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The process of nursing care is a method that helps professionals to use their knowledge, solve

problems, develop their creativity and keep in mind the human aspect of their profession, this
method allows individualized attention, allows interaction with the subject of care in a holistic
way, that is, in its biological, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual dimensions. As an
instrument in practice, it ensures the quality of care for the individual, family or community, is
based on the scientific method and is an integrating process.

With this conceptual basis, and in the face of the permanent quest to improve care in the
different health units and services, in the intensive care service of neonatology, a situational
diagnosis was made with the focal group technique, in order to find and prioritize the This
problem affects the health of the newborns, identifying as a main problem the fact that in the
neonatal intensive care service of the Hospital "Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano", nursing care
processes are not applied, establishing the following as causal factors:

1.Inexistence of a manual of nursing care processes, because the nursing care by processes is
not important, since the leaders do not identify the need, reason why the neonates do not
receive systematized nursing care, the nurses do not they perform a nursing diagnosis, the
newborn does not receive quality care.

2. Outdated health team in the management of nursing care processes, because there is no
continuous education program because of lack of interest of the leaders, so the nurses do not
have cognitive, interpersonal and technical skills, which is why they apply the scientific method
in attention, and do not value the needs of the newborn.

3. There is no participation of the family in the treatment of the newborn, because the nursing
staff does not involve it, for not having established the need, 10 reason why the family
members do not know the neonate's illness, the family reacts negatively to the care , therefore
there is no support from the family to fulfill the objectives of the plan.

All this context affects the fact that the newborn does not receive nursing care based on a care
plan in the area of neonatology of the "Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano" Hospital in Manta.

The following question then arises: Is the implementation of nursing management feasible for
processes in the neonatal intensive care area at the "Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano" Hospital in

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