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Simulacro #12 sobre la Especialidad Inglés

Pregunta 1

Tom is an ESL student with difficulties in listening

comprehension. He does not have time to study at the
academy after class and he wants to improve this skill,
but he does not know how to do it at home. A classmate
recommends him to:
a) Participate in small conversation groups in class with
the classmates.
b) Visit a webpage with a variety of audio and video
conversations, interviews and new reports.
c) Do not study after class and to make the most of
time in class.
d) Talk to the teacher for asking him an academic
advice after class.
Pregunta 2

Annie is an excellent student and a very kind person; all

her classmates love her. She has difficulties in reading:
she has dyslexia. Her teacher does not know how to teach
her to read, so Annie’s classmates searched on a book
about the strategies she must follow to learn reading. The
first strategy they found was:
a) To make inferences about the topic of the text and
to talk with the classmates about it.
b) To establish the main idea, and then to draw what
they understand in the text.
c) To reinforce newly learned words and to write
sentences with those ones.
d) To increase her reading speed and to force herself to
read for short periods of time.

Pregunta 3

In the first day of an English class, the teacher asks the

students what they wanted to learn in the level or what
kind of activities they thought were the best to improve
their English skills, overall their speaking skills. In your
opinion, which of the following students’ proposals
produced excellent results?
The teacher created mini-stories by asking a large
number of questions.
The teacher used a good English textbook.
The teacher did a little dramatization about the difficult
The teacher used many flashcards with the new
Pregunta 4

Many non-native English speakers have writing mistakes

because of the use of ambiguous clauses such as dangling
modifiers. The following sentence is an example of this
kind of mistake: The participants were tested using this
procedure. How can the student avoid the ambiguity
while using modifiers?
Learning about the subject-verb agreement.
Writing in active voice.
Correct use of verb forms.
Using comma splices.

Pregunta 5

During a writing activity, the students have problems to

write a summary about certain topic chosen by the
teacher. They are confused because they think writing a
summary is apparently too simple, but it is not. The
teacher explained they are having problems
differentiating between the major supporting details and
details than can be left out. So, in order to be able to
write a summary easily, they found the easiest method to
achieve it was:

Finding the main idea.

Using movies.
Eliminating simple vocabulary.
Writing more concise sentences.

Pregunta 6

Next month, the students of a high school are going to

travel to London to a language interchange. They want to
assess specific grammar and vocabulary points and know
how their speaking skills are. They talk each other about
the strategy to use and they resolved to do:
A Yes No Questions game.
An investigative journalism activity.
Oral presentations about different topics.
Song clubs in a different place from the high school.

Pregunta 7
Some students are unmotivated learning English, overall
learning listening because the strategies to improve it are
always the same (songs, videos, etc.) and they do not see
a significant progress. In order to get motivate improving
their listening skills and assess their learning process,
which of the following advice can the students follow?
I encourage you to have a positive mindset.
I encourage you to listen to a diverse set of materials
you like.
I encourage you to pay an English course in a different
I encourage you to watch movies you like.

Pregunta 8

The ESL students see writing as an academic process to

solve problems, to make lists, to write important articles,
stories or poetry. But, they do not understand writing is
more than that; writing is a written expression of feelings
and it is a good way to soothe themselves in different
situations. If the teacher wants his students explore
writing in a different way (not academic) in which they
can involve the words in their feelings and personal
situations and at the same time, assess the writing
strategies they use while writing, the best activity to
achieve it is:
Writing about the breaking news last night.
Writing about the most dangerous places in the World.
Writing about the difficulties in writing academic texts.
Writing about the medical situation of a relative e.g.
mom or dad.

Pregunta 9

Reading comprehension is one of the most common

aspects that cause problems to the ESL learners, because
not even in their mother tongue they read well. The
teacher wants to change this thinking and that their
students have excellent reading comprehension skills. In
order to achieve it, in every reading class he:
Makes open-ended questions about the reading (e.g.
by oral and written tests).
Asks his students writing a summary (e.g. mind maps)
that includes main ideas of the reading.
Creates tests with multiple-choice questions about the
Creates activities with true-false questions about the
Pregunta 10

A teacher with 40 students in the classroom was worried

because there most of the students were from different
regions and they had different accents. Therefore, they
had problems with some phonemes speaking in English.
In order to all the students had a neutral accent in
English, the teacher modified his strategy to teach
phonetics’ topic. Which of the following strategies you
think the teacher proposed?
At the beginning of the class, he played an audiobook
in English everyday.
He said them that he must put a pencil on their mouth
in front of a mirror.
He taught them phonetic transcription in all the
He taught them to speak in English with different

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