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Speak Up Online Weekly Test

Name: Han Jin Su / Peter Time: 7:30 – 8:00

Date: July 6,, 2018

VOCABULARY 4000 Essential English Words 1 Unit 1


hide please cleve well afraid

d r
finall agree middl botto promis
y e m e
hunt mome safe cruel trick
repl attack angry lot arrive

1. something you do to fool another person

2. to feel fear
3. wanting to speak loudly or fight
4.a large number or amount of people, animals, things
5. the lowest part of something
6. to say yes or to think the same way
7. to give an answer or say back to someone
8. to try to fight or to hurt
9. the center or halfway point
10. a person who can solve a hard puzzle or problem
11. happens after a long time or at the end
12. a second or a very short time
13. to try not to let others see you
14. to look for or search for an animal to kill
15. they do bad things to hurt others
16. to do something for sure
17. to say something was done in a good way
18. to get or reach some place
19. not in danger
20. happy

Complete the sentences

afraid bottom hunt safe cruel

pleased moment clever promise agree
well arrived reply finally attack

1. I always feel ______ when I am at home.

2. Give me a ________ please! I need to call my mother/

3. I am __________ of spiders!

4. I _________! Let’s go to the movies!

5. I am very ________ with your performance. You did a great job!

6. They found the lost ship at the _________ of the ocean.

7. The hunters tried to _______ the eagles in this area.

8. They _________ at the airport very late.

9. Wow! They __________ accepted me to join their group.

10. The ________ man hit his friend.

11. I texted her last night but she did not ______.

12. I _________ not to tell your secret.

13. The soldiers tried to _______ their enemies secretly.

14. Sonia can play the piano very __________.

15. My _______ classmate always solves out math activities fast.


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