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Please read the following statements.

· Circle those that you think were actual predictions in 1893.
· Place a star beside the ones that came true.

_________ An income tax is coming.

_________ Hypnotism will replace anesthetics in surgery.

_________ Homes will be air-conditioned.

_________ The government will set up colleges to train servants.

_________ Women will vote.

_________ Houses and cities will be built of aluminum.

_________ Florida will boom as a leisure state.

_________ Unemployment will disappear.

_________ Cities will become groups of suburbs.

Note: Originally appeared in the May-June 1993 issue of The Futurist. Used with permission from the World Future
Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 656-8247;
Copyright © McGraw-Hill 1999.

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