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The Bias of Complementarity Hotspots toward

Marginal Populations
*Biogeography and Conservation Lab, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road SW7 5BD London, U.K.,
†Department of Geography, University College, WC1H 0AP London, U.K.

Abstract: It has been suggested that using complementarity to identify networks of important areas for con-
serving biodiversity may preferentially select areas within the margins of species ranges. We tested this idea
by examining the location of complementarity hotspots in relation to two measures of range core-periphery.
The first measures patterns of aggregation among records within each species’ range to identify areas within
the core (i.e., areas with aggregated distributions) and periphery (i.e., areas with scattered distributions) of
the range. The second measures spatial turnover among species to identify areas with a high density of range
edges. For three selected groups of terrestrial vertebrates in Europe—mammals, birds, and herptiles—areas
chosen based on complementarity were located within the margins of species’ ranges more often than ex-
pected by chance. This pattern was consistent for the two measures of core-periphery we used. The bias of
complementarity hotspots toward marginal populations is especially important for species with restricted
range sizes. If extinctions are determined mainly by demographic factors, then selecting areas at the peripher-
ies of species’ ranges might be a poor option. But if extinctions are determined mainly by extrinsic factors,
then peripheral populations might be important to ensure the long-term persistence of species.

El Sesgo de la Complementaridad de Áreas Importantes par la Biodiversidad (Hotspots) Hacia Poblaciones Marginales
Resumen: Se ha sugerido que el uso de la complementaridad para identificar redes de áreas importantes
para la conservación de la biodiversidad puede seleccionar preferentemente a áreas dentro de los márgenes
de los rangos de las especies. Evaluamos esta idea examinando la ubicación de áreas importantes comple-
mentarias en relación con dos medidas de rango nucleo-periferia. La primera midió patrones de agregación
entre los registros dentro de los rangos de cada especie para identificar las áreas dentro del nucleo (por ejem-
plo áreas con distribuciones agregadas) y la periferia (áreas con distribución dispersa). La sequnda mide el
cambio espacial entre especies para identificar áreas con altas densidades de bordes de rango. De tres grupos
seleccionados de vertebrados terrestres dentro de Europa (mamíferos, aves y reptiles) las áreas seleccionadas
en base a la complementaridad estuvieron más frecuentemente localizadas dentro de los márgenes de los
rangos de especies, que lo esperado por el azar. Este patrón fue consistente para las dos medidas de núcleo-
periferia empleadas. Este sesgo hacia poblaciones marginales de áreas importantes complementarias es espe-
cialmente importante para especies con rangos de tamaño restringido. Si las extinciones son determinadas
principalmente por factores demográficos, entonces, la selección de áreas en las periferias de los rangos de las
especies puede ser una opción pobre. Por otro lado, si las extinciones son principalmente determinadas por
factores extrínsecos, entonces las poblaciones periféricas pueden ser importantes para asegurar la persisten-
cia de las especies a largo plazo.

Paper submitted September 27, 1999; revised manuscript accepted February 7, 2001.

Conservation Biology, Pages 1710–1720

Volume 15, No. 6, December 2001
Araújo & Williams Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins 1711

Introduction cies’ range margins with data on the distribution of three

groups of terrestrial vertebrates in Europe. We discuss
Reserve-selection techniques based on complementarity possible reasons for the observed patterns and their im-
seek to maximize representation of biodiversity within plications for species’ persistence and reserve selection.
the limitations of cost (e.g., Margules & Pressey 2000).
These methods are specifically tailored to problems of
representation and are more efficient than scoring pro- Methods
cedures, such as hotspots of richness or rarity (Pressey
& Nicholls 1989; Williams et al. 1996, 2000; Reid 1998; Data
Araújo 1999). In the United States, for example, comple-
We used atlas records for the occurrence of 149 species
mentarity-based reserve-selection techniques have been
of amphibians and reptiles (34,137 records; median 82
coupled with gap analysis to prioritize the selection of
per species), 445 breeding birds (291,390 records; me-
additional areas for conservation (Kiester et al. 1996). In
dian 389 per species), and 187 mammals (81,309 records;
Australia, federal and state governments use complemen-
median 187 per species) distributed among cells of a
tarity in the decision process to negotiate long-term agree-
50-km grid across Europe (Gasc et al. 1997; Hagemeijer &
ments for forest reserves (Finkel 1998; Pressey 1998).
Blair 1997; Mitchell-Jones et al. 1999). Data from these at-
Fine-grained demographic and genetic data for different
lases were converted to a common grid system based on
taxonomic groups are usually unavailable, so complemen-
the one used for the Atlas Florae Europaeae (Lahti &
tarity areas (also called “hotspots” of complementarity by
Lampinen 1999). This grid follows the 50-km lines of the
Dobson et al. [1997]) are often selected without an ex-
UTM grid, except near the border of the 6 compensation
plicit treatment of persistence ( but see Kershaw et al.
zones and along the coasts. Although all of these atlases
1995; Turpie 1995; Nicholls 1998; Williams 1998; Cowl-
were based on the UTM 50-km grid, conversion was
ing et al. 1999; Araújo & Williams 2000; Williams &
needed because they used different rules to merge cells
Araújo 2000). All other factors being equal, we might
near the border of the 6 compensation zones and we had
hope that complementarity hotspots perform at least as
to accommodate coasts and islands. Where possible, con-
well as areas chosen at random in terms of the expected
verting data for the selected groups depended on identify-
persistence of species. Branch et al. (1995) suggest,
ing unique (although sometimes approximate) correspon-
however, that this might not always be the case. We in-
dence between cells in these grids ( Williams et al. 2000).
vestigated their report that complementarity-based re-
The mapped area (2434 grid cells) excluded most of the
serve-selection algorithms could select areas preferen-
countries of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union,
tially for populations in the margins of species’ ranges,
where sampling effort is relatively low. Nonetheless, this
and we discuss the likely consequences of this for spe-
remains one of the world’s most extensive and represen-
cies persistence.
tative data sets for terrestrial vertebrates.
Branch et al. (1995) studied a small group of 20 spe-
cies of tortoises and terrapins in southern Africa; their
observations were also limited by selection of a small num-
Identifying Core and Peripheral Ranges for
ber of reserves (eight). But if complementarity hotspots
Individual Species
were generally more likely to be selected within the mar-
gins of species’ ranges, then a criticism could be made that Identifying the core and periphery within the range of a
the populations chosen might have relatively poor prog- single species is not straightforward; many related mea-
noses for persistence. This is because population densi- sures give only approximate results (e.g., Blackburn et
ties are often expected to be lower ( Brown 1984; Caugh- al. 1999). Empirical studies have shown that population
ley et al. 1988; Lawton 1995) and more variable (Curnutt density often decreases from the core of a species’ range
et al. 1996) near the periphery of the range. As a result, toward its margins ( Whittaker 1967; Hengeveld & Haeck
peripheral populations might be less resilient to sto- 1981; Rapoport 1982; Brown 1984; Caughley et al. 1988).
chastic threats than are core populations (Curnutt et al. Spatial patterns of density are often more complex than a
1996), increasing the risk of extinction (e.g., Goodman gradual decline, however, with multimodal patterns of den-
1987). Consistent with this prediction, Griffith et al. sity being common and perhaps even the norm ( Lawton
(1989) showed that attempts to reintroduce birds and 1995; Maurer 1999). Although, in principle, measuring pat-
mammals into the core of their former distributions were terns of density directly may be preferable to measuring
more likely to succeed, and Wolf et al. (1996) report sim- distances to some central point within the range, in prac-
ilar results. Therefore, selecting areas at the margins of tice, suitable estimates of density are rarely available.
species’ contemporary ranges might compromise the ul- Density is used here in the sense of the number of obser-
timate aim of biodiversity conservation, which is the vations within a given area ( Lincoln et al. 1998). Direct
persistence of these species (Frankel & Soulé 1981). counts of individuals are popular measures of density at rel-
We tested for a bias toward selecting areas within spe- atively fine scales. At larger spatial scales, coarser-resolution

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1712 Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins Araújo & Williams

measures, such as frequency of occurrence (e.g., Henge- used to explore shared patterns. There are many possi-
veld & Haeck 1981; Gates et al. 1994) or degree of aggrega- ble ways to combine measures of core and peripheral
tion among records (e.g., Rapoport 1982; Kunin 1998), ranges of individual species into a single composite num-
have also been used. Aggregation is based on both the fre- ber. The principal problem is that the cores and peripher-
quency of occurrence and the distance among records, ies of different species do not coincide, so any single mea-
which can be measured using contagion indices. These are sure combining core-periphery values among species will
similar to measures of aggregation for point and lattice data, capture one facet of complex patterns of covariation. Here
such as Kernel estimation and nearest neighbor measures we considered two related measures, median contagion
(e.g., Bailey & Gatrell 1995). With respect to occurrence and range edge.
records within grid cells, contagion can be measured as One way in which combined patterns of core and pe-
ka riphery may be scored is to plot the central tendency in
 
 ∑ w ab y b
the species’ contagion scores for each grid cell. High
 b-------------------------- median contagion scores identify areas with a high pro-
contagion =  ka *100, (1) portion of species with aggregated distributions. Low
 
 ∑ w ab 
median contagion scores identify areas with a low pro-
 b=1  portion of species with aggregated distributions (and/or
  a high proportion of species with scattered distribu-
where contagion is a weighted average of the number of tions). Because restricted species have generally lower
occupied grid cells among a set of ka neighbors of a cen- contagion values than more abundant ones, contagion
tral grid cell ya. The weight given to the grid cell yb is wab  scores for all individual species are rescaled between 0
1/dab, where dab is the distance between grid cells ya and 100.
and yb. We used two orders of neighbors, assigning a Another approach is to identify areas adjacent to many
weight of d  1 to the first order and a weight of w  2 to species’ range edges within the grid. This does not help
the second order. Neighbors in the first order were the 8 identify areas with cores for many species, but areas
cells touching the central cell along the edges and at the with high scores for these measures are expected to co-
corners within a rectangular grid. The second-order neigh- incide with the distributional margins of many species.
bors were the 16 grid cells concentric to the first order. Counts of the density of range edges have often been
A contagious distribution can be defined as a pattern used to detect transition zones in the composition of
in which occurrences are more aggregated or clustered faunas and floras, and we used a familiar “absolute-range
than in a random distribution, so that one occurrence in- edges index” ( Williams et al. 1999). This index is a sim-
creases the probability of another occurrence nearby ple count of the number of species with presence/ab-
( Lincoln et al. 1998). Contagion index values range be- sence differences between each cell and any of its neigh-
tween 0 and 100% of the maximum aggregation possi- boring eight cells within the grid:
ble. Here, we expected the maximum aggregation to oc-
cur within the “core” and minimum values to occur absolute range edges = ∑ i :1 . . .s fk:1 . . . 8 ( pi,k, pi, 0 ), (2)
within the “periphery” of a species’ range (Fig. 1).
Areas with high contagion values can be interpreted in where pi,k is the presence/absence of species i in the
terms of persistence if three important ideas are linked. kth of the eight neighboring cells (cells 1–8), pi,0 is the
First, spatial aggregation of records at large scales is pre- presence/absence of species i in the central cell of the
dictive of density at lower scales (Kunin 1998). Second, neighborhood (cell 0), the simple mismatch function
aggregation reflects the response of populations to local f( pi,k, pi,0 ) is equal to 1 if pi,k and pi,0 have different val-
conditions, which in turn reflects the extent to which lo- ues for any of the values of k (1–8) or is equal to 0 if they
cal environments meet species’ ecological requirements have the same value, and s is the total number if species
(Hutchinson 1957; Hengeveld & Haeck 1981; Brown 1984; in the database.
Lawton 1995). Third, the spatial aggregation of populations
is likely to correlate positively with the ability of individuals Area Selection
to disperse from one population to another, which may
lead to more-stable metapopulations (e.g., Gonzalez et al. We selected 211 complementarity hotspots (approxi-
1998). mately 10% of the grid cells) for each of the three groups
of terrestrial vertebrates to maximize species’ represen-
tation. The number of hotspots selected was arbitrary
Combining Patterns of Peripheral Range for Large Numbers but followed the recommendation of the World Conser-
of Species vation Union for countries to establish minimum conser-
vation areas up to 10% of their total area (Soulé & Sanjayan
Measures that quantify distinct aspects of the core- 1998). To solve this maximum-coverage problem (Church
periphery pattern for large numbers of species may be et al. 1996), we used a heuristic technique adapted from

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Araújo & Williams Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins 1713

Figure 1. Map showing patterns of

core and peripheral range distribu-
tion for a single species, alpine cham-
ois ( Rupicapra rupicapra Linnaeus),
based on a contagion measure and
50  50 km atlas grid-cell records
from Mitchell-Jones et al. (1999). Con-
tagion scores are divided into six
gray-scale classes of approximately
equal size by number of grid cells
(equal-frequency), so that maximum
scores (range core) are shown in
black and minimum scores (range
periphery) are shown in light gray.
Scores are shown only within re-
corded distribution.

the near-minimum-set algorithm of Margules et al. The second test assessed whether, for each individual
(1988), but with (1) a test to reject any areas that in species, the observed central tendency in values of con-
hindsight are redundant and (2) a reordering of areas to tagion within hotspots was lower than expected by
provide an approximate solution for the kind of maxi- chance. Within the 211 selected areas, we counted the
mum-coverage problem we faced (see the Appendix for number of occurrences n of each species. For each spe-
a full description of the algorithm). cies, the respective number of areas n was drawn from
within species’ distributions, and the mean contagion
score among these areas was calculated. This was re-
Randomization Tests peated 1000 times to generate an expected frequency
Two tests of randomization were performed. The first distribution for the mean contagion score for each spe-
assessed whether, for all species combined, scores for cies when n areas were selected from within its range.
patterns of range core and periphery in the hotspots An observed mean contagion value within the lower 5%
were higher or lower than expected by chance. We im- tail of this distribution indicated that areas were tending
plemented this test by selecting 211 areas (i.e., grid to be selected in the range periphery for this species
cells) randomly without replacement 1000 times and (single-tailed p  0.05).
then comparing the median value observed from com- Data-handling procedures, the contagion and range-
plementarity hotspots with the frequency distribution of edge measures, area selection, and the random simula-
values for each measure (median contagion and range tion were implemented with WORLDMAP software (Wil-
edges) obtained by simulated random selection. Ob- liams 1999).
served contagion values below the lower 5% tail of the
random distribution indicated that hotspots were lo-
cated at the peripheries of species’ combined range
scores more often than expected by chance (single-
tailed p  0.05). Observed range-edge values above the Combined Patterns of Core-Periphery
upper 95% tail of random indicated that hotspots were
located in areas of transition between biotas more often For all three groups of vertebrates there was a pattern of
than expected by chance (single-tailed p  0.05). increasing density of species’ range edges (Fig. 2, col-

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1714 Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins Araújo & Williams

umn 2) and decreasing contagion values ( Fig. 2, col- size values for each species) for mammals (Spearman
umns 1 & 2) along the mountain ranges of Spain (e.g. rank correlation rs  0.43, p  0.001) and amphibians
Cantabrian, Sierra de Gredos, and Sierra Nevada), the and reptiles (rs  0.73, p  0.001). This relationship was
Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Balkan peninsula. As ex- not apparent for birds (rs  0.063, p  0.001), although
pected, the range-edge measure was negatively corre- this might be explained by their strong dispersal abilities
lated with the contagion measure, (Spearman rank coef- and low endemism within Europe (Long et al. 1996). In-
ficient rs  0.50 for mammals, rs  0.44 for birds, rs  deed, these data indicate that birds have the largest me-
0.24 for herptiles), supporting the idea that areas with dian range size (see description of data in methods).
high spatial turnover among species should coincide
with the range margins of many species. These cells Complementarity Hotspots and Range Margins
with low contagion and high density of range edges also
coincided with some of the major European centers of The randomization tests for the combined species mea-
endemism (Akeroyd & Heywood 1994; Gaston & David sures showed that hotspots of complementarity are lo-
1994; Dennis & Williams 1995; Williams et al. 2000), cated in the range margins for many species more often
which are located predominantly in southern Europe than expected by chance (Table 1). For both mammals
and in the mountains. In agreement with this observa- and birds there was a consistent pattern ( p  0.05) of
tion, we found a positive correlation between species’ complementarity hotspots being selected in areas with
range edges and the density of species of restricted low combined median contagion scores. This pattern
range size (measured as the sum of the inverse range- was not found for herptiles, although there was a signifi-

Figure 2. Patterns of core periphery

for many species among 50  50
km atlas grid cells, based on median
contagion and range edges for the
three groups of terrestrial verte-
brates in Europe. Complementarity
hotspots are also shown. Quantita-
tive scores were divided into 33
equal-frequency color classes, with
maximum scores shown in red and
minimum (non-zero) scores in blue.
High scores among the contagion
measure indicate the predominance
of species’ range cores, and mini-
mum scores indicate the predomi-
nance of range peripheries. The
color scale for the range-edges mea-
sure was inverted, so high rates of
spatial turnover (i.e., high density of
range edges) are shown in blue and
low densities of range edges are
shown in red. Svalbard and the
Azores are displaced from their true
relative positions.

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Araújo & Williams Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins 1715

Table 1. Results of a randomization test to assess whether the them and they are less likely to co-occur. The degree to
observed median contagion and range-edge values* obtained for which complementarity-based area selection is driven by
211 complementarity hotspots are likely to have arisen by chance.
alpha or beta diversity is also related to the relative effi-
Mammals Birds Herptiles ciency of different heuristic algorithms. “Greedy-richness”
Test ( p) ( p) ( p) algorithms select areas by increments in attribute values
Median contagion such as complementarity richness and are likely to be par-
observed in ticularly sensitive to local species richness, especially in
hotspots 69.2 (0.05) 86.5 (0.05) 74.9 the first steps of the iteration. Conversely, “progressive-rar-
lower 5% tail ity” algorithms (Appendix) are more sensitive to the loca-
from random 78.5 89.6 74.6
Range edges
tion of the most restricted species. As expected, our ran-
observed in domization tests (not shown) suggested that, for all groups,
hotspots 39.5 (0.05) 90.7 26.7 (0.05) hotspots of complementarity had more restricted species
upper 5% tail than expected by chance ( p  0.001). But only comple-
from random 37.3 92.9 18.8 mentarity hotspots for mammals were preferentially lo-
*Hotspots are considered selected at the margins of species’ ranges if cated in areas with high species richness ( p  0.001). For
the observed values fall within the lower 5% tail ( p  0.05) from the birds they were preferentially located in areas with low
random simulation for median contagion or if they fall within the
upper 5% tail for range edges. species richness ( p  0.001), and for herptiles there was
no significant relationship with richness.
There are many possible mechanisms likely to cause
cant association ( p  0.05) between complementarity complementarity hotspots to overlap with species’ range
hotspots selected for herptiles and areas with high den- margins. Some of these mechanisms are spatially coin-
sity of range edges. Hotspots for mammals were also lo- cident, making it difficult to disentangle causes and ef-
cated in areas with many range edges ( p  0.05), al- fects of the observed bias. For example, complementar-
though this was not true of birds (Appendix). ity hotspots may coincide with a high density of range
Randomization tests for individual species show that all edges because of Odum (1971) “edge effect” of increas-
species in complementarity hotspots have contagion val- ing species richness as a result of the spatial overlap of
ues lower than expected by chance ( p  0.05), supporting range margins of species from neighboring assemblages.
the idea of a bias toward the range periphery (Fig 3). The At large biogeographical scales, edge effects may be re-
cluster points close to the lower left of Fig. 3 show that lated to broad patterns of species’ spatial turnover, such
hotspots of complementarity tend to sample restricted spe- as latitudinal gradients of richness and species replace-
cies disproportionately closer to the edge of the range. ment (e.g. Williams et al. 1999), or to more local pat-
terns of turnover associated with elevational gradients.
Mountains may act as barriers to dispersal between bio-
geographical units, so they are likely to circumscribe the
edge of many species’ ranges, especially those with poor
dispersal abilities. Simultaneously, species richness in
Complementarity Hotspots and Range Margins
mountainous regions may be boosted in part by the
Our results suggest that complementarity hotspots tend edge effect resulting from overlaps in species’ eleva-
to represent areas near the periphery of species’ ranges tional replacements (e.g., Stevens 1992; Rahbek 1995).
more often than expected by chance. This bias toward Another reason for coincidence between complemen-
marginal populations was greater among species of more tarity hotspots and a high density of range edges is the
restricted ranges. To understand this pattern it is impor- positive correlation between the distribution of restricted
tant to consider some of the properties of complementar- species and concentrations of marginal populations. This
ity and relate them to the biogeographic factors likely to correlation may occur for at least two reasons. First, it
contribute to it. could be an artifact of the way range sizes are measured.
Complementarity is the amount that sets of areas con- If many species are on the edge of their ranges in Europe,
tribute to the representation of otherwise unrepresented then the edges of the region will have many species that
attributes, such as species ( Vane-Wright et al. 1991). This appear to have small ranges but are widespread in other
is influenced by both the relative number of attributes in a regions. This may have been the case in a study by Branch
given area (i.e., alpha diversity) and the degree of differ- et al. (1995 ), in which many marginal populations were
ence in attributes between areas (i.e., beta diversity or selected on the border between South Africa and Mozam-
spatial turnover). In practice, hotspots of complementar- bique. Our data show similar patterns on the eastern and
ity tend to be located in areas with high local species rich- southern borders of Europe, where many complementar-
ness, because they represent many species in a limited ity hotspots were selected ( Fig. 2).
area, and in areas with many species of restricted range Second, areas with many species of restricted range
size, because there are fewer opportunities to represent size (e.g., areas of narrow endemism) might score high

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1716 Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins Araújo & Williams

Figure 3. Ratio between the mean

contagion value obtained for each
individual species in the complemen-
tarity hotspots and the lower 5%
threshold value obtained from range
randomization (see methods)
against species range size within the
European atlas region. Each data
point is a species. Values above 1 in-
dicate species whose contagion val-
ues in hotspots are higher than ex-
pected by chance; values below 1 are
species whose contagion values in
hotspots are lower than expected by
chance (preferentially located at the

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for edge density simply because edges may be close to- overall genetic diversity (as well as unique alleles) in an
gether for restricted species. In Europe, a disproportion- area of transition between ecosystems where a sharp en-
ate number of restricted species occurs in mountains. vironmental gradient exists. If this pattern of increasing
This may be due to climatic isolation of mountain tops, genetic diversity in apparently suboptimal conditions holds
which tends to reduce dispersal, or to strong environ- for a wider variety taxa and regions, we might expect mar-
mental gradients (often from arid to wet and from warm ginal populations to be important in maximizing intraspe-
to cold within short vertical distances), which constrain cific variation and therefore increasing the species’ ability
ranges according to the environmental tolerances of in- to survive environmental changes (e.g., Lessica & Allendorf
dividual species. Mountains may also harbor endangered 1995).
populations of once widespread species that currently The observations of Channell and Lomolino do not
survive in only a few relatively undisturbed areas (e.g., contradict the idea that central populations are more
brown bear [Ursus arctos] and wolf [Canis lupus]). abundant (Brown 1984; Caughley et al. 1988; Lawton
This pattern is particularly important in Europe, where 1995) and less variable (Curnutt et al. 1996) than periph-
most of the lowlands have been converted to agricul- eral populations, but they do reinforce the idea that the
tural and urban uses. But some of the most restricted spe- periphery—rather than being the “land of the living
cies may not have a measurable pattern of core-periphery dead” (e.g., Wolf et al. 1996)—may provide valuable op-
within their ranges at the grid-cell scale of 50 km. Rather portunities to conserve species (Channell & Lomolino
than measuring range periphery for the most restricted 2000a, 2000b), especially when contagious threats and
species, the range edge measure may simply be capturing environmental change are important influences on cur-
a pattern of coincidence among endemic species’ ranges. rent and future distributions.
The question remains, however, whether greater pri-
Implications for Conservation ority should be given to central or peripheral popula-
tions in area selection. Ideally, both should be included
The bias of complementarity hotspots toward marginal in conservation-area networks to cover both current and
populations is due partly to increasing richness caused future issues of persistence. Normally, the larger the
by edge effects but also to the effects of a high concen- overall area devoted to in situ conservation, the more
tration of endemics in the measurement of range periph- species are expected to persist (e.g., Soulé & Sanjayan
eries. Is this a problem for conservation? 1998). But resources available for conservation are
Choosing areas for conservation where many species scarce, and increasing the representation target for one
are within the margins of their range may not be a bad set of species often implies a reduction in representation
thing when it is necessary to represent endemic and vul- for others. In moving from single-species conservation
nerable species in what is left of their historical ranges. to the broader problem of maximizing representation of
In fact, species often persist at the edges of their histori- the biodiversity in conservation-area networks, we may
cal distributions even when populations at the core are need to choose between selecting for core populations
extirpated ( Lomolino & Channell 1995; Channell & Lo- and selecting for peripheral populations. If the choice is
molino 2000a, 2000b). This pattern of range collapse to favor central populations, a possible solution would
away from the apparently more favorable core might be be to constrain selection of complementarity hotspots
expected for at least two reasons. First, if threatening to areas near the core of each individual species’ range
processes are spatially autocorrelated, then it is likely (e.g., Nicholls 1998; Williams 1998).
that effects spread contagiously, like a disease, across One of the likely outcomes of adding additional con-
geographical space (e.g., Burgman et al. 1993; Lomolino straints to area selection is a reduction in area efficiency
& Channell 1995). Even if a contagious process of ex- (Nicholls & Margules 1993; Nantel et al. 1998; Nicholls
tinction starts at one edge of a species’ range (as pre- 1998; Pressey & Logan 1998; Cowling et al. 1999; Araújo
dicted by theory), it is likely that the last population to & Williams 2000). This means that constraining the algo-
be affected will be a distant or isolated population, prob- rithms to favor selection of central populations will pro-
ably located at the opposite edge of the range (Channell duce solutions that are either more expensive (if we
& Lomolino 2000b). It follows that the effect of conta- accept an increase in budget) or represent fewer species
gion from threatening processes is likely to be higher in (if the budget remains the same). The appropriate
dense and interconnected populations within the core trade-off between cost, representation, and persistence
than in sparse and isolated populations at the range mar- of biodiversity needs to be addressed more explicitly if
gins (Burgman et al. 1993). Second, because of their ge- conservation strategies are to be effective (e.g., Margules
netic isolation and exposure to different selection pres- & Pressey 2000). Approaches are now being investi-
sures, peripheral populations may be more resistant to gated to optimize cost and conservation return, mea-
the effects of environmental change. For example, Kark sured in terms of the probability of species persistence
et al. (1999) found that populations of the Chukar Par- (e.g,. Araújo & Williams 2000; Williams & Araújo 2000).
tridge (Alectoris chukar) in Israel reach their highest These goals are targeted more explicitly toward the ulti-

Conservation Biology
Volume 15, No. 6, December 2001
1718 Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins Araújo & Williams

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of the Societas Europaea Mammalogica, and W. J. M. 1997. Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in Europe. Societas Europaea
Hagemeijer of the European Bird Census Council. Data Herpetologica and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
were combined with help from R. Rees, M. Sadka, and S. Gaston, K. J., and R. David. 1994. Hotspots across Europe. Biodiversity
Gervás. We thank B. Pressey, C. Harrison, C. Humphries, Letters 2:108–116.
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Volume 15, No. 6, December 2001
1720 Complementary Hotspots and Range Margins Araújo & Williams

Rules for selecting a given number (n) of hotspots of complementarity to provide a near-maximum coverage of species.*

Step Rule or procedure

1 Select all areas for species that are more restricted than the representation goal (for representing all species at least once, this
means selecting all areas with unique species records).
2 Apply the following rules repeatedly until all species are represented:
a select areas with the greatest complementary richness in only the rarest species (ignoring less rare species); if there are ties
(areas with equal scores), then
b select areas among ties with the greatest complementary richness in the next-rarest species, and so on; if there are persistent
ties, then
c select areas among persistent ties with the lowest grid-cell number (arbitrary rule used rather than random choice among
ties to ensure repeatability in tests; other criteria, such as proximity to previously selected cells or number of records in
surrounding cells, can be substituted);
d repeat steps a–c until all species are represented.
3 Identify and reject any areas that in hindsight are unnecessary to represent all species.
4 Repeat steps 1–3 for representing every species at least once, twice and so on, until the required number of areas, n, is attained
or exceeded, disregarding all areas selected in one iteration before moving to the next.
5 Reorder areas by complementary richness if, before all areas are re-ordered, complementary richness reaches all species or if
the maximum complementary richness increment declines to 0. Continue to resequence areas by resetting the cumulative
richness to 0 (ignoring previously reordered areas, species more restricted than a particular multiple representation target,
and species already represented the required number of times within smaller sets) and starting again with scoring
complementary richness from the current position on the area list. Repeat this resetting as often as necessary to reorder all
*In this context, “areas” are grid cells, and the “rarest species” is the one with the fewest grid-cell records.

Conservation Biology
Volume 15, No. 6, December 2001

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