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What is A/B/n Testing? - by Dynamic Yield https://www.dynamicyield.


What is A/B/n Testing? - by Dynamic Yield

With A/B/n testing, you expose a percentage of visitors to different versions of your website to
determine the best performing variation. Unlike A/B testing, you will usually have at least three
variations of your website in-use during this process. The “n” in A/B/n refers to the unknown number
of variations you will test.

Read further about the difference between A/B testing, multivariate and split URL testing.

Usually, the original web page variation is referred to as the “control “and is not altered. In addition to
the control, you would also have at least three additional variations of your website being tested
—perhaps, the primary graphic on the landing page. Your traffic will be directed to these four pages in
an appropriate percentage (in this case, 25 percent to each variation – control and the three altered

At the end of the test, you should see the amount of conversions each variation had and be able to
determine the ideal, best-converting variation. Usually A/B/n testing is a preliminary step before
moving on to more advanced multivariate testing.

1 of 1 22/06/2018, 5:26 pm

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