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Health plan final activity

Third partial

Student name

Contents addressed in the activity

2.3.3 Digestive system
2.3.4 Respiratory system
2.3.5 Circulatory system


Your circulatory system maintains an internal environment in which the cells of the body are nourished. As the heart
pumps blood, the blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide
and waste are transported from the cells and sent to the lungs and kidneys to be removed from the body.

Most factors related to problems of the circulatory system are controllable. Your health and behavior decisions affect
your health. Smoking causes stress in the circulatory system because the nicotine present in the cigarette increases
blood pressure and heart rate by reducing the pathway of the arteries. Overweight is linked to high blood pressure
and coronary artery disease. The cardiovascular system transports blood throughout the body. This includes the
heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart pumps blood through two main routes, allowing systematic and
pulmonary circulation.

There are many problems of the cardiovascular system that can be avoided or improved by making changes in
lifestyle and behavior.
The respiratory system works externally to take the air and extract it as carbon dioxide. Internally, it exchanges
gases between the blood and the cells of the body, releasing oxygen and taking carbon dioxide.
The respiratory system is very susceptible to infections by bacteria and viruses. To reduce the risk of infection, you
should avoid putting your hands over your nose and mouth, as well as try to wash your hands more frequently. The
respiratory system is sensitive to pollutants such as tobacco smoke. Avoiding contaminated air, as well as avoiding
smoking, helps the lungs to work more efficiently. Exercise strengthens the lungs and helps keep other parts of the
respiratory system free of diseases or conditions.

• Activity
• Computer with internet access
Estimated time
1 hour
• Through the Blackboard platform and under the instructions made by the teacher.

Section A: Personal Health Inventory
Read, write and respond honestly to each argument given either with a "Yes", "Sometimes", or with a "No". Then
calculate the total number of points. Each affirmative answer (Yes) has a value of 5 points, each answer of "Sometimes"
has a value of 3 points, while a negative response ("No") has a value of 0 points. Finally, determine your rating
according to the habits you have with respect to these body systems. The results are the following:
45-50 is Excellent: Your health decisions show that you have taken excellent care of these systems.
30-44 en Good: You have good care of these systems, but there are things that you can improve to have better health.
15-29 en Regular: You understand the health requirements for these systems, but you need to make better decisions.
0-14 Needs Improvement: Your dietary decisions, physical level and behavior can put at risk the health of your body.
Arguments of the Personal Inventory
I try to maintain an appropriate weight according to my height.
I avoid foods high in fat, cholesterol, and salt.
I eat iron-rich foods (vegetables with green leaves, dried fruits,
enriched cereals) daily
I do at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week.
I sleep at least seven to eight hours every night.
I performed physical analyzes regularly including blood pressure
I avoid breathing the smoke of the cigar.
I smoke
Study, work, and exercise in ventilated areas.
I avoid breathing contaminated air, even the smoke from the cars.

Total points______________

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