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Behavior Therapy 44 (2013) 180 – 198


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Contextual Behavioral

Science: Examining the Progress of a Distinctive Model of
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Steven C. Hayes
Michael E. Levin
Jennifer Plumb-Vilardaga
Jennifer L. Villatte
Jacqueline Pistorello
University of Nevada

may have. ACT should be measured at least in part against

A number of recent authors have compared acceptance and its own goals as specified by its own developmental strategy.
commitment therapy (ACT) and traditional cognitive
behavior therapy (CBT). The present article describes
ACT as a distinct and unified model of behavior change, Keywords: acceptance and commitment therapy; contextual
linked to a specific strategy of scientific development, which behavioral science; functional contextualism; relational frame
theory; scientific development strategy
we term “contextual behavioral science.” We outline the
empirical progress of ACT and describe its distinctive
development strategy. A contextual behavioral science
approach is an inductive attempt to build more adequate ALL SCIENTIFIC THEORIES are ultimately shown to be
psychological systems based on philosophical clarity; the incorrect. Thus, the point of the scientific journey is
development of basic principles and theories; the develop- not to generate correct ideas but to develop more
ment of applied theories linked to basic ones; techniques and useful half-truths whose limitations can be more
components linked to these processes and principles; quickly and certainly known. A progressive scien-
measurement of theoretically key processes; an emphasis tific field builds on useful ideas, continuously
on mediation and moderation in the analysis of applied weeding out those that are not. It is impossible to
impact; an interest in effectiveness, dissemination, and know whether a more progressive field has been
training; empirical testing of the research program across a accomplished by focusing only on the present.
broad range of areas and levels of analysis; and the creation Progressivity unfolds over time, sometimes slowly.
of a more effective scientific and clinical community. We There is a tension between an urge for immediate
argue that this is a reasonable approach, focused on long- progress and the willingness to take the careful
term progress, and that in broad terms it seems to be steps that might create progress in the long run.
working. ACT is not hostile to traditional CBT, and is not That tension is felt especially strongly in applied
directly buoyed by whatever weaknesses traditional CBT areas because human suffering is present now but
the generation of scientific knowledge often takes
an unpredictable amount of time. In comparison to
their most art-focused colleagues, empirical clini-
Address correspondence to Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., Department cians are used to arguing for the ultimately greater
of Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557-0062; progressivity of an empirical approach, but in the
cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) tradition rela-
© 2011 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Published by tively little has been written about how to produce
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. greater progress within an empirical approach.
act as a distinctive model 181

There, too, what seems to be fastest now could be long-term interest was in extending a process-based
much slower later and what seems slower now behavioral approach and its underlying develop-
might ultimately go farther. ment strategy (see Zettle, 2005, for a history of
The CBT Tradition and the Origins of Acceptance
and Commitment Therapy ACT: A CBS Approach
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT, said as CBS is a principle-focused, inductive strategy of
one word, not initials; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, psychological system building that emphasizes
1999) is sometimes placed outside of or opposed to developing interventions based on theoretical
CBT (e.g., Hofmann & Asmundson, 2008), but ACT models tightly linked to basic principles that are
is part of the larger family of behavioral and themselves constantly upgraded and evaluated. The
cognitive therapies (Forman & Herbert, 2009) and strategy has been abstracted and extended from
has always been said to be so (e.g., Hayes, Strosahl, traditional behavior analysis. Only an outline can
et al., 1999, p. 79). ACT is an overarching model of be presented here because the issues it raises (e.g.,
key intervention and change processes, linked to a induction vs. deduction, pragmatic vs. correspon-
research program on the nature of language and dence theories of truth, the nature of theory) are
cognition, to a pragmatic philosophy of science, and complex and controversial. It involves the integra-
to a model of how to speed scientific development tion and simultaneous development of multiple
that we call here a contextual behavioral science levels of a research program including philosoph-
(CBS) approach. Describing that approach is a ical assumptions, basic science, basic and applied
primary purpose of the present paper. theory, intervention development, treatment test-
The similarities and differences between ACT and ing, and dissemination, all done dynamically and
the CBT mainstream needs to be seen in the context “horizontally.” While a more detailed breakdown
of respective views about how to create scientific is possible, we describe the approach in terms of
progress. ACT researchers are skeptical of the idea nine characteristics (see Table 1), considering each
that CBT needs to apply “the cognitive model of a in an abstract way and briefly describing the results
particular disorder with the use of a variety of so far inside ACT and relational frame theory
techniques designed to modify the dysfunctional (RFT).
beliefs and faulty information processing character-
istic of each disorder” (Beck, 1993, p. 194) or that explicate philosophical assumptions
its core is to “identify distorted cognitions” and then Philosophy of science is the process of clarifying
to subject these distortions “to logical analysis and and taking responsibility for the assumptions
empirical hypothesis-testing which leads individuals necessary to do complex intellectual work. ACT is
to realign their thinking with reality” (Clark, 1995, grounded in functional contextualism, a type of
p. 155), but that skepticism is a reflection of psychological pragmatism that extends Skinner's
its process-focused development program. In the radical behaviorism (Hayes, Hayes, Reese, &
1980s we conducted more than a dozen studies Sarbin, 1993) by adopting a functional approach
on the theories behind common CBT procedures, to truth and meaning linked to the prediction and
and found little or no support for these models influence, with precision, scope, and depth, of
(see Rosenfarb & Hayes, 1984, on cognitive whole organisms interacting in and with a context
reappraisal/self-statements for an example of considered historically and situationally (Hayes,
these). We made early theoretical attempts to 1993). The core unit of analysis adopted is the act in
analyze cognitive therapy using behavioral princi- context: the ongoing situated purposive action
ples (e.g., Zettle & Hayes, 1980, 1982) but our (Hayes, 1993; Pepper, 1942). All actions are

Table 1
Some Key Features of a Contextual Behavioral Science Approach to Scientific System Development
1. Explicate philosophical assumptions
2. Develop a basic account of complex human behavior with manipulable, contextual principles organized into theories
3. Develop a model of pathology, intervention, and health tied to basic behavioral principles and theories
4. Build and test techniques and components linked to these processes and principles
5. Measure theoretical processes and their relationships to pathology and health
6. Emphasize mediation and moderation in the analysis of applied impact
7. Early and continuous tests of effectiveness, dissemination, and training strategies
8. Test the research program across a broad range of areas and levels of analysis
9. Create an open, diverse, and nonhierarchical development community
182 hayes et al.

considered to be whole events, having meaning only An urge to move ahead quickly on the problem of
with reference to their context. cognition caused the search for more adequate basic
The truth criterion of contextualism is “successful behavioral principles in this area to be abandoned in
working” toward one's analytic goals (Hayes, favor of clinical models of cognition. We thought
1993). Functional contextualists are disinterested this was ultimately likely to slow progress. Con-
in ontological claims (truth with a capital “T”) versely, our early theoretical focus was on basic
because that claim is always also an “act in context” behavioral research on rule governance (e.g., Hayes,
(Skinner, 1974, p. 234), thus “ontology” always Brownstein, Haas, & Greenway, 1986; see Hayes,
ultimately dissolves into pragmatic psychological 1989, for a book-length treatment), but the lack of a
epistemology. While functional contextualists as- clear understanding of verbal rules soon led to an
sume the one (“real”) world, there may be many even more basic focus on the nature of human
ways of successfully differentiating the world, language and cognition itself. RFT (Hayes, Barnes-
depending on one's goals. “Causality” is not taken Holmes, & Roche, 2001) was the eventual result.
to be in the world but is a way of speaking about RFT researchers have discovered that the core of
how to behave effectively, in given contexts for given human language and cognition is learning to relate
purposes. events mutually and in combination not simply on
Scientifically, this explains the environmentalism the basis of their formal properties (e.g., size, shape)
of contextualistic behavior analysts who seek the but also on the basis of arbitrary cues. For example,
prediction and influence of behavior. “Influence” whereas a young child will prefer a nickel over a
requires the specification of manipulable events, as dime because it is bigger, he or she later will prefer a
only contextual variables can be manipulated dime over a nickel “because it is bigger.” Evidence
directly (Hayes & Brownstein, 1986). Thus models suggests these relational skills are operant (e.g.,
that specify the relation of one psychological action Berens & Hayes, 2007), and that they impact all
to another (including thought-behavior or emotion- other behavioral processes, both operant and
behavior relations) are viewed as inherently incom- classical. For example, humans who are aroused
plete until they identify the contextual variables by a stimulus that has been paired with shock will be
that would allow in principle for the goal of even more aroused by a neutral stimulus related to
“influence” to be met (Biglan & Hayes, 1996). the original stimulus in the presence of a “larger
Thoughts may be related to particular emotional than” cue (Dougher, Hamilton, Fink, & Harrington,
and overt behavioral events, but only in historical 2007).
and situational contexts that give rise both to these Space precludes detailed citation (see Hayes et al.,
thoughts and to their relation to subsequent 2001; Rehfeldt & Barnes-Holmes, 2009, for book-
emotions and actions. It is the italicized portion of length treatments) but RFT researchers have found
that sentence that is most often missed in traditional that these “relational frames” begin in infancy,
cognitive models and it is a key clinical focus of without them children do not develop normal
ACT. language, weakness in relational framing is associ-
ated with significant cognitive deficits, some clinical
develop a basic account of complex human disorders have specific framing deficits, and train-
behavior with manipulable, contextual ing in relational framing can increase language
principles organized nto theories acquisition and higher-order skills such as perspec-
Manipulable contextual factors are specified by tive taking and empathy. Many complex cognitive
behavioral principles that apply in a specific way to phenomena, such as metaphorical reasoning, sense
a given event (precision), are broadly applicable of self, lexical recognition, and implicit cognition
(scope), and that maintain coherence across levels can now be modeled and researched, both behav-
of analysis such as psychology and neurobiology iorally and neurobiologically, in the RFT laborato-
(depth). A CBS approach goes beyond traditional ry. RFT in turn is leading to applied programs in
behavior analysis by asking clinicians to help many areas. Althought ACT is the focus on this
develop the basic work needed to support applica- article, ACT is only one of the areas.
tion, and by organizing principles into models and A key RFT insight of clinical importance is that
theories of domains relevant to application. This relational framing is regulated by two distinguish-
addresses two key flaws in the original model of able features: the relational context and the
behavior therapy development: what to do when functional context. The relational context deter-
basic principles are not adequate and how to scale mines how and when events are related; the
them into functional analytic theories. functional context determines what functions will
The change from behavior therapy to CBT be transformed in terms of a relational network.
reflected the right problem but not the best solution. Stated more clinically, the relational context
act as a distinctive model 183

determines what you think; the functional context The CBS solution to this conundrum is to develop
determines the psychological impact of what you clinically useful models of pathology and treatment
think. Because relational frames are learned and based on middle-level terms that are not behavioral
arbitrarily applicable it is impossible to control the principles but are based on them. The ACT model is
relational context so thoroughly so as to entirely meant to be a kind of user-friendly interface—an
keep unhelpful relations from being derived. For operating system if you will—that stands atop a far
example, myriad arbitrary cues can lead children to more extensive enterprise. Terms like “defusion”
derive that they are not as attractive, lovable, are based on RFT concepts but do not demand that
intelligent, or worthwhile as they should be. As the clinician immediately understand basic princi-
with all learning, once relating occurs, it can be ples in order to make applied use of them. Six key
inhibited but will never be fully unlearned. Once a middle-level processes have been identified and
child derives “I am unlovable,” that behavior will organized into the model of pathology, interven-
always be at some strength. This is part of why it is tion, and health shown in Figures 1 and 2. We will
hard to restructure cognitive networks and schemas briefly consider each process.
fully, efficiently, and permanently.
It is the functional context that determines the Cognitive Fusion
impact of relational responding—an observation Cognitive fusion refers to verbal dominance over
that is put to good use in ACT. In imagination, one behavioral regulation to the exclusion of other
can taste an orange, or notice that the word sources of stimulus control (“verbal” is meant
contains “range.” The impact of these two will be technically here, i.e., “via relational frames”).
hugely different. Relational context interventions Cognitive fusion is argued in RFT to be due to the
can also be functional context interventions and the pervasiveness of literal, reason-giving, problem-
two can easily conflict. For example, challenging solving, and evaluative contexts sustained by
the rationality of a thought can easily make a natural language communities. Although fusion is
thought more central, noticed, or important. RFT not necessarily harmful, it becomes so when over-
provides guidance about how to balance these extended. People begin to take their thoughts
processes. For example, teaching a person to add “I literally, without noticing the process of thinking
am having the thought that . . .” to a self evaluation itself. Common examples of cognitive fusion
such as “I'm bad” is indeed designed to amplify include the excessive reliance on rules about what
the person's cognitive network (it is a relational is possible for one's life that are targeted by most
context intervention) but in a way that diminishes forms of CBT.
automatic and unhelpful cognitive control (it is Because learning is additive, not subtractive, RFT
also designed to be a helpful functional context suggests that it is often safer to create more flexible
intervention). responding by diminishing the excessive impact of
Clinical readers exposed to RFT will initially find cognitive events than trying to correct their content.
little such guidance. Eyes glaze over, understanding Psychoeducation can be helpful when there is an
lags, or what is understood seems obvious. That is absence of information, but in many clinical
not unlike the experience of clinicians reading situations entanglement with thoughts is the more
unfamiliar basic behavior research of any kind. central issue. Deliberate attempts to alter negative
Solving that problem is dependent on the next cognitive content can paradoxically increase its
element of a CBS approach. functional importance. Given a change agenda,
people tend toward suppressive tactics that expand
develop a model of pathology, difficult content (John & Gross, 2004; Wegner,
intervention, and health tied to 1994) even if that was decidedly not the goal of the
behavioral principles clinician.
Behavioral principles are difficult to scale directly Defusion involves the creation of nonliteral,
into clinical work, and early bold attempts to do so nonevaluative contexts that diminish the unneces-
(Kanfer & Saslow, 1969) were long ago put aside. sary regulatory functions of cognitive events, and
An inadequate analysis of cognition was one source increase contact with the ongoing process of
of the difficulty but the other was complexity. To all relating as opposed merely to its products. Said in
but a few, basic behavioral principles are too tech- another way, the focus is on mindfully noticing
nical and abstract to give ready clinical guidance in thinking as it occurs. Some examples of defusion
many situations—it would be like asking people techniques include thanking one's mind for a
wanting to use a computer operating system to first thought, watching thoughts go by as if they were
understand the programming language used to written on leaves floating down a stream, repeating
build it. words out loud until only the sound remains, or
184 hayes et al.

FIGURE 1 An ACT/RFT model of psychopathology.

giving thoughts a shape, size, and texture. Clients creating more opportunities for the aversive event
can practice labeling the process of thinking (e.g., “I to appear. Checking to see whether avoidance is
am having the thought that I will never be effective necessitates cognitive contact with what is
successful”), and practice behaving in ways that being avoided, thus evoking it. The avoidance
directly contradict a thought (e.g., saying “I cannot behavior itself, through negative reinforcement,
walk” as one walks across the room). The goal is also strengthens the behavior regulatory effect of
greater behavioral flexibility, not an immediate the avoided private event even if that prevents
change in their frequency or form. adaptive, values-based responses.
All complex organisms show avoidance learning,
Experiential Avoidance but in nonverbal organisms what is avoided are
Experiential avoidance is the attempt to alter the aversive stimuli, not reactions to them. Without
form, frequency, or intensity of private experiences bidirectional relational responding there is neither
such as thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, or an evolutionary reason nor a robust means to avoid
memories, even when doing so is costly, ineffective, what follows the presentation of aversive stimuli,
or unnecessary (Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & and emotional or other responses are in that
Strosahl, 1996). According to RFT, humans target category. Conversely, the relational nature of
aversive private events for change in the same human language and cognition makes it possible
ways that external events are targeted due to an to categorize, evaluate, and seek to avoid emotional
overextension of the problem-solving and evalua- responses themselves. Furthermore, arbitrary ap-
tive functions of cognition. Some emotions or other plicability means that virtually any situation can
private events are evaluated negatively and rules are evoke aversive emotions, such as when a beautiful
constructed to keep them at bay. These avoidance sunset makes a person sad because a person who
or escape rules often contain stimuli that relate to passed away is not there to see it. The verbal nature
the experiences to be altered, or to events that evoke of experiential avoidance greatly expands avoid-
them. For example, avoiding anxiety in order to ance learning per se.
avoid a shameful incapacity to function tends to While there are some differences, experiential
elicit anxiety in response to the verbal construction avoidance overlaps with several other concepts in
of an inability to function. Distracting or soothing the literature such as lack of distress tolerance
events become related to the avoided event, thus (Brown, Lejuez, Kahler, & Strong, 2002), intolerance
act as a distinctive model 185

FIGURE 2 An ACT/RFT model of health and treatment processes.

of uncertainty (Dugas, Freeston, & Ladouceur, and observation as part of living a valued life.
1997), and cognitive and emotional suppression Ironically, acceptance is one of the biggest functional
(e.g., Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000). As RFT explains, changes possible, and often will ultimately change
experiential avoidance often works in the short term the form of emotional events themselves.
to reduce some discomfort, but can have long-term
negative effects. This idea is supported in the larger Loss of Flexible Contact With the Present
literature (Baumeister, Zell, & Tice, 2007; John & The contexts that promote fusion and experiential
Gross, 2004; Pennebaker & Chung, 2007) and by avoidance often also take an individual out of
numerous studies on experiential avoidance per se flexible contact with the present; what becomes
(see Chawla & Ostafin, 2007, for a recent review). central is being somewhere else, where difficult
The alternative to experiential avoidance is accep- events are not occurring. ACT promotes attending
tance: adoption of an intentionally open, receptive, to what is present in a focused, voluntary, and
and flexible posture with respect to moment-to- flexible fashion, linked to one's values and pur-
moment experience. Acceptance is not passive poses. This is accomplished by using language more
tolerance or resignation but an intentional behavior as a tool to note and describe internal events, than
that alters the function of inner experiences from to predict and judge them. A sense of self called
events to be avoided to a focus of interest, curiosity, “self as process” is actively encouraged; the
186 hayes et al.

defused, nonjudgmental, flexible, and ongoing eyes-closed mindfulness activities where they are
noting of thoughts, feelings, and other private asked to look at difficult experiences and then to
events when doing so is useful. The present-moment notice who is noticing.
focus of ACT is seen in therapy itself, in which
attention is brought to present-moment experience, Values Problems
bodily postures, tone of voice, and so on in a Just as successful working in contextualism requires
focused and flexible manner. The ability to move a stated goal in order to be applied as a truth
voluntarily from one domain of the present to criterion, when a pragmatic perspective is brought
another, or to persist in a focus when that is needed, into clinical work it leads naturally to the clinical
is useful in bringing attention itself under purposive centrality of what clients most deeply want. The
control and greatly expands what the present overarching goal of ACT is increasing the ability to
environment affords. Contemplative and mindful- persist or change in behavior in the service of one's
ness homework is often used to practice a different chosen values. Acceptance, defusion, being present,
mode of mind that is less judgmental and problem and so on are not ends in themselves; rather, they
solving and more curious, appreciative, flexible, are meant to help clear the path for a more vital,
and open. values-consistent life. Values dignify these other
processes and make them meaningful.
Attachment to a Conceptualized Self In ACT, values are defined as chosen, verbally
ACT seeks to undermine an attachment to a constructed consequences of dynamic, evolving
conceptualized self (our fused, evaluative stories patterns of activity for which the predominant
about who we are) and to promote contact with a reinforcer becomes intrinsic to the behavioral
sense of self based on the “I/here/nowness” of pattern itself (Wilson & Dufrene, 2009). Appetitive
conscious experience. It is usually termed “self as rather than avoidant, values of this kind are never
context” although other terms (“noticing self,” finished; they are more like a direction than a
“observer perspective,” “transcendent sense of self”) destination. Being a loving parent, for example, is
have been used. When answering a series of questions not an outcome that can be obtained like a degree
about what one did (“I did this,” “I felt that,” “I saw or a new boat. It is an ongoing, continuous process
this,” etc.) “I” does not refer to the content of the of supporting and encouraging children as they
answers but to the perspective from which observa- grow, rebel, take risks, and make mistakes. The
tions are made and in that way normal language moment-to-moment reinforcing consequences of
development leads to a sense of self as a perspective. parenting can even be painful and yet be appetitive.
RFT researchers have found that a sense of locus For example, being there psychologically as one's
derives from learning “deictic relational frames,” child undergoes a serious medical operation can feel
such as “I–you,” “here–there,” and “now–then,” and horrifyingly vulnerable, and yet be a sweet, loving,
that these are central to the ability to take the important, and meaningful thing to do.
perspective of others, feel empathy, or to communi- The key problem areas in values work are a lack of
cate (Rehfeldt & Barnes-Holmes, 2009). This insight values clarity (the failure to contact and specify
has led to new assessment and training methods for appetitive consequences of importance), values based
children who fail to develop perspective-taking skills not on personal choice but on pliance (domination of
(Rehfeldt, Dillen, Zionek, & Kowalchuk, 2007). rules followed to avoid social criticism or achieve
The limits of perspective taking cannot be social approval), and avoidant tracking (domination
consciously known (e.g., you cannot consciously of rules followed to avoid or escape difficult feelings
note the limits of consciousness) and thus provide a such as shame or guilt). Choices based on avoidance,
transcendent, spiritual aspect to human experience. social compliance, or fusion (e.g., “I should value X”
This idea was one of the seeds from which both or “A good person would value Y” or “My mother
ACT and RFT grew (Hayes, 1984). It is important wants me to value Z”) are not helpful behaviorally
in ACT in part because self-as-context interventions (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999) because they do not lead to
help clients see inner experiences as distinct from the flexibility characteristic of choices linked to
consciousness as such, and thus not necessarily a positive consequences.
threat. This in turn undermines excessive rule A variety of methods of values assessment and
control and increases psychological flexibility. Self clarification have evolved in ACT (e.g., Wilson &
as context is fostered in ACT by mindfulness Dufrene, 2009). These involve clinical methods of
exercises, metaphors, and experiential processes. looking for vitality, meaning, and purpose, and
For example, clients may be asked to imagine that sorting them out from pliance and avoidance. ACT
they are older and to write a letter of advice back to uses exercises and journaling to help a client note
the person struggling now, or they may engage in and choose life directions in various domains (e.g.,
act as a distinctive model 187

family, career, spirituality) and to track the conse- Psychological Inflexibility

quences for engaging in value-directed behavior. Psychological inflexibility and flexibility refers to
patterns of behavior that are regulated by the six
Inaction, Impulsivity, or Avoidant Persistence repertoire-narrowing or six repertoire-expanding
Finally, ACT encourages the development of larger processes specified in the ACT model. The goal of
and larger patterns of effective action linked to ACT is psychological flexibility: being able to
chosen values, undermining inaction, impulsivity, contact the moment as a conscious human being
or avoidant persistence. ACT is a modern form of more fully as it is, not as what it says it is, and based
behavior therapy—despite its focus on cognition it on what the situation affords, persisting or chang-
never left that theoretical wing—and committed ing in behavior in the service of chosen values. That
action is where that link is most obvious. Unlike definition includes all six processes. While distin-
values, which are constantly instantiated but never guishable, each of the six processes are understood
achieved as an object, concrete goals that are values more fully in the context of the others. The relation
consistent can be achieved. ACT protocols almost between each process in each direction is theoret-
always involve therapy work and homework linked ically and practically meaningful. Acceptance seems
to short-, medium-, and long-term behavior change to depend upon defusion, for example, because it is
goals. hard to embrace private events fully if they are as
Exposure, skills acquisition, shaping, goal setting, we evaluate them to be. So it is through all 30
contingency management, and other behavior relations among the six processes.
change procedures are all part of the ACT model
and indeed of many ACT protocols. What is different ACT Defined
is the functional set. Any behavioral technique, The six processes—acceptance, defusion, the now,
principle, or functional analysis can be applied— self, values, and committed action—can be further
harnessed to the goals of the model. More than organized. The first four are acceptance and
20 years ago, for example, it was made clear that in mindfulness processes; the last four are commit-
ACT “Exposure work . . . is not designed to reduce ment and behavior change processes. Thus, an easy
anxiety. Instead, exposure gives people an opportu- definition of ACT is a behavioral and cognitive
nity to practice experiencing anxiety without also intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness
struggling with anxiety” (Hayes, 1987, p. 365; cf., processes, and commitment and behavior change
Arch & Craske, 2008). Over time, the larger ACT processes, to produce psychological flexibility.
model has impacted how we view behavioral Treatment attempts to build the acceptance and
procedures at a process level, allowing their more mindfulness processes that undermine excessive
precise definition. For example, in ACT, exposure literality and create a more conscious, present,
is viewed as organized contact with previously flexible approach to psychological experiences; it
repertoire-narrowing stimuli in a context designed also attempts to strengthen the commitment and
to produce greater psychological flexibility—thus behavior change processes that enhance values-
providing a technical definition of a term long based action.
lacking one. Because of its bottom-up, inductive nature, the
It is sometimes said that ACT is unconcerned ACT model is not a model of any specific type of
with symptoms, but this is correct only in a specific disorder, nor of a set of techniques. One could
sense. In line with its tradition, ACT eschewed the a say it is a model of how to do CBT or of therapy
priori scientific importance of syndromal analysis, in general, but in an even more general sense it is
seeking instead a bottom-up, inductive account of meant as a model of how relational learning
the way that verbal/cognitive processes interacted can interact with direct contingencies in human
with traditional behavioral processes so as to psychology.
produce psychological inflexibility. ACT addresses
cognitive, emotional, and behavioral elements of ACT in Practice
psychological problems but only in that context. Because of the nature of language itself, trying to
When presenting problems are discussed, it is often undermine literality using literal language is diffi-
clear that client “symptoms” are functioning to cult and can easily lead to more entanglement in the
keep clients from engaging in one or more valued name of “understanding.” Therefore, ACT focuses
domains such as spending time with family or going heavily on experiential exercises in which clients are
to work regularly. And as an empirical fact ACT encouraged to come into contact with psycholog-
reduces “symptoms” quite well (Hayes, Luoma, ical processes more directly. Metaphors and stories
Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006). But that impact is allow ACT therapists to help clients learn to relate
secondary to the primary focus on valued living. to their experiences in more flexible ways without
188 hayes et al.

creating a new set of rigid rules. Behavioral “psychological inflexibility,” which is argued to be at
techniques dominate but are linked to fostering the core of most human suffering. Cognitive,
the processes in the ACT model. emotional, and behavioral inflexibility narrows the
In essence, the ACT model provides a functional opportunities that are apparently present to move in
dimensional diagnostic system (cf. Hayes et al., a valued direction. Theoretically, it is argued that all
1996; Wilson & Dufrene, 2009) inside a unified six processes are related to each other in all
model of behavior. Each of the six processes, as directions, but specific life histories, organismic
supplemented by traditional functional analysis, patterns, and current situations enhance or diminish
and applied to the specific cognitive, behavioral, these processes and their interrelationships. ACT
emotional, and social content, can be linked directly views syndromes as loose collections of unknown
to intervention methods and clinical targets. At the utility and prefers to focus case conceptualization on
level of the model, ACT is not a technology; it is a these empirically supported processes within the
perspective into which a wide variety of technolo- model. The goal of ACT is not necessarily the
gies, some identified with ACT and some not, can regulation of emotional and cognitive content but
be deployed in a coherent fashion linked to basic flexibility: contacting the moment more fully as it is
principles. Movement in the processes in the model and persisting or changing in behavior in the service
is the functional goal and any techniques that move of chosen values.
these processes can be part of an ACT intervention.
The therapeutic relationship in ACT is simply a build and test techniques and compo-
social scaling of the model. It involves the therapists nents linked to processes
targeting these processes, from positive ACT and principles
processes (psychologically, for the therapist) and The theoretical model provides the conceptual
with positive ACT processes (Pierson & Hayes, scaffolding for creating and deploying treatment
2007; Wilson & Dufrene, 2009). For example, in technologies and components. In a CBS approach
ACT the therapist targets acceptance from a treatment technologies and components are often
posture of self-acceptance, and does so in an examined in smaller, sometimes lab-based, studies
accepting way. to determine their efficacy in impacting relevant
behavior and processes of change. This approach
Summary avoids the problem with large-scale dismantling
Although the number of concepts is few, they are new studies, which are expensive and often delayed for
to some readers so it seems worth summarizing what many years, limiting their impact because they
has been said. From an ACT/RFT approach, occur too late in the dissemination cycle. There are
psychopathology is caused in large part by the now scores of studies on ACT component methods,
tendency to become entangled in cognition, taking including those not done by ACT researchers but
thoughts literally and remaining in a problem-solving clearly applicable to these components. We will
mode even when that is not helpful. The domination review only a small subset of this work—not to
of verbal/cognitive processes over other sources of summarize it but to show how it relates to the
stimulus control is termed “cognitive fusion.” In part development model.
as a result, there is a tendency to avoid and escape
from aversive private events, such as emotions, Defusion
thoughts, memories, and bodily sensations, even ACT researchers have found that word repetition
when this creates behavioral harm. This is termed (Hayes, Strosahl, et al., 1999, pp. 154–156) reduces
“experiential avoidance,” which is thought to both believability and subjective distress experi-
enormously restrict behavioral flexibility and effec- enced from negative self-relevant phrases (Masuda,
tiveness. People lose contact with present-moment Hayes, Sackett, & Twohig, 2004). The “soldiers on
contingencies due to entanglement with a conceptu- parade” mindfulness exercise (Hayes, Strosahl,
alized past and future and resulting attentional et al., 1999, pp. 158–160) reduces subjective
inflexibility. They fail to stay in contact with a distress from an intrusive thought-provoking task
more transcendent sense of self, allowing behavioral (Marcks & Woods, 2005) and willingness to
patterns to be dominated by a conceptualized sense engage in the task again (Marcks & Woods, 2007).
of self instead. All of these contribute to narrow and
rigid behavioral patterns characterized by inaction, Acceptance
impulsivity, and avoidant persistence in specific Research has shown that acceptance interventions
domains, dominated by excessive social compliance alone and in combination with other ACT compo-
and avoidance rather than chosen values. The nents increase persistence and willingness to engage
coming together of all of these processes is termed in distressing tasks (e.g., Hayes, Bissett, et al., 1999;
act as a distinctive model 189

Levitt, Brown, Orsillo, & Barlow, 2004; McMullen own model. A better alternative is to test behavioral
et al., 2008; Takahashi, Muto, Tada, & Sugiyama, methods without any ACT elements compared to
2002) and produce lower reported distress (e.g., those with ACT elements. Studies of this kind have
Gutiérrez, Luciano, Rodríguez, & Fink, 2004; found ACT elements to be helpful (e.g., Eifert &
Levitt et al., 2004) compared to inactive and Heffner, 2003; Levitt et al., 2004). Another is to
emotion control/distraction conditions. examine the mediators of ACT when behavioral
technology is used to see whether the packages work
Self as Context through ACT-sensible means. For instance, Lundgren,
War veterans experiencing PTSD exposed to a full Dahl, and Hayes (2008) found that an ACT epilepsy
ACT protocol decreased significantly more in PTSD protocol that included behavioral elements worked
symptoms than when exposed to one without the through changes in acceptance and values, a func-
self-as-context component (Williams, 2006). tional path that is very unlikely to be due to the
behavioral element alone.
The Present
Studies on training attentional flexibility (e.g., Psychological Flexibility
Langer & Moldoveanu, 2000) suggest that a A great deal of research exists to support the core
flexible present-moment focus can be helpful. importance of flexible behavior, cognition, and
Asking participants to focus on sensations during emotion. For example, it is known that depressed
painful stimulation increases task persistence (e.g., individuals are less sensitive to emotional contexts
Cioffi & Holloway, 1993). and show less reactivity to both positive and negative
emotional stimuli (Rottenberg, Gross, & Gotlib,
Values 2005), and show behavioral rigidity in tasks that
In pain tolerance tasks, brief values interventions require adaptive skills (Hopkinson & Neuringer,
have been found to increase task persistence, 2003). Depressive symptoms and response to treat-
without decreasing self-reports of pain, especially ment are better predicted by flexibility of attributions
when high degrees of pain are encountered (Páez- than by the content of cognitive schemas (Moore &
Blarrina et al., 2008). Studies have also shown that Fresco, 2007). Indeed, cognitive flexibility moderates
values interventions increase task persistence when the relationship between negative life events and
combined with other ACT components (e.g., depression, even after controlling for the influence of
Gutiérrez et al., 2004). Brief values writing exer- explanatory style and the interaction between
cises have been shown to increase school perfor- explanatory style and negative life events (Moore
mance in stigmatized minority students (Cohen, & Fresco, 2007). Similarly, inflexible application of
Garcia, Apfel, & Master, 2006), reduce physiolog- emotion regulation strategies is more determinative
ical stress in distressing tasks (Creswell et al., 2005), of effectiveness than are the strategies themselves
and improve reactions to health messages (Harris (Bonanno, Papa, Lalande, Westphal, & Coifman,
& Napper, 2005). 2004). It is known that flexibility is related to other
aspects of the ACT model. For example, emotionally
Committed Action avoidant and controlling coping strategies are more
The literature on consistent application of behavioral likely to be applied rigidly, independent of the
methods is vast and hardly needs to be cited. For current context (Folkman, Lazarus, Gruen, &
scientific reasons, ACT researchers have sometimes DeLongis, 1986).
excluded behavioral methods so that the psycholog- Another example of psychological flexibility is
ical impact of the other elements of an ACT model the desynchrony effect that frequently occurs in
can be examined. For example, Twohig, Hayes, and ACT interventions in which the link between
Masuda (2006) and Twohig et al. (2010) found that private events (i.e., emotions and cognitions) and
the elements of an ACT model minus behavioral overt behavior is reduced. For example, acceptance
exposure were effective for obsessive-compulsive and values interventions sometimes increase persis-
disorder. In essence this becomes a kind of disman- tence in a distressing task even without reducing
tling study, testing a deliberately hobbled ACT distress (Hayes, Bissett, et al., 1999; McMullen
intervention. While a few studies of this kind seem et al., 2008), suggesting these interventions may
needed, it can plant a dangerous seed in which ACT reduce the dominant control of distress over
is thought to be all of the elements in an ACT model subsequent behavior and allow for more flexible
except validated behavior change methods. That is responding in aversive contexts. Similarly, ACT for
incorrect, although some have criticized ACT re- persons with psychosis reduces self-report of
searchers on that basis (e.g., Öst, 2008). To yield to positive symptoms less than treatment as usual,
this kind of criticism would peel ACT away from its but patients are rehospitalizated less—particularly
190 hayes et al.

those who admit to positive symptoms (Bach & meditational analysis allows a further test of the
Hayes, 2002)—suggesting less behavioral impact treatment model beyond whether the treatment
and more psychological flexibility in the presence of package can produce a positive impact per se.
hallucinations and delusions. Mediation provides important information regard-
ing the ability of a treatment package to target
measure theoretical processes and functionally important processes of change. If
their relationships to pathology mediation fails it is important to determine where
and health this occurred (Follette, 1995) because it matters
The goal of functional contextualism is prediction whether the failure was due to failures of technol-
and influence with precision, scope, and depth. ogy (i.e., the intervention did not impact the
Scope in particular requires good theory, not just processes of change) or limitations in the model
good technology. Exploring processes of change (i.e., the intervention did impact processes of
allows one to test the theoretical model, providing change, but this did not account for changes in
another link between principles, theory, and outcome).
treatment components/packages. Thus, a CBS Nearly two dozen formal mediational analyses of
approach focuses on developing adequate measures ACT now exist, including those that are analyzed
of the key processes thought to be involved in and being written up but are not yet published or in
psychological difficulty and in psychological press. Successful ACT mediators include general or
change and examines their relations to psychopa- specific measures of acceptance and psychological
thology and behavior. There needs to be tight links flexibility (e.g., Gifford et al., 2004; Gregg et al.,
between theoretical constructs and the auxiliaries 2007; Lappalainen et al., 2007; Lillis, Hayes,
and conditions of measurement, so that empirical Bunting, & Masuda, 2009; Lundgren et al.,
problems can be attributed to the theory rather than 2008), defusion (e.g., Hayes et al., 2004; Lundgren
to characteristics of the measure (Hayes, 2004). et al., 2008; Varra et al., 2008; Zettle & Hayes,
A number of process measures have been 1986), and values (e.g., Lundgren et al., 2008),
developed. The work is too broad to describe in among others. In virtually every case, when
detail here but a few highlights can be mentioned. alternative mediators drawn from other perspec-
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ; tives were applied to ACT interventions they did
Hayes et al., 2004; see Bond et al., 2011, for a not work or did not work as well as those drawn
review of the AAQ II) assesses experiential avoid- from ACT theory.
ance and psychological flexibility fairly broadly and The quality of the evidence on mediation in ACT
does a very good job of predicting many forms of varies. For example, some studies show mediation
psychopathology, as is predicted by the model using processes assessed before outcome differences
(Hayes et al., 2006). To detect process changes in are seen (e.g., Gifford et al., 2004; Lundgren et al.,
targeted protocols problem-specific versions of the 2008; Zettle & Hayes, 1986, as reanalyzed in
AAQ have been developed in such areas as smoking Hayes et al., 2006); in other cases the mediators
(Gifford et al., 2004), weight (Lillis & Hayes, were assessed concurrently with outcome. What is
2008), psychosis (Shawyer et al., 2007), chronic most noteworthy, however, is the consistency
pain (McCracken, Vowles, & Eccleston, 2004), across the entire dataset: the small number of
epilepsy (Lundgren et al., 2008), and diabetes concepts specified by an ACT model work very
(Gregg, Callaghan, Hayes, & Glenn-Lawson, consistently as mediators across the very wide range
2007). Believability ratings are commonly used to of problems targeted by ACT.
assess defusion (e.g., Varra, Hayes, Roget, & Comparing treatments at the level of processes
Fisher, 2008) and specific defusion questionnaires of change is a useful approach in determining
have emerged (Wicksell, Renofalt, Olsson, Bond, & whether interventions are distinct from each other
Melin, 2008). Values measures are also beginning (O'Donohue & Yeater, 2003). The first two pub-
to appear (e.g., Lundgren et al., 2008; Wilson, lished ACT outcome studies involved a direct
Sandoz, & Kitchens, 2010). Mindfulness measures comparison of ACT to cognitive therapy (CT; Zettle
also effectively tap these processes (Baer, Smith, & & Hayes, 1986; Zettle & Raines, 1989). Believability
Allen, 2004; Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer, & of depressive thoughts mediated outcomes in ACT
Toney, 2006). but not CT (Hayes et al., 2006; Zettle & Hayes,
1986); reductions in dysfunctional attitudes corre-
emphasizing mediation and moderation in lated with treatment effects for CT but not ACT
the analysis of applied impact (Zettle & Raines, 1989). Two recent effectiveness
Exploring the relationship between processes of studies comparing traditional CBT and CT to ACT
change and outcome in treatment studies through (Forman et al., 2007; Lappalainen et al., 2007) also
act as a distinctive model 191

both demonstrated different processes impacted by early and continuous tests of

these approaches. Forman, Hoffman, et al. found effectiveness, dissemination,
that changes in the acceptance and acting with and training strategies
awareness subscales of the Kentucky Inventory of A CBS approach differs from stage-based treatment
Mindfulness Skills (KIMS; Baer et al., 2004), as well development models in which effectiveness and
as the AAQ, related to outcomes with ACT but not as dissemination research is only conducted after
well with CT, which instead related more to changes multiple studies have tested the treatment. Contex-
in the observing subscale of the KIMS. Lappalainen tual behavioral scientists are not trying to find out
et al. found that CBT increased self-confidence more what is “true” in an ontological sense and then see
than acceptance at post, while the reverse was found whether that knowledge is useful. From a pragmatic
for ACT. Both related to outcomes on the SCL-90 but perspective, the truth of a given analysis is found in
if partial correlations with outcome were calculated its utility where it is applied. This suggests that
for both, self-confidence no longer predicted out- effectiveness, training, and dissemination research
come. Interestingly, at follow-up ACT participants should begin early and be emphasized throughout
now had significantly higher self-confidence than (Hayes, 2002). Knowledge development in such an
CBT participants. 1 approach is embedded and horizontal. Diverse
Several studies have also explored moderation in populations and settings need to be a significant
relation to the theoretical model. A study by part of the process instead of passive recipients of
Masuda et al. (2007) provides an example. It knowledge developed elsewhere. Factors relevant to
found ACT was equally effective in targeting stigma dissemination such as feasibility, cost-effectiveness,
toward mental illness regardless of participants’ level and acceptability of the treatment by both clinicians
of psychological flexibility, but that psychoeducation and their clients (Hayes, 1998) should be consid-
was less effective when individuals reported higher ered early, and a broad and diverse development
levels of psychological inflexibility. Differences in community needs to be created.
moderation have also been shown comparing ACT researchers have focused on effectiveness
ACT to traditional CBT. Forman, Hoffman, et al. and training testing early in the development
(2007) compared the impact of a brief ACT process. The first ACT study of the modern era
intervention for food cravings to a traditional was an effectiveness study (Strosahl, Hayes, Bergan,
CBT model (drawn from Friedman & Brownell, & Romano, 1998) that showed that training
1996), and no treatment. Outcomes differed clinicians in ACT produced better overall outcomes
depending on an individual's level of sensitivity to in an outpatient setting. Since then two additional
food in the environment. Individuals who reported effectiveness studies have been conducted with ACT
few difficulties with food did worse with ACT, but targeting heterogeneous clinical populations
individuals who reported high levels of difficulty (Forman et al., 2007; Lappalainen et al., 2007) in
did significantly better than either CBT or no addition to studies on training (e.g., Luoma et al.,
treatment when exposed to ACT. 2007).
Mediation and moderation data are high tests of
a CBS approach because they simultaneously test the research program across a
examine the utility and coherence of the relation- broad range of areas and levels
ship between theory, technology, and outcomes. It of analysis
is not important to CBS that ACT technology The only way to test and further develop a putatively
always be more successful than other approaches— unified model is to apply it to topographically
indeed it has not been (e.g., Forman, Hoffman, et distinct populations understood in terms of the
al., 2007). The failures so far seem theoretically functional dimensional processes specified by the
sensible (e.g., it makes sense that acceptance will model. That needs to be done while varying
not help with food cravings if the person is not everything that is not central conceptually (e.g.,
dominated by food to begin with) but a lot remains individual and group interventions, long and short
to be learned. The consistency of the evidence on interventions, in-person interventions vs. telephone,
the model, however, provides a target for the books, or the Internet). Such an approach to
creativity of researchers and clinicians, who can treatment testing may allow researchers to more
then focus more on empirically supported processes readily identify the boundary conditions of the model
than labels, packages, and manuals (Rosen & in accounting for pathology and specifying treatment
Davison, 2003). course and outcome, suggesting areas for further
model and treatment development, especially if there
This calculation was left out of the text of the published is attention to mediation, moderation, and compo-
manuscript but it can be computed from the included table. nents, not just outcomes.
192 hayes et al.

The breadth of ACT research is undeniable, and rats and pigeons in order to understand human
RFT is even broader. That breadth exists because of complexity. Walden Two is a goal, not a claim to
this strategic vision. A recent review (Hayes et al., knowledge. In the same way, the CBS tradition is
2006) identified controlled ACT studies on work committed, as its Web site notes, to the “creation of
stress, pain, smoking, anxiety, depression, diabetes a psychology more adequate to the challenge of the
management, substance use, stigma toward substance human condition.” That is an aspiration, not a
users in recovery, adjustment to cancer, epilepsy, claim to knowledge.
coping with psychosis, borderline personality
disorder, and trichotillomania, and comparisons create an open, diverse, and
that included cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, nonhierarchical development community
psychoeducation, attention placebo, pharmaco- ACT and RFT are being developed by an open,
therapy, general treatment as usual, and wait-list. diverse, nonhierarchical worldwide community of
Overall the between-group effect size was d = .66 at clinicians, basic scientists, applied scientists,
post and d = .65 at follow-up. Three independent scholars, and students. The creation of a broad
meta-analyses have arrived at broadly similar values and diverse development community is a necessary
(Öst, 2008; Powers, Vörding, & Emmelkamp, feature of the CBS approach for three reasons. First,
2009; Pull, 2009). Since 2006, successful controlled the inductive and yet broadly focused development
studies have appeared in additional areas, including strategy of a CBS approach can be quite slow. Only
obsessive-compulsive disorder, marijuana depen- many hands can mount such an agenda. Secondly,
dence, skin picking, racial prejudice, prejudice in a CBS approach all ideas and methods are
toward people with mental health problems, assumed to be contextually limited. Diversity and
whiplash-associated disorders, generalized anxiety openness ensures that the range of ideas, settings,
disorder, chronic pediatric pain, weight-mainte- backgrounds, professions, and cultures brought to
nance and self-stigma, clinicians’ adoption of this development strategy is large and that blind
evidence-based pharmacotherapy, and training spots can be more readily contacted, especially
clinicians in psychotherapy methods other than those held by developers and early explorers.
ACT. This process of expansion is bound to Finally, community control over development
continue into prevention, organizations, schools, avoids the problem faced by labeled and certified
communities, religious bias, environmental issues, empirically supported treatments linked to scientific
sexism, compassion, and the like. Interventions development strategies based on adherence to
with even more challenging populations (e.g., those validated manuals, namely, that only developers
with IQs below 70, brain-injured clients, young or the anointed have the power to add or subtract
children, prisoners) are currently being tested. elements. The hierarchy, self-focus, and ossification
Whether the model succeeds or fails in these areas that may result could well slow long-term scientific
is an empirical matter—it is the strategy we are progress. Given the distant and high aspirations of a
pointing to here. In some ways the whole point is to CBS approach, the flexibility and temporal exten-
try to find the failures, so that further model and sion of communitarian control is necessary.
technological development can occur. The best way The link between ACT/RFT and a CBS develop-
to do that is to push the model as far as it can go and ment strategy is reflected by the consensus the
to be prepared to change when deficiencies are development community reached several years ago
contacted. Already, studies show that ACT may not about the name of its society. “ACT” or “RFT” is
work quite as well for minor problems and less nowhere in it—instead, it is named the Association
entangled and avoidant clients (Forman, Herbert, for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS: www.
et al., 2007; Zettle, 2003) and instead are leading to As of late 2011, ACBS
model-consistent methods to attempt to overcome had nearly 4,000 members, more than half outside
this problem by, for example, emphasizing values of the United States.
and compassion more than struggle with personal It is one thing to create a community—it is
pain. another to keep it open and flexible. It is a value of
Those outside of the behavior analytic tradition the ACT/RFT development community to con-
are commonly worried about the expansive goals of sciously limit hierarchy, isolation, and self-interest.
the ACT/RFT community, but it is fully consistent For example, ACBS has eschewed certification of
with Skinner's (1948) original vision. It is not therapists. ACT trainers are “recognized” by a free
arrogance that led an animal learner to write a process of peer review, and must sign a values
utopian novel like Walden Two (Skinner, 1948); statement in which protocols are made available for
rather, it is an explication of the vision and values of free or at low cost, and entanglement of ACT
an inductive tradition that started with the study of training with proprietary claims are prohibited.
act as a distinctive model 193

Whether protocols that comport with an ACT bits of information that science-as-technology
model are branded “ACT” is considered inside the presents. The field becomes an incoherent mass,
CBS community to be a strategic decision, not a impossible to master and impossible to teach
matter of fundamental importance, and various [and] the shallow level of analysis means that
considerations have led well-known and respected other areas of science cannot be related to clinical
CBS researchers to call their protocols by other techniques” (Hayes, Strosahl, et al., 1999, p. 15).
names at times (e.g., McCracken, 2005). There is The field needs a development strategy linked to
no attempt to restrict those decisions in presenta- pragmatically useful processes and theory, but a
tions accepted at ACBS conventions. domination of empirically validated technology
over progressive theory is deeply embedded in
The Scientific Development Strategy of Empirical contemporary empirical clinical thinking. Junior
Clinical Psychology researchers often are applauded (or at least funded)
Empirical clinical psychology needs to attend more for mixing and matching techniques and syndromes
to its development strategy. In the usual approach, like cooks in a kitchen, relabeling every combina-
philosophical assumptions are not explicated, basic tion as a model, approach, or treatment, provided
processes are all too often an afterthought, and if only that in the end the technological stew is tested
they exist at all theories are generally narrowly in the form of a randomized trial. The mountain
focused, vague, expressed in commonsense terms, of manuals and models that result is impossible
and at times wholy untested. The idea seems to be to simplify or even to characterize. Acceptance
that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) style and mindfulness techniques are now entering into
of medication validation can be used to build a new manuals at light speed, sometimes sitting
progressive field based on manualized treatments side by side with seemingly contradictory methods,
focused on well-specified syndromes that are and without a well-crafted strategy in place for
empirically validated in well-controlled studies. developing a real science out of this technological
That seems unlikely and at the very least it needs tangle.
to be defended. To our knowledge, no progressive Even serious scholars do not seem to understand
science has ever been built in such a fashion. the very different strategy being followed by the
The success of this plan requires that psychiatric CBS community. For example, Öst (2008) criticized
syndromes lead to functional understood entities the lack of attention to syndromal diagnosis in the
with known etiologies, that is, to diseases. Mea- ACT literature, failing to note why this choice was
sured against that criterion it has been an abject made or to note the use of functional dimensional
failure. The American Psychiatric Association process information instead. He compared the ACT
planning committee for the next edition of the literature to a matched set of traditional CBT
DSM (Kupfer, First, & Regier, 2002) concluded studies using a set of methodological standards
“Reification of DSM-IV entities, to the point that drawn from a traditional model of development
they are considered to be equivalent to diseases, is applied and argued that the ACT literature was
more likely to obscure than to elucidate research weaker, but failed to note or explain the evidence
findings. . . . All these limitations in the current that instead ACT studies were following a different
diagnostic paradigm suggest that research exclu- model of scientific development. The evidence for
sively focused on refining the DSM-defined syn- that claim is in the very list of matched CBT studies
dromes may never be successful in uncovering their he created. The CBT list of studies was 100%
underlying etiologies. For that to happen, an as composed of studies on depression and anxiety,
yet unknown paradigm shift may need to occur.” was funded well (77% with grants of more than
(p. xix). Without the functional simplification that is $150,000), contained no mediational analyses, and
provided by the discovery of diseases, psychiatric provided almost no process information of any
syndromes can lead to an endless random walk kind. Öst was not being baised: that is, indeed,
through a wilderness of topographical correlations. where the traditional vision of scientific develop-
The same problem of incoherence occurs if all ment inside CBT had led us, with large and
that is of concern is the validation of technology. expensive studies excessively focused on a relatively
Technological knowledge alone gives us no basis narrow set of problems but with very weak process
for dealing with a new problem or situation, no knowledge and limited evidence of theoretical
systematic means to develop new techniques, and coherence and progress. In contrast, the ACT
no way to organize the field except under broad literature he reviewed was enormously broad (in
tribal labels such as “CBT” that are gradually seven different areas and only 38% in depression or
becoming meaningless. It becomes “difficult to anxiety), was underfunded (only 8% were based on
assimilate the mountain of seemingly disconnected grants of $150,000 or more), and yet almost every
194 hayes et al.

study contained good and supportive processes ances, not well-crafted theory, data, or deep and
data, and the majority had successful mediational broad exposure. Everyday language and common-
analyses published, in press, or in preparation sense understanding based on mainstream assump-
focused on a handful of key processes of change tions is too flexible for that exercise to work well.
that could nevertheless accommodate the enormous On such a basis, a sophisticated CBT scholar can
range of problems being addressed. As measured argue that ACT is the same as cognitive therapy
against its own criteria, which readers of the present (Hofmann & Asmundson, 2008) and in the next
article would now better understand, the early ACT breath argue that ACT is the same as an obscure
literature is in many ways stronger than the Japanese treatment from the early part of the last
traditional CBT literature Öst himself held up as a century (Hofmann, 2008). Logically, that eviden-
proper comparison, despite its minority status and tiary basis would make cognitive therapy a form of
relative lack of funding. Morita therapy, but the problem is not the failure to
As another example of the lack of understanding see that conclusion, it is trying to understand deep
regarding an ACT approach, in their meta-analysis theoretical, philosophical, and strategic differences
of ACT Powers et al. (2009) entered disorder- on the basis of loose verbal associations grounded
specific distress as a primary outcome, even at times in the hegemony of mainstream assumptions. A
categorizing targeted behavioral outcomes as sec- more interesting way to compare approaches, if
ondary. Although scientific politics and the domi- comparisons are to be made, is to compare their
nance of mainstream measures may require ACT assumptions, theories, evidence regarding processes
researchers to work both sides of that street, of change, component evidence, and developmental
disorder-specific distress is generally a secondary strategy. We have cast the present article as we have
concern compared to valued actions and life because in the long run what seems most important
functioning in ACT. For example, the ACT model are not empirically supported packages, techniques,
when applied to chronic pain is designed to move or labels, and the monuments to immortality
patients away from a focus on pain intensity toward developers tend to build around them but empiri-
a focus on its unnecessary interference with living. cally supported processes and theories (Rosen &
Nevertheless, Powers et al. entered pain intensity as Davison, 2003) that can be linked to a strategy for
a primary outcome of ACT studies on chronic pain the creation of scientific and practical progress, and
in their meta-analysis and large effect sizes suddenly that can be given away to the field for the good of
approached zero in some cases. The meta-anlysis those we serve.
was still reasonably supportive, but the failure to
characterize evidence in an ACT-consistent way Conclusion
contributed to the incorrect conclusion that ACT The scientific progress of empirical clinical psychol-
was only as effective as any alternative active ogy seems mixed—no one claims that either paradise
treatment (see Levin & Hayes, 2009, for a re- or failure has been achieved. Some see the glass as
analysis of their data set). half full and say that the dominant strategy is
Due in part to the dominance of the FDA model, working; others see it half empty and lobby for
ACT is most often approached as a collection of strategic change. Frankly, that argument will not be
techniques evaluated only in terms of outcomes. decided by established researchers—it will be decided
The comparisons that result are of limited interest. sociologically by junior researchers, theorists, and
Although many of the techniques in ACT are students choosing where to invest their life energy.
relatively distinct, many are shared with other It seems clear that the field is changing with the
approaches, especially within CBT writ large but ascendance of mindfulness and acceptance-based
also with experiential, humanistic, and analytic approaches and their core assumptions that differ
traditions. The level of technique is a moving target so from traditional CBT assumptions. This is not an
and unless processes are understood, it is impossible issue of label or school. The statement “unlike CBT,
to know when different techniques are truly there is little emphasis in MBCT [mindfulness-
different, and outcomes alone are not an adequate based cognitive therapy] on changing the content of
basis upon which to build a progressive science. thoughts; rather, the emphasis is on changing
So far the vast majority of ACT critics have not awareness of and relationship to thoughts” (Segal,
explored ACT extensively, whether that is meant Teasdale, & Williams, 2004, p. 54) could have been
experientially or in the intellectual sense of a deep stated by an ACT theorist without altering a single
understanding of functional contextualism, RFT, word other than the name of the therapy.
and the CBS strategy of development. Various ACT Generational changes within a field provide
methods are argued to be the same or different, but opportunities for advancement and renewal. These
the grounds for the argument seem to be appear- may be wasted, however, unless we think seriously
act as a distinctive model 195

about the scientific development strategies that are Baumeister, R. F., Zell, A. L., & Tice, D. M. (2007). How
most likely to produce long-term progress. It will emotions facilitate and impair self-regulation. In J. J. Gross
(Ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (pp. 408–426).
make little long-term difference to the field if we take New York: Guilford Press.
our existing protocols, add a dash of mindfulness Beck, A. T. (1993). Cognitive therapy: Past, present, and future.
here, and a dollop of values there, test them, and Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61,
gather them into a loose pile all under the tribal label 194–198.
of CBT. Both advocates of traditional CBT and of Berens, N. M., & Hayes, S. C. (2007). Arbitrarily applicable
comparative relations: Experimental evidence for a relational
newer forms alike need to be much more clear about operant. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 45–71.
their own scientific development strategy and how it Biglan, A., & Hayes, S. C. (1996). Should the behavioral sciences
can best be evaluated. As we have tried to describe, become more pragmatic? The case for functional contextual-
ACT and RFT researchers have done so. The ism in research on human behavior. Applied and Preventive
contextual behavioral science approach seems co- Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives, 5, 47–57.
Bonanno, G. A., Papa, A., Lalande, K., Westphal, M., &
herent, reasonable, and distinctive, and it has now Coifman, K. (2004). The importance of being flexible: The
yielded a body of work that is substantial enough for ability to both enhance and suppress emotional expression
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