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I 1 Sistematika penelitian 1. Cover Cover: bila mengikuti contoh  Yogyakarta
Resume 2. Halaman Judul di bawah
MK/ 3. Halaman Pengesahan Daftar isi memakai fasilitas word
Laporan 4. Daftar isi
Tugas 5. Halaman Persetujuan Pembimbing
6. Halaman Pernyataan Persetujuan
7. Kata Pengantar
8. Daftar Isi
9. Daftar Lampiran

2 Literature Review Daftar Jurnal Sudah di koleksi, namun belum di review

1. Maternal Age and Consanguinity as risk factors
for Mental Retardation Children in South Jordan
2. Obstetric complications and mild to moderate
intellectual disability.
3. Low birth weight and intelligence in adolescence
and early adulthood: a meta-analysis
4. Incidence , Mortality Pattern , and Outcome of
Low Birth Weight Babies Admitted in a Rural
Tertiary Care Center : A Retrospective Study
5. Maternal risk factors and outcome of low birth
weight babies admitted to a Tertiary Care
Teaching Hospital
6. Perinatal and Neonatal Risk Factors for Autism: A
Comprehensive Meta-analysis
7. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and cognitive
decline in the offspring up to old age
8. Magnesium Sulphate to Prevent Cerebral Palsy
following Preterm Birth
9. Effect of magnesium sulfate given for
neuroprotection before preterm birth
10. Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and intelligence
quotient (IQ) in 5-year-old children: A cohort
based study
11. Pre-pregnancy body mass index, weight change
during pregnancy, and risk of intellectual disability
in children
12. Variation in the influence of selected
sociodemographic risk factors for mental
13. Maternal body mass index during early pregnancy,
gestational weight gain, and risk of autism
spectrum disorders: Results from a Swedish total
population and discordant sibling study
14. Risk factors for mental retardation.
15. Women ' s Health : Pregnancy and Childbirth
Prenatal Risk Factors for Mental Retardation In
Young Children
16. Pregnancy and birth risk factors for intellectual
disability in South Australia
17. Mental Retardation in Children Ages 6 to 16
18. Prenatal Risk Factors for Developmental Delay in
Newcomer Children Key points Prenatal risk
factors Preconceptional factors
19. Prenatal and postnatal risk factors for mental
retardation among children in Bangladesh
20. Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy and the
development of behavioral problems in childhood
and adolescence: the Western Australian
Pregnancy Cohort Study.
21. Prenatal, Perinatal and Neonatal Risk Factors for
Intellectual Disability: A Systemic Review and
22. Meta-analysis of the association between preterm
delivery and intelligence
23. Low birthweight and risk of mild mental
retardation by ages 5 and 9 to 11.
3 Langkah-langkah penelitian Merumuskan Rancangan Penelitian Rancangan penelitan belum mantab
1. Topik
2. Phenomena of Interest
3. Identifikasi Masalah
4. Pertanyaan Penelitian
5. Rumusan Masalah
6. Landasan Teori
7. Kerangka Konsep
8. Definisi Operasional Variabel (DOV)
9. Metodologi Penelitian

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