You are on page 1of 37

* route creation is resolved but not ready for its controls to be

* displayed.
* @private {string|undefined}
pendingCreatedRouteId_: {
type: String,

* The time the sink list was shown and populated with at least one sink.
* This is reset whenever the user switches views or there are no sinks
* available for display.
* @private {number}
populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_: {
type: Number,
value: -1,

* Pseudo sinks from MRPs that represent their ability to accept sink search
* requests.
* @private {!Array<!media_router.Sink>}
pseudoSinks_: {
type: Array,
value: [],

* Helps manage the state of creating a sink and a route from a pseudo sink.
* @private {PseudoSinkSearchState|undefined}
pseudoSinkSearchState_: {
type: Object,

* Whether the next character input should cause a filter action metric to
* be sent.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
reportFilterOnInput_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,

* The list of current routes.
* @type {!Array<!media_router.Route>|undefined}
routeList: {
type: Array,
observer: 'rebuildRouteMaps_',

* Maps to corresponding media_router.Route.
* @private {!Object<!string, !media_router.Route>|undefined}
routeMap_: {
type: Object,

* Whether the search feature is enabled and we should show the search
* input.
* @private {boolean}
searchEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'searchEnabledChanged_',

* Search text entered by the user into the sink search input.
* @private {string}
searchInputText_: {
type: String,
value: '',
observer: 'searchInputTextChanged_',

* Sinks to display that match |searchInputText_|.
* @private {!Array<!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: Array<!Array<number>>}>|undefined}
searchResultsToShow_: {
type: Array,

* Whether the search input should be padded as if it were at the bottom of
* the dialog.
* @type {boolean}
searchUseBottomPadding: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: true,

* Whether to show the user domain of sinks associated with identity.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
showDomain: {
type: Boolean,

* Whether to show the first run flow.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
showFirstRunFlow: {
type: Boolean,
observer: 'updateElementPositioning_',

* Whether to show the cloud preference setting in the first run flow.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
showFirstRunFlowCloudPref: {
type: Boolean,

* The cast mode shown to the user. Initially set to auto mode. (See
* media_router.CastMode documentation for details on auto mode.)
* This value may be changed in one of the following ways:
* 1) The user explicitly selected a cast mode.
* 2) The user selected cast mode is no longer available for the associated
* WebContents. In this case, the container will reset to auto mode. Note
* that |userHasSelectedCastMode_| will switch back to false.
* 3) The sink list changed, and the user had not explicitly selected a cast
* mode. If the sinks support exactly 1 cast mode, the container will
* switch to that cast mode. Otherwise, the container will reset to auto
* mode.
* @private {number}
shownCastModeValue_: {
type: Number,
value: media_router.AUTO_CAST_MODE.type,

* Max height for the sink list.
* @private {number}
sinkListMaxHeight_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,

* Maps to corresponding media_router.Sink.
* @private {!Object<!string, !media_router.Sink>|undefined}
sinkMap_: {
type: Object,

* Maps to corresponding media_router.Route.
* @private {!Object<!string, !media_router.Route>}
sinkToRouteMap_: {
type: Object,
value: {},

* Sinks to show for the currently selected cast mode.
* @private {!Array<!media_router.Sink>|undefined}
sinksToShow_: {
type: Array,
observer: 'updateElementPositioning_',

* Whether the user has explicitly selected a cast mode.
* @private {boolean}
userHasSelectedCastMode_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,

* Whether the user has already taken an action.
* @type {boolean}
userHasTakenInitialAction_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,

behaviors: [

observers: [
'maybeUpdateStartSinkDisplayStartTime_(currentView_, sinksToShow_)',

ready: function() {
this.elementReadyTimeMs_ =;

Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender(this, function() {
// Import the elements that aren't needed at startup. This reduces
// initial load time. Delayed loading interferes with getting the
// offsetHeight of the first-run-flow element in updateElementPositioning_
// though, so we also make sure it is called after the last load.
var that = this;
var loadsRemaining = 3;
var onload = function() {
if (loadsRemaining > 0) {
if (that.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST) {
this.importHref('chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/neon-animation/' +
'web-animations.html', onload);
'../issue_banner/issue_banner.html'), onload);
'../media_router_search_highlighter/' +
'media_router_search_highlighter.html'), onload);

// If this is not on a Mac platform, remove the placeholder. See

// onFocus_() for more details. ready() is only called once, so no need
// to check if the placeholder exist before removing.
if (!cr.isMac)

document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown_.bind(this), true);

this.listen(this, 'focus', 'onFocus_');
this.listen(this, 'header-height-changed', 'updateElementPositioning_');
this.listen(this, 'header-or-arrow-click', 'toggleCastModeHidden_');
this.listen(this, 'mouseleave', 'onMouseLeave_');
this.listen(this, 'mouseenter', 'onMouseEnter_');

// Turn off the spinner after 3 seconds, then report the current number of
// sinks.
this.async(function() {
this.justOpened_ = false;'report-sink-count', {
sinkCount: this.allSinks.length,
}, 3000 /* 3 seconds */);

// For Mac platforms, request data after a short delay after load. This
// appears to speed up initial data load time on Mac.
if (cr.isMac) {
this.async(function() {'request-initial-data');
}, 25 /* 0.025 seconds */);

* Fires an acknowledge-first-run-flow event and hides the first run flow.
* This is call when the first run flow button is clicked.
* @private
acknowledgeFirstRunFlow_: function() {
// Only set |userOptedIntoCloudServices| if the user was shown the cloud
// services preferences option.
var userOptedIntoCloudServices = this.showFirstRunFlowCloudPref ?
this.$$('#first-run-cloud-checkbox').checked : undefined;'acknowledge-first-run-flow', {
optedIntoCloudServices: userOptedIntoCloudServices,

this.showFirstRunFlow = false;
this.showFirstRunFlowCloudPref = false;

* Fires a 'report-initial-action' event when the user takes their first
* action after the dialog opens. Also fires a 'report-initial-action-close'
* event if that initial action is to close the dialog.
* @param {!media_router.MediaRouterUserAction} initialAction
maybeReportUserFirstAction: function(initialAction) {
if (this.userHasTakenInitialAction_)
return;'report-initial-action', {
action: initialAction,

if (initialAction == media_router.MediaRouterUserAction.CLOSE) {
var timeToClose = - this.elementReadyTimeMs_;'report-initial-action-close', {
timeMs: timeToClose,

this.userHasTakenInitialAction_ = true;

get header() {
return this.$['container-header'];

* Checks that the currently selected cast mode is still in the
* updated list of available cast modes. If not, then update the selected
* cast mode to the first available cast mode on the list.
checkCurrentCastMode_: function() {
if (!this.castModeList.length)

// If we are currently showing auto mode, then nothing needs to be done.

// Otherwise, if the cast mode currently shown no longer exists (regardless
// of whether it was selected by user), then switch back to auto cast mode.
if (this.shownCastModeValue_ != media_router.CastModeType.AUTO &&
!this.findCastModeByType_(this.shownCastModeValue_)) {

* Compares two search match objects for sorting. Earlier and longer matches
* are prioritized.
* @param {!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: Array<!Array<number>>}} resultA
* Parameters in |resultA|:
* sinkItem - sink object.
* substrings - start-end index pairs of substring matches.
* @param {!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: Array<!Array<number>>}} resultB
* Parameters in |resultB|:
* sinkItem - sink object.
* substrings - start-end index pairs of substring matches.
* @return {number} -1 if |resultA| should come before |resultB|, 1 if
* |resultB| should come before |resultA|, and 0 if they are considered
* equal.
compareSearchMatches_: function(resultA, resultB) {
var substringsA = resultA.substrings;
var substringsB = resultB.substrings;
var numberSubstringsA = substringsA.length;
var numberSubstringsB = substringsB.length;

if (numberSubstringsA == 0 && numberSubstringsB == 0) {

return 0;
} else if (numberSubstringsA == 0) {
return 1;
} else if (numberSubstringsB == 0) {
return -1;

var loopMax = Math.min(numberSubstringsA, numberSubstringsB);

for (var i = 0; i < loopMax; ++i) {
var [matchStartA, matchEndA] = substringsA[i];
var [matchStartB, matchEndB] = substringsB[i];

if (matchStartA < matchStartB) {

return -1;
} else if (matchStartA > matchStartB) {
return 1;

if (matchEndA > matchEndB) {

return -1;
} else if (matchEndA < matchEndB) {
return 1;

if (numberSubstringsA > numberSubstringsB) {

return -1;
} else if (numberSubstringsA < numberSubstringsB) {
return 1;
return 0;

* Returns a duration in ms from a distance in pixels using a default speed of
* 1000 pixels per second.
* @param {number} distance Number of pixels that will be traveled.
* @private
computeAnimationDuration_: function(distance) {
// The duration of the animation can be found by abs(distance)/speed, where
// speed is fixed at 1000 pixels per second, or 1 pixel per millisecond.
return Math.abs(distance);

* If |allSinks| supports only a single cast mode, returns that cast mode.
* Otherwise, returns AUTO_MODE. Only called if |userHasSelectedCastMode_| is
* |false|.
* @return {!media_router.CastMode} The single cast mode supported by
* |allSinks|, or AUTO_MODE.
computeCastMode_: function() {
var allCastModes = this.allSinks.reduce(function(castModesSoFar, sink) {
return castModesSoFar | sink.castModes;
}, 0);

// This checks whether |castModes| does not consist of exactly 1 cast mode.
if (!allCastModes || allCastModes & (allCastModes - 1))
return media_router.AUTO_CAST_MODE;

var castMode = this.findCastModeByType_(allCastModes);

if (castMode)
return castMode;

console.error('Cast mode ' + allCastModes + ' not in castModeList');

return media_router.AUTO_CAST_MODE;

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the cast mode list.
* @private
computeCastModeListHidden_: function(view) {
return view != media_router.MediaRouterView.CAST_MODE_LIST;

* @param {!media_router.CastMode} castMode The cast mode to determine an
* icon for.
* @return {string} The icon to use.
* @private
computeCastModeIcon_: function(castMode) {
switch (castMode.type) {
case media_router.CastModeType.DEFAULT:
return 'media-router:web';
case media_router.CastModeType.TAB_MIRROR:
return 'media-router:tab';
case media_router.CastModeType.DESKTOP_MIRROR:
return 'media-router:laptop';
return '';

* @param {!Array<!media_router.CastMode>} castModeList The current list of
* cast modes.
* @return {!Array<!media_router.CastMode>} The list of default cast modes.
* @private
computeDefaultCastModeList_: function(castModeList) {
return castModeList.filter(function(mode) {
return mode.type == media_router.CastModeType.DEFAULT;
* @param {!Array<!media_router.Sink>} sinksToShow The list of sinks.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the 'devices missing' message.
* @private
computeDeviceMissingHidden_: function(sinksToShow) {
return sinksToShow.length != 0;

* @param {?Element} element Element to compute padding for.
* @return {number} Computes the amount of vertical padding (top + bottom) on
* |element|.
* @private
computeElementVerticalPadding_: function(element) {
var paddingBottom, paddingTop;
[paddingBottom, paddingTop] = this.getElementVerticalPadding_(element);
return paddingBottom + paddingTop;

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The current issue.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the header.
* @private
computeHeaderHidden_: function(view, issue) {
return view == media_router.MediaRouterView.ROUTE_DETAILS ||
(view == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST &&
!!issue && issue.isBlocking);

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {string} headerText The header text for the sink list.
* @return {string|undefined} The text for the header.
* @private
computeHeaderText_: function(view, headerText) {
switch (view) {
case media_router.MediaRouterView.CAST_MODE_LIST:
return this.i18n('selectCastModeHeaderText');
case media_router.MediaRouterView.ISSUE:
return this.i18n('issueHeaderText');
case media_router.MediaRouterView.ROUTE_DETAILS:
return this.currentRoute_ && this.sinkMap_[this.currentRoute_.sinkId] ?
this.sinkMap_[this.currentRoute_.sinkId].name : '';
case media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST:
case media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER:
return this.headerText;
return '';

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {string} headerTooltip The tooltip for the header for the sink
* list.
* @return {string} The tooltip for the header.
* @private
computeHeaderTooltip_: function(view, headerTooltip) {
return view == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST ? headerTooltip : '';

* @param {string} currentLaunchingSinkId ID of the sink that is currently
* launching, or empty string if none exists.
* @private
computeIsLaunching_: function(currentLaunchingSinkId) {
return currentLaunchingSinkId != '';

* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The current issue.
* @return {string} The class for the issue banner.
* @private
computeIssueBannerClass_: function(issue) {
return !!issue && !issue.isBlocking ? 'non-blocking' : '';

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The current issue.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to show the issue banner.
* @private
computeIssueBannerShown_: function(view, issue) {
return !!issue && (view == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST ||
view == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER ||
view == media_router.MediaRouterView.ISSUE);

* @param {!Array<!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: Array<!Array<number>>}>} searchResultsToShow
* The sinks currently matching the search text.
* @param {boolean} isSearchListHidden Whether the search list is hidden.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the 'no matches' message is hidden.
* @private
computeNoMatchesHidden_: function(searchResultsToShow, isSearchListHidden) {
return isSearchListHidden || this.searchInputText_.length == 0 ||
searchResultsToShow.length != 0;

* @param {!Array<!media_router.CastMode>} castModeList The current list of
* cast modes.
* @return {!Array<!media_router.CastMode>} The list of non-default cast
* modes.
* @private
computeNonDefaultCastModeList_: function(castModeList) {
return castModeList.filter(function(mode) {
return mode.type != media_router.CastModeType.DEFAULT;

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The current issue.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the route details.
* @private
computeRouteDetailsHidden_: function(view, issue) {
return view != media_router.MediaRouterView.ROUTE_DETAILS ||
(!!issue && issue.isBlocking);

* Computes an array of substring indices that mark where substrings of
* |searchString| occur in |sinkName|.
* @param {string} searchString Search string entered by user.
* @param {string} sinkName Sink name being filtered.
* @return {Array<!Array<number>>} Array of substring start-end (inclusive)
* index pairs if every character in |searchString| was matched, in order,
* in |sinkName|. Otherwise it returns null.
* @private
computeSearchMatches_: function(searchString, sinkName) {
var i = 0;
var matchStart = -1;
var matchEnd = -1;
var matchPairs = [];
for (var j = 0; i < searchString.length && j < sinkName.length; ++j) {
if (searchString[i].toLocaleLowerCase() ==
sinkName[j].toLocaleLowerCase()) {
if (matchStart == -1) {
matchStart = j;
} else if (matchStart != -1) {
matchEnd = j - 1;
matchPairs.push([matchStart, matchEnd]);
matchStart = -1;
if (matchStart != -1) {
matchEnd = j - 1;
matchPairs.push([matchStart, matchEnd]);
return (i == searchString.length) ? matchPairs : null;

* Computes whether the search results list should be hidden.
* @param {!Array<!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: Array<!Array<number>>}>} searchResultsToShow
* The sinks currently matching the search text.
* @param {boolean} isSearchListHidden Whether the search list is hidden.
* @return {boolean} Whether the search results list should be hidden.
* @private
computeSearchResultsHidden_: function(searchResultsToShow,
isSearchListHidden) {
return isSearchListHidden || searchResultsToShow.length == 0;

* @param {!Array<!media_router.CastMode>} castModeList The current list of
* cast modes.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the share screen subheading text.
* @private
computeShareScreenSubheadingHidden_: function(castModeList) {
return this.computeNonDefaultCastModeList_(castModeList).length == 0;

* @param {boolean} showFirstRunFlow Whether or not to show the first run
* flow.
* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} currentView The current view.
* @private
computeShowFirstRunFlow_: function(showFirstRunFlow, currentView) {
return showFirstRunFlow &&
currentView == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST;

* @param {!media_router.Sink} sink The sink to determine an icon for.
* @return {string} The icon to use.
* @private
computeSinkIcon_: function(sink) {
switch (sink.iconType) {
case media_router.SinkIconType.CAST:
return 'media-router:chromecast';
case media_router.SinkIconType.CAST_AUDIO:
return 'media-router:speaker';
case media_router.SinkIconType.CAST_AUDIO_GROUP:
return 'media-router:speaker-group';
case media_router.SinkIconType.GENERIC:
return 'media-router:tv';
case media_router.SinkIconType.HANGOUT:
return 'media-router:hangout';
return 'media-router:tv';

* @param {!string} sinkId A sink ID.
* @param {!Object<!string, ?media_router.Route>} sinkToRouteMap
* Maps to corresponding media_router.Route.
* @return {string} The class for the sink icon.
* @private
computeSinkIconClass_: function(sinkId, sinkToRouteMap) {
return sinkToRouteMap[sinkId] ? 'sink-icon active-sink' : 'sink-icon';

* @param {!string} currentLaunchingSinkId The ID of the sink that is
* currently launching.
* @param {!string} sinkId A sink ID.
* @return {boolean} |true| if given sink is currently launching.
* @private
computeSinkIsLaunching_: function(currentLaunchingSinkId, sinkId) {
return currentLaunchingSinkId == sinkId;

* @param {!Array<!media_router.Sink>} sinksToShow The list of sinks.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the sink list.
* @private
computeSinkListHidden_: function(sinksToShow) {
return sinksToShow.length == 0;

* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} view The current view.
* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The current issue.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide entire the sink list view.
* @private
computeSinkListViewHidden_: function(view, issue) {
return (view != media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST &&
view != media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) ||
(!!issue && issue.isBlocking);

* Returns whether the sink domain for |sink| should be hidden.
* @param {!media_router.Sink} sink
* @return {boolean} |true| if the domain should be hidden.
* @private
computeSinkDomainHidden_: function(sink) {
return !this.showDomain || this.isEmptyOrWhitespace_(sink.domain);

* Computes which portions of a sink name, if any, should be highlighted when
* displayed in the filter view. Any substrings matching the search text
* should be highlighted.
* The order the strings are combined is plainText[0] highlightedText[0]
* plainText[1] highlightedText[1] etc.
* @param {!{sinkItem: !media_router.Sink,
* substrings: !Array<!Array<number>>}} matchedItem
* Parameters in matchedItem:
* sinkItem - Original !media_router.Sink from the sink list.
* substrings - List of index pairs denoting substrings of
* that match |searchInputText_|.
* @return {!{highlightedText: !Array<string>, plainText: !Array<string>}}
* highlightedText - Array of strings that should be displayed highlighted.
* plainText - Array of strings that should be displayed normally.
* @private
computeSinkMatchingText_: function(matchedItem) {
if (!matchedItem.substrings) {
return {highlightedText: [null], plainText: []};
var lastMatchIndex = -1;
var nameIndex = 0;
var sinkName =;
var highlightedText = [];
var plainText = [];
for (var i = 0; i < matchedItem.substrings.length; ++i) {
var [matchStart, matchEnd] = matchedItem.substrings[i];
if (lastMatchIndex + 1 < matchStart) {
plainText.push(sinkName.substring(lastMatchIndex + 1, matchStart));
} else {
highlightedText.push(sinkName.substring(matchStart, matchEnd + 1));
lastMatchIndex = matchEnd;
if (lastMatchIndex + 1 < sinkName.length) {
plainText.push(sinkName.substring(lastMatchIndex + 1));
return {highlightedText: highlightedText, plainText: plainText};

* Returns the subtext to be shown for |sink|. Only called if
* |computeSinkSubtextHidden_| returns false for the same |sink| and
* |sinkToRouteMap|.
* @param {!media_router.Sink} sink
* @param {!Object<!string, ?media_router.Route>} sinkToRouteMap
* @return {?string} The subtext to be shown.
* @private
computeSinkSubtext_: function(sink, sinkToRouteMap) {
var route = sinkToRouteMap[];
if (route && !this.isEmptyOrWhitespace_(route.description))
return route.description;

return sink.description;

* Returns whether the sink subtext for |sink| should be hidden.
* @param {!media_router.Sink} sink
* @param {!Object<!string, ?media_router.Route>} sinkToRouteMap
* @return {boolean} |true| if the subtext should be hidden.
* @private
computeSinkSubtextHidden_: function(sink, sinkToRouteMap) {
if (!this.isEmptyOrWhitespace_(sink.description))
return false;
var route = sinkToRouteMap[];
return !route || this.isEmptyOrWhitespace_(route.description);

* @param {boolean} justOpened Whether the MR UI was just opened.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to hide the spinner.
* @private
computeSpinnerHidden_: function(justOpened) {
return !justOpened;

* Computes the height of the sink list view element when search results are
* being shown.
* @param {?Element} deviceMissing No devices message element.
* @param {?Element} noMatches No search matches element.
* @param {?Element} results Search results list element.
* @param {number} searchOffsetHeight Search input container element height.
* @param {number} maxHeight Max height of the list elements.
* @return {number} The height of the sink list view when search results are
* being shown.
* @private
computeTotalSearchHeight_: function(
deviceMissing, noMatches, results, searchOffsetHeight, maxHeight) {
var contentHeight = deviceMissing.offsetHeight +
((noMatches.hasAttribute('hidden')) ?
results.offsetHeight : noMatches.offsetHeight);
return Math.min(contentHeight, maxHeight) + searchOffsetHeight;

* Updates element positioning when the view changes and possibly triggers
* reporting of a user filter action. If there is no filter text, it defers
* the reporting until some text is entered, but otherwise it reports the
* filter action here.
* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} currentView The current view of the
* dialog.
* @private
currentViewChanged_: function(currentView) {
if (currentView == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {
this.reportFilterOnInput_ = true;

* Filters all sinks based on fuzzy matching to the currently entered search
* text.
* @param {string} searchInputText The currently entered search text.
* @private
filterSinks_: function(searchInputText) {
if (searchInputText.length == 0) {
this.searchResultsToShow_ = {
return {sinkItem: item, substrings: null};

var searchResultsToShow = [];

for (var i = 0; i < this.sinksToShow_.length; ++i) {
var matchSubstrings = this.computeSearchMatches_(
if (!matchSubstrings) {
searchResultsToShow.push({sinkItem: this.sinksToShow_[i],
substrings: matchSubstrings});

var pendingPseudoSink = (this.pseudoSinkSearchState_) ?

this.pseudoSinkSearchState_.getPseudoSink() :
// We may need to add pseudo sinks to the filter results. A pseudo sink will
// be shown if there is no real sink with the same icon and name exactly
// matching the filter text. The map() call transforms any pseudo sink
// objects that will be shown to the search result format, where we know
// that the entire sink name will be a match.
// The exception to this is when there is a pending pseudo sink search. Then
// the pseudo sink for the search will be treated like a real sink because
// it will actually be in |sinksToShow_| until a real sink is returned by
// search. So the filter here shouldn't treat it like a pseudo sink.
searchResultsToShow = this.pseudoSinks_.filter(function(pseudoSink) {
return (!pendingPseudoSink || != &&
!searchResultsToShow.find(function(searchResult) {
return == searchInputText &&
searchResult.sinkItem.iconType == pseudoSink.iconType;
}).map(function(pseudoSink) { = searchInputText;
return {sinkItem: pseudoSink,
substrings: [[0, searchInputText.length - 1]]};
this.searchResultsToShow_ = searchResultsToShow;

* Helper function to locate the CastMode object with the given type in
* castModeList.
* @param {number} castModeType Type of cast mode to look for.
* @return {media_router.CastMode|undefined} CastMode object with the given
* type in castModeList, or undefined if not found.
findCastModeByType_: function(castModeType) {
return this.castModeList.find(function(element, index, array) {
return element.type == castModeType;
* @param {?Element} element Element to compute padding for.
* @return {!Array<number>} Array containing the element's bottom padding
* value and the element's top padding value, in that order.
* @private
getElementVerticalPadding_: function(element) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
return [parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'), 10) || 0,
parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('padding-top'), 10) || 0];

* Retrieves the first run flow cloud preferences text, if it exists. On
* non-officially branded builds, the string is not defined.
* @return {string} Cloud preferences text.
getFirstRunFlowCloudPrefText_: function() {
return loadTimeData.valueExists('firstRunFlowCloudPrefText') ?
this.i18n('firstRunFlowCloudPrefText') : '';

* @param {?media_router.Route} route Route to get the sink for.
* @return {?media_router.Sink} Sink associated with |route| or
* undefined if we don't have data for the sink.
getSinkForRoute_: function(route) {
return route ? this.sinkMap_[route.sinkId] : null;

* @param {?Element} element Conditionally-templated element to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether |element| is considered present in the document
* as a conditionally-templated element. This does not check the |hidden|
* attribute.
hasConditionalElement_: function(element) {
return !!element &&
(! || != 'none');

* Returns whether given string is undefined, null, empty, or whitespace only.
* @param {?string} str String to be tested.
* @return {boolean} |true| if the string is undefined, null, empty, or
* whitespace.
* @private
isEmptyOrWhitespace_: function(str) {
return str === undefined || str === null || (/^\s*$/).test(str);

* Reports a user filter action if |searchInputText_| is not empty and the
* filter action hasn't been reported since the view changed to the filter
* view.
* @private
maybeReportFilter_: function() {
if (this.reportFilterOnInput_ && this.searchInputText_.length != 0) {
this.reportFilterOnInput_ = false;'report-filter');

* Updates |currentView_| if the dialog had just opened and there's
* only one local route.
maybeShowRouteDetailsOnOpen: function() {
var localRoute = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.routeList.length; i++) {
var route = this.routeList[i];
if (!route.isLocal)
if (!localRoute) {
localRoute = route;
} else {
// Don't show route details if there are more than one local route.
localRoute = null;

if (localRoute)
this.showRouteDetails_(localRoute);'show-initial-state', {currentView: this.currentView_});

* Updates |currentView_| if there is a new blocking issue or a blocking
* issue is resolved. Clears any pending route creation properties if the
* issue corresponds with |pendingCreatedRouteId_|.
* @param {?media_router.Issue} issue The new issue, or null if the
* blocking issue was resolved.
* @private
maybeShowIssueView_: function(issue) {
if (!!issue) {
if (issue.isBlocking) {
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.ISSUE;
} else if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST) {
// Make space for the non-blocking issue in the sink list.
} else {
// Switch back to the sink list if the issue was cleared. If the previous
// issue was non-blocking, this would be a no-op. It is expected that
// the only way to clear an issue is by user action; the IssueManager
// (C++ side) does not clear issues in the UI.

if (!!this.pendingCreatedRouteId_ && !!issue &&

issue.routeId == this.pendingCreatedRouteId_) {

* If an element in the search results list has keyboard focus when we are
* transitioning from the filter view to the sink list view, give focus to the
* same sink in the sink list. Otherwise we leave the keyboard focus where it
* is.
* @private
maybeUpdateFocusOnFilterViewExit_: function() {
var searchSinks = this.$$('#search-results').querySelectorAll('paper-item');
var focusedElem =, function(sink) {
return sink.focused;
if (!focusedElem) {
var focusedSink =
setTimeout(function() {
var sinkListPaperMenu = this.$$('#sink-list-paper-menu');
var sinks = sinkListPaperMenu.children;
var sinkList = this.$$('#sinkList');
for (var i = 0; i < sinks.length; i++) {
if (sinkList.itemForElement(sinks[i]).id == {

* May update |populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_| depending on |currentView| and
* |sinksToShow|.
* Called when |currentView_| or |sinksToShow_| is updated.
* @param {?media_router.MediaRouterView} currentView The current view of the
* dialog.
* @param {!Array<!media_router.Sink>} sinksToShow The sinks to display.
* @private
maybeUpdateStartSinkDisplayStartTime_: function(currentView, sinksToShow) {
if (currentView == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST &&
sinksToShow.length != 0) {
// Only set |populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_| if it has not already been set.
if (this.populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_ == -1)
this.populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_ =;
} else {
// Reset |populatedSinkListLastSeen_| if the sink list isn't being shown
// or if there aren't any sinks available for display.
this.populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_ = -1;

* Animates the transition from the filter view, where the search field is at
* the top of the list, to the sink list view, where the search field is at
* the bottom of the list.
* If this is called while another animation is in progress, it queues itself
* to be run at the end of the current animation.
* @param {!function()} resolve Resolves the animation promise that is waiting
* on this animation.
* @private
moveSearchToBottom_: function(resolve) {
var deviceMissing = this.$['device-missing'];
var list = this.$$('#sink-list');
var resultsContainer = this.$$('#search-results-container');
var search = this.$$('#sink-search');
var view = this.$['sink-list-view'];

var hasList = this.hasConditionalElement_(list);

var initialHeight = view.offsetHeight;
// Force the view height to be max dialog height.['overflow'] = 'hidden';

var searchInitialOffsetHeight = search.offsetHeight;

var searchInitialPaddingBottom, searchInitialPaddingTop;
[searchInitialPaddingBottom, searchInitialPaddingTop] =
var searchPadding = searchInitialPaddingBottom + searchInitialPaddingTop;
var searchHeight = search.offsetHeight - searchPadding;
this.searchUseBottomPadding = true;
var searchFinalPaddingBottom, searchFinalPaddingTop;
[searchFinalPaddingBottom, searchFinalPaddingTop] =
var searchFinalOffsetHeight =
searchHeight + searchFinalPaddingBottom + searchFinalPaddingTop;

var resultsInitialTop = 0;
var finalHeight = 0;
// Get final view height ahead of animation.
if (hasList) {['position'] = 'absolute';['opacity'] = '0';
this.hideSinkListForAnimation_ = false;
finalHeight += list.offsetHeight;['position'] = 'relative';
} else {
resultsInitialTop +=
deviceMissing.offsetHeight + searchInitialOffsetHeight;
finalHeight += deviceMissing.offsetHeight;

var searchInitialTop = hasList ? 0 : deviceMissing.offsetHeight;

var searchFinalTop = hasList ? list.offsetHeight - search.offsetHeight :
deviceMissing.offsetHeight;['position'] = 'absolute';

var duration =
this.computeAnimationDuration_(searchFinalTop - searchInitialTop);
var timing = {duration: duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'};
// This GroupEffect does the reverse of |moveSearchToTop_|. It fades the
// sink list in while sliding the search input and search results list down.
// The dialog height is also adjusted smoothly to the sink list height.
var deviceMissingEffect = new KeyframeEffect(deviceMissing,
[{'marginBottom': searchInitialOffsetHeight},
{'marginBottom': searchFinalOffsetHeight}],
var listEffect = new KeyframeEffect(list,
[{'opacity': '0'}, {'opacity': '1'}],
var resultsEffect = new KeyframeEffect(resultsContainer,
[{'top': resultsInitialTop + 'px',
{'top': '100%', 'paddingTop': '0px'}],
var searchEffect = new KeyframeEffect(search,
[{'top': searchInitialTop + 'px', 'marginTop': '0px',
'paddingBottom': searchInitialPaddingBottom + 'px',
'paddingTop': searchInitialPaddingTop + 'px'},
{'top': '100%', 'marginTop': '-' + searchFinalOffsetHeight + 'px',
'paddingBottom': searchFinalPaddingBottom + 'px',
'paddingTop': searchFinalPaddingTop + 'px'}],
var viewEffect = new KeyframeEffect(view,
[{'height': initialHeight + 'px', 'paddingBottom': '0px'},
{'height': finalHeight + 'px',
'paddingBottom': searchFinalOffsetHeight + 'px'}],
var player = GroupEffect(hasList ?
[listEffect, resultsEffect, searchEffect, viewEffect] :
[deviceMissingEffect, resultsEffect, searchEffect, viewEffect]));

var that = this;

var finalizeAnimation = function() {['overflow'] = '';
that.filterTransitionPlayer_ = null;
that.isSearchListHidden_ = true;

this.filterTransitionPlayer_ = player;

* Animates the transition from the sink list view, where the search field is
* at the bottom of the list, to the filter view, where the search field is at
* the top of the list.
* If this is called while another animation is in progress, it queues itself
* to be run at the end of the current animation.
* @param {!function()} resolve Resolves the animation promise that is waiting
* on this animation.
* @private
moveSearchToTop_: function(resolve) {
var deviceMissing = this.$['device-missing'];
var list = this.$$('#sink-list');
var noMatches = this.$$('#no-search-matches');
var results = this.$$('#search-results');
var resultsContainer = this.$$('#search-results-container');
var search = this.$$('#sink-search');
var view = this.$['sink-list-view'];

// Saves current search container |offsetHeight| which includes bottom

// padding.
var searchInitialOffsetHeight = search.offsetHeight;
var hasList = this.hasConditionalElement_(list);
var searchInitialTop = hasList ?
list.offsetHeight - searchInitialOffsetHeight :
var searchFinalTop = hasList ? 0 : deviceMissing.offsetHeight;
var searchInitialPaddingBottom, searchInitialPaddingTop;
[searchInitialPaddingBottom, searchInitialPaddingTop] =
var searchPadding = searchInitialPaddingBottom + searchInitialPaddingTop;
var searchHeight = search.offsetHeight - searchPadding;
this.searchUseBottomPadding =
var searchFinalPaddingBottom, searchFinalPaddingTop;
[searchFinalPaddingBottom, searchFinalPaddingTop] =
var searchFinalOffsetHeight =
searchHeight + searchFinalPaddingBottom + searchFinalPaddingTop;

// Omitting |search.offsetHeight| because it is handled by view animation

// separately.
var initialHeight =
hasList ? list.offsetHeight : deviceMissing.offsetHeight;['overflow'] = 'hidden';

var resultsPadding = this.computeElementVerticalPadding_(results);

var finalHeight = this.computeTotalSearchHeight_(
deviceMissing, noMatches, results, searchFinalOffsetHeight,
this.sinkListMaxHeight_ + resultsPadding);

var duration =
this.computeAnimationDuration_(searchFinalTop - searchInitialTop);
var timing = {duration: duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'};

// This GroupEffect will cause the sink list to fade out while the search
// input and search results list slide up. The dialog will also resize
// smoothly to the new search result list height.
var deviceMissingEffect = new KeyframeEffect(deviceMissing,
[{'marginBottom': searchInitialOffsetHeight},
{'marginBottom': searchFinalOffsetHeight}],
var listEffect = new KeyframeEffect(list,
[{'opacity': '1'}, {'opacity': '0'}],
var resultsEffect = new KeyframeEffect(resultsContainer,
[{'top': '100%', 'paddingTop': '0px'},
{'top': searchFinalTop + 'px',
'paddingTop': searchFinalOffsetHeight + 'px'}],
var searchEffect = new KeyframeEffect(search,
[{'top': '100%', 'marginTop': '-' + searchInitialOffsetHeight + 'px',
'paddingBottom': searchInitialPaddingBottom + 'px',
'paddingTop': searchInitialPaddingTop + 'px'},
{'top': searchFinalTop + 'px', 'marginTop': '0px',
'paddingBottom': searchFinalPaddingBottom + 'px',
'paddingTop': searchFinalPaddingTop + 'px'}],
var viewEffect = new KeyframeEffect(view,
[{'height': initialHeight + 'px',
'paddingBottom': searchInitialOffsetHeight + 'px'},
{'height': finalHeight + 'px', 'paddingBottom': '0px'}],
var player = GroupEffect(hasList ?
[listEffect, resultsEffect, searchEffect, viewEffect] :
[deviceMissingEffect, resultsEffect, searchEffect, viewEffect]));

var that = this;

var finalizeAnimation = function() {
// When we are moving the search results up into view, the user may type
// more text or delete text which may change the height of the search
// results list. In this case, the dialog height that the animation ends
// on will now be wrong. In order to correct this smoothly,
// |putSearchAtTop_| will queue another animation just to adjust the
// dialog height.
// The |filterTransitionPlayer_| will hold all of the animated elements in
// their final keyframe state until it is canceled or another player
// overrides it because we used |fill: 'forwards'| in all of the effects.
// So unlike |moveSearchToBottom_|, we don't know for sure whether we want
// to cancel |filterTransitionPlayer_| after |putSearchAtTop_| because
// another animation may have been run to correct the dialog height.
// If |putSearchAtTop_| has to adjust the dialog height, it also queues
// itself to run again when that animation is finished. When the height is
// finally correct at the end of an animation, it will cancel
// |filterTransitionPlayer_| itself.

this.filterTransitionPlayer_ = player;

* Handles a cast mode selection. Updates |headerText|, |headerTextTooltip|,
* and |shownCastModeValue_|.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onCastModeClick_: function(event) {
// The clicked cast mode can come from one of two lists,
// defaultCastModeList and nonDefaultCastModeList.
var clickedMode =
this.$$('#defaultCastModeList').itemForElement( ||
if (!clickedMode)

this.selectCastMode(clickedMode.type);'cast-mode-selected', {castModeType: clickedMode.type});

* Handles a change-route-source-click event. Sets the currently launching
* sink to be the current route's sink and shows the sink list.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* route - route to modify.
* selectedCastMode - cast mode to use for the new source.
* @private
onChangeRouteSourceClick_: function(event) {
/** @type {{route: !media_router.Route, selectedCastMode: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ = detail.route.sinkId;
var sink = this.sinkMap_[detail.route.sinkId];

* Handles a close-route event. Shows the sink list and starts a timer to
* close the dialog if there is no click within three seconds.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* route - route to close.
* @private
onCloseRoute_: function(event) {
/** @type {{route: media_router.Route}} */
var detail = event.detail;

if (detail.route.isLocal) {

* Handles response of previous create route attempt.
* @param {string} sinkId The ID of the sink to which the Media Route was
* creating a route.
* @param {?media_router.Route} route The newly created route that
* corresponds to the sink if route creation succeeded; null otherwise.
* @param {boolean} isForDisplay Whether or not |route| is for display.
onCreateRouteResponseReceived: function(sinkId, route, isForDisplay) {
// The provider will handle sending an issue for a failed route request.
if (!route) {
this.resetRouteCreationProperties_(false);'report-resolved-route', {
outcome: media_router.MediaRouterRouteCreationOutcome.FAILURE_NO_ROUTE

// Check that |sinkId| exists and corresponds to |currentLaunchingSinkId_|.

if (!this.sinkMap_[sinkId] || this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ != sinkId) {'report-resolved-route', {

// Regardless of whether the route is for display, it was resolved

// successfully.'report-resolved-route', {
outcome: media_router.MediaRouterRouteCreationOutcome.SUCCESS

if (isForDisplay) {
} else {
this.pendingCreatedRouteId_ =;

* Called when a focus event is triggered.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onFocus_: function(event) {
// If the focus event was automatically fired by Polymer, remove focus from
// the element. This prevents unexpected focusing when the dialog is
// initially loaded. This only happens on mac.
if (cr.isMac && !event.sourceCapabilities) {
// Adding a focus placeholder element is part of the workaround for
// handling unexpected focusing, which only happens once on dialog open.
// Since the placeholder is focus-enabled as denoted by its tabindex
// value, the focus will not appear in other elements.
var placeholder = this.$$('#focus-placeholder');
// Check that the placeholder is the currently focused element. In some
// tests, other elements are non-user-triggered focused.
if (placeholder && this.shadowRoot.activeElement == placeholder) {
// Remove the placeholder since we have no more use for it.

* Called when a keydown event is fired.
* @param {!Event} e Keydown event object for the event.
onKeydown_: function(e) {
// The ESC key may be pressed with a combination of other keys. It is
// handled on the C++ side instead of the JS side on non-mac platforms,
// which uses toolkit-views. Handle the expected behavior on all platforms
// here.
if (e.key == media_router.KEY_ESC && !e.shiftKey &&
!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey) {
// When searching, allow ESC as a mechanism to leave the filter view.
if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {
// If the user tabbed to an item in the search results, or otherwise has
// an item in the list focused, focus will seem to vanish when we
// transition back to the sink list. Instead we should move focus to the
// appropriate item in the sink list.
} else {'close-dialog', {
pressEscToClose: true,

* Called when a mouseleave event is triggered.
* @private
onMouseLeave_: function() {
this.mouseIsPositionedOverDialog_ = false;

* Called when a mouseenter event is triggered.
* @private
onMouseEnter_: function() {
this.mouseIsPositionedOverDialog_ = true;

* Called when a search has completed up to route creation. |sinkId|
* identifies the sink that should be in |allSinks|, if a sink was found.
* @param {string} sinkId The ID of the sink that is the result of the
* currently pending search.
onReceiveSearchResult: function(sinkId) {
this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ =
// If we're in filter view, make sure the |sinksToShow_| change is picked
// up.
if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {

* Called when a sink is clicked.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onSinkClick_: function(event) {
var clickedSink =
(this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) ?
this.$$('#searchResults').itemForElement( :
this.showOrCreateRoute_(clickedSink);'sink-click', {index: event['model'].index});

* Sets the positioning of the sink list, search input, and search results so
* that everything is in the correct state for the sink list view.
* @private
putSearchAtBottom_: function() {
var search = this.$$('#sink-search');
if (!this.hasConditionalElement_(search)) {
var deviceMissing = this.$['device-missing'];
var list = this.$$('#sink-list');
var resultsContainer = this.$$('#search-results-container');
var view = this.$['sink-list-view'];
this.searchUseBottomPadding = true;['top'] = '';
if (resultsContainer) {['position'] = '';['padding-top'] = '';['top'] = '';
this.hideSinkListForAnimation_ = false;
var hasList = this.hasConditionalElement_(list);
if (hasList) {['margin-top'] = '-' + search.offsetHeight + 'px';['padding-bottom'] = search.offsetHeight + 'px';['opacity'] = '';
} else {['margin-bottom'] = search.offsetHeight + 'px';['margin-top'] = '';['padding-bottom'] = '';

* Sets the positioning of the sink list, search input, and search results so
* that everything is in the correct state for the filter view.
* If the user was searching while the |moveSearchToTop_| animation was
* happening then the dialog height that animation ends at could be different
* than the current height of the search results. If this is the case, this
* function first spawns a new animation that smoothly corrects the height
* problem. This is iterative, but once we enter a call where the heights
* match up, the elements will become static again.
* @param {!function()} resolve Resolves the animation promise that is waiting
* on this animation.
* @private
putSearchAtTop_: function(resolve) {
var deviceMissing = this.$['device-missing'];
var list = this.$$('#sink-list');
var noMatches = this.$$('#no-search-matches');
var results = this.$$('#search-results');
var resultsContainer = this.$$('#search-results-container');
var search = this.$$('#sink-search');
var view = this.$['sink-list-view'];

// If there is a height mismatch between where the animation calculated the

// height should be and where it is now because the search results changed
// during the animation, correct it with... another animation.
this.searchUseBottomPadding =
var resultsPadding = this.computeElementVerticalPadding_(results);
var finalHeight = this.computeTotalSearchHeight_(deviceMissing, noMatches,
results, search.offsetHeight, this.sinkListMaxHeight_ + resultsPadding);
if (finalHeight != view.offsetHeight) {
var viewEffect = new KeyframeEffect(view,
[{'height': view.offsetHeight + 'px'},
{'height': finalHeight + 'px'}],
this.computeAnimationDuration_(finalHeight - view.offsetHeight),
easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
var player =;
if (this.heightAdjustmentPlayer_) {
this.heightAdjustmentPlayer_ = player;
player.finished.then(this.putSearchAtTop_.bind(this, resolve));

var hasList = this.hasConditionalElement_(list);['margin-top'] = '';['margin-bottom'] = search.offsetHeight + 'px';
var searchFinalTop = hasList ? 0 : deviceMissing.offsetHeight;
var resultsPaddingTop = hasList ? search.offsetHeight + 'px' : '0px';['top'] = searchFinalTop + 'px';
this.hideSinkListForAnimation_ = true;['position'] = 'relative';['padding-top'] = resultsPaddingTop;['top'] = '';['overflow'] = '';['padding-bottom'] = '';
if (this.filterTransitionPlayer_) {
this.filterTransitionPlayer_ = null;

if (this.heightAdjustmentPlayer_) {
this.heightAdjustmentPlayer_ = null;


* Queues a call to |moveSearchToBottom_| by adding it as a continuation to
* |animationPromise_| and updating |animationPromise_|.
queueMoveSearchToBottom_: function() {
var oldPromise = this.animationPromise_;
var that = this;
this.animationPromise_ = new Promise(function(resolve) {
oldPromise.then(that.moveSearchToBottom_.bind(that, resolve));

* Queues a call to |moveSearchToTop_| by adding it as a continuation to
* |animationPromise_| and updating |animationPromise_|. The new promise will
* not resolve until |putSearchAtTop_| is finished, including any potential
* dialog height adjustment animations.
queueMoveSearchToTop_: function() {
var oldPromise = this.animationPromise_;
var that = this;
this.animationPromise_ = new Promise(function(resolve) {
oldPromise.then(function() {
that.isSearchListHidden_ = false;
setTimeout(that.moveSearchToTop_.bind(that, resolve));

* Queues a call to |putSearchAtTop_| by adding it as a continuation to
* |animationPromise_| and updating |animationPromise_|.
queuePutSearchAtTop_: function() {
var that = this;
var oldPromise = this.animationPromise_;
this.animationPromise_ = new Promise(function(resolve) {
oldPromise.then(that.putSearchAtTop_.bind(that, resolve));

* Called when |routeList| is updated. Rebuilds |routeMap_| and
* |sinkToRouteMap_|.
* @private
rebuildRouteMaps_: function() {
this.routeMap_ = {};

// Rebuild |sinkToRouteMap_| with a temporary map to avoid firing the

// computed functions prematurely.
var tempSinkToRouteMap = {};

// We expect that each route in |routeList| maps to a unique sink.

this.routeList.forEach(function(route) {
this.routeMap_[] = route;
tempSinkToRouteMap[route.sinkId] = route;
}, this);

// If there is route creation in progress, check if any of the route ids

// correspond to |pendingCreatedRouteId_|. If so, the newly created route
// is ready to be displayed; switch to route details view.
if (this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ != '' &&
this.pendingCreatedRouteId_ != '') {
var route = tempSinkToRouteMap[this.currentLaunchingSinkId_];
if (route && this.pendingCreatedRouteId_ == {
} else {
// If |currentRoute_| is no longer active, clear |currentRoute_|. Also
// switch back to the SINK_PICKER view if the user is currently in the
if (this.currentRoute_) {
this.currentRoute_ = this.routeMap_[] || null;
if (!this.currentRoute_ &&
this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.ROUTE_DETAILS) {

this.sinkToRouteMap_ = tempSinkToRouteMap;

* Rebuilds the list of sinks to be shown for the current cast mode.
* A sink should be shown if it is compatible with the current cast mode, or
* if the sink is associated with a route. The resulting list is sorted by
* name.
rebuildSinksToShow_: function() {
var updatedSinkList = this.allSinks.filter(function(sink) {
return !sink.isPseudoSink;
}, this);
if (this.pseudoSinkSearchState_) {
var pendingPseudoSink = this.pseudoSinkSearchState_.getPseudoSink();
// Here we will treat the pseudo sink that launched the search as a real
// sink until one is returned by search. This way it isn't possible to
// ever reach a UI state where there is no spinner being shown in the sink
// list but |currentLaunchingSinkId_| is non-empty (thereby preventing any
// other sink from launching).
if ( == this.currentLaunchingSinkId_) {
if (this.userHasSelectedCastMode_) {
// If user explicitly selected a cast mode, then we show only sinks that
// are compatible with current cast mode or sinks that are active.
updatedSinkList = updatedSinkList.filter(function(element) {
return (element.castModes & this.shownCastModeValue_) ||
}, this);
} else {
// If user did not select a cast mode, then:
// - If all sinks support only a single cast mode, then the cast mode is
// switched to that mode.
// - Otherwise, the cast mode becomes auto mode.
// Either way, all sinks will be shown.

// When there's an updated list of sinks, append any new sinks to the end
// of the existing list. This prevents sinks randomly jumping around the
// dialog, which can surprise users / lead to inadvertently casting to the
// wrong sink.
if (this.sinksToShow_) {
for (var i = this.sinksToShow_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var index = updatedSinkList.findIndex(function(updatedSink) {
return this.sinksToShow_[i].id ==; }.bind(this));
if (index < 0) {
// Remove any sinks that are no longer discovered.
this.sinksToShow_.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// If the sink exists, move it from |updatedSinkList| to
// |sinksToShow_| in the same position, as the cast modes or other
// fields may have been updated.
this.sinksToShow_[i] = updatedSinkList[index];
updatedSinkList.splice(index, 1);

updatedSinkList = this.sinksToShow_.concat(updatedSinkList);
this.sinksToShow_ = updatedSinkList;

* Called when |allSinks| is updated.
* @private
reindexSinksAndRebuildSinksToShow_: function() {
this.sinkMap_ = {};

this.allSinks.forEach(function(sink) {
if (!sink.isPseudoSink) {
this.sinkMap_[] = sink;
}, this);
if (this.pseudoSinkSearchState_) {
this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ =
this.pseudoSinks_ = this.allSinks.filter(function(sink) {
return sink.isPseudoSink && !!sink.domain;
this.searchEnabled_ = this.searchEnabled_ || this.pseudoSinks_.length > 0 ||
this.sinksToShow_.length >= media_router.MINIMUM_SINKS_FOR_SEARCH;
this.filterSinks_(this.searchInputText_ || '');
if (this.currentView_ != media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {
// This code is in the unique position of seeing |animationPromise_| as
// null on startup. |allSinks| is initialized before |animationPromise_|
// and this listener runs when |allSinks| is initialized.
if (this.animationPromise_) {
this.animationPromise_ =
} else {
} else {

* Resets the properties relevant to creating a new route. Fires an event
* indicating whether or not route creation was successful.
* Clearing |currentLaunchingSinkId_| hides the spinner indicating there is
* a route creation in progress and show the device icon instead.
* @private
resetRouteCreationProperties_: function(creationSuccess) {
this.pseudoSinkSearchState_ = null;
this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ = '';
this.pendingCreatedRouteId_ = '';'report-route-creation', {success: creationSuccess});


* Responds to a click on the search button by toggling sink filtering.
searchButtonClick_: function() {
// Redundancy needed because focus() only fires event if input is not
// already focused. In the case that user typed text, hit escape, then
// clicks the search button, a focus event will not fire and so its event
// handler from ready() will not run.

* Initializes the position of the search input if search becomes enabled.
* @param {boolean} searchEnabled The new value of |searchEnabled_|.
* @private
searchEnabledChanged_: function(searchEnabled) {
if (searchEnabled) {
this.async(function() {

* Filters the sink list when the input text changes and shows the search
* results if |searchInputText| is not empty.
* @param {string} searchInputText The currently entered search text.
* @private
searchInputTextChanged_: function(searchInputText) {
if (searchInputText.length != 0) {

* Sets the selected cast mode to the one associated with |castModeType|,
* and rebuilds sinks to reflect the change.
* @param {number} castModeType The type of the selected cast mode.
selectCastMode: function(castModeType) {
var castMode = this.findCastModeByType_(castModeType);
if (castMode && castModeType != this.shownCastModeValue_) {
this.userHasSelectedCastMode_ = true;

* Sets various focus and blur event handlers to handle showing search results
* when the search input is focused.
* @private
setSearchFocusHandlers_: function() {
var searchInput = this.$$('#sink-search-input');
var that = this;

// The window can see a blur event for two important cases: the window is
// actually losing focus or keyboard focus is wrapping from the end of the
// document to the beginning. To handle both cases, we save whether the
// search input was focused during the window blur event.
// When the search input receives focus, it could be as part of window
// focus. If the search input was also focused on window blur, it shouldn't
// show search results if they aren't already being shown. Otherwise,
// focusing the search input should activate the FILTER view by calling
// |showSearchResults_()|.
window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
that.isSearchFocusedOnWindowBlur_ =
that.shadowRoot.activeElement == searchInput;
searchInput.addEventListener('focus', function() {
if (!that.isSearchFocusedOnWindowBlur_) {

* Updates the shown cast mode, and updates the header text fields
* according to the cast mode. If |castMode| type is AUTO, then set
* |userHasSelectedCastMode_| to false.
* @param {!media_router.CastMode} castMode
setShownCastMode_: function(castMode) {
if (this.shownCastModeValue_ == castMode.type)

this.shownCastModeValue_ = castMode.type;
this.headerText = castMode.description;
this.headerTextTooltip = || '';
if (castMode.type == media_router.CastModeType.AUTO)
this.userHasSelectedCastMode_ = false;

* @param {?Element} deviceMissing Device missing message element.
* @return {boolean} Whether the search input should use vertical padding as
* if it were the lowest (at the very bottom) item in the dialog.
* @private
shouldSearchUseBottomPadding_: function(deviceMissing) {
return !deviceMissing.hasAttribute('hidden');

* Shows the cast mode list.
* @private
showCastModeList_: function() {
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.CAST_MODE_LIST;

* Creates a new route if there is no route to the |sink| . Otherwise,
* shows the route details.
* @param {!media_router.Sink} sink The sink to use.
* @private
showOrCreateRoute_: function(sink) {
var route = this.sinkToRouteMap_[];
if (route) {
} else if (this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ == '') {
// Allow one launch at a time.
var selectedCastModeValue =
this.shownCastModeValue_ == media_router.CastModeType.AUTO ?
sink.castModes & -sink.castModes : this.shownCastModeValue_;
if (sink.isPseudoSink) {
this.pseudoSinkSearchState_ = new PseudoSinkSearchState(sink);'search-sinks-and-create-route', {
domain: sink.domain,
selectedCastMode: selectedCastModeValue
} else {'create-route', {
// If user selected a cast mode, then we will create a route using
// that cast mode. Otherwise, the UI is in "auto" cast mode and will
// use the preferred cast mode compatible with the sink. The preferred
// cast mode value is the least significant bit on the bitset.
selectedCastModeValue: selectedCastModeValue

var timeToSelectSink = - this.populatedSinkListSeenTimeMs_;'report-sink-click-time', {timeMs: timeToSelectSink});
this.currentLaunchingSinkId_ =;
if (sink.isPseudoSink) {


* Shows the route details.
* @param {!media_router.Route} route The route to show.
* @private
showRouteDetails_: function(route) {
this.currentRoute_ = route;
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.ROUTE_DETAILS;

* Shows the search results.
* @private
showSearchResults_: function() {
if (this.currentView_ != media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER;

* Shows the sink list.
* @private
showSinkList_: function() {
if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.FILTER) {
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST;
} else {
this.currentView_ = media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST;

* Starts a timer which fires a close-dialog event if the user's mouse is
* not positioned over the dialog after three seconds.
* @private
startTapTimer_: function() {
var id = setTimeout(function() {
if (!this.mouseIsPositionedOverDialog_)'close-dialog', {
pressEscToClose: false,
}.bind(this), 3000 /* 3 seconds */);

* Toggles |currentView_| between CAST_MODE_LIST and SINK_LIST.
* @private
toggleCastModeHidden_: function() {
if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.CAST_MODE_LIST) {
} else if (this.currentView_ == media_router.MediaRouterView.SINK_LIST) {

* Update the position-related styling of some elements.
* @private
updateElementPositioning_: function() {
// Ensures that conditionally templated elements have finished stamping.
this.async(function() {
var headerHeight = this.header.offsetHeight;
// Unlike the other elements whose heights are fixed, the first-run-flow
// element can have a fractional height. So we use getBoundingClientRect()
// to avoid rounding errors.
var firstRunFlowHeight = this.$$('#first-run-flow') &&
this.$$('#first-run-flow').style.display != 'none' ?
this.$$('#first-run-flow').getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
var issueHeight = this.$$('#issue-banner') &&
this.$$('#issue-banner').style.display != 'none' ?
this.$$('#issue-banner').offsetHeight : 0;
var search = this.$$('#sink-search');
var hasSearch = this.hasConditionalElement_(search);
var searchHeight = hasSearch ? search.offsetHeight : 0;
var searchPadding =
hasSearch ? this.computeElementVerticalPadding_(search) : 0; = firstRunFlowHeight + 'px';

this.$['content'].style.marginTop =
firstRunFlowHeight + headerHeight + 'px';

var sinkList = this.$$('#sink-list');

if (hasSearch && sinkList) {
// This would need to be reset to '' if search could be disabled again,
// but once it's enabled it can't be disabled again.
this.$$('#sink-list-paper-menu').style.paddingBottom = '0';
var sinkListPadding =
sinkList ? this.computeElementVerticalPadding_(sinkList) : 0;

this.sinkListMaxHeight_ = this.dialogHeight_ - headerHeight -

firstRunFlowHeight - issueHeight - searchHeight + searchPadding -
if (sinkList) { = this.sinkListMaxHeight_ + 'px';
var searchResults = this.$$('#search-results');
if (searchResults) = this.sinkListMaxHeight_ + 'px';

* Update the max dialog height and update the positioning of the e

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