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Per a special condition on the FFY2015 VOCA-Victims Assistance Formula program, all non-profit sub-recipients of

VOCA Assistance funding under this award must agree to make their financial statements available online. The
OVC provides annual funding to support the Victim Notification System (VNS), a program administered by the
EOUSA and jointly operated by the FBI, EOUSA, OVC, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. As previously stated, the
OVC awards CVF money through formula and discretionary grants to states, local units of government, individuals,
and other entities.

13 Rather, deposits to the CVF come from a number of sources including criminal fines, forfeited bail bonds,
penalties, and special assessments collected by the U.S. Attorneys' Offices, federal courts, and the Federal Bureau
of Prisons from offenders convicted of federal crimes.

The Victim Services Unit is here to help alleviate the trauma associated with being a victim of a crime and to
provide necessary services and support. With honor and integrity, we will support victims of crimes committed by
criminal aliens through access to information and resources.

While tribal governments are eligible to receive victims assistance and compensation funds from their respective
state victim programs (e.g., in the form of sub-grants), some have argued that there should be a dedicated
amount from the Crime Victims Fund directed to American Indian tribes each year.

The Arizona Attorney General's Office administers the Victims' Rights Program. In 1984, Congressed passed the
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) which established the Crime Victim's Fund ("the fund"). OVC staff extend our heartfelt
condolences to the victims of the mass shooting at the Capital Gazette office in Annapolis, Maryland.

Office of Victim Services - It is the Mission of the Crime Victims Board to provide compensation to innocent
victims of crime in a timely, efficient and compassionate manner; to fund direct services to crime victims via a
network of community-based programs; and to advocate for the rights and benefits of all innocent victims of

These amendments established within the CVF (1) discretionary grants for private organizations, (2) the Federal
Victim Notification System, (3) funding for victim assistance staff within the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, (4) funding for the Children's Justice Act Program, and (5) assistance and
compensation for victims of terrorism.

The DPS VOCA Unit and its VOCA subrecipient organizations are prohibited, by federal law, from discriminating on
the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activities, not only in
respect to employment practices but also in the delivery of services or benefits.

Assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system. It is an essential service in empowering
victims. In order to ensure the quality of services being offered, all members of the Division are either certified
victim advocates or are in the process of becoming fully certified.

VOCA Assistance Administrators have voiced concern that fluctuations in annual obligations can directly impact
fund availability for victim assistance formula grants and, to a lesser extent, discretionary grants. If your property
has been held as evidence in a criminal case our office can assist you in regaining possession of your property.

The Victims' Services Unit (VSU) offers crime victims and their families support and information at every stage of
the criminal process. OCVA also provides individual case consultation to service providers and victim advocates
regarding clients. Whether you are working for a victim services' organization in Canada, have been the victim of a
crime, or have had a family member become a victim of crime, the NOV can help.

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