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an bee ed € ANewDayforNewHa.. ‘Aaron Day Jun 14 at 11:48am + @ Tomorrow is the deadline to contribute at the maximum level to my exploratory campaign for Governor of New Hampshire. | am running as a Libertarian. The max contribution is $7000 ($5000 for ‘the exploratory campaign, $1000 for the primary, and $1000 for the general). Ihave already contributed 100,000 RVN, additional cash, and campaign resources from previous endeavors. Your contribution is an investment in a long- term movement to reclaim your natural rights and your resources so that together we can build a flourishing voluntary society in New Hampshire. | accept US Dollars and many other forms of contribution. Please visit an bee ed € ANewDayforNewHa.. DAYANH.CO fi ANew Day for New Hampshire am exploring a run for Governor of Ne. Py uke — comment > share O08 42 Mike Crawford Did you just settle a huge lawsuit because you were reckless with your money? Like Reply O- View 8 more replies [BB Aaron Day Nope. my insurance c. Ca Larry Bartlett As long as the GOP props up clowns like Sununu, |'ll vote for you. Doesn't look like they are putting up a good candidate to an bee ed PUL) g Mike Crawford Did you just settle a huge lawsuit because you were reckless with your money? Like Reply O. ‘Aaron Day Nope. My insurance company paid out a claim. | admitted no guilt and didn't sign anything. My insurance company didn’t want to deal with the costs of a trial. Like Reply @ & Michael Gill Sa? Why don't you tell Write a reply. © an bee ed PUL) Michael Gill Why don't you tell the truth you were working with Sheehan and your insurer you corrupted the case destroying evidence telling them my every move | just saved your life and you betrayed me and the people of New Hampshire and now you're running for governor you are a coward Write a reply... ©

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