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Solar Cookers

International... Solar Cooker Solar Cooking Archive:
1919 21st Street, #101
Sacramento, CA Review
95814 USA
July 2005
Tel. 916-455-4499
Fax 916-455-4498

E-mail: info

Volume 11, Number 2

(Back Issues at Paper Circulation: 9,000

In This Issue
 News you send
 Sunny Solutions enters
business phase
 SCI committed to
education resources,
information exchange
 Sunny Solutions on FM
 So, what can YOU do?
 SCI awarded "Sun and
Peace Prize"
 Further adventures in
adapting solar ideas
 Solar disinfection
reducing water
contamination for urban
 C o m e, let’s S hin e O n!
 Conference abstracts due
15 September
 Special thanks
 Calling all U.S. federal
 Gifts that keep giving
 Tributes
 Give AND receive with an
SCI charitable gift annuity
 Your power to do good

News you send

[E d itor’s n ote: "N ew s you sen d " is com p iled b y R am ón C oyle , S olar C ookers
In tern ation al’s in form ation exch an g e sp ecialist. E -mail your news items to or mail to Ramón Coyle, Solar Cookers
International, 1919 21st Street #101, Sacramento, California 95814-6827,
USA. We want to hear from you — especially if your program is growing or if
your work has not been featured in the Solar Cooker Review before. Please
include your contact information. Submissions are subject to editing if
p rin ted . (Tom S p on h eim , volu n teer W eb m a ster of S C I’s S olar C ookin g
Archive Web site, will fill in until October when Ramón returns from an



A loose association of five German

nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs) has formed the PapiTchad
Work Group to promote the "Papillon"
solar cooker in Chad and evaluate the
results. The Papillon is essentially a
parabolic cooker consisting of two
reflective "wings" with a gap in
between to allow for comfortable use
by the cook and folding of the
reflectors for transport and storage.
The work group, in conjunction with a
Chadian instructor, has provided construction courses for local craftsmen.
PapiTchad is partnering with the Chadian Association of Volunteers for
Progress and the Environment. Contact Jürgen Marquardt, Lernen - Helfen -
Leben e.V., Achterndiek 12, D 49377 Vechta, Germany. Tel: 0049-(0)4441-
81343, e-mail:, Web:

Derk Rijks of the KoZon Foundation

began a small demonstration project in
northern Chad at the Iridimi camp for refugees from the Darfur region of
Sudan. Mr. Rijks took 100 "CooKits" — panel-type solar cookers developed
by Solar Cookers International — to the camp. The project tested whether
food donated to the refugees by the United Nations World Food Programme
could be solar cooked and whether the refugees would accept solar cooking.
Th ree C ooK it tra in ers from N ’D ja m en a, C h ad — Marie-Rose Neloum, Martine
Missal and Esther Ndoroumta — aided in the training. The refugee women
were enthusiastic! They cooked rice, maize and sorghum porridge, legumes,
dried fish and okra sauces. Staff members from the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva were very helpful. Efforts are being
made to expand the program. Photo shows Darfur refugees hand-producing
CooKits. Contact Derk Rijks by e-mail:; or
contact Kozon Foundation, Hollandseweg 384, 6705 BE Wageningen,
Netherlands. Tel: 31-317412370, fax: 31-317410732, e-mail:, Web:


The organization Solar Cooking Eritrea

Netherlands (SCEN) began working in
Eritrea in November 2003 as a
member of the Working Group Hagaz
Eritrea. In January 2005 SCEN became
an independent foundation. During
three visits to Eritrea the group,
working with the National Union of
Eritrean Women, has introduced the
CooKit solar cooker to many women in
the Anseba region. Work has begun to
enable local production of CooKits. Solar cookers have also been introduced
in a camp for displaced persons at Adi Keshi in the Gash Barka region. SCEN
shares information with the KoZon Foundation, another Netherlands-based
organization with years of experience promoting solar cooking in West
Africa. SCEN is headed by Mrs. Clara Thomas. Contact Ms. Janine Pater by e-
mail:, or visit SCEN on the Web:


SHARE — the Society for Hospital and

Resources Exchange, based in New York,
USA — has provided a giant Villager Sun
O ven ® to th e K akelo w om en ’s g ro up in
Oyugis, Kenya. The solar oven, made by
Sun Ovens International, is capable of baking 100 loaves of bread per hour.
"The oven can pasteurize water for drinking as well as bake bread and other
bakery items," SHARE reports. "This frees women from the job of wood-
gathering for fuel, [which takes] up to four hours a day, and it saves the
cost of purchasing charcoal or wood if the women cannot find enough wood.
Solar cooking keeps women and children out of the smoke-filled h u ts … th at
cause extremely high in cid en ce of severe resp iratory d iseases … an d eye
problems. Solar cooking also avoids the danger of children falling into open
fires and suffering severe burns. "Since the arrival of the big sun oven,
people have been visiting it from surrounding districts and missions and are
filled with hope," SHARE reports. "Thirty more women have joined the group
to learn how to [solar] bake bread." Many members of the Kakelo group
take care of AIDS patients and AIDS orphans, so the financial, health and
nutrition benefits are especially important.


In the first year of his latest solar cooking project, Mr. Hosana Nyirenda
hoped to train 30 women to make and use solar cookers. Ultimately, 42
women and eight men were trained. (Forty of them learned how to teach
others.) Sixty-seven solar cooking demonstrations were conducted, raising
solar cooking awareness of some 4,500 adults and children. A few
communities are considering solar cooker projects of their own. Mr.
N yiren d a’s p roject w as su p p orted b y th e Lilon g w e R ota ry Club. Funds are
sought to extend the project to other areas of Malawi and to focus on
serving those who suffer from HIV/AIDS. Contact: Hosana Nyirenda,
Nkhotakota RDP, P.O. Box 41, Nkhotakota, Malawi


The Association of Handicapped Women (AMAFH) has been organizing solar

cooker training for its members. Twenty women participated in the first
training session. They reported that the lightweight "CooKit" solar cooker is
easy to handle and that with solar there is less risk of burns. They say that
solar cooking can put handicapped women in the same range as other
women in running their own households.
AMAFH learned about solar cooking when they saw a television show about
the Association of Women Engineers (AFIMA) demonstrating solar cookers.
AMAFH contacted AFIMA to arrange training for their members, funded by a
small grant from Handicap International. They were so pleased with solar
cooking that they began organizing more workshops for their members, with
assistance from the KoZon Foundation in the Netherlands. Contact Kozon
Foundation, Hollandseweg 384, 6705 BE Wageningen, Netherlands. Tel: 31-
317412370, fax: 31-317410732, e-mail:, Web:


Mr. Joseph Odey of the Kainji Lakes region reports that he has built and
distributed 290 solar cookers in the past few years. In addition, 152 people
were taught to make and use their own solar cookers. Demonstrations have
been given in 18 villages. Before promoting, Mr. Odey built and tested his
own cooker from instructions published by Solar Cookers International. His
first solar meal was rice, but he soon moved on to cooking stew, cake, bread
and other foods. Mr. Odey uses the following locally available tools and
supplies: cardboard, aluminum foil, glue, knife, scissors and tape, as well as
black pots for cooking in. Though he does sell some cookers, he pays
production, distribution and travel expenses. "The beneficiaries confirmed
that the [meals] from the cookers are quite palatable, but not for someone
who wants food in a hurry," Mr. Odey reports. Contact: Joseph Odey, P.O.
Box 300, Kainji, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria. E-mail:

South Africa

Looking for inexpensive, recycled reflective material

for solar cookers? H ere’s a tip from th e S u n S tove®
organization of South Africa: "Lithograph printing
plates are available in every country at the
government printing office, the local printer or the
local newspaper. Used printing plates are sold as
scrap." This scrap may be sold for the equivalent of US $1.25 per kilogram.
Before using the plates in solar cookers, clean with paint thinner and water.
For more information, visit the SunStove Web site:

AltEner Energy Technologies presented
a 3-
at the 19th
nt Forum in
Mugumu, Serengeti District, Tanzania.
Scheffler reflectors are large parabolic
dishes that are often used to heat a cooking medium (such as water to make
steam) that is circulated to one or more indoor cooking stations. This is a
smaller version. Mr. Charles Onyango-Oloo of AltEner says the new design is
user friendly since "the port is mounted on one side and not in the middle of
the reflector dish." AltEner is currently developing a 1.5-square-meter,
manually tracked Scheffler cooker. Contact: Charles Onyango-Oloo, AltEner
Energy Technologies, P.O. Box 8876-00300, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 254-0721
727830, e-mail:, Web:


Elizabeth Mpofu received training in solar cooking five years ago from Barby
Pulliam, a Girl Guide and Solar Cookers International volunteer. Ms. Mpofu
reports that her group has trained 500 women how to solar cook and offered
them each a solar cooker. Ms. Mpofu has also promoted solar cooking in
primary and secondary schools. "Each year," she writes, "we are doing an
evaluation to assess the problems, achievements and innovations the
participants are experiencing. The major stumbling block is lack of resources
to expand the program to other communities." Contact: Elizabeth Mpofu,
Matova Primary School, Private Bag 9213, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. E-mail:



Professor Arnaldo Moura Bezerra

reports that the small city of Uirauna,
in the "backwoods" of the state of
Paraiba, boasts its own solar cooker production unit. A priest known as
Father Domingues manages production of parabolic cookers based on the
SK-14 cookers developed by EG-Solar of Germany. Residents use the
cookers daily. Contact Arnaldo Moura Bezerra by e-mail:


Communities in Partnership, a Canadian organization that promotes solar

cooking in Haiti, has introduced a new twist — th e "K yoto T w ist." C an ad a’s
government is encouraging its citizens to fight global climate change by
reducing individual emissions of greenhouse gasses by one ton per year.
Solar cookers in developing countries that displace the use of firewood save
an estimated one to two tons of greenhouse gasses per year. The Kyoto
Twist — n a m ed for th e w orld ’s g reen h ou se g as red u ction tre aty — enables
Canadians to buy a solar cooker for a family in Haiti. The Haitian family gets
immediate relief from firewood scarcity, high fuel prices and smoky kitchens,
while the Canadian chalks up at least a one-ton reduction in greenhouse
gasses. Contact: Jack Anderson, Box 191, Lund, BC V0N2G0, Canada. E-


S olar E n erg y In tern ation al’s n ext "R en ew ab le E n erg y for th e D evelop in g
World" workshop will be held 17-23 October, 2005, in Sabana Grande. The
seven-day workshop — cosponsored by Grupo Fenix — will be hands-on:
p articip an ts w ill h elp a w om en ’s coop erative b u ild an d u se solar oven s, an d
will install a solar Photovoltaic lighting system. The workshop will also
include overviews of other solar, wind and hydroelectric systems, and social
and cultural issues surrounding renewable energy in the developing world.
The registration fee of $850 covers food, lodging and all in-country
transportation. Contact Solar Energy International, PO Box 715, 76 South
2nd Street, Carbondale, Colorado 81623, USA. Tel: 970-963-8855, fax: 970-
963-8866, e-mail:, Web:


The Celestina Pérez de Almada Foundation continues to expand its solar

program and to gain new allies. In March, the foundation began cooperating
with Essen, a company that manufactures cooking pots that work well with
parabolic-type solar cookers. A demonstration was held in Asuncion where
popular local foods were solar cooked. Ms. Graciela Stanchuk, an
international manager for Essen, pledged that the company would pursue
further solar cooking tests. The Foundation has also developed a solar
energy training program for students and school personnel, to be funded in
part by the Swiss Embassy in Paraguay, and has begun making large
Scheffler reflectors, of which two have already been installed. A Scheffler
dish with 4.5-square-meters of reflective surface is being used to cook fruits
at a juice and jam factory in Clorinda, Argentina. A second dish with 8-
square-meters of surface will power an oven that reaches 250°C. Contact
Dr. Martin Almada by e-mail:

United States

Inventor Carroll Hampleman reports

that he has designed and constructed
the "Hamp Hi-Tracker," a series of 28
reflecting mirrors that track the sun
throughout the day. Carroll says the
device can be used to cook food, as
well as heat water for various uses.
Two 35-watt, 110-volt reversible
control motors (approximately $13.00
each) provide tracking capability, and
can be powered by household 110-volt
electricity, or by a 12-volt car battery
or photovoltaic cell (inverter required). At 6 p.m. the mirrors automatically
return to their 8 a.m. morning positions and the control motors shut down,
ready for the next day. Photo shows "Hamp Hi-Tracker" pre-heating a hot-
water tank. For details, contact Carroll Hampleman by e-mail:

Texas Solar Cookers, a group based in San Antonio, demonstrated solar

cooking during a river clean-up day called the "Basura Bash." They also
demonstrated solar cooking at a local herb and garden show, the local Air
Quality Health Fair, and at Earth Day events. Monica Salyer, a leader of the
g rou p , w as featu red in h er com p an y’s n ew sletter, g ain in g fu rth er p u b licity
for solar cooking and Solar Cookers International. Contact Monica Salyer by

Vermont resident Jeannine Bakriges has experimented for years with solar
fiber dyeing and has taught several classes on the subject. In 2003 she
formed the "Brighid Dyers," a group of 16 fiber enthusiasts who wanted to
develop solar dyeing techniques and test them with a range of natural and
chemical dyestuffs. Ms. Bakriges has used both solar box cookers and Solar
C ookers In tern ation al’s p an el-type solar cooker (the CooKit) as heat sources
for dyeing. Her article in th e su m m er 2 0 0 5 issu e of S p in •O ff m ag azin e titled
"Sun-Kissed Dyeing: Achieving beautiful colors with solar power" provides
details on solar fiber dyeing, and shows a number of solar-dyed fiber
samples. For m ore in form a tion , visit th e S p in •O ff Web site:

Students at the Rochester Institute of

Technology in New York won a
$10,000 "People, Prosperity and the
Planet" award from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency for
their solar cooker research. The award
will fund a project to design solar
cookers that can be mass-produced at
low cost using the capital, labor and
materials that are typically available in
Latin American nations. In early
phases of their research, the students
chose particleboard as the primary construction material because of its
relative low price, durability, insulation values and local availability. The
students focused on three solar box cooker prototypes, including one that
they say requires only about $15 in materials. End users in Venezuela have
tested the prototypes. For more information visit the project Web site:

Galen Schuck continues to build and

demonstrate solar cookers at a number
of events. Most recently he displayed
an assortment of cookers at KRCL
Pub lic R ad io’s "D ay in th e Park"
gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr.
Schuck answered numerous questions
and handed out literature about Solar
Cookers International. He notes that
solar cookers can be used to make
natural soap and candles. Contact
Galen Schuck, 2455 Quail Run Drive,
Sandy, Utah 84093, USA. Tel: 801-
733-9521, e-mail:

The Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologias
Apropriadas took part in organizing
U ru g u ay’s first "N ation a l S olar E n erg y
Encounter" in March. The event
followed a series of workshops that
taught people to build their own solar
equipment, including solar ovens, solar
water heaters and solar food dryers.
Solar activists from many parts of the
country gathered in Montevideo to
share ideas and plan future activities.
The gathering gained wide exposure in
the news media. Contact: Juan Jose Ona, Calle Paes, 224, C.P. 12100
Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail:



Dr. Anumakonda Jagadeesh develops simple,

affordable solar devices, including food
dryers. He says that solar drying is popular
in India, where people often dry soaked rice,
pickles, salted fish and millet by placing the
food in winnowing baskets and leaving it to
dry in the sun. But food dries slowly in this
manner and is exposed to contaminants like
dust, insects and birds, not to mention
sudden rains. Dr. Jagadeesh designed a
simple solar dryer to overcome these
obstacles. The body of his dryer is a tray-shaped basket made of bamboo or
similar woven material, with slanted sides to accommodate broad sun
angles. The inside is lined with a black, high-density polyethylene plastic
sheet to absorb solar radiation. (Alternatively, the basket can be painted
black and lined with a transparent plastic sheet.) Holes are made in the
sides of the plastic sheet to allow airflow through the dryer. The basket is
covered with transparent polyethylene sheet that is fixed on two sides. The
ends are left unfixed to allow access to the basket. Dryer tests conducted by
Dr. Jagadeesh indicate drying times half that of traditional open-air
methods. Contact Dr. Anumakonda Jagadeesh, Nayudamma Centre for
Development Alternatives, 2/210 First Floor, Nawabpet, Nellore 524-002,
Andhra Pradesh, India. Tel: +91 861 5518626, e-mail:

Dr. Shyam Nandwani of Costa Rica spoke at the South-South Cooperation in

Renewable Energy meeting and the 4th International Conference on Fuel
C on servation , sp on sored b y th e W orld R en ew ab le E n erg y N etw ork an d Iran ’s
Ministry of Energy. While in Tehran, Dr. Nandwani also gave an impromptu
lecture on solar energy and solar cooking at the Astronomical Center of Rey.
Over 100 University students attended this talk, which was organized by Mr.
Amir Mahdi Komarizadeh. Contact Dr. Shyam Nandwani by e-mail:; or contact Amir Mahdi Komarizadeh by e-mail:


Ms. Joyce Ong Choon Kim of Penang reports that she always includes solar
cooking in camps for Girl Guides. In November 2004, 45 Girl Guides,
Rangers and Cadet Guides attended the Olave Camp of the Penang Girl
Guides Association and learned about solar cooking. In January 2005, five
Ranger Guides were enthusiastic about attending a solar cooking workshop
with Ms. Ong Choon Kim. More camps and solar cooking lessons are
planned. Contact: Ms. Joyce Ong Choon Kim, Penang Girl Guides
Association, 260, Jalan Air Itam, 10460 Penang, Malaysia. E-mail:


Solar Serve, based in DaNang, reports building 300 solar box cookers and 50
parabolic cookers during the last rainy season. The organization is
investigating ways to distribute the cookers in Quang Ngai province. Solar
Serve was recently one of several solar energy projects featured on a 30-
minute national television documentary. Contact: Tan Bich Nguyen, 222
Nguyen Tri Phuong, DaNang, Vietnam. Tel: 84-55-520018, e-mail:



An exhibition titled "D-Day, Modern-day Design" is on display at the Centre

Pom p id ou th rou g h 1 7 O ctob er, 2 0 0 5 . A ccord in g to th e cen te r’s W eb site
(, the exhibition is a "reflection on contemporary
d esig n valu es an d th eir an th rop olog ical an d aesth etic ch a lle n g es. … It is a
narrative and sensory collection that questions the current scope of design,
the relationship with and experience of contact with an object, the vanishing
points of the imagination an d an ob ject’s p ow er of sed u ction ." S olar cookers
and solar stills are among the designs on exhibit.


Miguel Angel Soria recently conducted a solar cooker construction and use
workshop for upper level students in the town El Bruc, on the side of the
mountain of Montserrat. As part of the workshop, pizza was cooked with
solar energy and then eaten with enthusiasm by the workshop participants.

Mr. Soria is also in the process of constructing a Spanish-language Web site

— — dedicated to solar cookers. Contact: Miguel Angel
Soria Alcazar, Calle Montflorit, 2, 08850 - Gava, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:
Sunny Solutions enters business phase
By Pascale Dennery, SCI Technical Assistance Director

Two years ago the Sunny Solutions project began

introducing the benefits of solar cookers to people in
the rural communities of Upper and Lower Nyakach, in
Nyanza Province, Kenya. Solar Cookers International
(SCI) worked closely with its community-based
partner, Nyakach Community Development Association,
as w ell as w ith loca l lead ers an d w om en ’s g rou p s. A
network of local solar cooker representatives in four
administrative locations of Nyakach provided solar
cooker demonstrations at marketplaces, churches and
other public events, creating widespread awareness of
solar cooking and solar water pasteurization throughout
the area. In April, additional solar cooker
representatives were trained to ensure that solar
cookers are accessible in all fourteen administrative locations.

During the first 18 months of the project, sales of CooKits — S C I’s p an el-
type solar cooker — reached 635, surpassing normal patterns of uptake for
new technologies and benefiting an estimated 3,600 people in Nyakach and
neighboring areas. When sales reached 500 cookers, the project transitioned
from the introduction phase to the business phase. Seventeen Solar Cooker
Representatives (SCOREPS) work hard to achieve sales; they walk long
distances to visit clients, conduct product demonstrations, collect payments
and provide follow-up services. These seventeen women earn money from
sales and for providing instruction and public demonstrations. Four SCOREPS
are now interested in starting "energy shops" to sell CooKits and related
supplies (pots, lids, cooking bags) as well as offering maintenance and repair
services. SCI collaborates with local providers of micro-credit loans and
small enterprise trainers to help ensure success of these shops.

To further increase access to solar cookers in impoverished areas such as

Nyakach, SCI staff and volunteers in Kenya are testing prototypes of hand-
made CooKits for durability and cooking performance. The hand-made
cookers, with durable Tetra Pak reflective material, could potentially be
made in Nyakach at a lower cost, thus expanding options for Kenyan
consumers as well as further employment opportunities.

Local solar cooking access is good for both sellers and consumers. During
my February visit to Nyakach, a woman named Ella told me her children
enjoy solar-cooked foods so much that there are no leftovers. She has cut
her monthly charcoal use from two sacks to less than one, and she can now
afford to have an AIDS orphan live at home with her. Elizabeth, a SCOREP
nicknamed "Mama Solar," said solar cooking helps her family stay healthier
as they eat more nutritious meals, drink pasteurized water, and breathe in
less smoke from cooking fires. I also met Margaret, a woman who solar-
bakes cakes (a rare treat in Nyakach) and sells them by the slice at her
son ’s b arb ersh op . O th er en terp risin g com m u n ity m em b ers are g en eratin g
income by using solar cookers in small restaurants or investing cooking fuel
savings in nurseries, food animals, and education for their children. Solar
cookers truly make a difference in Nyakach, where most people live on less
than one dollar a day.

SCI committed to education resources, information

By Bev Blum, SCI Executive Director

In recen t S olar C ooker R eview issu es I’ve

h ig h lig h ted S olar C ookers In tern ation a l’s
priorities for 2005-2010: first, spreading solar
cookers to marketplaces throughout Kenya —
growing from the Sunny Solutions project in
Nyakach, Kenya — and, secondly, advocacy for
supportive energy policies in five governments.
Future Review issues will provide updates on
these programs.

Oddly, urgent cooking fuel shortages in many

developing countries are still nearly invisible to
many policymakers, as are the related harmful
impacts on families. This year the United Nations
is again focusing on the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), eight goals to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy,
environmental degradation and discrimination against women by the year
2015. The MDGs state th at w o m en ’s p articip ation is essen tia l an d th at
women need better education, opportunities for income generation, and
participation in community development. But none of these is possible until
women and girls are free from the time loss and hazards of fuel gathering,
smoky fires and diseases from unsafe drinking water. Solar cookers advance
all eight MDGs.
S C I’s th ird in itiative is to exp an d access to teach in g to ols an d w ell-
documented worldwide data on solar cookers through quality education
resources, including basic how-to-make-and-use instructions for consumers,
teach er’s g u id es, train in g m an u als for com m u n ity p roje cts, an in tern ation al
directory of experts, detailed geographic and technical reports on cooker
designs, and field project evaluations. These resources are available through
printed materials, Web sites, conferences and seminars, the media, and a
query-response service.

S C I’s fou rth in itiative is in form ation exch an g e, w h ereb y in d ep en d en t

promoters worldwide learn from each other. SCI is unique in pooling the
wisdom of seven hundred independent experts and groups who periodically
contribute information to — and benefit from — S C I’s d atab ase of w orld w id e
data and resources.

In th e n ext S olar C ooker R eview I’ll d iscu ss th e rem ain in g p riorities. Each of
S C I’s six p riorities req u ire s years to acco m p lish an d m ajor fu n d
commitments. We need to continue expanding our faithful membership, and
urge you to introduce us to people who share your commitment to a better
world. We are also proud to announce that, in partnership with the
Sacramento Region Community Foundation, we can now offer major gift
annuity options to donors of $10,000 and above (see "Give AND receive with
an SCI charitable gift annuity," page one).

Echoing Mahatma Gandhi, "We must be the change we wish to see in the
world." Or, as a gardener once said, "Gardens are not made by sitting in the
sh ad e an d sayin g , ‘O h , h ow lovely’." Th rou g h S C I YO U are th e ch an g e. O n
behalf of millions of women in fuel-scarce, sun-rich areas, Thank you!

Sunny Solutions on FM radio

By Margaret Owino, SCI East Africa Director

Women whose lives have been touched

b y S C I’s S u n n y S olu tion s p roje ct w ere
featured guests on Radio Ramogi FM ’s
call-in program every Saturday in May.
The women shared their experiences in
Dholuo, the language of the Luo ethnic
group. The broadcast reached across
Kenya, with the main audience in
N yan za an d W estern Provin ces. D in ah C h ien jo, S C I’s S u n n y S olu tio ns project
officer, started things off on May 8th by describing the project and
answering questions about solar cookers. Margaret Awino Opiyo spoke the
follow in g w eek on h ow sh e u ses h er solar cooker (S C I’s "C o oK it") to save
fuel and increase profit at her small restaurant in Central Nyakach.
M arg aret’s h u sb an d felt h is fam ily w as g reatly h on ored an d h e even
accompanied her to the radio studio. On May 22nd Doris Orwa Jasolo
explained to callers the difference solar cooking has made in her life. In
addition to using less cooking fuel, Doris appreciates not having to tend a
smoky fire and her family enjoys pasteurized water and tasty meals. Her
children love the aroma and flavor of solar-cooked omena (small fish similar
to minnow). On May 29th Solar Cooker Representative (SCOREP) Jessica
A oko O ch ien g ’ d escrib ed teach in g oth ers h ow to so lar cook a n d h ow sh e
introduced solar cooking to six teachers at Rae Gem Primary School in North
Nyakach. Her husband is very happy that Jessica is one of the top solar
cooker sellers in the area; the benefits of her hard work are apparent within
the family.

Many people listened to the radio programs. Over 100 listeners phoned for
more information and a record 103 CooKits were sold during the month.
Listeners said the radio spots gave credibility to solar cooking and the
businesses run by the SCOREPS.

Rose Kowere was one of the listeners. She is a visually impaired history and
English teacher, with a Masters degree in Special Education from the United
Kingdom. Rose contacted Dinah to purchase a CooKit and receive instruction
in its use. When Dinah arrived at Job Omino Primary School in Kisumu town,
Rose had already gathered nine other teachers so they could learn too. Rose
purchased a CooKit right away; four others also hope to buy CooKits. Dinah
left with a promise to return soon and conduct a solar cooker demonstration
at the school.

So, what can YOU do?

By Kevin Porter, SCI Education Resources Director

Do you remember the first time you cautiously removed a hot pot from a
solar cooker, anxiously opened the lid, and witnessed — with awe — the
steam and scents come rushing out? Amazing, w a sn ’t it? I rem em b er
th in kin g th at th is sim p le tech n olog y w ill revolu tion ize th e w o rld . A n d it is …
gradually, sporadically.
To hasten the worldwide spread of solar cookers, the board of directors of
Solar Cookers International (SCI) has made advocacy a high priority. Over
the next few years SCI will work to influence local, national and international
policy-makers to support solar cooker use on a larger scale. You can play an
important role in your own community and beyond. (More or less of these
ideas may be practical for you, depending on where you live, etc.)
S o, you m ay ask, w h at can YO U d o? I’m g lad you asked …


Learn to solar cook and do it regularly. First-hand experience of solar
cooking many foods is invaluable. People will ask, guaranteed!

Develop a basic understanding of solar cooker history and concepts. A good

p lace to start is S C I’s W eb site:

Family, friends, neighbors. The simple act of using your solar cooker is sure
to pique the curiosity of family, friends and neighbors. Feed this interest,
literally, by hosting a solarque. Some neighborhoods even have solar
Youth. Solar cookers are excellent devices for teaching about solar energy.
(And hopefully youth that learn about solar cookers become solar-cooking
adults!) Offer to teach solar cooking to students at schools, youth programs,
camps, etc.

General public. Festivals, Earth Day celebrations, religious functions and

other public events provide opportunities to expose large numbers of people
to solar cookers. Grocery stores, particularly natural food stores, may allow
you to demonstrate solar cookers at their store or teach a cooking class.

Note: with advance notice SCI can provide handouts and display materials.
You m ay also w an t to p u rch ase a teach er’s kit from S C I, or ad d ition al
products to sell. (Inquire about quantity discounts.)


Engage the media. Newspapers and broadcast media are sometimes
interested in local stories with an international angle. If you solar cook, they
may wish to report about your experiences and the worldwide potential for
solar cooking and solar water pasteurization. Be sure to send article copies
to SCI for its archives!

Write letters to editors. When you read news stories about cooking fuel
shortages, illnesses caused by cooking smoke and fires, waterborne
diseases, or general drudgery faced by millions of women in developing
countries, consider submitting a response that provides insight into solar
cookers as clean, safe, environmentally-friendly tools for cooking food and
pasteurizing water. (See sample, below.)

Contact elected officials. Ask them to support renewable energy technologies

like solar cookers and to help level the playing field by removing unfair
subsidies given to non-renewable energy companies.


 Become an SCI member. Your financial support is crucial to our

work, and your thoughtful communications keep us invigorated.
 Spread the word. More support for SCI means more families can
benefit! For example, generous SCI supporter Kent Mein directs folks
to support SCI through his Web site: www-
Alternative gifts. For your next birthday or holiday consider collecting
donations instead of presents. This works both ways: you can also give
to friends and family by donating to SCI in their honor.
 Volunteer. Many solar cooker promoters need help from time to time.
If you have some spare time you might consider volunteering. You can
search for p rom o ters in you r reg ion in S C I’s In tern ation al D irectory of
Solar Cooking Promoters — on the Internet at — or request a list by e-mail:

SCI awarded "Sun and Peace Prize"

Solar Cookers International (SCI) was awarded a Premio Sol y Paz ("Sun and
Peace Prize") at th is year’s E n cu en tro S ola r celebration in Granada, Spain.
The prize went to seven individuals and organizations whose work towards
the promotion of renewable energy serves as models for others to follow.
SCI is honored to be among the distinguished recipients, having been
selected for its "emphatic work in diffusion and investigation" of solar
cooking, its role as a worldwide catalyst, and its Solar Cooking Archive, the
"most complete portal of [solar cooking] information on the Internet." For
m ore in form ation on th is year’s w in n ers, visit the Encuentro Solar Web site: The Solar
Cooking Archive is on the Internet at
Further adventures in adapting solar ideas
By Ramón Coyle, SCI Information
Exchange Specialist

Creative people often send their ideas

to Solar Cookers International. Two
recent examples come from India.

Dr. Ajay Chandak of the PRINCE group

says, "There are many enthusiasts
living in cities, and they do not have
adequate space to keep parabolic solar
cookers in the sun. Balconies are
smaller — normally three-feet wide —
while the SK-14 (a popular parabolic
cooker) needs six feet of space." Dr. Chandak built a parabolic cooker that
can be mounted on the parapet or railing of a balcony. A retractable handle
pulls the cooker close enough to the balcony to give access to the pot. The
cooker comes equipped with a manual tracking device that allows the user to
follow the sun from east to west and as it climbs and descends in the sky.

This may not be the final word on solar cookers for balconies, but it is the
first time I have heard of someone attempting to design parabolic cookers
for urban residents in high rise buildings. Contact: Prof. Ajay Chandak,
PRINCE (Promoters and Researchers In Non-Conventional Energy), Jankibai
Trust, Shamgiri, Agra Road, Deopur, Dhule 424 005, Maharashtra, India.
Tel: 91 2562 271795, e-mail:, Web:

Meanwhile, Sri Sankha Subrha Datta of

West Bengal proposes a new type of
solar box cooker. Details were recently
ad d ed to D r. A sh ok K u n d ap u r’s on lin e
review of solar cooker designs at
. Dr. Kundapur writes, "I consider it a
new major design on the scene. It is a
rectangular construction with two
reflectors, making it possible for
trapping maximum solar radiation. For
achieving this, the cooker has to be inclin ed . … I am su re th is cooker
performs better than regular box-type solar cookers with one reflector."

The key feature of this new box cooker is that it is designed to tilt toward
the sun. The Global Sun Oven® — a popular model by Sun Ovens
International — h as an ad ju stab le leg allow in g for som e tilt, b u t M r. D atta’s
design takes that idea further; the cooker can be tilted to maintain a nearly
90-d eg ree an g le to th e lig h t as th e su n ’s p osition in th e sky ch an g es. A lon g
leg on one end of the cooker allows for sharp tilt, while four internal shelves
sw in g freely to keep up to fou r p ots of food h orizon tal as th e cooker’s tilt is
adjusted for changing sun angles. When the cooker is flat and the sun is
overhead, the sunlight will shine on the pot lids. When the cooker is tilted to
face a lower sun, much of
the sunlight will strike the
sides of the pots.

M r. D atta’s d esig n ap p eals to

me for several reasons:

 Keeping the window close

to perpendicular to the angle
of th e su n ’s rays allow s th e
cooker to work most
efficiently: few rays bounce
off the window. Also, little
sunlight hits the inside walls
of the cooker, making
internal reflective surfaces
unnecessary, thereby
offering potential savings in
production costs.
 Since the cooker is to be re-positioned about once per hour to track
th e su n ’s m ovem en t, th e sp atial relation sh ip b etw een reflectors an d
cooker can be constant. Instead of reflectors that have to be adjusted
to many different positions, on this cooker there need be only two
positions: one for when the sun is striking the cooker at approximately
90 degrees, and one for when the cooker is being loaded, unloaded or
 Because it will still work when the sun is somewhat low in the sky, it
may allow users to solar cook more meals per year by taking better
advantage of marginal solar cooking conditions.

It is the last point that most interests me. If a new design feature adds 10 or
20 percent in production costs, but enables users to solar cook, say, 50
percent more meals per year, it may still be economical. This point further
highlights the need to match cooker designs with local climate conditions,
customs and usage.

M r. D atta’s b ox cooker is m ad e m ostly from alu m in u m sh eetin g , an d

includes two panes of glass for the glazing. He estimates small-scale
production costs of the cooker, including labor, to be about $45. In India,
the cooker can boil four liters of water in less than two hours at midday.

On the downside, this new design needs repositioning hourly, whereas

simple solar box cookers can often be left unattended for three or more
h ou rs. Th e n ew cooker also h as a fairly sm all cap acity. It’s d esig n ed to h old
four one-liter pots — perhaps ideal for smaller families, but limiting for
larger ones. Additionally, the cooker may be more susceptible to wind than
other models are. Others may want to tinker with this idea to see if the
increases in efficiency are worth additional effort in building and using the
"inclined box cooker."

Solar disinfection reducing water contamination for urban

The Kenya Water for Health
Organization (KWAHO) reports that
20,000 families have benefited from an
ongoing SODIS project in the Kibera
slums of Nairobi, Kenya. SODIS — short
for "solar disinfection" — is a method of
inactivating microbes in contaminated
water by exposing transparent bottles
of water, placed horizontally on a flat
surface, to direct sunshine for at least
six hours. (On partly cloudy or overcast
days it is recommended that bottles be
exposed for two full days.)

"Through the combination of SODIS and proper hygiene practices," says

KWAHO, "user families have improved their drinking water quality. The
20,000 families mainly report health improvements and savings on
One Kibera resident, Laila, was initially skeptical of the idea. Says Laila, "I
was puzzled and surprised when I was approached by KWAHO, telling me
about the SODIS water treatment method. I did not believe that a clear
plastic bottle, when exposed to the sun, could treat the water properly. I
have been using SODIS consistently and I got a total of 10 bottles for
SODIS. I have gained a lot since I began using SODIS; I can now afford to
drink treated water consistently w h ich I n ever u sed to. … Th e h ealth of m y
family has improved a great deal, as there is no case of diarrhea like before.
I am saving on medication and fuel."

With assistance from the Swiss Department of Water and Sanitation in

Developing Countries (SANDEC), KWAHO hopes to continue educating Kibera
residents about the SODIS method.

Contact Catherine Mwango, KWAHO, P.O. Box 61470-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel: +254-20-55 75 50, e-mail:, Web:
More SODIS information is on the Internet at

[E d itor’s n ote: D r. B ob M etcalf, a m icrob io log ist an d S olar C ookers

International board member, has studied solar water pasteurization
extensively and has experience with the SODIS procedure. He agrees that
SODIS can inactivate bateria on sunny days, but he points out that it has
some limitations. The SODIS method cannot be used for turbid water or for
milk, since turbidity and non-clear liquids tend to block the sunlight from
reaching and destroying all the bacteria. Also, tests have found that viruses
are more resistant to direct sunshine than are bacteria. Furthermore, the
SODIS method has no certain end-point, making it difficult to be certain that
all pathogens have been inactivated during partial sunshine or with
moderately turbid water. Dr. Metcalf says, "SODIS is a valuable first step in
reducing pathogens in water. Where water is heavily contaminated, adding
heat with simple solar cookers and water pasteurization indicators (WAPIs)
guarantees pathogen-free water.]

Come, le t’s S hin e O n! to ge th e r

You are cordially invited to experience vivid highlights of Solar Cookers
In tern a tion al’s h u m an itarian w ork w h ile en joyin g g ood co m p an y an d solar-
cooked desserts. In honor of the United Nations "Water for Life" decade, this
year’s Shine On! celebration will focus on water testing and solar water
Thursday evening
September 15, 2005
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The Sacramento Zoo

Kampala Center
3930 West Land Park Drive
Sacramento, California

The event is free of charge. For more information, contact SCI by telephone:
(916) 455-4499 or e-mail:

Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo (left) Attendees partake in an assortment of

and former Mayor Anne Rudin (right) solar-cooked treats
attend the Shine On! Event

Conference abstracts due 15 September

Co-sponsors Fundació Terra and Solar Cookers International are pleased to

announce the 2006 international solar cookers conference to be held in
Granada, Spain from 12-16 July, 2006. This is the sixth international solar
cookers conference, and the first in six years.

The conference will bring together solar cooker promoters and enthusiasts to
share experiences, dissemination strategies, and recent advancements in
solar cooking, solar water pasteurization, and related solar food processing
applications. The role of solar cookers in achieving United Nations Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) will also be discussed. Several conference
sessions will be open to the public, as will exhibits and workshops.
The deadline for submitting abstracts of oral or poster presentations is 15
September, 2005. Further details, including registration information and
procedures for submitting abstracts, are available on the conference Web
site: Contact Marta Pahissa, Fundació Terra,
Avinyó, 44, 08002 - Barcelona, Spain. Tel: +34 93 601 16 36, e-mail:, Web:

Special thanks
Solar Cookers International (SCI) recently received two special gifts.
Members of the United Church of Marion (New York, USA) sent funds to
su p p ort S C I’s w ork, as d id th e w om en ’s circles of th e C arm ich ael
Presbyterian Church (California, USA). Thank you to those who contributed.
Your support is invaluable!

Calling all U.S. federal employees!

Over one million U.S. federal employees participate annually in the
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) — th e w orld ’s larg est w o rkp lace g ivin g
campaign. This year federal employees have the option, for the first time, of
supporting Solar Cookers International (SCI) with a one-time gift or
recurring payroll deductions through the Aid to Africa Federation. SCI is
p rou d to m eet th e C FC ’s rig orou s fin an cial, accou n tab ility an d g overn an ce
More information is available on the Internet:

Gifts that keep giving

Does Uncle Harry really need another
necktie? Does Aunt Mary really need
another box of chocolates? Alternative Gifts
International (AGI) offers a different kind of shopping experience.

In a market setting, shoppers peruse colorful booths representing

humanitarian projects from around the world. Shoppers then select projects
they want to support and make a contribution ("purchase a gift").
Contributions to the projects are made in honor of family, friends, business
associates, etc., who then receive an attractive gift card explaining the
unique gift. Solar Cookers International is honored to again be an AGI
beneficiary organization.

If you would like to host an alternative gift market, contact Alternative Gifts
International, P.O. Box 3810, Wichita, Kansas 67201-3810, USA. Tel: 800-
842-2243, e-mail:, Web:

Tribute gifts have been given to SCI by:

 Patricia Oliansky in honor of Bruce Gladstone and Susan Gladstone

 Daniel Hirsch in honor of his mother, Mildred Hirsch
 Pat Chamberlin-Calamar in memory of her husband, Don Calamar
 Mary Frank in memory of Steve Tempest
 Mary Frank in honor of her grandchildren, Veronica and Marco Eres
 Cathy Sellitto in honor of Marguerite Kummrow
 W ern er an d H elen M u ller in m em ory of H elen ’s m oth er, Fran ces Tyson
 Beverly Blum in memory of her brother, Kenneth Boyce

Give AND receive with an SCI charitable gift annuity

You ’ve p rob ab ly h eard th e p h rase "it is b etter to g ive th an to receive." But
did you know that it is possible for you to give AND receive? How does the
idea of receiving a generous fixed income, guaranteed for life, sound to you?
Through its new partnership with the Sacramento Region Community
Foundation (SRCF), Solar Cookers International (SCI) can offer you the
benefits of investing in charitable gift annuities, which ultimately enable us
to build our endowment and help support our future programs.
The benefits you receive when you establish a charitable gift annuity may

 Immediate income tax deduction

 Generous fixed income, guaranteed for life
 Avoidance of capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets
 Reduction of potential estate tax
 Consolidation of several stocks or accounts into one income source

A charitable gift annuity benefiting SCI is a simple agreement between you

and SRCF, in which — for an irrevocable gift of cash and/or securities —
SRCF agrees to make fixed payments to you for your life. The payout rate is
based upon your age at the time of the gift.

Sample charitable gift annuity rate chart

Age Rate (%)* 70 6.5 75 7.1 80 8.0 85 9.5 90 11.3 * Sample rates effective

Would you like to see a personalized charitable gift annuity illustration? We

can provide one! Just call SCI Development Director Virginia Callaghan at
916-455-4 4 9 9 an d w e’ll g et started . It’s free an d th ere is n o ob lig ation .
Please call today.

Note: the minimum gift amount is $10,000. Before implementing any plans,
be sure to seek the advice of your professional tax or financial advisors.

Your power to do good

Solar Cookers International (SCI) is making a world of difference. Your
generosity will be gratefully used to strengthen the spread of the solar
solution on behalf of people and the planet.

Please consider these giving options:

SCI in your will

"I give and bequeath to Solar Cookers International of Sacramento,
California $______ (or ______% of my estate) to be used for its
humanitarian purposes."
Investing in SCI
If you have a choice between donating appreciated stock or cash to SCI,
there are two tax advantages of donating stock. First, you receive an income
tax charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock at the time it
is donated. Second, you avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increase in
value of the stock. You can invest in SCI and invest your cash in current
stock. It’s a w in -win situation! (A.G. Edwards serves SCI donors.)

Spreading the word

Recruit potential members by creating interested friends. "Did you know that
simple solar cookers can relieve health, financial and environmental burdens
facing millions of people? A $50 contribution to SCI helps spread simple
solar technologies for cooking and water pasteurizing."

Contact Virginia Callaghan at (916) 455-4499 to discuss donations and stock

transfers. Consult your financial planner for additional information. Thank

Solar Cooker Review

Solar Cooker Review is published two or three times per year with the
purpose of presenting solar cooking information from around the world.
Topics include solar cooker technology, dissemination strategies, educational
materials, and cultural and social adaptations. From time to time we cover
related top ics su ch as w om en ’s issu es, w ood sh ortag es, h ealth , n u trition , air
pollution, climatic changes, and the environment.

Solar Cooker Review is sent to those who contribute money or news about
solar cooking projects. The suggested subscription price is US $10/year.
Single copies are sent free to select libraries and groups overseas.

We welcome reports and commentary related to solar cooking for possible

inclusion. These may be edited for clarity or space. Please cite sources
whenever possible. We will credit your contribution. Send contributions to
Solar Cookers International, 1919 21st Street, Suite 101, Sacramento,
California 95814-6827, USA. You may also send them by fax: (916) 455-
4498 or e-mail:

Solar Cooker Review is compiled and edited by the staff of Solar Cookers
International (SCI), with layout graciously provided by IMPACT
Publications located in Medford, Oregon, USA.
Back issues are available at

SCI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization assisting communities to use the

power of the sun to cook food and pasteurize water for the benefit of people
and environments. We do not sell, rent or trade names of our donors. Tax ID
# 68-0153141.

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