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Monitoring Microbial Corrosion in

Large Oilfield Water Systems

E. Y. Chen, SPE, Aramco
R.B. Chen, Aramco

Monitoring of microbial corrosion is always difficult which any significant future deviation can be interpreted
because of the sessile nature of bacteria and the lack of as a sign of a potential problem.
meaningful correlation between routine bacteria counts The following sections describe the current methods
and bacterial activity. This problem is further aggravated used for routine monitoring, specifically for Aramco's
in a large oilfield water system because of size and large oilfield water systems. The limitations of these
sampling difficulties. This paper discusses some methods, the difficulties encountered, and some sug-
monitoring techniques currently used in the oil industry, gested studies for modification and improvement are
their limitations, and possible areas for improvement. discussed also.
These improved techniques are in use or will be im-
plemented in the Aramco systems. Current Monitoring Methods
The methods currently used by Aramco can be catego-
Introduction rized as (1) cell counts in water, (2) metal surface ex-
Microbial corrosion has caused some failures in seawater amination, (3) scraping solids analysis, (4) water quality
injection systems. Whether or not microbial corrosion analysis, and (5) evaluation of current bactericide
represents a major corrosion mechanism in the oilfield treatment.
water system is a controversial question. However, it has
certainly become a major concern in recent years. Cell Counts in Water. These are used to detect bacterial
There are two approaches in dealing with microbial organisms and their concentrations. It is recognized that
corrosion problems in a large oilfield water system. One confirmation of free-flowing bacteria in the water does
approach is to start treating the system with bactericide not automatically mean trouble. However, if bacteria
in conjunction with regular scraping when the system is counts demonstrate a definite increase across the system,
commissioned. The other is to treat the system only or over a period of time, the odds are that bacteria are ac-
when an impending microbial-related problem is clearly tive and working on the metal somewhere in the system.
defined. In either case, monitoring of microbial corro- Cell counts routinely monitored include sulfate-
sion is essential. reducing bacteria (SRB) , general aerobic bacteria
The first approach is more or less a precautionary (GAB), iron bacteria, and others. SRB are widely
measure. The treatment and selection of bactericides is recognized to be primarily responsible for bacteria-
usually based on past experience and laboratory evalua- induced corrosion in an anaerobic environment. Depend-
tion tests. While the treatment is being implemented, a ing on the nature of the sample to be tested and the types
reliable monitoring program could assess the effec- of problems encountered (or expected) in the field, one
tiveness of the current program of microbial corrosion or several different enumeration techniques are
control. employed.
In the second case, monitoring of microbial corrosion For field work, the method generally used by Aramco
is even more important. It would provide timely infor- is culturing of samples in liquid growth media specifical-
mation toward implementation of a treatment program ly designed for detecting a certain group of organisms.
before the system could get out of control. These laboratory media are prepared using the ap-
The industry's awareness of microbial corrosion has propriate field water as a base, with addition of general
been indicated by the number of papers published in re- growth nutrients for the organisms. The use of field
cent years on this subject. These articles cover a wide water to prepare the media provides a water composition
spectrum of interest from fundamental corrosion similar to that in which the bacteria originated. The
mechanisms to case studies, detection methods, control media are supplemented with other ingredients to create
measures, etc. Although it is not clear to what extent an environment conducive to growth of certain bacteria
microorganisms are responsible for the observed field (e.g., certain reducing agents have to be added into the
corrosion failures, the general consensus still favors ear- SRB media). The media then are dispensed into serum
ly establishment of a routine microbial corrosion vials at exactly 9 mL [9 cm 3 ] each and sealed with rub-
monitoring program. The best approach seems to be the ber stoppers and aluminum seals. After sterilization, the
establishment of solid baseline data for the system after vials are inoculated in the field (using sterile disposable
syringes), followed by lO-fold serial dilution of the
Copyright 1984 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME original sample into a series of seven or eight medium
JULY 1984 1171
vials. These vials are incubated at the corresponding potential corrosion sites is virtually impossible. Once the
water temperature (as close to the operating temperature system is open, corrosion engineers and microbiologists
as possible) for observation of positive microbial can take this opportunity to conduct various tests.
growth. The microbiological tests related to metal surface ex-
The main reason for using the serial dilution method is amination generally consist of (1) various types of
its simplicity and convenience for field work. This bacteria counts per unit area and (2) visual and
method requires little equipment, reasonable working microscopic examination of the surface for topographical
time, and minimal training of technicians. changes and damages. In our opinion, metal surface ex-
For laboratory testing, other conventional microbio- amination provides the best clues for solving the mystery
logical techniques can be used. These techniques, which of microbial corrosion, and this method deserves more
require the skills of specially trained microbiologists, in- attention.
clude direct microscopic examination, spread plate or
pour plate using solid agar medium, agar shake tubes, Scraping Solids Analysis. Major water-Injection
most probable number (MPN) method, etc. All these systems are scraped regularly, as frequently as monthly.
methods have advantages and disadvantages and one The solids removed by scraping are a composite sample
should be aware of this when conducting a test. of pipe wall deposits that contain corrosion products and
Sometimes, more than one technique is used, depending biomass. A scraping solids analysis may provide infor-
on the kind of information needed and the nature of the mation on the extent of bacterial activities on the metal
test samples. surface.
Recently, a high-quality microscope has become The solids generally are tested for various types of
available in our laboratory for quantitative and bacteria counts per unit weight of dry solids, elemental
qualitative examination of various types of samples. This analysis, and sulfide concentration. They also are tested
microscope is capable of bright- and dark-field, phase- for solids identification, such as total organic carbon
contrast light microscopy as well as epifluorescence (TOC) and volatile suspended solids (VSS) vs. total
microscopy. The epifluorescence examination allows suspended solids (TSS). The total amount of solids
direct counting of the total bacteria population present in removed from a scraping operation is estimated from the
a sample within a short time. Specific stains are used in quantity of sludge found in the receiver and by integra-
this technique to make organisms fluoresce and cells tion of periodic suspended solids measurements made
thereby are differentiated from other nonliving particles during the scraping.
of similar size and shape. These stains, such as acridine
orange (AO) and DAPI (4' ,6-diamidino-2-phenyl- Water Quality Analysis. A water quality analysis
indole), are highly sensitive and specific for nucleic generally provides secondary information on microbial
acids. AO binds specifically with deoxyribonucleic and corrosion. These tests are conducted mainly for other
ribonucleic acids (DNA and RNA); DAPI is a DNA reasons such as water quality assurance for injectivity
stain. This method was developed only in the last few consideration, scaling tendency monitoring, and con-
years but has been widely used in aquatic systems. It is cerns about other corrosion mechanisms. Again, like cell
precise, quantitative, and is considered the most power- counts in water, water analysis itself will not indicate if
ful tool for estimating total numbers of bacteria. the system is suffering from significant microbial corro-
sion. Only the trend of water quality variations may pro-
Metal Surface Examination. Metal surface examina- vide such information and that is where we should focus
tion probably is the only reliable and effective way to our attention.
correlate other bacterial monitoring data with corrosion Parameters routinely monitored include sulfide level,
damage. The metal surfaces referred to here include iron concentration, TOC, TSS, particle counts, dis-
corrosion-monitoring coupons, drop-out spools, and the solved oxygen, redox potential, pH and temperature.
pipe surface.
Corrosion coupons are commonly installed in water Evaluation of Current Bactericide Tre~tment. Water
systems at various sites where a high potential for corro- samples are routinely collected for bacteria counts and
sion, including microbial corrosion, exists. These water analysis as described in previous sections. In addi-
coupons are regularly removed from the system for ex- tion, water samples are periodically collected for special
amination. Before undergoing the routine cleaning pro- field tests to evaluate the performance of the bactericide
cedure for corrosion/pitting rate measurement, the presently used in the system.
coupons are subjected to a series of microbiological Bactericide-persistence tests become critical in large
tests. oilfield water systems in light of the long transit time for
Drop-out spools are used much more selectively than bactericide. Our seawater injection project is a good ex-
corrosion coupons. These spool sections are actually part ample. The nominal time required from bactericide en-
of the piping system and are installed in locations likely trance at the Qurayyah treatment plant to the remote in-
to have a high potential for bacterial growth. Sometimes jection wells is about 24 hours. The bactericide slug,
spool sections are designed to include dead-legs that when reaching the far end of the system, should still be
would simulate worst-case conditions. As operations effective in rendering the water bactericidal.
permit, drop-out spools are removed from the system for Bactericide persistency depends on its stability when
inspection. interfacing with bacteria, metal surfaces, and other con-
The pipe surface is the metal surface least available for taminants in the water. There are two methods being
examination. Unless the system develops a leak or is used to determine the persistence of the bactericide in
shut down for testing and inspection, direct access to the our water systems. The first method is analysis of the


residual concentrations as the bactericide travels along of the sessile population existing in the same system.
the system. This requires an accurate, sensitive, and Unfortunately, bacteria (such as the notorious SRB) are
reliable analytical method that specifically measures the sessile in nature. Therefore, it is possible to have low
active ingredient in the bactericide. The other method is bacteria counts from water analysis, but still have active
to determine experimentally the bactericidal efficacy of and localized infestations on the internal metal surfaces.
the residual. This is accomplished by collecting water These bacteria may multiply rapidly, hidden from the
samples which contain different concentrations of the moving stream of water by a slimy biofilm matrix, debris
bactericide residual, at different points throughout the and sediments in the system, or accumulated corrosion
system and reinoculating them with fresh bacteria products.
culture. This is followed by enumeration of the surviving It has been well-documented that sessile populations
bacteria after a certain contact period. Results from these are quantitatively predominant over the floating popula-
tests provide a profile of bactericidal activity across the tions. 3 In addition, sessile bacteria are more hetero-
system. Consequently, they help to determine whether trophically active than are the planktonic organisms on a
the current treatment program is adequate or whether an cell-to-cell basis. 4 Sessile bacteria normally are en-
alternative program should be considered. closed in a complex biofilm matrix attached to the metal
surface, and thus are protected from the bactericidal ef-
Limitations of Current Monitoring Methods fect of many antimicrobial agents. Many bactericides
and Possible Improvements that are effective in killing free-swimming bacteria may
Significance of Cell Counts. not be as effective against sessile populations at the same
Limitations of Bacteria Enumeration Methods. The treatment concentration. Therefore, it is apparent that the
limitations of bacteria counting methods have been sessile population, not the free-swimming population, is
discussed extensively in the literature. 1•2 The culture more directly involved in microbial corrosion.
method usually gives a low estimate of the total bacteria Therefore, more effort should focus on this area.
population in a system because no single medium can However, measuring the sessile population is a very
allow growth of all microorganisms due to the dif- difficult task. First, it is difficult to gain access to the in-
ferences in growth requirements of each group. Only side of an anaerobic system and most oilfield water
those bacteria able to develop in that particular medium systems are anaerobic (oxygen-free). Second, bacterial
will initiate growth. Clumps of bacteria are counted as a growth on metal surfaces may not be uniform in large
single cell during enumeration processes. Results ob- water systems. The probability of obtaining a sample
tained from these techniques represent viable counts of that is truly representative is unknown. Consequently,
certain physiological groups of organisms. However, the interpretation of the data collected from this sample and
several counts generated by using various types of media extrapolation to the whole system is extremely difficult.
cannot be simply added up to reach an answer of total In view of these difficulties, attention probably should
bacteria count. focus on corrosion coupons as a major tool for monitor-
To estimate the total bacteria count, direct enumera- ing sessile population.
tion using epifluorescence microscopy is probably the The current monitoring data generated from routine
most commonly used method. This technique is rapid, water analyses are not quantitatively correlative with
specific, quantitative, and generally gives the highest sessile bacteria population and activity. Despite this
cell count when compared with other enumeration limitation, routine water analysis for bacteria counts is
methods. However, it does not provide any information still extensively used. In fact, this is the only common
about the identities of physiological groups or their method endorsed by both the American Petroleum Inst. 5
metabolic conditions. Another limitation is obviously the and the Natl. Assn. of Corrosion Engineers 6 for
practicality of using such equipment routinely in the monitoring of microbial corrosion.
field. Collection of water samples from existing sampling
As stated earlier, the method most frequently used in ports is relatively easy. Field bacterial testing using the
the field is culturing of samples into liquid broth medium serial dilution method can be accomplished in a
using a to-fold serial dilution technique. This method minimum amount of time. The collected data are ana-
will provide only a range (not exact numbers) of viable lyzed and compared with the baseline data, which should
counts of certain physiological groups. The serial dilu- have been established in early operation. Consistently
tion technique, when performed singly, is recognized as high counts of bacteria in water samples taken across the
being statistically less precise in counting bacteria, system are indicative of high level of infestation. When
especially when the sample contains solids or clumps. evaluating a problem, it may be very helpful to know
Precision can be improved by using a statistically sound whether a few or many of a particular group of
MPN method. This number can be generated only when organisms exist in the system. Cell counts in water
the test is done in multiple series (at least triplicates). samples would still be valuable in microbial corrosion
The additional effort invested in running the MPN monitoring, provided that the nature of the data
method may not be justified for routine monitoring, generated is understood and that the data are properly
especially in a large water system. used within their limitations.
Planktonic Population vs. Sessile Population. One Bacteria Counts vs. Bacteria Activities. The first im-
particularly important item, which should be pointed out mediate action one would normally take in response to
here, is that the cell counts obtained from routine any biological problem is to enumerate the organisms in
analysis of water samples are only an indication of the the system. Microbial corrosion in an oilfield water
free-floating microbial population in the system. These system is no exception. However, bacteria counts from
counts do not truly reflect the microbiological conditions various enumeration methods do not indicate the
JULY 1984 1173
metabolic conditions of the population existing in the this and the analysis of sulfate concentmtion (including
system. High bacteria counts only imply that the en- nonmdioactive sulfate) in the system, the sulfate reduc-
vironment is such that physiologically active bacteria tion mte is determined. This, in turn, reflects the in-situ
probably are present. activities of SRB. The suitability of this technique for
Counts determined from culture methods are based on monitoring SRB activities in oilfield water systems still
bacteria growth in labomtory-prepared culture media in has to be investigated. This mdiotmcer study, when con-
conditions most favomble· for bacteria growth. Field ducted periodically, provides a reasonable assessment of
conditions might not be nearly as favomble as those in the metabolic activity of the SRB population in the
the labomtory. Therefore, results obtained in the system. We believe any quantitative measurement of
labomtory reflect a potential level of activity only if all microbial activity, in addition to bacteria counts, is a big
favomble substmtes for bacteria growth are present in the step toward understanding microbial corrosion.
field at optimal concentmtions and under optimal growth
conditions. The data do not give any information on the Metal Surface Examination. Metal surface examina-
metabolic state (actively growing or dormant) of these tion provides the best information for assessing
organisms under field conditions. microbial corrosion. However, difficulties encountered
Direct microscopic examination of unstained living in working with a large oilfield water system can hamper
specimens using phase-contmst microscopy may its effectiveness. The method's effectiveness, however,
qualitatively indicate some bacterial activity such as the can be improved by slight modification of current pmc-
degree of motility for certain organisms. However, when tices or simply by increased awareness of the problems.
the sample is fixed and stained or collected on filters, Although often many coupons and drop-out spools are
direct microscopic techniques will not allow one to installed throughout a large water system, the surface
assess the viability or activity state of the population area covered is still minimal compared with the total sur-
examined. face area of the system.
Quite often, microbiologists are pressed to identify a Most of the corrosion monitoring fittings and coupons
finite number of bacteria per milliliter as an acceptable are installed at the top of the line for easy retrieval, while
level. From opemtional and management points of view, most microbial activities and corrosion failures have oc-
it seems to be a legitimate request. Technically, it is im- curred in the bottom of the quadmnt. Ideally, coupons
pmctical to come up with such a number. The sessile should be installed at the latter locations to reflect what
nature of bacteria and the lack of correlation between has really happened on the metal surface. To accomplish
bacteria counts and bacterial activity make such a task this goal, a more extensive use of flush-mounted
impossible. At best, a reasonable goal on maximum coupons located at the bottom of the line seems justified.
bacteria counts can be established for a particular system The other advantage of using coupons flush with the
after enough opemting experience has been ac- pipe wall is that they don't have to be removed from the
cumulated. However, it is quite dangerous to extend the system before the pipeline is scmped. This makes long-
same criterion to other systems unconditionally. term, undisturbed exposure possible. For coupons used
When studying microbial corrosion, too much em- primarily for microbial corrosion evaluation, it is more
phasis may have been put on the number of bacteria in desimble to keep them in the system for a longer period
the water instead of their activity. The presence of of time.
microorganisms in a system does not necessarily indicate Metal loss on metal surfaces is not caused exclusively
a problem, but only a potential problem. Bacterial activi- by microbial corrosion. There usually are other corrosion
ty really causes or contributes to microbial corrosion mechanisms taking place at the same time that also could
problems and should be cause for concern. A bacteria result in pitting attack, as commonly observed in
number may be more important in special studies such as microbial corrosion. Visual inspection of a metal sur-
bactericide evaluation than in corrosion monitoring. face, even with positive identification of bacteria around
The area of studying the metabolic status of a bacterial the localized corrosion attack, is just the first step in
population is relatively new. Methods are still being building a strong case for microbial corrosion. In in-
developed to estimate the total number of living (actively dustry, there is a strong opinion that bacteria may be in-
growing or dormant) bacteria in a sample. These include nocent bystanders, even when they are found in intimate
ATP measurement, 1 automdiogmphy studies, 1 tetrazol~ association with a corroded site.
ium dye reduction, 2 and mdiolabeled-substmte uptake. 4 Timely analysis for microbial corrosion attack may be
At present, all these techniques have uncertainties and it lacking. The suspected metal surface must be analyzed
appears that no single technique will give a perfect by a microbiologist before evidence is destroyed. Usual-
answer. 1 ly the microbiologist does not have the responsibility for
One method used extensively in marine and freshwater pulling the coupon. Therefore, timely coupon evaluation
environments for determining SRB activities 7 involves will become possible only through better coordination
quantitative determination of sulfate reduction mte ~si~g and coopemtion among all involved parties. Sufficient
:J5S-labeled sulfate as a tmcer. The 35S04 - IS advance notice should be provided to the microbiologist;
injected into the sample, and the mixture incubated at the a hasty notification generally will result in no action. If
field tempemture for a predetermined period (e.g., 8 the coupon cannot be processed properly, it is probably
hours). Following incubation, sufficient HCI is added to better to let it remain in the system.
release the acid-volatile sulfides (FeS) from the sample. Weare not promoting microbiological study on every
The released sulfide, together with H 2 S, is collected in single coupon retrieved. Such study should be done
Zn-acetate tmps. The amount of mdioactive H 2 S pro- systematically when the system is onstream. Later, this
duced during the incubation period is quantified. From effort should be devoted to those areas where microbial
corrosion is suspected or even be phased out on those Maintaining an Anaerobic Environment During
systems under control. Analysis. Major oilfield water systems are anaerobic.
When a system develops a corrosion-related leak or Anaerobic bacteria, which are the dominant group of
failure and direct access to the metal surface is available, organisms present in these systems, are the major con-
a microbiologist should conduct an on-site investigation. cern in corrosion and corrosion monitoring. The
In this case, time is pressing because leaks will occur anaerobic nature of the system presents a major
unexpectedly, and the system will be put back into ser- methodological problem in handling and analyzing field-
vice as soon as possible. Also, the microbiologist must collected samples likely to become exposed to air. Cer-
be told of the opportunity; this requires a close working tain bacterial and chemical analyses, therefore, have to
relationship with the area engineers and local foremen. be conducted on-site. It is extremely difficult to avoid
The scraping analysis evaluates the overall bacterial oxygenation and the subsequent bacterial and chemical
activities on the metal surface. It cannot reveal whether changes of the sample during transportation to the
these activities are localized or distributed. If bacterial laboratory. Some special tests, however, must be done in
activities are concentrated at a few spots, early failures the laboratory. They require equipment available only in
from microbial corrosion should be expected. the laboratory, such as the muffle furnace for VSS, cen-
trifuge for collecting and identifying solids, and emis-
Correlation Between Bacteriological Data and Corro- sion spectroscopy for elemental analysis. Some of these
sion Damage. Microbiological data have to be used in a tests are time-consuming. Further delay and excessive
practical way; that is, data interpretation should be cor- oxidation will bias the test results. Special handling
related with actual damage. Otherwise, all efforts devices and techniques are required, and use of nitrogen
devoted to the routine and special bacteriological studies purge while the test is being conducted may be a suitable
are academic. From the management level down, we are compromise.
concerned with consequences of bacterial activities such
as corrosion or formation damage. Bacteria can stay in Bactericide Study. Laboratory bactericide evaluation
the system as long as they don't cause problems. tests and field bactericide persistence tests are normally
Correlations between bacteriological data and actual conducted under static conditions against free-floating
corrosion damage are not always apparent. Thus, bacteria. For preliminary chemical screening purposes,
microbial corrosion damage has been difficult to identify this approach probably is adequate. Because of the
positively. This limitation probably has discouraged the sessile nature of microorganisms as described in the
corrosion engineers' effort. As a result, corrosion failure previous sections, final selection of bactericides should
caused by bacteria is often diagnosed by a process of include tests against surface-associated bacteria pqpula-
elimination. When other possible corrosion mechanisms tions and their effectiveness in penetrating biofilm layers
cannot be identified, microbial corrosion often is sug- on the inetal surfaces.
gested as the primary cause of the failure. A large To do this, corrosion coupOns or other special equip-
oilfield water system can not be maintained sterile; ment, such as the newly developed Robbins device, 3 can
bacteria will always exist. But this fact alone should not be used to test the sessile bacteria. Field-contaminated
be considered direct evidence for microbial corrosion. water is allowed to flow continuously through the device
To detect correlations between bacteriological data until a biofilm, is built, up on the pipe surface or the
and actual damage, we believe that long-term data coupon. The system then is subjected to various bacteri-
analyses and manipulation are necessary. The implica- cide treatment programs. The effectiveness of the treat-
tions of bacteriological data probably will not be ment is determined by analyzing the total number of sur-
recognized without these processes. As stressed viving bacteria on the metal surface and the rate of their
repeatedly in this paper, most data will become mean- metabolic activities When coupons or the special
ingful only when a trend is established, and this takes "studs" built into the Robbins .device are removed.
time. Before such a'trend becomes obvious, monitoring Radioiracertech~iques, involving 14C-Iabeled bacteri-
data and the analytical results must be stored where they cide for example, may be very useful in these studies for
can be retrieved easily. understanding the overall bactericide function. From the
Bacteriological data also have to be integrated with distribution of radioactivity in the system it is possible to
other information such as operating data and physical find out the mechanisms of bactericide action, the
parameters of the systems. For example, equivalent penetration of bact~ricide into the surface-associated
levels of bacterial activity in a system with differing fouling layer, the stability of bactericide in the system,
flowing velocities may result in different degrees of its reactivity with other chemicals present in the system,
microbial corrosion. Bacterial countS from water and its incorporation into cellular materials. This is. a
samples taken simultaneously, but at different locations, new technique in oilfield water systems but certainly
also may cause different damage if these two points deserves fUrther investigation.
receive different levels of bactericide treatment. Such
data manipulation is very labor-intensive and will be im-
proved significantly by more efficient use of available Conclusions
computer facilities. We became very aware of a need for 1. All available methods for monitoring microbial cor-
computers for data gathering, analyzing, and retrieval in rosion have limitatio~s. This problem is more pro-
the area of corrosion monitoring and control. While an nounced in tiuge dUfield water systems.
appropriate computer program is being developed, data 2. Microbiological datil cannot be used directly, to
are handled manually by corrosion engineers, laboratory predict the extent of microbial corrosion in the field. The
chemists, and microbiologists. data have to be interpreted in conjunction with field
JULY 1984 1175
observation, operational experience, and established 3. Ruseska, I. et al.: "Biocide Testing Against COlTOsion-Causing
baseline infonnation. Oilfield Bacteria Helps Control Plugging," Oil and Gas 1. (March
8, 1982) 253-64.
3. In view of all the limitations and difficulties, 4. Ladd, T. L., Costerton, J. W., and Geesey, G. G.: "Determination
monitoring of microbial corrosion can be greatly im- of the Heterotrophic Activity of Epilithic Microbial Populations,"
proved by (1) emphasizing bacteria activity monitoring Native Aquatic Bacteria: Enumeration, Activity, and Ecology,
in addition to bacteria count and (2) utilizing metal sur- J.W. Costerton and R.R. Colwell (eds.), American Soc. for
Testing and Materials, Soc. Tech. Publication 695 (1979) 180-95.
face examination more effectively. 5. •• API Recommended Practice for Biological Analysis of Subsur-
face Injection Waters," American Petroleum Inst., Dallas (Dec.
Acknowledgments 1975).
We thank the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Petroleum and 6. "The Role of Bacteria in COlTOsion of Oilfield Equipment,"
Mineral Resources and Aramco for pennission to publish Technical Practice Committee Publication No.3, Nat!. Assoc. of
COlTOsion Engineers (1976).
this paper. 7. Jorgenson, B.B.: "Comparison of Methods for the Quantitation of
References Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Coastal Marine Sediments, Part 1:
Measurement with Radiotracer Techniques," Geomicrobiology 1.
I. Daley, RJ.: "Direct Epifluorescence Enumeration of Native (1978) 1, No.1, 11-27.
Aquatic Bacteria: Uses, Limitations, and Comparative Ac-
curacy," Native Aquatic Bacteria: Enumeration, Activity, and
Ecology, J.W. Costerton and R.R. Colwell (eds.), American Soc. JPT
for Testing and Materials, Soc. Tech. Publication 695 (1979)
2. Pope, D.H., Soracco, RJ., and Wilde, E.W.: "Methods of
Detecting, Enumerating and Determining Viability of
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers Office Dec. 28, 1982.
Microorganisms Involved in Biologically Induced COlTOsion," Paper accepted for publication Nov. 28,1983. Revised manuscript received Feb. 21,
Nat!. Assn. of COlTOsion Engineers, presented at the 1982 COITO- 1984. Paper (SPE 11509) first presented at the 1983 SPE Middle East Oil Technical
sion/82 Conference, Houston. Conference and Exhibition held in Manama, Bahrain, March 14-17.


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