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Name : Khairul Umam

NIM : 201310110311365
Title : Responsibility Of Carrier Against Passenger Sea Transportation
Services In Case Of An Accident (Study of Sea Transport Karya
Bahari Cooperation Bangsal Harbor)

Advisor : Dr. Fifik Wiryani, SH., M.Si., M.Hum

Sofyan Arif

Sea transport is one of the most economical mode of transportation, therefore It is important to
pay attention to the safety standards of cruise to prevent ship accidents. This research takes the
formulation of the problem How to Implementation of Ministerial Regulation No.20 of 2015 on
safety standards of the voyage by cooperative Karya Bahari and How form of responsibility of
Karya Bahari Cooperative to victims of accident, Primary data sources obtained from field and
secondary data sources from documentation and legislation, data collection techniques in the
form of interviews with respondents who are part of Koperasi Karya Bahari members and direct
observation to research location at Koperasi Karya Bahari North Lombok as the primary data
collection. Then the results of the research are analyzed descriptively qualitative. Based on the
results of research conducted at Karya Bahari Cooperative obtained data of responsibility and
safety standards that applied in Karya Bahari cooperative, the form of liability to the victim in
the event of an accident shall be compensation provided for in the service insurance and for
safety standards including Human Resources, facilities or infrastructure, the Oprational
Standards and the environment are almost in accordance with those stipulated in Ministerial
Regulation No.20 year 2015 on shipping safety standards. In conclusion, every victim in a ship
accident at Koperasi Karya Bahari is entitled to get a responsibility if it has a ticket as proof of
carriage agreement and form of responsibility is insurance services raharja.

Keywords: Responsibility, Consumer, Accident.

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