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Name: Cherilyn Chia Qiao Xin ID No.: 0321986
Lecturer: Mr Nicholas Ng Tutorial Time: 10-12pm
Reader/Text Title: The Metropolis and Mental Life Synopsis No: 1
Author: Georg Simmel
“The Metropolis and Mental Life” focuses on how the attitude and identity of people living in the metropolis is
affected by the nature of the environment. The psychological mind of a human being is very much related to
the development of built environment and advancement itself.
The author stated that the human mind reacts rationally to events, adjusting to the ever-changing
environment of metropolis, inducing individuality and indifference towards the surroundings. This produces a
group of inhabitants who are less sensitive to the environment compared to the people living in rural areas,
where they are emotionally connected to each other. The argument is well portrayed in the current situation
of the city, where people are seen minding their own businesses rather than engaging with the community.
For example, efforts of having communal activities in the city are often disregarded as it is very difficult to
appeal the public, causing failure in initial objectives of the activity.
The reader describes that life in the metropolis becomes more quantitative than qualitative, where money is
given the significance compared to building better human relationships. With the focus on calculability and
pursue of material substances, people become ignorant to be involved in extracurricular activities which can
improve their social life. The attitude pattern can be observed in our current community, where there is an
increase in individualism and lack of communication even between neighbours. Neighbourhood activities
should provide for certain level of benefits to the residents, only then it would be an attraction.
I consider this side effect of urban development to be threatening the identity of the community, whereby it
should support to build better connection in human relationships. As an architecture student, it is essential to
study and analyse the human pattern of the site context, to tackle with the occurrence of blasé attitude in
the metropolis. Spaces in buildings and the public realm should promote stronger human affiliation, building
a strong character in the society.

Word Count: 323 Mark Grade

Assessed by: Date 3-5-2018 Page No. 1
Name: Cherilyn Chia Qiao Xin ID No.: 0321986
Lecturer: Mr Nicholas Ng Tutorial Time: 10-12pm
Reader/Text Title: In the Cause of Architecture
Synopsis No: 2
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright speaks about the relation between nature and architecture, how it affects the
contextuality of the building. There is always argument between an architecture which signifies the style or
trend or a building which suits the context. While both of this have their own justifications, the latter is more
convincing as it creates an identity which is unique to the site location.
The author’s thesis is evident through the relation with nature as a guide, rather than clinging onto practices
without understanding the building, site, people and intended function. Nature is seen as a systematic order,
where each component can affect the outcome of occurrences. In the case of architecture, the character of
a built form should reflect its environment in the simplest form. As an illustration, a building designed to
blend into the surrounding landscape with the use of local materials is more relatable to site than an ‘alien’
building with complex form, standing out of the context.
It is an irony whereby the machineries are invented by the humans but are the ones which controls the
human thinking. It gives limitation to the design process by conforming to the ease of creation. However, the
author also advised designers to consider on the suitability and use the advancement of technology to
further support their ideas. In the modern era, with skyscrapers identical to each other, there has been a lost
identity in the sense of place, where cultures and history are not reflected in the built form. Materiality should
therefore be used as a tool to convey the qualities of the place and styles should be reflected through the
individuality of the designer’s perception rather than imitating the trends of today.
From a personal perspective, it is agreeable that the simplicity in design brings out the true essence of the
building and the term ‘contextual architecture’ should be well applied in every development. However, there
should be a certain extend of scheme to be followed as a piece of art outstanding from the rest is also a
portrayal of a style on its own.

Word Count: 347 Mark Grade

Assessed by: Date 9-5-2018 Page No. 1
Name: Cherilyn Chia Qiao Xin ID No.: 0321986
Lecturer: Mr Nicholas Ng Tutorial Time: 10-12pm
Reader/Text Title: The Eyes of the Skin: Synopsis No: 3
Architecture and the Senses Author: Juhani Pallasmaa
Many would argue that architecture is about the physical built form or the sculpture. However, Finnish
architect, Juhani Pallasmaa focuses on phenomenology – a philosophical study of experience, whereby the
qualities of space is not only valued physically but also the feelings induced to the public. These spatial
experiences are affected by all five senses of the human body.
According to the author, the main idea of creating spaces is to consider the role of the body as a locus of
perception, thought and consciousness. Every detail of the space such as materiality, texture, density and
lighting can encourage the formation of spatial identity towards the users. For instance, walking through the
streets of the city under shaded areas while being surrounded by buildings of the same material creates a
remembrance of the place. This is very important as it allows us to question the spatial quality intended to
suit the function of the space and how to initiate that quality to generate strong memory of place.
A space can further heighten one’s experience as it triggers more senses to understand a space. People in
the current days are much affected by visual appearances of things. Instead, the true sense of place is
when one’s senses are stimulated and the brain stores the information, forming new perception of the
environment. To aid the readers to visualize better his argument, the author provided examples of how
colours and visuals of a painting can generate a viewer’s emotions and personal experience to reflect the
painter’s idea of space.
It is rather stimulating while going through the reader as it draws us back to the heart of creating spaces as
designing for a story or journey, making one to ponder upon for a long time. Architecture itself should be a
story of its own, inducing different feelings as people of different backgrounds have their distinct perceptions
of space, creating individual narratives to the same space.

Word Count: 321 Mark Grade

Assessed by: Date 14-5-2018 Page No. 1

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