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Nama sebenar al-Khawarizmi ialah Muhammad Ibn Musa al-khawarizmi. Selain itu beliau
dikenali sebagai Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Yusoff. Al-Khawarizmi telah dikanali di
Barat sebagai al-Khawarizmi, al-Cowarizmi, al-Ahawizmi, al-Karismi, al-Goritmi, al-Gorismi dan
beberapa cara ejaan lagi.

Beliau telah dilahirkan di Bukhara. Pada tahun 780-850M adalah zaman kegemilangan al-
Khawarizmi. al-Khawarizmi telah wafat antara tahun 220 dan 230M. Ada yang mengatakan al-
Khawarizmi hidup sekitar awal pertengahan abad ke-9M. Sumber lain menegaskan beliau di
Khawarism, Usbekistan pada tahun 194H/780M dan meninggal tahun 266H/850M di Baghdad.


Dalam pendidikan telah dibuktikan bahawa al-Khawarizmi ialah seorang tokoh Islam yang
berpengetahuan luas. Pengetahuan dan kemahiran beliau bukan sahaja meliputi bidang syariat
tapidi dalam bidang falsafah, logik, aritmetik, geometri, muzik, kejuruteraan, sejarah Islam dan

Al-Khawarizmi sebagai guru aljabar di Eropah. Beliau telah menciptakan pemakaian Secans
dan Tangens dalam penyelidikan trigonometri dan astronomi. Dalam usia muda beliau bekerja di
bawah pemerintahan Khalifah al-Ma’mun, bekerja di Bayt al-Hikmah di Baghdad.

Beliau bekerja dalam sebuah observatory iaitu tempat menekuni belajar matematik dan
astronomi. Al-Khawarizmi juga dipercayai memimpin perpustakaan khalifah. Beliau pernah
memperkenalkan angka-angka India dan cara-cara perhitungan India pada dunia Islam. Beliau juga
merupakan seorang penulis Ensiklopedia Pelbagai Disiplin.

Al-Khawarizmi adalah seorang tokoh yang mula-mula memperkenalkan aljabar dan hisab.
Banyak lagi ilmu pengetahuan yang beliau pelajari dalam bidang matematik dan menghasilkan
konsep-konsep matematik yang begitu popular sehingga digunakan pada zaman sekarang.

Gelaran Al-Khawarizmi

Gelaran Al-Khawarizmi yang dikenali di Barat ialah al-Khawarizmi, al-Cowarizmi, al-karismi, al-
Goritmi atau al-Gorism. Nama al-gorism telah dikenali pada abad pertengahan. Negara Perancis
pula al-Gorism muncul sebagai Augryam atau Angrism. Negara Inggeris pula ia dikenali sebagai
Aurym atau Augrim.

Sumbangan Al-Khawarizmi Melalui Karya

Sumbangan hasil karya beliau sendiri, antaranya ialah :

Al-Jabr wa’l Muqabalah : beliau telah mencipta pemakaian secans dan tangens dalam penyelidikan
trigonometri dan astronomi.

Hisab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalah : Beliau telah mengajukan contoh-contoh persoalan matematik dan
telah mengemukakan 800 buah soalan yang sebahagian daripadanya merupakan persoalan yamng
dikemukakan oleh Neo. Babylian dalam bentuk dugaan yang telah dibuktikan kebenarannya oleh al-

Sistem Nombor : Beliau telah memperkenalkan konsep sifat dan ia penting dalam sistem nombor
pada zaman sekarang.

Ini adalah contoh-contoh sebahagian beliau yang telah dihasilkan dalam penulisan karya dan ia telah
menjadi popular serta dipelajari oleh semua masyarakat yang hidup di dunia ini.

Hasil Karya Al-Khawarizmi

Sepertimana yang telah kita ketahui, Al-Khawarizmi dapat menghasilkan karya-karya agong dalam
bidang matamatik. Hasil karya tersebut terkenal pada zaman tamadun Islam dan dikenali di Barat.

Antara hasil karya yang telah beliau hasilkan ialah :

Sistem Nombor : ia telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Latin iaitu De Numero Indorum.

‘Mufatih al-Ulum’ : yang bermaksud beliau adalah pencinta ilmu dalam pelbagai bidang.

Al-Jami wa al-Tafsir bi Hisab al-Hind : Karya ini telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Latin oleh
Prince Boniopagri.

Al-Mukhtasar Fi Hisab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalah : Pada tahun 820M dan ia mengenai algebra.

Al-Amal bi’ Usturlab’


Al-Maqala Fi Hisab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabilah.

Ketokohan al-Khawarizmi

Setiap tokoh mempunyai sifat ketokohannya yang tersendiri. Ketokohan al-Khawarizmi dapat dilihat
dari dua sudut iaitu dari bidang matematik dan astronomi. Namun bidang matematik akan
diperjelaskan secara terperinci berbanding astronomi kerana ia melibatkan kajian yang dikaji.

Dalam bidang matematik, al-Khawarizmi telah memperkenalkan aljabar dan hisab. Beliau
banyak menghasilkan karya-karya yang masyhor ketika zaman tamadun Islam. Antara karya-karya
yang beliau hasilkan ialah ‘Mafatih al-Ulum’. Sistem nombor adalah salah satu sumbangan dan
telah digunakan pada zaman tamadun Islam.

Banyak kaedah yang diperkenalkan dalam setiap karya yang dihasilkan. Antaranya ialah kos,
sin dan tan dalam trigonometri penyelesaian persamaan, teorem segitiga sama juga segitiga sama
kaki dan mengira luas segitiga, segi empat selari dan bulatan dalam geometri. Masaalah pecahan
dan sifat nombor perdana dan teori nombor juga diperkenalkan. Banyak lagi konsep dalam
matematik yang telah diperkenalkan al-khawarizmi sendiri.

Bidang astronomi juga membuatkan al-Khawarizmi dikenali pada zaman tamadun Islam.
Astronomi dapat ditakrifkan sebagai ilmu falaq [pengetahuan tentang bintang-bintang yang
melibatkan kajian tentang kedudukan, pergerakan, dan pemikiran serta tafsiran yang berkaitan
dengan bintang].

Seawal kurun ketiga lagi lagi, al-Khawarizmi telah menghasilkan dua buah yang salah satu
daripadanyatelah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Latin dan memberi pengaruh besar ke atas Muslim dan
orangSpanyol dan Kristian.

Penggunaan matematik dalam astronomi sebelum tamadun Islam amat sedikit dan terhad.
Ini disebabkan oleh kemunduran pengetahuan matematik yang terhad kepada pengguna aritmetik
dan geometri sahaja.

Peribadi al-Khawarizmi

Keperibadian al-Khawarizmi telah diakui oleh orang Islam dan juga Barat. Al-Khawarizmi telah
dianggap sebagai sarjana matematik yang masyhur oleh orang Islam dan ia diperakui oleh orang
Barat. Ini dapat dibuktikan bahawa G.Sartonmengatakan “pencapaian-pencapaian yang tertinggi
telah doperolehi oleh orang-orang Timur....” Maka temasuklah al-Khawarizmi itu sendiri.
Al-Khawarizmi patu disanjungi kerana beliau adalah seorang yang pintar. Menurut Wiedmann
pula berkata....’ al-Khawarizmi mempunyai personaliti yang teguh dan seorang yang bergeliga sains’.
Setiap apa yang dinyatakan oleh penulis, ini telah terbukti bahawa al-Khawarizmi mempunyai sifat
keperibadian yang tinggi dan sekaligus disanjung oleh orang Islam.

Strategi Pengislaman Sains Matematik

Pengislaman sains matematik seharusnya berlandaskan dengan beberapa perkara iaitu, ia hendaklah
berlandaskan tauhid, syariah dan akhlak. Ini kerana ia perlu bagi tokoh-tokoh yanh beragama Islam
supaya melaksanakan setiap pekerjaan atau tugasan yang mengikut undang-undang Islam.


Tauhid merupakan landasan falsafah matematik Islam sepertimana dengan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang
lain. Mengikut matlamat Islam, semuanya Ayyatullah [tanda-tanda Allah iaitu symbol kebesaran,
kewujudan dan keEsaan Tuhan. Ungkapan yang wujud sewajarnya mencorakkan kegiatan
matematik. Setiap falsafah dan epistemology sains matematik kita tidak harus diterima bulat-bulat
tanpa syarat.


Berasaskan kepada undang-undang yang mengenali tindak tanduk masyarakat. Keharmonian dan
tanggungjawab kepada umat dan hak diri. Dari sudut ini, ahli matematik Islam yang cuba
menyelesaikan masaalah yang melibatkan perbuatan hukum syariah seperti judi, riba dan mencabar
kebenaran hakiki daripada agama samawi untuk memperkukuhkan lagi Institusi. Oleh itu,
matematik Islam hendaklah berkembang selari dengan keperluan manusia dan perkembangan ini
juga harus di dalam sudut syariah.


Ciri-ciri akhlak mulia hendaklah disemaikan kedalam matematik dan juga ia perlu dimasukkan
kedalam ilmu-ilmu Islam yang lain agar manusia dapat menerapkan nilai murni. Ilmu yang dipelajari
contahnya akhlak yang terdapat dalam bidang matematik ini adalah penemuan aljabar yang
melambangkan keadilan. Ini kerana keadilan itu dituntut oleh agama Islam itu sendiri. Melalui asas
pradigma tauhid dan sya’iyah itu dapat memperkukuhkan lagi pembinaan akhlak.
Cabang Matematik

Antara cabang yang diperkanalkan oleh al-Khawarizmi seperti geometri, algebra, aritmetik dan lain-


Ia merupakan cabang kedua dalam matematik. Isi kandungan yang diperbincangkan dalam cabang
kedua ini ialah asal-usul geometri dan rujukan utamanya ialah Kitab al-Ustugusat[The Elements] hasil
karya Euklid : geometri dari segi bahasa berasal daripada perkataan yunani iaitu ‘geo’ bererti bumi
dan ‘metri’ bererti sukatan. Dari segi ilmunya pula geometri itu adalah ilmu yang mengkaji hal yang
berhubung dengan magnitud dan sifat-sifat ruang. Geometri ini mula dipelajari sejak zaman firaun
[2000SM]. Kemudian Thales Miletus memperkenalkan geometri Mesir kepada Grik sebagai satu
sains dedukasi dalam kurun ke6SM. Seterusnya sarjana Islam telah mengemaskanikan kaedah sains
dedukasi ini terutamanya pada abad ke9M.


Ia merupakan nadi untuk matematik algebra. Al-Khawarizmi telah diterjemahkan oleh Gerhard of
Gremano dan Robert of Chaster ke dalam bahasa Eropah pada abad ke-12. sebelum munculnya
karya yang berjudul ‘Hisab al-Jibra wa al Muqabalah yang ditulis oleh al-Khawarizmi pada tahun
820M. Sebelum ini tak ada istilah aljabar.

Sumber :
itle: The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing

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Born into a Persian family in Khuwarizm (present-day Xorazm Province, Uzbekistan), Muhammad ibn
Musa al-Khwarizmi (also known by the Latin form of his name, Algoritmi, circa 780–850 AD, 164–236
AH) was a Muslim mathematician, astronomer, and geographer, and a scholar in the famed House of
Wisdom in Baghdad. Al-Khwarazmi wrote Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala (The compendious book on
calculation by completion and balancing) around 830 AD, with the encouragement of Caliph Al-
Maamoun, the reigning Abbasid caliph of Baghdad in 813–33 AD. It is meant to be a useful work,
with examples and applications for everyday life, in areas such as trade, legal inheritance, and
surveying. The mathematical term algebra is derived from al-jabr, one of the two operations he used
to solve quadratic equations. Also, the words algorism, algorithm, and arithmetic stem from
Algoritmi. Similarly, his name is the origin of the Spanish term guarismo and of the Portuguese
algarismo, both meaning digit.


Khuwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsȧ, flourished 813-846


Ahmed, Muhammad Mursi

Mushrifah, Ali Mustafa, 1898-1950

Date Created

1937 CE

Subject Date

Around 780 CE - 850 CE

Publication Information

Paul Barber Press, Cairo



Title in Original Language

‫المقابلة و الجبر كتاب‬


Middle East and North Africa > Iraq > Baghdad

Time Period

500 CE - 1499 CE


Science > Mathematics > Algebra

Science > Mathematics > Arithmetic

Additional Subjects

Inheritance and succession; Surveying; Trade

Type of Item


Physical Description

106 pages, 24 centimeters


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

External Resource

Sumber :
Al-Khwarizmi Ilmuan Matematik Islam -Pengenalan

Al-Khwarizmi – Pengenalan
Al-Khwarizmi, atau nama sebenarnya Muhammad ibn Musa al-
Khwarizmi yang berketurunan Parsi berasal dari kawasanKhwarizm, di
kawasan Aral Sea yang hari ini sebahagian daripada Uzbekistan dan

Al-Khwarizmi adalah salah seorang ilmuan matematik di Bait al-

Hikmah (House of Wisdom) yang diasaskan oleh Khalifah al-Ma’mun
pada zaman pemerintahan Kerajaan Islam Abbasiyyah. Dilahirkan
disekitar tahun 780 Masihi dan meninggal dunia pada tahun sekitar 850
Masihi. Selain sebagai ahli matematik, beliau juga adalah ahli astronomi
dan juga ahli geografi di Bait al-Hikmah.

Sumbangan terbesar beliau adalah dalam bidang matematik,
astronomi, astrologi, geografi, dan cartography (tentang peta)
serta pengasas kepada perkembangan dalam ilmu algebradan
juga trigonometri. Perkataan Algorithm berasal daripada nama latin al-
khwarizmi iaitu algoritmi, manakala istilahAlgebra berasal daripada
perkataan Al-Jabr dan Al-Muqaabalah yang
bermaksud penyempurnaan danpenyeimbangan (pembandingan).

Al-Khwarizmi melebih dikenali kepakarannya dalam bidang matematik.

Walaupun sejarawan dan ahli matematik berselisih pendapat tentang asal
usul Algebra. Namun yang pasti jika pun al-Khwarizmi bukanlah orang
yang mengasaskan Algebra, tapi jelas beliau adalah pengembang ilmu
Algebra. Beliau menghasil sebuah kitab yang berkaitan dengan algebra
iaitu“Al-Kitaab Al-Muhtasar fi hisaab al-jabr wa al-
muqaabalah” (Buku keterangan ringkas tentang pengiraan
menggunakan Al-Jabr dan Al-muqaabalah (penyempurnaan
dan penyeimbangan)) yang menjadi rujukan terkenal dan juga pemula
perkembangan ilmu algerba. Pendekatan secara sistematik dan logik beliau
dalam menyelesaikan masalah quadratik dan linear memberi acuan
baru dalam disiplin ilmu algebra.

Selain daripada algebra, Al-Khwarizmi juga pengembang sistem nombor

yang dikenali sebagai Sistem pernomboran Arab dan India yang
diguna pakai diseluruh dunia hari ini. Beliau juga antara orang pertama
yang menyertakan angka sifar ’0′ sebagai salah satu digit dalam sistem
pernomboran dan memberi nilai kepada angka ’0′. Beliau juga
mengembangkan dan memperkenalkan sistem titik perpuluhan yang ada
pada hari ini. Selain beberapa sumbangan lain dalam ilmu matematik.

Beliau adalah salah seorang ahli falak (astronomi) dan menulis sekurang-
kurangnya dua buah zij iaitu buku yang mengandungi jadual parameter
nilai yang digunakan untuk menentukan kedudukan matahari, bulan,
bintang dan planet-planet. Zij penting dalam perkembangan ilmu
astronomi hari ini. Zij al-Sindhind (jadual astronomi Sind dan
Hind) adalah zij yang dihasilkan oleh Al-Khwarizmi yang berdasarkan
keadah astronomi India yang dikaji beliau.


Selain Algebra, al-Khwarizmi juga menghasil beberapa kertas kerja tentang

ilmu geografi dan menghasilkan tulisan yang bertajuk Kitaab surat al-
Ard (Buku tentang rupa muka bumi). Buku ini adalah rujukan dan
versi pembetulan kertas kerja Ptolemy tentang Georgafi.

Al-Khwarizmi adalah seorang ahli matematik muslim yang terkenal dan
wajar kita jadikan contoh. Sumbangan besar beliau kepada perkembangan
ilmu perlu kita jadikan sebagai muhasabah kepada diri kita kerana satu
ketika dahulu umat islam adalah pendominasi ilmu pengetahuan. Mereka
berlumba-lumba menimba ilmu atas dasar keimanan kepada Allah. Hari ini
budaya ilmu kurang menjadi budaya umat islam dan agak jauh
terkebelakang dari segi ilmu pengetahuan. Oleh itu janganlah diculaskan
diri, sama-sama kita budayakan semula ilmu pengetahuan dalam hidup
kita atas dasar keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah.

p/s: Mungkin terdapat kesalahan fakta dalam entri ini, dan

pembetulan membina amat dihargai.

Rujukan: A History Of Mathematics: An Introduction, Victor

J.Katz, The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (english translation).


Sumber :

The Islamic Empire

established across Persia,
the Middle East, Central
Asia, North Africa, Iberia
and parts of India from the
8th Century onwards made
significant contributions
towards mathematics.
They were able to draw on
and fuse together the
developments of
both Greece and India.

One consequence of the

Islamic prohibition on
depicting the human form Some examples of the complex symmetries used in Islamic temple
was the extensive use of decoration
complex geometric
patterns to decorate their buildings, raising mathematics to the form of an art. In fact,
over time, Muslim artists discovered all the different forms of symmetry that can be
depicted on a 2-dimensional surface.

The Qu’ran itself encouraged the accumulation of knowledge, and a Golden Age of
Islamic science and mathematics flourished throughout the medieval period from the
9th to 15th Centuries. The House of Wisdom was set up in Baghdad around 810,
and work started almost immediately on translating the
major Greek and Indian mathematical and astronomy works into Arabic.

The outstanding Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi was an early

Director of the House of Wisdom in the 9th Century, and one of the greatest of early
Muslim mathematicians. Perhaps Al-Khwarizmi’s most important contribution to
mathematics was his strong advocacy of the Hindu numerical system (1 - 9 and 0),
which he recognized as having the power and efficiency needed to revolutionize
Islamic (and, later, Western) mathematics, and which was soon adopted by the
entire Islamic world, and later by Europe as well.

Al-Khwarizmi's other important contribution was algebra, and he introduced the

fundamental algebraic methods of “reduction” and “balancing” and provided an
exhaustive account of solving polynomial equations up to the second degree. In this
way, he helped create the powerful abstract mathematical language still used across
the world today, and allowed a much more general way of analyzing problems other
than just the specific problems previously considered by the Indians and Chinese.
The 10th Century Persian
mathematician Muhammad
Al-Karaji worked to extend
algebra still further, freeing
it from its geometrical
heritage, and introduced
the theory of algebraic
calculus. Al-Karaji was the
first to use the method of
proof by mathematical
induction to prove his
results, by proving that the
first statement in an infinite
sequence of statements is
true, and then proving that,
if any one statement in the
sequence is true, then so
is the next one.

Among other things, Al-

Karaji used mathematical
induction to prove the
binomial theorem. A Binomial Theorem
binomial is a simple type of
algebraic expression which
has just two terms which are operated on only by addition, subtraction, multiplication
and positive whole-number exponents, such as (x +y)2. The co-efficients needed
when a binomial is expanded form a symmetrical triangle, usually referred to as
Pascal’s Triangle after the 17th Century French mathematician Blaise Pascal,
although many other mathematicians had studied it centuries before him in India,
Persia, China andItaly, including Al-Karaji.

Some hundred years after Al-Karaji, Omar Khayyam (perhaps better known as a
poet and the writer of the “Rubaiyat”, but an important mathematician and
astronomer in his own right) generalized Indian methods for extracting square and
cube roots to include fourth, fifth and higher roots in the early 12th Century. He
carried out a systematic analysis of cubic problems, revealing there were actually
several different sorts of cubic equations. Although he did in fact succeed in solving
cubic equations, and although he is usually credited with identifying the foundations
of algebraic geometry, he was held back from further advances by his inability to
separate the algebra from the geometry, and a purely algebraic method for the
solution of cubic equations had to wait another 500 years and the Italian
mathematicians del Ferro and Tartaglia.
The 13th Century Persian
astronomer, scientist and
mathematician Nasir Al-
Din Al-Tusi was perhaps
the first to treat
trigonometry as a separate
mathematical discipline,
distinct from astronomy.
Building on earlier work
byGreek mathematicians
such as Menelaus of
Alexandria and Indian work
on the sine function, he
gave the first extensive
exposition of spherical
trigonometry, including
listing the six distinct cases
of a right triangle in
spherical trigonometry.
One of his major
mathematical contributions
was the formulation of the
Al-Tusi was a pioneer in the field of spherical trigonometry
famous law of sines for
triangles, a⁄(sin A) = b⁄(sin B) =c⁄(sin C), although the sine law for spherical triangles had
been discovered earlier by the 10th Century Persians Abul Wafa Buzjani and Abu
Nasr Mansur.

Other medieval Muslim mathematicians worthy of note include:

 the 9th Century Arab Thabit ibn Qurra, who developed a general formula by which
amicable numbers could be derived, re-discovered much later by
both Fermat and Descartes(amicable numbers are pairs of numbers for which the sum of the
divisors of one number equals the other number, e.g. the proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5,
10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110, of which the sum is 284; and the proper divisors of 284 are 1,
2, 4, 71, and 142, of which the sum is 220);
 the 10th Century Arab mathematician Abul Hasan al-Uqlidisi, who wrote the earliest
surviving text showing the positional use of Arabic numerals, and particularly the use of
decimals instead of fractions (e.g. 7.375 insead of 73⁄8);
 the 10th Century Arab geometer Ibrahim ibn Sinan, who continued Archimedes'
investigations of areas and volumes, as well as on tangents of a circle;
 the 11th Century Persian Ibn al-Haytham (also known as Alhazen), who, in addition to his
groundbreaking work on optics and physics, established the beginnings of the link between
algebra and geometry, and devised what is now known as "Alhazen's problem" (he was the
first mathematician to derive the formula for the sum of the fourth powers, using a method
that is readily generalizable); and
 the 13th Century Persian Kamal al-Din al-Farisi, who applied the theory of conic sections
to solve optical problems, as well as pursuing work in number theory such as on amicable
numbers, factorization and combinatorial methods;
 the 13th Century Moroccan Ibn al-Banna al-Marrakushi, whose works included topics such
as computing square roots and the theory of continued fractions, as well as the discovery of
the first new pair of amicable numbers since ancient times (17,296 and 18,416, later re-
discovered by Fermat) and the the first use of algebraic notation since Brahmagupta.

With the stifling influence of the Turkish Ottoman Empire from the 14th or 15th
Century onwards, Islamic mathematics stagnated, and further developments moved
to Europe\\


One of the first Directors of the House of Wisdom in

Bagdad in the early 9th Century was an outstanding
Persian mathematician called Muhammad Al-
Khwarizmi. He oversaw the translation of the
major Greek and Indianmathematical and astronomy
works (including those of Brahmagupta) into Arabic,
and produced original work which had a lasting
influence on the advance of Muslim and (after his
works spread to Europe through Latin translations in
the 12th Century) later European mathematics.

The word “algorithm” is derived from the Latinization of

his name, and the word "algebra" is derived from the
Latinization of "al-jabr", part of the title of his most
famous book, in which he introduced the fundamental
algebraic methods and techniques for solving
Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (c.780-
Perhaps his most important contribution to 850 AD)
mathematics was his strong advocacy of the Hindu
numerical system, which Al-Khwarizmi recognized as having the power and
efficiency needed to revolutionize Islamic and Western mathematics. The Hindu
numerals 1 - 9 and 0 - which have since become known as Hindu-Arabic numerals -
were soon adopted by the entire Islamic world. Later, with translations of Al-
Khwarizmi’s work into Latin by Adelard of Bath and others in the 12th Century, and
with the influence of Fibonacci’s “Liber Abaci” they would be adopted throughout
Europe as well.
Al-Khwarizmi’s other
important contribution was
algebra, a word derived
from the title of a
mathematical text he
published in about 830
called “Al-Kitab al-
mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr
wa'l-muqabala” (“The
Compendious Book on
Calculation by Completion
and Balancing”). Al-
Khwarizmi wanted to go
from the specific problems
considered by the Indians
and Chinese to a more
general way of analyzing
problems, and in doing so
he created an abstract
mathematical language
which is used across the
world today.

His book is considered the An example of Al-Khwarizmi’s “completing the square” method for
foundational text of solving quadratic equations
modern algebra, although
he did not employ the kind
of algebraic notation used today (he used words to explain the problem, and
diagrams to solve it). But the book provided an exhaustive account of solving
polynomial equations up to the second degree, and introduced for the first time the
fundamental algebraic methods of “reduction” (rewriting an expression in a simpler
form), “completion” (moving a negative quantity from one side of the equation to the
other side and changing its sign) and “balancing” (subtraction of the same quantity
from both sides of an equation, and the cancellation of like terms on opposite sides).

In particular, Al-Khwarizmi developed a formula for systematically solving quadratic

equations (equations involving unknown numbers to the power of 2, or x2) by using
the methods of completion and balancing to reduce any equation to one of six
standard forms, which were then solvable. He described the standard forms in terms
of "squares" (what would today be "x2"), "roots" (what would today be "x") and
"numbers" (regular constants, like 42), and identified the six types as: squares equal
roots (ax2 = bx), squares equal number (ax2= c), roots equal number (bx = c), squares
and roots equal number (ax2 + bx = c), squares and number equal roots
(ax2 + c = bx), and roots and number equal squares (bx + c = ax2).

Al-Khwarizmi is usually credited with the development of lattice (or sieve)

multiplication method of multiplying large numbers, a method algorithmically
equivalent to long multiplication. His lattice method was later introduced into Europe
by Fibonacci.

In addition to his work in mathematics, Al-Khwarizmi made important contributions to

astronomy, also largely based on methods from India, and he developed the first
quadrant (an instrument used to determine time by observations of the Sun or stars),
the second most widely used astronomical instrument during the Middle Ages after
the astrolabe. He also produced a revised and completed version of Ptolemy's
“Geography”, consisting of a list of 2,402 coordinates of cities throughout the known

Sumber :

Al-Khawarizmi and Modern Math

Sep. 06 Math and Science 3 comments

Modern theoretical mathematics is a complex and abstract field.

It frustrates and annoys secondary school students in math classes, but also provides the basis for all
the technological wonders we enjoy today. Without the incredible mind of a 8th century Muslim
mathematician, al-Khawarizmi, the world of math today would look vastly different.
Muhammad al-Khawarizmi was born in 780 AD in Khorasan, a province in the east of Persia, right on
the legendary ancient Silk Road between China and Rome. Goods were not the
only commodity traded on the Silk Road. Knowledge of the East and the West traveled on this
legendary path, and a young al-Khawarizmi benefited greatly from it. When the Abbasid Caliph, al-
Ma’mun established the House of Knowledge in Baghdad in 832, he called al-Khawarizmi to the city
personally. Al-Ma’mun believed in rationalism, and had a simply daunting task for al-Khawarizmi:
prove the existence of Allah, through the complexity and beauty of mathematics.

Al-Khawarizmi, like many of his colleagues, got to work translating ancient Greek and Indian texts.
The knowledge of giants such as Pythagoras, Euclid, and Brahmagupta was the pedestal this new
generation of scholars would stand on. But al-Khawarizmi’s contributions only begin with translation of
Greek and Hindu texts. From the great Indian book on math, The Opening of the Universe, al-
Khawarizmi adopts the idea of the zero as a number. This opened up a whole new world of
mathematical possibilities and complexities.

Using the old Roman numeral system made advanced math

next to impossible. With a number system that goes from 0 to 9, al-Khawarizmi is able to develop
fields such as algebra, which he initially used to calculate Muslim inheritance laws. He builds more on
the geometry of the Greeks, and develops the basic ideas many high school math students can
recognize today.

But his real issue remains with the number zero. It cannot be proven to exist using math. The old
Indian texts insist zero divided by zero equals zero. But al-Khawarizmi knows that any division by zero
is impossible. Eventually he comes to the conclusion that the zero must simply be accepted without
being proven. Furthermore, he reports to the Caliph al-Ma’mun that belief in Allah is the same: it
cannot be proven using science, but must be accepted on faith in the religion. Al-Khawarizmi was as
much a philosopher as he was a mathematician.

In addition to math, he writes a compendium on geography that lists the latitude and longitude of
2,400 cities around the world. He also writes books on the astrolabe, sundials, and even the Jewish
calendar. For 700 years after his death, European mathematicians cite him in their works, referring to
him as “Algorismi”. The modern word for a complex mathematical formula, algorithm, is derived from
his name. His legacy lives on, even if the modern world that he helped build has all but forgotten of
his contributions.

Morgan, M. (2007). Lost History. Washington D.C. : National Geographic Society.
Masood, E. (2006). Science and Islam. Icon Books.

Sumber :

Al-Khwarizmi (crater)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al-Khwarizmi (crater)

Al-Khwarizmi from Apollo 16. NASA photo.

7.1°N 106.4°ECoordinates: 7.1°N 106.4°E


Diameter 65 km

Depth Unknown

Colongitude 254° at sunrise

Eponym Al-Khwarizmi

Al-Khwarizmi is a lunar impact crater located on the far side of the Moon. It lies to the southeast
of the crater Moiseev, and northeast of Saenger.
The western inner wall of Al-Khwarizmi is much wider than along the eastern side. The eastern
rim overlays a pair of craters, including Al-Khwarizmi J. The outer wall is somewhat distorted
from a circular shape, including a double-rim in the south. There is a small central peak at the
midpoint, which forms part of a low ridge that bends to the northeast. Several tiny craterlets lie in
the northern part of the interior floor. The floor to the southeast is somewhat smoother and free of
significant impacts.
The crater was named for the Persian mathematician and astronomer Al-Khwarizmi.

Satellite craters[edit]
By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the
crater midpoint that is closest to Al-Khwarizmi.

Al-Khwarizmi Latitude Longitude Diameter

B 9.0° N 107.4° E 62 km

G 6.9° N 107.1° E 95 km

H 6.0° N 109.2° E 50 km

J 6.2° N 107.6° E 47 km

K 4.6° N 107.6° E 26 km

L 3.9° N 107.4° E 35 km

M 3.1° N 107.0° E 18 km

T 7.0° N 104.5° E 15 km

Mathematics in medieval Islam
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A page from the The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing by Al-Khwarizmi.

In the history of mathematics, mathematics in medieval Islam, often called Islamic

mathematics or Arabic mathematics, covers the body of mathematics preserved and
advanced under the Islamic civilization between circa 622 and c.1600.[1] Islamic science and
mathematics flourished under the Islamic caliphate established across the Middle East,
extending from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Indus in the east and to the Almoravid
Dynasty and Mali Empire in the south.
In his A History of Mathematics, Victor Katz says that:[2]
A complete history of mathematics of medieval Islam cannot yet be written, since so many of
these Arabic manuscripts lie unstudied... Still, the general outline... is known. In particular,
Islamic mathematicians fully developed the decimal place-value number system to include
decimal fractions, systematised the study of algebra and began to consider the relationship
between algebra and geometry, studied and made advances on the major Greek geometrical
treatises of Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius, and made significant improvements in plane and
spherical geometry.
An important role was played by the translation and study of Greek mathematics, which was the
principal route of transmission of these texts to Western Europe. Smith notes:[3]
In a general way it may be said that the Golden Age of Arabian mathematics was confined
largely to the 9th and 10th centuries; that the world owes a great debt to Arab scholars for
preserving and transmitting to posterity the classics of Greek mathematics; and that their work
was chiefly that of transmission, although they developed considerable originality in algebra and
showed some genius in their work in trigonometry.
Adolph P. Yushkevich states regarding the role of Islamic mathematics:[4]
The Islamic mathematicians exercised a prolific influence on the development of science in
Europe, enriched as much by their own discoveries as those they had inherited by the Greeks,
the Indians, the Syrians, the Babylonians, etc.


 1 History
o 1.1 Algebra
o 1.2 Irrational numbers
o 1.3 Induction
 2 Major figures and developments
o 2.1 Omar Khayyám
o 2.2 Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī
o 2.3 Other major figures
 3 See also
 4 Notes
 5 References
 6 Further reading
 7 External links


"Cubic equations and intersections of conic sections" the first page of the two-chaptered manuscript kept in
Tehran University

The most important contribution of the Islamic mathematicians was the discovery of algebra;
combining Indian and Babylonian material with the Greek geometry to develop algebra.
The study of algebra, which itself is an Arabic word meaning "reunion of broken
parts",[5] flourished during the Islamic golden age. Al-Khwarizmi is, along with
the Greek mathematician Diophantus, known as the father of algebra.[6] In his book The
Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing Al-Khwarizmi deals with ways
to solve for the positive roots of first and second degree (linear and quadratic) polynomial
equations.[7] He also introduces the method of reduction, and unlike Diophantus, gives general
solutions for the equations he deals with.[6]
Al-Khwarizmi's algebra was rhetorical, which means that the equations were written out in full
sentences. This was unlike the algebraic work of Diophantus, which was syncopated, where
some symbolism is used. The transition to symbolic algebra, where only symbols are used, can
be seen in the work of Ibn al-Banna' al-Marrakushi and Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī al-Qalaṣādī.[8]
On the work done by Al-Khwarizmi, J. J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson said:[9]
"Perhaps one of the most significant advances made by Arabic mathematics began at this time
with the work of al-Khwarizmi, namely the beginnings of algebra. It is important to understand
just how significant this new idea was. It was a revolutionary move away from the Greek concept
of mathematics which was essentially geometry. Algebra was a unifying theory which
allowed rational numbers,irrational numbers, geometrical magnitudes, etc., to all be treated as
"algebraic objects". It gave mathematics a whole new development path so much broader in
concept to that which had existed before, and provided a vehicle for future development of the
subject. Another important aspect of the introduction of algebraic ideas was that it allowed
mathematics to be applied to itself in a way which had not happened before."

— MacTutor History of Mathematics archive

Several other mathematicians during this time period expanded on the algebra of Al-
Khwarizmi. Omar Khayyam, along with Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī, found several solutions of thecubic
equation. Omar Khayyam found the general geometric solution of a cubic equation.
Irrational numbers[edit]
The Greeks had discovered Irrational numbers, but were not happy with them and only able to
cope by drawing a distinction between magnitude and number. In the Greek view, magnitudes
varied continuously and could be used for entities such as line segments, whereas numbers
were discrete. Hence, irrationals could only be handled geometrically; and indeed Greek
mathematics was mainly geometrical. Islamic mathematicians including Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn
Aslam slowly removed the distinction between magnitude and number, allowing irrational
quantities to appear as coefficients in equations and to be solutions of algebraic equations. They
worked freely with irrationals as objects, but they did not examine closely their nature.[10]
In the twelfth century, Latin translations of Al-Khwarizmi's Arithmetic on the Indian
numerals introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western
world.[11] HisCompendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first
systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations. In Renaissance Europe, he was
considered the original inventor of algebra, although it is now known that his work is based on
older Indian or Greek sources.[12] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and
See also: Mathematical induction § History
The earliest implicit traces of mathematical induction can be found in Euclid's proof that the
number of primes is infinite (c. 300 BCE). The first explicit formulation of the principle of induction
was given by Pascal in his Traité du triangle arithmétique (1665).
In between, implicit proof by induction for arithmetic sequences was introduced by al-Karaji (c.
1000) and continued by al-Samaw'al, who used it for special cases of the binomial theorem and
properties of Pascal's triangle.

Major figures and developments[edit]

Omar Khayyám[edit]
To solve the third-degree equationx3 + a2x = b Khayyám constructed theparabola x2 = ay, a circle with
diameterb/a2, and a vertical line through the intersection point. The solution is given by the length of the
horizontal line segment from the origin to the intersection of the vertical line and thex-axis.

Omar Khayyám (c. 1038/48 in Iran – 1123/24)[13] wrote the Treatise on Demonstration of
Problems of Algebra containing the systematic solution of third-degree equations, going beyond
the Algebra of Khwārazmī.[14] Khayyám obtained the solutions of these equations by finding the
intersection points of two conic sections. This method had been used by the Greeks,[15] but they
did not generalize the method to cover all equations with positive roots.[16]
Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī[edit]
Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (? in Tus, Iran – 1213/4) developed a novel approach to the investigation
of cubic equations—an approach which entailed finding the point at which a cubic polynomial
obtains its maximum value. For example, to solve the equation ,
with aand b positive, he would note that the maximum point of the curve occurs

at , and that the equation would have no solutions, one solution or two solutions,
depending on whether the height of the curve at that point was less than, equal to, or greater
than a. His surviving works give no indication of how he discovered his formulae for the maxima
of these curves. Various conjectures have been proposed to account for his discovery of them.[17]
Other major figures[edit]

 'Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk (fl. 830) (quadratics)

 Thabit ibn Qurra (826–901)
 Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn Aslam (c. 850 – 930) (irrationals)
 Sind ibn Ali
 Abū Sahl al-Qūhī (c. 940–1000) (centers of gravity)
 Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi (952 – 953) (arithmetic)
 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Qabisi
 Abū al-Wafā' Būzjānī (940 – 998) (spherical trigonometry)
 Al-Karaji (c. 953 – c. 1029) (algebra, induction)
 Abu Nasr Mansur (c. 960 – 1036) (spherical trigonometry)
 Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi (c. 980–1037) (irrationals)
 Ibn al-Haytham (ca. 965–1040)
 Abū al-Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (973 – 1048) (trigonometry)
 Omar Khayyam (1048–1131) (cubic equations, parallel postulate)
 Ibn Yaḥyā al-Maghribī al-Samawʾal (c. 1130 – c. 1180)
 Ibn Maḍāʾ (c. 1116 - 1196)
 Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (c. 1150–1215) (cubics)
 Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (1201–1274) (parallel postulate)
 Jamshīd al-Kāshī (c. 1380–1429) (decimals and estimation of the circle constant)

Sumber :
Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"al-Khwārizmī" redirects here. For other uses, see al-Khwārizmī (disambiguation).

Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī

A stamp issued September 6, 1983 in theSoviet Union, commemorating

al-Khwārizmī's (approximate) 1200th birthday.

Born 780


Died 850

Era Medieval era (Islamic Golden Age)

Notable ideas Treatises on algebra and Indian numerals


Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī[note 1][pronunciation?] (Persian: ‫سى‬ َ ‫ع ْب َدهللا ُم َح َّمد ِبن ُمو‬
‫)ا َ ْل ْخ َو ِار ْزمِي‬, earlier transliterated as Algoritmi or Algaurizin, (c. 780 – c. 850) was
a Persian[1][5] mathematician, astronomer and geographer during the Abbasid Empire,
a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.
In the twelfth century, Latin translations of his work on the Indian numerals introduced
the decimal positional number system to theWestern world.[3] His Compendious Book on
Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution
of linearand quadratic equations in Arabic. In Renaissance Europe, he was considered the
original inventor of algebra, although it is now known that his work is based on older Indian or
Greek sources.[6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology.
Some words reflect the importance of al-Khwarizmi's contributions to mathematics. "Algebra" is
derived from al-jabr, one of the two operations he used to solve quadratic
equations. Algorism and algorithm stem from Algoritmi, the Latin form of his name.[7] His name is
also the origin of (Spanish) guarismo[8] and of (Portuguese) algarismo, both meaning digit.


 1 Life
 2 Contributions
o 2.1 Algebra
o 2.2 Arithmetic
o 2.3 Astronomy
o 2.4 Trigonometry
o 2.5 Geography
o 2.6 Jewish calendar
o 2.7 Other works
 3 See also
 4 Notes
 5 References
 6 Further reading
o 6.1 General references

He was born in a Persian[1][5] family, and his birthplace is given as Chorasmia[9] by Ibn al-Nadim.
Few details of al-Khwārizmī's life are known with certainty. His name may indicate that he came
from Khwarezm (Khiva), then in Greater Khorasan, which occupied the eastern part of
the Greater Iran, now Xorazm Province in Uzbekistan.
Al-Tabari gave his name as Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwārizmī al-Majousi al-Katarbali ( ‫محمد بن‬
ّ ‫ي القطربّـل‬
ّ ‫ي المجوسـ‬
ّ ‫)موسى الخوارزم‬. The epithet al-Qutrubbulli could indicate he might instead have
come from Qutrubbul (Qatrabbul),[10] a viticulture district near Baghdad. However,
Rashed[11] suggests:
There is no need to be an expert on the period or a philologist to see that al-Tabari's second
citation should read "Muhammad ibn Mūsa al-Khwārizmī and al-Majūsi al-Qutrubbulli," and that
there are two people (al-Khwārizmī and al-Majūsi al-Qutrubbulli) between whom the
letter wa [Arabic '‫ 'و‬for the article 'and'] has been omitted in an early copy. This would not be
worth mentioning if a series of errors concerning the personality of al-Khwārizmī, occasionally
even the origins of his knowledge, had not been made. Recently, G. J. Toomer ... with naive
confidence constructed an entire fantasy on the error which cannot be denied the merit of
amusing the reader.
Regarding al-Khwārizmī's religion, Toomer writes:
Another epithet given to him by al-Ṭabarī, "al-Majūsī," would seem to indicate that he was an
adherent of the old Zoroastrian religion. This would still have been possible at that time for a man
of Iranian origin, but the pious preface to al-Khwārizmī's Algebra shows that he was an
orthodox Muslim, so al-Ṭabarī's epithet could mean no more than that his forebears, and perhaps
he in his youth, had been Zoroastrians.[12]
Ibn al-Nadīm's Kitāb al-Fihrist includes a short biography on al-Khwārizmī, together with a list of
the books he wrote. Al-Khwārizmī accomplished most of his work in the period between 813 and
833. After the Islamic conquest of Persia, Baghdad became the centre of scientific studies and
trade, and many merchants and scientists from as far as Chinaand India traveled to this city, as
did Al-Khwārizmī. He worked in Baghdad as a scholar at the House of Wisdom established
by Caliph al-Maʾmūn, where he studied the sciences and mathematics, which included the
translation of Greek and Sanskrit scientific manuscripts.
D. M. Dunlop suggests that it may have been possible that Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
was in fact the same person as Muḥammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir, the eldest of the three Banū
Mūsā.[13][year missing]


A page from al-Khwārizmī's Algebra

Al-Khwārizmī's contributions to mathematics, geography, astronomy,

and cartography established the basis for innovation in algebra andtrigonometry. His systematic
approach to solving linear and quadratic equations led to algebra, a word derived from the title of
his 830 book on the subject, "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and
Balancing" (al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr wa'l-muqabala‫)الكتاب المختصر في حساب الجبر والمقابلة‬.
On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals written about 825, was principally responsible for
spreading the Indian system of numerationthroughout the Middle East and Europe. It was
translated into Latin as Algoritmi de numero Indorum. Al-Khwārizmī, rendered as (Latin)Algoritmi,
led to the term "algorithm".
Some of his work was based on Persian and Babylonian astronomy, Indian numbers,
and Greek mathematics.
Al-Khwārizmī systematized and corrected Ptolemy's data for Africa and the Middle East. Another
major book was Kitab surat al-ard ("The Image of the Earth"; translated as Geography),
presenting the coordinates of places based on those in the Geography of Ptolemy but with
improved values for the Mediterranean Sea, Asia, and Africa.
He also wrote on mechanical devices like the astrolabe and sundial.
He assisted a project to determine the circumference of the Earth and in making a world map
for al-Ma'mun, the caliph, overseeing 70 geographers.[14]
When, in the 12th century, his works spread to Europe through Latin translations, it had a
profound impact on the advance of mathematics in Europe. He introduced Arabic numerals into
the Latin West, based on a place-value decimal system developed from Indian sources.[15]
Main article: The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing
Further information: Latin translations of the 12th century and Islamic science
Left: The original Arabic print manuscript of the Book of Algebra by Al-Khwarizmi. Right: A page from The
Algebra of Al-Khwarizmi by Fredrick Rosen, in English.

Al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa-l-muqābala (Arabic: ‫الكتاب المختصر في حساب الجبر والمقابلة‬, 'The
Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing') is a mathematical book written
approximately 830 CE. The book was written with the encouragement of the Caliph al-Ma'mun as
a popular work on calculation and is replete with examples and applications to a wide range of
problems in trade, surveying and legal inheritance.[16] The term algebra is derived from the name
of one of the basic operations with equations (al-jabr, meaning "restoration", referring to adding a
number to both sides of the equation to consolidate or cancel terms) described in this book. The
book was translated in Latin as Liber algebrae et almucabala by Robert of Chester (Segovia,
1145) hence "algebra", and also by Gerard of Cremona. A unique Arabic copy is kept at Oxford
and was translated in 1831 by F. Rosen. A Latin translation is kept in Cambridge.[17]
It provided an exhaustive account of solving polynomial equations up to the second
degree,[18] and discussed the fundamental methods of "reduction" and "balancing", referring to
the transposition of terms to the other side of an equation, that is, the cancellation of like terms
on opposite sides of the equation.[19]
Al-Khwārizmī's method of solving linear and quadratic equations worked by first reducing the
equation to one of six standard forms (where b and c are positive integers)

 squares equal roots (ax2 = bx)

 squares equal number (ax2 = c)
 roots equal number (bx = c)
 squares and roots equal number (ax2 + bx = c)
 squares and number equal roots (ax2 + c = bx)
 roots and number equal squares (bx + c = ax2)
by dividing out the coefficient of the square and using the two operations al-jabr (Arabic: ‫الجبر‬
"restoring" or "completion") and al-muqābala ("balancing"). Al-jabr is the process of removing
negative units, roots and squares from the equation by adding the same quantity to each side.
For example, x2 = 40x − 4x2 is reduced to 5x2 = 40x. Al-muqābala is the process of bringing
quantities of the same type to the same side of the equation. For example, x2 + 14 = x + 5 is
reduced to x2 + 9 = x.
The above discussion uses modern mathematical notation for the types of problems which the
book discusses. However, in al-Khwārizmī's day, most of this notation had not yet been invented,
so he had to use ordinary text to present problems and their solutions. For example, for one
problem he writes, (from an 1831 translation)
If some one say: "You divide ten into two parts: multiply the one by itself; it will be equal to the
other taken eighty-one times." Computation: You say, ten less thing, multiplied by itself, is a
hundred plus a square less twenty things, and this is equal to eighty-one things. Separate the
twenty things from a hundred and a square, and add them to eighty-one. It will then be a hundred
plus a square, which is equal to a hundred and one roots. Halve the roots; the moiety is fifty and
a half. Multiply this by itself, it is two thousand five hundred and fifty and a quarter. Subtract from
this one hundred; the remainder is two thousand four hundred and fifty and a quarter. Extract the
root from this; it is forty-nine and a half. Subtract this from the moiety of the roots, which is fifty
and a half. There remains one, and this is one of the two parts.[16]
In modern notation this process, with 'x' the "thing" (shay') or "root", is given by the steps,

Let the roots of the equation be 'p' and 'q'. Then , and

So a root is given by

Several authors have also published texts under the name of Kitāb al-jabr
wa-l-muqābala, including |Abū Ḥanīfa al-Dīnawarī, Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn
Aslam, Abū Muḥammad al-ʿAdlī, Abū Yūsuf al-Miṣṣīṣī, 'Abd al-Hamīd ibn
Turk, Sind ibn ʿAlī, Sahl ibn Bišr, and Šarafaddīn al-Ṭūsī.
J. J. O'Conner and E. F. Robertson wrote in the MacTutor History of
Mathematics archive:
Perhaps one of the most significant advances made by Arabic
mathematics began at this time with the work of al-Khwarizmi,
namely the beginnings of algebra. It is important to understand just
how significant this new idea was. It was a revolutionary move away
from the Greek concept of mathematics which was essentially
geometry. Algebra was a unifying theory which allowed rational
numbers, irrational numbers, geometrical magnitudes, etc., to all be
treated as "algebraic objects". It gave mathematics a whole new
development path so much broader in concept to that which had
existed before, and provided a vehicle for future development of the
subject. Another important aspect of the introduction of algebraic
ideas was that it allowed mathematics to be applied to itself in a way
which had not happened before.[20]
R. Rashed and Angela Armstrong write:
Al-Khwarizmi's text can be seen to be distinct not only from
the Babylonian tablets, but also from Diophantus' Arithmetica. It no
longer concerns a series of problems to be resolved, but
an exposition which starts with primitive terms in which the
combinations must give all possible prototypes for equations, which
henceforward explicitly constitute the true object of study. On the
other hand, the idea of an equation for its own sake appears from
the beginning and, one could say, in a generic manner, insofar as it
does not simply emerge in the course of solving a problem, but is
specifically called on to define an infinite class of problems.[21]

Page from a Latin translation, beginning with "Dixit algorizmi"

Al-Khwārizmī's second major work was on the subject of arithmetic, which
survived in a Latin translation but was lost in the original Arabic. The
translation was most likely done in the twelfth century by Adelard of Bath,
who had also translated the astronomical tables in 1126.
The Latin manuscripts are untitled, but are commonly referred to by the first
two words with which they start: Dixit algorizmi ("So said al-Khwārizmī"),
or Algoritmi de numero Indorum ("al-Khwārizmī on the Hindu Art of
Reckoning"), a name given to the work by Baldassarre Boncompagni in
1857. The original Arabic title was possibly Kitāb al-Jamʿ wa-l-tafrīq bi-ḥisāb
al-Hind[22] ("The Book of Addition and Subtraction According to the Hindu
Al-Khwarizmi's work on arithmetic was responsible for introducing the Arabic
numerals, based on the Hindu-Arabic numeral systemdeveloped in Indian
mathematics, to the Western world. The term "algorithm" is derived from
the algorism, the technique of performing arithmetic with Hindu-Arabic
numerals developed by al-Khwarizmi. Both "algorithm" and "algorism" are
derived from the Latinized forms of al-Khwarizmi's
name, Algoritmi and Algorismi, respectively.
Page from Corpus Christi College MS 283. A Latin translation of al-Khwārizmī's Zīj.

Al-Khwārizmī's Zīj al-Sindhind[12] (Arabic: ‫" زيج‬astronomical tables

of Sind and Hind") is a work consisting of approximately 37 chapters on
calendrical and astronomical calculations and 116 tables with calendrical,
astronomical and astrological data, as well as a table of sinevalues. This is
the first of many Arabic Zijes based on the Indian astronomical methods
known as the sindhind.[24] The work contains tables for the movements of
the sun, the moon and the five planets known at the time. This work marked
the turning point in Islamic astronomy. Hitherto, Muslim astronomers had
adopted a primarily research approach to the field, translating works of
others and learning already discovered knowledge.
The original Arabic version (written c. 820) is lost, but a version by the
Spanish astronomer Maslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti (c. 1000) has survived
in a Latin translation, presumably by Adelard of Bath (January 26,
1126).[25] The four surviving manuscripts of the Latin translation are kept at
the Bibliothèque publique (Chartres), the Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris), the
Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid) and the Bodleian Library (Oxford).
Al-Khwārizmī's Zīj al-Sindhind also contained tables for the trigonometric
functions of sines and cosine.[24] A related treatise on spherical
trigonometry is also attributed to him.[20]
Hubert Daunicht's reconstruction of al-Khwārizmī's planisphere.

Al-Khwārizmī's third major work is his Kitāb ṣūrat al-Arḍ (Arabic: ‫كتاب صورة‬
‫" األرض‬Book on the appearance of the Earth" or "The image of the Earth"
translated as Geography), which was finished in 833. It is a revised and
completed version of Ptolemy's Geography, consisting of a list of 2402
coordinates of cities and other geographical features following a general
There is only one surviving copy of Kitāb ṣūrat al-Arḍ, which is kept at
the Strasbourg University Library. A Latin translation is kept at theBiblioteca
Nacional de España in Madrid.[citation needed] The complete title translates
as Book of the appearance of the Earth, with its cities, mountains, seas, all
the islands and rivers, written by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-
Khwārizmī, according to the geographical treatise written by Ptolemy the
The book opens with the list of latitudes and longitudes, in order of "weather
zones", that is to say in blocks of latitudes and, in eachweather zone, by
order of longitude. As Paul Gallez[dubious – discuss] points out, this excellent
system allows the deduction of many latitudes and longitudes where the
only extant document is in such a bad condition as to make it practically
Neither the Arabic copy nor the Latin translation include the map of the
world itself; however, Hubert Daunicht was able to reconstruct the missing
map from the list of coordinates. Daunicht read the latitudes and longitudes
of the coastal points in the manuscript, or deduces them from the context
where they were not legible. He transferred the points onto graph paper and
connected them with straight lines, obtaining an approximation of the
coastline as it was on the original map. He then does the same for the rivers
and towns.[27]
Al-Khwārizmī corrected Ptolemy's gross overestimate for the length of
the Mediterranean Sea[28] from the Canary Islands to the eastern shores of
the Mediterranean; Ptolemy overestimated it at 63 degrees of longitude,
while al-Khwarizmi almost correctly estimated it at nearly 50 degrees of
longitude. He "also depicted the Atlantic and Indian Oceans as open bodies
of water, not land-locked seas as Ptolemy had done."[29] Al-Khwarizmi thus
set the Prime Meridian of the Old World at the eastern shore of the
Mediterranean, 10–13 degrees to the east of Alexandria (the prime meridian
previously set by Ptolemy) and 70 degrees to the west of Baghdad. Most
medieval Muslim geographers continued to use al-Khwarizmi's prime
Jewish calendar
Statue of Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī inAmir Kabir University of
Technology in Tehran

Al-Khwārizmī wrote several other works including a treatise on the Hebrew

calendar (Risāla fi istikhrāj taʾrīkh al-yahūd "Extraction of the Jewish Era"). It
describes the 19-year intercalation cycle, the rules for determining on what
day of the week the first day of the month Tishrī shall fall; calculates the
interval between the Jewish era (creation of Adam) and the Seleucid era;
and gives rules for determining the mean longitude of the sun and the moon
using the Jewish calendar. Similar material is found in the works of al-
Bīrūnī and Maimonides.[12]
Other works
Ibn al-Nadim in his Kitab al-Fihrist (an index of Arabic books) mentions al-
Khwārizmī's Kitab al-Tarikh, a book of annals. No direct manuscript
survives; however, a copy had reached Nisibis by the 1000s, where its
metropolitan, Elias bar Shinaya, found it. Elias's chronicle quotes it from "the
death of the Prophet" through to 169 AH, at which point Elias's text itself hits
a lacuna.[30]
Several Arabic manuscripts in Berlin, Istanbul, Tashkent, Cairo and Paris
contain further material that surely or with some probability comes from al-
Khwārizmī. The Istanbul manuscript contains a paper on sundials;
the Fihrist credits al-Khwārizmī with Kitāb ar-Rukhāma(t). Other papers,
such as one on the determination of the direction of Mecca, are on
the spherical astronomy.
Two texts deserve special interest on the morning width (Maʿrifat saʿat al-
mashriq fī kull balad) and the determination of the azimuth from a height
(Maʿrifat al-samt min qibal al-irtifāʿ).
He also wrote two books on using and constructing astrolabes.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article has an unclear citation style. The references used may be
made clearer with a different or consistent style ofcitation, footnoting,
or external linking. (July 2013)
For other uses, see Astrolabe (disambiguation).

Astrolabe quadrant, England, 1388

A 16th-century astrolabe, showing atulip rete and rule

An astrolabe (Greek: ἀστρολάβος astrolabos, "star-taker")[1] is an elaborate inclinometer,

historically used by astronomers, navigators, and astrologers. Its many uses include locating and
predicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, determining local time given local
latitude and vice-versa, surveying, triangulation, and to cast horoscopes. It was used in classical
antiquity, the Islamic Golden Age, the European Middle Ages and Renaissance for all these
purposes. In the Islamic world, it was also used to calculate the Qibla and to find the times
for Salat, prayers.
There is often confusion between the astrolabe and the mariner's astrolabe. While the astrolabe
could be useful for determining latitude on land, it was an awkward instrument for use on the
heaving deck of a ship or in wind. The mariner's astrolabe was developed to solve these


 1 Etymology
 2 History
o 2.1 Ancient world
o 2.2 Medieval era
o 2.3 Astrolabes and clocks
 3 Construction
 4 See also
 5 Notes
 6 References
 7 External links

OED gives the translation "star-taker" for the English word "astrolabe" and traces it, through
medieval Latin, to the Greek wordastrolabos[1][2] from astron "star" and lambanein "to take".[3] In
the medieval Islamic world the word "asturlab" (i.e. astrolabe) was given various etymologies. In
Arabic texts the word is translated as "akhdh al-kawakib" (lit. "taking the stars") which
corresponds to an interpretation of the Greek word.[4] Al-Biruniquotes and criticizes the medieval
scientist Hamzah al-Isfahani (de) who had stated:[4] "asturlab is an arabization of this Persian
phrase" (sitara yab, meaning "taker of the stars").[5] In medieval Islamic sources there is also a
"fictional" and popular etymology of the words as "lines of lab". In this popular etymology "Lab" is
a certain son of Idris (=Enoch). This etymology is mentioned by a 10th-century scientist called al-
Qummi but rejected by al-Khwarizmi.[6] "Lab" in Arabic also means "sun" and "black stony
places" (cf. Dictionary).

Ancient world[edit]
An early astrolabe was invented in the Hellenistic world in 150 BC and is often attributed
to Hipparchus. A marriage of the planisphere and dioptra, the astrolabe was effectively an analog
calculator capable of working out several different kinds of problems in spherical
astronomy. Theon of Alexandria wrote a detailed treatise on the astrolabe, and Lewis (2001)
argues that Ptolemy used an astrolabe to make the astronomical observations recorded in
the Tetrabiblos.[7]
Astrolabes continued in use in the Greek-speaking world throughout the Byzantine period. About
550 AD the Christian philosopher John Philoponus wrote a treatise on the astrolabe in Greek,
which is the earliest extant Greek treatise on the instrument.[8] In addition, Severus Sebokht, a
bishop who lived in Mesopotamia, also wrote a treatise on the astrolabe in Syriac in the mid-7th
century.[9] Severus Sebokht refers in the introduction of his treatise to the astrolabe as being
made of brass, indicating that metal astrolabes were known in the Christian East well before they
were developed in the Islamic world or the Latin West.[10]
Medieval era[edit]

A treatise explaining the importance of the astrolabe by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Persian scientist.
Astrolabe of Jean Fusoris (fr), made in Paris, 1400

An 18th-century Persian astrolabe

Disassembled 18th-century astrolabe

Astrolabes were further developed in the medieval Islamic world, where Muslim
astronomers introduced angular scales to the astrolabe,[11]adding circles indicating azimuths on
the horizon.[12] It was widely used throughout the Muslim world, chiefly as an aid to
navigation and as a way of finding the Qibla, the direction of Mecca. The first person credited
with building the astrolabe in the Islamic world is reportedly the 8th
century mathematician Muhammad al-Fazari.[13] The mathematical background was established
by the Muslim astronomer Albateniusin his treatise Kitab az-Zij (ca. 920 AD), which was
translated into Latin by Plato Tiburtinus (De Motu Stellarum). The earliest surviving dated
astrolabe is dated AH 315 (927/8 AD). In the Islamic world, astrolabes were used to find the
times of sunrise and the rising of fixed stars, to help schedule morning prayers (salat). In the 10th
century, al-Sufi first described over 1,000 different uses of an astrolabe, in areas as diverse
as astronomy, astrology, horoscopes, navigation, surveying, timekeeping, prayer, Salat, Qibla,

Astrolabium Masha'Allah Public Library Bruges (nl) Ms. 522

The spherical astrolabe, a variation of both the astrolabe and the armillary sphere, was invented
during the Middle Ages by astronomers and inventors in the Islamic world.[16] The earliest
description of the spherical astrolabe dates back to Al-Nayrizi (fl. 892–902). In the 12th
century, Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī invented the linear astrolabe, sometimes called the "staff of al-
Tusi," which was "a simple wooden rod with graduated markings but without sights. It was
furnished with a plumb line and a double chord for making angular measurements and bore a
perforated pointer."[17] The first geared mechanical astrolabe was later invented by Abi Bakr
of Isfahan in 1235.[18]
Peter of Maricourt, in the last half of the 13th century, also wrote a treatise on the construction
and use of a universal astrolabe (Nova compositio astrolabii particularis). Universal astrolabes
can be found at the History of Science Museum in Oxford.
The English author Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343–1400) compiled a treatise on the astrolabe for
his son, mainly based on Messahalla. The same source was translated by the French
astronomer and astrologer Pélerin de Prusse and others. The first printed book on the astrolabe
was Composition and Use of Astrolabe by Christian of Prachatice, also using Messahalla, but
relatively original.
In 1370, the first Indian treatise on the astrolabe was written by the Jain astronomer Mahendra
The first known metal astrolabe in Western Europe is the Destombes astrolabe made from brass
in tenth-century Spain.[20][21] Metal astrolabes avoided the warping that large wooden astrolabes
were prone to, allowing the construction of larger and therefore more accurate instruments;
however, metal astrolabes were also heavier than wooden instruments of the same size, making
it difficult to use them as navigational instruments.[22] The astrolabe was almost certainly first
brought north of the Pyrenees by Gerbert of Aurillac (futurePope Sylvester II), where it was
integrated into the quadrivium at the school in Reims, France, sometime before the turn of the
11th century.[23] In the 15th century, the French instrument-maker Jean Fusoris (fr) (ca. 1365–
1436) also started selling astrolabes in his shop in Paris, along with portable sundials and other
popular scientific gadgets of the day. Thirteen of his astrolabes survive to this day.[24]Finally, one
more special example of craftsmanship in the early 15th-century Europe is the astrolabe dated
1420, designed by Antonius de Pacento and made by Dominicus de Lanzano.[25]
In the 16th century, Johannes Stöffler published Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii, a manual
of the construction and use of the astrolabe. Four identical 16th-century astrolabes made
by Georg Hartmann provide some of the earliest evidence for batch production bydivision of
Astrolabes and clocks[edit]

A modern Persian astrolabe, made in Tabriz in 2013.

At first mechanical astronomical clocks were influenced by the astrolabe; in many ways they
could be seen as clockwork astrolabes designed to produce a continual display of the current
position of the sun, stars, and planets. For example, Richard of Wallingford's clock (c. 1330)
consisted essentially of a star map rotating behind a fixed rete, similar to that of an astrolabe.[26]
Many astronomical clocks, such as the famous clock at Prague, use an astrolabe-style display,
adopting a stereographic projection (see below) of the ecliptic plane.
In recent times, astrolabe watches have become a feature of haute horologie. For example, in
1985 Swiss watchmaker Dr. Ludwig Oechslin designed and built an astrolabe wristwatch in
conjunction with Ulysse Nardin. Dutch watchmaker Christaan van der Klauuw also manufactures
astrolabe watches today.

The Hartmann astrolabe in Yalecollection. This instrument shows its rete and rule.

Celestial Globe, Isfahan (?), Iran 1144. Shown at the Louvre Museum, this globe is the 3rd oldest surviving in the

Computer-generated planispheric astrolabe

An astrolabe consists of a disk, called the mater (mother), which is deep enough to hold one or
more flat plates called tympans, orclimates. A tympan is made for a specific latitude and is
engraved with a stereographic projection of circles denoting azimuth and altitudeand
representing the portion of the celestial sphere above the local horizon. The rim of the mater is
typically graduated into hours of time,degrees of arc, or both. Above the mater and tympan,
the rete, a framework bearing a projection of the ecliptic plane and several pointersindicating the
positions of the brightest stars, is free to rotate. These pointers are often just simple points, but
depending on the skill of the craftsman can be very elaborate and artistic. There are examples of
astrolabes with artistic pointers in the shape of balls, stars, snakes, hands, dogs' heads, and
leaves, among others.[27] Some astrolabes have a narrow rule or label which rotates over the
rete, and may be marked with a scale of declinations.
The rete, representing the sky, functions as a star chart. When it is rotated, the stars and
the ecliptic move over the projection of the coordinates on the tympan. One complete rotation
corresponds to the passage of a day. The astrolabe is therefore a predecessor of the
modern planisphere.
On the back of the mater there is often engraved a number of scales that are useful in the
astrolabe's various applications; these vary from designer to designer, but might include curves
for time conversions, a calendar for converting the day of the month to the sun's position on the
ecliptic, trigonometric scales, and a graduation of 360 degrees around the back edge.
The alidade is attached to the back face. An alidade can be seen in the lower right illustration of
the Persian astrolabe above. When the astrolabe is held vertically, the alidade can be rotated
and the sun or a star sighted along its length, so that its altitude in degrees can be read ("taken")
from the graduated edge of the astrolabe; hence the word's Greek roots: "astron" (ἄστρον) = star
+ "lab-" (λαβ-) = to take.
Khwarizmi International Award
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Khwarizmi International Award

Awarded for Outstanding achievements in research, innovation

and invention, in fields related to science and


Country Iran

Presented by IROST

First awarded 1987


The Khwarizmi International Award is given annually by the Iranian Research Organization for
Science and Technology (IROST) to individuals who have made outstanding achievements in
research, innovation and invention, in fields related to science and technology.


 1 History
 2 Khwarizmi Young Award
 3 References
 4 External links

In 1987, the leading Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST),
affiliated to the ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran, decided to institute an
award which acknowledges the Iranian outstanding achievements in the field of Science and
IROST proposed the creation of the Khwarizmi Award in memory of Abu Jafar Mohammad Ibn
Mousa Khwarizmi, the great IranianMathematician and Astronomer (770-840 C.E).
However the first session which was held in 1987, was only for Iranian nationals, but from the
fifth session it became an internationalaward.
From the 10th KIA Session, International Organizations such
the KIA.
The 21st KIA held in 2008 received 192 projects from 54 countries.[1]

Khwarizmi Young Award[edit]

The Khwarizmi Young Award is a national version of Khwarizmi International Award which only
Iranians who are less than 30 years old can participate. This award has started since 1999.

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