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JNNP Online First, published on November 16, 2016 as 10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386
Cerebrovascular disease


Medical management of intracerebral haemorrhage

Floris H B M Schreuder,1 Shoichiro Sato,2,3 Catharina J M Klijn,1,4
Craig S Anderson3,5,6,7
Department of Neurology, ABSTRACT providing a systematic clinical assessment that
Donders Institute for Brain, The global burden of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is includes ensuring there is no underlying treatable
Cognition and Behaviour,
Radboud University Medical
enormous. Developing evidence-based management structural lesion; good control of BP and other
Centre, Nijmegen, strategies for ICH has been hampered by its diverse physiological parameters; management of compli-
The Netherlands aetiology, high case fatality and variable cooperative cations; early rehabilitation to promote recovery;
Department of organisation of medical and surgical care. Progress is and effective secondary prevention. This narrative
Cerebrovascular Medicine, being made through the conduct of collaborative review describes the major consequences of ICH
National Cerebral and
Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, multicentre studies with the large sample sizes necessary and provides expert recommendations that are
Japan to evaluate therapies with realistically modest treatment based on the available evidence to support
Neurological and Mental effects. This narrative review describes the major decision-making in medical management (table 1).
Health Division, The George consequences of ICH and provides evidence-based
Institute for Global Health
Australia, Sydney, New South
recommendations to support decision-making in medical ORGANISATION OF CARE
Wales, Australia management. As for acute ischaemic stroke, ICH is a medical
Department of Neurology and emergency that requires rapid assessment after con-
Neurosurgery, Brain Center firmation of the diagnosis on brain imaging, as
Rudolf Magnus, University
Medical Center, Utrecht, INTRODUCTION patients are often unstable and can rapidly deterior-
The Netherlands Acute non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage ate. Loss of consciousness is a prominent feature of
The George Institute for (ICH) is not only complex and aetiologically ICH, which complicates the use of scales that assess
Global Health China, Peking diverse, but also the most serious, least treatable neurological impairment, such as the National
University Health Science
Center, Beijing, China
and more variable in incidence and management Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. The use of the
Central Clinical School, compared to other stroke subtypes.1 2 Although Glasgow Coma Scale, together with key imaging
University of Sydney, Sydney, accounting for about one-fifth of the 16.8 million prognostic features (the site, volume and presence
new strokes that occur in the world each year,2 it is of intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) extension)
Neurology Department, Royal more common in developing countries, particularly of the haematoma in relation to time of presenta-
Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia in Asia,1 3 where populations have high prevalence tion,6 is useful in triaging patients. Numerous
of elevated blood pressure (BP) and less-well- scales exist for grading the severity of ICH, the
Correspondence to defined predisposing genetic and environmental ICH Score7 being the most widely known and vali-
Professor Craig Anderson, (eg, high-salt diet) risk factors.4 5 Most importantly, dated; they all have comparable ‘fair to good’ pre-
The George Institute for Global
Health, Peking University its consequence in terms of ‘loss-of-productive-life- dictive ability and clinical utility.8
Health Science Center, years’ is disproportionately greater on a global scale As it is often difficult to reliably predict the
Beijing, 100088, PR China; than acute ischaemic stroke, because ICH is serious outcome of patients at the time they present with
canderson@georgeinstitute. and tends to affect people at earlier (working) ICH, and evidence indicates that the premature use
ages.2 of ‘do-not-resuscitate’ or ‘withdrawal of care’ orders
Received 21 August 2016 Despite improved management of hypertension, independently predicts mortality,9 10 initiation of an
Revised 14 October 2016 there has been no apparent decline in the incidence active management plan is recommended unless
Accepted 25 October 2016 of ICH, possibly because adherence to antihyper- there are particular clinical (eg, massive ICH with
tensive therapy remains poor, continued population deep coma), comorbid (eg, advanced dementia or
ageing and increasing use of antithrombotic drugs malignancy) or social (eg, advanced directives) cir-
for various cardiovascular conditions. ICH has a cumstances. This also allows time for a patient’s
1 month case death rate of around 40%, and half condition to stabilise, potential complicating factors
of the deaths occur in the first few days after onset; (eg, seizures and dehydration) to resolve and for
an outlook that has similarly remained unchanged counselling family members in the context of their
in recent decades.1 cultural, religious and personal beliefs. Active care
These gloomy statistics continue to create clinical includes monitoring and timely intervention for
nihilism in the management of patients with ICH. neurological deterioration and adverse events, and
However, new evidence has emerged supporting this is ideally organised in an intensive care or high
the benefits of an active care approach and specific dependency unit, which provide high nurse:patient
therapies with potential to improve the outcome. ratio of care and expertise. Well organised acute
The role of decompressive surgery varies around stroke unit care benefits ICH patients (number
To cite: Schreuder FHBM, the world depending the availability and organisa- needed to treat (NNT) 18)11 by directing effective
Sato S, Klijn CJM, et al. J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
tion of services, and acceptance of the evidence, management according to the type and severity of
Published Online First: which has not clearly defined patients with neurological impairment.
[please include Day Month characteristics who have the most to gain from Non-contrast brain CT is the most appropriate
Year] doi:10.1136/jnnp- such intervention. The medical management of initial investigation to confirm the presence of
2016-314386 ICH is, therefore, primarily supportive, directed at ICH, but it is less useful in establishing any
Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386 1
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2016. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence.
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Cerebrovascular disease

resources and organisation of services. However, a small vascu-

Table 1 Key recommendations for ICH management
lar anomaly may be missed in patients with large haematomas
Quality of Strength of (figure 1).
Recommendation evidence* recommendation† A previously well, 48-year-old woman presented with sudden
Admit to a designated stroke unit for initial High Strong
left hemiparesis during fitness exercise. CT showed right frontal
active management lobar haemorrhage, volume 12 mL (image A). Early CT angiog-
Use cerebrovascular imaging to exclude a Moderate‡ Strong raphy and MRI with venous contrast excluded any vascular
vascular anomaly anomalies and cortical vein or cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
Intensively control BP (systolic target Moderate Moderate Digital subtraction angiography 1 month later showed a small
<140 mm Hg within 1 hour of presentation) AVM in the right precentral gyrus, with an identified small
as it is safe and improves functional
irregular vessel fed by a distal branch of the right middle cere-
bral artery (arrow, image B) without a clear nidus. During the
Provide feeding (enteral if necessary) within Low Weak
48 hours of onset capillary phase, premature venous drainage to the superior sagit-
Control elevated glucose Low Weak tal sinus and Sylvian vein (arrowheads, image C) was observed.
Rapidly treatment fever Low Weak Subsequent surgical resection of the AVM was undertaken.
Control seizures with an antiepileptic drug Moderate Moderate Thus, where there is a high suspicion of an underlying vascular
Avoid prophylactic use of antiepileptic drugs Low Weak anomaly with negative imaging findings in the acute phase,
In immobile patients, avoid graduated High Strong patients should be re-examined 1–3 months after ICH, when the
compression stockings and use intermittent haematoma has been resorbed. The relevance of cerebral micro-
pneumatic compression to reduce DVT risk bleeds detected on MRI in guiding treatment options is currently
If there is elevated ICP, use simple measures Low Weak unknown. Conventional cerebral angiography is usually required
(eg, head elevation, analgesia, antiemetics) in cases where there is a high likelihood of a vascular anomaly
and assisted ventilation when severe
and interventional treatment is being considered.13
Avoid activated recombinant factor VII Moderate Strong
Although early mobilisation is likely beneficial for patients,
Avoid platelet transfusion in antithrombotic Moderate Moderate
related ICH
care should be taken in the early mobilisation of patients where
Rapidly reverse anticoagulation with Moderate Moderate
potential resultant adverse impact on BP variability and ortho-
intravenous vitamin K and PCC in vitamin static hypotension may have harmful effects.14
K-associated ICH Recommendations: After confirmation of ICH by a non-
Rapidly reverse anticoagulation with PCC Low Weak contrast brain CT, patients should be admitted to a designated
and/or selective antidotes in stroke unit with an active treatment plan. Diagnosis of ICH
DOAC-associated ICH
should trigger additional cerebrovascular imaging to exclude
Reduce risk of recurrent ICH and other Moderate Strong
underlying vascular anomalies.
serious vascular events through strict
long-term control of BP (systolic target
Resume antithrombotic drugs after ICH Low Weak Hypertension
*Grading of evidence:93 high—consistent data from multiple randomised controlled Elevated BP or hypertension, defined by systolic BP
trials; moderate—insufficient data from single large or multiple small randomised ≥140 mm Hg, is very common after ICH and independently
trials; weak—data derived mainly observational studies. predicts haematoma growth, perihaematomal oedema and sub-
†Grading of recommendation:93 strong—there are clear benefits; moderate—there
are probable benefits that out way potential harms; weak—there is uncertainty over sequent neurological worsening and poor outcome, including
the balance of benefits and harms. death and disability.15 The association between elevated BP at
‡Based on data from good-quality observational studies.
BP, blood pressure; DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; DVT, deep venous thrombosis;
ICH presentation and haematoma expansion is strongest for sys-
ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; ICP, intracranial pressure; iv, intravenous; PCC, tolic BP >175 mm Hg.16 There has been long-standing concern
prothrombin concentrate complex. that early lowering of BP after ICH can cause cerebral ischaemia
by reducing cerebral perfusion pressure, particularly if there is
altered cerebral autoregulation from long-standing hypertension
underlying structural cause. A secondary cause of an ICH or from brain injury. However, advanced imaging has not been
should be suspected if it has an atypical deep or lobar location able to show any significant relationship between BP lowering
with a disproportionate amount of subarachnoid haemorrhage and perihaematomal cerebral blood flow in patients with acute
or perihaematomal oedema, and in younger patients without a ICH.17 The main phase, Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in
history of hypertension or illicit drug use as predisposing Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2)18 evaluated
factors. Recent attention has focused on particular features of the effect of target-driven, early intensive BP lowering treatment
morphology of the haematoma (eg, swirl, irregularity and fluid (systolic BP <140 mm Hg within 1 hour and continued for
level) and the ‘spot-sign’ (ie, extravasation of contrast on CT 7 days) compared to contemporaneous standard management
producing a spot or blush within or at the edge of the haema- (systolic BP of <180 mm Hg) in 2839 ICH patients who pre-
toma) that signify ongoing bleeding, greater haematoma growth sented within 6 hours of onset with elevated systolic BP (150–
and poor outcome.12 While the former features are simple to 220 mm Hg). The frequency of the primary outcome, death or
apply in routine practice, the utility of the spot-sign appears disability (modified Rankin scale (mRS) score of 3–6) was 52%
limited outside of well-resourced specialist centres. in the intensive and 56% standard BP lowering groups (OR
CT or MRI angiography is the next step towards a diagnosis 0.87, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.01; p=0.06; NNT 28). Moreover, ana-
of any underlying vascular anomaly,13 such as intracranial aneur- lyses on the pre-specified key secondary outcome, an ordinal
ysm, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), dural arteriovenous shift analysis of the full range of score on the mRS, showed that
fistula, cavernoma and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. This the intensive BP lowering group had significantly better func-
can be organised at the time of presentation or in the early tional recovery at 90 days (OR for greater disability 0.87, 95%
follow-up period, depending of clinical features, available CI 0.77 to 1.00; p=0.04). Although a nested imaging substudy
2 Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386
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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 1 Example of an intracerebral


demonstrated only a modest and non-significant trend towards a administered intravenous nicardipine. Another difference is that
reduction in haematoma growth over 24 hours from intensive the achieved mean minimum systolic BP of patients in the inten-
BP lowering, the effect on this most plausible mechanistic surro- sive treatment group in ATACH-II was <130 mm Hg
gate end point became significant in a meta-analysis of four ran- (129 mm Hg at 0–2 hours and 122 mm Hg at 2–24-hours), due
domised controlled trials that included INTERACT2.19 to the protocol-defined level of BP-lowering intensity and the
The more recent, second Antihypertensive Treatment for BP level for cessation of intravenous BP being lower in
Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage (ATACH-II) study20 compared ATACH-II (<110 mm Hg) than in INTERACT2
‘very early’ (<4.5 hours of onset) and ‘very rapid and intensive’ (<130 mm Hg). A subanalysis of INTERACT2 showed that
(systolic BP <140 mm Hg with intravenous nicardipine for achieved post randomisation mean systolic BP of 130–
24 hours) BP lowering with standard BP management (systolic 139 mm Hg during the initial 24 hours was associated with the
BP of 140–180 mm Hg). Death or disability (mRS score 4–6; best outcome for ICH patients; but a modest increase in poor
the primary outcome) at 90 days was 38.7% in the very inten- outcome was suggested for levels <130 mm Hg.21 These differ-
sive and 37.7% in the standard BP lowering groups (adjusted ences would imply that very rapid and intensive BP lowering to
relative risk (RR) 1.04, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.27; p=0.72). While treatment targets <130 mm Hg in patients with very high BP
there was no overall significant difference in treatment related could refute any potential treatment benefit. With these differ-
serious adverse events within 72 hours, significantly more renal ences in mind, and since ATACH-II and INTERACT2 included
adverse events emerged over the initial 7 days (9.0% vs 4.0%; predominantly ICH of mild-moderate severity, individual
p=0.002) and borderline more serious adverse events during patient data meta-analyses of these and other trials could
90 days in the very intensive group (adjusted RR 1.30, 95% CI provide further valuable information regarding BP control (eg,
1.00 to 1.69; p=0.05). Interestingly, the percentage of patients regimens, starting and stopping limits for BP treatment) and in
with haematoma growth (defined as >33% increase in ICH subgroups (eg, large haematoma, pre- and postdecompressive
volume over the initial 24 hours) was 18.9% in the very inten- surgery) of ICH patients.22
sive group and 24.4% in the standard treatment group (adjusted
RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.03; p=0.08). Hyperglycaemia
The discrepancy in results between INTERACT2 and Early (enteral) feeding (ie, within 48 hours) should be consid-
ATACH-II may temper enthusiasm for early BP lowering in ered in ICH patients as it is associated with reduced risk of
ICH, but there are important differences between the two trials. pneumonia and improved survival.23 High blood glucose in the
To begin with, all patients enrolled in ATACH-II had elevated acute phase of ICH shows a continuous relation with early
systolic BP of >180 mm Hg at presentation (mean 200 mm Hg) deterioration, poor functional outcome and higher mortality
for which most received initial treatment, while only approxi- regardless of diabetic status.24 However, the UK Glucose Insulin
mately half of INTERACT2 participants had this same level of in Stroke Trial (GIST-UK)25 showed no benefit for the use of
systolic BP at the time of randomisation. Furthermore, standard glucose–potassium–insulin therapy during the initial
INTERACT2 participants received a wide variety of intravenous 24 hours on mortality in 933 patients with stroke (including
and oral BP-lowering agents (eg, α-adrenergic antagonist (urapi- 12% with ICH) when it was stopped early due to slow enrol-
dil), calcium-channel blocker (nicardipine or nimodipine), com- ment. Although underpowered, a possible explanation for this
bined α blocker and β blocker (labetalol), nitroglycerin, finding is that hyperglycaemia is a hyperacute stress reaction,
diuretics (furosemide), nitroprusside, hydralazine, and others) merely reflecting stroke severity. A meta-analysis of eight rando-
based on cost and local availability, according to pre-specified mised controlled trials suggests similar magnitude of benefits of
protocols; whereas most ATACH-II participants were stroke unit care, including management of hyperglycaemia for
Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386 3
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Cerebrovascular disease

ICH and acute ischaemic stroke,11 while the Quality in Acute levels of hyperglycaemia with attention to avoiding hypogly-
Stroke Care (QASC) study, a cluster randomised trial, showed caemia seem reasonable.27
improved functional outcome from a multidisciplinary interven-
tion involving early control of fever, hyperglycaemia and swal- Fever
lowing in patients with stroke (including 5% of ICH).26 Yet, Fever, often defined as a temperature of >38°C, is relatively
there is uncertainty over the optimal glucose level and control- common and an independent prognostic factor of poor
ling methods specifically in patients with ICH. At this stage, outcome after acute ICH.28 Although often related to sepsis,
intensive insulin treatment in patients with moderate to high fever can also relate to an inflammatory reaction around the

Table 2 Ongoing clinical trials on medical management of ICH

Trial name/ Study
identifier Period Centres phase Mechanism Inclusion Intervention Primary outcome

SPOTLIGHT 2011–2017 15 centres Phase II Haemostatic N=110 Single injection of rFVIIa 80 mg/kg or ICH expansion at
NCT01359202 Canada therapy ICH <6 hours onset placebo 24 hours
STOP-IT 2010–2016 13 centres Phase II Haemostatic N=184 Single injection of rFVIIa 80 mg/kg or ICH expansion at
NCT00810888 2 countries therapy ICH <5 hours onset placebo 24 hours
NCT00699621 2009–2016 3 centres Phase II Haemostatic N=100 Platelet transfusion or no therapy ICH expansion at
Finland therapy ICH <6 hours onset 24 hours
Antiplatelet use
STOP-AUST 2012–2017 11 centres Phase II Haemostatic N=100 Intravenous tranexamic acid: 1 g loading ICH expansion at
NCT01702636 2 countries therapy ICH<4.5 hours dose over 10 min, followed by another 1 g 24 hours
onset over 8 hours or placebo
TRAIGE 2015–2018 11 centres Phase II Haemostatic N=240 intravenous tranexamic acid: 1 g loading ICH expansion at
NCT02625948 China therapy ICH <6 hours onset dose over 10 min, followed by another 1 g 24 hours
Spot-sign+ over 8 hours or placebo
TICH-DOAC 2016–2019 1 centre Phase II Haemostatic N=109 intravenous tranexamic acid: 1 g loading ICH expansion at
Switzerland therapy ICH <12 hours dose over 10 min, followed by another 1 g 24 hours
onset over 8 hours or placebo
DOAC use
TICH-2 2013–2018 95 centres Phase III Haemostatic N=2000 intravenous tranexamic acid: 1 g loading Ordinal shift on mRS
ISRCTN93732214 7 countries therapy ICH <8 hours onset dose over 10 min, followed by another 1 g at 90 days
over 8 hours or placebo
ICH-ADAPT II 2012–2017 2 centres Phase II BP control N=270 Aggressive BP therapy (<140 mm Hg) or DWI lesions at
NCT02281838 Canada ICH <6 hours onset regular BP therapy (<180 mm Hg) 48 hours
HI-DEF 2013–2017 29 centres Phase II Iron chelation N=324 Intravenous deferoxamine 62 mg/kg/day for mRS at 3 months
NCT01662895 2 countries ICH <24 hours 5 days or placebo
iDEF 2014–2018 32 centres Phase II Iron chelation N=294 Intravenous deferoxamine 32 mg/kg/day for mRS at 3 months
NCT02175225 2 countries ICH <24 hours 3 days or placebo
TTM-ICH 2013–2016 1 centre Phase II Cytoprotection N=50 Hypothermia (32–34C) for 72 hours or Safety at 15 days
NCT01607151 US ICH <18 hours normothermia
MACH 2013–2017 1 centre Phase II Cytoprotection N=24 Intravenous minocycline 400 mg for 5 days mRS at 3 months
NCT01805895 US ICH <12 hours or placebo
ChiCTR-PRC- 2012–2016 1 centre Phase IV Management of N=258 Valproate prophylaxis (500 mg daily for Seizure occurrence at
11001294 China complications ICH <72 hours 7 days) or placebo 3 months
PEACH 2016–2019 1 centre Phase III Management of N=104 Levetiracetam prophylaxis (500 mg two Clinical or electrical
NCT02631759 France complications ICH <24 hours times per day for 45 days) or placebo seizure (48 hours
onset EEG)
APACHE-AF 2014–2018 15 centres Phase II Secondary N=100 Apixaban 5 mg two times per day or Combined vascular
NCT02565693 Netherlands prevention ICH 7–90 days antiplatelet therapy or no therapy outcome at 1 year
VKA use
RESTART 2013–2018 106 centres Phase III Secondary N=720 Antiplatelet drugs or avoid antiplatelet Recurrent
ISRCTN71907627 UK prevention ICH >24 hours drugs symptomatic ICH at
onset 2 years
Antithrombotic use
TRIDENT 2016–2022 To be Phase IV Secondary N=4200 Fixed low-dose combination BP lowering pill Recurrent stroke at
NCT02699645 determined prevention ICH up to 6 months (20 mg telmisartan, 2.5 mg amlodipine and 3 years
after onset 1.25 mg indapamide) or placebo
Trials labelled as scheduled or actively recruiting patients were identified at, and as of 9 October
BP, blood pressure; DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; DWI, diffusion weighted image; ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; mRS, modified Rankin scale; rFVIIa, activated recombinant factor
VII; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.

4 Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386

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Cerebrovascular disease

haematoma, as well as associated IVH or subarachnoid exten- the effect of 7-day prophylaxis with sodium valproate on early
sion of the ICH.29 Animal studies suggest that induced hypo- and late seizures up to 12 months are expected shortly (http://
thermia mitigates perihaematomal oedema by reducing several; ChiCTR-PRC-11001294; table 2).49
mediators of secondary brain injury, such as thrombin and the
proinflammatory cytokines;30 preliminary clinical studies Venous thromboembolism
further support this action on perihaematomal oedema,31 an Venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurs in up to one-fifth of
independent prognostic factor in ICH.32 It seems reasonable, patients with ICH, most often asymptomatic or as deep vein
therefore, that early treatment of fever should be safe and thrombosis (DVT),50–52 which can lead to life-threatening pul-
provide benefits to patients, but the results of several ongoing monary embolism (PE) in 1–2%.53 Preventive measures for VTE
phase II trials, such as the Targeted Temperature Management can consist of low-dose anticoagulation with (unfractionated or
after Intracerebral Hemorrhage (TTM-ICH)33 and Paracetamol low-molecular-weight) heparin, graduated compression stock-
(Acetaminophen) In Stroke 2 (PAIS 2)34 are awaited (table 2). ings, and intermittent pneumatic compression. A meta-analysis
Recommendations: Patients with ICH and a systolic BP of four small studies (all with methodological shortcomings)
>160 mm Hg should receive urgent BP lowering therapy. The showed that heparin was associated with a significant reduction
approach should allow safe and easy titration of dose, but no in PE (RR 0.37, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.80; NNT 86) and trend
advice can be made on a preferred antihypertensive agent. The towards lower mortality (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.03), and
optimal systolic BP target level appears to be 130–139 mm Hg importantly without any significant increase in haematoma
in the first 24 hours and continued during the next several days. enlargement (RR 1.42, 95% CI 0.57 to 3.53).54 However, post
ICH patients with moderate to severe hyperglycaemia should be hoc propensity-score matched analysis of the INTERACT2
treated with insulin. Early enteral feeding and rapid treatment of study indicates that heparin-treated ICH patients were more
fever should be considered. likely to have death or major disability at follow-up (OR 2.06,
95% CI 1.53 to 2.77; number needed to harm (NNH) 6) com-
MANAGEMENT OF COMMON COMPLICATIONS pared to other patients.55 The 2015 AHA/ASA guideline recom-
Seizures mends initiation of heparin after 1–4 days of ICH in those
The frequency of early seizures (within 7 days of ICH onset) patients with persistent immobility and where there is radio-
varies considerably (1–14%) across studies, and is even higher if logical confirmation of stable haematoma size.27 Graduated
subclinical seizure activity is considered; these rates are greater compression stockings should be avoided as they are ineffective
than those for acute ischaemic stroke.35–40 Early seizures are and lead to complications.50 51 A large clinical trial has demon-
thought to arise from acute disruption of brain integrity and strated that intermittent pneumatic compression decreases the
biochemical disturbances (eg, release of excitatory neurotrans- risk of VTE in ICH patients (OR 0.36, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.75;
mitters, direct toxic effects of blood degradation products), and NNT 10).52
cortical involvement appears to be a key risk factor.37 41 Inferior vena cava filter can be considered as an alternative to
Prolonged or single severe seizures should be treated with ben- systemic full-dose therapeutic anticoagulation, taking into
zodiazepines or a loading dose of an antiepileptic drug. In account the patient’s individual risks of VTE (ie, risk factors for
patients with otherwise unexplained altered mental status, a trial VTE, clinical condition), potential for haematoma enlargement
of antiepilepsy drug treatment should be considered; the use of (time from ICH onset, size and stability of haematoma, and lobar
continuous EEG monitoring to determine subclinical seizures is vs deep location), and the potential harms of interventions.27 56
possible but is often complicated by the use of sedation, brain
injury and recording interference.40 42 Early seizures do not Elevated intracranial pressure
appear to influence prognosis with respect to mortality or func- Management of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) in ICH is
tional outcome, but may increase the risk of long-term recurrent based on the experience of managing patients with traumatic
seizures.37 43 brain injury. If ICP approaches mean arterial pressure (MAP),
Late seizures (beyond 7 days of ICH onset) occur in 1–10% cerebral perfusion becomes compromised, leading to secondary
of patients and are thought to result from gliotic scarring and ischaemic injury.57 In particular, younger patients and those
neuronal reorganisation.36 The risk of late seizures can be esti- with large volume haematomas, extensive perihaematoma
mated using the CAVE score,44 which provides one point for oedema, IVH and emerging concurrent hydrocephalus are at
each of the four factors—cortical (C) involvement, young age high risk of raised ICP.58 The AHA/ASA guideline suggests a
((A) <65 years), haematoma volume (V) >10 mL and early sei- stepwise approach, with considering less invasive methods first
zures (E)—with the risk of late seizures increasing from 0.6% and, if unsuccessful, initiating of more invasive measures.27
for a score of 0% to 46.2% for a score of 4. Late seizures are Patients with (suspected) elevated ICP should have the head of
associated with poor long-term functional outcome and have a the bed elevated to 30° and a neutral head position to ensure
high rate of recurrence.37 Antiepilepsy drugs are recommended optimal jugular venous drainage. The use of analgesia or sed-
in guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA)/ ation to reduce ICP has not been clearly defined. Additionally,
American Stroke Association (ASA)27 and European Stroke BP should theoretically be controlled to ensure cerebral perfu-
Organisation.45 sion pressure of 50–70 mm Hg, but in the absence of any clear
Primary prevention of seizures after ICH by means of prophy- alternative data, those provided by INTERACT2 (aim for a sys-
lactic use of antiepileptic drugs is a still a matter of debate and tolic target <140 mm Hg) seems reasonable. Clear treatment
is not recommended by current guidelines.27 45 In a small thresholds for ICP have not been identified, but one study
placebo-controlled trial of sodium valproate in 72 patients for showed that an ICP >30 mm Hg is associated with poor
1 month, the active group had a lower risk of early seizures and outcome.59 Osmolar therapy (eg, mannitol) is commonly
better functional outcomes at 12 months, despite similar rates of applied to patients with raised ICP, particularly in Asia, but a
seizures between the groups.46 Sodium valproate should be used Cochrane review60 and post hoc propensity-score matched ana-
cautiously in patients with ICH as it can occasionally cause coa- lysis of the INTERACT2 study have shown no benefit of such
gulopathy.47 48 The results of a large clinical trial investigating treatment.61
Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386 5
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Cerebrovascular disease

Other therapeutic options for raised ICP are limited. German retrospective cohort study.73 Other treatment options
Intravenous glycerol has shown no clear effect.62 A new phase include the use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or prothrombin
III clinical trial of dexamethasone will start soon (Klijn, personal complex concentrate (PCC). Advantages of PCC include the
communication) as previous studies have showed no benefit due small infusion volume (lower risk of congestive heart failure)
to being under powered and with other methodological short- and rapid infusion speed enabling rapid reversal, whereas FFP
comings.63 Other approaches to decrease ICP (ie, hypertonic requires thawing before infusion (as it is kept frozen), thus
saline, neuromuscular blockage, forced hyperventilation, thera- delaying INR normalisation. Moreover, 30 mg/kg 4-factor PCC
peutic hypothermia and barbiturate coma) have not been has been shown superior over 20 mL/kg FFP in reversing antic-
studied systematically. The effect of surgical treatment, including oagulation within 3 hours after the start of treatment (OR 30.6,
cerebrospinal fluid drainage through an external ventricular 95% CI 4.7 to 197.9) with higher odds of significant haema-
drain, hemicraniectomy and evacuation of the haematoma, are toma expansion in the FFP group (OR 3.8%, 95% CI 1.1 to
beyond the scope of this review. 16.0).74 A large multinational pooled analysis of 16 stroke
Recommendations: Patients with ICH with prolonged or centres suggests that the combination of FFP and PCC might
severe seizures should be treated. Prophylactic use of antiepileptic further improve the outcome compared to PCC alone.75 Besides
drugs should be avoided. Intermittent pneumatic compression or repletion of coagulation factors, 5–10 mg of vitamin K should
prophylactic dose heparin/heparinoid therapy should be used to also be administered intravenously to restore the production of
prevent VTE in all immobile patients. Raised ICP should be vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors.27 INR should be
treated with non-invasive methods before invasive monitoring checked at regular intervals because of the long half-life of
and decompressive surgery is considered. warfarin.

CORRECTIVE THERAPY FOR ANTITHROMBOTIC Reversal strategies for new oral anticoagulants
ASSOCIATED ICH Direct acting, new oral anticoagulants (DOACs, apixaban, dabi-
Haemostatic therapy gatran, edoxaban and rivaroxaban) have been associated with
Early haemostatic therapy may benefit ICH patients, as 20–40% lower rates of ICH in comparison to warfarin.76 The enthusiasm
of haematomas expand from active bleeding, and that this pre- for DOACs was initially tempered by the fear that they would
dicts poor outcome.64 In one of the largest clinical trials showed be associated with larger haematomas and worse outcome due
that recombinant tissue factor VII (rFVIIa) could restrict haema- to their lack of an antidote, but this has not been corroborated
toma growth but this failed to improve clinical outcome and by recent reports.77–79 Emergency reversal of DOACs in case
increased risks of arterial thromboembolic events.65 Two of bleeding complications is largely expert-based and includes
ongoing phase-II trials (NCT00810888 and NCT01359202; the intravenous administration of 30–50 U/kg 4-factor PCC,
table 2) are evaluating rFVIIa in highly selected patients with 90 U/kg activated 4-factor PCC (FEIBA) and/or 90 mg/kg
increased risk of haematoma enlargement on the basis of a CT rFVIIa.80 Based on in vitro studies and animal experiments, it
angiography-identified spot-sign. Tranexamic acid, which has been suggested that FEIBA or rFVIIa may be more potent to
showed positive results in patients with trauma, is also being reverse dabigatran, whereas other PCCs may be better for the
investigated in a phase II study (NCT01702636; table 2) of Factor-Xa inhibitors. If ICH occurs within 2–3 hours after the
spot-sign-positive patients, and in a large phase III trial last dose, administration of activated charcoal (all DOACs) or
(ISRCTN93732214; table 2) with a broad range of patients.66 haemodialysis (in case of dabigatran) may be considered.
Administration of vitamin K is not useful.81 Recently, prelimin-
Platelet transfusion ary data of a phase-II trial testing a single dose of 5 mg idaruci-
Antiplatelet therapy-associated ICH was shown in a review of zumab intravenously as an antidote for dabigatran showed a
25 published and unpublished cohort studies to increase the risk complete, immediate and sustained reversal of the anticoagula-
of death but not of worse functional outcome.67 In patients tion effect in the majority of patients, of whom 18 had ICH.82
who experience an ICH while on an antiplatelet agent, a plate- Although efficacy on clinical outcome remains to be proved, the
let transfusion is often used to replace non-functional thrombo- antidote has been approved by a number of drug regulatory
cytes to reduce the risk of further haemorrhage and improve authorities.83 Antidotes for Factor-Xa inhibitors (andexanet α
outcome if decompressive surgery is planned. However, the and arapazine/ciraparantag (PER977)) are currently being tested
recent PlAtelet Transfusion in Cerebral Haemorrhage (PATCH) in phase-II and phase III trials for the reversal of apixaban,
trial showed that platelet transfusion was associated with an edoxaban and rivaroxaban.84 85
increased risk of poor outcome after ICH (OR 2.05, 95% CI Recommendations: Haemostatic agents or platelet transfusion
1.18 to 3.56; NNH 7),68 and results of a second trial of platelet should be avoided in anticoagulation-free ICH patients. Patients
transfusion (NCT00699621; table 2) are expected shortly. with vitamin K-associated ICH should receive urgent reversal
therapy combining PCC and intravenous vitamin K. In case of
Reversal of anticoagulation DOAC use, consideration should be given for urgent reversal
Vitamin K antagonists, mainly warfarin, have a 7–10-fold therapy with selective antidotes where available.
increased risk of ICH,69 and the resulting haematoma has a
larger volume, a greater and more protracted expansion, and Secondary prevention in ICH survivors
results in a higher case death (up to 50%) than for other types Patients who survive ICH are at high risk for new vascular
of ICH.70 71 Thus, rapid replenishment (avoiding delays for events. The annual risk of recurrent ICH lies between 1.3% and
coagulation test results72) of the vitamin K-dependent coagula- 7.4%, but it is higher in lobar compared to non-lobar ICH. The
tion factors (II, VII, IX and X) is considered essential to reverse 5-year survival rate is 29% (95% CI 26% to 33%).86 Effective
the anticoagulant effects, but the benefit of this approach has long-term BP lowering is the single most significant intervention
never been demonstrated. The rapid reversal international nor- for the secondary prevention of serious vascular events after
malised ratio (INR) to <1.3, achieved within 4 hours, was asso- ICH,87 yet the optimal magnitude of BP drop or regimens to
ciated with a low rate of haematoma expansion in a large achieve BP control are uncertain. Poor BP control increases the
6 Schreuder FHBM, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2016-314386
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Cerebrovascular disease

risk of recurrent ICH regardless of subtype (ie, lobar vs non- sections. All authors made comments on the final manuscript and approved
lobar).88 89 A single-centre study involving 1145 ICH patients submission.
with a median follow-up of 37 months showed that the risk of Funding CJMK is supported by a clinical established investigator grant of the Dutch
ICH recurrence gradually increases from mean systolic BP of Heart Foundation (grant number 2012 T077), and an Aspasia grant from The
Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, ZonMw
110–119 mm Hg and mean diastolic BP of 70–79 mm Hg, for (015008048). CSA holds a Senior Principle Research Fellowship of the National
lobar and non-lobar ICH. The risk of recurrence steeply Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia.
increases with BP above 140/90 mm Hg.89 In the Perindopril Competing interests SS reports receiving speaker fees from Otsuka
Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS) trial, Pharmaceutical and Boehringer Ingelheim. CJMK reports receiving speaker fees from
of 660 participants with a history of ICH at baseline, a massive Boehringer Ingelheim and Penumbra, which were paid to the hospital research fund
49% (95% CI 20% to 67%) relative risk reduction was and not to a personal account; and has been site Principal Investigator for a
observed on recurrent stroke; and there was a near-continuous Pfizer-sponsored clinical stroke trial. CSA reports receiving travel reimbursement and
speaker fees from Boehringer Ingelheim and Takeda, and Advisory Board sitting fees
relationship between lower BP and lower risk.90 Similar effects from AstraZeneca and Medtronic.
of BP lowering for the prevention of ICH were also seen in the
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Secondary Prevention of Small Subcortical Strokes (SPS3)
trial,91 where there was 63% relative risk reduction on ICH but
insignificant reductions in recurrent total and ischaemic strokes.
These data suggest that much stricter BP control than is cur- 1 Van Asch CJ, Luitse MJ, Rinkel GJ, et al. Incidence, case fatality, and functional
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Medical management of intracerebral

Floris H B M Schreuder, Shoichiro Sato, Catharina J M Klijn and Craig S

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry published online November 16, 2016

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