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中華民國107 年8月 第43卷 第8期

Vol. 43 No. 8 August 2018

Taiwan Panorama

Retro Is In!

中華民國一〇 七年八月


Reading the City

圖/文‧林旻萱 版面設計‧王敬勛

坐圖書館,有別於傳統方正 T he elegantly flowing lines of the National
Library of Public Information in Taichung
express the aesthetic concept of the flow of
出「知識之流」的美學概念, knowledge. Each facade of the building is
在建築師的巧思下每個立面都 unique, giving visitors the opportunity to ap-
有其獨特的景致,讓人們在此 preciate the beauty of modern architecture as
享受書香氣息的同時,也細細 they enjoy the library’s bookish atmosphere.
品味現代建築之美。 (photo and text by Lin Min-hsuan/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

一只老皮件、一件格紋紳士西裝、一個專 有「台灣泰拳教父」之稱的李智仁,教拳
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 為男士提供修容服務的理髮空間,這些帶著 超過17載,桃李滿天下,學員有來自日本、
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 陳銘政 人文氣息的配件與空間,散發出獨具時代感 法國、西班牙、杜拜⋯⋯等二十多國的拳手
Director: Henry M.J. CHEN
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君(代理)
Editor-in-Chief (acting): Ivan CHEN
的優雅,也象徵著一種風格與品味,這是冷 慕名來台拜師,學員們也積極參與國內外泰
副 總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ivan CHEN 冰冰的科技所無法取代的溫度。 拳和散打賽事。這間位於高雄的「仁李泰拳
文 稿 主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編/ 郭玉平 本期《光華》將帶讀者深入這「復古」 館」,有李教練「習武先習德」的教育理
Deputy Editor: Camille KUO
文 字 編 輯/ 鄧慧純 陳群芳 蘇俐穎
Writers: Cathy TENG, CHEN Chun-fang,
風潮背後的種種故事,看著老師傅與時俱進 念,加上紮實的基本功訓練,打出台灣泰拳
Lynn SU
版 面 主 編/ 胡如瑜 的觀念和積累數十載的工藝技術,連結起人 的一片天。
Director of Layout: HU Ju-yu

* * *
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 王敬勛
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, Henry WANG 與物的情感,讓這些看似舊時代的老派時
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: CHUANG Kung-ju
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
尚,經過時間的淬鍊,更加迷人。 一條連結世界的鋼索,不但乘載過台北
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱 * * * 101大樓來自世界各地的遊客,也讓受刑人
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR, 「教育」存在有種種形式,「孩子的書屋」 藉由纜線清洗的過程,感受重生的希望,更
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏
Japanese Editors: YAMAGUCHI Yukina,
在陳俊朗的帶領下,陪伴了台東偏遠部落的 透過藝術家康木祥之手,形塑出剛柔並濟的
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘 孩子們成長、茁壯,這些來自貧窮、單親等弱 台灣精神。其《雙生》(Twin Life)作品,
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong
勢家庭的孩子們,在書屋找到了自信與認同, 將捐贈供雙橡園永久典藏,讓鋼索藝術提升
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa 更重要的是,透過「子自教、食自耕、屋自 至公眾外交的另一層次。
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG 建」的方式,逐漸找回社區的凝聚力與熱情。 此外,《光華》編輯團隊前往泰國,深入
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei
綜合服務組長/ 陳淑英
撒可努的「獵人學校」,沒有一定得按表操 報導「泰國4.0」經濟發展計畫所引發的商
Chief of General Affairs: CHEN Shu-ing
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧 課的課綱,而是將原住民對萬物生靈的謙卑 機,以及當地台商的第一手資訊;加上台灣
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
發 行 組/ 何世隆
Circulation: HO Shih-lung 與尊重,以及與自然渾然一體的互動,透過實 醫療團隊在世界所推動的公衛醫療援助,如
社址/中華民國台灣台北市10051中正區天津街2號 際的教學體驗,傳承下去。每年其成員還會 協助史瓦帝尼降低產婦與嬰兒死亡率,以及
Address: No. 2, Tianjin Street, Taipei 10051,
Taiwan, ROC
郵政信箱/10099台北復興橋郵政第8-398號信箱 固定遠赴菲律賓呂宋島參加「科地雷拉日」 在貝里斯的腎臟病防治計畫等,盡在本期的
PO Box 8-398, Taipei Fuxing Bridge, Taipei City
10099, Taiwan, ROC
(Cordillera Day),與東南亞的南島語族交流。 專題報導中,不容錯過。 l
傳真機/ Fax: +886-2-2397-0655

Retro Styles, EDITOR’S NOTE

Reshaped Classics

O ld leather bags, checked suits, men’s

barbershops, and other such cultured
accessories and spaces have an elegance
Ran Lee, known as the “Father of Taiwan-
ese muay Thai,” has been teaching martial
arts for over 17 years. His students have
Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years
Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
US$72/2 years by airmail
North America: US$32/year,
that recalls a bygone era. They exude style included individuals from more than 20 US$55/2 years by regular mail
Elsewhere: US$45/year,

and taste, and a warmth that “cold” modern nations, including Japan, France, Spain, and US$80/2 years by airmail

technology just can’t replace. Dubai, and have competed in muay Thai and 原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

In this month’s cover story we explore the mixed martial arts competitions in Taiwan Taiwan Panorama
GPN: 2008000038 ISSN1991-525X

stories behind retro fashion, examining the and abroad. The Ran Lee Muaythai Gym’s 中華民國行政院新聞局出版事業登記證局版台誌

work of artists and tradespeople who are us- principle of “when learning to fight, first

ing their vast experience to reshape modern learn to be moral,” and its practical approach

ideas, forge emotional connections between to training, have created a market for muay

people and things, and make the “old fash- Thai in Taiwan. 郵政劃撥帳號/0128106-5外交部光華畫報雜誌
ioned” even hipper the second time around. Elevator cables from Taipei 101 have not 二年2600元

Education comes in many shapes and only carried countless visitors up and down Taiwan Panorama (USPS 000624) is published
monthly, US$32.00 per year, by Kwang Hwa
sizes. Chen Junlang’s Kids’ Bookhouse sup- that building, but have also given the prison Publishing (USA), Inc., 3731 Wilshire Blvd 104,
Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA. All rights reserved.
ports children growing up in remote parts inmates who helped clean them a sense of Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid
of Taitung, helping kids from single-parent rebirth. Sculptor Kang Muxiang has shaped at Los Angeles, California.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kwang
families and from backgrounds of poverty or the cables into works that embody the soft Hwa Publishing (USA), Inc., 3731 Wilshire Blvd
104, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA.

domestic violence to develop self-confidence and hard of Taiwan’s spirit, and his piece 美加地區讀者請逕向美國光華出版公司訂閱

and a sense of identity. The group’s focus on Twin Life is slated to become a part of the Readers in the US & Canada should subscribe
through Kwang Hwa Publishing (USA), Inc.

self-reliance is also helping indigenous com- permanent collection at the Twin Oaks Estate
● 美國光華出版公司 Kwang Hwa Publishing

(USA), Inc.

munities recover their social cohesion and in Washington, DC.

3731 Wilshire Blvd 104, Los Angeles, CA 90010,

passion. In this issue, we also report on the

Tel: 1-888-829-3866 Fax: 1-213-389-0021

Ahronglong Sakinu’s Hunter School Thailand 4.0 economic development plan

助理:吳佳穎 葛崇高
President: K.T. YANG
doesn’t offer a set slate of courses. Instead, and the opportunities it offers Taiwanese Assistants: WU Chia-ying, Thomas KOH

it strives to pass on Taiwanese Aborigines’ businesses, and write about the efforts of 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
view of the “oneness” of Nature, and their re- Taiwanese medical teams to improve public 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
spect for living things, through practical edu- health around the world, including initia- All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not be
reprinted without our permission.
cational experiences. School staff also attend tives to reduce maternal and child mortality If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
the annual Cordillera Day gathering on the in Eswatini and to control kidney disease in administrative editor.

Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
Philippine island of Luzon, to mingle with Belize. be gladly replaced.

other Austronesians from Southeast Asia. (Ivan Chen/tr. by Scott Williams)

CONTENTS 中華民國107年8月 第43卷 第8期 Vol. 43 No. 8 August 2018

8 封面故事 Cover Story

6 老派時尚
Retro Is In!

8 紳裝起義
Classics Never Go Out of Style
—The Return of the Bespoke Suit
文‧鄧慧純 圖‧林格立

20 20 重溫Barber時光
Traditional Skills and Heartfelt Interactions:
Barbershops Are Back!
文‧鄧慧純 圖‧林格立

28 用手作引領時尚
Ancient Crafts at the Forefront of Fashion
—Drifter and Grass Hill Jewelry
文‧李珊瑋 圖‧林旻萱

38 文「字」復興

28 編者的話
Editor’s Note
Postcards from Home
Calligraphic Comeback
—Handwriting Enjoys a Revival
文‧鄧慧純 圖‧莊坤儒

2 老派時尚‧經典再製 1 閱讀城市 52 月月好讀

Retro Styles, Reshaped Classics Reading the City Variety Pages
文‧陳亮君 圖/文‧林旻萱 劉崇鳳
影像對話 Photo Essay

56 白沙屯媽祖徒步進香紀實
封面說明: The Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage
從傳統文化深度挖掘、再創生,是老派時尚的精神。 圖‧光華攝影組 文‧莊坤儒
Cover: The spirit of retro fashion is to draw on the 全球視野 Global Outlook
wellsprings of traditional culture while adding innovative
new flourishes. (photo by Lin Min-hsuan, design by Hu Ju-yu)
66 海外存知己
The Power of Friendship:
Taiwan’s Public Health Diplomacy
文‧曾蘭淑 圖‧林旻萱

島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan

76 陪伴的進行式

By Your Side:
Taitung’s “Kids’ Bookhouse”
文‧曾蘭淑 圖‧林格立

藝文脈絡 Cultural Trends

88 綻放「鋼」柔之美
Soft as Steel
—The Cable Sculptures of Kang Muxiang
文‧陳亮君 圖‧康木祥工作室提供

產業新創 Entrepreneurship

98 布局東協新商機

Next Stop, ASEAN Opportunities!
Taiwanese Companies Board the
Thailand 4.0 Train
文‧蘇俐穎 圖‧林格立

多元族群 Communities

106 撒可努的獵人學校
Sakinu’s Hunter School
—Contributing the Wisdom of
Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples
文‧蘇俐穎 圖‧莊坤儒

106 116 泰拳教育在台灣

Ran Lee, Taiwan’s Father of Muay Thai
文‧郭玉平 圖‧林旻萱
封 面 故 事
老 派 時 尚

紳裝 Suit

Is In!
圖 ‧
版面設計 ‧

6 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

封 面 故 事

紳 裝 起 義
經 典 不 敗
Classics Never Go Out
of Style
——The Return of the
Bespoke Suit
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑

8 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

莊坤儒攝 photo by Chuang Kung-ju

若將時空倒回20世紀初的台北大稻埕,你可 全訂製西服強調手工縫製,已入行四十多年的鄭師傅仍能
能看到李春生、辜顯榮、張東榮、陳天來等商紳 A custom suit puts the emphasis on work by hand. With more
than 40 years of experience, master tailor Mr. Zheng still sews
穿著三件式的西裝,穿梭街頭的光景,那是台灣 tight, neat stitches.
時是高級男士訂製服專門店「高梧集」品牌經理 所在──大稻埕,巴洛克樣式的六館街尾洋式店
石煌傑所登高一呼的「Suit Walk」活動,將台北 屋裡創立「凱恩洋服」門市,在老空間裡繼續講
街頭化身為伸展舞台,上百名男士以紳士裝起義 述西服的故事,重振當年的榮華光景。
Suit Walk已舉辦第五屆,有七百多位紳裝愛好者
參與這場嘉年華會,紳士裝成了台北春季訂製的 16歲從苗栗上台北當學徒的范樓達,從事布料
風景。 批發已有38年了。他經歷訂製服大好的時代,消
西裝或許是許多人認知的老派時尚,惟經典 費者排隊挑布量身,布匹跑得飛快;也親睹訂製
不敗,近年隨著風潮再起,台灣西服訂製店林立 市場受成衣品牌衝擊而一路凋零。但范樓達仍堅
也別具一格,悄悄撼動在地的穿搭文化。 守著本業,更創業自立門戶,買下「凱恩洋服」
文史作家陳柔縉在《台灣西方文明初體驗》 跳下來做,他相信訂製服市場仍有可為,就看如
中,描述1910年代初期,台北大稻埕的茶商最早 何經營。
開風氣之先,剪髮易服,台灣西服的初體驗就發 老行業要翻轉得從心態上轉變,傳統西裝師傅
生在這街廓。2015年,范樓達在昔日西裝發跡的 剪裁沿襲舊有版型,只強調做工細緻,卻不了解

10 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

I n March of 2014 Taipei hosted its first Suit Walk,
an event organized by Brian Shih, brand manager
of the Gao Wu Collection, which is a bespoke men’s
apparel line and boutique. Taipei’s streets became
fashion runways as more than 100 men paraded
down them, breaking stereotypes about suits. Since
then the pageant of gentlemen’s attire has become
a regular spring ritual, with more than 700 dandies
participating in 2018, its fifth year.
Although the suit is a traditional and familiar
form of clothing, a classic never goes out of style,
and recent years have witnessed a renewed interest
in it. Taiwan is unique in featuring so many shops
offering custom-tailored suits. They are quietly
awakening a vibrant men’s sartorial culture.

In her book Taiwan’s First Experiences with Western

Culture, Chen Rou jin describes how, when teahouses
were first becoming popular in Taipei’s Da dao cheng
area around 1910, men began to cut off their long braids
and trade their traditional Qing-style garb for Western
suits. In this same neighborhood where Western suits
had their start in Taipei, Daniel Fan in 2015 established
Kaien Bespoke Tailoring, which has opened a new
chapter in the glorious history of tailored men’s suits.

Taking the client’s measurements and carrying out basted
fittings are important steps in the process of making a
bespoke suit.

Putting a youthful spin on classics

Fan moved from Miaoli to Taipei when he was
16 to work as an apprentice, and he has been in-
volved in the wholesale fabric trade for 38 years
now. He experienced the boom era for tailored
uniforms, when consumers would line up to
choose their fabric and get measured. He then
witnessed the damage that branded ready-to-wear
clothing caused the made-to-measure sector. Yet
Fan remained determined and adopted a more
entrepreneurial approach, buying Kaien Bespoke
Tailoring. The decision bore witness to his confi-
dence in the market for tailored clothes if only the
proper approach were taken.

消費者的需求,使得每件西裝看來都一成不變, 務於餐飲業,西裝是他的工作服,他接觸訂製服
自然不敵時尚趨勢。而范樓達深知訂製業要走出 後,發現成衣常見的褲子太短,或袖長不足,或
谷底,必定得跟著消費者的喜好,他邀請昔日凱 領圍過大,對訂製來說都不成問題,因為消費者
恩洋服的班底鄭師傅留任,15歲當學徒、18歲出 的身體就是西裝師傅的版型,衣服貼合著身體的
道的鄭師傅,在這行業逾40個年頭。鄭師傅經驗 線條,修飾身型,再加上布料的質感,讓外表大
老道,客人指定的款式他看一眼就能作,他說: 大加分。穿得體面,增加自信,也提升工作上的
「現在的客人都要求要有設計感」,他的工作檯 專業感,是他最切身的感受。
旁貼了許多客戶找來的西裝照片,「客人讓我們 在台灣穿西裝總被認為老派,或被調侃「要去
學習,有要求我們就去研究。」老師傅與時俱進 喝喜酒」、「要去相親」,西裝被視為很目的性
的觀念和積累數十年的工藝,讓凱恩洋服能在蕭 的服飾,Chris說那起因於「不了解」。其實西裝
條的訂製市場站穩根基。 的發展已融入不同風格混搭,不用拘泥於成套的
網路上有人稱范樓達為「布料界的軍火之 呈現,Chris常利用單品組合,展現個人風格,並
王」,擁有價值超過七千萬台幣的布匹,為消費 化作他日常生活的穿搭。
Suit Walk緣起
因。 讓紳士裝成為台灣男性一貫的日常,是S u i t
一開始,范樓達以55歲以上的長者為目標客 Wa l k 創 辦 人 的 石 煌 傑 的 心 願 , 有 人 問 他 舉 辦
源,卻發現他們雖然可以投資高單價的品項,但 Suit Walk的目標,「我想的是有一天不需要Suit
鮮少二度消費;反而是年輕世代很勇於投資自 Walk,紳士裝已成為一般男士穿搭的品項,就不
己。目前凱恩的消費族群年齡平均約35歲,回 需要大張旗鼓的走上街頭了。」
客率約有八成,每個月的新鮮客至少有30名。更 30歲前都在百貨零售業工作,西裝是石煌傑
有一群朋友把凱恩當據點,幾乎每周三到門市報 的工作服,但身材瘦小的他,在成衣市場買不到
到,聊西裝、談配件。C h r i s是凱恩的常客,服 適合的尺寸,讓他探入訂製服的領域,才發現

12 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

范樓達收藏的布匹,提供消費者繽紛亮眼的選擇,深受年輕 more choices. That’s also a key factor in why Kaien is
Daniel Fan stocks an immense selection of fabrics, offering
attracting young people.
consumers colorful and eye-catching choices that particularly At first, Fan was designing for customers over 55. He
appeal to the younger generation.
discovered that although they could invest more money
in a suit, they rarely were repeat customers. The younger
generation, meanwhile, were boldly investing in them-
To transform any old-established industry, one must selves. Currently, Kaien’s average customer is about 35,
start by changing attitudes. Traditional master tailors and 80% of its clientele are repeat customers. The shop
who simply follow the old styles, stressing the fine typically has about 30 new customers in a month. And
quality of their work but not understanding consumers’ there are even a group of friends that treat Kaien as a
needs, will naturally not be able to keep up with the hangout spot, coming in often to touch base and discuss
trends of the time. Master Zheng was one of Kaien’s old suits and accessories. Chris Chu is a regular who works
tailors whom Fan asked to stay on. In the business for in the restaurant industry. Suits are his work attire. A
more than 40 years, Zheng says, “Current customers all tailored suit that complements the lines of his body and
demand a sense of design.” He has affixed many cus- that has a nice feel to its fabric makes him look good and
tomer-supplied photographs of suits next to his work- adds to his confidence and sense of professionalism at
bench. With a glance, he can figure out how to make work. The transformation it imparts is keenly felt.
them. As an old master tailor with both up-to-date ideas The idea in Taiwan that suits are old fashioned or
and craftsmanship that has been honed over many de- suitable only for going to weddings or to meetings with
cades, he has helped Kaien to gain a stable footing de- matchmakers and potential wives, says Chu, is based on
spite a depressed market for tailored clothes. misunderstanding. The truth is that suits have absorbed
Fan has also made good use of social media such many different styles and fashions over the years, and
as Facebook and Instagram. What’s more, he holds an one needn’t always wear a complete suit. Chu often
immense stock of select fabrics worth more than NT$70 mixes and matches different pieces. It’s a way for him to
million, which allows him to provide consumers with express a little personal style in his everyday life.

紳裝 Suit

Say No,這個不行,那個不好看,石煌傑為了完
2013年在P P T開設西裝版, 2014年舉辦「S u i t
2018年,Suit Walk第五屆了,有七百多名精心
諸多配件, 談到穿衣風格,石煌傑提供他個人有趣但未經
With the right accessories, you 證實的社會觀察,他發現以35歲和65歲兩個時
can enhance your appearance and
show your good taste. 間為切點,台灣35∼65歲間的男性普遍不重視

14 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

The origins of Suit Walk
Brian Shih’s motivation was to make
gentlemen’s clothing a regular part of daily
life in Taiwan. He says that when people
ask him what his goal is for organizing
Suit Walk, he replies: “One day I want Suit
Walk to be unnecessary—because tailored
suits will have become such a basic part of
a typical man’s wardrobe and life that tak-
ing to the street for them with great fanfare
is no longer necessary.”
Before Shih was 30, suits were his work
attire. Yet Shih, who is small and wiry,
couldn’t buy properly fitted clothing on
the ready-to-wear market. That pushed
him to the realm of bespoke tailoring. It
was only then that he discovered that “or-
dering custom-tailored clothing is quite
a long and involved process.” So many
details—from the style, to the fabric, to the
accessories—require attention. Afterwards,
because of the demands of his job, he
translated some Western documents about
suits into Chinese and shared them with
friends and on his Office Dandy Blog. In
2004 he launched Suit Walk.
Shih notes that most participants are
under 35, with the 20–35 cohort accounting
for 80%, and with most of those working
in IT. “This matches Taiwan’s economy
overall, and it has allowed us to under-
stand that this group of people are not at
liberty to wear what they want in their
workplaces,” Shih explains. Because the
Chinese word for suit—xizhuang or “Western wear”— Suit Walk的創辦人石煌傑,希望喚醒台灣男士的穿著意識。
is a term loaded with stereotypical associations, he Brian Shih, Suit Walk’s founder, aims to raise a sense of fashion
among Taiwan’s men.
has substituted the term shenshizhuang—“gentlemen’s
garb”—for it. In terms of style, it allows the suit greater
flexibility: You can match it with a polo shirt, jeans or
sneakers. In that manner, suits are no longer standard- they wear, but men over 65 or under 35 are concerned
ized, so that one’s individual sartorial freedom is no about being well dressed and having a personal sense
longer suppressed. of style. These tendencies are connected to industrial
When speaking about clothing styles, Shih offers transformation. At one point, when Taiwan’s economy
his own personal observations about society. He draws was dominated by trading companies, it was import-
major lines at the ages of 35 and 65: Men between 35 ant to dress well for business purposes. “The export
and 65 typically don’t put much emphasis on what trade put an emphasis on face-to-face communication,

紳裝 Suit
Bespoke Suit

思考過的穿衣選擇 「高梧集」的選品不過度奢華,只秉持事物的合理樣態。
The Gao Wu Collection isn’t overly luxurious. Rather, it holds to
an ethos of rationality and appropriateness.
工作時要呈現的樣態更應該被重視。面對如此現 乏可仿效的icon,工作裡沒有可模仿的前輩,整
況,石煌傑想要去「搖晃」台灣35∼65歲這世代 個世代普遍匱乏穿搭的意識;但台灣這群不太懂
的穿著意識。 得穿衣的世代擁有的消費力,卻是翻轉訂製市場
他常說:「紳士裝是你面對世界的第一張名 最大的契機,石煌傑因此認為「這個世代需要被
片。」外表是無聲的語言,透露諸多隱而未現的 晃動」。
訊息與線索。身為Suit Walk的創辦者,石煌傑並 石煌傑創辦「高梧集」,想從市場端提供消
沒有強迫大家一定要穿西裝,在他的觀念裡,重 費者更多品項與選擇。以中文為名,因為他認為
點是「思考過後的選擇」,自身經過思考後,選 裁縫是貼近人們生活的在地化產業。「高梧」的
擇以何種樣態面對世界。 典故來自《儒林外史》的:「鳳止高梧,蟲吟小
「訂製西裝是一個『問自己』的過程,你是什 榭。」「鳳」是雄鳥,屬百鳥之王,鳳只棲於
麼樣子的人?處在什麼樣的環境?你生活的樣態是 「梧桐」的神木,因此「高梧集」意指「屬於男
如何?」在全訂製服的世界中,消費者首先要習慣 性高檔選品的集合」。
的就是「做決定」,而這源自對自己的了解。 「高梧集」的選品不過度奢華,只秉持事物的
「我們對這件事情思考得太少。」石煌傑說。 合理樣態。他推薦男士使用吊帶,只因吊帶能完
35∼65歲這個世代,求學時期被校方嚴格管束外 美固定西褲的位置,讓褲型線條好看;紳士裝的
表,脫掉制服之後,缺乏練習與選擇,社會上缺 禮儀不能看到裸腿,因此襪子的重點在於長度,

16 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

but the rise of the IT industry moved us from
communicating with people to communicating
with machines, and we gradually forgot how
to dress well.” People from 35 to 65 are the age
group that experienced that shift from industry
toward information processing. When one is
spending most of one’s time in front of a com-
puter and rarely interacting with people, one
naturally grows not to care much about one’s
outward appearance.
Considered sartorial choices
Shih says, “Your suit is the first name card
that you present to the world.” He doesn’t try
to force people to wear suits. Rather, in his view
the important thing is that “the choice is made
after proper consideration.” One must decide
which look to put on for the world to see.
“Getting a tailored suit made involves ask-
ing yourself: What kind of person are you?
What environment are you in? What is your
lifestyle truly like?” In Shih’s view, “We don’t
consider these matters enough.” When the
35–65 cohort was in school, educational insti-
tutions strictly controlled the students’ appear-
ance. Once they set aside their uniforms, they
lacked practice and experience
with making sartorial
choices. At work,
they saw few

good examples among their seniors. That entire

generation lacked a consciousness about wearing
clothes. But their spending power still presents a
great opportunity. Therefore, Shih has resolved,
“This generation needs shaking up.”
The concept for Shih’s Gao Wu Collection is
to provide consumers with more products and
choices. The name “Gao Wu” is an allusion to a line
from the classic Chinese novel The Scholars: “The phoe-
nix perches high in the Chinese parasol tree while the
calls of crickets resound in the pavilion.” The phoenix is
a male bird—the king of birds—and it lives only in tall
樣態。 Chinese parasol trees. Hence, the meaning of the Gao
Gentlemen’s wear demonstrates a (“high”) Wu Collection is “a collection of high-quality
sensible attitude about life.
products for men.”

襪子的薄度,不影響到鞋子的尺寸(單一尺寸襪 舉辦Suit Walk是希望從市場面晃動台灣男性的
子為滿足其伸展的拉力布料做得較厚)。這不是 穿衣文化,讓紳士裝不再只是特殊的存在,而是
過分講究,只是合理的標準,成就一名男士合宜 優雅自信的展現。當有消費者願意穿上紳士裝,
的樣態。 走上街頭,才有廠商能嗅到商機,媒體發現端
除了從市場面晃動消費者對紳士裝的想像 倪,進而採訪報導,有更多人知曉紳士裝的精神
外,石煌傑也從製作端革新。觀察國外市場現 後,才能形成一股浪潮,撼動市場,石煌傑說著
況,可見裁縫師優雅地工作著、知識豐富的業 自己對翻轉市場的想法。
務員則提供專業諮詢,整體產業充滿對訂製西 凱恩洋服的范樓達則從製作端努力,他不計成
服的美好想像,但台灣卻不復可見。在「高梧 本地培育工班,學徒多是二十多歲、有志於此的年
集」,一套訂製的紳士裝完整的工時一定足兩 輕人。一名紳士裝師傅的養成約需兩年,店裡兩位
個月,其中包含兩次的毛胚試穿和一次成衣試 資歷豐富的師傅坐鎮指導、傾囊相授,學徒已可親
穿,店家不替消費者趕製衣服,這不僅較接近 上第一線,為顧客量身,累積各種特殊體型需求的
國際上全訂製西服工作的時程,也是一種較合 實務經驗,希望將訂製文化、工藝繼續傳承。
理的工作狀態,希望能讓投入此產業的後進者 范樓達希望讓紳士裝的風格成為台灣男性每日
對未來有願景、有想像。 必備的時尚。對石煌傑而言,紳士裝展現的就是
Suit Walk號召紳士裝愛好者走上街頭,要晃動台灣男士的
Suit Walk calls for lovers of suits to hit the streets in their finest. 過總總細節,呈現最合宜的自己,而這或許能提
It aims to shake up the sartorial culture for men in Taiwan.
(courtesy of Brian Shih) 供當下快時尚的消費型態另一種思考與解答。 l

18 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Apart from shaking up consumers’ ideas about
gentlemen’s wear, Shih has introduced reforms on the
tailoring side as well. The Gao Wu Collection doesn’t
hurry the process of making a suit. It requires a full two
months to complete a custom-tailored suit—first with
two basted fittings, and then with a trial wearing of the
finished suit. It’s close to the process used internation-
ally for bespoke suits and is a more reasonable mode of
working—one that Shih hopes will give those entering
the industry greater optimism about their future.
Enlarging markets, cultivating talent
Putting on Suit Walk allows tailored suits to tran-
scend the narrow confines of traditional spaces and en-
ables their wearers to present themselves with elegance
and confidence. Only when consumers are willing to
wear suits to walk down the street will firms smell busi-
ness opportunities and the media take notice, explains
Shih as he discusses his vision of market transforma-
tion. Only when more people become familiar with the
spirit that animates tailored suits, can this newfound
understanding turn into a wave that shakes the market.
Kaien’s Daniel Fan, meanwhile, is working hard on
the production side, sparing no expense in cultivating
his team. His apprentices are mostly 20-somethings who
aspire to work in the field. Two senior masters in the
shop give instruction, drawing on their wealth of expe-
rience. Under Master Zheng’s guidance, these appren-
tices can now handle the first stage in the suit-making
你今天選擇以何種樣態面對世界呢? process by themselves, taking clients’ measurements.
Which look should you put on for the world today?
They have accumulated much real-world experience
about the needs of different body types. It is hoped that
these apprenticeships will help to pass down both the
Items in the Gao Wu Collection aren’t overly luxu- skills and the culture of custom tailoring.
rious. Rather, they are simply reasonable. Shih recom- Daniel Fan aims to make the wearing of gentlemen’s
mends that gentlemen wear suspenders, because only clothing an essential part of daily life. For Brian Shih,
suspenders can perfectly keep suit pants in their proper these clothes serve to demonstrate an appropriate life-
position. According to etiquette, one shouldn’t catch a style. In truth, when one’s sartorial sense is awakened,
glimpse of a gentleman’s bare leg. Consequently, the one is better equipped to face the world. Needing to
key issue regarding socks is their length. Long socks wait for a tailored suit to be completed means that one
are traditionally worn to the top of the calf so that they must pass through a process of self-doubt and self-
don’t slip down. Because “one-size-fits-all” socks are understanding that leads eventually to revealing the
thicker in case they need to be stretched, the shop only most reasonable version of oneself. In comparison to the
sells sized socks to ensure that their thickness won’t instant gratification found through fast fashion, this pro-
affect shoe size. This isn’t an unreasonable approach. cess offers alternative solutions and ways of thinking. l
These are sensible and appropriate standards that shape (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
the reasonable appearance of a gentleman. tr. by Jonathan Barnard)

封 面 故 事

重溫 Barber 時光
傳 續 技 藝 , 真 心 交 陪
Traditional Skills and
Heartfelt Interactions:
Barbershops Are Back!
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑

20 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

跟著父親走進那專屬於男性的空間,男孩的身高 I am sure many men still vividly recall going to a
traditional barbershop with their father. Not yet tall
enough for the seats in those all-male spaces, they might
have found themselves seated on a washboard booster
stretched across the barber’s chair, while their father
敷面,兩鬢、腮間再塗滿白白的刮鬍膏,阿姨的 had his hair trimmed and his face shaved by the auntie
刀在臉上舞得飛快;修剪長度後,把頭髮後梳, working there. After the cutting and brushing, the barber
再擦上髮油,就像電影《阿飛正傳》裡的梁朝偉 would work in a little pomade to make the new ’do look
一般瀟灑。 as slick as Tony Leung’s in Days of Being Wild.
但曾幾何時,年輕世代走不進男性專屬的理 But then the younger generation stopped going to

髮院,理髮文化發生斷層;所幸近年來,有人試 male-only shops, cutting Taiwan’s traditional barber-

ing culture off at the root. Fortunately, some people are
now trying to bring it back.

轉進永康街的巷弄內,忽見建物外牆上一幅 At first glance, the large, colorful painting on an

彩繪壁畫,仿自世界名畫〈最後的晚餐〉的構 exterior wall in the Yongkang Street neighborhood ap-
圖,畫裡的人物卻個個西裝油頭,氣氛時尚而摩 pears to be a copy of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper, but one
登。牆上「紳室商號」4個大字,英文「Barber’s in which Western suits and slicked-back hair provide a
Select」直指空間的功能,「我們想為男性打造專 modern feel. The text that stretches across the front of
the table at which they sit offers viewers the name and
function of the space inside: “Barber’s Select.”
紳室商號:打造男士專屬空間 Barber’s Select: A male space
Barber’s Select was established by “Canle” (Xu You-
lun), “Ali” (Chen Weili) and a group of like-minded
立的,因為在台灣,男性可以去打理儀容的地方 friends. Their common goal: “We wanted to create
選擇太少,不是廉價的百元理髮,不然就是以女 a space just for men. The guys who come here don’t
性客群為主的沙龍。反觀在國外,「Barber比較 necessarily want a haircut. It’s a place where they can
像一個社區型的空間,大家在這邊聊天、交流, sip a drink, chat, and relax.”

分享訊息。」在美髮界有二十多年資歷的Canle The interior of the shop is purposefully styled in

blacks, whites, and grays to give it a masculine at-
mosphere. Its exposed brick walls, classic photos of
Elvis, ancient game console, and 70s and 80s
男性專屬的空間,來這邊不一定要理 playlist just add to the male “vibe.”
髮,可以小飲、閒聊、放鬆的地方。」 Whether you’ve come for a beer,
室內空間別有用心 to watch a game, or to drop
地以黑白灰色調為 a few coins into the “Street
主,略帶陽剛的氣 Fighter” console, it pro-
vides a comfortable
place in which to be a
The space in which
感的遊戲機,空氣中飄盪的 the barbers work is
是七○、八○年代的音樂, separated from the rest
營造「男性專屬的空間」。來 of the shop by a floor-to-
到這兒,或是喝杯啤酒,看場 ceiling folding gate that
creates an almost stage-like

不可不回溯到2013年的Auntie’s Barber Shop。


Auntie’s Barber Shop是由20世代的Willy(黃偉

Wi l l y介紹許多朋友給阿姨剪髮,朋友看到店
少記憶的《快打旋風》,或是品賞櫥櫃裡台灣設 嗎?」他總不厭其煩地說服:「真的啦,去試試
計師品牌的物件,男性的空間要求不多,就是舒 看。」沒想到,大家一試成主顧,「你可以想像在
服、自在。 那種很old style的店裡,外面都是年輕人在排隊,
屬於理髮師大展身手的工作區,則以剪刀門區 常常要排一、兩個小時才輪得到。」Willy補充。
隔,墊高地面,營造類似舞台的效果,鋪上黑白 創業的契機始於Wi l l y的美國之旅,見識了從
相間的磁磚,木作的鏡台搭配復古的理容椅,又 小到大憧憬的美國文化,也看到當地正興起的
讓空間一改面貌,專業且大氣。工作區中理髮師 Barber 風潮,回國後的Willy想著,「阿姨在做的
Esa(林雨軒)正在為年輕的男士服務,她解釋客 事情,其實是一模一樣的,但是台灣沒有用對的
人的感覺很陽光,修短較為適宜,她將男士兩側 方式把它重新包裝。」另方面也覺得「阿姨值得
的頭髮剃短,留了一些鬢角,看起來更穩重。後 有更好的環境跟待遇」,因此他邀請阿姨一起創
腦杓的頭髮以電剪推高層次,再細細刻出一條側 業,只有兩張理髮椅,一張小沙發的「Auntie’s
分線,讓造型更顯俐落且好整理,也是近年最流 Barber Shop」1號店,2013年在天母開幕了。
行的造型。 挺過剛創業的艱苦期,透過網路曝光和顧客的
已有十多年理髮資歷的E s a,她說男性理髮比 口碑相傳,Auntie’s成功地被消費者接受,成為天
較刁鑽,比較考究,像在雕刻;她喜歡看著客人 母必訪的打卡景點,許多來台的背包客都會選擇
剪完髮後,神采奕奕的樣子,而這也是「紳室商 來Auntie’s造型,留下台灣特別的回憶。
號」希望為男性創造的模樣。 爆滿的人潮,預約得排3個月以上,Willy開始
已開業一年多的「紳室商號」,別具特色的 籌劃2號店,又找了兩位阿姨進來一起服務,延
外觀在文青風的永康街或許有點標新立異,經營 續Auntie’s的風格。

22 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

effect. We watch while a barber named Esa (Lin Yuxuan) Auntie’s: Reaching across generations
works on a young man’s hair. As she shaves the hair Founded by 20-something “Willy” ( Huang Wei jia)
from both sides of her customer’s head, she explains and 40-something “Auntie” (Guo Yuxiu), Auntie’s Barber
that short hair better suits his sunny disposition. She Shop is a cross-generational partnership.
uses electric clippers to create a taller layer at the back of The two met when Willy came to her as a teenager
his head, and then tidies it up and brings it in line with looking for a new hairstyle, and they’ve been friends ever
current styles by cutting a careful part into the side. since. Though she worked in a traditional barbershop,
Barber’s Select’s exterior may look a little out of place Auntie’s skills and originality enabled her to create fash-
in the arty Yongkang Street neighborhood, but many of ionable hairdos that suited her customers well. A unique
the shop’s customers in their forties and fifties say they individual, she was also able to talk to her young custom-
feel as if they’ve finally found a comfortable “male” ers about virtually anything they had on their minds, and
space. “Seventy or 80% of the people who try us out share advice on matters of the heart and life in general.
come back for another visit.” In addition to being en- Willy brought many of his friends to Auntie for
couraging to the Barber’s Select team, that return rate is haircuts in those days, all of whom went on to become
indicative of a resurgence in Taiwan’s barber culture.
Founded in 2017 as an integrated space providing
haircuts and other items, Barber ’s Select is a unique
new entrant into the market. But if we want to fully ex- 手的舞台。
plore this new barbering trend, we should look at Aun- At Barber’s Select, the barbers show off their skills in a black-
and-white tiled workspace separated from the rest of the shop by
tie’s Barber Shop, which was established in 2013. a folding gate.

在1號店裡,郭玉秀剛服務完客人,一坐下 道理。踏入Auntie’s,除了音樂、吹風機的聲響
來,加入採訪就說:「Auntie’s今天的成果,大家 外,更多的是談話的笑語聲,空間環繞著愉快的
都說我是Willy的貴人,其實不對,我們是雙方的 氛圍。Willy說,阿姨有特異功能,她記得每一位
貴人。」 客人來自哪裡,從事的工作,上回聊天的內容,
郭玉秀成長於理髮世家,傳統的「理髮廳」只 這回可以再繼續;曾碰過客人出車禍或是生娃兒
服務男性,「髮廊」則是女性專屬,可說是涇渭 的喜事,阿姨還會包紅包給客人,這份體貼的心
分明。郭玉秀曾經離開理髮界一段時間,再回來 意與溫暖,讓收到紅包的客人很多都把它當作護
時,卻發現昔日門庭若市的理髮廳只剩下老人和 身符。
小孩,年輕人都不踏進理髮店了。 阿姨從小勤練的一手好手藝,她反而感謝大家,
重拾剪刀,她觀察時下年輕人的喜好,並自 「如果不是那麼多的帥哥給我加持,給我練習,我
己超越突破,將鬢角稍加修飾,讓臉看起來立 今天不會剪得那麼好。」說完她哈哈大笑。理髮店
摩的傳統,工序一點都不馬虎。認識Wi l l y後,
阿姨的人生更有大轉變,還是從事理髮這一 「紳室商號」想為男性打造一個專屬的空間。
Barber’s Select aims to create a space where men can feel
行,只是她一手精湛的手藝更有了傳人,2號店 at ease.

24 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

regulars. “Just picture it,” says Willy. “An
old-fashioned barbershop with young
people lined up outside, often waiting an
hour or two for their turn!”
He broached the idea of going into
business with her after a trip to the
United States, where he saw enthusiasm
for barbershops reemerging. When he re-
turned to Taiwan, he realized that Auntie
was already doing much the same thing,
but that no one in Taiwan was yet cor-
rectly packaging her type of service. Feel-
ing that Auntie deserved better working
conditions and better pay than she had at
that time, he suggested that they start a
shop together. The two opened their first
Auntie’s Barber Shop in Taipei’s Tianmu
district in 2013.
After making it through the difficult
early days, Internet exposure and positive
word-of-mouth turned their shop into
a must-see Tianmu destination. Foreign
backpackers even began turning up at
Auntie’s looking for a stylish cut.
In fact, demand became so high that
the wait time for an appointment stretched
to more than three months. Willy began
planning a second shop, and found two
more “aunties” to work alongside Auntie
and extend her stylistic vision.
Working from the heart
Having just finished styling a cus-
tomer at their first shop in Tianmu, Aun-
tie sits down for our interview and says: “When people 在Auntie’s,男士放鬆地把「髮事」交給理髮師處理,享受
see the shop’s success, they think that I was Willy’s
Men enjoy taking some time for themselves at Auntie’s, relaxing
benefactor. But that’s not true. We’ve been each other’s while the shop’s barbers handle their hair.

Auntie’s life has changed a great deal since meeting
Willy. She is still cutting hair, but she has become even particularly momentous, whether the good fortune of
more skilled and has personally trained nearly all of the having a baby or the misfortune of a car accident, she
young stylists working at their second shop. gives him a red envelope.
Stepping into Auntie’s, you enter a joyful space in Auntie is grateful to all her clients for her hair-
which the sounds of conversation dominate those of the cutting skills. “I wouldn’t be nearly the barber I am to-
music and the hair driers. Willy says that Auntie has a day if it hadn’t been for all these handsome men letting
unique ability to remember details about their custom- me practice on them,” she says, then guffaws. Barbering
ers’ lives. When one of them has experienced something is hard work, but she enjoys it.

Auntie’s tools have seen more than 20 years of service.

的工作很辛苦,但是她忙得快樂,累得歡喜。 感,是踏進Auntie’s就能感受到的氣氛。
阿姨的一言一行影響著大家。Willy在訪問中, 阿姨的信念,這群年輕人也都聽進去了,這也
總是不斷地提到夥伴們的努力與幫忙,把成就歸 成了Auntie’s 的文化,延續在日常中。「我們都
功於團隊,把舞台讓給大家。來學技藝兩年的汪 算是阿姨的翻譯,講白一點,阿姨把她的所知與
志誠提到,Auntie’s的團隊像個大家庭,「有阿姨 信念日復一日的跟我們講,我們理解後,再把它
在就是很溫暖的地方。」 傳下去。」Willy說。
D a v i d(顏峻誠)是Wi l l y的高中同學,除了 這樣的心意,成就了Auntie’s的成功。Barber雖
一起給阿姨理髮外,更被邀請為Auntie’s的合夥 是外國傳來的文化,天母是外國人聚居的商圈,
人,負責技術以外的管理事務。David當初也沒 但阿姨的服務能打破語言的隔閡,讓外國友人體
預料到會投入這行業,接觸到形形色色的客人, 驗到台灣特有的服務,「even better」David轉述
看著阿姨對客人的用心,他也學著把客人像朋 外國友人的回饋。
友一樣交往,像是每月定期會碰面的朋友,分 曾經,年輕的一代不願踏入男子理髮店,以為
享著工作上的高峰低潮,一支菸,一席對談, 那是過時的老派時尚,但卻有年輕的後進者,守
Auntie’s是可以讓男士自在卸下心防的地方。他 住了文化,有傳承、有突破。「相信這件事情無
喜歡看著男士一個人到店裡來,享受屬於自己的 論是對我們、或是對文化都是件好事。」Wi l l y
時間;也有父親帶著兒子一起來體驗Barber,像 說。當初的起心動念,造就了Barber文化的百花
個傳統儀式般,打造父子的專屬回憶。David總 齊放, 讓Barber不只是讓男性打理自己門面的地
是像朋友般惦記著顧客,常常他腦中想著誰許久 方,也有男孩陪父親上理髮廳的記憶,亦是分享
沒出現了,隔週人就出現。這樣以真心交陪的情 男人心事的歇腳處。 l

26 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

She’s also become an influential figure that people tion to what Auntie has to say. In fact, it is her conver-
listen to. sation and advice that shape and maintain the shop’s
“David” (Yan Juncheng), a high-school classmate of culture.
Willy’s, is also a partner in the business and manages These good vibes are at the heart of the shop’s suc-
its non-technical matters. Watching the care with which cess. While barbershop culture is a foreign import, and
Auntie treats customers, David has learned to interact Tianmu itself a gathering spot for Taiwan’s expatriates,
with them as friends who he happens to see once a Auntie bridges the language divide and enables non-
month. They share a cigarette and a conversation, per- Taiwanese to experience something distinctly Taiwan-
haps talking about highs and lows at work. Auntie’s ese. David says that Auntie’s gives this foreign import
is the kind of place where men can relax and let down back to international visitors in a form that’s even better
their defenses. David enjoys seeing men come in alone than the original.
to have some time to themselves, and fathers introduc- Barbershops fell out of favor with Taiwan’s young
ing their sons to the barbershop experience and creating people for a time because young people viewed them as
treasured memories together. The sincerity of the hu- old fashioned. But the younger generation’s rediscovery
man interactions permeates the atmosphere at Auntie’s. of barbershop culture is preserving and reinvigorating
The young men who come to the shop pay real atten- it. The idea to open a Taiwanese barbershop has blos-
somed into a vibrant barbershop culture, turning these
spaces into places that men see as their own, where
Willy、阿姨和David三人合作,真心與客人交陪, fathers and sons can forge memories, and men can talk
傳承Barber文化。 about what’s on their minds. l
Willy, Auntie, and David treat their customers with openness
and sincerity, and are working together to pass on Taiwan’s (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
barbershop culture. tr. by Scott Williams)

封 面 故 事

旅 人 革 製 & 草 山 金 工

Ancient Crafts at the Forefront

of Fashion
——Drifter and Grass Hill Jewelry
文•李珊瑋 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•蕭郢岑

28 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

不會在作品完成時結束,而是一個開啟,隨著時 一把生鏽的鑰匙,鎖著一室的心血,一百多種
光的遞嬗,緜延無盡。 手作版樣,就是「旅人革製」最大的財富。推開
本土青年創業家「旅人革製」與「草山金 工作室的格子玻璃門,一股濃郁的皮革香氣,迎
工」,透過手作,牽引出靈魂深層的記憶基因, 面撲來。
穿越時空與千古的技藝,在文明的洪流裡相遇。 用老房子拆除的梁柱,拼接成堅實寬厚的工作
這股懷舊的時尚風潮,已然蓬勃興起,不僅在台 枱。「旅人革製」的主人——許騏,擅長讓老物
灣發光,也閃耀國際。 件再現生命力。每一根古樸的木頭,都承載著光
Bags from the “Heritage” line have a simple, timeless appearance. 前,許騏幡然醒悟,聆聽心靈的告白,找回自我




「D r i f t e r」是旅人的英文品牌,許騏選用的

30 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Hsu Chi, a graduate of Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts
School, takes up his tools with practiced ease and be-
gins cutting leather. “I worked in advertising for ten
years,” he says. But six years ago he had an epiphany
that inspired him to return to his real passion.
Growing up in the atmosphere of traditional crafts-
manship, he felt that the consummate skills of the old
masters were about to be lost, and he yearned to save
the treasured craft.
Hsu Chi’s left thumb bears a deep scar. “People who
like to work with leather generally have hands covered
with scars large and small.”
It is as if the craft has marked his hands to remind
them of the difficulty of the work.
Unlike the precision of machine-made products,
handicrafts require considerable hand–eye coordination
and intense concentration. Quality can be lost through
the slightest mistake. Because each craftsperson applies
their strength differently and each piece of leather has
its own unique qualities, each product is one of a kind.

(left) Specialized leatherworking tools are used to create
exquisite handmade leather goods.

(below) When learning to make leather bags by hand, students
must be meticulous in their work.

E ach craft product possesses a unique life, and

the passion of its creator is transmitted through
the warmth of the maker’s hands.
Through the hands of youthful local entrepre-
neurs—leatherworking studio Drifter, and silver-
smiths Grass Hill Jewelry—lost arts and old memo-
ries are being rekindled. The trend for bygone handi-
crafts is flourishing both in Taiwan and abroad.

The vitality of old things

A rusty key unlocks the marvels of the leatherworker’s
studio, and a hundred-plus patterns are Drifter’s most
valued treasure. Upon opening the glass door to the stu-
dio, the rich aroma of leather permeates the air.

Drifter’s teaching workshop allows people to express their creativity.
It provides a space for experimenting with retro fashions.

護出獨特的古樸表情。 用。」許騏欣慰來光顧的客人,都有相同的情
「皮箱對我有種奇特的吸引力,當年它是一種 懷。「科技產品孕育不出手作的溫度。」
身分的象徵。」為了找回那種失傳已久的韻味, 從2013年在當代藝術館開班授課,到自立門戶
「我到處去找舊箱子,然後把它分解,研究工 教學,許騏提供喜愛皮件的人,一個實現夢想的
法,還原出百年前的樣貌。」 舞台。「讓皮革手感溫度能延續下去。」
厚實古拙的皮箱,牽引出懷舊的思緒,在流行 至今已有二千多人次的學員來體會傳統工藝的
風潮中,自有它獨特的魅力。一如「旅人革製」 深度。在一針一線中,用雙手撰寫難以忘懷的故
所有的商品,都有一股內斂的古典時尚風韻。即 事與記憶。「我希望吸引更多人來接觸革製。」
使站上精品的舞台,也絲毫不會遜色。 當學習傳統工藝形成風潮,傳承就可以逐夢踏
很多國外觀光客,看到這種復古的手工皮革 實。
包,立刻愛不釋手。當旅人漂泊時,很自然地把 「當我們被傳統工藝感動時,就開始探索老
台灣手作復興之美,分享到世界各地。 文化的迷人之處。」因為省思,迸發出傳統和現
傳統手藝傳承給年輕一輩。」他期望把這份對台灣 走進「草山金工」二樓的工作室,裡面傳來叮
原創設計及老文化的摯愛,代代傳承,永不斷層。 叮咚咚的敲擊聲。大片的玻璃窗,引進一室碧綠
「客戶送回來維修的包包,看得出來有在 的光影,學員們坐在專業整潔的金工桌前,專注

32 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

The craze for retro suitcases Hsu began teaching his craft at the Museum of Con-
“Leather suitcases held a particular fascination for me,” temporary Art, Taipei in 2013 and later set up his own
Hsu says. “It was like a symbol of identity at the time.” workshop to create a place where people can indulge
In order to recapture that long-lost charm, he tracked their love of leatherworking. “In this way, passion for
down old leather suitcases, and dismantled them to the craft is reaching a new generation,” he says.
understand how they were constructed. He then recon- So far, more than 2000 trainees have come to appreci-
structed their century-old appearance. ate the complexity of the traditional craft. Stitch by
The clunky sturdiness of leather suitcases conjures stitch, they write unforgettable stories with their hands.
nostalgic thoughts. It has its own unique charm amid “I hope we can introduce even more people to the charm
current fashions. Drifter’s products, similarly, all have an of leatherworking,” he says.
understated classical elegance. Even when compared to Amid the present craze for studying traditional handi-
famous brands, the products hold their own. crafts, the dream of preserving them can be realized.
Many foreign tourists instantly fall in love with “When I became fascinated with the traditional craft,
Drifter’s retro leather bags. And by taking them along I started to explore the charm of times past,” he says.
on their travels, they share the beauty of Taiwan’s re- This line of inquiry opened endless possibilities to com-
vived craft industry the world over. bine the traditional and the modern. And with the cur-
Sustainable heritage rent interest in retro fashions, the ripples are spreading
The line of leather bags is called Heritage, and a sec- out to reach ever greater numbers of people.
ond generation is already being produced. Their simplic- Keeping with the times
ity is also an expression of sincerity. “It’s just like a mas- At Grass Hill Jewelry’s second-floor workshop, the
ter handing on the craft to a new generation,” Hsu says. rhythmic sound of tapping greets visitors. Sitting at
He hopes that the treasured old designs of Taiwan- well-ordered silversmith’s benches, students are shap-
made products and a love for Taiwan’s past will be ing metal using small hammers. They work with great
passed from generation to generation. concentration and a loving attention to detail.
Grass Hill sells products under the Kinjo brand. The
name comes from the Taiwanese word for celebration. It
reflects the passion that the founder, Karen Liu, has for
百年前的舊皮箱,在許騏手中展現新生命,精巧的外型, handing on the silversmithing craft.
Hsu Chi gives new life to century-old luggage, adding exquisite
“Silversmithing is a precision craft that has been
details and an updated appearance. practiced for thousands of years,” Liu says. She decided
to uncover all the wonders of this
craft that had so long been hidden
in dark corners of jewelry shops and
bring it out into the sunlight, making
it into a craft that everyone can try
their hand at. She injects fashionable
flourishes into the traditional craft to
keep up with the times.
Capturing the essence of the craft
Much praised for her talent, Liu
earned a master ’s degree from the
Graduate Institute of Applied Arts at
Tainan National University of the Arts.
In 2004 she won a National Crafts
Award for a piece titled Impression
Bloom, which is now in the permanent

地用小小的鎚子,敲打金屬,一下一下地敲出貼 劉冠伶跨出了一大步。
合,敲出濃情。 「我們用簡潔的線條,帶出時尚,也讓學員很
英文品牌「K I N J O」,是用台語發音的「慶 輕鬆的獲得成就感。」劉冠伶擷取古今中外歷代
祝」,寓意負責人劉冠伶用一顆祝福的心,開啟 文物中,金工圖騰的精華,勾勒出美的元素。
人們對金工的愛戀。 「2013年松菸體驗營,是一個轉捩點。」那種
「老一輩的人,都是為了買賀禮,才會走進金 國內外首創「一日銀匠」工作坊,在3個小時內,
飾店。」但是因為大都是應用在傳統禮儀中,樣 從無到有的成就感,讓大人小孩都玩得好開心。
式趨於保守。缺乏流行元素的首飾,多半成為珠 金工遙不可及的門檻,一下子讓大家跨越了。


「草山金工」以開放工作室(O p e n
Wo r k s h o p) 的理念,讓大家認識金
間陽台上的個人工作室開始教學。 環境,讓體驗如此容易親近。
An instructor teaches students at a Grass Hill Jewelry
「是我的主管徐孝貴,給了我開班 workshop, which provides a safe, comfortable space
for participants to experience the craft.

34 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

collection of the National Taiwan Craft Research and De- It was a big step for Liu to start teaching after
velopment Institute. Grass Hill has also been featured in spending so much time squirreled away by herself
the Taipei City Guide published by Louis Vuitton, boosting working on her craft. “My manager Xu Xiaogui gave
its international reputation. “Creation is more often than me the courage to start teaching,” she says.
not the result of fortuitous accidents,” Liu says. Liu uses an eclectic range of motifs in her work that
Liu and her husband, Shaw A, both excelled in their add beauty to her designs. “We use simple clean lines
graduate studies in Tainan, where they got a solid foun- to add style,” she says. “This also makes it easy for the
dation in their craft. The Grass Hill Jewelry workshop students to master skills and gain confidence.”
operates under the open workshop model, which allows In 2013 Grass Hill Jewelry was invited by Eslite’s
everyone to observe the craft process and participate in Spectrum Song yan branch to set up an outlet there.
creating new products. This has helped contribute to the Since then Liu and her husband have offered jewelry
resurgence in the popularity of silversmithing. making experience workshops. Within three short
Grass Hill was started 12 years ago in Liu’s personal hours participants can come away feeling proud of
studio, which was located on a balcony in a building at their creations. The events are enjoyed by young and
the foot of Yangmingshan. Today the firm is flourishing old alike.
and expanding. “I’ve had help from so many people The immediate popularity of the couple’s work-
along the way,” Liu says. shops helped spur them on. They divided the work be-
tween themselves and created an aesthetic feast from a
once-rigid artform. Their workshops have been so pop-
ular that they are now featured in department stores in
Taipei and Taichung. “They have been in such demand
(below, left) Workshop participants generally work with silver, that we sometimes struggle to keep up,” Liu says.
which has a lustrous finish when polished.
Because the items are all handcrafted by the work-
shop participants themselves, they are truly something
to treasure, and so much more meaningful than buying
(右圖)繁複的工序,讓手作更加細緻,提升價值感。 someone else’s product. “Each piece contains the affec-
(below, right) The intricate techniques make for exquisite
handmade products and enhance the sense of value. tion and goodwill of its creator,” Liu says.

「因為造成話題性,我們差點兒應付不過 如今金工早已不再是昔日高不可攀的貴族禁
來。」面對如潮湧般的佳評,沒有退路,夫妻倆 臠,也不是曾經瑟縮在角落的傳統工匠,而是朗
只能分工合作,把封閉的金工美學,成為常設的 朗如明月照空,普天之下皆可享受的平民工藝。
藝術饗宴。這種體驗風潮,目前已經拓展到台北 儘管時代不斷變遷,它總能在流行的浪頭,閃爍
和台中的百貨公司。「我們就像櫃哥、櫃姐。」 如昔。
蕭輔青自我調侃。 「金工的工法,其實是秉持老祖宗的傳承。」
因為是自己親手雕琢的作品,那份珍惜,遠遠 但是在創意的發想下,「草山金工」不斷地探索
超越用金錢購買的成品。一塊銀錠,可以打造一 精進。目前學員已逾20萬人次,「大家都有很大
對婚戒。一條銅絲,可以化為一朵玫瑰。「每一 的創新力,我常常很驚訝,怎麼會想出這種做
件作品都濃縮了所有的情意,和無盡延展纏繞的 法。」劉冠伶笑著說。因為眾多愛好者產生的聚
祝福。」透過手作,留下永恆的甜蜜。而展示, 集效應,相互間不斷地腦力激盪,讓金工的生命
更成為一種驕傲。 力,欣欣向榮,綿延無盡。
最讓劉冠伶感動的是成就了好姻緣。「曾經有 金工的範疇很大,「草山金工」目前主要集中
好幾對戀人,在店裡求婚成功。」浪漫的情景, 在飾品和訂製化商品。近年來更導入文化創意與
不定期地真實上演。採訪當天,就有一對情侶來 品牌概念,讓金工璀璨風華再現。
體驗手作。當男女主角相互套上親手打造的訂情 提案曾經獲得文化部首獎的蕭輔青,更計畫
戒時,那掩抑不住的幸福,飄散在整個空間。 將傳統與現代科技結合,推出「線上包裹式學
「現在有很多管道可以學習金工。」學校、職 身尖端科技的代言。
訓局,以及傳統師徒制,只要有興趣,選項非常 草山是劉冠伶成長的地方,芒花映照夕陽,閃
多元。 爍著金色的光芒,搖曳出金工炫麗耀眼的明天。l

36 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Grass Hill Jewelry aspires to
create such beloved objects as
this baby spoon crafted from gold.

Jewelry making techniques have been in-

herited from masters of the past, but Grass
Hill Jewelry has been endlessly exploring
ways to add creativity to the designs. The
workshop has already had more than 20,000
students. These metalworking enthusiasts
tend to spur each other on, swapping ideas
and lending vitality to the craft in a way
that suggests that its future is one of endless
Shaw A, who received an award for
cultural and creative industries from the
Ministry of Culture, is planning to combine
Liu is most moved by the couples who attend her workshops. tradition and technology to establish online
“The store has seen so many marriage proposals,” she says. courses that will allow the craft to be ex-
Moreover, there is no telling when these romantic scenes will plored interactively from anywhere. In the
play out. On the day we visited the workshop, a young couple future silversmithing will shed some of its
had come in to try making their own rings. As they slipped the more traditional associations and be viewed
rings that they had personally created onto each other’s fingers, as a citizen of the digital age.
an irrepressible atmosphere of joy permeated the space. The name “Grass Hill” comes from Cao-
An ancient craft reworked shan (“Grass Mountain”), the old name for
There are many avenues to study silversmithing today, from Yangmingshan, where Karen Liu grew up.
schools and vocational programs to the traditional master– It is a place where the flowers of the silver-
apprentice system. For anyone interested, the choices are plentiful. grass shine golden in the light of the setting
Today silversmithing can be seen all around. It is a craft that sun. It is a metaphor for the dazzling future
can be enjoyed by everyone. And as times have changed, it is of the silversmith’s craft. l
proving to be just as firmly at the forefront of fashion as it was in (Lee Shan Wei/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
the past. tr. by Robert Green)

封 面 故 事

寫 字 傳 情
Calligraphic Comeback
——Handwriting Enjoys
a Revival
文•鄧慧純 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑

38 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08



ow long has it been since you picked up a pen
to write?
Though digital communication is growing easier
我,我是一個很不錯的人,要對自己好一點。」 and easier in the computer era, some people still use
他說。 pen and paper to write with. Writing with a pen may
be old school, but it offers matchless warmth.
Writing by hand is an introspective act. Firmly
這番深刻的回憶讓楊格和廖宜賢思考,這些 holding the pen, one sits erect in front of a sheet of
訊息,如果用簡訊或是e-mail傳達,極可能一眨 paper, as a spiraling transformation occurs on the
page, stroke by stroke. Writing is a healing process
that involves a dialogue with oneself.
The artisanal pen and pencil makers ystudio are
銅當素材,因為它的材質易因接觸空氣而氧化改 offering a new line of products marketed under the
變,一如物品因人使用而有變化。「露銅系列」 slogan: “The weight of words.” Founders Yanko and
則在黃銅筆表層上一層烤漆,產品裡附一張砂 Yi Liao have special memories about writing. Shortly
紙,消費者可以利用砂紙磨除上面的烤漆,創作 after starting the business, Yanko once wrote a card to

出屬於自己、獨一無二的筆。 his parents that didn’t really say much of anything of

importance. Yet they delighted at receiving it, and put
it on their refrigerator so they could view it every day
when they ate.
露銅鋼筆,找了許多小石子,裝在袋裡,和鋼筆 Once, when Liao was feeling low, he received a card
一起碰撞製造刮痕,成就它的獨一無二。北投友 from his wife detailing 50 of his outstanding qualities.
人的鋼筆,因為空氣中的硫磺,筆身轉偏琥珀 “She wanted to tell me that I was a fine person and
色。每個碰撞的凹痕、每個刻印都是不同事件的 didn’t need to be so hard on myself.”

記憶,也連結了「人」與「物」的專屬。 格說:「人跟人之間的關係是透過書寫來聯繫
這種標示個人使用風格的概念與西方對「筆」 的。」他們不斷提醒這件事情,書寫雖然是舊時
的認知竟意外地契合。以全球為市場的「物 代的習慣,但傳達情意的本質,亙古不變。一
外」,目前有一半的銷售量在歐洲,他們觀察 枝筆必須要透過使用者的思考、書寫才有意義。
到東西方對「筆」認知的差異。在東方,強調 一枝筆需經代代的傳承,才能醞釀了無數生活故
「筆」的實用功能;但在西方文化脈絡下, 事,這就是「物外」的真義。
像,將產品上架到如The Conran Shop、Mr Porter 從製造業起家,跨足沖床、金屬加工、塑膠
等時尚品牌,黃銅鋼筆與時尚配件相遇,我們以 射出,之後又幫日本朋友代工自動鉛筆,三文堂
為的老派器物意外與時尚有了連結,也是不時的 的老闆王成昌所製造的筆超過上億枝;惟隨著
「物外之趣」。 代工利潤銳減,他有了「做屬於自己東西」的念
在西方,一枝鋼筆可能經歷數代的主人,寫 頭,因此自創「三文堂」品牌,開發台灣第一
下他們人生中重要的情書、結婚證書或是遺書。 枝自製的活塞式鋼筆。「你看一枝筆裡面就是金
「如果它能說話,應該有滔滔不絕的故事可以 屬加工、車床、塑膠射出這三樣技術,所以三文
訴說。」楊格打趣道。然「物外」還是個年輕品 堂不是突然冒出來做鋼筆,我們一直在這一行裡
牌,卻已有歐洲的消費者特地到展會,分享他們 面。」王成昌說。
一家族都愛上物外的產品,每個人都擁有物外的 憑著多年的實力與經驗,王成昌在寫字風潮未
筆,「物外」成為家族共有的記憶。這不僅是楊 起之際,就洞察市場變化。他與小品雅集的老闆
格和廖宜賢所樂見的,更是「物外」的初心。 李台營交好,徵詢他最時興的鋼筆樣式,李台營
「物外」一直自詡是「談書寫」的品牌,楊 答:「活塞式鋼筆」,於是他借了一枝活塞鋼筆

Yi Liao (left) and Yanko
(right) tell stories with
pens. Important feelings
are transformed by the act
of writing, as words gain
weight and emotions find

40 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

ystudio: Pens that make their mark
The same information, if sent via text message or
email, would quickly be forgotten, but thanks to their
conversion into writing, the sentiments become so
much more precious and lasting.
Because pens are used to tell stories, Liao and Yanko
have chosen to make their pens out of brass since brass
is a material that oxidizes, transforming through expo-
sure to air. The pens thus change as people use them.
The firm’s “Brassing” line features brass-barreled pens
covered by a layer of black paint. Each comes with
sandpaper, so that consumers can sand the paint to cre-
ate pens uniquely their own.
Consequently, once the pens leave the factory, each
will encounter different times, places, and people. The written word helps bind people together.
Every little dent or scratch is associated with a different
memory, so that “the person” and “the object” come to
belong to each other. 「文字的重量」是物外的設計概念。
“The weight of words” is ystudio’s design credo.

This idea of finding one’s own personal style of us-

ing a pen fits, however unintentionally, with Western
notions of pen ownership. Currently, half of all ystudio
products are sold to consumers in Europe. The owners
have observed that consumers in the Far East empha-
size the usefulness of pens, whereas in Western culture,
a pen is a personal object and a means to showing one’s
good taste. Liao has noticed that ystudio’s European
agents place their pens at fashionable retailers such as
The Conran Shop and Mr. Porter. Their brass fountain
pens are grouped with fashionable accessories.
In the West, a fountain pen may be passed down in
a family, with each generation using it to write or sign
important documents. Although ystudio is a youthful
brand, some consumers visiting the Maison & Objet in-
terior design trade fair in Paris shared how their whole
family has fallen in love with ystudio’s products. The
pens are helping to write collective family memories.
The firm has always put its focus on writing. Yanko
says: “People become connected through writing.” They
continually remind people that although writing may be
an old-fashioned habit, its essential nature of being able
to convey thoughts and emotions remains unchanged.
TWSBI: Determined to make good pens
TWSBI started out in manufacturing, handling
metal stamping, other metalworking processes, and

Fountain pens are not high-tech products, but their production relies on abundant
manufacturing technology and experience, which plays to the strengths of Taiwanese

回去,自己埋頭做研發,一個星期就打好樣。 行銷也不假手他人。早些年王成昌頻繁地在
形式初具,零零總總的細節還待精琢改良。他 論壇上與消費者互動討論,已為三文堂的鋼筆創
上網尋遍台灣、中國、美國的鋼筆論壇,貼設計 造了曝光率,不靠傳統通路,鋼筆還沒量產,
圖跟網友請益討論,吸收消費者的意見。王成昌 就有網友引頸企盼。YouTube上不時有外國朋友
指鋼筆最為人詬病大概屬漏墨、墨水揮發、乾掉 分享三文堂鋼筆的開箱文,國外大型鋼筆論壇
的問題,因此三文堂的鋼筆筆蓋用旋鎖的方式, Fountain Pen Network還有三文堂專屬的討論區。
並在裡面做一個氣密套,把內外的空氣循環切 他與消費者共同參與研究、設計及製造過程的鋼
斷,如此一來與外面的空氣不對流,自然不會因 筆「Diamond 530」,獲得2010德國紅點產品設計
氣壓、氣溫的變化造成漏墨的問題,同時也大大 大獎,更是國內製筆業的特例。
減少墨水揮發的情況。 以Lamy、SAFARI為參考,但做工、用料都更
一般鋼筆損壞得送回原廠維修,耗時費日,王 上一級,售價更物超所值。曾在加工界稱王,如
成昌笑說;「哪有那麼複雜!我的鋼筆設計成整 今過盡千帆,他滿意自己的作品,「用心做好一
枝可以拆解,零件標準化,哪邊壞了,零件寄給 枝筆」現階段的他心滿意足地說。
廠的筆尖,惟每一批筆尖到貨後,均需靠自己調 斜放紙張,握著老鋼筆,筆尖在紙上一圈圈的
校。三文堂的筆尖一枝枝都經上墨、試寫、研磨 曲線重複,筆尖隨著施加的力度開闔,形成粗細
後,再清洗乾淨,裝到新筆上。「我們這種價位 不一的墨色線條,組合成各式優美的圖案。經營
的筆沒有人這樣調的,所以交到消費者手上的筆 「筆尖溫度」粉絲團的鍾佳玲,三、四年前在網
基本上是沒有問題的。」 路上分享自己手寫花體字的影片,現有九萬多的

42 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

plastic injection molding, before producing me-
chanical pencils as an OEM for a Japanese firm.
Altogether, TWSBI’s owner Jim Wang has been
responsible for producing more than 100 million
pens and pencils. With the profit margins for
OEM work becoming increasingly thin, he de-
cided to “make my own product” and thus cre-
ated the TWSBI pen brand, which sells the first
piston-filled fountain pens made in Taiwan.
Relying on his many years of experience,
Wang—even before fountain pens took off in
popularity—could see clearly the way the market
was headed. T.Y. Lee, owner of the eponymous
pen shop, was a friend, so Wang asked Lee about
which kind of fountain pen was most popular.
“Piston-filled fountain pens,” responded Lee.
Wang borrowed one and within a week of study-
ing it had created a prototype of his own.
At first, many elements had to be improved
upon and many obstacles needed to be overcome.
Wang went online to peruse forums devoted to
fountain pens based in Taiwan,
mainland China and the
United States, posting
illustrations of his
designs and invit-
ing comments.
He noted that (above) Having accumulated experience with
manufacturing pens under contract, Jim Wang has
the most vex- since made a name for himself in the fountain-pen
ing aspects of market with his own brand.

fountain pens
for most people
w e re p ro b a b l y (左圖)把關品質,讓送到消費者手中的每一枝
leaking ink, evapo-
(left) Strict quality control ensures that every pen
rating ink, and dried that reaches the consumer’s hands writes smoothly
and freely.
i n k . C o n s e q u e n t l y,
TWSBI’s fountain pens
have twist-lock caps. Inside each If a part gets broken, the company can send consumers
is an airtight seal. This means that no ink leaks a replacement part to install themselves.
from the pens because of changes in atmospheric The only part not made in house is the nib, which
pressure or humidity. Wang gets from a German firm. Every time a shipment of
When a fountain pen is damaged, you typi- nibs come in, each one is dipped in ink and tested for how
cally must send it back to the manufacturer to it writes before being polished. After being cleaned, it is
be repaired. That’s overly time consuming, says then installed on a new pen. “At our price point, no other
Wang. His pens are designed so that they can manufacturer takes such pains to ensure that there will be
easily be taken apart. The parts are standardized. no issues when a pen gets into a consumer’s hands.”

Charling Chung explains that practicing calligraphy
is the time by herself that she enjoys most. It calms
her mind and lets her converse with her inner self.

Auntie’s tools have seen more than 20 years of service.

44 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Charling Chung creatively adds flourishes of flowers and plants
to round-hand script. The colors are added with fingernail polish.

Wang also handles his own marketing. In the early
信手拈來、即興彈奏。而花體字亦然,把基礎的 years he often discussed TWSBI fountain pens with
規律打好後,拉花則是自行添加的創意,展現個 consumers on Internet forums, which created expo-
人的天賦。 sure for the brand. When foreign consumers from
最初她在網路上分享寫字的影片,不藏私地將 time to time posted “unboxings” of TWSBI fountain

自己自學的竅門與成果公開。看著義大利體、歌 pens on Youtube, that helped too, as did the special

area on the Fountain Pen Network website devoted to
discussion of TWSBI pens. TWSBI takes consumers’
opinions on FPN and elsewhere seriously and incor-
寫;觀賞寫字的過程就很療癒,各式的筆尖、 porated netizens’ feedback into the design of its Dia-
墨水揮灑出的創作更是完美華麗,點擊率常破萬 mond 530 pen, which won a German Red Dot design
人。 award in 2010.
鍾佳玲也開班授課,26個字母一天課程學完 From being a king of industrial processing and OEM
work, Wang has come a long way. He is
quite happy with his own product. “I’ve
shown determination to manufacture
good pens,” he says with satisfaction.
The art of calligraphy
A calligrapher grips an old fountain
pen over a sheet of paper placed askew
on a desk. The pen’s nib moves in circles
as it makes a series of curving lines on
the page. As the pressure varies, so does
the thickness of the line. From the pen
flow all manner of beautiful motifs. Char-
ling Chung, who runs the Calligraphy01
Facebook page, first shared some videos

Round-hand script is both regimented and

後,就可自行運用變化,但最重要的耐心與經 (上圖)除了在臉書「筆尖溫度」粉絲團分享作品,鍾佳玲
驗,筆觸與施力必須平穩,持續不斷的練習再練 (above) Apart from sharing her work with fans on her Facebook
page, Charling Chung also teaches a class on Western
習,「養成你的手跟筆尖有一定程度的默契,才 calligraphy, offering tips and conveying her joy for the art.
寫字靜心,鍾佳玲不諱言手寫字帶給她最大的 (右圖)韓玉青是國際知名的字藝家,看他寫字,是愉悅
改變是脾氣的修練。唯獨在寫字的時候你才能夠 (facing page) Han Yu-ching is a world-renowned calligrapher. It is
真正靜下心來跟自己對話。練字是她最享受的獨 a joy and a pleasure to watch him at work.

考,線條處理完,就發現事情好像有了解決。 也讓他對此憧憬不已。從小家裡過年的活動是揮
身為國際品牌御用的字藝家韓玉青,法國的 一路就讀美術資優班,赴英國進修回來之後,
Dior、Chanel、義大利的Bvlgari、英國的Burberry 他在實踐大學開設計課,卻發現學生對字體十分
等品牌都指名他書寫VVIP卡片。一筆一畫,一橫 陌生,於是在課程加入手寫字體,讓學生用羽毛
一捺,不疾不徐,看韓玉青寫字,是愉悅的,更 筆、鋼筆書寫,親身體驗字體的美感。之後他創
是享受。 立「日日好文創」,教大人、小孩如何好好寫
家學淵源的韓玉青,爺爺、父親都寫著一手 字。
好字。爺爺強調寫字的基本功,韓玉青從小被訓 每一種字體都有矯正的功能與療癒的效果,
練拿著綁上鋼條的毛筆練手力。從父親抽屜裡翻 如中文的楷書,線條組織嚴謹能讓學習者在書
到寫給母親的情書,那飄逸的字體和墨水顏色, 寫時更注重細節,更細膩。行書則著重在速度

46 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

of her writing English round-hand calligraphy three or goods, and plastic bottles is quite therapeutic, and
four years ago. Currently, the page has more than 90,000 many of the videos have had more than 10,000 views.
fans. After seven years of studying Western calligraphy, Chung also teaches classes on calligraphy. In one
she hasn’t lost any of her joy in the pursuit. day, students learn all 26 letters. They then can add
With a background in music and design, Chung re- their own flourishes. But importantly, “One’s hand
calls how she was originally attracted to the romantic must acquire a certain understanding of the pen’s nib if
qualities of calligraphic script. It was only after assidu- one is to truly put down beautiful lines.”
ously studying the art that she discovered the strict She describes a kind of meditative state she enters
principles governing it. Calligraphers must abide by when practicing calligraphy. The art has notably mel-
rules of proper proportion and so forth. Once those be- lowed her temperament. It is only when she is writing
come familiar, they can then add ornamentation. that she can find the peace of mind to talk to her inner
At first, she shared videos on the Internet showing self. Practicing calligraphy is the time by herself that
how to create different calligraphic scripts. In them, she she enjoys most. When life’s hassles have her down, she
unselfishly divulges tips she gained from self-study. often finds that she just needs to pick up a pen and lose
Watching her apply her italic, gothic and round-hand herself in calligraphic curlicues. In this calm frame of
scripts to products such as glassware, clothes, leather mind, the problems seem to resolve themselves.

感,運筆方式不同,手肘也要放鬆。而身體要 1公厘,練的是手的掌控力。把線條畫好,才能
記憶寫字的穩定性,還有每種字體的節奏感, 把字寫好,韓玉青強調。
讓肌肉植入正確書寫肢體記憶,是韓玉青開創 致力推廣寫字文化,韓玉青說寫字文化對當代
的教學方式。 社會重要的意義在於「藝術治療」,「寫字不只
雖說「善書者不擇筆」,但為了讓學習者能 是『寫字』,寫字其實是一門綜合藝術,跟一個
快速上手、有成就感,韓玉青用心開發不同體字 人的精神質感有關係。」他觀察大部分人需要的
適用的不同筆款,就像高爾夫球桿各有不同的功 並不是字寫得漂亮,更多人是透過追求寫字漂亮
能,寫行書、楷書、隸書、花體字、哥德體等自 的過程,在精神上的釋放跟解脫。他鼓勵親子一
然筆具也要分工。 起來學寫字,除了培養美感外,慢下來,靜靜賞
寫字的基本功為何?「畫直線」他簡要地說。 析美的事物,寫字能帶人的永遠更多更多。
學著不用工具畫數條10公分的直線,倆倆相距 書寫雖說是舊時代的價值和習慣,但重要的情
寫字文化對當代社會重要的意義在於「藝術治療」。 您有多久沒提筆寫字了?找個時間重溫寫字的
Today, the cultural import of writing by hand lies in its function as
“art therapy.” 時光吧! l

48 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

a young age, writing calligraphy was a family activity
at Chinese New Year. They’d lay down newspaper, and
grandfather and grandson would compete at writing.
Han teaches design at Shih Chien University, where
he has discovered that students know little about the
different styles of Chinese characters. Consequently, he
added calligraphy to the coursework, so that students,
armed with calligraphic brushes or fountain pens, can
enjoy the experience of creating beautiful characters
themselves. More recently, he has created the firm
Bonne Journée, where he teaches both children and
adults how to write calligraphy.
Each style of script has it proper use and beneficial ef-
fects. Take, for instance, kaishu or regular script. Its lines
are tightly organized, so that students must pay strict at-
tention to the fine details when writing. One’s body must
achieve a steadiness and remember the different senses
of rhythm that go with penning different kinds of script.
Looking to attain the proper muscle memory for each
style is where Han starts his instruction.
What is the basic skill needed for writing? “Drawing
straight lines,” Han answers simply. Drawing straight
lines freehand, ten centimeters long but only one milli-
meter apart, is a test of students’ hand control. Only by
drawing lines well can you write characters well.
Forcefully promoting calligraphic culture, Han says
韓玉青的作品是結合字母與繪畫的藝術品,許多國際品牌都 that writing is an important form of “cultural therapy.”
Han Yu-ching’s work blends calligraphy and painting. Many major
“Calligraphy is more than just writing. In fact, writing
international brands employ him to write important messages. by hand is a kind of general art that has a certain sense
of spirituality associated with it.” He observes that most
people studying calligraphy, rather than aiming to write
to a certain standard of beauty, are more focused on
Han Yu-ching: The joyous art of calligraphy finding spiritual release and relief through the process
Han Yu-ching is a calligrapher who regularly collab- of creating beautiful script. He encourages parents to
orates with top international brands. The French brands come with their children to study calligraphy together.
Dior and Chanel, as well as the Italian firm Bulgari and In addition to cultivating a sense of aesthetics, the study
the British company Burberry, all hire him to write VIP of the art also causes one to slow down and appreciate
cards. Watching him write with his characteristic un- beautiful things. It offers so much—and so much that
hurried assurance is a real pleasure. has a lasting impact.
Calligraphy runs in his family: Both his father and The widespread habit of writing by hand and the
grandfather were Chinese calligraphers themselves. high value placed on handwriting may be attributes of
When Han was little, his grandfather would have him an earlier age, but important sentiments still need to be
practice brushstrokes using writing brushes to which written out to be expressed properly, just as memories
steel rods had been attached. The exercise was designed need the medium of writing to endure. l
to build up his arm and hand strength—much as the (Cathy Teng/photos by Chuang Kung-ju/
horse stance is practiced in martial arts training. From tr. by Jonathan Barnard)

死亡交付的力量 ◎ 劉崇鳳


帶朋友入山 搬 到 花 蓮 第 三 年,我 興 起 帶 朋

「剛剛往三樓走去,試著遠望中 友入山的念頭,這念頭來得很慢,

央山脈,用自己的方式想像登高和 但 一 興 起 就 沒 有 遲 疑,反 而 有 點

行走。很蠢吧?但已是我能走到的 興 奮。我 和 小 飽 各 自 把 自 己 關 在

最高點了⋯⋯」 房 間 裡 面 對 電 腦 一 天 一 夜,只 為

「我想去看看,即使是你們口中 整理山上的照 片,將之集 結、編整

『老人家都可以去的步道』,也想 作節目──直到現在,我還是很珍

去看看!」 惜 那 時 甘 願 花 這多 心 思 去 安 排 一

「即 便 一 直 都 因 為 容 易 喘 而 不 個 行 前 說 明 會,從 挑 片、選 音 樂

喜 歡 爬 坡,但 這 樣 的 念 頭 自 己冒 到 上 文 字,從 發 邀 請 卡、寄 通 告

出來了,也許我更可以 走下去⋯⋯ 信、到 場 佈,不 厭 其 煩,只 想 做 到

and enjoy the suf fering.」 盡 善 盡 美,就 為了分 享 我 們 所 認

「報告領隊:有位阿呆朋友從我 識的山。

豐 田 家 屋 這 邊 看,指 著 中 央 山 脈 一 開 始 什 麼 也 不 懂,僅 依 憑

遠 方 的 山 頭:『好 美!那 是 大 武 山 熱 情 去 完 成 所 有 的 溝 通 協 調、裝

嗎?』(她 很 喜 歡〈 大 武 山 美 麗 的 備 調 度、採 買 保 險 等 前 置 作 業,

媽媽〉一歌)我想說花蓮和台東很 在 眾 多 變 因 裡 學 習 柔 軟、學 習 轉

近,應該是有可能的吧⋯⋯?」 彎,終 於 人 員確 定了,隊伍慢 慢 成

收 到 友 人寄 來 的 信,我 們 即 將 形,我 才 發 現 一 件 奇 妙 的 事:即

在 兩 個 月後 一 起 到 花 蓮 卓 溪 鄉 的 便 只 是 步 道 健 行,我 們 也 因 朋 友

瓦 拉 米 步 道 健 行,那 是 八 通 關 越 們 的 熱 烈 期 待 而 翹 首企 盼 那天 的

嶺古道東段,滿載歷史遺跡和豐富 到來。

生 態。三 天 兩 夜,行 程 輕 鬆,但 對 永遠留在山中的學弟

初次在山野過夜的朋友而言,卻充 那晚,我緊緊 依著小飽,縮 著身

滿期待與挑戰。 體 睡 覺。棉 被 明 明 足 夠,窗 戶 也

嘆息灣出瑞穗。一樣都是近兩週, 啊 ⋯⋯ 對 不 起 吵 醒 妳 ⋯⋯ 妳 學

一 樣 都 充 滿 了 夢 想。他 們 要 過 斷 弟⋯⋯找到了喔⋯⋯」

崖前,不是還在藍天下白花花的雪 我看著車窗外的中央山脈,雲在

地 上 高 高 躍 起,精 準 捕 捉 飛 起 來 山腰 繚 繞,和從前一樣美,心底 卻

的一瞬嗎? 下了雨。我看著層 巒 疊翠,想 起自

那正是大鬼湖隊伍的最後一 己的爸 爸媽媽,仰躺在 座椅上,在

天,清早 我們還 悠哉 賴在營地,嘻 心 底 低 喃:「學 弟 的 爸 爸 媽 媽,對

嘻 哈 哈 拉 筋 做 瑜 珈 的 時 候 ⋯⋯ 學 不 起,請 你 們 原 諒 他 那 麼 喜 歡 爬

弟掉下去了,一不小心失足就掉下 山。他一定很在意你們的感 受,無

去了。我想像搜救隊滿山遍野努力 法 跟 你 們 解 釋 就 離 去,他 一 定 非

尋 找 的 樣 子,直 升 機 最 快 也 要 天 常 難 過。他 也 許 曾 想 要 跟 你 們 分

亮才能出動⋯⋯時間好漫長,我們 享山上的風景和有趣的人,他也理
全 都被等待綁架,他墜 落深谷,不 解你們的擔心,只是苦無機會說出
定價:350元 頁數:304頁 知身在 何 方,許 多人 上山協 尋。那 口⋯⋯」在心底默聲說出這些話語
些 過 往 層 層 疊 疊 的 情 感和 關 係 把 的 時 候,我 的 眼 淚 無 法 控 制 地 一

網 線 都 拉 緊,緊 窒 得 我 透 不 過 氣 直流、一直流。窗外的青山都 糊成

來,無 法 成眠,山變成混濁濃重的 一片,那是一種無人理 解的荒蕪,

黑色,在我心頭蒙上一層猙獰可怖 我多麼想放聲大哭。
都 關 小了⋯⋯冷,還 是 覺 得 冷,好 的陰影。 出車站我們沒直接回家,小飽掛
像 自 己也 彷 彿 在 無 人 知 曉 的 山 谷 擔 心 家 人看 到 電 視 新 聞 可 能 會 念田地,就這麼扛著大包小包去巡
裡,積雪的斷崖 之下,無聲 孤 寂的 嚇 到,我 告訴妹妹,像自白一 件心 田。玉 米和 地 瓜都 長 大了,年 前 種
夜,雪早已凍結成冰。 事、一 個祕密。妹妹說:「姊,不要 下的馬鈴薯剛剛發芽,雜草生了不
學 弟 一 個 人 孤 伶 伶 躺 在 那 裡, 傷 心,會 找 到 你 學 弟 的。」又像 看 少。我走在田 裡,看馬鈴薯三根小
他會不會也覺得冷? 穿了什麼,拍拍我說:「拜託,新聞 芽 鑽 出 土 壤,鑽 出 來 的 地 方 正 好
利用年假剛從屏東大鬼 湖探勘 那麼 多,媽 不會看 到新聞的!她不 壓了塊石頭,那三根小小的芽突然
回來,夜宿 高 雄家中,隔天 就要回 會 有機會 擔 心 啦⋯⋯」她 笑 著,我 變大力士一樣,共同撐起了那塊石
花蓮準備帶朋友們去瓦拉米步道。 知道她在安慰我。 頭,擁 有無限 生機與力量。我蹲 在
一切都安排得適切妥當,與此同時 我 們 在 面 對小 學 弟 墜 落 的 同 時 那 裡看了許 久,突 然覺得,學弟 的
卻得知另一支隊伍出事:有學弟墜 也要面對自己和自己的家人,面對 離去不只是死亡而已,還藏了要送
崖了。 自己選擇入山的負責,並重新思考 給大家的許多訊息,關於珍惜、關
我 縮 在 那 裡,靜 靜 想 著,學 弟 家人的愛,以及承接社會的眼光。 於愛;關於山、土地、與家的意義。
掉下去了,掉在我們也曾走過的路 坐 火 車 回 花 蓮 的 一 路,手 機 「真相是生生不息。」
上。他們計畫逆走那一年我們的路 簡 訊 偶 爾 鳴 響,知 道 大 家 都 在 關 儘 管 如 此,短 期 內 我 還 是 不 想
線,當 年 從 瑞 穗 進 嘆 息 灣 出 馬 博 心 與 聯 繫 這 事,我 昏 昏 沉 沉 地 睡 上山了。下一支隊伍(瓦拉米步道)
橫 斷,他 們 今 年 要 走 馬 博 橫 斷 下 著,直 到 妹 妹 來 電:「姊,妳 睡 了 遙 遠 異常,它迅 速彈 射出去,我的

腦 袋 無 法 運 作,如 果 它 可 以 就 此 離 奇 的 是,隔 天 陽 光 就 探 出 臉 咚!就 到 大 龍 貓 的 軟 軟 肚 上。」孩

消失,如果可以假裝完全沒有這回 來了。 子 聽 得 一 愣 一 愣,我 有 限 的 想 像

事,那就好了⋯⋯ 瓦 拉 米 步 道 海 拔 不 高,但 是 很 力 卻 追 不上 他 們 敏 銳 的 覺 察,一

當然,那一天還是到來了。 綠,是 著 名 的「 蕨 之 路」。這 是 一 併發現這群朋友對這裡極其尋常

我毫無感覺地打包,像機器人一 群對山陌生的朋友,其中還有爸媽 的 物 事 是 那 麼 容 易 驚 喜:枯 枝 的

樣反覆檢查裝備清單,沒有任何情 偕 小 孩 同 行,孩 子 不 常 與 荒 野 共 形 狀、葉 脈的生 成、深 淺 不一的足

緒,完全不若一個月前緊鑼密鼓張 處,九歲的哲走鋼構吊橋前需要深 跡、陽光與樹影⋯⋯像是打開了全

羅時的熱切。 呼吸,拉著媽媽的手不敢向前走。 新 的 感 知 接 受 器 一 般,發 現 森 林

天下 著 細 雨,我 們照常出發,我 他害怕吊橋下的深谷,我們於是先 每一處美麗。

看 著 綿 綿 細 雨,覺 得 理 當 就 是 如 行,走 到中間 時 卻忍不住停步,因 但 因 一 路 都 是 緩 上 坡,瓦 拉 米

此。 為啊,有很 厲害的瀑 布沖下來,被 山 屋 在 十 三 多 公 里 處,走 到 最 後

哪 有 每 件 事 都 這 麼 順 暢 的 呢? 更 厲 害 的 石 頭 擋 著,擋 不 住 的 就 一段,哲 和弟弟小佾 都用「拖 的」

不 如 意、不 順 遂 的 時 刻 是 一 種 試 飛濺出去,在天空碎裂成千千萬萬 步伐在走路,他們問了不下十次的

探,測試我們有多想去、多想 成 為 個白水花,然後嘩啦嘩啦地又流下 「 還 有 多 遠 啊?」、「 喔 ── 什 麼

怎 樣 的人。既 然 出 發了,也 不 能 再 去,沖出了好 多層階 梯,就像一 條 時 候 才 會到?」我們努力用各式各

找理由推拖,就 專 心去經 歷吧!夜 在森林裡穿梭的白龍。 樣俏皮逗趣的方法回答,卻引不起

裡,車 南 馳 玉 里,我 竟在 心 裡,向 「你看!」有人指著對面山壁。 他們的鬥志。

造物者 祈 禱、向學弟請託,相信一 「 哇,姑 婆 芋 的 大 葉 子 裝 得 下 我從不懷疑孩子的毅力與潛

切都會被護佑與祝福著前進。 我們背大背包的影子欸⋯⋯」有人 能,他 們只 是不勉強自己;而大 人

蕨之路 大笑。 們嘴上不說,卻也明顯看出疲態。

到了集合 的 路 口,我一下 車,就 我們的輕鬆開懷 化解了哲的害 一旦身 體 跟不上了,所有的樂趣都

看 到 一 個 朋 友,微 笑 著 張 開 雙 臂 怕,他拉著媽媽的手,鼓 起勇氣前 會 消 失,加 上 孩 子 頻 頻 不 耐 地 發

走來,給我一個溫暖的擁抱──那 行。但他沒想停下來,拉著媽媽速 問,容易引起集體懊喪的情緒。

些 打 包 前 的 意 興 闌 珊、沮 喪 悲 傷 速穿越吊橋,走 過長 長的吊橋,哲 「我的腳快斷掉了⋯⋯」哲垂頭

在那一刻通通被釋放,有人靜默地 在那頭,鬆了好大一口氣。 喪氣地哀鳴。

理解,並嘗試傳遞力量給我。 我告訴他,後面還有喔,他雙眼 「真 的,真 的 會 斷 掉⋯⋯」小佾

「謝謝。」我說。 圓睜:「什麼?!」卻已沒有恐懼。 附和。

趁 這 裡 還 有 商 店,大 家 把 背 包 孩子的森林 儘 管是 慢 行,對孩 子而言,其馬

攤 開 來 讓 我 和 小 飽 檢 視,看 裝 備 我 們 泡 在 綠 色 的 魔 法 森 林 裡, 拉 松 式 的 過 程 還 是 煎 熬。最 後 是

衣 物 是 否 有 不 足 或 多 餘,我 在 他 被 地 衣、苔 蘚 和 上 百 種 大小 型 蕨 小飽叔叔一馬當先抵達山屋,速速

們 新 奇又 躍 躍 欲 試 的 眼 神 裡 看見 類植物包圍,大冠鷲在天上盤旋。 放下大背包,又折返跑來隊伍前宣

當初稚嫩的自己,為了接近山在超 我 沉 浸 在 宮 崎 駿 卡 通 的 想 像 裡: 告:「到了、就在前面了!」

市 裡 認 真 揀 擇 什 麼 才是 在 山 裡 需 「我 猜 豆 豆 龍 的 傘 就 是 來 這 裡 借 簡短幾個字拯救了所有人,你親

要的。蹲在一堆衣物零食間悶笑: 的 ⋯⋯ 你 看,兩 排 樹 彎 彎 的 圍 起 眼看見哲的身體在下一秒放低,然

「你也帶太多保暖衣物了吧!」 山徑變成一 個洞口,跳下去 ──咚 後拔 腿衝刺!──緊接著後頭的小

54 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

佾起而效之,他們奔跑之奮力讓你 的日出⋯⋯分分秒秒都藏有驚奇, 我的生命、我們的生命,生命在 震

懷 疑:剛剛一切都是夢嗎?兩個孩 每 個 人 都 變 得 像 個 孩 子,盡 情 感 動、交疊、相互運作,本當如是。

子 是 那 麼 興 奮 地 跑 著,因 為 太 用 受原本就存在的一切,我的諸多情 我 收 下 這 些 意 外 的 禮 物,覺 得

力跑到一半還跌 倒了,兩人坐在地 緒 在 山 帶 給 他 們 的 快 樂 滿 足中 漸 自己得到的比他們還要多,當初開

上哈哈 笑 著,他們是那麼開心,以 漸獲釋,找到最初的平靜。 隊時完全料想不到。那個最初上山

至於我們也都笑了。 原本 以 為 這 是 一場 服 務 性 質 的 時 跌 跌 撞 撞 的 自 己、那 個 忍 抑 路

我 再 一 次 驗 證,路 遙 真 正 考 驗 隊伍,卻不預期遇見一開始爬山的 途 遠 長 的 自 己、那 個 初 望 滿 天 星

的是心智,而非體 力。所有人都受 自己,重新 溫習一遍爬山的初衷。 斗的自己、那個為森林光影迷醉的

到了牽引,加快 腳 步,一股 力量推 發現這些人跟自己一樣喜歡山,為 自己⋯⋯通通都跑出來了,在眼前

著 我 們,山 屋 像 是 幽 長 隧 道 的 洞 此開 心 許 久,覺得自己有同伴,原 亂竄。我怎麼會懷疑山林的力量,

口,綻放著希望之光。 來我不是少數的怪咖。喜歡山大概 是我無法承接生命之重,忘了死亡

二月初,桃花和山櫻 花都開了, 不是什麼壞事,大家都一樣啊! 會帶來 新生。走得愈多,愈 無窮 無

鳥群佇立在枝 頭 上,猴子 怪叫。有 而,這是一種如何漫長的驗證, 盡,時 空 全 然 地被 撐 開了,充滿張

人 迫不及待走進山屋:「就 是這裡 它其實從來毋需懷疑。 力,苦樂都是星星,每 一次閃 爍都

啊⋯⋯」;有人 靜 靜 側 趴在木製 平 我深深吸了一口氣,吸 入夥伴相 隱含逆轉的光芒。

台上,仰臥看彩霞 滿 天;有人 站 在 互 激 盪的暖意,然後再一點一點、 朝 陽 升 起,早 晨 的 藍 天 很 柔

山 屋前,微 笑 拍了一 張 夕照,蒼白 細 細 長 長 地 吐 出,吐 出 那 些 難 以 美,桃 花 盛 放,山櫻 花 不遑多 讓,

面色下有感恩與驕傲。我才發現, 言述的孤單、憂 愁和苦 痛。如此反 一 樹 華 麗 的 粉 紅 或 桃 紅,碎 碎 點

對 我 們 如 家 常 便 飯、甚 或 是 不 起 覆 數 次,胸 腹 因 幾 次 深 長 的 呼 吸 點抖下。

眼的風景,在他們眼裡都是珍寶。 鼓 起又消下,在這一呼一吸 之間, 落英繽紛,一路相隨。如果可以

陰鬱的山嵐、稀疏的星空、被擋住 有什麼慢慢被平復。這就是生命, 一直這麼走著,春天悄悄地來了。


The Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage

圖 •
文 •
莊坤儒 版面設計 •

Gouzao, Beigang Township, Yunlin County: As
the Mazu procession moves through the fields,
people set off firecrackers to celebrate the
coming of the deity. (photo by Lin Min-hsuan)
A t 11:40 p.m. on May 16, 2018, there was
quite a hubbub at Gong Tian Temple in
Tongxiao, Miaoli County, as the annual Bai-
sha tun Mazu Pilgrimage set off. This year
Mazu indicated that she wanted to be taken to
Chao-Tian Temple in Beigang, Yunlin County,
within 36 hours. The round trip of nearly 320
kilometers on foot would be a rigorous test for
時內徒步至雲林的北港朝天宮,將近150 the temple workers and the faithful.
公里的路程,考驗廟方工作人員、香燈腳 The pilgrimage has been practiced at Gong
(信徒)夜以繼日徒步前行。 Tian Temple for over 150 years. The schedule
「白沙屯媽祖進香」是苗栗縣通霄的 is worked out in advance by divination. The
拱天宮信眾代代相傳的宗教儀式,迄今有 route, and the procession’s stops along
150年以上的歷史。徒步進香的路程縱跨 the way, are decided by Mazu guiding the
苗栗、台中、彰化、雲林,最後至北港朝 palanquin bearers. This is a special feature of
天宮參拜,來回距離將近320公里。每年 the Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage.
進香期程,均由拱天宮委員與當年爐主, During the eight-day journey we followed
Mazu as she passed through fields, paused at
a supermarket, and gazed out over believers
凌晨五點大轎起駕, along the route who sought her protection by
一名信眾向媽祖神轎 kneeling or prostrating themselves to allow
抬轎者前行,是最大的特色。 揮別。彰化/北斗 her palanquin to pass over them. But what we
於是我們在八天七夜的行程中,跟著媽 (莊坤儒攝)
Beidou, Changhua found most moving of all was the unaffected
祖走過田野、在超市停駕休息、望見沿途 County: At 5 a.m., Mazu’s goodwill and innocence that shone in the

的居民鑽轎腳祈求平安,更令人感動的是 palanquin sets off. A pious
follower waves goodbye. faces of ordinary people along the way.
那份台灣人民心存善意的純真面孔。  (photo by Chuang Kung-ju) (text by Chuang Kung-ju/tr. by Phil Newell)
(right) The Baishatun Mazu is
a “soft” statue, made with joints
so that its arms and legs can
move. It is thought to be over
200 years old. (photo by Lin

(below) Everywhere that Mazu’s
palanquin travels, the route is
thronged with the faithful.
(photo by Lin Min-hsuan)
The route of the annual
pilgrimage is not fixed.
Sometimes Mazu will go to a
supermarket, sometimes to
a school. (photos by Chuang

插圖・胡如瑜 art by Hu Ju-yu

A retail market in Dadu, Taichung.

彰化大村國中 台中大肚橋
Dacun Junior High School, Changhua. Dadu Bridge, Taichung.

60 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

On the final day, for Mazu’s return home,
they switch from a palanquin with four
bearers to one with eight. Photographers
vie to record this moment, when Mazu’s
face is visible. (photo by Jimmy Lin)
64 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08
After the eight-day pilgrimage,
believers in Baishatun respectfully
welcome Mazu home to Gong
Tian Temple. (photo by Jimmy Lin)


台灣 醫療援外 事蹟
The Power of Friendship:
Taiwan’s Public Health

文‧曾蘭淑 圖‧林旻萱 版面設計‧胡如瑜

動,不再只是義診與出錢蓋醫院,而是以醫療與 發展基金會(以下簡稱「國合會」)與亞東醫院
科技的實力,為他們培訓醫護人員與建立醫療軟 合作的「貝里斯慢性腎衰竭防治計畫」,來到台
體設備,展現細緻與靈巧的協助。 灣學習透析治療的種子醫護教師。
二位梳著辮子頭、身材高大的護士, 穿梭在亞 的比例如此之高!」亞東醫院內科部主任彭渝森
東醫院血液透析病房,護理長用英文解釋使用空 指出,慢性腎臟病在貝里斯10大死因中高居第5
針與栓子的流程,Kathy與Lenisha 頻頻點頭,自 位,除了當地特有、好發於中年男性的中美洲腎
信地將針頭插入練習假手臂,了解如何在打針消 臟病,加上貝里斯人有服用草藥的習慣,也可能
毒時預防感染。這二位是因為財團法人國際合作 造成此病。

66 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

T aiwan has gained an international reputation
for its public health assistance and medical
missions in Latin America, Africa and the South
International assistance efforts represent a hand
extended in friendship and the winning of hearts and
minds among the populations of diplomatic allies,
Pacific. Whether combating kidney disease in Belize factors more important than levels of assistance
or working to lower maternal and infant mortality spending.
rates in the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swazi-
land), Taiwan’s medical assistance initiatives have In the dialysis unit of Taiwan’s Far Eastern Memorial
expanded beyond providing free clinics and building Hospital (FEMH) two nurse trainees, Kathy and Leni-
hospitals. Taiwan’s capabilities in the field include sha, practice inserting catheters into a dummy training
health expertise and technology, allowing detailed arm. Tall in stature and with their braids tucked neatly
programs to be tailored to local needs, such as train- away, the two women brim with confidence while the
ing medical personnel, designing medical computer head nurse explains in English how to avoid infection
software and donating equipment. during the procedure. The women are nursing “seed

更有甚者,只有36萬人的貝里斯,卻有6成比 長了病人的壽命。但在貝里斯,一次洗腎費用要
例的肥胖人口,因為高血壓與糖尿病造成的慢性 100美元,沒有健保支付,病患只能回家等死。
腎臟病,卻因為貧瘠的醫療資源,末期腎臟病的 亞東醫院團隊考慮貝里斯的財政限制,得從前
病人無法透過血液透析(俗稱「洗腎」)維持生 端慢性病的管理著手,才是治本之道。透過衛教
命,貝里斯人因此談「腎」色變。 宣導,改正民眾「胖就是美」的傳統觀點,建立
「能夠幫助貝里斯,因為台灣是過來人。」亞 「吃高油高糖食物的危機感」,以及對腎臟病的
東醫院腎臟內科主任徐世平進一步解釋,台灣末 病識感。
至少4萬元的開銷,是很大的負擔。由於台灣健 然而,貝里斯政府根本不知道自己國家腎臟病
保支付洗腎的費用,穩定了病患的生活品質,延 的盛行率,很多民眾也不清楚自己有腎臟病,因

68 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

instructors” from Belize who are taking part in a capacity building
program for the prevention and control of chronic renal failure, es-
tablished by the International Cooperation and Development Fund
(TaiwanICDF) and FEMH.
Chronic kidney failure in Belize
“Before arriving in Belize I had no idea that mortality from
chronic kidney disease was so high!” says Peng Yu-sen, director of
internal medicine at FEMH. It ranks fifth among the top ten causes
of death in the country, and is prevalent in middle-aged men
throughout Latin America. In Belize the widespread use of herbal
medicines might be an additional cause for the disease.
Moreover, among Belize’s population of just over 360,000, obes-
ity affects 60% of people. Chronic kidney disease is often caused
by high blood pressure and diabetes, but insufficient medical re-
sources prevent treatment through hemodialysis in the late stages
of the disease. Kidney disease therefore causes considerable anxi-
ety among the public. After considering the constraints of the med-
ical system in Belize, the FEMH team decided that the best course
of action was to manage the disease at its earliest stages.
Winning hearts and minds
The government of Belize, however, lacked accurate estimates
of the condition’s prevalence, and many people were unaware that
they had kidney problems. Before the disease could be tackled,
therefore, FEMH had to get an accurate picture of how widespread
it was. It did this by initiating community screenings and survey-
ing the populace.
The Belize Ministry of Health and the Statistical Institute of
Belize dispatched local personnel to implement the health survey,
under the direction of TaiwanICDF project manager John Lin. From
2016 to January of 2018 testing was conducted nationwide. Screen-
ings reached about 5% of all households and included taking blood
samples and measuring blood sugar and blood pressure. In total,

At Taiwan’s Far Eastern Memorial
Hospital, medical personnel from
Belize practice how to avoid infection
when inserting dialysis catheters.

Belizean medical personnel will
return home to pass on their training
in their own communities.

此無從防治起。亞東醫院只好追本溯源,從建立 特別的是,進行抽血調查時,宣傳海報與贈送
社區篩檢與調查盛行率開始。 的小禮物上面有台灣的國旗,用「抽血」來深入
貝國衛生部與調查統計局全力支持,派遣當地 民間的醫療外交,確實讓貝里斯人民深刻感受到
人力,由國合會計畫經理林建璋指揮,自2016年 台灣的關懷。
至2018年1月,以科學的抽樣,深入每一個鄉鎮 林建璋還因買東西時,老闆好奇他從那裡來,
村莊,選定5%社區家戶,以抽血、量血糖與血 一經詢問,得知他負責腎臟病防治計畫,老闆表
壓,完成7,834人膽固醇與腎功能的篩檢,為貝里 示家人就是因腎臟衰竭而死,真心感謝林建璋與
斯建立了全面第一手的全國腎臟病防治與個案管 台灣的協助,讓貝里斯人可以提早預防,避免落
理的資料庫。 入慢性腎臟病的因循苦難中。
免不必要的誤解,國合會專案經理林建璋特地上 亞東醫院進一步與貝國二家大型的醫院合作,
了貝里斯的電視台宣傳。等到醫護人員到了各社 培訓臨床醫護人員作為種子教師,再回到貝里
區,抽血篩檢,順便進行衛教,「我不知道我有 斯,為公衛人員進行訓練;另外安排資訊人員到台
腎臟病?那我該怎麼辦?」「注意飲食,不要吃 灣學習Virtual Studio系統,進行個案追蹤與管理。
太油、太甜與太鹹!」工作人員至少向1萬名民 學員Yum在台灣學習新的程式語言與如何管理資
眾進行衛教與問卷調查。 料庫,他表示:「真是受益良多,不僅自身功力大

亞東醫院團隊2016年至貝里斯的Karl Heusner 紀念醫院了解種子教師上課的情形,

In 2016 a medical team from Far Eastern Memorial Hospital visited Belize’s Karl Heusner Memorial
Hospital to observe classes taught by instructors trained in Taiwan. (courtesy of TaiwanICDF)

70 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

7,834 people were tested for cholesterol levels and kid- 史瓦帝尼衛生部長席蔓拉(中)
ney function. The survey resulted in Belize’s first com- 體驗合作計畫中,由嘉義基督教醫院所捐贈
prehensive database for kidney disease control and case Sibongile Simelane (center), Eswatini’s minister
management. During the survey, Taiwan’s flag adorned of health, tries out medical equipment donated by
Chia-Yi Christian Hospital. (courtesy of TaiwanICDF)
posters and small gifts presented to participants. This
healthcare diplomacy conducted at grassroots level
helped win the gratitude of the public.
New directions for medical aid
FEMH also initiated a program to send clinical staff Peng Yu-sen shared the program’s achievements at a
from two large hospitals in Belize to Taiwan for training forum in Geneva timed to coincide with the 71st World
as seed instructors. The participants then returned to Health Assembly, held in May 2018, which helped
Belize to pass on their skills to other healthcare person- publicize the dedication and achievements of Taiwan’s
nel. FEMH also provided training in Taiwan for infor- overseas public health assistance.
mation specialists in the use of Virtual Studio software Lee Pai-po, TaiwanICDF deputy secretary general,
for case tracking and management. notes that Taiwan’s medical assistance programs have
A trainee named Yum, for example, studied a new shifted focus from sending teams of medical volunteers
programming language in Taiwan and learned how to provide treatment, to “capacity building” intended
to manage a database. “This was amazingly helpful,” to improve public health delivery. This type of medical
he said. “I mastered new skills and now feel like I can aid is also in line with the United Nations’ sustainable
help improve my country’s healthcare system. The tech- development goals and allows Taiwan to contribute
niques could also benefit neighboring countries in the to global health initiatives. Taiwan moreover is well
Caribbean.” known for its expertise in both public health and

A doctor in Eswatini vaccinates a newborn
baby. (courtesy of TaiwanICDF)

增,我相信,可以對我的國家的健康照顧系統帶來 國」)上。國合會與嘉義基督教醫院醫療團隊合
改變,甚至可以推廣至加勒比海地區的鄰邦。」 作,自2016年開始,每年踏上在地球另一端、非
彭渝森醫師今(2018)年5月在瑞士第71屆世 洲南部的史瓦帝尼,目標是「降低孕婦生產與嬰
界衛生大會(WHA)會外會,分享這項計畫推動 兒出生的死亡率」。
的成果,讓國際社會看到台灣在全球公衛醫療援 人口只有130萬人,比彰化縣人口還要少的史
外的投入與成效。 瓦帝尼,每10萬個孕婦生產死亡率為389人,嬰
他指出:「我不覺得這個計畫是援助,我認為 幼兒死亡率是每千人53人。做為衡量一國健康水
是合作,在與貝里斯官員互動中,我發現貝里斯 平的數據,對照台灣孕婦死亡率是11.6(每10萬
官員很想做事,他們從未開口要台灣捐器材,卻 個),嬰幼兒死亡率是2.4(每千人),就會發現
是全力支持亞東醫院提出的計畫,幫助台灣鋪天 史瓦帝尼這項數據不僅是全球排名的末段班,而
蓋地式地深入貝里斯基層,讓許多人民感受到台 且比北韓還要差,因此降低母嬰死亡率也成為史
灣的關懷。」台灣因為政治因素無法加入世界衛 國的重要目標。
生組織,但用行動證明台灣落實了世衛「使世界 盛行一夫多妻制的史瓦帝尼,愛滋病盛行率
各地人民健康」的目標。 高居全世界之首。恆春基督教醫院院長陳志成
國合會副秘書長李栢浡指出,台灣醫療援外, 指出,正因為如此,全世界的醫療資源都湧入
逐漸從過去醫療團義診,轉型至「能力建構」為 史國,提供免費愛滋病藥物治療,目前死亡率
導向的公衛醫療援助上。推動「公衛醫療援外」 不僅有效降低,甚至因愛滋病造成垂直感染的
並且符合聯合國永續發展目標,讓台灣得以與世 嬰幼兒死亡率只有2%。台灣想要突顯在國際醫
界醫療援助的方向接軌,加上台灣擁有醫療與資 療舞台的能見度,讓邦交國看到台灣醫療援助
通訊產業的優勢,為援助國建立可長可久的醫療 的實力,就從「降低孕產婦與嬰幼兒死亡率」
軟體設備與人才培訓,縱使醫療義診隊撤走了, 努力。
培植的種子醫護人員還能繼續發揮行醫的能量。 嘉義基督教醫院國際醫療援助計畫專案主任林
「給魚吃,不如教如何釣魚」的想法,也應 原因之一,而早產、新生兒窒息、體重過輕,以
用在協助台灣邦交國史瓦帝尼(原「史瓦濟蘭王 及感染是新生兒主要死因。

72 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

information technology, and can help recipients of its Eswatini, which has a population of only 1.3 million
aid programs by developing medical technology and by (2016), has a maternal mortality rate of 389 deaths per
training personnel. As a result, when the medical mis- 100,000 live births and a mortality rate in children un-
sions wrap up their work, local health professionals can der five years old of 53 deaths per 1,000 live births. By
take over the training initiatives. comparison, Taiwan has maternal mortality of 11.6 per
Reducing infant mortality 100,000 and under-five child mortality of 2.4 per 1,000.
This kind of “teach a man to fish” philosophy is also Eswatini ranks toward the bottom in global rankings, be-
evident in Taiwan’s approach to its aid to Eswatini. Be- hind even North Korea. Reducing these mortality rates is
ginning in 2016 TaiwanICDF partnered with clinicians therefore a major priority for the kingdom.
at Chia-Yi Christian Hospital (CYCH) to work to reduce Eswatini, where polygamy is widespread, also has
maternal and infant mortality half way around the the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world. In response,
world in southern Africa. AIDS prevention and treatment resources have been
provided free of charge by the international commu-
nity, notes Solomon C.C. Chen, superintendent at Heng
Chun Christian Hospital. This has dramatically reduced
AIDS-related mortality overall and lowered mortality
from maternal transmission to 2%. Through its efforts to
reduce maternal and infant mortality in Eswatini, Chen
observes, Taiwan hopes to demonstrate the efficacy of its
medical assistance programs to its diplomatic partners
and raise its profile in global health circles.
CYCH medical missions have repeatedly visited
Eswatini since 2016 and have discovered that prenatal
examinations are rare in the country, making it difficult
to intervene in high-risk pregnancies and so raising the
risk of mortality and premature birth. Moreover be-
cause the country’s hospitals often discharge mothers 24
hours after birth due to inadequate medical resources,
there is a high risk of hemorrhaging and other dangers
that increase the incidence of maternal death.
Faced with such a weak system of maternal care, the
CYCH medical team adopted an empowerment-based
approach. It trained seed instructors who in turn
trained up 240 women as “community health promot-
ers.” Because they are familiar with their local commu-
nities, they can visit pregnant women in their homes
to educate them and encourage them to go to clinics

Yao Wei-jen (second right), superintendent of Chia-Yi
Christian Hospital, emphasizes that the hospital’s
overseas medical assistance is delivered according
to the needs of the people in the host countries.

嘉基團隊自2016年起多次造訪史瓦帝尼,發 不僅圓了她的夢,也讓她有不同的角度看台灣
現原來史國的產婦沒有產檢的習慣,高危險妊 醫療。陳碧惠說:「台灣先生陪著太太來產檢
娠可能引發生命危險與嬰兒早產均無法提前預 十分普遍,不像史國,產婦覺得生孩子是她們
防,加上醫療資源不足,醫院催促產婦生產完 的義務,要生了,就自己拎著皮箱,抱著孩
24小時後一定要出院,因為傷口感染所造成大 子,到醫院旁的等待屋,自己煮飯等生產,生
出血等原因,增加了產婦死亡的比例。 完了就自己回家,相較之下,台灣產婦很幸
面對史國如此「殘弱」的母嬰照護條件,嘉 福!」
基團隊從「賦權」角度出發,與史瓦帝尼最大 嘉基同時又為史瓦帝尼設計全國醫療「孕產
的R F M醫院合作,同時也是嘉基小兒科醫師的 婦與嬰兒監測與個案管理」的電腦系統,負責
陳志成說,史國一年約有2萬個新生兒,R F M 資訊專案的主任許美鈴指出,台灣醫療資訊電
醫院一年至少接生9,000位,由嘉基訓練種子教 腦化與推動電子病歷至少有20年歷史,累積了
師,培訓240位「社區健康促進員」,這些人有 豐富的資訊整合與問題解決的能力,雖然史國
如社區大媽,熟悉鄰里,透過家訪,向產婦進 有網路不穩等先天上的限制,但台灣協助建立
行衛教,督促產婦到診所產檢,並且可就近領 的資訊系統,能讓史國按一下電腦鍵,一個表
取免費的營養品,減少因孕期營養不良造成早 單就能監測出地區公衛醫療問題所在,強化保
產與水腦症的情況。同時篩選出高危險妊娠孕 健效能。
婦,提醒她們提早就醫,減少孕產婦與嬰兒併 對於台灣的協助,史瓦帝尼與貝里斯均有感於
發症,也就能減少死亡率,「多救一個孩子就 心。國合會人道援助處長王宏慈說,史瓦帝尼衛
多一個生命」。 生部官員曾透露,很多國家都說要來幫助他們,
護理工作做了三十多年,懷抱著做國際志工 正的援助,是真誠地為他們設想,提供所需之援
夢想的陳碧惠督導,也參與史瓦帝尼的服務, 助,充分顯示「患難見真情」的友誼。 □

74 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

(above) Belizean medical personnel in Taiwan for training develop lasting friendships with
their Taiwanese counterparts.

(facing page) Delivery room staff at Chia-Yi Christian Hospital train medical personnel from Eswatini.
(courtesy of CYCH)

for prenatal exams, where they can also collect free nu- of TaiwanICDF’s Humanitarian Assistance Department,
tritional supplements to reduce premature births and says that according to health ministry officials in Eswa-
hydrocephalus (the buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the tini, many countries have promised aid but Taiwan is the
brain). The community health promoters also identify only one that has implemented programs in the country;
high-risk pregnancies and remind mothers to seek out and health professionals in Belize remarked that many
prenatal treatment. This reduces complications for both countries have provided funds for training programs, but
mother and child and helps reduce mortality. Each child only Taiwan has implemented long-term on-the-ground
saved represents the saving of a whole new life. training. Effective aid is based in true consideration of lo-
Goodwill the world over cal needs and a genuine desire to improve others’ lives. 
Both Eswatini and Belize have expressed gratitude for (Esther Tseng/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
Taiwan’s medical assistance. Wang Hung-tzu, director tr. by Robert Green)


By Your Side:
Taitung’s “Kids’

文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•胡如瑜

解讀,有人說是太陽下認真努力而曬黑的孩子; W hat does “black kid” mean? Interpretations
depend on whom you ask. Some say it refers
to a dark-skinned child who labors steadfastly under
the sun; but Chen Junlang, founder of “Kids’ Book-
house,” says it is a child who confronts the black
hole within the mind, and finds a way out of those
環境挫折的一個隱喻、一個象徵,與一個期許。 dark shadows. In the 18 years since Kids’ Bookhouse
was established in Taitung, “black kid” has become
連結花蓮與台東之間的台11線,到了台東知本 a meta phor, a symbol—most of all, a deep-felt
稱為知本路,筆直的省道兩旁,綠澄澄的台東平 wish—for confronting family fragmentation and the
原、蒼翠的射馬干山,近在眼前,一不小心,很 setbacks faced by vulnerable children.

As you follow Provincial Highway 11 along the coast
of Taitung, when you arrive at Zhiben, on either side of
the perfectly straight highway the verdant Taitung Plain
孩子不同的人生體驗與挑戰,7月暑假要展開騎 and emerald-green Mt. She ma gan spread out before
單車環島、划獨木舟環島的活動,下個月他還要 you. It’s easy to miss the “Black Kid Café” located near
帶著書屋的孩子從南京騎到上海。 the 172.5 kilometer marker.

76 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Kids’ Bookhouse’s deep roots: For 18 years, Chen Junlang has been helping keep children off
the streets, fill their bellies and do their homework.
陳俊朗2000年從照顧自己的2個孩子開始, 青林書屋矗立在台東省道旁,述說著自力自建、
因著義氣與不捨,2005年因緣際會成立建和書 The self-built Qinglin Bookhouse stands at the side of Provincial
Highway 11 in Taitung, a testimony to the realization of what was
屋,現在台東8個偏遠部落,共有9間「孩子的書 considered unimaginable.
人送餐的社區服務,同時自力造屋「黑孩子咖 賣過車子、房子,開過餐廳與特種行業的陳俊
啡」,作為技職實習的一處場所。 朗,為了陪伴「年久生疏」的孩子,回到台東老
「我在36歲那年,才開始做我自己想做的事, 時間回到2000年,一個再平凡不過的日子,陳
為自己而活,一輩子,把自己想做的事做完。」 俊朗帶著2個兒子到街角吃麵,遇到兒子陳彥翰
這個看似人生的最高境界,是陳俊朗創辦孩子的 國小的同學小童,陳俊朗隨口邀請一起吃麵。習
書屋後才發現,「我就是想幫助孩子們解決問 慣吃兩碗麵的陳俊朗與陳彥翰,也幫小童叫了第
題,雖然過程充滿許多挑戰,走過許多連我自己 二碗麵,吃完沒有多久,小童卻唏哩嘩啦全吐出
都無法理解的低潮,然而當困難解決,再一次擴 來。「陳爸,我很久沒有吃過這麼多東西了!」
充心理的能量,就能夠再前進。」 小童歉疚地說。

78 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

After Chen Junlang began looking after his own two
children in the year 2000, motivated by his sense of social
justice and compassion for other youngsters, in 2005 he
founded the Kasavakan Bookhouse. Today, nine Kids’
Bookhouses are located in eight of Taitung’s remote tribal
communities, offering companionship to nearly 2,000
children from disadvantaged households headed by a
single parent or affected by problems such as poverty or
domestic violence. The services they offer have expanded
to include assisting unemployed people and delivering
meals to the elderly, while also constructing Black Kid
Café, which functions as a vocational training site.
A tale of two bowls of noodles
“It wasn’t until I was 36 years old that I began to do
what I actually wanted to do,” says Chen, who only dis-
covered that he had reached this high point in his life after
founding the first bookhouse. “My motivation was quite
simple. I wanted to help children resolve their problems.
There have been so many challenges, and many low points
that even I didn’t comprehend, but when the difficulties
have been resolved, and my mind is recharged with posi-
tive energy, it becomes a driving force for progress.”
In order to spend more time with his children, who
were becoming increasingly unfamiliar with him, Chen,
who had previously sold cars and real estate and oper-
ated restaurants, returned to his hometown Taitung and
sat the exam for court clerk. But to understand how he

(孩子的書屋提供/courtesy of Kids' Bookhouse)

小童由於父母親離婚,媽媽改嫁,父親失業 孩子的書屋,每天透過課輔與遊樂的陪伴,
後酗酒更加嚴重,遇到陳俊朗之前,3年來沒有 Thanks to the camaraderie generated by academic counseling
and fun and games, the bookhouses help make up for the
好好吃過一頓晚餐,陳俊朗本來在家陪小孩讀書 family warmth missing in these young students’ lives.
裡不願意說,只說:「不想念書了。」原來考了 家裡院子聚了這麼多孩子,甚至陳俊朗有時不
全班第一,拿了成績單去花蓮找媽媽,但是他發 得不介入別家孩子的「家務事」,「陳家聚幫結
現,縱使考第一名,也要不回已經另組家庭的媽 派鬧事」、「靠孩子賺錢」,這些閒言閒語陳俊
媽。還好的是小童仍到書屋,他旗下常打架的手 朗都不以為意。
下們也被「收編」到書屋來。 直到書屋的孩子打群架,一個孩子被15個孩子
「再酷的孩子都需要人呵護」,陳家的三合院 打死,陳俊朗硬著頭皮參與驗屍、解剖、火化,
開著,漸漸地,附近孩子被吉他聲、打球吵鬧聲 「整個過程已經夠傷心了,孩子父母對肇事者的
吸引,人愈聚愈多,最多曾到六十多位。陳俊朗 父母在一旁論斤論兩地要錢,真的讓我相信,扭
發現,孩子中很多像小童一樣,家庭功能紊亂, 曲的孩子來自扭曲的父母,我的心裡真的過不
下課回家要幫父母買酒喝,當父母失意時的「出 去,書屋關閉了3個月。」陳爸說著,嘴唇緊閉
氣筒」,肚子餓了也沒有人理,或是隔代教養, 成一直線。
下了課就在外面亂晃。 這期間,書屋的孩子總是徘徊在陳爸家的圍牆
在詫異、不解為何會有這種家庭之餘,卻激起 外,甚至往內丟紙條,陳俊朗禁不住,再度把家門
陳俊朗的義氣,在家起大灶煮飯給大家吃,原本 打開。為了經營書屋,供五十多個孩子有飯吃,耗
念考試用書,改成念孩子們的教科書,幫這些被 盡陳俊朗所有存款,他吃了18個月的泡麵,最後太
主流教育放棄的孩子復習功課。 太受不了,要求離婚。老婆走了、朋友走光了,錢

80 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

became known as “Daddy Chen” among bookhouse staff and children
alike, we must begin with a tale of noodles.
It was a perfectly ordinary day back in 2000, and Chen had taken his
two sons for noodles at a street side vendor. They ran into Xiao Tong, a
classmate of his son Chen Yanhan, and the elder Chen naturally invited
him along for a bowl of noodles. The father and son, who typically ate
two bowls apiece, ordered seconds for Xiao Tong too. But soon after-
wards, Xiao Tong upchucked the contents of his lunch. “Daddy Chen,
it’s been a long time since I ate so much!” said Xiao Tong apologetically.
Due to his parents’ divorce and mother’s remarriage, and his fa-
ther’s even heavier drinking bouts due to subsequent unemployment,
before Xiao Tong ran into the Chens that day he hadn’t had a solid din-
ner for three years. Since Chen regularly accompanied his sons as they
did their homework, he invited Xiao Tong to join them.
“Even the coolest of kids needs care.” The gate to the Chen family’s
three-sided courtyard was thrown open and gradually children in the
neighborhood were attracted by the sound of guitars and boisterous
ball games. More and more gathered in the yard, exceeding 60 at one
point. Chen discovered that like Xiao Tong, many came from dysfunc-
tional families where they were expected to buy liquor for their parents
on their way home from school, but no one fed them when they were
hungry. Or else they were being raised by grandparents, and so they
hung around making trouble after school.
Surprised and puzzled as to the reason for such family situations,
Chen’s sense of compassion was stirred. He began cooking meals for the
kids, and the books he had used to study for his court clerk exam be-
came the textbooks from which he learned how to help these children—

(孩子的書屋提供/courtesy of Kids' Bookhouse)

Chen Junlang (first right) hopes that as a skills training site, the Black Kid Café will boost local youngsters’
competitiveness in the job market.

也花光了,處在瀕臨崩潰的低潮,陳俊朗心裡微微 「常常國中的學生連英文的26個字母寫不出
地告訴自己:「這是我想做的事。」但因為陪伴孩 來,拼音也不會⋯⋯」,為了要讓這些功課不好
子帶來不可置信的改變,給了他最大支撐的力量。 的孩子有成就感,喜歡運動的陳俊朗想出要讓書
「每天打架鬧事的孩子,有一天突然會自己 屋的孩子環島的點子。2009年有人捐腳踏車,
先道歉,變得認真有禮貌;有孩子罵自己是死胖 105個孩子環島騎了9天,剛好騎到台中,因莫拉
子,跟著運動,一路瘦成大帥哥;有原本氣喘的 克颱風橋斷了,錢也用完了,就坐火車回來。
孩子有天突然告訴我,每天跑5,000公尺以後,不 「剛回來有點失望,因為孩子們好像沒有什麼
氣喘了。」尤其當小童發現父親猝死在家門口, 改變,但漸漸地發覺,一起去環島的孩子有團體
直接跨過屍體,上門來找陳爸「處理」,陳俊朗 意識,以前書屋的垃圾滿了,沒有人倒,現在會
說,這樣的孩子,還會溫柔叫我一聲「陳爸」。 有人主動倒;考試前大家一起閉關,模擬考成績
現在是士官長的小童,偶爾會回來看他,像小童 有人進步一百多分。」陳俊朗驕傲地說。
在陪伴過程中,只有高中學歷的陳俊朗,與 來到書屋,除了吃很多,沒有一個優點,身上
孩子約定,考試沒有進步,就罰他自己作伏地挺 有怪味,因為太胖肉有皺摺,洗不乾淨,沒有
身,孩子們不以為意,考試成績公布,果真都沒 人喜歡他。跟著書屋去騎車環島,大腿內側磨
有進步。陳俊朗江湖氣發作,二話不說,「我自 到皮都快掉了,如果不繼續騎,雙腿一合,皮
己教不好!」,處罰自己作伏地挺身,剛開始大 就會黏起來,孩子一邊哇哇叫,一邊因著團隊
家還鬧著起鬨,做到第60下,孩子們開始哭了, 群策群力的激勵,「比我弱的都騎上坡了」,
承諾下次會好好讀書,他做了120下伏地挺身的 忍受著身體的痛苦,咬著牙一撐,就騎上坡跟
責備,重重落在孩子的心上。 上隊伍。

82 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

given up on by the mainstream education system—with leased a plot of land on which he set up the Kasavakan
their studies. Bookhouse (the name “bookhouse” comes from shuwu,
Companionship brings change meaning “library” or “study room”).
His yard filled with so many youngsters, at times Chen Thanks to the undeniable changes that occurred as a
couldn’t help but intervene in the “family affairs” of chil- result of his loyalty to these children, Chen obtained the
dren other than his own. But he chose to ignore rumors of greatest possible support to carry on.
“gang-style incidents at the Chen residence.” “A child who got into daily fights was suddenly the first
He continued to look the other way until one day a
gang fight broke out among the youngsters, and a 15-year-
old was beaten to death. Chen braced himself to attend
the autopsy and cremation. “The whole process was very 也有正常的三餐。
saddening, and the parents of the dead child’s persistence Kids’ Bookhouse provides children with dinner to ensure that they
can do their homework on a full stomach.
in demanding monetary compensation from the families
of the instigators made it worse. It convinced me that
screwed-up children are raised by screwed-up parents. I felt
utterly disheartened, and I closed my home to the kids for
three months,” says Chen, his lips pressed tightly together.
During this period, the children who had frequented the
Chen abode paced about outside and even threw messages
on strips of paper over the wall into the courtyard. Eventu-
ally Chen couldn’t help himself; once again he opened the
doors to his home. In order to operate the place and feed
more than 50 children, he depleted his savings despite eat-
ing instant noodles for 18 months. Fed up, his wife finally
demanded a divorce. His wife gone, abandoned by his
friends, and all his money spent too, Chen was on the cusp
of a nervous breakdown. That’s when he told himself qui-
etly: “This is what I want to do with my life!” In 2005, he

社區書屋與辦公室 主要道路
Kids’ Bookhouses and office Main roads
孩子的書屋相關措施 地標
Related facilities Landmarks Major challenges

Bookhouse 單車環島
Quinoa Cycling
Farm round Taiwan

dormitory Qinglin Likavung
Bookhouse Kasavakan Taitung Bookhouse 獨木舟環島
Bookhouse Educational Kayaking
Association round Taiwan

Hiking over
Anasolay High School Jiandong Central
Bookhouse Bookhouse Vegetable Mountain
Kasavakan Range
Fruit Farm
Bookhouse Na
Un Taitu al
ive ng

Ra hiben Puyuma
Sta way Fruit Farm
tion Siafulungay
Bookhouse Lijia Creek
Zhiben River

孩子的書屋與產業分布圖:孩子的書屋提供 Bookhouse
Black Kids’ Bookhouse locations
Kid (courtesy of Kids’ Bookhouse)

書屋有很多孩子,沒有任何成功的經驗,但透 泛舟環島也是書屋的特殊教育。事前經過3個
過騎車、划獨木舟環島,增加意志力,完成後, 月體能訓練與集訓,學習如何翻船復位與救援,
建立了信心,心裡的能量增強了,也累積了成功 利用暑假以32天用獨木舟走「海路」繞台灣一圈。
的經驗。喜歡唱歌彈吉他的孩子,書屋幫大家開 雖然出海第一天,就有孩子說「很無聊」,然而,
音樂會;喜歡烘焙的孩子,輔導考丙級烘焙執 以前在台東沒有見過「外面」,繞台灣一圈後,
照。像建杰,現已騎單車環島3圈、獨木舟1圈, 到了經常被台北人誇讚的宜蘭冬山河,孩子們覺
拿到丙級烘焙執照,臉上有光采,神情很飛揚。 得並不是很乾淨;划到西海岸,溫熱的濁水,讓
還有讓喜歡運動的孩子打拳擊,拿到總統盃第 他們身上起了疹子;一直要划到墾丁,碧藍涼爽
7名的小武,沒有被欺負,也不喜歡打架,當初 的海水、美麗的珊瑚礁,一經比較,才體認自家
只是因為不想看父母親每天吵架而來到書屋,嘗 台東海岸的美,上了一堂真正的環境教育課。
全中運的冠軍為目標。」拳擊教練林張凱皓說, 由於數個書屋幾度面臨房東收回房子,被迫搬
「拳擊可以訓練孩子反應力、更加機靈。」現於 遷的事,2013年陳俊朗承租了一塊土地,決定自己
東海大學念研究所,本身是總統盃拳擊賽冠軍的 蓋一棟「土角厝」的青林書屋。在家樂福基金會
教練就是孩子可以看得到「文武雙全」的榜樣。 贊助下,以立國際服務動員500位志工,作了7,000
打拳習武,不止宣洩負面能量,還能練出抗壓力與人生目標。 廠,書屋完全由工班搭建。沒有想到,全台灣第
Boxing not only helps vent negative energy, it also nurtures the
ability to resist stress and to set life goals. 一間鋼構的土磚屋,第一次蓋好,就得到ADA新

84 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Training on two wheels: Kid’s
Bookhouse encourages
cycling—gradually increasing
from 5 km to an island-wide
tour—to build willpower
and self-confidence.
(courtesy of Kids'

to apologize, and became serious and courteous; a child himself and began doing push-ups. At the beginning,
who cursed himself for being a fat pig lost weight and be- everyone cheered him on, but when he reached his sixtieth,
came a handsome young man; an asthmatic child one day they began to cry and vowed that next time they would
told me out of the blue that ever since he began running study harder. All in all, he punished himself with 120 push-
5000 meters daily, he had not had another attack.” Most ups, and they weighed heavily on the children’s hearts.
strikingly, when Xiao Tong discovered his father dead in “Typically, junior high school students can’t even write
the doorway of their house, he stepped over the corpse out the 26 letters of the alphabet, nor can they spell En-
and asked Chen to “deal with it”; yet even a child like this glish words….” In order to help these students who were
would tenderly call him “Daddy Chen.” Xiao Tong, now performing poorly at school to obtain a newfound sense
a sergeant major in the army, sometimes comes back to of achievement, Chen, who enjoys sports, came up with
see Chen. Thanks to Chen’s timely companionship, even a the idea of taking the bookhouse children on a trip right
former “black kid” like him has escaped the dark shadows around Taiwan. In 2009, 105 youngsters took part in the
of his upbringing, and is no longer a pugnacious bully. first group to cycle the length of the island. “When we first
Practicing what he preaches returned I was a bit disappointed, because it seemed the
In the process of helping the children with their studies, children hadn’t really changed. But gradually I discovered
Chen—himself just a high-school graduate—promised that the children who had been on the tour together had
them that if they didn’t score better on their exams, he developed a sense of community. Previously, when the
would punish himself by doing push-ups. But the children bookhouse rubbish bins were full, no one emptied them,
didn’t take him seriously, and when the exam results were but afterwards there were some who would step up to do
announced, none had improved. Chen’s sense of honor so; before exams, everyone would stay inside and study,
kicked in, and after announcing, “I have failed as your and some would score more than 100 points higher on
teacher!” he didn’t say another word—he just prostrated practice tests,” says Chen proudly.

銳建築獎首獎。就地取材、環保永續的社會價值, 本人的角色,變成全台奔波演講、分享經驗,為
集眾人之力的互助精神,感動了建築專家。 書屋募款,減緩一年上千萬花費的壓力。
青林書屋的模式,也激發陳俊朗再接再厲, 「但是我的目標很清楚」,他說,「我的目標
自力造屋,蓋了第二間「黑孩子咖啡」,並且賦 就是要讓書屋消失。」消失?他解釋:「我心裡
予「產業發展」的策略方向。讓輟學或是沒有亮 最底層的想法,就是誰有難,扶他一把,這就是
麗學歷的孩子,還有社區失業的大人,有一處可 互助的精神。透過『子自教、食自耕、屋自建』
以培養技術的實習工廠。藉由自力造屋的建築工 等方式,達到自給自足的模式,最後,書屋便能
班,種植台東的特產百香果、紅藜的農業班,製 功成身退。」
作百香果醬、百香果戚風蛋糕的烘焙班,給留在 波蘭兒童人權之父柯札克曾說:「孩子有被
台東社區的孩子與大人多一個機會。 愛、受教育,與受保護的權利。」「孩子的書
陳俊朗對孩子書屋的執著,吸引許多前來服務 屋」還給孩子當孩子的權利,但書屋仍不時為工
的志工留下來,變成全職的工作人員;他的故事 作人員的薪水、孩子的花費困窘著,如果有機會
吸引許多人,出錢出力,生命感動生命,偏鄉家 經過知本的台11線,不妨到黑孩子咖啡喝一杯咖
庭的失能,靠著社會大眾的關心得以彌補。陳爸 啡,表達對他們的鼓勵與支持。 □

86 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Each summer’s picnicking, kayaking and camping—and
the sense of achievement they engender—become a
part of the children’s happy memories.

any kind of success, but thanks to cycling and, more re-

cently, kayaking around the island, their willpower grew.
Once the trips were completed, they found they had built
a foundation of self-confidence, their mental energy had
increased, and they had accumulated successful experi-
ences. For children who enjoy singing and playing guitar,
the bookhouse has arranged concerts; for those who like
baking, they trained them to pass the exam for a Class C
baking license. Jianjie, for instance, has circled the island
three times on a bike and once by kayak, and won a baking
license. His face is full of color, and his expression cheerful.
From DIY bookhouse to workshop and café
Several times bookhouses came under threat of repos-
session by their landlords and were forced to relocate, so
in 2013 Chen leased a piece of land and decided to build
an adobe house there to serve as the site for the Qinglin
Bookhouse. Several older bookhouse alumni established
their own “black kid” construction team, and—excepting
the building’s foundation and steel structure, which were
contracted to a construction company—the bookhouse
was built entirely by the team. To their surprise, once the
island’s first steel-supported adobe structure was com-
pleted, the team won the top prize in the 2016 Advanced
Developers Association Awards for Emerging Architects.
The Qinglin Bookhouse format inspired Chen to go
Discovering self-confidence on to create a second self-built structure: the “Black Kid
“A team has terrific power.” As an example, Chen Café,” which is dedicated to vocational training. Children
cites a youngster named Jianjie (not his real name) who who have dropped out of school or possess less than im-
weighed 115 kilograms when he joined the bookhouse pressive academic qualifications, as well as unemployed
in fifth grade. At that time, his enormous appetite aside, adults in the local community, now have a “workshop”
he didn’t stand out in any way. His body emitted a where they can acquire vocational skills.
strange odor because his folds of skin made it difficult Janusz Korczak, Poland’s “father of children’s human
for him to wash thoroughly. No one liked him. When he rights,” once said: “Children have the right to be loved,
cycled around the island with the bookhouse members, educated and protected.” In addition, Kids’ Bookhouse
the skin on his inner thighs chafed so badly that if he also gives children the right to be… children. But from
didn’t constantly pedal, his legs would stick together. time to time the bookhouse finds itself embarrassingly un-
Crying out in pain, but also spurred on by the group, able to fully cover workers’ salaries and expenses for the
he thought to himself, “Even those weaker than me can children. If you find yourself on Provincial Highway 11 at
ride up the hill!” So he gritted his teeth, endured the Zhiben, why not stop off at the Black Kid Café and take a
torment, and ascended the hills to catch up to the team. coffee to give them your encouragement and support? 
Many of the bookhouse kids had not previously tasted (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Bruce Humes)


綻放 鋼 柔之美
Soft as Steel
—The Cable Sculptures of Kang Muxiang

文•陳亮君 圖•康木祥工作室提供 版面設計•王敬勛

88 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

大樓來自世界各地的遊客,也讓受刑人藉由 A steel cable can bring the world together.
Cables that have carried visitors from all
over the globe to the top of Taipei 101 have been
shaped by the hands of artist Kang Mu xiang
into forms that embody the supple strength of
Taiwan’s spirit. Moreover, through the process of
系列作品巡迴各地展出之際,拉近了台灣與 cleaning the cables, prison inmates have experi-
世界的距離,也連結了當地民眾的心。 enced hope for a new life. With worldwide exhibi-
tions of his series “Rebirth: A Steel Cable Connect-
貌如其人,斑白長髮,加上雪白絡腮鬍, ing the World,” Kang is not only bringing Taiwan
一付豪邁不羈的模樣,正如康木祥剛強的個 closer to the world, he is also linking the hearts of
性,堅毅卻不失溫柔,也是這份對作品的「執 his viewers with those of people in Taiwan.

His appearance bespeaks the man: the long gray
hair, full snow-white beard, and bold, uninhibited
因緣下的美國展出 look exactly match Kang Muxiang’s unyielding per-
sonality, indomitable yet gentle. It is his persever-
「2017年我受邀到瑞士蒙特勒雕塑雙年展 ance in his art and his concern for the environment
參展,遇到一個當地人牽著我的手不放,說非 that have enabled him to repeatedly break barriers
常感動,讓他看到這麼好的作品。」類似在地 and bring Taiwanese art onto the world stage.

The work Ignore Me,
from Kang Muxiang’s
“Rebirth” series. (photo
by Lin Min-hsuan)

(Garment District Alliance)的主
席Barbara A. Blair。Blair女士在看
「紐約時尚特區」(The Garment
District NYC)盛大開幕,整個夏

Long gray hair, a snow-white full beard, and
a bold, uninhibited look—Kang Muxiang’s
appearance matches his indomitable yet
gentle personality.

90 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

A serendipitous American exhibition yet used steel cables to sculpt such works. Beyond
“In 2017 I was invited to exhibit at the the environmental message of recycling the cables
Montreux Biennale in Switzerland, where I met in this way, the combination of the strength of
a local man who held onto my hand for a long steel with the gentleness of the sculptures’ smooth,
time, saying he was very moved to see such great rounded forms was even more amazing.
work.” Similar feedback from local people has con- To demonstrate its appreciation of Kang’s art,
tinually occurred during Kang’s overseas exhibits. the Garment District Alliance brought forward the
These works, made from steel cable retired from grand opening of the exhibit in the Garment Dis-
the high-speed elevators of the Taipei 101 building, trict to May, so as to show seven works from Kang’s
have been a big hit with local governments, people series “Rebirth: A Steel Cable Connecting the
in the arts, and the public in all the places they World” throughout the summer (May 17 through
have been shown, from Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz September 16, 2018). In October, in conjunction
to the Montreux Biennale to YIA Art Fair’s Paris with TECRO’s celebration of the 130th anniversary
Contemporary Art Show. of the historic Twin Oaks Estate in Washington,
Following the retirement of a second batch of DC, Kang will donate one of the works on display,
elevator cables from Taipei 101, Kang was invited Twin Life, to the permanent collection at Twin Oaks,
by the then Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lee doing his bit for Taiwan’s public diplomacy.
to try to translate his successful experience in Eu-
rope to the United States. With the assistance of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture,
and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representa-
tive Office (TECRO) in the US, he visited Barbara A.
Blair, chairperson of New York’s Garment District 在鋼索創作過程中,每一個扭動,每一次轉角,
Alliance. Blair was very moved by Kang’s sculp- 對康木祥來說都是極大的挑戰。
In the process of creating with steel cable, every twist
tures, for no-one else anywhere in the world had and bend is an extreme challenge for Kang Muxiang.

(Infinite Life)。
Infinite Life, Kang Muxiang’s first foray
into sculpting with copper cable.

92 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

The Worried Whale and Twin Life
康木祥:《傷腦鯨》、《雙生》 Two new works in the “Rebirth” series are being
premiered in New York: The Worried Whale and Twin
有首次以紅銅纜線打造的《無限生命》(Infinite The Worried Whale weighs 2.9 tons and is 2.7
Life),也有全新創作的《傷腦鯨》(The Worried meters tall. Its shape is intriguing, contrasting the
Whale)與《雙生》(Twin Life)兩件作品。 whale’s body with an enormous head. “Taiwan is
《傷腦鯨》(The Worried Whale)總重達2.9 an island. Once a whale was stranded onshore, and
噸,高2.7公尺,身形在大大的鯨頭映襯下饒富趣 when its body was opened up, it was found to be
filled with garbage.” Conveying his impassioned plea
and longing for peaceful coexistence with the ocean,
Kang placed the whale “sitting” gazing into space, to
express the question: In the end, is it the whale that
重生命。」康木祥述說著自己對海洋、對環境共 causes us to worry, or is it mankind that causes the
生的疾呼與渴望,所以他讓鯨魚「坐」在那裡發 whale to worry? The work speaks volumes about the
呆,表現出究竟是「牠」在傷我們的腦筋,還是 connections and dialogue between man on the one
我們人類在「傷」牠的腦筋!一件作品,道盡了 hand and the ocean and animals on the other.

人與海洋和動物之間的連結與對話。 The other new work, Twin Life, shows a symbiotic

relationship of coexistence and mutual prosperity.
另一件作品《雙生》(Tw i n L i f e)是一個共
Two lives are twisted together, symbolizing peace
and harmony, and representing a blending together.
種和平與和氣,更是相融的代表,康木祥說: Kang says, “I think it’s especially significant that this
「我覺得這件作品放在雙橡園是特別有意義的, piece will be placed at Twin Oaks, for both Taiwan
不管是台灣還是美國,都要有這種共享與合 and the US need this kind of sharing and coopera-
作。」這件作品重達3.7噸,高3.2公尺,是康木 tion.” The sculpture weighs 3.7 tons and is 3.2 me-
祥探勘完雙橡園後的最新力作。藉由鋼索讓兩方 ters tall. Because it has so many convex and concave
surfaces, and is made from a single length of cable,
Kang not only faced a tremendous physical effort in
making it, but every twist and turn was an extreme
challenge. However, it is for this very reason that he
此,才造就了這件作品的深度與生命力。 achieved such depth and vitality in the work.
The deep transformation of rebirth
Elevator cables that are taken out of service at
用鋼索進行創作是一個艱辛的過程,而前期的 Taipei 101 must first undergo various processes like
清洗也同樣煞費苦心。剛從101大樓退役下來的 soaking in solvent to remove oil, and then rewashing.
Besides carrying out these tasks himself, Kang also
works with the minimum-security prison at Bade in
Taoyuan, using art to rebuild the inmates’ spirits.
“First I spoke to the prisoners to let them know
靈,藉由清洗時所需的耐心、毅力與體會,以及 that cleaning the cables is a meaningful activity, and
對之後藝術巡展時的期待,讓受刑人的生命得到 to share with them the reactions I got during the
沉澱與重生。 European shows.” Kang has found 18 prisoners to

「我先對受刑人演講,讓他們知道清洗這條鋼 另有一個受刑人明天就可假釋,但清洗要到大後
索是有意義的,以及分享在歐洲巡迴時所得到的 天才會完成,他則堅持要洗到結束後才出獄。
迴響。」康木祥找了18個受刑人來協助,他自己 「在這一次偶然的機會裡聽了康木祥大師的演
則是每天早上6∼7點就要出門來獄中陪伴他們, 說,他把人生的體認,化為一場心靈的洗禮,唯
直到晚上結束後才離開。一開始有人會計較前面 有跨越自己的心障才能得到重生。」、「直到大
浸泡清洗的過程比較辛苦,只想做後面較輕鬆的 師開口後,我心頭為之一震,原來雕刻這一門藝
階段,但因為清洗手勢的關係,需要同一個人從 術與我們的生命課題息息相關,大師以重生的課
頭到尾執行才會乾淨。「我就跟他們講,要有挑 題給了我一場永生難忘的生命教育。」、「就像
戰的精神,自動自發。」在康木祥的號召下,讓 漂流木經過雕刻後,世人只會看見它所散發出來
他們知道這些汰舊鋼纜,經過他們的雙手,之後 的藝術之美,而不會在意它之前只是一塊不起眼
會轉變成藝術品,在世界巡迴展出,於是個個自 的爛木頭,這給了我啟發。」一字一句來自受刑
告奮勇,參與這項清洗工程。 人的感受與體悟,點亮了受刑人的心,也讓這條
某次有位二十多歲的年輕受刑人,在洗到一半 鋼索充滿「重生」的意義。
時被告知他母親來會客。半個小時過後,康木祥 「我在想說我去紐約展完後,再去跟這18個
問他會談情況如何,他說母親看他身體很髒,問 人再次分享。因為他們在期待,期待我做了什麼
他在做什麼,他回答在做藝術,「我們裡面來了 東西,去哪裡展覽,情形如何,人如果有期待跟
一個大師,是做鋼索藝術的,我們正在洗鋼索, 希望,就不會孤獨。」康木祥每天來回監獄陪受
之後要以此鋼索來創作,去展覽。」這位年輕受 刑人,「監獄裡的人知道我很辛苦,比他們辛
刑人與家人間的對話,從此多了個話題,也讓康 苦。」一個人的堅持與行動,會讓人感動,也是
木祥感受到,這段親子關係正起了微妙的變化; 靠著藝術的力量,讓心靈重生。

Through the patience
and perseverance
needed for cleaning
the cables, and
their expectations
toward future art
exhibitions, the lives
of imprisoned men
become settled,
helping them turn
over a new leaf.

94 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

help him. He himself has 《傷腦鯨》(The Worried
to leave home between
6 and 7 a.m. to come 頭映襯下饒富趣味。(林旻
to the prison to work 萱攝)
The Worried Whale weighs
with them, and can only 2.9 tons and stands 2.7
meters high. The body shape
leave once every thing is set off by the enormous
is finished at night. At head, making for a delightful
sculpture. (photo by Lin Min-
first some of the prisoners hsuan)
complained that the soaking
and washing process was too
demanding, and they only wanted dialogue between this prisoner and his
to do the latter stages, which are less stren- family, and Kang sensed that from then on
uous. But because of the actions used in the cleaning there was a subtle change in the relationship between
process, the job has to done by the same person from parent and child.
beginning to end for the cable to be really clean. Kang’s “Through this chance opportunity I got to hear a
exhortations helped them understand that through the speech by Master Kang in which he took his realizations
work of their hands, these discarded cables will later be about life and transformed them into a spiritual bap-
transformed into works of art that will be exhibited all tism, saying that only if you can transcend your own
over the world. Thus one after another they have volun- psychological barriers can you find rebirth.” “After the
teered to take part in this cleaning process. Master began to speak, I was hugely surprised by what
One young prisoner in his twenties, having washed he said. It turns out that the art of sculpture is closely
a cable halfway, was told that his mother had come to related to our challenges in life, and the Master used
visit. Half an hour later, Kang Muxiang asked him how the subject of rebirth to give me a life lesson that I will
the visit had gone. The young man said that his mother never forget.” The prisoners’ words reveal how Kang
had noticed how dirty he was, and asked what he had has shone a light into their hearts, filling this steel cable
been doing, to which he replied that he was making with the meaning of “rebirth.”
art. “There’s a master artist here who makes art from Cables connecting the world
steel cables,” he told her. “We are just now washing the The support and tolerance between the brothers and
cables, and later they will be used to create something sisters of the large family into which Kang was born in
that will go to be exhibited.” This was a new topic for Miaoli County’s Tongxiao Township have given him a

從小住在苗栗通霄,來自一個大家庭的康木 多公里,再加上美國的一萬多公里後,地球繞
祥,兄弟姐妹彼此間的扶持與包容,讓他心中充 一圈如以4萬公里計,就僅剩2萬里的路程。康
滿了愛與關懷,但是對於創作,則是勇於創新與 木祥認為,這條鋼索,象徵著台灣人既「剛」且
突破。「像我拿一個木頭來,先觀察並跟它培養 「柔」的個性,能夠讓世界理解台灣人的勇敢與
感情後,一刀下去,發現裡面不是好的,似乎就 韌性,尤其在世界巡迴的過程中,來自專家學者
失敗了。但是回頭再來看它,反而會從這個缺陷 或藝術家或一般民眾所給予的肯定,更加深了他
再出發,因為沒有這個缺陷,就沒有這麼富有變 對鋼索作品的信心。
化的作品。」康木祥的一生,可說是逐木而居, 「這條鋼索原本就是地球的一塊肉(礦產),
從通霄追至三義,再從三義追至龜山島,因緣際 然後提煉成電梯鋼纜,成為工業科技,使用過後
會下,又與101鋼索相遇,提得起、放得下,再 再交給我回收再利用。」康木祥將這塊取自於土
不斷地突破與創新,這就是康木祥的人生哲學。 地的東西,用藝術的形式,再次散播至世界上各
「當我站在台北101大樓前廣場的那一刻,我 個角落。這條曾經「乘」載著101大樓往來遊客的
就在那件《無限生命》(Infinite Life)作品前發 鋼索,也「承」載了許多受刑人所寄託的意念與
盼與力作。而此次《雙生》(Twin Life)作品也

《雙生》(Twin Life)重達3.7噸,高3.2公尺,
是康木祥探勘完雙橡園後的最新力作。 公眾外交的另一層次,讓台灣的藝術創作,連結
台灣跟美國的友好關係,產生愛的無限生命。 l
Twin Life weighs 3.7 tons and is 3.2 meters tall. It is Kang Muxiang’s
latest work, created after exploring Twin Oaks in Washington, DC.

96 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

從至剛(鋼索)與至柔(圓潤造型)的作品中看向世界, acter of Taiwanese people, and can help the world to
These works that combine the strength of steel with the
understand their courage and toughness. The affirma-
gentleness of their smooth and rounded forms are symbolic of tion that he received from experts, artists, and ordinary
the courage and perseverance of Taiwan’s people.
people during his exhibits around the world deepened
his confidence in steel cable artworks.
“This was once a piece of the living earth [in the
form of iron ore], and was then refined by industrial
heart filled with love and concern, but in his creative technology into steel cables for elevators. After being
work what he has gotten is the courage to innovate and used, it was given to me to recycle and reuse.” Kang
break new ground. From Tongxiao, Kang’s life in wood took this thing that came out of the earth and, in the
sculpture brought him to Sanyi and later to Gui shan form of art, spread it to every corner of the world. These
Island, and then by happenstance he encountered the cables that once carried visitors up Tai pei 101 also
steel cables of Taipei 101. To have the courage to take carry the thoughts and hopes entrusted to them by so
up any challenge or responsibility, to have the wisdom many prison inmates, as well as Kang’s lifelong ardent
and tolerance to accept the consequences and be able hopes for and devotion to the environment and nature.
to let go, and to continually make breakthroughs and Moreover, when the work Twin Life goes on permanent
innovate… this is Kang’s philosophy of life. display at Twin Oaks, it will raise steel cable art to the
“At that moment, as I stood in the plaza outside Tai- level of public diplo macy, giving an artistic creation
pei 101 in front of the work Infinite Life, I vowed that from Taiwan infinite life by enabling it to bind together
starting from Tai pei I wanted to use these cables to Taiwan and the US in even closer friendship. l
make a journey around the world.” Kang believes that (Ivan Chen/photos courtesy of
the steel cables symbolize the strong and resilient char- Kang Muxiang Studio/tr. by Phil Newell)


98 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Next Stop, ASEAN Opportunities!
Taiwanese Companies Board the Thailand 4.0 Train

文•蘇俐穎 圖•林格立 版面設計•王敬勛

2017年2月總理帕拉育(Prayuth Chan-ocha)宣 I n February 2017, Thai prime minister Prayuth Chan-
ocha announced the “Thailand 4.0” economic reform
program, which focuses on boosting five established
布啟動「泰國4.0」(Thailand 4.0)經濟改革計
industries, developing five new ones, building trans-
portation infrastructure, and creating the Eastern
等交通硬體設施、打造東部經濟走廊(Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). An influential member of
Economic Corridor,簡稱EEC),並提供各種租 ASEAN, Thailand is also planning a variety of tax
稅優惠吸引外資投入等措施,全力推動泰國經濟 incentives to attract foreign investment as part of this
升級轉型。 all-out effort to transform and upgrade its economy.

Taiwanese business investment in Thailand dates back

to when Taiwan was under Japanese rule (1895–1945),
but surged when Taiwan’s economy boomed in the 1990s.
Taiwanese businesses currently employ some 150,000
三大國,其中又以中小型企業經營的代工製造業 Taiwanese in Thailand, and are the third-leading inward
為最大宗。近年,時逢泰政府推動泰國4.0,勢必 investors in the country behind only American and Japa-
迎來下一波的南向熱潮。 nese companies. Most of these Taiwanese own or work for
small or medium-sized enterprises in the OEM business.
傳統製造業積極推動升級轉型 Transforming traditional industries
Established in Taiwan in 1972, First Enamel Indus-
trial Corporation opened its Thai subsidiary, Thai First
Enamel, in 1988, and is in many ways representative of
Taiwanese manufacturers in the country.
然帶著1億元到泰國投資,初期卻因著語言隔閡, Thai First Enamel primarily produces teapots and

管理不易,產品損壞率高居不下,事業一度跌落 第一琺瑯董事長劉樹添南向創業,以獨家技術受到
谷底。直到偶然靈光乍現,到機場舉牌尋找曾在 Liu Shu-tien, president of First Enamel Industrial Corporation,
established a Southeast-Asian subsidiary that is sought out
台灣工作,由台返泰的泰籍勞工,邀請對方到廠 by major international brands for its in-house technology.
包含知名餐廚品牌Le Creuset都是他們的客戶。然
較低廉,加上貿易條件較佳等,他才將工廠遷至 第一琺瑯的案例,可視為反映全球市場變化的
泰國,但泰國工資相較初到之時已成長約5倍, 一幀小影。
近年漲幅也相當穩定,昔日以壓低生產成本換取 由於科技的日新月異,帶來生活樣貌的演進,
利潤的策略,顯然不再適用。 全球市場也因應改變。泰國外國商會聯合總會
曾胼手胝足在異鄉打下一片天的劉樹添,辛苦 主席康樹德指出,交通上的變革,好比高鐵的普
逾40載,如今已將事業交由第二代經營。有鑑於 及,不僅造成物流加速,人流與金流也同時發
市場條件不可同日而語,因此,第一琺瑯正積極 生。由於人會逐高薪移動,對企業而言,意味著
與工業技術研究院、中國生產力中心等研究單位 再也沒有廉價勞工可言,人力短缺的情況下,採
合作,希望藉由導入智慧機械,提高生產效率與 用智慧製造已然刻不容緩;加上資通訊技術的純
產品附加價值,同時著手打造企業品牌,開發建 熟與大數據的產生,面對將來的數據科技(Data
材、家飾、禮品等琺瑯相關產品,嘗試由代工製 Technology,簡稱DT)時代,能懂得善用數據
造走向自有品牌之路。 科技,才能在商場上立於不敗之地。

100 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

cookware. Unrivaled for its seamless teapot manufacturing 4.0 and 5+2
technology, its clients include the internationally renowned The Thailand 4.0 plan now getting under way is pull-
kitchenware brand Le Creuset. Company president Liu ing away like a high-speed development train. Finding
Shu-tien says that he moved his factory to Thailand to take a way to climb aboard will be crucial to many compa-
advantage of its lower land and labor costs, and its more nies’ survival.
advantageous terms of trade, but labor costs in the country Unlike the much talked about “Industry 4.0” model,
have quintupled since he arrived. While wage growth has the Thai plan focuses on more than just industrial
been stable in recent years, the company’s old strategy of development. Thailand has decided that technological
profiting from low costs is no longer viable. innovation should be an important driver of its overall
Liu worked his fingers to the bone for more than 40 development as it seeks to escape the “middle income
years building his business abroad, and has now turned its trap.” But its national development plan also aims to
operations over to the next generation. Market conditions grow its manufacturing, agricultural, service and tour-
aren’t what they used to be, so the company has partnered ism industries over the next 20 years.
with two Taiwan-based research groups, the Industrial This development strategy provides Taiwan with
Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and the China Pro- opportunities for bilateral exchange and cooperation,
ductivity Center, in hopes of providing efficient produc-
tion and value-added products to smart-device makers. It
is also developing enameled construction materials, home
furnishings, and gifts as a means of transitioning away
from its original OEM business model and building its 新生代台商,能以數據科技發揮創新能量。
own enterprise brand. Stanley Kang, chairman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of
Commerce in Thailand, believes the new generation of Taiwanese
Crises and turning points businesses in Thailand will use data technology to innovate.
First Enamel’s story is emblematic of the changes tak-
ing place in the global marketplace.
Rapid technological progress has driven an evolution
in lifestyles, and in global markets. Stanley Kang, chair-
man of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thai-
land, says that the transportation revolution has not only
accelerated the movement of goods, but also of people
and capital. The fact that people can now easily relocate
in pursuit of salaries means that businesses no longer
have access to cheap labor. This lack of manpower is com-
pelling companies to shift quickly to smart manufactur-
ing. With the concurrent arrival of big data and advanced
information and communications technologies, we are
entering an age in which the successful application of
data technology is becoming essential to business success.
“The international market is becoming more and more
unified,” says Kang. “The liberalization and equalization
of trade is turning it into a single market. As a result,
competition is stiff and everyone’s business models are
in flux.” These days, Taiwan’s SMEs not only have to
take the global market into consideration when planning
and deploying resources, but must also adapt to the data-
tech age in the same way that larger corporations do: by
actively pursuing innovative R&D.

「國際市場越來越像在同一個平台上。」康樹德 來20年的時間軸,盤整工業、農業、服務
一針見血地說:「加上貿易的自由化、平等化,變成 業、觀光業等不同產業,提出宏觀性的國
同一個市場,競爭是很大的,大家的生意模式都在改 家發展輿圖。
變。」在這樣的背景下,除了要以國際市場的格局來作 而對於台灣來說,這樣的發展策略,無
運籌與布局,因應DT時代的來臨,大企業多已積極投 疑提供了雙邊交流合作的機會,也與我國
入創新研發,以中小企業為主的台商,亦不能自外。 政府目前推動的「5+2產業創新計畫」與
也由於過去台商多為國際知名品牌捉刀,面臨當前 「新南向政策」不謀而合。
危機,創新研發除了有助於擺脫「做得多,賺得少」 好比泰國4.0中全力扶植的5+5目標產
的困境,不啻為提昇企業競爭力的一大轉機。 業,代表現有產業的「新世代汽車」、
此時展開的泰國4.0經濟改革計畫,恰猶如一輛急速 來產業的「機器人」、「醫療中心」、
前進的發展列車,如何搶搭上車,趁勢起飛,更攸關 「航空與物流」、「生物燃料與生物化
未來存亡的關鍵。 學」、「數位經濟+大數據」等;對照5+2
一般常聞的「工業4.0」,僅聚焦於工業發展。由 提出的「智慧機械」、「亞洲‧矽谷」、
於急於擺脫「中低收入陷阱」,泰國4.0除了將科技創 「綠能科技」、「生醫產業」、「新農
新視為帶動整體經濟發展的主要驅動力,也以橫跨未 業」、「國防產業」、「循環經濟」,處

Tung Chen-yuan, Taiwan’s representative at the Taipei
Economic & Cultural Office (TECO) in Thailand, is working
to promote platforms for Thai–Taiwanese exchange that
can help Taiwanese companies transform and upgrade.

102 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

曼谷是國際級都會,「不來不知道,來了你就會 land” in September 2017 with assistance from the Thai–
Stanley Kang says that Bangkok is an international city
Taiwan Business Association and TECO. The center
that you can’t help but fall in love with. then recruited some 210 experts in country analysis,
smart manufacturing, data economics and other fields
to give lectures and create an international research
chain bringing together industry, government and aca-
and accords with our own government’s promotion of demia, in order to help Taiwanese firms upgrade.
its 5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan and its New South- A key ASEAN hub
bound Policy. Thailand 4.0 could take off very quickly, and Tai-
Finding areas in which Thailand 4.0 aligns with the wanese businesses aren’t the only ones eager to become
5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan will be a key focus of fu- involved. Business leaders from around the world are
ture Thai–Taiwan trade cooperation. Tung Chen-yuan, rubbing their hands in anticipation. Stanley Kang, a
who serves as Taiwan’s representative at the Taipei Eco- second-generation Taiwanese businessperson who has
nomic & Cultural Office (TECO) in Thailand, says that been in Thailand for 38 years, says that most of the Tai-
this focus led ITRI to sign a memorandum of understand- wanese firms that invested in Thailand in the past were
ing with Thailand’s National Science and Technology doing so to take advantage of low production costs, but
Development Agency in June of 2017, and the Institute the big international corporations investing nowadays
for Information Industry to send a specialist on regular are focused on ASEAN’s huge ten-nation market and
visits to Thailand to share technological expertise. Thailand’s diverse economy, especially its highly de-
Taiwanese businesses in urgent need of transforma- veloped travel services, medical tourism, and creative
tion established the “Taiwan Hi-Tech Center in Thai- and cultural industries. He argues that Taiwanese firms


離,即可抵達北東協國家(泰國、緬甸、寮國、 限的困境,也因著如此,必需要放眼國際,才能
越南、柬埔寨)的主要城市;2個小時的飛行距 持續成長。康樹德提及,台灣有著獨特的歷史背
離,可觸及中國西南的廣西、雲南與新加坡等 景,歷經日治時期、美援時代、兩蔣時期等不同
地;3個小時的飛行距離,連同台灣、印尼雅加 年代,使得台人的處事性格,擁有高度的彈性。
達都在覆蓋範圍之內,交通相當便捷。 他說:「我們的容忍度最高、適應力最強,就
劉樹添也回憶道,在進軍泰國以前,他先前 像變形蟲,跟誰在一起都能活。」這樣的特性,
往印尼投資設廠,卻因當地排華嚴重,生意上雖 成為台商斡旋於美、日、中等大國之間的關鍵優
能獲利,但由於安全缺乏保障,心境始終惴惴不 勢,也因此搶得不少商機,好比泰國Toyota汽車
安,最後才選擇移至泰國,從此落地生根。他笑 的零件,七成以上是由台商與日商合作製造。
道:「台商在泰國的滿意度高達95%。」 而站在產業結構轉型的關鍵時刻,「過去,我
台灣小國寡民,本土企業時常面臨內需市場有 基礎,讓全世界看到台灣。」康樹德說。 l

104 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Thailand plans to support its “Thailand 4.0”
initiative with a high-speed rail system
connecting Bangkok to three nearby
international airports.

Expanding beyond Taiwan

The fact that Taiwan is a small
nation in terms of both land area
and population limits the size of our
domestic market, which can pose
problems for domestic businesses—
if they wish to grow, they have to
look beyond our island. Kang says
that Taiwan’s unique history, which
includes a period of Japanese rule, a
period of material support from the
United States, and the era of the two
Presidents Chiang, has made us very
flexible in our approach to dealing
with challenges.
He argues, “We are highly tolerant
and adaptable. We’re like amoebas:
we can live with anybody.” This trait
gives Taiwanese a key advantage
when mediating between larger na-
tions such as the US, Japan and main-
land China, one that generates many
business opportunities. The fact that
more than 70% of the components
might as well put their own unique knowhow to use in finding business used by Toyota Motor Thailand are
opportunities. jointly manufactured by Taiwanese
Kang notes that Thailand’s customs, history and location provide ad- companies in partnership with Japa-
vantages to Taiwanese companies hoping to use the nation as a base of nese firms is a case in point.
operations from which they can develop ASEAN’s market of 640 million Reflecting on this period of trans-
consumers. formation in the industrial chain,
First, Thailand is a largely Hinayana Buddhist nation with a gentle and Kang says: “We used the ‘Made in
tolerant people. Second, Thailand is the only Southeast-Asian nation not to Taiwan’ label to make the world
have been colonized by the Great Powers and was also relatively unscathed aware of us. Now, we need to create
by World War II. Moreover, the country’s political stance is moderate. value. We don’t want the world to
In addition, unlike its neighbors Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, it think of us merely as ‘Taiwanese
doesn’t face border pressure from China or India. It is also central to labor.’ We need to make it see us as
ASEAN as an important transshipment hub for Europe and Asia. Finally, producers of value.” l
ships traveling the Maritime Silk Road portion of China’s “One Belt, One (Lynn Su/photos by Jimmy Lin/
Road Initiative” will certainly pass through its harbors. tr. by Scott Williams)


Sakinu’s Hunter School
—Contributing the Wisdom of
Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples

106 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

文•蘇俐穎 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•王敬勛

的作者亞榮隆‧撒可努(Ahronglong Sakinu),是多項文學


A hronglong Sakinu, author of the books The Sage Hunter,

Wind Walker, and Grandpa’s Ocean, is the recipient of
numerous literary prizes, as well as being the Aboriginal author
who most often appears in school textbooks.
Sakinu, who is also a forest ranger, has for many years now
been active in cultural circles in his status as an indigenous au-
thor. For the last two decades and more, he has taken Paiwan
culture as his faith. Besides returning to his hometown and estab-
lishing a tribal youth association, he has also been a pioneer in
opening the Hunter School, trying to forge a new path.

One night in the fourth month of the lunar calendar, an unusual

crowd of people flowed into the Lalaulan indigenous community in
Taimali Township, Taitung County. They all bustled cheerfully to­
ward Ahronglong Sakinu’s home, as if this were a major event that
they had long been conspiring to bring about.

來自不同人種、不同族群、不同地方的德伯斯家族。 述,「我一直傻笑,跟自己說,你完成了吔!雖
The “Tepes” clan has members from different places,
different tribes, and even different races. 然沒有人懂你,但你自己懂你自己就好!」


仔細一看,撒可努的家旁邊,屹立著3幢木造 餘年漫長歷程的最佳註記。
建築,其中錯落擺放著立柱、陶壺、雕刻等原住 雖然一般人多以原住民作家的身分來識別他,
民工藝品。原來,這是由撒可努率領的「德伯 但在寫作以外,他的心中,始終懷抱著更宏大的
斯」(Tepes)家族共享的空間。包含作為全家族 烏托邦願景,渴望付諸實現。
聚會、公開活動使用的「創始家屋」;作為男性 這樣的心志,可說是源於他獨特的成長背景。
訓練、聚會使用的「狩獵團屋」;以及限定女性 由於在他所生長的拉勞蘭部落,是日治時期被併
進出,並結合獵人學校辦公室的「女子工坊」。 遷的部落,阿美族、排灣族相互混居,處於弱勢
明日,便是舉辦家族的分家儀式與落成典禮的重 的排灣族,又加上與他族交融,造成文化快速流
要日子。 失。長輩雖能說排灣語,卻穿著阿美族服飾,一
令人意外的是,撒可努的家族成員,並非限於 同過阿美族傳統節慶,甚至有不少族人並不曉得
個人的血親,反倒來自四面八方,除了排灣族以 自己是排灣族。
外,還有卑南族、阿美族、太魯閣族,與許多漢 1990年代,原住民運動風起雲湧,彼時剛從
人,甚至因著姻親關係而成為一份子的澳洲人, 警校畢業,在台北工作的撒可努,趕上時代的浪
約7戶家庭與5名單身成員。 潮,開啟對自己身分的好奇。「那時候我們約
「前幾天,我就坐在會所裡,看著屋內的雕 會,都在重慶南路書店街,」撒可努的太太楊智
刻,四周黑黑暗暗的,門口剛好有光。忽然眼淚 真回憶著,「也買了好多中研院出版關於原住民
不斷地流,覺得聖靈充滿。」撒可努向家人細 研究的書。」除了自修,撒可努也仰賴父親、耆

108 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Looking more closely, there are three Although most people recognize Sa kinu for his
wooden structures standing next to Sakinu’s status as an indigenous author, besides writing, in his
home. It turns out that these are the shared mind he has always embraced an even more ambitious
spaces for the newly founded “Tepes” clan, utopian vision, and aspired to put it into practice.
which is led by Sakinu. It includes the “Prim­ This aspiration originated in the unique background
itive House,” used for clan gatherings and of his childhood years. La lau lan, where he grew up,
open activities; the “Hunters’ Lodge,” used was a mixed village of both Amis and Pai wan peo­
for men’s training sessions and gatherings; ple, due to compulsory relocation and combination
and the “Women’s Workshop,” which can during the era of Japanese rule. The Pai wan were in
only be entered by women and is attached to the minority, and this, along with their intermingling
the offices of the Hunter School. Tomorrow with other tribes, led to a rapid loss of Paiwan culture.
will be an important day on which will be Although elders could speak Paiwan, they wore Amis
held a ritual to mark the founding of the new clothing, and celebrated traditional Amis festivals with
clan, and a ceremony marking the comple­ the Amis. In fact, quite a few tribe members didn’t
tion of the buildings’ construction. even know they were Paiwan.
What’s surprising is that membership of In the 1990s, when the indigenous movement
Sakinu’s clan is not limited by blood ties. surged, Sakinu, who had just graduated from the po­
Members come from all over: besides peo­ lice academy and was working in Tai pei, got caught
ple of the Paiwan tribe, they also include up in the trend of that time and grew curious about his
Puyuma, Amis, and Truku people, as well own identity. Besides self­study, he also relied on oral
as a number of Han Chinese, and even an statements from his father and tribal elders. He made
Australian who has become part of the clan personal investigations and pro­actively consulted
through marriage. Altogether the clan com­ indigenous cultural workers. Drawing on a variety of
prises seven households and five unmarried sources, bit by bit he was able to reconstruct the life
persons. histories of tribe members.
“A few days ago,” Sakinu recounts to his
family, “I was sitting in the meeting place,
looking at the sculptures in the room. It was
dark all around, though there happened to
be light from the doorway. Suddenly tears
began to flow down my face, and I felt filled
with a sense of the sacred. I kept on giggling
like a fool and telling myself, ‘You’ve done
it! Although no one understands you, it’s
enough if you understand yourself.’”
Indigenous consciousness
The words “it’s enough if you understand
yourself” seem like a fitting summary of Sa­
kinu’s course over the last 20­plus years.

After the courses at the Hunter School conclude,
Sakinu leads the students in a ceremony to express
respect and gratitude to the land.
(courtesy of the Hunter School)

老的口述,以及親身訪查,加上積極與原住民文 來,前來部落交流、作研究的人不計其數,他從
化工作者交流,藉由不同管道的來源,一點一滴 不曾拒絕過別人,甚至讓外人在自己家裡自由進
地重建出族人的身世故事。 出,吃住不收分文。
在過程中,撒可努很快地意識到,原住民傳統 坐臥中展現出的尊貴精神特質,近似於中世紀歐
文化的精髓,好比對於萬物生靈的謙卑與尊重、 洲騎士精神或日本的武士道。
與自然渾然一體的互動與溝通、狩獵中身體語言 「最後,對土地、環境要有概念。」台灣擁有
的展演等,不僅為現代社會所缺乏,更具有珍貴 70%的山地,民眾雖喜愛爬山,但心態上卻不親
的普世價值。 山,也缺乏與自然的互動,但撒可努說,對自然
「第一,要對別人很好。」他說,善意與善 撒可努親手搭建的家宅,裝飾的木雕也是他的創作。
Sakinu built his home himself, and the decorative woodcarvings
念,是一切的根本,因此,他待人如己。數十年 are his own creations.

110 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Core values for Taiwan
As he did so, Sa kinu quickly realized that the 作為獵人的孩子,撒可努將
essence of traditional Aboriginal culture lies in As the child of a hunter, Sakinu brings
such things as humility and respect toward all the spirit of sharing fully into play.

living things, modes of interaction and commu­

nication rooted in indigenous people’s being at
one with nature, and the body language exhibited
during the hunt. These are precious universal val­
ues that are strikingly absent from modern society.
“What are Taiwan’s core values?” Sakinu loves
to ask people this question. And he has already re­
ceived an answer from his mother culture.
“First, you must be good to others.” He says
that kindness and goodwill are at the root of ev­
erything. That’s why he treats people as he would
want to be treated by others, and his home is al­
ways open to others.
“Secondly, you must have a sense of aesthetics.”
What Sakinu means by “aesthetics” is not a reference
to any specific artwork, but rather is a characteristic
dignity of the human spirit that is displayed in every
action. It is something akin to the chivalry of medi­
eval European knights or the Bushido code of Japan.
“Finally, you have to have an understanding of
the land and the environment.” Although Taiwan­
ese enjoy mountain hiking, in their attitudes they
are not really attached to the mountains, and have
little interaction with nature. But Sakinu says that
their attitude toward nature is crucial to the “style,
sense, and class” of the Taiwanese people.
These insights have not only become sustenance
for Sakinu’s spirit, through their practice in daily
life they have accumulated into cultural substance.
Ultimately, he hopes that he can contribute this her­
itage to the entire world.
From a book to a school
Therefore, besides setting an example for others,
Sakinu has also contributed his personal effort and
dedicated himself unwaveringly to cultural work.
In 2002 Sakinu’s second book, Wind Walker, was
published. It describes how he once again followed
in his father’s footsteps to go and hunt in the moun­
tain forests. This book not only later came to be seen
as his most representative work, it also became the
starting point for his founding the Hunter School.
So what is actually taught at the Hunter School?



The ceremony of decorating the roof beam marks the completion
也成為他創辦獵人學校的基礎,迎來下一階段 of construction of a house. The signatures of the entire family are
on the back of the board.
努注意到傳統部落教育上的暗角,加上昔日帶領 是他們的教室,撒可努會在夜晚領著學生上山。
的男孩子逐漸成熟,可回歸組織自主運作,他便 教學方式上,有別於主流教育強調知識灌輸,
轉向投入女性的訓練。 反倒翻轉為以精神性的訓練為主。好比第一階段
受限於師資有限,過往的獵人學校以邀請為 課程,就是讓學生學習在黑暗中行走,正如《走
主,並沒有公開對外招生。這些學生,有些是過 風的人》的內容,當撒可努跟著父親進入獵場,
去來此進行學術研究的研究生,有些是因參加大 就是先從學習走路開始的。藉由這樣的訓練,也
學山服隊,來部落造訪過的學生,也有單純因人 幫助克服恐懼,喚醒被壓制的內在潛能,至於一
際網絡牽線而來的年輕朋友。 般人首要關心的,辨別野地植物、野外求生技能
獵人學校到底在學什麼?撒可努與學生都不 等,則是在行動裡自然而然地學習。
願意透漏太多。畢竟,在這一所學校,並沒有一 撒可努說:「去學會跟自己相處、對話,學會
定得按表操課的課綱,更重要的是身體的實際演 控制自己的情緒,學會去相信大自然裡有一群我
練。我們僅能知道,主要有由易而難的四階段課 們看不到的人住著,學會去分享。你就會慢慢地
程,上課時間約3∼5天不等,每年冬季,最近從太 在這樣的經歷過程中,被祖先決選賦予『你是獵
麻里溪流域一帶,遠至花東地區的整片山林,就 人』的權力。」

112 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Sa kinu and his students are unwilling to reveal too 眾人以排灣傳統歌舞歡慶家族的誕生。
The birth of the new clan is celebrated with
much. All we are allowed to know is that there is a four­ traditional Paiwan song and dance.
stage curriculum going from easy to difficult, with each
session lasting three to five days, and that each winter,
the mountain forests of all Hualien and Taitung become
their classroom.
In terms of pedagogy, the Hunter School departs brother” and he calls them “younger brother” or “younger
from the mainstream approach of spoon­feeding knowl­ sister,” and they see each other as family.
edge into children. Instead it focuses mainly on spiritual Moreover, after long years of training these students
training. For example, in first­level classes Sakinu has not only gradually advance to become core members of
the students learn to walk in the dark, to overcome their the Hunter School, but because they are kindred spirits
fears and awaken their suppressed inner potential. As they stay in close contact with each other under Sakinu’s
for skills like identifying wild plants and outdoor sur­ leadership.
vival techniques, which are the first things most people Although from an outsider’s perspective the Hunter
ask about, these are learned naturally through action. School may seem to be nothing more than just another
A community within a community organization, because the members share common spir­
Over the last decade and more, school staff estimate itual goals, their emotional connections are closer than
that more than 100 people have come here to take classes, with their own blood relations, making them seem like
though only a dozen or so have completed all four a newly born tribe within the indigenous community.
stages. But there are quite a few people who, because Last year, Sakinu resolutely decided to donate family
they identify with Sakinu’s ideals, remain at his side and land and called on these younger brothers and sisters to
develop long­term, close relations. They call Sakinu “elder help him build a real and substantial space for his clan.

十多年來,估計有超過百人上過獵人學校 來,獵人學校不過是一個組織,但因著共同的
的課,完整參與過四階段的,約有十餘位。更 精神訴求,讓他們的情感更勝有血緣的親族,
有不少人,因著認同撒可努的理念,留在他身 也像部落中新生出的部落。
邊,發展成長遠而親密的關係,他們稱撒可努 黃智真說:「我們都很願意讓他們走進我們
為哥哥,他則稱他們弟弟、妹妹。 的生命裡。」撒可努的乾女兒潘子甦說:「我
而這群學生經過長年的訓練,不僅逐漸從學 們生活在一起,是因為我們都相信,也很希
生晉升為組織的核心成員,也因著意氣相投, 望,可以跟著大哥,一起去實踐他所想要的那
在撒可努的領導下,保持緊密的聯繫。他們也 個世界。」
曾一同投身參與原住民運動,好比「二二八狼 就在去年,撒可努毅然決然捐出家中土地,
煙行動」、「為土地唱歌音樂祭」等,也每 並向這群弟弟、妹妹喊話,希望能建造出家族
年定期赴菲律賓呂宋島參加「科地雷拉日」 的實體空間。早已不是學生,分散在台灣各地
(Cordillera Day),與東南亞的南島語族交流。 的家族成員,也就一呼百應,有錢出錢、有力


家族男性的狩獵團屋。 分,可以醞釀出很多能量,是可以送給台灣
The Hunters Lodge, which is reserved for the men of the clan.

114 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

Clan members located all over Taiwan—who have Sakinu’s father. In Paiwan, it means “a place with lush
long since ceased to be mere students—responded en plants and trees, twisted, intertwined roots, and fertile
masse, contributing money or labor according to their soil, that all people want to claim for their own.” But Sa­
circumstances. kinu by no means aims to keep this abundant and pros­
A modern indigenous path perous new land to himself. He says: “I am only an insig­
Many people mistakenly assume that Sakinu’s ac­ nificant writer and police officer. If the things you do are
tions are all based on reconstructing tradition, but this great, you will see that the sustenance you give to others
is not the case. For example, his clan is tied together by can be transformed into a great deal of energy, and this is
a shared spirit and ideals, and is not defined by blood an important gift that you can give to Taiwan.” 
ties. Also, the three wooden buildings mentioned earlier (Lynn Su/photos by Chuang Kung-ju/
are not traditional Paiwan flagstone structures, but com­ tr. by Phil Newell)
bine Japanese and Filipino styles, while also striving for
both functionality and aesthetics. And when he led the
way in proposing the Hunter School ten­plus years ago,
he not only emphasized the training of young women,
but when devising the students’ uniforms he also
adapted the complex, heavy attire of traditional Paiwan
costume into simple, lightweight garments. The road
that Sakinu is walking is a new one that his forebears
dared not consider and dared not embark on.
On May 26, Sakinu’s Tepes clan was formally estab­
lished. The name “Tepes” was chosen for the clan by

Sakinu, who emphasizes environmental concepts,
has recently planted 100 saplings on mountain land
belonging to his family. He looks forward to the growth
of a whole stretch of forest decades from now.


n ’s Fat Ran L
h er of M
uay T

動呢?一向以凶悍著稱的泰拳,在 W hat comes to mind when you hear
the name “muay Thai”? Despite
its reputation for ferocity, the muay Thai
practiced at Ran Lee Muaythai Gym in
Kaohsiung is nowhere near as brutal as
what you’ve seen in the movies. In fact,
館長李智仁是緬甸華僑,年輕 even people with high blood pressure can
時於緬甸及泰國習得正統泰拳功 take part!
夫,在國際泰拳風氣興起之際將泰 Gym leader Ran Lee studied orthodox
拳帶進台灣,因此獲「台灣泰拳教 muay Thai in Myanmar and Thailand. As
父」的尊稱。他教拳超過17年,桃 the art began to grow in popularity inter-

李滿門,包含總統貼身隨扈在內, nationally, Lee brought it to Taiwan, earn-

ing him the title of “father of muay Thai
in Taiwan.” He has taught muay Thai for
over 17 years now, and among his many
students in that time he can count even a
走進台灣仁李泰拳館,空氣中瀰 bodyguard of an ROC president. Lee’s stu-
漫著痠痛藥膏的氣味,館長李智仁 dents have also put in excellent showings
席地為學員敲打釘補護具,午後日 at both muay Thai and sanda (Chinese
光灑落,這和平的場景和多數人對 kickboxing) events at home and abroad,
building quite a reputation for their art.
Stepping into Ran Lee Muaythai Gym, I
am immediately struck by the smell of lini-
用拳、腳、膝、肘進行攻擊,保有 ment that fills the air. Gym leader Ran Lee
戰鬥民族徒手搏擊的殺傷力,因此 sits on the floor repairing protective gear for
受傷流血的機率高,所以,泰拳常 his students as the afternoon sun pours in. It
被評為「狠辣兇殘」。 is a peaceful scene quite at odds with most

116 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

文‧郭玉平 圖‧林旻萱 版面設計‧王敬勛

Ran Lee was a pioneer of muay Thai in Taiwan,
putting his skills to use in boxing matches
around the country and earning himself a
reputation as the father of Taiwanese muay Thai.

118 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

現今流行的「擂台泰拳」,又稱「商業泰 people’s impressions of muay Thai. In comparison with
拳」,規定選手必須配戴拳套,安全性提高,並 other combat sports like boxing or sanda, there are fewer
rules in competitive muay Thai. Punches, kicks, knees,
and elbows can all be used at extremely close range, which
means the fighters’ blows remain incredibly powerful and
the chance of drawing blood is high, contributing to the
灣泰拳史最悠久的開山祖師。 general perception of muay Thai as a brutal art.
The modern, ring-based form began to gain popularity
worldwide in the 1960s. However, relatively few people
李智仁是緬甸華僑,受到李小龍電影的啟迪, in Taiwan engaged with the sport, so Ran Lee began by
10歲開始在緬甸學習中國功夫和緬甸拳。 putting muay Thai techniques to use in boxing matches.

轉型練泰拳則是在移民台灣後。李智仁看到 It was this that earned him recognition as the founding

father of Taiwanese muay Thai.
Learning from a master
勒.寶希蘭(Apidej Sit-hirun),亞批勒一生累
At age ten, the Myanmar-born Lee began studying
積340場勝績,蟬聯全泰拳擊、西洋拳7項冠軍, Chinese kung fu and lethwei (Burmese kickboxing), only
更進軍國際拳壇,迄今拳壇仍無人能出其右。李 switching to muay Thai after he moved to Taiwan, where
智仁深受其吸引,立即飛往泰國拜亞批勒為師。 he saw a piece on the National Geographic Channel about
在泰國培訓,每天早上5點起床跑步、練拳, muay Thai legend Apidej Sit-Hirun of Thailand. Sit-Hirun
一天下來將近10小時的激烈特訓,身體疲憊到快 racked up an impressive 340 career wins and at one point
held a total of seven muay Thai and boxing titles at the
same time. To this day, no one in the muay Thai world has
been able to match Sit-Hirun’s achievements. Lee was im-
mediately drawn to Sit-Hirun and jumped on a flight to
加強訓練,這種苦只有自己能體會。 Thailand to ask the champion to take him on as a student.
所幸有緬甸拳的基礎,李智仁得以縮短學程, His training in Thailand saw him spend ten hours in
很快就學成歸台,李智仁說:「我非常喜歡泰 intense muay Thai training each day. It was almost too
國,泰國風情又接近緬甸,所以我將泰國當作第 much to physically bear. “The hardest part was getting

三個故鄉,台灣是第二個。」 over injuries. If I injured my shin, for example, then I

had to take it as a sign I hadn’t toughened that area up
親身經驗台、泰學拳的差異 enough, so I had to train harder,” says Lee about that
Fortunately, with his background in lethwei, Lee was
庭6個小孩,就會有2個自小生活在道館,以終身 able to learn at a more rapid pace, and soon he was back
志業的方式培養,成人後再將比賽所得平分回饋 in Taiwan. “I love Thailand. I consider Thailand my
給道場。 third home; Taiwan’s my second.”
反觀台灣,因為泰拳未商業化,泰拳選手無法 Experiencing the differences

將其作為職業維持生計。所以,大部分的台灣人 To the Thai people, muay Thai can be a profession,

while most Taiwanese study it as a form of exercise or
to get in shape, and so their approach to it is vastly dif-
ferent from the Thai approach.
但是在台灣學泰拳有一大優勢,環境相對富 That said, there is one big advantage to learning
裕,加上政府推行的全民健康保險,所有人民都 muay Thai in Taiwan—with Taiwan being compara-
享有平價醫療的權利,對於時常受傷的泰拳選 tively more affluent and having a national health insur-
手,有很大的醫療保障。學員黃于修在泰國拳賽 ance system, there are better healthcare options open to
曾看到選手受傷,當地醫生只給了一包便宜的 oft-injured fighters. “You don’t have to worry about the

綠色藥水,選手喝完馬上腹瀉排出體內瘀積的熱 提升拳技與心智,唯有參加正式比賽才能跳躍性
氣,雖然有效但成份不明,令人擔憂;相形之 的成長。李智仁常鼓勵學生參加國內外賽事,經
下,在台灣學泰拳「你沒有後顧之憂,只要有心 歷過多次比賽的學生分享:「會更認識自己,越
練,還是可以變拳王。」李智仁說。 打越謙虛,因為知道自己懂很少。」侯怡君說。
台灣各拳館教授泰拳的風格和技術都各有千 「要不要去比賽?」讓她卯足全力一年多內瘦身
秋,有些會側重摔技,有些側重肘或膝,而仁李 至可參賽的57公斤,「我覺得比賽最苦的是減
泰拳館則是著重於加強拳腳,李智仁說:「摔是 重,看別人狂吃,自己只能喝水。」侯怡君說。
泰拳的精髓,拳腳是泰拳的基本功。」因為腳步 然而辛勞在上場後就被拋到腦後,尤其是在獲勝
打穩,出拳才會紮實。且根據醫學理論,全身 時,什麼都不苦了。
70%的肌肉在下半身,訓練泰拳步伐能加強大腿 另一位仁李泰拳館的榮耀拳手羅啟榮,在2012
肌力,不僅有助於血液循環,也能培養泰拳需要 年香港皇者拳霸賽打進決賽,與香港拳王陳啟迪
的大量體力。 爭奪亞洲拳王金腰帶。陳啟迪是世界業餘泰拳冠
基礎工夫奠定後,李智仁會親自拿靶一對一教 軍,技術和氣勢都勝過羅啟榮,「但是阿榮從頭
學。護身靶具的重量再加乘拳踢的力量,戴靶者 打到尾,而且勢均力敵。」李智仁讚譽羅啟榮能
需承受的攻擊力道相當大,一堂課二十多位學生 在國際賽事奪下亞軍,實屬難得。
教。所以在李教練的教學現場,沒有固定教法, 和泰拳相提並論的散打,其比賽規則採用三



120 台灣光華 Taiwan Panorama 2018/08

medical side; you can just focus on training and becom- felt he had to go back to basics and reevaluate every-
ing a champion,” says Lee. thing he’d learned. In his seven years studying muay
Respect above all Thai, Huang says his biggest takeaway has been that
Ran Lee Muay thai Gym focuses on fist- and foot- “muay Thai has given me a new attitude toward life. It’s
work. “Clinches are the essence of muay Thai,” says taught me to be more settled and more thoughtful, and
Lee, “and fist work and footwork are the fundamen- to try to avoid fighting, but not fear it.”
tal techniques.” If your footwork is solid, then your “Coach teaches us to be ethical and filial.” Another of
punches will be too. Some 70% of our muscles are in the Lee’s students, Chiu Ting-chu, has been studying with
lower body, and by strengthening the thighs through Lee for many years and describes him as someone wor-
legwork, you can not only improve circulation but also thy of learning from in terms of how he interacts with
develop the physical strength muay Thai demands. people and deals with situations as well as in muay Thai.
Once the foundations are laid, Lee then works with Lee works with a wide variety of people, with students
students one on one, because only by wielding the pads from over 20 countries whose professions include judges,
himself can he really tailor the training to the student. professional military personnel, and police officers.
Ran Lee Muaythai Gym’s guiding principle is, “When International tournaments
learning an art, first learn the rules; when learning “Muay Thai emphasizes practicality and must be
to fight, first learn to be moral.” Those eager to learn tested in combat,” says Lee. Studying in isolation can
muay Thai will learn through basic training to “subdue never create true improvement of skills or mentality—
their minds,” as Buddhist scripture puts it. Trainer Aldo only by challenging yourself in actual competition can
Huang began his martial arts studies learning tai chi in you really grow. Lee frequently encourages his students
junior high. By his own estimations, he got pretty good to compete. “The more you fight, the better you know
at it. Then he joined Ran Lee’s gym and challenged the yourself and the more humble you get, because you real-
students there, but they mopped the floor with him. He ize you don’t actually know all that much,” says student
Ann Hou.
Seeing how nimble the 28-year-old Hou is, it’s hard to
imagine that when she first joined the gym she weighed
85 kilos, yet the coach asked straight out if she wanted to
compete. Over the next year and change, she spared no
effort to get to her fighting weight, 57 kg. “The hardest
part of competing, I would say, is cutting weight. I see
everyone pigging out and I’m stuck just drinking wa-
ter,” says Hou. However, once she stepped into the ring,
all those worries were behind her, and the hard work
proved to be all worth it when she stepped out a winner.
Another of Lee’s students, Luo Qirong, made it to
the final match of the 2012 Hong Kong Supreme Fight
Championship, ultimately being defeated by HK fighter
Chan Kai Tik for the Asian Gold Belt. Chan was a world
amateur muay Thai champion, and was technically su-
perior to Luo, “But Luo kept at it the whole way through
and was an even match for him,” says Lee in praise of
Luo’s impressive achievement.
Living the muay Thai spirit
Competitive muay Thai fights go five rounds, with
the last one deciding the winner. Even if you lose all
four of the previous ones, if you can take that fifth

戰兩勝制,只要前兩回得勝,就不用進入第三回 round, you win. This setup is a display of the spirit of
合;但泰拳不同,泰拳五回合以最後一局定勝 muay Thai: perseverance. As Lee says, you don’t know
the final score until the end.
New student Chuang Fu-jen admits that “the train-
ing is really grueling; even just doing the stretches
makes me want to cry.” Chuang suffers from high blood
練習泰拳其實是在練習一個人的意志力,新進 pressure and took up muay Thai for his health. In just
學員莊福仁表白:「訓練真的很痛苦,我光是拉 four months he has been able to get his condition under
筋就常常痛到哭。」莊福仁患有高血壓,為了健 control, and his doctor even gave permission for him
康而來學習泰拳,短短4個月內,病情得到控制, to cut down on his medication. Studying muay Thai is
也經醫生許可調降高血壓藥量。痛苦的訓練都能 about training your willpower, and that is then reflected
in both life and work. If you can make it through the
pain of training, what can’t you make it through?
在台灣推廣泰拳至全球 Promoting Taiwanese muay Thai
How muay Thai is promoted is something that has
隨著時代推移,推廣泰拳的方式也逐漸轉變, been changing with the times. Lee is now often invited
李智仁常受邀至健身房示範,或是到孤兒院跳泰 to gyms to give demonstrations; to orphanages to show
拳戰舞、在大專院校擔任泰拳社團顧問等,讓更 his ram muay, the traditional “dance” performed before
多人瞭解泰拳。 fights in honor of the fighter’s teacher; and to college
仁李泰拳館就像是個小熔爐,有日、法、西 muay Thai clubs as a consultant, helping more and more
people get familiar with the sport.
Even now that he has settled in Kao hsiung and is
raising a family, Ran Lee’s life is still focused on muay
Thai education. Every night as class gets under way, the
的家在台灣。」李智仁說。 scent of the students’ sweat replaces the smell of liniment
李智仁認定台灣為最終的家鄉,泰拳教育是 that otherwise pervades the gym. Even when the pain of
他生活的全部,每晚課程開始,學員汗水氣息漸 yesterday’s practice is still fresh, Lee pushes on, realizing
漸覆蓋拳館空氣中的藥膏味,儘管昨日練習的傷 the spirit of muay Thai: perseverance, to the very end! 

痛依舊,李智仁仍用行動貫徹泰拳的精神──努 (Camille Kuo/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/

tr. by Geof Aberhart)

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