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Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.

2, June 2018

E.L. Pankratov

Nizhny Novgorod State University,

23 Gagarin avenue, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia

We consider an approach for increasing density of field-effect heterotransistors in a single-stage multi-path
operational amplifier. At the same time one can obtain decreasing of dimensions of the above transistors.
Dimensions of the elements could be decreased by manufacturing of these elements in a heterostructure
with specific structure. The manufacturing is doing by doping of required areas of the heterostructure by
diffusion or ion implantation with future optimization of annealing of dopant and/or radiation defects.

field-effect heterotransistors; single-stage multi-path operational amplifier; optimization of manufacturing.

In the present time it is attracted an interest increasing of performance of elements integrated
circuits and increasing of their density. At the same time dimensions of these elements decreases
with decreasing of their density. Dimensions of elements of integrated circuit could be decreases
by manufacturing of them in thin-film heterostructures [1-4]. As an alternative approach for the
decreasing one can use laser and microwave types annealing [5-7]. Using these types of annealing
leads to generation inhomogeneous distribution of temperature. Temperature dependence of
dopant diffusion coefficient and other parameters of process leads to their inhomogeneity due to
inhomogeneity of temperature. The inhomogeneity could leads to decreasing of dimensions of
elements of integrated circuits. Properties of electronic materials could be also changes by using
radiation processing of these materials [8,9].

In this paper we consider a single-stage multi-path operational amplifier described in Ref. [10]
(see Fig.1). We assume, that element of the considered circuit has been manufactured in
heterostructure from Fig. 1. The heterostructure includes into itself a substrate and an epitaxial
layer. The epitaxial layer consist of a main material and several sections manufactured by using
another materials in the main material. The sections should be doped for generation into them
DOI: 10.5121/antj.2018.4201 1
Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018
required type of conductivity (n or p). Most simple types of doping are diffusion or ion
implantation in the case. Main aim of the paper we analyzing of redistribution of dopant and
radiation defects during the doping to formulate conditions to decrease of dimensions of the
considered circuit.

Fig. 1a. Circuit of a pass transistor single-stage multi-path operational amplifier [10]

Fig. 1b. Heterostructure with substrate and epitaxial layer. The epitaxial layer in-cludes into itself several

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

We calculate distribution of concentration of dopant in space and time by solving the following

∂ C ( x, y , z , t )

∂  ∂ C ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ C ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ C (x, y, z, t )
= D  + ∂ y DC  + ∂ z  DC
∂ x  C ∂x   ∂ y   ∂ z  (1)

Boundary and initial conditions for the equation could be written as

∂ C ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ C ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ C ( x, y , z , t )
=0, = 0, = 0, (2)
∂x x =0
∂ x x= L
∂ y y =0

∂ C ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ C ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ C ( x, y , z , t )
= 0, = 0, = 0,
∂y x=L
∂ z z =0
∂ z x= L

C (x,y,z,0)=f (x,y,z).

Function C(x,y,z,t) describes distribution of concentration of dopant in space and time; T is the
temperature of annealing; DС is the dopant diffusion coefficient. Dopant diffusion coefficient
could be varying with changing of materials, speed of heating and cooling of heterostructure.
Approximation of dopant diffusion coefficient could be written as [9,11,12]

 C γ ( x, y, z, t )   V ( x, y, z, t ) V 2 (x, y, z, t )
DC = DL ( x, y, z,T ) 1 + ξ γ 1 + ς + ς . (3)
 P ( x , y , z , T ) 
V * 2
(V ) 
* 2

Here DL (x,y,z,T) is the dependence of dopant diffusion coefficient on coordinate and temperature;
P (x,y,z,T) is the dependence of limit of solubility of dopant diffusion coefficient on coordinate
and temperature; parameter γ should be integer in the interval γ ∈[1,3] [9]; V (x,y,z,t) is the
dependence of distribution of concentration of radiation vacancies on coordinate and time with
the equilibrium distribution V*. Dependence of dopant diffusion coefficient on dopant
concentration has been discussed in details in [9]. It should be noted, that using infusion of dopant
did not leads to generation radiation defects, i.e. ζ1= ζ2= 0. We determine distributions of
concentrations of point defects on space and time by solving the following system of equations

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

∂ I ( x, y , z , t ) ∂  ∂ I ( x, y , z , t )  ∂  ∂ I ( x, y , z , t ) 
=  DI ( x, y , z , T )  +  DI ( x , y , z , T ) +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂y ∂y 

∂  ∂ I ( x, y , z , t ) 
+  DI ( x, y, z , T )  − k I ,V ( x, y, z , T ) I ( x, y , z , t )V ( x, y, z , t ) −
∂z  ∂z 

− k I , I ( x, y , z , T ) I 2 ( x , y , z , t ) (4)

∂ V ( x, y , z , t ) ∂  ∂ V ( x, y , z , t )  ∂  ∂ V ( x, y , z , t ) 
=  DV ( x, y, z, T )  +  DV ( x, y, z, T ) +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂y ∂y 

∂  ∂ V ( x, y , z , t ) 
+  DV ( x, y , z , T )  − k I ,V ( x, y , z , T ) I ( x, y , z , t )V ( x, y, z , t ) −
∂z  ∂z 

− kV ,V ( x, y, z , T )V 2 ( x, y, z , t )
Boundary and initial conditions for these equations could be written as

∂ ρ ( x, y, z, t ) ∂ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ ρ ( x, y , z , t )
= 0, = 0, = 0,
∂x x=0
∂ x x=L x
∂ y y =0

∂ ρ ( x, y , z , t )
= 0,
∂y y=L y

∂ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ ρ ( x, y , z , t )
= 0, = 0 , ρ (x,y,z,0)=fρ (x,y,z). (5)
∂z z =0
∂ z z=L z

Here ρ =I,V; function I (x,y,z,t) describe distribution of concentration of radiation interstitials in

space and time; function Dρ(x,y,z,T) describe distribution of diffusion coefficients of radiation
interstitials and vacancies on coordinate and temperature; squared terms on concentration of
defects (i.e. V2(x,y,z,t) and I2(x,y,z,t)) describe dependences of parameter of generation of
divacancies and diinterstitials on coordinate and temperature, respectively; function kI,V(x,y,z,T)
describe distribution of the parameter of recombination of point radiation defects on coordinate
and temperature; function kρ,ρ(x,y,z,T) describe distribution of the parameters of generation of
simplest complexes of point radiation defects on coordinate and temperature.

We calculate dependences of concentrations of divacancies ΦV (x,y,z,t) and diinterstitials ΦI

(x,y,z,t) on coordinate and temperature by solving the following system of equations [11,12]

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

∂ ΦI ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ Φ ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ Φ ( x, y, z, t )
= DΦI (x, y, z,T ) I  + DΦI (x, y, z,T ) I +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂ y  ∂ y 

∂  ∂ Φ (x, y, z, t )
+ DΦI ( x, y, z,T ) I  + kI ,I ( x, y, z,T ) I 2 ( x, y, z, t ) − kI ( x, y, z,T ) I ( x, y, z, t )
∂z  ∂z 

∂ ΦV (x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ Φ ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ Φ ( x, y, z, t )
= DΦV ( x, y, z,T ) V  + DΦV ( x, y, z,T ) V +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂ y  ∂ y 
∂  ∂ Φ (x, y, z,t )
+  DΦV ( x, y, z,T ) V  + kV ,V ( x, y, z,T )V 2 ( x, y, z, t ) − kV ( x, y, z,T )V ( x, y, z, t )
∂z ∂z 
Boundary and initial conditions for these equations could be written as

∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t )
= 0, = 0, = 0,
∂x x =0
∂x x = Lx
∂y y =0

∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t ) ∂ Φ ρ ( x, y , z , t )
= 0, = 0, = 0, (7)
∂y y = Ly
∂ z z =0
∂ z z = Lz

ΦI (x,y,z,0)=fΦI (x,y,z), ΦV (x,y,z,0)=fΦV (x,y,z).

Functions DΦρ(x,y,z,T) describe dependences diffusion coefficients of complexes of radiation

defects on coordinate and temperature; functions kρ(x,y,z,T) describe dependences of parameters
of decay of complexes of radiation defects on coordinate and temperature.

We calculate distributions of concentrations of dopant and radiation defects in space and time by
using method of averaging of function corrections [13] with decreased quantity of iteration steps
[14]. First of all we used solutions of linear Eqs. (1), (4) and (6) and with averaged values of
diffusion coefficients D0L, D0I, D0V, D0ΦI, D0ΦV as initial-order approximations of the considered
concentrations. The solutions could be written as

F0C 2 ∞
C1 ( x, y, z , t ) = + ∑ FnC cn ( x )cn ( y )cn ( z )enC (t ) ,
Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly Lz n=1

F0 I 2 ∞
I1 ( x, y, z, t ) = + ∑ FnI cn ( x )cn ( y )cn ( z )enI (t ) ,
Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly Lz n=1
Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

F0C 2 ∞
V1 ( x, y, z, t ) = + ∑ FnC cn ( x )cn ( y )cn ( z )enV (t ) ,
Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly Lz n=1

F0 Φ I 2 ∞
Φ I 1 ( x, y , z , t ) = + ∑ FnΦ I cn ( x )cn ( y )cn ( z )enΦ I (t ) ,
Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly Lz n=1

F0 ΦV 2 ∞
ΦV 1 ( x, y , z , t ) = + ∑ FnΦV cn ( x )cn ( y )cn ( z )enΦV (t ) .
Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly Lz n =1

  1 1 1 
Here enρ (t ) = exp − π 2n2 D0 ρ t  2 + 2 + 2  ,
  Lx Ly Lz 
Lx Ly Lz
Fnρ = ∫ cn (u) ∫ cn (v) ∫ cn (v) f ρ (u, v, w) d wd v d u , cn(χ) = cos (π n χ/Lχ).
0 0 0

Approximations of the considered concentrations with higher orders (second, third, ...) have been
calculated framework standard iterative procedure [13,14]. To use the procedure we shall replace
the functions C(x,y,z,t), I(x,y,z,t), V(x,y,z,t), ΦI(x,y, z,t), ΦV(x,y,z,t) in the right sides of the Eqs.
(1), (4) and (6) on the following sums αnρ +ρ n-1(x,y,z,t). Equations for concentrations for
considered concentrations for the second-order could be written as

∂ C2 (x, y, z, t ) ∂   V 2 ( x, y, z, t )  [α + C (x, y, z, t )] 
V ( x, y, z, t )
= 1 + ς + ς  1 + ξ 2C γ 1 ×
∂ x   (V ∗ )   P ( x, y, z,T )
1 ∗ 2 2
∂t V 

∂ C1 (x, y, z, t )  ∂   V ( x, y, z, t ) V 2 ( x, y, z, t )
× DL ( x, y, z,T )  +  DL ( x, y, z,T ) 1+ ς1 +ς2 ×
∂x  ∂ y  V ∗
(V )
∗ 2

 [α 2C + C1 ( x, y, z, t )]γ  ∂ C1 ( x, y, z, t )  ∂  ∂ C1 ( x, y, z, t )
× 1 + ξ  +  DL ( x, y, z,T ) ×
P γ
( x, y , z , T ) ∂ y  ∂ z ∂ z
  

 V ( x, y , z , t ) V 2 ( x, y , z , t )   [α 2C + C1 ( x, y, z, t )]γ  
× 1 + ς 1 + ς2  1 + ξ  (8)
 V ∗
(V )  
∗ 2
Pγ ( x, y, z, T )  

∂ I 2 ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ I (x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ I (x, y, z, t )
= DI (x, y, z, T ) 1  +  DI (x, y, z, T ) 1 +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂ y  ∂ y 

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

∂  ∂ I ( x, y , z , t ) 
+ 
DI ( x , y , z , T ) 1
∂z  − [α 2 I + I1 ( x, y, z , t )][α 2V + V1 ( x, y , z , t )] ×

× k I ,V ( x, y, z , T ) − k I , I ( x, y , z , T ) [α 2 I + I 1 ( x, y , z , t )]

∂ V2 ( x, y, z, t ) ∂  ∂ V ( x, y , z , t )  ∂  ∂ V ( x, y , z , t ) 
=  DV ( x, y, z , T ) 1  +  DV ( x, y, z, T ) 1 +
∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂y ∂y 

∂  ∂ V1 ( x, y , z , t )
∂ z 
( x , y , z , T )
∂z  − [α 2 I + I 1 ( x, y , z , t )][α 2V + V1 ( x, y , z , t )] ×

× k I ,V ( x, y, z , T ) − kV ,V ( x, y , z , T ) [α 2V + V1 ( x, y , z , t )]

∂ Φ I 2 ( x, y , z , t ) ∂  ∂ Φ I 1 ( x, y , z , t )  ∂ 
=  DΦ I ( x, y , z , T )  + ∂ y  DΦ I ( x, y, z , T ) ×
∂t ∂x ∂x  

∂ Φ I 1 ( x, y , z , t )  ∂  ∂ Φ I 1 ( x, y , z , t ) 
×  +  DΦ I ( x, y , z , T )  + k I , I ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂y  ∂ z  ∂ z 

× I 2 ( x, y , z , t ) − k I ( x, y , z , T ) I ( x, y , z , t ) (10)

∂ Φ V 2 ( x, y , z , t ) ∂  ∂ Φ V 1 ( x, y , z , t )  ∂ 
=  DΦV ( x, y , z , T )  + ∂ y  DΦV ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂t ∂x ∂x  

∂ Φ I 1 ( x, y , z , t )  ∂  ∂ Φ V 1 ( x, y , z , t ) 
× + D
 ∂z VΦ
( x , y , z , T )  + kV ,V ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂y   ∂z 

× V 2 ( x, y, z, t ) − kV ( x, y, z, T ) V ( x, y, z, t ) .
The second-order approximations of concentrations of dopant and radiation defects could be
obtained in the final form by integration of the left and right sides of Eqs.(8)-(10)

∂  t  V (x, y, z,τ ) V 2 ( x, y, z,τ )  [α2C + C1 ( x, y, z,τ )]γ 

C2 ( x, y, z, t ) = ∫ 1 + ς1 +ς2  1 + ξ ×
∂ x  0  V∗ (V ∗ )2   Pγ ( x, y, z,T ) 

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

∂ C1 (x, y, z,τ )  ∂  t  V (x, y, z,τ ) V 2 ( x, y, z,τ )

× DL ( x, y, z,T )  d τ + ∫ 1 + ς1 +ς2 ×
∂x  ∂ y  0  V∗ (V ∗ )2 
 [α2C + C1(x, y, z,τ )]γ  ∂ C1(x, y, z,τ )  ∂  t
× DL (x, y, z,T )1 + ξ  d τ +  ∫ DL (x, y, z,T ) ×
P γ
( x, y, z, T ) ∂ y  ∂ z 0
  
 V ( x, y, z,τ ) V 2 ( x, y, z,τ ) [α2C + C1(x, y, z,τ )]γ  ∂ C1(x, y, z,τ ) 
× 1+ ς1 + ς2 1+ ξ dτ +
 V∗ (V ∗ )2  Pγ ( x, y, z,T ) 

∂z 

+ f C ( x, y, z ) (8a)

∂ t ∂ I1 ( x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t
I 2 ( x, y , z , t ) = ∫ D ( x , y , z , T ) dτ  +  0∫ DI ( x, y, z , T ) ×
∂ x  0 I ∂x  ∂ y

∂ I1 ( x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t ∂ I1 ( x, y, z ,τ )  t
× dτ  + ∫
 ID ( x , y , z , T ) d τ  − ∫ k I , I ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂y  ∂ z 0 ∂z  0
× [α 2 I + I1 ( x, y, z,τ )] d τ + f I ( x, y, z ) − ∫ k I ,V ( x, y, z, T )[α 2 I + I1 ( x, y, z ,τ )] ×

× [α 2V + V1 ( x, y , z ,τ )]d τ (9a)

∂ t ∂ V1 ( x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t
V2 ( x, y, z , t ) = ∫ D ( x , y , z , T ) dτ  +  0∫ DV ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂ x 0 V ∂x  ∂ y

∂ V1 (x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t ∂ V1 (x, y, z ,τ )  t
× dτ  + ∫
 VD ( x , y , z , T ) d τ  − ∫ kV ,V ( x, y , z , T ) ×
∂y  ∂ z 0 ∂z  0
× [α 2 I + V1 ( x, y, z,τ )] d τ + fV ( x, y, z ) − ∫ k I ,V ( x, y, z, T )[α 2 I + I1 ( x, y, z,τ )] ×

× [α 2V + V1 ( x, y , z ,τ )]d τ

∂ t ∂ Φ I 1 (x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t
Φ I 2 ( x, y , z , t ) = (
∫ D x, y , z , T ) dτ  +  0∫ DΦ I ( x, y, z , T ) ×
∂ x  0 Φ I ∂x  ∂ y
Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

∂ Φ I 1 (x, y, z,τ )  ∂  t ∂ Φ I 1 (x, y, z,τ )  t

× d τ  + ∫ DΦ I ( x, y, z,T ) d τ  + ∫ kI ,I ( x, y, z,T ) ×
∂y  ∂ z  0 ∂ z  0
× I 2 ( x, y, z,τ ) d τ − ∫ k I ( x, y, z, T ) I ( x, y, z ,τ ) d τ + f Φ I ( x, y, z ) (10a)

∂ t ∂ ΦV 1 ( x, y, z ,τ )  ∂  t
ΦV 2 ( x, y , z , t ) = ∫ D ( x , y , z , T ) dτ  +  ∫0 DΦV ( x, y, z , T ) ×
∂ x 0 ΦV ∂x  ∂ y

∂ ΦI 1 ( x, y, z,τ )  ∂  t ∂ ΦV 1 (x, y, z,τ )  t

× d τ  + ∫ DΦV ( x, y, z,T ) d τ  + ∫ kV ,V ( x, y, z,T ) ×
∂y  ∂ z 0 ∂z  0
× V 2 ( x, y, z,τ ) d τ − ∫ kV ( x, y, z, T )V ( x, y, z,τ ) d τ + f ΦV ( x, y, z )

We calculate average values of the second-orders approximations of concentrations of dopant and

radiation defects by using the following standard relations [13,14]
1 ΘL L L x y z

α2ρ = ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ [ρ 2 ( x, y, z , t ) − ρ1 ( x, y, z , t )]d z d y d x d t . (11)

ΘLx L y Lz 0 0 0 0

Using the relation (11) with account relations (8a)-(10a) leads to the following average values
α 2ρ
1 LLL x y z

α 2С = ∫ ∫ ∫ f C ( x, y , z ) d z d y d x , (12)
Lx L y Lz 0 0 0

α2I =
2 AII 00
(1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 + α 2V AIV 00 )2 − 4 AII 00 [α 2V AIV 10 − AII 20 + AIV 11 −

1 Lx L y Lz   1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 + α 2V AIV 00

− ∫ ∫ ∫ f I ( x, y , z ) d z d y d x   − (13a)
Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0   2 AII 00

1 (B3 + A)2 − 4B  y + B3 y − B1  − B3 + A .
α 2V = 4   (13b)
2 B4 4  A  4 B4

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018
1 x y z

Aabij = ∫ (Θ − t ) ∫ ∫ ∫ ka,b (x, y, z, T ) I1 ( x, y, z, t )V1 (x, y, z, t ) d z d y d x d t ,

i j

Θ Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0 0

B4 = AIV2 00 AIV2 00 − 2 (AIV2 00 − AII 00 AVV 00 )


B3 = AIV 00 AIV2 00 + AIV 01 AIV3 00 + AIV 00 AII 10 AIV2 00 −

− 4(AIV2 00 − AII 00 AVV 00 )[2 AIV 01AIV 00 + 2 AIV 00(1 + AIV 01 + AII10 ) − 2 AII 00( AIV10 + AVV10 + 1)] −
− 4 AIV 10 AII 00 AIV2 00 + 2 AIV 00 AIV 01 AIV2 00 ,

B2 = AIV2 00 (1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 ) + AIV2 00 AIV2 01 + AIV 00 ×

 1
× 2 AIV 00 ( AIV 00 + AIV 00 AIV 01 + AIV 00 AII10 − 4 AIV 10 AII 00 ) − 4 AII 00  AIV 11 − AII 20 − ×
 Lx Ly Lz
Lx L y Lz
× ∫ ∫ ∫ f I (x, y, z ) d z d y d x  {[2 AIV 01 AIV 00 + 2 AIV 00 (1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 ) − 2 AII 00 ( AIV 10 + 1 +
0 0 0 

 2 LxLy Lz
+ AVV10 )] + 2  AIV 01(1+ AIV 01 + AII10 ) + ∫ ∫ ∫ fV ( x, y, z) d z d y d x − 2AII 00( AVV 20 −

 L L L
x y z 0 0 0

− AIV11) + AIV 01(1 + AIV 01 + AII10 )][2 AIV 00(1 + AIV 01 + AII10 ) + 2 AIV 01AIV 00 − 2 AII 00( AIV10 + 1 +

+ AVV 10 )]},

 1 Lx L y Lz
B1 = 2 AIV 00 AIV 01 (1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 ) ∫ ∫ ∫ f I ( x, y , z ) d z d y d x ×
− 8  AIV 11 −
 Lx 0 0 0

1 
× − AII 20  + AIV 00 AIV 01AII 00 + AIV2 01( AIV 00 + AIV 00 AIV 01 + AIV 00 AII10 − 4 AIV10 AII 00 ) −
Ly Lz 

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

 2 AII 00 Lx Ly Lz
− 2 ∫ ∫ ∫ fI ( x, y, z ) d z d y d x + AIV 01(1 + AIV 01 + AII10 ) − 2 AII 00( AVV 20 − AIV11) +
 Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0

+ AIV 01(1 + AIV 01 + AII10 )][2 AIV 00 (1 + AIV 01 + AII10 ) − 2 ( AIV10 + AVV10 + 1) AII 00 + 2 AIV 01AIV 00 ]

 1 LxLy Lz  2
B0 = 4AII 00 AIV2 01 AII 20 + ∫ ∫ ∫ fI ( x, y, z) d z d y d x − AIV11 + AIV 01( AIV 01 + AII10 +
 Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0 

 2A Lx Ly Lz
+1) −  II 00 ∫ ∫ ∫ fV (x, y, z) d z d y d x + AIV 01(1+ AIV 01 + AII10 ) − 2AII 00 ( AVV 20 − AIV11) +

 Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0
+ AIV 01 (1 + AIV 01 + AII 10 )] , y = 3 q2 + p3 − q − 3 q2 + p3 + q + 2 ,

q = (2 B1 B3 − 8 B0 ) ×

B2 B23 B0 (4B2 − B32 ) − B12

× +
48 216
, p = 3 (2 B1 B3 − 8 B0 ) − 2 B2 72 ,
A = 8 y + B32 − 4 B2 ,

Θ Lx L y Lz
α 2Φ I = AII 20 − ∫ (Θ − t ) ∫ ∫ ∫ k I ( x, y, z , T ) I ( x, y, z , t ) d z d y d x d t +
ΘLx Ly Lz 0 0 0 0

1 Lx L y Lz
+ ∫ ∫ ∫ f Φ I ( x, y , z ) d z d y d x (14)
Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0

Θ Lx L y Lz
α 2ΦV = AVV 20 − ∫ (Θ − t ) ∫ ∫ ∫ kV ( x, y, z , T )V ( x, y, z , t ) d z d y d x d t +
ΘLx Ly Lz 0 0 0 0

1 Lx Ly Lz
+ ∫ ∫ ∫ f Φ V ( x, y , z ) d z d y d x .
Lx Ly Lz 0 0 0

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018
Now one can obtain equation for parameter α2C. Form of the equation depends on of parameter γ.
Analysis of distributions of concentrations of dopant and radiation defects in space and time has
been done by using the second-order approximations by using of modified method of averaging
of function corrections (with decreased quantity of iterative steps) of these concentrations. The
considered approximation is usually enough good approximation to analyze qualitatively the
considered concentration and obtain some quantitative results. The analytical calculation results
have been checked comparison of the analytical results with results of numerical simulation.

Main aim of the section is analysis of distribution of concentration of dopant in space and time in
the considered heterostructure during annealing. Figs. 2 shows distributions of concentrations of
dopants in space, which where infused or implanted in the considered epitaxial layer (see Fig. 2a
and Fig. 2b, respectively) at the same values of annealing time (the same framework each figure).
Larger numbers of curves corresponds to larger difference between dopant diffusion coefficients
in epitaxial layer and substrate. The figures show that inhomogeneity could leads to increasing of
absolute value of gradient of concentration of dopant (i.e. one can obtain increasing sharpness of
the end of doped structure). The increasing leads to decreasing dimensions of the considered
transistors and increasing of homogeneity of concentration of dopant in doped areas.

We choose optimal value annealing time as compromise between increasing of homogeneity of

dopant concentration in doped area and increasing of sharpness of the concentration in
neighborhood of interface between substrate and epitaxial layer (see Fig. 3a for diffusion doping
of materials and Fig. 3b for ion doping of materials) [15-20]. Framework the criteria one shall
approximate real distributions of concentration of dopant by ideal step-wise distribution ψ (x,y,z).
compromise value of annealing time by minimization of the following mean-squared error.

Fig.2a. Distributions of infused dopant concentration in the considered heterostructure. Larger numbers of
curves corresponds to larger difference between dopant diffusion coefficients in epitaxial layer and

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

Fig.2b. Distributions of implanted dopant concentration in the considered heterostructure. Larger numbers
of curves corresponds to larger difference between dopant diffusion coefficients in epitaxial layer and

Fig. 3a. Dependences of distributions of concentration of infused dopant on coordinate. Curve 1 is

idealized distribution of dopant. Curves 2-4 are real dependences of concentrations dopant on coordinate
for different values of annealing time. Increasing of number of curve corresponds to increasing of
annealing time

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

Fig.3b. Dependences of distributions of concentration of implanted dopant on coordinate. Curve 1 is

idealized distribution of dopant. Curves 2-4 are real dependences of concentrations dopant on coordinate
for different values of annealing time. Increasing of number of curve corresponds to increasing of
annealing time

Fig.4a. Dependences of dimensionless optimized annealing time of infused dopant on several parameters.
Curve 1 describes dependence of dimensionless optimized annealing time on the value a/L and ξ = γ = 0 for
equal to each other values of dopant diffusion coefficient in all parts of heterostructure. Curve 2 is the
dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of parameter ε for a/L=1/2 and ξ = γ = 0.
Curve 3 is the dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of parameter ξ for a/L =1/2
and ε = γ = 0. Curve 4 is the dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of parameter γ
for a/L=1/2 and ε = ξ = 0

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018

1 Lx Ly Lz
U= ∫ ∫ ∫ [C ( x, y, z , Θ ) −ψ ( x, y, z )] d z d y d x . (15)
Lx L y Lz 0 0 0

Fig.4b. Dependences of dimensionless optimized annealing time of implanted dopant on several

parameters. Curve 1 describes dependence of dimensionless optimized annealing time on the value a/L and
ξ = γ = 0 for equal to each other values of dopant diffusion coefficient in all parts of heterostructure.Curve
2 is the dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of parameter ε for a/L=1/2 and ξ = γ
= 0. Curve 3 is the dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of parameter ξ for a/L
=1/2 and ε = γ = 0. Curve 4 is the dependence of dimensionless optimal annealing time on value of
parameter γ for a/L=1/2 and ε = ξ = 0

We present optimized annealing time on Figs. 4 (Fig. 4a for diffusion type of doping and Fig. 4b
for ion type of doping). It is known, that radiation defects should be annealed after ion
implantation. The annealing leads to spreading of distribution of concentration of dopant. The
ideal spreading leads to achievement of nearest interfaces between materials of heterostructure. If
dopant has no time for the achievement during the annealing, it is attracted an interest additional
annealing of dopant. The situation leads to smaller value of optimal annealing time of implanted
dopant in comparison with diffusion one. At the same time it should be noted, that ion type of
doping leads to decreasing of mismatch-induced stress in heterostructure [21].

We consider an approach for increasing density of field-effect heterotransistors in a single-stage
multi-path operational amplifier. At the same time one can obtain decreasing of dimensions of the
above transistors. Dimensions of the elements could be decreased by manufacturing of these
elements in a heterostructure with specific structure. The manufacturing is doing by doping of
required areas of the heterostructure by diffusion or ion implantation with future optimization of
annealing of dopant and/or radiation defects.

Advanced Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal (ANTJ), Vol. 4, No.2, June 2018


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