cancer
precisely, Jupiter the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the soul of the
USA. Hence, compassion and resolution lies waiting in the wings,
particularly as millions of outraged Americans have vented their disgust for
the draconian actions by the current government – whose actions make a
complete mockery of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty referred to

Transiting Saturn will continue to oppose all these Cancer placements up to

September 2019, creating some great challenges for USA’s core values –
around caring for immigrants as well as its grossly under-assisted homeless problem. Cancer the home
– a place of stability, nourishment and love.

Phillip Lindsay © 2018.

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Books by Phillip Lindsay

The Shamballa Impacts

Masters of the Seven Rays

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays II

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays III

Destiny of the Races & Nations I

Destiny of the Races & Nations II

The Hidden History of Humanity I

The Initiations of Krishnamurti

Songs to Varuna

Unveiling Genesis


Esoteric Astrology

Hidden History of Humanity
1. Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays IV,
Phillip Lindsay. (2018) []
2. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.141. []
3. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. []
4. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. “Esoterically speaking, Mars is the alter ego of Pluto.”
Esoteric Astrology, p.507. []
5. The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.796. []
6. Glamour, A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. []
7. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.91. []
8. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.306. []
9. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. pp.306-9. []
10. []
11. Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.76. []
12. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey.p.82. []
13. Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.264. []
14. []
15. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.483. []
16. Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A.Bailey. p.79. []
17. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.184-5. []
18. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.245. []
19. The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.174. []
20. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.313. []
21. []
22. The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.21. []
23. Alice A. Bailey Astro-biography, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. []
24. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.122. []
25. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.492. []
26. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. []
27. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.433. []
28. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.425-9. []
29. Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.730. []
30. []
31. []
in-art-history/ []
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34. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p. 435. []
35. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. []
depression-piscean-absorbency-divine-rebel/ []
transcendence/18967#.WyzylCAuA2w. []
38. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. []
39. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.50. []
40. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.570. []
41. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.342. []
42. []
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