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5E Lesson Plan

Subject area/grade level:

Science / Kindergarten

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students):

KSC7 - Observe and describe the effects of sunlight on Earth's surface (e.g., heat from the sun causing evaporation of water
or increased temperature of soil, rocks, sand, and water).

KSC8 - Design and construct a device (e.g., hat, canopy, umbrella, tent) to reduce the effects of sunlight.

1c - Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in
a variety of ways.

6b - Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

Objectives :

Be able to identify the sun, a model of earth, and some features of the earth's surface such as land and water.

Discuss obvious effects of the sun on the earth's surface and natural objects that shield the earth from the sun.

Observe evaporation and the effects of the sun on soil.

Create an object to shield the earth from the sun.

Differentiation Strategies :
Have whole group discussion to access and organize prior knowledge of the topic.
Provide picture copy of instructions to learners that have trouble with multi-step tasks.
Provide buddy partners when working on the group task

What part of outer space can we see from the earth? (the sky) What do you know about the sky? Put this in the KWL chart
listed below. Tell me some things you might see in the sky. Make a "Things We See In The Sky" chart on a chart tablet. (moon,
stars, blue, clouds, rain, snow, lightning, sun, etc.) Show the video and learn the song.
What is the earth? Discuss and record on a chart tablet. (our world, has water and land, a planet, it moves, etc.) Show a globe
and tell them it is a model of our earth. Locate the water and land on the earth. Use an inflatable globe ball to play a
water/land game. Have the children show you their right thumb. Once everyone knows the correct finger, tell them you are
going to throw the ball to them and they need to tell you if their right thumb is touching land or water when they catch the
globe. Record their findings and determine whether they found land or water more or less by looking at the data after
throwing the ball at least 10 times. Look at the globe again and determine if there is more water or land on earth as a whole.
Tell them the land is called continents-people, plants, and animals can live there; and the larger bodies of water are called
oceans-plants and animals can live there.
Tell them we all live on the earth and show them their state and city on a map or globe. (Google Earth would be a good tool to
use here as a model of the earth.) If you have any students who've lived in other states or countries, point those out on the
globe or map. If not, ask them for any relatives or places they've traveled to point out. Tell them the sky connects all the places
on the earth and discuss how we know this. (Wherever we are we can look up and see the sky.)
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Tell them today they are going to work as engineers designing a device to protect the earth against the sun. By a show of
hands, find out how many have thought of something they might want to design. Assign each student a group. Explain the
experiment and follow the steps below.
Scenario: You are on a vacation at the beach. The sand (or water) is too hot to walk on. Can you design a device to keep the
sand (or water) in your area of the beach cool?
Provide a predetermined amount of sand (or water) for each group along with a thermometer. Place each group's substance in
a sunny place with a thermometer in it to measure the temperature. (They can also use their hands to feel the
temperature) Check the thermometer before placing the cooling devices over, on, around, etc. the substance and record the
temperature. Once the entire group is ready to test, place the devices over the sand or water for a predetermined amount of
time. When time is up, check the thermometer and record the temperature. (Do a hand check as well.) Determine whether or
not your device was effective. Is the temperature lower, higher, or the same? What do you think caused the temperature
variation? Do you need to redesign? Record this information on your recording sheet and take picture with your groups ipad.
Once in engineering groups:
 Draw a picture or blue print of your device. (only 1 blueprint per group)
 Share blueprint with teacher for approval.
 Select materials to create your design.
 Build it.
 Test it to see if it meets the requirements from the checklist.
 Set it up for testing. (Take a picture for your science notebook.)
 Test.
 Record data from test.
 Redesign.
 Retest.
 Collect data to determine if device is effective.

My Sun Shield Device

Name(s) of participants
Drawing of my device

I used____________________________________
Test 1 Test 2

Start Stop Start Stop

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

I think_____________________________________

Explain that it is common for engineers to change a design many times before it works the way they want it to work. Use this
video and the questions presented to help the children draw conclusions about the activity.
Each group took 3 to 4 pictures from their project, one while they were creating the shade, one during the experiment, and one
to show their findings. Each individual student should select one photo from their group and create a Chatterpix video stating
what they did with the project and what they would change to make it better.

To assess each student on their participation and understanding and evaluate how close they have come to meeting the
objectives of the lesson each student will be graded using a rubric listed below.
They will also use Plickers to evaluate each group by selecting which groupd they thought did the best with the project,
presentation, and findings.

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