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this podium and put your finger on it, Paul is one of the best. He is also a Now, last October, during a hearing
it would likely go through your skin machine. He has been guiding this com- when Dr. Gottlieb was before us and we
and you would pass out and die, unless mittee on the Nation’s top healthcare were conducting oversight with the
my colleague from Texas or Tennessee issues for many years, including our FDA, one of the things that he men-
here, or the House Physician, had some comprehensive review of America’s tioned was there were some changes
naloxone they could come and revive mental health laws that we passed in, I that they needed to see in Federal law.
you. It is that potent; it is that dan- think, a big bipartisan vote last Con- The number one change they needed
gerous; it is that deadly; and that is gress, helped engineer through the 21st was permission to work some changes
what is getting cut into heroin. Century Cures Act, our opioids act, and in Federal statute for how they would
By the way, you can always trust so many other pieces of legislation. work in these international mail facili-
your local heroin dealer to get the Paul is also a wonderful family man, ties.
right mixture. They are good chemists, a great individual with tremendous in- As we have said, there are hundreds
I am sure. No, not. But that is what is tegrity and insight, and we will miss of millions of packages. As Congress-
getting cut in. his friendly smile and unmatched un- man GREEN said, they cannot get ahead
That is what we are trying to stop derstanding of how this place works. of the work. So we have come together.
with this legislation, this illegal We will even miss his unwavering sup- The Stop Illicit Drug Importation Act
fentanyl coming in through the mail port for the Buffalo Bills, if you are a is something that will be helpful to
system from foreign countries, mainly Buffalo Bills fan. If you are not, you getting the job done and getting these
China, stop it from getting into our will be glad to see him go, probably. It drugs off the streets. Indeed, they will
country. has been an honor to work with Paul never get to the streets. They will
That is why I want to commend Mrs. and call him a trusted adviser and, never get to the streets because there
BLACKBURN, Mr. GREEN, and others, ev- moreover, a friend. will be the ability to stop them and
erybody who was involved in this legis- So, Paul, as you begin your new dispose of these drugs before they ever
lation. chapter in your new career, I join with get to the streets.
Mr. Speaker, I also take the floor be- all of our Energy and Commerce Com- Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col-
cause, over the course of this week and mittee members and staff, I think, on leagues to support this bill, and I yield
next week, we will deal with more than both sides of the aisle in wishing you back the balance of my time.
57 different opioid-related bills. We the very best and thanking you for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
have heard from Republicans and your service, Paul Edattel. question is on the motion offered by
Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. the gentlewoman from Tennessee (Mrs.
Democrats. This is an epidemic that
Speaker, I yield myself such time as I BLACKBURN) that the House suspend
doesn’t check your party registration
may consume. the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5752, as
before it sickens or kills or addicts I want to join our chairman in
somebody in your family or your com- amended.
thanking our staff. We couldn’t be here The question was taken; and (two-
munity. Throughout all this, we have today without our staff working on
had terrific support, not only from our thirds being in the affirmative) the
these. rules were suspended and the bill, as
Members, but also from our staff and But this bill is so important. I have
on both sides of the aisle. amended, was passed.
been on the docks of the Port of Hous- A motion to reconsider was laid on
There is somebody I want to single ton and watched these containers come
out today on our side of the aisle who, the table.
in off the ships and them being in-
unfortunately, has decided to pursue spected. The FDA agents there are f
other endeavors. Paul Edattel has frustrated with it, even in our inter- CURBING REALISTIC EXPLOITA-
served as the chief counsel for our national mail facilities that are actu- TIVE ELECTRONIC PEDOPHILIC
Health Subcommittee since 2016 under ally in our district in Texas. So that is ROBOTS ACT OF 2017
then-Chairman FRED UPTON. why this bill is so important, and I am Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I
b 1415 glad for my colleague from Tennessee move to suspend the rules and pass the
to be sponsoring this bill. bill (H.R. 4655) to amend title 18,
Prior to that, he served our Health I have no other speakers, Mr. Speak-
Subcommittee on an abundance of United States Code, to prohibit the im-
er, and I yield back the balance of my portation or transportation of child sex
healthcare issues, as well as being time.
hired to be Speaker Boehner’s top dolls, and for other purposes.
Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I
health policy staffer. But timing has a The Clerk read the title of the bill.
yield myself the balance of my time. The text of the bill is as follows:
funny way of getting in the way of Mr. Speaker, you have heard the
things, and following Speaker H.R. 4655
mention of bipartisan work and bipar-
Boehner’s decision to leave the Con- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-
tisan support on these issues, and
gress, we were able to persuade Paul resentatives of the United States of America in
Chairman WALDEN is exactly right. Congress assembled,
Edattel to come back to the Energy Not only have Members worked in a SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
and Commerce Committee. bipartisan way, but also our staffs have This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Curbing Re-
In fact, when I became chairman of to answer the questions: How do we alistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic
the committee, I remember meeting in help to get the resources to our local Robots Act of 2017’’ or as the ‘‘CREEPER Act
Speaker RYAN’s office when we were and our State officials? How do we help of 2017’’.
just getting started, and I was choosing to remove barriers so we can end this SEC. 2. FINDINGS.
the final staff and Speaker RYAN epidemic in our country? The Congress finds as follows:
looked at me and said: I don’t care who Last year, 63,632 Americans lost their (1) There is a correlation between posses-
else you keep or don’t keep, but that lives to drug abuse and drug overdose, sion of the obscene dolls, and robots, and
guy over there is the brightest guy and 1,600 of those were Tennesseans. possession of and participation in child por-
around on health policy. We can all tell you these stories, and I
(2) The physical features, and potentially
I said: I agree, and we have already tell you as a mom and as a friend, so the ‘‘personalities’’ of the robots are
reached our agreement that he would many times when you talk to families customizable or morphable and can resemble
continue on. and talk to people who have been so af- actual children.
His service has been our gain and fected and so impacted by this, they (3) Some owners and makers of the robots
that of the country’s. Paul has helped talk about family members and co- have made their children interact with the
lead our push on the floor on these workers and individuals that they are robots as if the robots are members of the
issues with his very talented team; and in contact with every single day and family.
(4) The robots can have settings that simu-
just as my colleagues and I have made how we need to work on this issue with
late rape.
this our top issue, so has Paul. At the opioids, with fentanyl, with heroin, (5) The dolls and robots not only lead to
same time, he has ensured other crit- with cocaine, these illicit drugs that rape, but they make rape easier by teaching
ical healthcare policy priorities con- are flooding our streets, as well as the the rapist about how to overcome resistance
tinue to move through our processes. pills. and subdue the victim.

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(6) For users and children exposed to their To the contrary, these dolls create a tions. We might have made it even
use, the dolls and robots normalize submis- real risk of reinforcing pedophilic be- greater.
siveness and normalize sex between adults havior, and they desensitize the user, We also did not have the opportunity
and minors. to assess whether this bill would impli-
causing him to engage in sicker and
(7) As the Supreme Court has recognized,
sicker behavior. They put our children cate a reporting statute for sex offend-
obscene material is often used as part of a
method of seducing child victims. in danger, and we must not tolerate ers or to identify any other problems
(8) The dolls and robots are intrinsically them. and perhaps an opportunity to offer
related to abuse of minors, and they cause In April of this year, Amazon an- ways to improve this bill to ensure we
the exploitation, objectification, abuse, and nounced it was removing anatomically are, in fact, protecting all of our chil-
rape of minors. correct child sex dolls from its website. dren. Mr. Speaker, I look forward, how-
SEC. 3. PROHIBITION OF IMPORTATION OR I call upon all internet-based retailers ever, to hearing further in the discus-
TRANSPORTATION OF CHILD SEX sion of this bill, and I reserve the bal-
and media platforms to do the same.
Section 1462 of title 18, United States Code, Australia and the United Kingdom ance of my time.
is amended— have already taken steps to criminalize Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I
(1) in paragraph (a), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the the importation of child sex dolls and yield such time as he may consume to
end; are actively prosecuting these cases. the gentleman from New York (Mr.
(2) in paragraph (b), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the There is no reason that the United DONOVAN), the chief sponsor of this leg-
end; States should not follow suit. islation.
(3) by inserting after paragraph (c) the fol- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank
lowing: the chairman for yielding to me.
Mr. DONOVAN of New York for intro-
‘‘(d) any child sex doll; or’’; and Before I came to Congress, I was an
(4) by adding at the end the following: ducing this bill. I urge my colleagues
to support this important legislation, elected district attorney for 12 years in
‘‘In this section, the term ‘child sex doll’
means an anatomically-correct doll, man- and I reserve the balance of my time. Staten Island, New York. Prior to that,
nequin, or robot, with the features of, or Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I I spent 8 years in the Manhattan DA’s
with features that resemble those of, a yield myself such time as I may con- office as a prosecutor.
minor, intended for use in sexual acts.’’. sume. Very few things disturb me after all
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, sex toys with children of those 20 years of prosecuting cases,
ant to the rule, the gentleman from is disgusting, and I believe it is some- but then it came to my attention about
Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) and the gen- thing that one would want simply to sex dolls being shipped from foreign
tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON say pass a bill to cease and desist. lands to the United States for only one
LEE) each will control 20 minutes. But I would like to discuss H.R. 4655, purpose: to be used as sex objects that
The Chair recognizes the gentleman the Curbing Realistic Exploitative simulate a young child.
from Virginia. Electronic Pedophilic Robots Act of As the chairman spoke earlier, these
GENERAL LEAVE 2017, also known as the CREEPER Act dolls can be formed. They can be cre-
of 2017. ated. They can be designed to appear in
Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask
There is no doubt that we oppose any shape or form that the abuser
unanimous consent that all Members
what this bill is intending to do. The wants them to be. They have realistic
have 5 legislative days to revise and ex-
bill seeks to prohibit the importation eyelashes, realistic hair, warming de-
tend their remarks and to include ex-
and transportation of child sex dolls. vices, and cleaning apparatuses. They
traneous materials on H.R. 4655 cur-
There is no doubt that child sexual are totally, as my good friend from
rently under consideration.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there exploitation is a serious, grave problem Texas said, disgusting.
objection to the request of the gen- in our country. It is a growing and b 1430
tleman from Virginia? ever-evolving problem that requires a They appear to be lifelike replicas of
There was no objection. multifaceted response, and one might young children. A fully customized doll
Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I argue that the creation of these dolls, can cost up to $10,000. But the dolls
yield myself such time as I may con- besides being exploitation of our most that the chairman was referring to on
sume. precious resource, is just to make Amazon were as low as $409 with free
Mr. Speaker, today we consider the money. That is absolutely both dis- shipping. That is less than the cost of
Curbing Realistic Exploitative Elec- graceful and absurd. an iPhone.
tronic Pedophilic Robots Act of 2017. It Combating child sexual exploitation The good news is, as the chairman
criminalizes the importation and requires aggressive action by the Con- brought out, Amazon no longer sells
transportation of child sex dolls. gress of the United States, and we these products. The bad news is the
I have mixed feelings today about must remain always vigilant to stamp dolls are still available for sale on
bringing this bill to the floor. I am out any new methods in technology de- other websites. The dolls when they are
happy that this legislation is moving veloped and used by child predators to shipped are purposely labeled as man-
through, and we are taking steps to ad- harm our children. nequins to disguise what their true
dress a problem that very much needs Just yesterday, the Department of purpose is.
to be addressed. I am distraught, how- Justice announced that, in a coordi- Science has shown that dolls nor-
ever, that this problem even exists. I nated effort spanning all 50 States dur- malize pedophilic behavior rather than
am saddened that there are people in ing March, April, and May, 2,300 sus- discourage pedophiles from acting out
this world who would create realistic pected child sex offenders were ar- on their urges or aggression.
child sex dolls and distraught that rested. In my own hometown of Hous- The bill is supported by the Stop
there are people in this world who ton in 2016, 126 people were arrested as Abuse Campaign, the Stop Child Preda-
would buy them. online predators as part of a coordi- tors, and the Foundation for Respon-
These dolls are being manufactured nated effort to tackle the problem of sible Robotics. Over 166,000 signatures
in China and Japan and being shipped child exploitation; and last year, 13 have been written on a petition by
all over the world. Consumers can were arrested. This demonstrates that
order bespoke dolls providing pictures We must protect our children every- this bill is something that the Amer-
of specific children they would like the where from any and all bad actors who ican people want.
doll to resemble. They can indicate a want to do them harm. I am concerned, In the first year of its ban, the
preferred facial expression, such as sad- however, that the majority has not United Kingdom found that 85 percent
ness or fear. These dolls can be pro- given us sufficient time to properly of the men who possessed these dolls
grammed to simulate rape. The very consider this bill, its basis for making also possessed child pornography.
thought makes me nauseous. a correlation between the possession of We are trying to get ahead of this
While a small group of people advo- obscene dolls and possession of child problem. We are trying to protect chil-
cate for the use of these dolls to curb pornography, and its relation to child dren. I believe this legislation will pro-
pedophilia, there is absolutely no sci- abuse. Those are important points, and tect countless children from pedophiles
entific literature supporting this view. I know that this bill has great inten- throughout our Nation.

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Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman REAUTHORIZING AND EXTENDING cerated individuals, juvenile opioid
for his support, and I urge all of my GRANTS FOR RECOVERY FROM abuse, investigation and enforcement
colleagues in the House to pass H.R. OPIOID USE PROGRAMS ACT OF of drug trafficking and distribution
4655, the CREEPER Act. 2018 laws, and significant training for first
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I responders in carrying and admin-
yield myself such time as I may con- move to suspend the rules and pass the istering opioid overdose reversal drugs,
sume to close. bill (H.R. 6029) to amend the Omnibus like naloxone. States can enlist non-
Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the profit organizations, including faith-
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of
gentleman for his explanation of the based organizations, in the fight
1968 to reauthorize the comprehensive
CREEPER bill. As I stated, it is dis- against opioid abuse.
opioid abuse grant program, and for
gusting, but, more importantly, it In 2016, CARA authorized this new
other purposes.
harms our children. program at $103 million annually over 5
What we want to do in this Congress The Clerk read the title of the bill.
The text of the bill is as follows: years. However, 3 months ago, Con-
is to ensure that not only do we reg- gress tripled that authorization to $330
H.R. 6029
ister our concern for the fairness of the million, including funds for drug
criminal justice system, the criminal Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States of America in courts, mental health courts, residen-
code, but that we provide the greatest tial drug abuse treatment for State
Congress assembled,
protection we can ever provide for our SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. prisoners, and veterans’ treatment
children. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Reauthor- courts. Therefore, the bill before us re-
So the idea of sex toys and the utili- izing and Extending Grants for Recovery sults in no net increase in spending au-
zation of child sex toys is what I want from Opioid Use Programs Act of 2018’’ or thorizations and no additional burden
to be clear, and the importation and the ‘‘REGROUP Act of 2018’’. on the American taxpayer, which is a
transportation is a dastardly act. I SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION OF THE COMPREHEN-
responsible, good government approach
hope as this bill makes its way through SIVE OPIOID ABUSE GRANT PRO-
GRAM. to this epidemic.
the Congress that we will be assured This bill reauthorizes the CARA pro-
Section 1001(a)(27) of the Omnibus Crime
that it frames itself to go after those gram through 2023, so we can make
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34
who are the most vile and vicious as it U.S.C. 10261(a)(27)) is amended by striking sure there is no lapse in our efforts
relates to the child sex toys and in ‘‘through 2021’’ and inserting ‘‘and 2018, and against drug addiction.
keeping with the confines and the pa- $330,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2019 While Members of this body should be
rameters of a just criminal code. through 2023’’. proud of our accomplishments, there is
Might I also just say that I just feel The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- still much more work to do. I urge my
compelled, as the gentleman I know ant to the rule, the gentleman from colleagues to support this bill and
has worked on many issues, to remind Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) and the gen- thereby reassure all Americans that we
this House that we have a crisis at the tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON are committed to fighting the opioid
border. It is very important as we re- LEE) each will control 20 minutes. epidemic.
late to children and children being The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of
taken away from families—mothers— from Virginia. my time.
that we also turn our attention to pro- GENERAL LEAVE Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I
tecting those children. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask yield myself such time as I may con-
So with that point, I want to indicate sume.
unanimous consent that all Members
my support for effective measures to Mr. Speaker, this is, again, a topic
may have 5 legislative days within
protect our children. I thank the gen- that is impacting so many Americans.
which to revise and extend their re-
tleman for his leadership. I recall the CARA Act that the Judici-
marks and include extraneous mate-
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ary Committee passed out some 2 years
rials on H.R. 6029, currently under con-
of my time. ago, a miraculous piece of legislation
Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I sideration.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there because we did not criminalize, we
yield myself the balance of my time.
Mr. Speaker, this truly is, as the gen- objection to the request of the gen- sought to help those who have been
tlewoman from Texas said, a disgusting tleman from Virginia? badly addicted to drugs.
There was no objection. I rise in support of H.R. 6029, the RE-
topic, but it is one that I think is very
Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I GROUP Act. This bill increases the
necessary to protect our children and
yield myself such time as I may con- funding authorized for the Department
to protect our society.
I urge my colleagues to support this sume. of Justice’s Comprehensive Opioid
legislation. Mr. Speaker, in July 2016, Congress Abuse Grant Program from $103 million
I, again, thank the gentleman from enacted the Comprehensive Addiction per year to $330 million per year
New York for offering it. His experi- and Recovery Act, otherwise known as through the fiscal year 2023.
ence as a prosecutor and his testimony CARA. The statistics then were shock- The opioid crisis is a national emer-
to how horrific he finds it, even as a ing, and, unfortunately, they have not gency, and we should certainly expend
veteran prosecutor, should tell all the yet subsided. In 2016, more than 64,000 the resources to prevent opioid abuse
Members all they need to know about Americans died from drug overdoses, and treat those who have become ad-
how important it is to pass this bill including illicit drugs and prescription dicted. We have found that the over-
and start doing what the United King- opioids. This figure has nearly doubled criminalization of these persons who
dom and Australia are already doing, in the past decade. are addicted has not served us well.
and that is getting after the people Part of CARA created a comprehen- They have generated a whole popu-
who would import this kind of trash sive opioid abuse reduction program at lation of persons who have been labeled
into the United States. the Department of Justice which di- under the topic, but realistically it is
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance rects Federal resources for drug abuse impacting their lives: mass incarcer-
of my time. programs targeted at the opioid prob- ation.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lem within our criminal justice sys- In the United States, drug overdoses
question is on the motion offered by tem. are the leading cause of accidental
the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. By establishing this competitive death, with opioids being involved in
GOODLATTE) that the House suspend grant program, CARA gives States and nearly two-thirds of overdose deaths.
the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4655. localities maximum flexibility to at- Overall, the number of drug overdose
The question was taken; and (two- tack opioid abuse issues unique to deaths has nearly quadrupled over the
thirds being in the affirmative) the their communities. States are now able past 20 years. Although effective for
rules were suspended and the bill was to use the grant funds for a variety of the treatment of pain, prescription
passed. important criminal justice programs, opioids are highly addictive, and nearly
A motion to reconsider was laid on including alternatives to incarcer- half of all U.S. opioid overdose deaths
the table. ation, treatment programs for incar- involve a prescription opioid.

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