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Sister Ling
July 2, 2018
Hands of Love GS Up Coming Report On The Myanmar Rohingya Crisis

Intro Excerpts From Report In Progress

Aung San Suu Kyi Current State Counsellor of Myanmar won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for it
seems for Democracy.

An open letter was launched against her in Dec of 2016 to remove her from that win.
But the NPP (Nobel Peace Prize) stood by their decision for her past contribution to humanity.
This woman also has a very long history of fighting for her people what looks to be her whole life.
She has been jailed and who knows under what pressure she was under in the hidden frame of fighting
for a better way.
All duly noted by her, toward midlife term of life as a worthy human being.

Here is the launch to de-Nobel her in Late 2016 (DEC 2016) by then as stated here, hundreds had been
killed and over 30,000 displaced as stated in this Open Call.
type=3&comment_id=996621540444090&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D )

Based on this Call, it seems the ethnic Rohingya minority has had as long history of having problems
sustaining their rights with very little help or notice in Myanmar.
This is also an ongoing problem, that has been going on for many in place long time natives or groups
of nations and people, who may have generational historic roots but are not originally of the nation that
wants them out not just in this nation.
This makes this current situation in Myanmar not just a current” isolated” condition but a serious
problem that could come about in other places as well.

As stated in the opening statement, “It is also up to the NGO community to help based on monitory
support and notoriety to be part of the answer to helping bridge the gaps when governmental input and
power faces the rule of its own laws, rules and policy.”
( )

To guide peaceful solutions and early warning signals instead of just bashing government units and
parties, for not enforcing a type of Global Totalitarianism. As well as accusing Big Media of censoring
facts and truths when the facts and misleading factors, are so wide spread, it would be impossible even
in the best investigative journalism to cover every fact and every lead in or out of nation to be or seem
to be, following transparency to the letter of the word.

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“The principle we follow is the decision is not a declaration of a saint,” Mr. Stalsett said.
“When the decision has been made and the award has been given that ends, the responsibility of the

Statement By Mr. Stalsett NPP Committee

Our View (HOL GS)

We want to look at all the ethnic groups if possible that could be at risk in Myanmar.

One thing about this type of ethnic removal is, it is not actually as cut and dry as it seems. Once it
starts, this “ethnic removal” solution can then become the total solution.
One you can always go back to.

 By looking at all the groups in Myanmar, what is the chance that even if the seen but unknown
goal is achieved, total removal of the Rohingya what will be the next step?

 Who will be next?

 Can Anug San Suu Kyi trust her successors later on down the road to up keep the culture?

An undercut not so clear fact that seems as part of what the actual argument is in the backdrop.
It all starts right now in what they decide to do here.

Yes, the Rohingya may very well be a natural treating population that goes against the grain of
everything that makes Myanmar Independent.
(Treating- we have something that is in part ours, please come join us in our part for the treat)

If given the chance in today’s climate of Populist Islam as well as Big Financial backers good and bad,
would for the right price any ethnic group in any nation, sell out the nation and cause for invaders?
Maybe not but at the same time possibly so.

But killing people who many are still innocent children and older adult as well as probably mostly
innocent people, who would probably not do anything like that and very much identify themselves as
part of the culture of Myanmar as their nation too. Myanmar has some serious problems and issues
including, an active drug trade even though they have done an exceptional job in keeping the
cultivation of cash drug crops and the ills that come with such crops, out of the mind and life of their
A people who is also another minority in a lower cast type of living cultivating the drug crops to earn a
Another less talked about fact when the bashing of a nations leadership occurs, often in the NGO sector
in this case for example, is the fact the Myanmar has between100 and 130 depending on what source
you reference different ethnic groups that live in the nations.

Not always an easy task.

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Another Important Fact

Part of what the UN (United Nations) and other International Actors are trying to instill through their
many in nation programs is, there is no easy solution, or one size fits all way out of various nation
difficult decisions and choices.
To fix some of the problems nations all over the world are having is going to take some work and more
important, commitment.
A commitment by many including; private sectors as well.


Can the Rohingya get over being persecuted and second-class citizens in a first-class world that states
one thing to some but then it’s something else to many others including them?
The problem of Stateless People is not just of Aung San Suu Kyi’s making.
She as a mater a fact was once a major fighter for freedom.
It must be heart wrenching to see what has become of her nation as of late in this very difficult situation
and more then that, Her Personal Value System.

Unless it’s something else.

Something so dark, deep and hidden it’s going to have to be dug out.
In cases like this, it is often outside money chains of business and mistakes that can often just be in
judgment. Because there is a drug trade in Myanmar, this is a prime place for Big Business to do a little
dirt as the drug buyer will always be suspect.

But in today’s more modern times the type of facts we need to find the source and line into genocide is
easier then ever if you know what to look for if one actually exists.

Can be said if there is a right now problem that very few know about, that there must be a trail of action
that can be discovered. We want the nation not to lose hope that through all the harsh words if the
actual condition of facts is not passable by the nations leadership to free the Rohingya from the threat
of being killed if they return as is being negotiated, there must be a reason. A reason that if can be
brought to the attention of who is behind this, can be coaxed to maybe back off or change direction.

There also seems to be a problem with drug use in outlying areas of South East Asia over the years.
If this affects Myanmar remains to be seen but it might that could also include bullying, a normal tactic
that is used to make nations just go along or else. These types never care what global government is
saying or threatening including, sanctions and other far reaching actions. Actions that if they can’t be
prevented also make the situation worse and can spread as a threat to other nations that the same thing
will happen there if they don’t play along.

This is also not known as being a part of what is going on just yet.

Just a look of what we have seen can be in the background of populations in civil unrest and large-scale
violence against its own people.

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Another question might be about the drug use of the Rohingya population or their lack of drug use.
Here is a nation that has a big income from Jade smuggling, raw drug trade as well as religious
populations that either participate to the scorn of their religion or condemn the nation based on
religious reasons.
Both very serious occurrences when this is an underlying reason for national strife with in.


Without better fact finding and guidance to remit the atrocities to a hard look and review of facts and
support, the government who based on all that can be seen today in as far as what an underfunded
attempt can produce in facts, just yet.

Support the government to fix this for the people of the nation effected.

Time right now is of the essence.

How this is to be perceived and provided to the mass public, as what we can find should not just be left
to the wind of a key board and a mouth piece.
As many watch, why should value be placed on anything some are doing based on various resources of
financial gain, if a simple look cannot be taken serious by a very, very serious look in.
Of course, we cannot just leave this as is and not go farther to try to bring at the least some type of
understanding that goes deeper then what the more affected can risk coming forth with themselves.

But the Rohingya are a people too and have rights as human beings to not be just killed and run off.

Whatever has happened and so far, we have found a few things that could raise interest that leads to a
better understanding of what could be going on.
Some are fact, dates and inputs that all seem of the grandest intentions, that all have been for naught
including, the bigger attempts at change that took place between 2012 and about 2015. What happened
next in Myanmar after real proof was seen that a certain type of intervention could up lift a nation.
May not be alone that fault of Myanmar or those who took a chance on this nation during those years.

 Do or did Myanmar represent a flag of sorts of the type of power real global change and
intervention as well as commitment to a level of financial support could bring by Global
Government lending a hand?

 Did this nation response to quickly to one year of an extended view and look to help aid in the
nations development and the future progress of one of many 3rd and Developing Nations?

Fact that can be reviled.

Also how can this one situation that neighboring Bangladesh a nation also on the fringes of key turn
point moments of development and long range prosperity goals, while at the same time having its own
inter-nation quarrels and other nation inputs and responsibilities with in their region.
Maybe even sending Bangladesh backwards in its achievements over the years, possibly destabilizing
other global nation's achievement by example if this was a greater goal if one such goal existed.
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If today the world of big business who has made a commitment to participate in an active role in
helping guide along The Global Development of Nations who need it, by a reasonable sound, longer
reaching best business practices guidance and path.
Can the House of Card tumble right down and have riveting effects in the region including other
nations, as well as the more harder to combat facts of social and cultural differences including religion
that nations are seeming to find a new outside nation fight to have more often.

Who stands most to gain if what’s not proven facts just yet or even substantiated of possible causes but
simply what could come to mind if you go a little deeper as HOL GS has and plans to.

Let’s today simply see that yes there is some out there who would go a bit farther to assure the promise
of a better future and not sit by idly to allow the genocide that has been a long fight in fighting and
lessening to just come back.

Again, if we contact you as we are already behind schedule in getting this very needed look started and
Please take this contact as very serious.
As it is not 100% ethical to just fix things alone unless absolutely without recourse and then we must
name names from our side as why no one helped us, even though we asked.

So as your search has brought you to this entry based on our contact to you, the amount as well as what
we have said is fitting.
We believe that it is just as important as the biggest amount that could be requested if it gets the job
We only for this endeavor need this once and will provide what we have stated once achieved.
So much over the years has been said about what we are that much has changed and it is a much more
telling industry this time around.

Once again, we thank you for your attention and remember there is no active grant listing for:

Sister Ling

RE; Rohingya Mass Exodus and Killings

Contact Us: G-Voice: 929-379-7305

HOL GS AI Audio Link Available Below

“Security Clearance”
UNSC Briefing on the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State
You Tube
There is a Paper

Contact Us: G-Voice: 929-379-7305

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