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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Bora Deepanjali 2Barman Niten
P.G Scholar, Samhita & Siddhanta department, govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati,
Associate prof. Samhita & Siddhanta department, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Gu-
wahati, Jalukbari-14
Vatavyadhi in the present era is the most prevalent disease. Vata is the only dosha which
governs all the other entities of the body like pitta, kapha, dhatu etc. diseases caused by vata in
its vitiated condition are called vatavyadhi. So a proper understanding of the concept of vata is
required in order to keep all the body functions in equilibrium. Although vata is said to be
dominant during the old age only, but in present times, due to fast and busy life, stress, prolong
sitting posture in working place, dietary habits, working late night, improper sleep etc., vata is
seen to be aggravated even in the young individuals. In the Ayurvedic Classics, a number of
references are found where a detail description of vata is given. So, here an attempt has been
made to correlate the concept of vatavyadhi with the diseases of modern medicine. This can
thereby help to understand the vatavyadhi more clearly in the modern scientific language and in
turn help to improve the treatment procedure as well as in preventive aspect. Deep study of
modern books was done to establish the comparison as far as possible.
Keywords: Vatavyadhi, vata, Ayurveda, Modern medicine.

INTRODUCTION in turn vitiate the dushyas and cause

Ayurveda is an age old science vyadhi. A comparison of the vatavyadhi is
which dates back to thousands of years. needed for the proper understanding of the
This science is based on the entities like concept of vatavyadhi, as they are the most
dosha, dhatu and mala. Tridoshas, which severe types of diseases which afflict the
are vata, pitta and kapha are called as the individuals. A better understanding will be
Tristhuna by Acharyas1. Among the three, helpful in further treatment and prevention
vata is the most important one. Vata is the also.
only dosha which is responsible for vitia- AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To correlate
tion of other two doshas as well as the Vatavyadhi in modern medicine
dhatus and malas. It is also said that pitta MATERIALS: This article is based on a
and kapha are pangu (lame) without the review of Ayurvedic and Modern text-
involvement of vata2. Sushruta has called books. Materials related to Vatavyadhi and
it as “Swayambhu bhagwana”3. It is the its modern correlation is collected to the
cause of origin, existence and destruction utmost. References were taken from
of all living beings. Due to various causa- Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, As-
tive factors, vata dosha gets vitiated which tanga Hridaya and Modern books of
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Bora Deepanjali & Barman Niten : Concept Of Vatavyadhi In Modern Medicine

Medicine. (awakening at night), are the viharas

DISCUSSION (physical activity). Aharas (food habit)
Vata is the prime dosha and is de- like taking of katu(pungent), tikta (bitter),
scribed vividly in the Classics. The gunas kasaya (astringent), ruksha (dry), seeta
of Vata as described by Charaka are virya yukt (cold potency), suska shaka (dry
ruksha (dry), sheeta (cool), laghu (light), vegetables), vallura (dry meat), mudga
suksma (subtle), khara (rough) , chala (gram), masura (lentil), anashana (starva-
(movement) and vishada(non slimy)4. It is tion), adhyasana (taking meal before the
invisible, but manifest by only its func- digestion of previous food), vegadharana
tions. The functions of vayu in the human (suppression of urges) like vata (flatus),
body are utsah (enthusiasm), nishwasa mutra (urine), purisha (faeces), sukra (se-
(inspiration, expiration), functioning of men), charrdi (vomiting), kshavathu
vani (voice) and mana (mind), normal (sneezing), udgara (belching), waspa
transformation of the dhatus (body tissue), (tears), etc.8,9
proper excretion of the mala (faeces), mu- The lakshanas of vata vriddhi are-
tra (urine), sweda (sweat)5. It is been Sankocha (contraction), stambhana (stiff-
rightly said that “Vayus Tantra Yantra ness) of joints and shoola in the joints as
Dharaha”. In normal condition, it sustains well as in bones, lomaharsha (horipula-
all the organs of the body and its func- tion), pralapa (delirium), graham (spastic-
tions6. So, when this vayu become vitiated, ity) of hands, back as well as head. Khanja
it leads to abnormal condition of the above (lameness) and pangulya (total paralysis of
said function and gunas. Within the body, leg) and kubjata (lunch-back), sosha
there will be various types of vata vikaras, (atrophy) of body parts, anidra (insomnia),
decrease of ayu (life span), bala (strength), Spandana (trembling of body),
varna (complexion). It can even lead to gatrasuptata (numbness), hundana
death. Acharya Charaka has described 80 (shrinking) of head, nose, eyes, clavicular
types of Nanatmaja Vatavyadhis. These region and neck, Bheda (breaking pain),
are Nakhabheda (cracking of Nails), toda (pricking pain), akshepaka (convul-
Vipadika (cracking of fees), Padasula sion), karshya (emaciation), karshnya
(pain of feet), Pada bhramsa (feet drop), (blackishness of skin), usna kamatva (de-
Pada suptata (numbness of foot), Vata sire for hot substances), kampana (trem-
khuddata (club foot), Gulpha graham bling), anaha (flatulence), malabarodha
(stiffankle), Pindiko-udvestana (cramps in (obstruction to faeces), bala indriya
the calf), Gridrasi (sciatica), Janubheda bhramsa (loss of strength and sensory
(genu varum), Januvislesa (genu valgum), function), pralapa ( incoherent talk),
Urustambha (stiffness of thigh), Urusada bhrama (giddiness),etc.10-12
(pain in thigh), Pangulya (Paraplegia), The lakshanas of kshina vata are- Anga
etc.7 saada (weakness), alpa bhasan (decrease
Nidana: The nidanas which leads to the speech), alpa sangya (decrease conscious),
vitiation of vayu are- having a war with the moha (delirium)13(A.H/Su/11/15)
more powerful ones, ativyayama (exces- Analysis of the gunas of vata14:
sive exercise), ativyavaya (excessive sex- Laghu (light): predominancy of vayu and
ual activity), ati adhyayana excessive agni mahabhoota, possesses tikta (bitter),
study), langhana (fasting), plavana (swim- lavana (salty) and katu (pungent) rasas,
ming), pratarana (falling), ratrijagarana produces lightness,decrease of strength, IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016
Bora Deepanjali & Barman Niten : Concept Of Vatavyadhi In Modern Medicine

dhatukshaya (decrease body tissues) mitva (desir for hot substances). The laghu
emaciation, increases vata and decrease guna is again responsible for all the atro-
kapha in the body. phy disorders, karshya. It posseses domi-
Ruksha (dry): predominancy of vayu and nancy of amla (sour),katu(pungent) and
agni mahabhoota, possesses katu, tikta and tikta (bitter) rasa due to which it causes
kashaya (astringent) rasas, produces vaddhavida (constipation). The chala guna
rukshata, kathinya (hard), stambhana, de- is responsible for increased pravritti. The
creases dhatu (body tissue) and is vata pathological changes like span-
vriddhikaraka. dana(trembling), kampana (shiver) which
Sheeta (cool): predominancy of vayu and mainly occurs in the neurological diseases
jala mahabhoota, possesses tikta(bitter), are due to this guna along with other
madhura(sweet) and kashaya (astringent) gunas.
rasas, stambhakaraka (stiffness), brim- Comparision with Modern Medicine:
hanakaraka (increase strength), agniman- From the analysis of gunas, kupita lakshanas
dyakara (decrease digestive fire), kapha of vata and from the 80 types of vatika
and vata vardhaka. nanatmaja vyadhis, it can be correlated
Suksma (subtle): sukshma srota and with different diseases as mentioned in
chidra pravesha (enter into minute chan- modern medicine which can be grouped
nels of body), agni, vayu and akasha ma- under the following headings-
habhoota, produces snehana(oleation), 1. Disorders of joints and adjacent tis-
stambhana (stiffness) and swedana sue15: Musculoskeletal disorders Pain
(sweating) in the body. related disease: shoulder pain, knee
Chala (movement): Chala guna can be pain, hip pain Arthritis : osteoarthritis
replaced with Sara guna according to 2. Nerve and Muscle diseases16:
Acharya Vagbhatta. The main functions Peripheral neuropathy
are anulomana (downward direction of Muscular dystrophies: muscle weakness,
vayu), pravartana (increased frequency) muscle pain, cramps, stiffness
Vishada (non slimy): predominancy of Neuropathic pain- burning, tingling sensa-
prithvi, vayu, agni and akasha, functions tion,
are soshana (emaciation), ropana(healing), Back and neck pain- Anomalies of spine
balakshaya (decrease strength), decreases 3. Disorders of bone and mineral metabo-
kapha. lism17: Osteoporosis
Khara (rough): produces parushya 4. Neurological disorders: diseases of the
(rough), karkashata (coarse), rukshata specific nerves
(dryness), apatarpana (lightness), lekhana 5. Nervous system dysfunction18: Dizzi-
(scarifying)inside the body. It causes vata ness, Vertigo, weakness, Paralysis,
vriddhi. Numbness
The vriddhi of Ruksha, sheeta gunas of The possible Vatavyadhi correlation with
vata are chiefly responsible for the the musculoskeletal disorders and the mus-
cle disease are:
production of pain, stiffness, restricted
movement, atrophy, loss of strength of  Asthisosha- osteoporosis
body as well as decrease sensory and mo-  Asthibheda- fragility
tor fuction. The vitiation of sheeta guna is  Asthishoola- ostalgia
responsible mala abarodha (constipation),  Asthiparva bheda- pain, arthralgia
lomaharsha (horripilation) and ushnaka- IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016
Bora Deepanjali & Barman Niten : Concept Of Vatavyadhi In Modern Medicine

All the above are due to Kupita vata in as- bheda, arasagyata, kasayaasyata can be
thi. correlated with the above.
Seventh cranial nerve –
 Parvanamstambha- joint stiffness, re-
FACIAL nerve- This is again a motor
duced range of movement.(eg:
nerve. It supplies the individual muscles
hanustambha, manyastambha- locked
on the face. Its lesion includes facial
jaw, torticollis)
paralysis. The clinical features are paraly-
 Panipristhasirograham- spasticity,
sis of the lower half of the face if the le-
stiff back and neck
sion is on the upper motor neurone.
 Akshepak- convulsive disorders (kupita
Paralysis on the one half of the face of the
vata in the dhamanis)
same side if the lesion is on the lower mo-
 Avabahuka- amsasosha- Frozen shoul-
tor neurone. So, this disease can be corre-
der (vata in amsa Pradesh)
lated with the vatavyadhi Ardita.
 Mamsakshaya- different muscle atro- Eight- cranial nerve-
phy diseases (kupita vata in mamsa) AUDITORY: It has two parts. Cochlear
 Sandhishoola-joint disorders(e.g OA) division responsible for hearing and
NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES19 vestibular part responsible for maintane-
Disorders of the first cranial nerve- ance of equilibrium. The clinical features
OLFACTORY this is a sensory nerve which of cochlear lesion are tinnitus, deafness
is responsible for smell sensation. Damage of
while of vestibular are loss of equilibrium,
this nerve leads to Anosmia. The
vertigo, giddiness. Thus it can be con-
vatavyadhi Ghrananasha can be compared cluded that ashabdasravana (tinnitus),
with this disease.
badhirya (deaf), bhrama (giddiness)
Disorders of second cranial nerve- comes under this group of diseases.
OPTIC NERVE: This nerve is a sensory Ninth cranial nerve-
nerve which is responsible for vision. The GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL: It is a mixed
nerve is involved in trauma, vascular acci-
cranial nerve whose effects of lesion are
dents, etc. the lesions produced due to it difficulty in deglutition, loss of taste sensa-
are papilloedema, optic neuritis. All the tion in the posterior one third of the
netra related disease caused by vata like
tongue- Arasagyata (tastelessness)
akshibheda, netrashoola can be compared
Tenth cranial nerve-
with this pathology.
VAGUS- Effects of lesion include hoarse-
Disorders of third cranial nerve-
ness of voice along with other features.
OCCULOMOTOR- Ptosis - Nimesh,
The Vata vriddhi lakshana given by
which occurs due to vyan vayu prakopa.
Sushruta as vakparushya(hoarseness of
Fifth cranial nerve-
voice) can be compared with this.
TRIGEMINAL- This is a mixed nerve.
Other comparable diseases:
The effect of motor part is inability to
Pakshavadha - can be compared with
move the lower jaw side to side, weakness
Hemiplegia , Pangulya - can be compared
and wasting of the massetar and temporalis
with Paraplegia , Kampavata - It can be
muscle, inability to chew. The sensory part
correlated with Parkinsonism,Viswachi- it
effects are loss of sensation of taste on the
can be correlated with brachial neuropathy,
anterior two-third of the tongue on the
erb’s paralysis, Khanja- it can be corre-
same side. So, the vatavyadhi like
lated with monoplegia cruralis, Pangu- it
hanustambha, manyastambha, shankha-
can be correlated with diplegia cruralis, IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016
Bora Deepanjali & Barman Niten : Concept Of Vatavyadhi In Modern Medicine

Gridhasi- it can be correlated with Sciat- khambha publisher, reprint 2008,

ica, Apatantraka- it can be correlated with (Ca:Su:12:7), pg 246
Hysteria, Apatanaka- it can be correlated 7. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau-
with tetanus, Dandapatanaka- it can be khambha publisher, reprint 2008,
correlated with Orthotonos, Antarayama- (Ca:Su:20:11), pg 399
it can be correlated with Emprosthotonos, 8. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau-
Bahyayama- it can be correlated with khambha publisher, reprint 2008,
ophistotonos, Akshepaka- it can be corre- (Ca:Chi:28:15-18), pg 779
lated with Convulsive disorders, 9. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta
Grivahundana- it can be correlated with Samhita of Maharshi Sushruta, edited
Cervical spondylities with Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika,
CONCLUSION: (Su:Su:21:19), pg 117
From the above explaination, it can 10. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau-
be said that the vatavyadhis can be corre- khambha publisher, reprint 2008,
lated with the diseases of Nervous system (Ca:Chi:28:20-23), pg 780
including Musculoskeletal and 11. Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta, Aatanga Hri-
Neuromuscular diseases. The pathology of daya of Vagbhata, Chaukhambha pra-
the disease can be understood well from kashana, reprint 2012, (A.H:Su: 12:24-
both the Ayurvedic and Modern point of 27), pg 123
view. The specific gunas of vata involved 12. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta
in causing the disease can also be found Samhita of Maharshi Sushruta, edited
out. So, these understandings can further with Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika,
help a physician to diagnose as well as (Su:Su:15:18), pg 78
treat a disease more efficiently. 13. Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta, Aatanga Hri-
REFERENCES daya of Vagbhata, Chaukhambha pra-
1. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta kashana, reprint 2012, (A.H:Su:11:15),
Samhita of Maharshi Sushruta, edited pg 116
with Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika, 14. Dr. Shiv Charan Dhyani, Dravyaguna
(Su:Su:21:3), pg 112 Siddhanta, dwitiya khanda, pg 69,71,
2. Acharya Sarangadhar, Sarangadhar 74,78, 80,81
Samhita, dr. Smt. Shailaja Srivastava, 15. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medi-
Chaukhambha Orientalia, fourth edition: cine, 17th edition, part 14, section 3,chap
2005, Purbakhanda, Dwitiya adhyaya, 325, pg 2149
sloke no.8-2,9-1, pg 16 16. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medi-
3. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta cine, 17th edition, part 16, section 3, chap
Samhita of Maharshi Sushruta, edited 379, pg 2651
with Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika, 17. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medi-
(Su:Ni:1:5),pg 215 cine, 17th edition, part 15, section 2, chap
4. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau- 348, pg 2397
khambha publisher, reprint 2008, 18. P.C.Das, P.K.Das, Text Book Of Medi-
(Ca:Su:1:59), pg 36. cine, chapter 10, pg 373-382
5. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau-
khambha publisher, reprint 2008,
(Ca:Su:18:49), pg 384
6. Vidyotini, Charaka Samhita, Chau- IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016
Bora Deepanjali & Barman Niten : Concept Of Vatavyadhi In Modern Medicine

Dr. Deepanjali Bora
P.G Scholar, Samhita & Siddhanta depart-
ment, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati,

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None declared IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016


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