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A very good morning to my respected English teacher, Pn Goh and my fellow friends .I am
here to talk about a serious matter at hand namely pollution. Please lend me your ears.

As we all know, pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems we , humans on

earth are facing. There are various forms of environmental pollution, such as air pollution, noise
pollution and water pollution. However, many people do not seem to be taking this matter

Since the start of industrial revolution we have been constantly polluting planet Earth.
Few stop to ponder the future effects that this pollution will have on humanity and mother
nature. Pollution harms human health and risks lives .How does pollution affect human health
you ask? Well, we release a number of chemicals into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuel
we use everyday.

We breathe air to live and what we breathe has a direct impact on our health. It can
damage our immune system, endocrine and reproduction system Breathing polluted air also
puts you at a higher risk for asthma and other respiratory diseases. The burning of fossil fuels
and the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are causing the Earth to become warmer
which will eventually lead to global warming.

Just like the air we breathe, water is vital to our survival. It is a precious resource that can
easily be polluted and the contamination can be transferred to us, adversely affecting our
health. We need clean water to drink and to irrigate our crops. The fish we consume lives in
water too .Polluted waters cause diseases such as typhoid, amoebiasis and hookworm
infestation. Water that is polluted by chemicals such as heavy metals, lead, pesticides and
hydrocarbon can cause cancer, hormonal and reproductive problems in addition to damage to
the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Environmental noise, especially that caused by transportation means, is viewed as a

significant cause of sleep disturbances. Poor sleep causes endocrine and metabolic
measurable perturbations and is associated with a number of cardiometabolic, psychiatric and
social negative outcomes both in adults and children. Nocturnal environmental noise also
provokes measurable biological changes in the form of a stress response, and clearly affects
sleep architecture, as well as subjective sleep quality. These sleep perturbations are similar in
their nature to those observed in endogenous sleep disorders. Apart from these measurable
effects and the subjective feeling of disturbed sleep, people who struggle with nocturnal
environmental noise often also suffer the next day from daytime sleepiness and tiredness,
annoyance, mood changes as well as decreased well-being and cognitive performance. But
there is also emerging evidence that these short-term effects of environmental noise,
particularly when the exposure is nocturnal, may be followed by long-term adverse
cardiometabolic outcomes. Nocturnal environmental noise may be the most worrying form of
noise pollution in terms of its health consequences because of its synergistic direct and indirect
influence on biological systems.

We live in an ecosystem where the action of one has the potential to affect many. This can be a
good or a bad thing, depending on what the action is. Our mistakes has polluted the
environment that we live in and has affected many people So my dear friends I hope from my
dear friends that we will start to be aware of these pollutions and start making a change .Thank
you and have a good day.

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