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Reaction of the pterygomaxillary fissure and the

condylar cartilage to intermaxillary Class III

magnetic mechanics
Alexander D. Vardimon, DMD, ~ T. M. Graber, PhD, DMD, b Jeanne Stutzmann, DSc, c
Lawrence Voss, DDS, b and Alexander G. Petrovic, MD, DSc c
Tel Aviv, Israel, Chicago, 111., and Strasbourg, France

The skeletal reaction to Class Ill intermaxillary magnetic mechanics was previously found to affect
two target areas, the pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF) and the condylar cartilage. The objectives of
this study were to analyze, radiographically and histologically, the response of these tissues to Class
Ill intermaxillary functional orthopedic magnetic appliance (FOMA III), and to postulate possible
models of their dichotomous biomechanism. Nine Macaca fascicularis monkeys received periodic
administration of vital bone procion dye and were treated for 4 months with FOMA Ill (6 subjects)
and sham appliance (3 subjects). The PMF (the target area of the midfacial complex) demonstrated
a decreased skeletal reaction in inferosuperior and lateromedial directions. Cephalometrically, the
lowermost PMF point was displaced inferiorly 1.98 _ 1.74 mm and 0.42 -+ 0.38 mm and anteriorly
1.42 _ 0.96 mm and 0.58 _+ 0.38 mm in the treated and control groups, respectively. The
displacement of the uppermost PMF point, compared with the lowermost point, was three to five
times lower. Histologically, two modes of response were found; first, a sutural response
(disarticulation and osteogenesis) of the palatomaxillary and pterygopalatine sutures, which was
distinctive of the lateral PMF aspect, and second, a dentosutural response, which was characteristic
of the medial PMF aspect (bony microfractures between the third molar germ and the maxillary
tuberosity in conjunction with mild sutural response). In the mandible, a discrepancy was found
between the histologic and the cephalometric findings. Radiographically, mandibular length was
unaffected after 4 months of treatment, and the distance condylion-pogonion was equally increased
in the treated (0.75 _ 0.78 mm) and the control animals (0.77 +_ 0.32 mm). Histologically, however,
the condylar cartilage demonstrated increased osteoclastic activity at the zone of endochondral
ossification and a decreased apposition rate at the adjacent bony trabeculae. Conceivably, the two
target areas (PMF sutures versus condylar cartilage) demonstrate two diverse time-related
responses that are either unrelated or interrelated to each other. An unrelated tissue response
suggests that tissue stimulation (sutural) is always superior to tissue suppression (condylar). Another
possible unrelated tissue reaction implies diverse response velocity (high sutural, low condylar). An
interrelated mechanism suggests that an applied force will dissipate initially at the less resistant
target area (sutures), and will subsequently affect the more resistant target area (condyle) once the
sutural resistance exceeds a certain threshold. The fact that no pathologic change was found in the
condylar cartilage encourages a long-term use of the FOMA III appliance, initiating treatment at an
early skeletal age. (AM J ORTHOO DENTOFACORTHOP 1994;105:401-13.)

I n the young rat, the retropulsion of the man- in the growth rate of the condylar cartilage, a closing
dible induces a statistically significant decrease in the of the angle between the corpus and the ramus, a slow-
n u m b e r of dividing prechondroblasts, i.e., a decrease ing down of mandibular lengthening, and an increase
in the number of serial sarcomeres of the lateral pter-
ygoid muscle. ''2 However, in human beings and pri-
Study was supportedin part by the KenilworthDentalResearchFoundation mates, the skeletal reaction of the facial complex to
and the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft(DFG)grantSchm232/2-1. orthodontic Class III mechanics is usually characterized
'Section of Orthodontics,the Mauriceand GabrielaGoldschlegerSchoolof
DentalMedicine,Tel AvivUniversity,Tel Aviv,Israel. by a limited mandibular response and a moderate max-
bAmerieanDentalAssociationResearchInstitute,Chicago, I11. illary response. Mandibular retrusive force produces
'Departmentof Physiology,NationalInstituteof HealthandMedicalResearch, almost no pure growth deceleration of the condylion-
Strasbourg, France.
Copyright9 1994by the AmericanAssociationof Orthodontists. pogonion length, 3-~ but rather causes a change in the
0889-5406194153.00 + 0 8/1139425 condylar growth direction6"7 or influences regions not

402 Vardimon et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

Fig. 1. Functional orthopedic magnetic appliance (FOMA) III

consisting of an upper plate with a translatory magnetic screw,
i.e., a retraction screw (RS) bearing a magnet (MU), and a lower
plate with a stationary magnet (ML). The two magnets are in
attractive force configuration and the upper magnet always re- Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of en block section of pterygomax-
sumes a posterior position with respect to the lower magnet. il/ary fissure (PMF) as processed for histologic studies.
The maximal attractive vertical force (F,.,,~, = 3.72 N) devel-
oped in the system was three-fold greater than the maximal
attractive sagittal (horizontal) shearing force (Fh~, = 1.16 N). has been previously described.4 Briefly, FOMA III (Fig. 1)
consists of upper and lower Hawley-type retainers, with a
magnetic unit attached to each appliance. The two magnetic
units are in attractive force configuration and are made of
directly involved in mandibular length reduction, such rare-earth permanent magnets, such as SmCos, Sm2Co,7, or
as closure o f gonial angle 7~~ and an augmented appo- Nd2Fe~4B (Permag, Elk Grove, I11.). The lower magnet is
sitional rate of the coronoid process. 8,it In contrast, permanently linked to the Hawley-type appliance in maximal
protrusive maxillary force causes a direct increase in proximity to the lingual surface of the mandibular central
the maxillary length, as indicated by an advancement incisors. The upper magnet is attached to a retraction screw
o f point A 12-14 and a n increase in the S N A angle, t~'t6 and affixed to the upper plate. The vertical attractive force
(F,) that develops between the magnets is on the order of
Intramaxillary mechanics, such as a chin cap and re-
F, .... = 3.72 N.* A partial overlap is maintained between
verse headgear, produces the described response in the the two magnets at maximal mouth closure position, i.e., the
mandible 2"7"9''~ and midfacial complex, t'-,t4.~,'6.'8 re- upper magnet always resumes a posterior position with respect
spectively, whereas intermaxillary mechanics, with a to the lower magnet. The sagittal (horizontal) shearing force
force system equally transmitted to both jaws, produces (Fb) that develops between the magnets is on the order of
the described combined effect, tg2t In a previous study, 4 F,.,,~, = I. 16 N and produces an intermaxillary force system
two target areas* were responsible for this combined consisting of a protractive force vector to the maxillary jaw
response: the pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF) in the and a retractive force vector to the mandibular jaw. Reacti-
maxillofacial complex and the condyle in the man- vation is accomplished by periodic posterior repositioning of
dible. the upper magnet.
The animals received vital bone marker~2 in the form of
The objectives o f this study were to investigate the
Procion red H-8B dye (chloro-s-triazine compound) (Poly-
histologie and radiographic changes in these target areas sciences Inc., Warrington, Pa.), 80 mg/kg body weight, every
on application o f intermaxillary Class III magnetically 3 weeks. Standardized lateral radiographs were taken peri-
induced mechanics and to postulate possible models o f odically every 3 weeks. During euthanasia, animals were
the dichotomous biomechanism. heparinized and perfused with 10% neutral phosphate buff-
ered formalin. Blocks of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
were processed through routine histologic techniques for non-
Nine female Macacafascicu/aris monkeys of mixed den- decalcified tissues. Blocks of the pterygomaxillary region
tition age were divided into treated and untreated groups of (Fig. 2) were processed through routine histologic techniques
six and three animals, respectively. The treated group received for decalcified tissues (because of the difficulties in sectioning
Class III intermaxillary mechanics in the form of functional the crown of the maxillary third molar germ in nondecalcified
orthopedic magnetic appliances (FOMA) 1II for 4 months; techniques). The blocks were cut parasaginally alternately at
the control group received sham appliances. The FOMA 11I 8 and 12 ixm. Sections were harvested systematically.

*Target area refers to the bony zone v.'here a cascade skeletalresponseto *One Newton is the force required to accelerate a mass of 0.102 kg at
orthodontictreatmentis initiated. 1 m/s2 (1 N = 102 gf).
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Vt'lgdhnot! et al. 403
Voh,me 105, No. 4

Thin sections of the pterygomaxillary block were stained with s-'q I I I i I /

hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E), and those of the TMJ block I PMF vertical displacement
were stained with H&E, modified Movat's pentachrome, 2~
and Goldner stain techniques. :4 Thick nonstained sections of
both blocks were studied on fluorescent microscopy.
i iJ I I ~ ~ ~ 9 PMF point
Pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF)
Radiographically, the horizontal and vertical dis-
9 "ilill//p a i t
placements of the uppermost and lowermost points of
the pterygomaxillary fissure were measured from mag-
nified tracings of the before and after treatment lateral
cephalograms. Superimposition was performed on the
posterior clinoid process (PCP) to N line, with the PCP
point serving as a constant reference landmark. It was
found that the upper PMF point was displaced vertically
(inferiorly) 0.42 • 0.52 mm and 0 mm (Fig. 3, A),
and horizontally (anteriorly) 0.48 • 0.18 mm and s-(ll I I I I I I I i(i
0.58 • 0.36 mm (Fig. 3, B) in the treated and control

'H i'r~ H
groups, respectively. The lower PMF point changed
vertically (inferiorly) 1.98 _+ 1.74 mm and 0.42 -
0.38 mm (Fig. 3, A) and horizontally (anteriorly) [] upper PMF point
1.42 • 0.96 mm and 0.58 • 0.38 mm (Fig. 3, B) in |
the treated and control groups, respectively. g
Since the PMF is circumscribed by diverse sutures
along its three-dimensional boundaries, its tissue re-
action was studied histologically according to three re-
gions: the lateral upper aspect of the PMF, the lateral
i -

lower aspect of the PMF, and the medial aspect of the

PMF (Fig. 4). The lateral upper section of the PMF,
which is formed by a sutural juncture between the sphe- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9
noid, zygoma, and the maxilla bones (Fig. 4, A
and B), illustrated a dormant activity of the correspond- CBS~
ing sutures in the untreated animals (Fig. 5, A). In the
treated animals, sutures at the superior border of the Fig. 3. Sagittal displacement of uppermost and lowermost
fissure, particularly the zygomaticomaxillary suture, points of pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF) in treated and control
demonstrated a moderate appositional activity. groups. A, Vertical (inferior) displacement; B, horizontal (an-
terior) displacement.
The lateral lower aspect of the pterygomaxillary
fissure is formed by a sutural juncture between the pos-
terior end of the maxillary alveolar process, the pyra-
midal process of the palatine bone, and the spheno- ulations are found between the pyramidal process and
maxillary surface of the pterygoid plate of the sphenoid horizontal plate of the palatine bone and the maxillary
bone (Fig. 4, A and C). 25"26The two involved sutures, tuber, anteriorly (Fig. 4, D and F) and, posteriorly,
the palatomaxillary and the sphenopalatine (pterygo- between the vertical plate and orbital process of the
palatine), demonstrated an inert remodeling condition palatine bone and the medial pterygoid process and the
in the control group (Fig. 5, B and C). greater wing of the sphenoid bone, respectively (Figs,
In the FOMA IIl treated animals, two modes of 4, D and E). 25'26 In this mode of response, the maxillary
sutural reaction were found. In the first type (Fig. 6), third molar germ was partially dissociated from the
the palatomaxillary and pterygopalatine sutures disar- maxillary tuberosity in conjunction with a split in the
ticulated. This type of expansion often occurred on the palatomaxillary suture. However, the sutural reaction
lateral aspect of the fissure. The second type, the mixed on the medial aspect was less prominent than on the
dentosutural reaction (Fig. 7) occurred more often on lateral aspect. The dental effect was delineated by a
the medial aspect of the fissure, where coherent artic- surge in bony sequester along the juncture between the
404 Vardimon el al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

i" !

, i


Fig. 4. Pterygomaxillary fissure of Macaca fascicularis. A, Lateral view. B, Higher magnification of the
upper region of the lateral PMF aspect (area 1 in A) demonstrating complex junctional articuIation
between the maxillary (M), zygoma (Z), and sphenoid (S) bones forming the zygomaticomaxillary
suture (ZMS) and sphenozygomatic suture (SZS). C, Higher magnification of the lower region of the
lateral PMF aspect (area 2 in A) demonstrating short articulation between the pyramidal process (Py)
of the palatine bone and the maxillary tuber (T), forming the palatomaxillary suture (PMS), and between
the pyramidal process and the lateral pterygoid process (LPt) of the sphenoid bone forming the
pterygopalatine suture (PPS) (sphenopalatine suture). D, Medial view. E, Higher magnification (area
1 in D) displaying extended interface between the vertical plate (VP) and sphenoid process (SP) of
the palatine bone and the medial pterygoid process (MPt) of the sphenoid bone forming the ptery-
gopalatine suture (PPS) (sphenopalatine suture). F, Higher magnification (area 2 in D) demonstrating
tortuous articulation between the pyramidal process (Py) and horizontal plate (HP) of the palatine bone
and the maxillary tuber (T), forming the palatomaxillary suture (PMS).

alveolar socket of the third molar and the maxillary mental lines during elongation of the sutural processes
tuberosity (Fig. 7, B). confirms the extensive appositional activity of sutures
The fluorescent microscopy corroborates these find- at the inferior border of the fissure (Fig. 8, A and B).
ings. The distinguished separation of the bony incre- The incremental lines of the control animals were not
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Vardimon et al. 405
Voh~me 105, No. 4

Fig. 5. Lateral PMF aspect of a control animal. A, Superior region with a dormant sphenozygomatic
suture (SZS) (H&E stain, x 14). B, Inferior region, both the palatomaxillary suture (PMS) and the
pterygopalatine suture (PPS) demonstrate an inert remodeling condition (H&E stain, x 12). C, Higher
magnification of the delineated area in B, illustrating a normal remodeling activity of resorption (R) and
apposition (A) in the pterygopalatine suture (H&E stain, x 63).

only less segregated, but interruption in their continuity creased, especially at the area in close proximity to the
was clearly visible (Fig. 8, C). This apposition ces- condylar cartilage (Fig. 10, A and B). The postglenoid
sation was the result of a compressed area that under- process showed no change in comparison with the con-
went resorption during the eruption of the third molar trol animal. However, an increase in osteoclastiC activ-
in a distoclusal direction. ity was also found at the uppermost region of the glenoid
fossa. The fluorescent microscopy of the treated group
Condylar cartilage showed a slight retardation in bony deposition along
Radiographically, the distance condylion-pogonion the trabeculae at the condylar neck (Fig. 11), which
increased after 4 months by 0.75 __+ 0.78 mm in the may explain the "pneumatization" effect (increased
treated animals and by 0.77 • 0.32 mm in the control bone marrow space) shown at the light microscopy
group. level.
Histologically, the control group showed the well-
documented five layers of the condylar cartilage (Fig. DISCUSSION
9).4"27 The reaction of the TMJ to FOMA III was char- Since the maxillary complex is confined, per side,
acterized by increased clastic activity at the zone of by six to seven bony attachments, the specifictarget
endochondral ossification of the condylar cartilage and area at which the cascade osteogenic activity initiates
the adjacent trabecular bone (Fig. 10, A and B). How- and propagates on application of protracting orthopedic
ever, it should be emphasized that the four other layers force depends on the point of force application (PFA). i~
of the condylar cartilage, i.e., fibrous capsule, zone of Thus, Smalley et al. :8 demonstrated that when the PFA
growth, zone of maturation, and zone of erosion, re- was located extraorally, by means of osseointegrated
mained intact (Fig. 10, B and C). Furthermore, the implants, at the primate's maxilla per se, an enlarge-
extent of bone marrow space at the condylar neck in- ment of the zygomaticomaxillary and palatomaxillary
406 Vardimon et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

Fig. 6. Sutural response found on lateral PMF aspect of treated animals. A, An integrated tuberosity
(-/') with no micro fractures and an expansion of the palatomaxillary suture (PMS)and pterygopalatine
(PPS) sutures that cause a sagittal increase in the PMF dimension (H&E stain, x6). B, Higher
magnification of the delineated area in A, illustrating disarticulated interdigitations of the palatomaxillary
suture (H&E stain, x 16).

sutures occurred, whereas when the PFA was located force was applied directly to the rat's snout. 29 In the
at the zygoma bone per se, an excitation was initiated case of F O M A III, and most likely any other intraoral
at the zygomaticotemporal, zygomaticofrontal, and appliance, with forces applied to an en-block maxillary
sphenozygomatic sutures. Likewise, the patent pre- dental arch, 172' the target area was found to be localized
maxillary suture was the target area when a protraction in the pterygomaxillary fissure. This is due to the in-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Vardimon et al. 407
Vohtme 105, No. 4

Fig. 7. Dentosutural response found on medial PMF aspect of treated animals. A, Dissociation of the
tuberosity (/-)-dental wall (DW) juncture (H&E stain, x6). B, Higher magnification illustrating bony
sequester (BS) at the tuberosity ('/')-dental wall (DIN)juncture (H&E stain, x 16).

terruption in the coherent ana integrateta attachment of maxillary fissure (pterygopalatine fossa) and its corre-
the maxillary complex with the cranial base and vault sponding sutures, the palatomaxillary and pterygopal-
at two loosened attachments, the first around the zy- atine (sphenopalatine) sutures. A protractive force
gomaticotemporal space (retrozygomatic space) and its applied at the inferior level of the maxillofacial complex
corresponding zygomaticotemporal and zygomatico- dissipates at the nearby loosened region, namely, the
maxillary sutures and the second around the pterygo- PMF. The specificity of the PMF as a target area found
401] Vardimon el al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

Fig. 8. Fluorescent microscopy of palatomaxillary suture. A, Treated animal characterized by distin-

guished and continued bony incremental lines (fluorescent microscopy, x 100). B, Higher magnification
of a sutural process demonstrating substantial gaps between incremental lines, i.e., increased appo-
sition rate (fluorescent microscopy, x 150). C, Control animal defined by dense and interrupted bony
incremental lines, indicating apposition cessation and resorption activity (fluorescent microscopy,
x 100).

in the present study with intermaxillary midfacial pro-

traction, contradicts the previous hypothesis of mul-
tiregional response to Class III mechanics, that is, the
zygomaticotemporal suture, zygomaticofrontal suture,
frontomaxillary suture, and pterygomaxillary suture, 3~
i.e., a response that affects all maxillary growth centers
concomitantly. 26
Three dimensionally, the separation of the sutures
at the PMF was found to diminish in inferosuperior and
lateromedial directions. This reaction may indicate the
course in which the skeletal response propagated, the
spatial boundaries to which the response was confined,
or both, that is, the propagating course and its bound-
aries. The inferosuperior direction was inferred radio-
graphically and histologically. Radiographically, the
horizontal and vertical displacements of the lower PMF
point were three and five times greater than the cor-
responding displacements of the upper PMF point, re-
spectively. Histologically, disarticulation and osteogen-
esis were likewise more eccentuated at the inferior PME

Fig. 9. Condylar cartilage of an untreated animal with normal

distribution of its five layers, i.e., fibrous capsule (FC), zone of
growth (ZG), zone of maturation (ZM), zone of erosion (ZE),
and zone of endochondral ossification (ZEO) (Movat's pen-
tachrome stain, x250).
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofitcial Orthopedics Vordimot! et al. 409
Volume 105, No. 4

Fig. 10. Condylar cartilage of FOMA III treated animal. A, Increased clastic activity (Goldner stain,
• 63). B, Higher magnification of area I in A, demonstrating an abundance of osteoclasts (Ost) (arrows)
concentrated along the zone of endochondral ossification (ZEO), the other four layers of the condylar
cartilage, that is: fibrous capsule (FC), zone of growth (ZG), zone of maturation (ZM), and zone of
erosion (ZE) remained intact (Goldner stain, x 250). C, Higher magnification of area 2 in A, clastic
activity (Ost) (arrows) is also prevailed at adjacent trabecular bone causing an increase in bone marrow
space (Goldner stain, x 100).

sutures than at the superior PMF sutures. The latero- illary and pterygopalatine sutures (disarticulation and
medial direction was inferred histologically, that is, a osteogenesis) is due to the fissure being interposed be-
pure sutural (skeletal) response was found on the lateral tween two bones with short articulated interface (max-
aspect of the PMF, whereas the medial PMF aspect illary tuberosity anteriorly and the tip of the pyramidal
showed a mixed dentosutural reaction. These two process of the palatine bone, posteriorly). The less pro-
modes of response (sutural versus dentosutural) are the found sutural change found on the medial PMF aspect
result of a diverse bony interdigitation and, conse- (microfractures with bony sequester) is due to increase
quently, diverse degrees of disarticulation. The exces- in bony structures and in articulated interfaces (the hor-
sive change found on the lateral aspect of the PMF, izontal plate and the pyramidal process of the palatine
especially the inferior sutures, that is, the palatomax- bone conjoining the maxillary tuberosity, anteriorly,
410 Vardimon el al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

Fig. 11. Fluorescent microscopy of bony trabeculae adjacent to condylar cartilage. A, Control animal,
segregated bony incremental lines indicating normal trabecular growth rate (fluorescent microscopy,
x 100). B, Treated animal, confluent bony incremental lines indicating slight retardation in osteogenesis
(fluorescent microscopy, x 100).

and the vertical plate and orbital process of the palatine fractures of the maxillary tuberosity. The most common
bone articulating with the root of the pterygoid plates fracture was the high level one.
of the sphenoid bone, posteriorly). The decrease in sutural response in both directions
The issue of separating the maxillary complex from (superior and medial) also implies that maxillary pro-
the cranial base at the PMF was also studied thoroughly traction treatment is directly related to Melsens' sutural
from a surgical point of view. During LeFort I ad- complexity index, .34 and consequently linked to the age
vancement osteotomy, a fracture must be introduced at factor. Since the complexity index increases from in-
the level of the pterygomaxillary fissure. This region is fancy to juvenile by fourfold for the palatomaxillary
of particular interest because of the risk of surgically suture and by twofold for the pterygopalatine s u t u r e , 34
damaging the internal maxillary artery, the jugular vein it is strongly recommended to initiate Class III treatment
and the greater palatine neurovascular bundle. In an at a deciduous dental age to accomplish disarticulation
attempt to develop diverse surgical techniques to coun- of this target area:
teract these potential iatrogenie problems, it was found Two side effects have to be taken into treatment
that on application of an osteotome (surgical chisel) at consideration when using intermaxillary III me-
the PMF, maximal strain was developed at the medial chanics. The first, the net vertical displacement (treated
pterygoid plate. This strain that is directly related to minus control) of the lowermost PMF point (1.56 mm)
the stress was three to eight times greater than the strain was greater than the net horizontal displacement (0.84
developed at the lateral pterygoid plate. 31 This result mm). This suggests that major improvement in interjaw
lends support to our finding of a decrease in PMF sep- sagittal relationship is the result of anterior (upward and
aration capability in the lateromedial direction because forward) rotation of the maxillary complex, 14.16.35which
of the increased articulated interface. In 17% of the dictates a posterior (downard and backward) autorota-
LeFort I treated cases, 32 a small cuff of the horizontal tion of the mandible and thus bears the potential hazard
plate of the palatine bone remained attached to the pter- of increased bite clearance. The second side effect, the
ygoid process of the sphenoid bone that corresponds to lesser sutural response of the medial PMF wall in com-
the increase in anatomic structural complexity in the parison with the lateral PMF wall may generate a trans-
medial direction. Our finding of a decrease in PMF versal convergence of the maxillary alveolar arch, with
separation capability in the inferosuperior direction is progression of protraction treatment. Thus, a compen-
confirmed by the study of Robinson and Hendy33 on
cadavers. The authors defined three patterns of fortui- *For a given sutural interface, the complexity index refers to the ratio between
tous fractures associated with surgical separation of the the actual length of the contact surface divided by the shortest distance between
PMF, i.e., high level fractures, low level fractures, and the two extremities of this sutural interface.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Vardimon et al. 411
Volume 105, No. 4

effect effect
k threshold
f ~
stimulation of
timulation Of
sutural growth
sutural growth

reduction of /
!i/ reduction of
condylar growth
" condylar growth

lib_ Ii,._

A 9-- 4 months time B lag ii--4 months time

stimulation of
sutural growth

y g

C - - 4 months time

Fig. 12. Graphic presentation of sutural versus condylar response to intermaxillaryClass III treatment.
A, Unrelated response characterized by deficient condylar response. B, Unrelated response charac-
terized by delayed condylar response. C, Interrelated response characterized by catch-up condylar

satory vertical intrusion and transversal expansion reg- was below a desirable "orthopedic" threshold. How-
imen should be adjunctive to any midfacial protraction ever, in light of the histologic response of the condylar.
mechanotherapy. cartilage and the adjacent trabecular bone in the present
A discrepancy between the histologic and cepha- study, and because of numerous studies which also
lometfic findings was found with respect to the man- demonstrate limited mandibular restraining effect and
dible. Histologically, a definitive suppression of en- more growth redirecting response even with heavy ("or-
dochondral growth was detected, characterized by an thopedic") forces,3~ 5'8"9"36'37 it is difficult to accept the
increase in osteoclastic activity at the zone of endo- concept that light versus heavy forces corresponds to
chondral ossification of the condylar cartilage, and a dental versus orthopedic response in the case of Class
decrease in bony apposition at the trabeculae in close III mechanics. It is more conceivable that the two target
proximity to this zone. In contrast, cephalometrically, tissues (PMF suture versus condylar cartilage) dem-
no significant decrease in mandibular length (0.02 mm) onstrate two diverse time related responses, which are
was observed between the treated (0.75 - 0.78 ram) either interrelated or unrelated to each other.
and untreated (0.77 -4- 0.32 mm) groups. An unrelated tissue response suggests that for any
The cephalometric results per se suggest failure of growth site, a stimulation effect is always more effec-
FOMA III to induce a growth reducing effect on the tive than a suppression effect (Fig. 12, A). This is in
mandible due to the light forces regimen of the appli- agreement with Petrovic et al. 2 who demonstrated that
ance (1 N) in comparison with previous applied Class excitation of the condylar cartilage by means of hy-
III forces (5 to 35 N), 7J2J6"18'36that is, the applied force perpropulsion increased the number of labeled pre-
412 Vardimon el al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 1994

chondroblasts by 54.8%, whereas its suppression by 3. Assano T. The effects of mandibular retractive force on the
growing rat mandible. AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC ORTHOP
means of a chincap decreased the number of labeled
cells by only 29.9%. Likewise, the sutural stimulation 4. Vardimon AD, Graber TM, Voss LR, Muller TP. Functional
was substantially more pronounced than the cartilagi- orthopedic magnetic appliance (FOMA) Ill--modus operandi.
nous suppression. AM J ORTHODDENTOFACORTHOP 1990;97:135-48.
Another unrelated tissue response implies a diverse 5. Sugawara J, Asano T, Endo N, Mitani H. Long-term effects of
chincap therapy on skeletal profile in mandibular prognathism.
response velocity for the two secondary growth sites
AM J OR'rHODDr.m'OFACOR'mOP 1990;98:127-33.
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