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A Combat Paintball Scenario

Written, Designed, and Directed
Clay Sanger & Jeremy Hanna

First Production – November 2006 @ D-Day Adventure Park

Directed By
Clay Sanger & Jeremy Hanna

Production History
D-Day Adventure Park – November 2006 – Directed by Clay Sanger & Jeremy Hanna
D-Day Adventure Park – November 2007 – Directed by Jeremy Hanna

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Players must have a Barrel Blocking Device (BBD) on their marker when off the field of play, in Dead Zones, or in the campground or any
other public area of the event. You cannot bring a marker into a Dead Zone without a BBD.

SAFETY FIRST! Please, while playing be mindful of potential hazards on the field: steep bluffs and hills, broken steps or ladders, barbed
wire and fences, or any other possibly hazardous obstruction. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of fluids and carry water with you onto the field.

You can only fire your maker (this includes dry firing) AT A CHRONO STATION, MARKER REPAIR STATION, OR ON THE FIELD,
PERIOD. Do not fire, or dry fire, your marker in your campsite, inside Dead Zones, in the campground, or any other public area of
this event!

All players will observe the chrono limits, and will allow Refs to spot check them on the field if the Ref requests it: 285 fps max!

Players will be mindful of "close shooting" and "overshooting." There will be NO BLIND FIRING. Try not to shoot an opponent at
point-blank range, and do not shoot an opponent more than is necessary to get a hit / break. A player can ask you to surrender at close range,
rather than shoot you. It’s up to you if you chose to accept the surrender or try to shoot your way out. Be ready, and be careful!

All players will remain at least TEN FEET away from all tanks at all times. Front, back, sides, parked or moving. Never get closer than
ten feet to a tank at any time. You will be called out as if hit.


Any hit that breaks and leaves a mark the size of a quarter or larger counts as a hit. Exception: Any hit on a player wearing a ghillie suit
(break or bounce) is considered a hit. ANY amount of paint hitting a player from a grenade or mine counts as a hit. The player is out. A
player caught wiping or cheating will be called out as if hit , and may be asked to leave the event.

Barrel tags and surrenders will be honored and enforced. If you are Barrel Tagged, accept it. If you surrender, head to the Dead Zone.

What to do when "Hit / Tagged." Call out "HIT!" in a loud, clear voice. Place our Barrel Blocking Device on your barrel. Raise your marker
over your head and move out of the engagement. Proceed to the nearest Dead Zone. ANY TIME A PLAYER CALLS “HIT” THEY ARE
OUT, regardless of whether a hit broke or not. Go to the Dead Zone.

Reinsertions will be guided by the Refs and will occur at every quarter hour during play. Example: Reinsertions will occur at 10:00am,
10:15am, 10:30am, 10:45am, etc... throughout the game. If a player leaves the field or enters a Dead Zone, they are out as if hit. They must
wait for the next reinsertion time, before they can return to play.

The ref has the final say, and players will honor that. If you have a dispute with a call made by a referee, take it to an Event Coordinator.

Regarding Medics: Any player hit on the hands, feet, legs, arms, hopper, or marker may call for a medic. A wounded player cannot move (he
may take cover in his immediate area), and cannot fire their marker or use any weapon (grenade, mine, etc…) The medic has one minute to
reach the “wounded” player, clean off the hit, and return him to play. If a medic does not reach the “wounded” player within one minute, the
player is out. While waiting for a medic, a “wounded” player can still be fired upon and finished off. A medic cannot heal themselves, they
must be healed by another medic. Only medics can heal players. Medics are designated by special armbands. Any player taking a hit to the
head or torso (including the gear worn there), or hit by an anti-tank weapon is immediately eliminated.

Regarding Heavy Weapons: A fixed allotment of TWENTY (20) Anti-Tank Paint rounds will be issued to each AT gunner; Limit 4
AT Weapons per side. AT Paint must be single-loaded one ball at a time into the AT weapon, no hoppers or loaders allowed. To
eliminate players with an AT Weapon, the gunner must pick a specific target (building, bunker, tree, rock, field prop, etc…), call it out
to the nearest Ref and hit the target with a shot from his AT weapon. Any player within a 15-Foot-Radius of the shot is eliminated.
THIS INCLUDES FRIENDLY FIRE. If the AT Gunner misses his designated target, the shot is considered a “miss” and no players
are eliminated. Armored Vehicles MAY have kill sticker targets at the discretion of the Game Coordinator. If a vehicle is heavily
armored (with Kill Stickers) then the vehicle can only be eliminated by an AT Paint hit on one of its kill stickers. If the vehicle is
lightly armored (no Kill Stickers) then an AT Paint hit anywhere on the vehicle will eliminate it.


Full Auto, 3-shot Burst, R.T.s, etc… are allowed at this event. Please, exercise appropriate restraint when using these high-rate-of-fire
modes and be mindful of overshooting.


Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Friday - October 24th:

Camping begins. (Special Camping Regulations Apply. All Campers should check-in before setting up camp)
Visit with the Promoter, D-Day Staff, and Commanders at the Cafe D-Day.

Saturday - October 25th:

All players are encouraged to be on-site no later than 8:00am to prepare for this game.

Registration, Player Check-In, Paint Sales, and Air Fills will begin bright and early! Café D-Day Open - Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

7am: Registration & Player Check-In Opens 9am: Player Orientation & Safety Meeting - Game Briefing.
10am-12pm: Game On - Part One "Calumet's Last Stand"
12pm-1pm: Break - Resupply & Reorganization of Players - Game Briefing
1pm-2pm: Game On - Part Two "Fire in the Mountains"
2pm-3pm: Break - Resupply & Reorganization of Players - Game Briefing
3pm-5pm: Game On - Part Three "The Red Storm"

Sunday - October 26th:

All players are encouraged to be on-site no later than 8:00am to prepare for this game.

Registration, Player Check-In, Paint Sales, and Air Fills will begin bright and early! Café D-Day Open - Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

7am: Registration & Player Check-In Opens 9am: Player Orientation & Safety Meeting - Game Briefing.
10am-12pm: Game On - Part Four "The Uprising"
12pm-1pm: Break - Resupply & Reorganization of Players - Game Briefing
1pm-3pm: Game On - Part Five "The Breaking Point" Final Game

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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The Soviet Invasion Begins

Location: Caen / Reinsertion: Every 15 Minutes
Dead Zones: (See Map) Be Advised - Actual location of DZs frequently changes on game day.

Primary Soviet Objectives:

Sweep the town of American resistance and capture the 2 American Base Objectives Marked on the map. Attack, Capture, and Hold them for the duration of the
game. They will be clearly identified by flags. Eliminate all American resistance. Search for and recover special mission props at the discretion of your
Spetsnaz Objectives:
Assist your fellow Soviet forces in the assault on Calumet as directed by the Soviet Commander.
Search for and recover special mission props at the discretion of your commander.

Primary American Objectives:

Defend the 2 American Base Objectives Marked on the map for the duration of the game. They will be clearly identified by flags. Repel all attacking Soviet
Forces. Search for and recover special mission props at the discretion of your commander.
Wolverine Objectives:
Help the townspeople repel the Soviet Invasion. The Wolverines will begin the game from an undisclosed location outside the American Perimeter and are free to
operate in the No Man's Land however they see fit. Remember, Wolverines, every time one of you is eliminated, the Soviet side receives 1 (one) point. Chose
how you will aid the townspeople wisely. Search for and recover special mission props at the discretion of your commander.

Game Setup:

This game is staged as a classic attack-and-defend game with special prop twists and multiple layers of forces joining the battle at different times and from any
imaginable direction or location. All Soviet Forces (including the Spetsnaz) must begin the game from their designated start points. All Primary American Forces
must begin the game within the basic perimeter of the Caen field. The Wolverines will begin the game from an undisclosed location known only to them outside
the American Perimeter. There will be a number of Special Props throughout the playing area, clearly marked as brightly decorated containers. They will contain
such items as Instant Resurrection Cards, Bonus Intelligence Cards, or other such advantages. All special props can only be "found" once for this Phase.

Scoring Interval:

Every 30 minutes beginning at "Game Start +30 Minutes" All Scoring TIMES are estimated
Scoring INTERVALS are fixed at 30 minutes.

10:00am No Scoring - GAME START
10:30am Score 100x2
11:00am Score 100x2
11:30am Score 100x2
12:00pm Score 100x2 - GAME END

Scoring and Points:

Controlling an American Base Objective = 100 pts each per Scoring Interval (2 Objective Bases)
Max Number of Objective Points available for the Phase: 800 pts

Bonus Points and Special Props:


To secure a the award or advantage contained in a special prop, a player must open the special prop container and take it's contents into possession. Once the
contents of the special prop container are in possession of a player, it is no longer up for grabs and has been secured for that players side. Until the contents of the
special prop container are in-hand, it is still up for grabs. If you discover a special prop, please take only the items contained within it and leave the
container where you find it.

(x2) Special Prop: Instant Resurrection Cards (5 each - 10 total) These may be held and used by the players that recover them or given to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Bonus Intel Cards (1 total) (may be used for intel without cost in points) These can be held and used by the players that recover them or given
to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Supply Cache +25 Point Bonus. This prop must be returned to a Referee or Game Coordinator to earn the bonus points.

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Nowhere to Hide

Location: Victor Valley

Mission Time: 1 Hour / Reinsertion: Every 15 Minutes / Dead Zones: (See Map)

Primary Soviet Objectives:

Control the Primary Base Objective marked on the map for the duration of the game. It will be clearly indetified by a flag. Control the two Secondary Base
Objectives marked on the map throughout the game to win the special prop advantages held at each one. They will be clearly marked by flags.

Spetsnaz Objectives:

Assist your fellow Soviet forces in the assault on the Mountain Camp as directed by the Soviet Commander. Be vigilant for and oppose the Wolverines. They
could attack from anywhere at any time..

Primary American Objectives:

Control the Primary Base Objective marked on the map for the duration of the game. It will be clearly indetified by a flag. Control the two Secondary Base
Objectives marked on the map throughout the game to win the special prop advantages held at each one. They will be clearly marked by flags.

Wolverine Objectives:

Infiltrate the area of the American Camp and stage a successful attack on the Soviet Base Camp marked on the map. A successful attack is considered taking
control of the Soviet Base Camp long enough to pull their flag. Once the Soviet Base Camp Flag is pulled, your mission will be recorded as a success and you are
free to withdraw. You are not required to hold the ground. Assist the American's in the defense of their Militia Camp.

Game Setup:

This game begins on a neutral start as indicated on the map. At Game On, both sides must fight to gain control of the Primary and Secondary Base Objectives.
All Soviet Forces (including the Spetsnaz) must begin the game from their designated starting point. All Primary American Forces must begin the game at their
designated starting point. The Wolverines will begin the game from an undisclosed location known only to them within the playing area. Each Secondary Base
houses a container containing Advantage Objectives (Bonus Intel Cards at one, Instant Ressurection Cards at the other). Once a team captures a Secondary Base
Objective, they are awarded the Advantage held there. The Advantage Objects are replenished at the Secondary Bases at each Reinsertion Interval, and can be
collected whenever present throughout the game. Only the Primary Objective Base & The Soviet Base Camp have direct point values in this phase.
Secondary Bases DO NOT have point values, but the Advantage Props that can be won at each Secondary Base may be worth bonus points.

Scoring Interval:

Every 30 minutes beginning at "Game Start +30 Minutes"

All Scoring TIMES are estimated / Scoring INTERVALS are fixed at 30 minutes.

1:00pm No Scoring - GAME START
1:30pm Score 200x1
2:00pm Score 200x1 - GAME END
2:00pm Score 100 Soviet Base Camp - GAME END

Scoring and Points:

Controlling the Primary Base Objective = 200 pts each per Scoring Interval
Successful Wolverine Attack / Successful Soviet Defense of the Soviet Base Camp = 100 pts (single point award)
Max Number of Objective Points available for the Phase: 500 pts

Bonus Points and Special Props:


To secure a the award or advantage contained in a special prop, a player must open the special prop container and take it's contents into possession. Once the
contents of the special prop container are in possession of a player, it is no longer up for grabs and has been secured for that players side. Until the contents of the
special prop container are in-hand, it is still up for grabs. If you discover a special prop, please take only the items contained within it and leave the
container where you find it.

(x1)Special Prop: Instant Ressurrection Cards (5 at each Insertion Interval - 20 total) These may be held and used by the players that recover them or given to
other teammates.

(x1)Special Prop: Bonus Intel Cards (1 at each Insertion Interval - 4 total) (may be used for intel without cost in points) These can be held and used by the
players that recover them or given to other teammates.

(x2)Special Prop: Supply Cache +25 Point Bonus each. Total of 2 in the Phase. This prop must be returned to a Referee or Game Coordinator to earn the bonus

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Location: Convoy Route to Colleville/Brecourt Manor

Mission Time: 2 Hours / Reinsertion: Every 15 Minutes

Primary American Objectives:

Defend the America Artillery Position at Brecourt Manor from Soviet attack. It will be clearly indetified by a flag.

Wolverine Objectives:

Ambush the approaching Soviet forces at the time and place of your chosing anywhere along the Convoy Route.
Assist the US Army in defense of the targeted Artillery Position at Brecourt Manor.

Primary Soviet Objectives:

Reach the Front as quickly as possible and seize control of the American Artillery Position at Brecourt Manor.
Defend your convoy from guerilla attack, but remember - your mission is at the Front against the US Army - not chasing Wolverines.

Spetsnaz Objectives:

Defend your convoy from guerilla attack. Neutralize the Wolverine threat. Assist the Soviet forces in their attack against the American Artillery Position.

Game Setup:

This game begins with the following arrangement of forces: American Forces occupy Brecourt Manor. At game on, they can disperse their forces as their
commander sees fit to defend the area. They cannot encroach down the Soviet Convoy Route, however. Colleville and the surrounding woods are fair game.
Soviet forces begin the game assembled for the convoy near the entrance of Caen. All Soviet Forces (including the Spetsnaz) will follow the Convoy on foot
down the Convoy route to their release point south of Colleville. Soviet forces cannot leave the road along the convoy route until they reach the designated
release point south of Colleville. They must follow the road and follow the convoy vehicles. If attacked by Wolverines along this route, the Soviet commander
can deploy forces to counter the guerilla threat as he sees fit, bearing in mind that his actual objective (and points for the game) lie at Brecourt Manor, not
chasing Wolverines. The Wolverines are free to attack the convoy anywhere along the designated convoy route between the Convoy Start and Convoy Finish
locations. They may chose the time and place of their attack. Once the Soviet convoy disperses at it's release point, the Wolverines are free to roam and attack as
they see fit.

Scoring Interval:

Every 30 minutes beginning at "Game Start +60 Minutes"

There is NO SCORING at the first 30 minute interval of this game

All Scoring TIMES are estimated

Scoring INTERVALS are fixed at 30 minutes.

3:00pm No Scoring - GAME START
4:00pm Score 250
4:30pm Score 250
5:00pm Score 250 - GAME END

Scoring and Points:

Controlling the American Artillery Position at Brecourt Manor = 250 pts Per Scoring Interval**
Max Number of Objective Points available for the Phase: 750 pts (American) - 850 (Soviet)
** 100 points bonus awarded to the Soviets for controlling the Artillery position by 4:00pm reflects the difficulty of this
feat while facing the march in, ambush, and other threats (compared to the ease of the American's defense of this position in the first hour).

Bonus Points and Special Props:


To secure a the award or advantage contained in a special prop, a player must open the special prop container and take it's contents into possession. Once the
contents of the special prop container are in possession of a player, it is no longer up for grabs and has been secured for that players side. Until the contents of the
special prop container are in-hand, it is still up for grabs. If you discover a special prop, please take only the items contained within it and leave the container
where you find it.

(x2) Special Prop: Instant Ressurrection Cards (5 each - 10 total) These may be held and used by the players that recover them or given to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Bonus Intel Cards (1 total) (may be used for intel without cost in points) These can be held and used by the players that recover them or given
to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Supply Cache +25 Point Bonus. This prop must be returned to a Referee or Game Coordinator to earn the bonus points.

This mission will run a full 2 hours. The Primary Base Objective comes up for scoring every 30 minutes during the game after the first hour and is in play for the
duration of the game - open to attack, counter-attack, capture, re-capture.

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Breaking Free

Location: Field Center (Colleville to the Airfield)

Mission Time: 2 Hours / Reinsertion: Every 15 Minutes

Primary American Objectives:

Survive the Wolverine attack on the Re-Education Camp. Successfully overthrow the Camp guards and take over the camp.
Using the camp as a base of operations, storm the nearby Soviet garrison and take control of the 3 Primary Objective Bases.

Wolverine Objectives:

Attack the Re-Education Camp (Secondary Objective) taking down the Soviet flag, which will signal the release of the prisoners.
Assist the American's in the assualt on the 3 Primary Objective Bases at the Soviet Garrison.

Primary Soviet Objectives:

Guard the Prison Camp against Wolverine attack. MAXIMUM 5 GUARDS. Only the Spetsnaz may be released by the Soviet Commander to go the aid of the
Prison Camp guards once the Wolverines begin their attack on the Camp. All other Soviet troops must remain in the Airfield.
Defend the 3 Primary Objective Bases from attack by the escaped prisoners and Wolverines.

Spetsnaz Objectives:

Oppose the Wolverine attack on the Prison Camp and help put down the prison riot. Only the Spetsnaz may be released by the Soviet Commander to go the aid
of the Prison Camp guards once the Wolverines begin their attack on the Camp. All other Soviet troops must remain in the Airfield.
Defend the 3 Primary Objective Bases from attack by the escaped prisoners and Wolverines.

Game Setup:

All Primary American Forces must begin the game in the Perimeter of the Colleville berm (the Soviet Prison Camp). All Primary American Forces are
considered unarmed and under guard (they must keep their barrel plugs ON and remain in the perimeter berm of Colleville-the prison camp) until they are
"freed" by the Wolverines. Even though they are unarmed, the "prisoners" can still be eliminated by a hit. Wolverines, watch what you shoot at, and prisoners,
take cover! The Soviet guards are allowed to fire on the prisoners if they catch them in the open or manuevering for position - but don't simply "execute"
prisoners just because they can't fire back! The Soviet's are allowed to send NO MORE THEN FIVE GUARDS to man the prison camp before Game On. The
Wolverines taking down the Soviet Flag in Colleville is the signal for a successful prison raid. Once the Soviet flag is taken down, the prisoners are released and
may remove their barrel plugs and join in the fight. All Soviet Forces must begin the Game at the Soviet Garrison in the Airfield. At Game On, only the Spetsnaz
are allowed to go the aid of the guards at the Prison Camp - all other Soviet forces must remain in the Garrision at the Airfield. Note: If the Wolverines succeed
in their attack on the Re-Education Camp, the American side will be awarded 50 points and the prisoners will be released. If the Wolverine's fail in their attack,
the prisoners will be released at a time of the Game Coordinators' chosing, and 50 points will be awarded to the Soviets. Once the Prison Camp raid is over, both
commanders are free to release all their forces into the game.

Scoring Interval:

Every 30 minutes beginning at "Game Start +30 Minutes"

All Scoring TIMES are estimated / Scoring INTERVALS are fixed at 30 minutes.

10:00am No Scoring - GAME START
Control of Prison Camp 50x1
10:30am Score 100x3
11:00am Score 100x3
11:30am Score 100x3
12:00pm Score 100x3 - GAME END

Scoring and Points:

Controlling a Primary Base Objective = 100 pts each per Scoring Interval (3 Objective Bases)
Secondary Objective - Controlling the Prison Camp = 50 pts (single point award)
Max Number of Objective Points available for the Phase: 1250 pts

Bonus Points and Special Props:


To secure a the award or advantage contained in a special prop, a player must open the special prop container and take it's contents into possession. Once the
contents of the special prop container are in possession of a player, it is no longer up for grabs and has been secured for that players side. Until the contents of the
special prop container are in-hand, it is still up for grabs. If you discover a special prop, please take only the items contained within it and leave the container
where you find it.

(x2) Special Prop: Instant Ressurrection Cards (5 each - 10 total) These may be held and used by the players that recover them or given to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Bonus Intel Cards (1 total) (may be used for intel without cost in points) These can be held and used by the players that recover them or given
to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Supply Cache +25 Point Bonus. This prop must be returned to a Referee or Game Coordinator to earn the bonus points.

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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The Iron Curtain Collapsing
November 5th, 2006 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Location: Omaha Beach Trenchworks

Mission Time: 2 Hours
Reinsertion: Every 15 Minutes

Primary American Objectives:

1) Sweep the Omaha Beach Trenchworks, taking control of the Primary Objective Bases at Gun Deck 1, Gun Deck 2, and the Strike Force Bunker.

Wolverine Objectives:

1) Assist the American's in the assualt on the 3 Primary Objective Bases across the Omaha Trenchworks.

Primary Soviet Objectives:

1) Defend the Omaha Beach Trenchworks, taking control of the Primary Objective Bases at Gun Deck 1, Gun Deck 2, and the Strike Force Bunker.

Spetsnaz Objectives:

1) Assist the Soviets in the defense of the 3 Primary Objective Bases across the Omaha Trenchworks.

Game Setup:

All American and Soviet Forces (including the Wolverines and Spetsnaz) must begin the game at the start points designated on the map.

Scoring Interval:

Every 30 minutes beginning at "Game Start +30 Minutes"

All Scoring TIMES are estimated
Scoring INTERVALS are fixed at 30 minutes.

1:00pm No Scoring - GAME START
1:30pm Score 100x3
2:00pm Score 100x3
2:30pm Score 100x3
3:00pm Score 100x3 - GAME END

Scoring and Points:

Controlling a Primary Base Objective = 100 pts each per Scoring Interval (3 Objective Bases)
Max Number of Objective Points available for the Phase: 1200 pts

Bonus Points and Special Props:

****There are NO Commander or Wolverine points available in this game. Play and have fun! *****


To secure a the award or advantage contained in a special prop, a player must open the special prop container and take it's contents into possession. Once the
contents of the special prop container are in possession of a player, it is no longer up for grabs and has been secured for that players side. Until the contents of the
special prop container are in-hand, it is still up for grabs. If you discover a special prop, please take only the items contained within it and leave the container
where you find it.

(x2) Special Prop: Instant Ressurrection Cards (5 each - 10 total) These may be held and used by the players that recover them or given to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Bonus Intel Cards (1 total) (may be used for intel without cost in points) These can be held and used by the players that recover them or given
to other teammates.

(x1) Special Prop: Supply Cache +25 Point Bonus. This prop must be returned to a Referee or Game Coordinator to earn the bonus points.

This mission will run 2 full hours. The Primary Base Objective comes up for scoring every 30 minutes during the game and is in play for the duration of the
game - open to attack, counter-attack, capture, re-capture.

Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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Jeremy Hanna & Clay Sanger “Red Dawn” Scenario Paintball Event
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