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Time to move on:

Pray for Righteous Judgement Jamaica, Haiti

Well agreed that reparations should be paid to all victims of suffering cause by
the colonial empire. But real talk no amount of money can heal the wounds dem
do or done. True healing is priceless. There is no freedom in money. Colonizaton
affects people everywhere. We as One people must stand up together. Africa,
Carribean Islands, North and South “America”, Australia, Europe, India, Asia.
Righteousness against unrighteousness.

On every continent two very small countries the (UK) England--United Kingdom
and Netherlands has [through the sinister entities] been on its pirating rampage
around the world. Their people were paid from slavery and to end slavery.
Fact. Horibble atrocities instigated by their ancestors are continuting to this
very day; along with help from Allies. Abuse, genocide/eugenics, murder, rape,
lynchings, systematic indoctrination etc. These criminals benefit in the past and
present through inheiritance, commerce, and enterprise. Everyone knows this.
Still They say, “its time to move on” “That's the past, it was centuries ago” “my
ancestors did that, not me”.

To my brethren and sistren in Jamaica you were earnest in your calls for
reparation and apology. And others can learn from your bravery in that
endeavor. Just as those who call for the release of prisoners from Guantanamo
Bay, the calls go to this day unmet with action. Even though it was promised to
be shut down. This hope and belief in lies must end. Dem Politricksters is too
fool. Never gonna change. For such a beautiful island to be chopped up and
handed out to those who care nothing for the people. Just like Puerto Rico, Haiti,
etc. Empty Promises of jobs and economic prosperity or freedom.
Never forget Black Wall Street.

We must be the change. We don't need them [or money] to validate us. Money
don't make a man and it don't break a man. This infatuation with their culture,
ideoligies, ways can and must be stopped. Who runs the music, the media, the
education and industry? Just as in America the culture of the natives was
inflitrated and poisoned by these barbarians. You can put a suit on a pig but that
nah gon make him stink any less. Yet, still the infatuation of this beast continues.

WHY? Divestment is the only way. Stop supporting their livelihood of

destruction. Do NOT buy their goods, DO NOT watch their movies, DO Not eat
their food. We must lift our voices in prayer to The Most High for the Righteous
Judgment and Sustenance. All Creation was Created to depend on the Creator.
You have the blessing of the food The Almighty Blesses Us to have. Don't be too
proud! Be on the train bound for Glory. That is through Righteousness and
Creation. I don't believe in isms or schisms. Only The Almighty. He will provide
for those who love and trust in Him. Not in no man. Worship NO MAN! Any
man who say dem or another is god is a lie. Because God is not His name.
Babylon and her false gods have fallen. It had been written of in Enoch.
The Trump is sounding. Stand back and watch the side show circus. Just as
they watched our communities being destroyed. They infiltrate ALL movements
and protests. Using our own people to destroy our own community. Black Lives
Matter has been infiltrated by LGBT and is funded by forces that are seeking to
undermine our unity. Just as the Black Panthers, Civil Rights movement, etc.

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery none but ourself can free our mind”

Burger Kings, KFC, Popeye, Pizza Hut, Wendy's, Nike, Jordans. Polo, Hilfilger,
Woolworth's, Walmart, and many other Brands are being supported by black

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