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Charging Permission Of Electrical Installation.

Note: “ * “ sign fields are mandatory to fill

Step 1: Enter this URL: (Through Aaplesarkar Portal)

Step 2: Enter Login Credentials (User ID, Password and District)

For First Time User – (Follow below steps for registration)

A. click the link “Create Employer User Profile”

B. Select any one mode from below given options to create user name and password i.e. User ID and
Password by verifying UID or Create own user profile using OTP verification on your mobile number.
C. Please fill below mention information to create User Name and Password through detail profile using
OTP verification on your mobile number.

i. Fill Aaple Sarkar Registration form in 6 steps i.e.

1. Applicant Detail
2. Applicant's Address [As per document]
3. Mobile No. & Username Verification
4. Upload Photograph
5. Proof Of Identity (Any -1)
6. Proof Of Address (Any -1)
Step 3: After login with User Name & Password, on left side user can see Department names like
Agriculture, Home Department, Industries Energy and Labour Department.
 Click of Industries, Energy and Labour Department User can see Sub Department. Select Energy
Department for Service of Labour and Proceed.

Step 4: Select the service name “Application form for Charging Permission of Electrical Installation” as
shown below.
 You will see three forms as Form A, Form B, Form C. Make the appropriate selection, according
to the requirement. Here we have selected Form C- Electrical Installations with Overhead Line.

 On selecting the Form, you will be redirected to the application “ Form C- Electrical Installations
with Overhead Line”
 Fill all the details for the “Name of Installations as well as Name of Overhead Line/Feeder” ,
Note: “ * “ sign fields are mandatory to fill

 After filling the premises details, user is expected to fill the details of the Applicant and select
the voltage and capacity required in the Applicant Details section
 The user is now expected to fill the Officer’s details in the Applicant Details B section.

 Now user has to fill the other details information which includes information regarding
transformers, circuits, etc. with respect to parameters like length size, etc.

 On Selecting the option as “Yes”, from power line crossing options w.r.t individual Power
voltages, user is expected to mention the value in the text box.
 After filling all details, once the user clicks on “Add” button, he will get a pop up mentioning the
mandatory fields which are not filled. The user in this case needs to go back and fill in the
mandatory details and then click on Add Button.
 The user now sees the information appearing in the grid and also with a pop up message.
 The user can add multiple records.
 If the user thinks he has entered any wrong record. In this case the user is expected to select the
record from the grid and click on the delete icon.

 After clicking delete option, a validation message pops up to verify if user wants to delete the
record, on confirmation, the selected row/record gets deleted and message of successful
deletion pops up.
 Now the user will need to submit the information, it can be done by selecting the accept check
box and clicking on submit button.

 After clicking on Submit button, a confirmation message will pop up before submitting the
details. If the user is sure, details can be saved, else cancel.
 Mandatory fields, if skipped by the user during filling the form, will be displayed. User now is
supposed to go in the application again and fill in the information which was skipped to submit
it. After clicking on Save Button after filling all the mandatory fields a confirmation message will
pop up with the Token ID.

 An Applicant ID will be generated and displayed. The user is supposed to upload the photo and
signature according to the instructions mentioned.
 The user is now supposed to select and upload the Identity proof of the Applicant.

 User is now supposed to upload the necessary Verification Documents.

 After uploading the required documents, user is expected to click on Submit button, to submit,
his application. Once Submitted the user gets a pop up message regarding the confirmation of
submission, and to make the payment.

 After clicking on OK, the user is redirected to the dashboard, where he can see his Applicant no.
to process further with the payment by clicking on “Make Payment”.
 After making the payment online, a confirmation message will appear which will give you the
transaction successful receipt.


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