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The three interviewees who have bachelor degree. With various experiences.

Based on Natoatmodjo (
2005.ut.arimn.bawa.2006). Prediposition factor that formed health behavior are
knowlage,act,education,job,family economy status. That statement proved by Depkes RI, (2004),
education the loweralso health knowlage because of the three interviewees have a quite high education
(behavior), so they understand that teeth may not be cut too much because it’s not good for oval health
and the teeth fell pain.

The three interviewees said that three’s no specific education to be a sangging, but based on generation
to generation and direct observation while cut tooth ceremony. The interviewees disposed join the
counseling about our health.

Religion event include are at universal culture elements that submitted by widyomwoyo (2004) said
that there are seven elements of universal culture that are : (1) religion system and religion ceremony
(2) people oraganitation system (3) knowlage system (4) live in hood system (5) technology and
equipment system (6) language (7)art . In the religion system and religion system, it says people have
intelligence and high feeling, understand that above their strength, there is more power almighty. There
fore , people fear and praise him and born belikes and now become religions to persuade that power so
can rompty people, need effort in religion system and religion ceremony

Acording to depdikbud ( 1999 ), culture element is element that hold to charge culture can adapt, but
only ratio and people emotional that can alow and in psychologically haimonious situation. When it
forced or some new culture not allow, so people will comeback to their previous culture or reject it.
Culture transformation and it’s adjustment are something that cant’t be moved. Even can be expacted
and be try. So the religion ceremony already considered as a culture.

Even people of hindu that lived in Jabodetabek area busy with their work and the different situation
from bali, but this religion rival still held to worship God. This visible on the esecution of the ceremony
that held on Puia Aditiya Jaya ( Pura Rawamangun) that followed by Hindu.

Based on the interview result, we can know that the cleaning method and instrument maintainence that
did by sangging and Pedanja still haditionally. Beside that, the instrument cleaning before and after used
between the three same respondents. Two interviewees said that before the instruments used, the
instruments asked in coconut water so the landed can vanish. While one interviewees told that before
the instrument used, the instrument scared in pure water or in vinegar. The three interviewees said
that, after the instrument soaked, the instrument clean by alcohol. The maintainence is corresponding if
attribute with the Depkesia RI ( 2000 ) there are : (1) cleaning (2) maintain (3) giving oil (4) resolve the
damage (5) sterilization (6) storage . One of the interviewees said that, if the instrument is already not
good so it will chang with the new one.
Two sources said that, teeth are not formed at the time of cutting. D amber says how much tooth decay
depends on the teeth when it is good the teeth are taken slightly, whereas if the fangs are long enough
to shrink as much as possible. And another resource person said the teeth were cut just a bit for the
condition. Although in this case not a millimeter counts for sure, if the teeth taken too much it will affect
the aesthetic teeth of the person so that he will look leb According to Goldstein (1997), the smile line
will look old if the anterior teeth flat so that the smile line will look straight . Meanwhile, if the front
teeth longer will help the line down in the middle of riding in the back.

The three sources said that if the damage to the teeth or teeth to be cut has been lost, then the tooth
cut is not forced so that it is simply passed to symbolic.

It In the piece of teeth, in addition to elements of custom, religion, there is also the element is the
aesthetic value that occurs due to changes in the shape of the original teeth, causing changes in face

Interviews, it is said that the best time for cutting tooth is after the baliq. In addition, it is not natural
that the deceased person be cut off his teeth. Two speakers added the morning is a good time to cut
teeth because the teeth are still soft so it will not cause pain. Meanwhile, if the tooth cut is done ang
day then the teeth have started hard and it causes the teeth feel pain when cut. According to Widana
(2003), the most appropriate time to perform the cutting ceremony is at the time of adulthood because
teeth le young but strong so it is very good to ditatah, while the old people's teeth are fragile and
quickly damaged. One of the respondents said that cut teeth were well known, looking for a good day by
seeing "adult (good day determination) to perform yadnya human ceremony (cut into teeth) on Hindu
calendar Hindu gama is a flexible religion and there is a village term, kala, means depending on the
situation and conditions where the ceremony is held, therefore if it is done in Jakarta then the ceremony
should not be done date written on Hindu calendar whereas if the implementation of the ceremony in
Bali then haru same as written on the calendar. Progress or withdrawal of ceremonial day can be done
by making upakara (banten)

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