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Horizontal Evaluation:

KeyReadings learning among peers METHODOLOGIES


How was the Horizontal Evaluation used? • Horizontal Evaluation - The Horizontal Evaluation is a flexible evaluation method that
The Horizontal Evaluation was developed by Papa Andina and its network of Fostering Knowledge
research and development (R&D) partners. It was applied to six experiences in Sharing and Program combines self-assessment and external review by peers. It makes it
Improvement within a
the Andes and Africa from 2004 to now, including strategies to link farmers to possible for teams working on similar activities, but in different
market or to link demand for technologies with supply. American Journal of
Each Horizontal Evaluation has allowed to better adapt the methodology to the Evaluation, 28, 493-508. contexts, to learn from each other and improve their practice in an
needs of its users, R&D organizations as well as market chain actors. A User 2007. Thiele, T. et al.
Guide, developed in a participatory way, has been published. enjoyable yet effective way. Focusing on the learning process, the
• Horizontal evaluation:
Stimulating social
Horizontal Evaluation overcomes several drawbacks of more
learning among peers. traditional external evaluations.
Results ILAC Brief 13. 2006.
In the framework of Papa Andina, the Horizontal Evaluation has been a central Thiele G. et al.
element to develop a portfolio of methodologies to foster pro-poor innovation.
How does it work?
For participants, representing several high profile R&D institutions in the Andean The heart of a Horizontal Evaluation is a workshop that brings together a group of local
region, the Horizontal Evaluation has generated: participants (insiders) who are applying a methodology in concrete settings (the
• Lessons learned to improve their current practice Tools: experience), and a group of visitors (peers) interested in the methodology under
• Deep insights on new, relevant methodologies evaluation. The workshop combines presentations about the experience and
• A greater disposition to learn and share knowledge with other R&D teams. • Evaluación Horizontal: field visits, small workgroups and plenary discussions. It elicits and compares the
Aprender colectiva- perceptions of the two groups concerning the strengths and weaknesses of the
mente – Guía de
experience and draws lessons for improving the methodology and its use.
“Horizontal Evaluation focuses on Centro Internacional de
la Papa. 2010. Bernet T.
learning, not on judging” et al. (Eds).
Insider group Own lessons learned

Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3


Self Assessment
Experts come and experts go
Joint The Experience Facilitator
Experts come and experts go lessons learned
Peer Review
They leave a list of things to do
But the list’s not ours, we weren’t involved
We put it in a drawer ‘til Criterio 1
Criteria Criterio 2
Criteria Criterio33

They come again to test our skills

Visits are a wondrous thing External peer group Own lessons learned

To go and see what’s happening

But memory’s frail and time is short
So on return we forget all heard
Except the warmth of good times shared Advantages of Horizontal Evaluation
• The involvement of peers neutralizes the top-down power
Experts come and experts go relation that prevails in traditional evaluations. Critical
But knowledge stays with us to grow feedback is more easily accepted and more likely to be
Horizontal ‘valuation ‘s not a quirk or aberration implemented by local participants.
Try it out and you will see • It adapts to fairly complex objects, including methodologies
The method works like one two three or research projects.
Graham Thiele • It is enjoyable for participants, who learn in a structured yet
dynamic environment.
• It can be used in conjunction with more traditional evaluation
Papa Andina
P A P A A N D I N A w w w. p a p a n d i n a . o rg
Horizontal Evaluation:
KeyReadings learning among peers METHODOLOGIES

How was the Horizontal Evaluation used? • Horizontal Evaluation - The Horizontal Evaluation is a flexible evaluation method that
The Horizontal Evaluation was developed by Papa Andina and its network of Fostering Knowledge
research and development (R&D) partners. It was applied to six experiences in Sharing and Program combines self-assessment and external review by peers. It makes it
Improvement within a
the Andes and Africa from 2004 to now, including strategies to link farmers to possible for teams working on similar activities, but in different
market or to link demand for technologies with supply. American Journal of
Each Horizontal Evaluation has allowed to better adapt the methodology to the Evaluation, 28, 493-508. contexts, to learn from each other and improve their practice in an
needs of its users, R&D organizations as well as market chain actors. A User 2007. Thiele, T. et al.
Guide, developed in a participatory way, has been published. enjoyable yet effective way. Focusing on the learning process, the
• Horizontal evaluation:
Stimulating social
Horizontal Evaluation overcomes several drawbacks of more
learning among peers. traditional external evaluations.
Results ILAC Brief 13. 2006.
In the framework of Papa Andina, the Horizontal Evaluation has been a central Thiele G. et al.
element to develop a portfolio of methodologies to foster pro-poor innovation.
How does it work?
For participants, representing several high profile R&D institutions in the Andean The heart of a Horizontal Evaluation is a workshop that brings together a group of local
region, the Horizontal Evaluation has generated: participants (insiders) who are applying a methodology in concrete settings (the
• Lessons learned to improve their current practice Tools: experience), and a group of visitors (peers) interested in the methodology under
• Deep insights on new, relevant methodologies evaluation. The workshop combines presentations about the experience and
• A greater disposition to learn and share knowledge with other R&D teams. • Evaluación Horizontal: field visits, small workgroups and plenary discussions. It elicits and compares the
Aprender colectiva- perceptions of the two groups concerning the strengths and weaknesses of the
mente – Guía de
experience and draws lessons for improving the methodology and its use.
“Horizontal Evaluation focuses on Centro Internacional de
la Papa. 2010. Bernet T.
learning, not on judging” et al. (Eds).
Insider group Own lessons learned

Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3


Self Assessment
Experts come and experts go
Joint The Experience Facilitator
Experts come and experts go lessons learned
Peer Review
They leave a list of things to do
But the list’s not ours, we weren’t involved
We put it in a drawer ‘til Criterio 1
Criteria Criterio 2
Criteria Criterio33

They come again to test our skills

Visits are a wondrous thing External peer group Own lessons learned

To go and see what’s happening

But memory’s frail and time is short
So on return we forget all heard
Except the warmth of good times shared Advantages of Horizontal Evaluation
• The involvement of peers neutralizes the top-down power
Experts come and experts go relation that prevails in traditional evaluations. Critical
But knowledge stays with us to grow feedback is more easily accepted and more likely to be
Horizontal ‘valuation ‘s not a quirk or aberration implemented by local participants.
Try it out and you will see • It adapts to fairly complex objects, including methodologies
The method works like one two three or research projects.
Graham Thiele • It is enjoyable for participants, who learn in a structured yet
dynamic environment.
• It can be used in conjunction with more traditional evaluation
Papa Andina
P A P A A N D I N A w w w. p a p a n d i n a . o rg

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