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1) The Slavic alphabet created by Orthodox missionaries to the Slavs is called?

2) What was the nature of the Aztec administration of subject territories? They wanted tribute from them
3) During the Post Classical Period, societies in the Americas...?: Developed separately from "Old World"
4) The Capital of the Byzantine Empire and its commercial center was located at...?: Constantinople
5) What was the Aztec view of history?: Sun Alive= good, Dead Sun=BOOM
6) What were the results from the Crusades?: Christians brought technology and knowledge from Muslim
7) Benedict of Nursia was responsible for what accomplishment in the 6th century?: A very strict set of rules for monks
8) The straits through which one must pass to leave the Black Sea and enter the Mediterranean are the...? Bosporus and Dardanelles
9) What were changes in the Papacy (pope) after AD 500?: Clovis converted to Christianity and used his Christian dominion over the
Franks gave more power to the Pope.
10) What was the outcomes of the Western Crusade of 1204?: Constantinople (eastern orthodox) sacked by Roman Catholic Crusaders
11) What was the great church built in Constantinople by Justinian?: Hagia Sophia
12) The people who succeeded the Toltecs as the rulers of Central Mexico were?: The Aztecs
13) Who were the invaders who disrupted the development of political institutions in the medieval west until the 10th century?: The
14) What is the major theme of the Aztec religion?: Sacrifice
15) The emperor responsible for the initial construction of Constantinoples was?: Constantine
16) In 1453 the Ottoman Empire rose to power by defeating...?: The Byzantine Empire
17) What was scholasticism?: Movement within the Catholic Church to explain religion with intellectual terms. Started by Thomas
18) Byzantine cultural life circled around the secular traditions of...?: Hellenism and Orthodox Christianity
19) Starting with the reign of Justinian, what was the official language of the eastern empire?: Greek
20) What city did the Aztecs establish ca. 1325 on a marshy island in lake Texoco? Tenochtitlan
21) The members of the military elite who received land in return for military service in the bands of the greater lords were called?:
22) Relationships between members of the military elite based on an reciprocal exchange of land for military service and loyalty were
called...? Feudalism
23) The Byzantine Empire lasted from?: ~500-1450
24) The Post Classical Period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the 15th century is referred as?: The Middle Ages
25) Around what year did the Aztecs migrate to the central valley of Mexico?: ~1325
26) The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and serfs was called?: Monorealism
27) The image of the Inca Empire as a carefully organized systems in which every community collectively contributed to the whole
and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need was called?: Incan Socialism
28) In Western Europe, feudalism didn't develop until?: After the increasing prosperity in W. Europe
29) In what year did Tenochtitlan emerge as the dominant force in the central plateau that it controlled along with Texoco and
Tlacopan?: Founded in 1325, Triple Alliance In 1434
30) Who was Thomas Aquinas?: Invented scholasticism
31) By 1500, agriculture?: Was spread widely
32) What is feudalism?: System of military and political that tied lords together
33) In what year was Charlemagne able to establish a substantial, if temporary, empire in France and Germany?: AD 800
34) In what year did Pope Urban II call for the first crusade?: 1095 c.e
35) Because of its base in the universities of western Europe, the dominant medieval philosophical approach was referred to as?:
36) Pope Gregory IIV decreed the practice of investiture invalid. What was investiture?: State appointment of bishops
37) What group of peoples were responsible for the conquest of Kievan Russia in 1236?: Mongols
38) What were the primary export of the Byzantine Empire?: Silk, diamonds... iPod Shuffles.
39) After the 7th century, what group posed the greatest threat to the eastern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire?: Tators
40) What eastern emperor was responsible for the attempted restoration of a united Roman Empire after 533?: Justinian
41) In what year did the Ottoman Turks successfully capture Constantinople and bring the Byzantine empire to a close?: 1453
42) What were the major significant differences between the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations?: Aztec= Trade
43) What was the extent of merchant political power in the Byzantium?: Never gained political power because of elaborate systems of
government controls
44) Why did Vladimir I prefer Eastern Orthodoxy instead of Roman Catholic?: No papal influence
45) The religious controversy over the use of images in worship that broke out in the 8th century was called?: Iconoclasm
46) What was the impact of the improved economy after the 10th century on the social system of western Europe?: Pick up of
47) How did the introduction of feudal anarchy into England compare to the political experience of France?: Franks had mercenaries
so they pwned the English nights
48) What was the result of the conflict over the use of religious images in the Orthodox Church?: Statues not allowed
49) What two missionaries were responsible for the creation of a written script for Slavic language?: Cyril and Methodius
50) What was the extent of Western European influence in Kievan Russia?: Missionary attempts spread Christianity into Russia
51) What was manorialism?: Serfs were legally bond to land to work for Lords (not slaves!)
52) The version of Christianity that formed in the Byzantine Empire was?: Eastern Orthodoxy
53) The capital of the Inca empire was?: Cuzco
54) Aztec innovation for agriculture in lakes?: Chinampas
55) What is Marvin Haris' interpretation of the "Cannibal Kingdom"?: Lack of protein no animal sacrifice
56) What were causes of the schism in 1054?: Iconoclast, Pope was universal, Byzantine believed they were true heirs
57) Know the crusades from 1095-1492
58) What was the outcome on Justinian's wars on reconquest?: Wasted money, empire grew slightly
59) After Russia was invaded by the Tatars, what institutions stayed the same?: Aristocratic and religious

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