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Artifact #8: Science Lesson Plan

I believe that including a lesson plan from science is important as I already have other lesson

plans that demonstrate my competency in teaching and assessing both within the subjects of

math and English language arts. Including a science lesson plans shows that I am able to develop

lesson plans for various subjects and make them engaging and meaningful. The lesson included

is about animals and their ability to adapt to their environments in order to survive. This lesson

plan connects with the weekly planning document (artifact 4). The weekly planning document

briefly outlines the topics to be covered within the week, this lesson plan goes into depth about

what will be talked about during the first lesson.

Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards

Standard #3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and

collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement

in learning, and self-motivation.

3(d) The teacher manages the learning environment to actively and equitably

engage learners by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space,

and learners’ attention.


Principle 2: Educators Create, support and maintain challenging learning

environments for all.

Educators create, support, and maintain challenging learning environments for all.

Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know

the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences.

Educators develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human

development and learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They

advocate for necessary resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and

maintain clear standards of behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying

the habits of mind and work necessary to develop and apply knowledge while

simultaneously displaying a curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to

become active, inquisitive, and discerning individuals who reflect upon and monitor their

own learning.

The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards

Care: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and

insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students'

well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy

in practice.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math and Social Studies
A. Standards

Category: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and

their Environment

Grade: 2

Standard and statement: K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence

for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet

their needs.

New York Standards

Standard 4: Science

Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining

to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development

of ideas in science.

Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectations

A. Standards

Category: Understanding Life Systems Growth and Changes in Animals

Sub category: Relating science and technology to Society and the Environment

Grade: 2

Standard and statement: 1.1 identify positive and negative impacts that animals

have on humans (society) and the environment, form an opinion about one of them,

and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced

1.2 identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity

have on animals and where they live


Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

12. Participating in the Growth and dissemination of professional knowledge and


Teacher Candidate’s Name: Mauro Di Fazio

Date: June 22nd, 2018

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: ___X____ Suburb: _______ Town:_______ Rural:

Grade level: __2____ Number of students in the class:___18_____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students
that will affect your instruction in this learning segment.
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications,
Classifications/Needs Students Pertinent IEP Goals
 Frequent check for understanding
Modifications and Adaptations  Visual organizers
 Elicit responses with student knows answer
2  Check progress and provide feedback within
first few minutes of assignment
 Maintain consistent schedule
 Point of similarities to previous learning and
 Use manipulatives
 Pre-teach/reteach
Students with Specific Language Needs
Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications


Subject and Lesson Topic: Science

Grade Level: 2 Lesson Duration: 30 minutes

Central Focus of the Learning Segment


The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable theme,
essential question, or topic within the curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices,

The central focus of this learning segment will be for students to identify how animals change their surrounding
environment to suit their needs and how they play a key role in the preservation of our environment.

Knowing Your Learners

What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt

During this learning segment students will access their prior knowledge of needs and characteristics of other
living things. Students will recall how animals need certain things (like food, water and shelter) to survive and
that some animals require different sources of food than others. Students will scaffold off of this knowledge
during this learning segment to incorporate how those characteristics and needs play a play role in the
preservation of the environment.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

Students already have an understanding of roles that animals play within their environment. Students already
have a general understanding of the food chain and how all animal are connected. This learning segment will
challenge students to think about how certain animals can have an impact on our (human) survival as well.
Students will also be challenge din thinking about the various similarities and differences that animals make to
their environments to meet their needs and how they compare to the changes humans make.

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA
Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)

The students in the class are between 7 and 8 years old. At this age students are starting to understand that
things within our lives and within nature are connected. Students are beginning to realize that animals are very
important in the preservation of the environment and that they need to adapt in order to survive the changing
landscape. Students begin to rationalize that like human’s animals change their environments to meet their
needs but do it in a different way than we do. Students at this age also tend to get interested in animals and
living things,

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

For this lesson on animal’s adaptation to their environment and the roles they play students will be utilizing the
5-E model to scaffold off their existing knowledge of animals in the environment. Students will be able to engage
with the material being taught because they can see these animals and the examples in everyday life. Students
will be able to explore various animals and how the adapt to a changing environmental landscape. They will be

able to Explain why some animals need to adapt to their environments and why some animals simply need to
migrate. Students will also be able to elaborate and expand their thinking in the tasks of the day and lastly
students will be evaluated through a partner assignment.

Curriculum Standards
K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can
change the environment to meet their needs.

Ontario Curriculum Standard:

1.1 identify positive and negative impacts that animals have on humans (society) and the environment, form an
opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced
1.2 identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where they

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include Using formal and/or informal assessment If applicable, explain how you will adapt
statements that identify what students will tools, how will you evaluate and document assessments to allow students with
be able to do by the end of the lesson and your students’ progress on each of the specific needs to demonstrate their
are aligned to the standards identified objectives? learning.
above. (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
I will formatively asses through  Frequent check for
Students will be able to identify the observations during class understanding
changes that animals make to discussions, and think-pair-share.  Visual organizers
themselves in order to survive their Students will be given graphic  Elicit responses with student
environment and too meet their organizers to show their knows answer
needs. understanding of which animals  Check progress and provide
adapt to their environments and feedback within first few
which do not. Graphic organizers minutes of assignment
will also help be collected at the end  Maintain consistent schedule
 Point of similarities to
of the lesson to evaluate where
previous learning and works
students need further instruction or
 Use manipulatives
 Pre-teach/reteach
Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners
understand, use, and practice the concepts
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Identify Teacher will demonstrate how to
Looking at your standards and properly identify various animals and
objectives, choose the one whether they adapt to their
Bloom’s word that best
describes the active learning
environments of migrate to new ones.
essential for students to develop Teacher will also demonstrate how to
understanding of concepts identify the impact animals have on
within your lesson.

their ecosystems and the important

roles they play.
Vocabulary Adaptation Vocabulary will be modelled
Key words and phrases students Physical Adaptation throughout the lesson and provided on
need to be able to understand Behavioral Adaptation the science word wall for students to
and use refer to not only for this lesson but for
Preservation of the
Environment future writing and comprehension
Migration assignments. Each time allowing the
Habitat student to scaffold on previous

Vocabulary will be added in future

Syntax Students will be supported through the
Describe ways in which students The students will be using a use of a 5-E model (Engage, Explore,
will organize language 5-E model as well as Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate).
(symbols, words, phrases) to
convey meaning.
graphic organizer to help Students will also have graphic
them organize their organizer that will be provided which
thought about which will help them understand which
animal adapt to their animals adapt to their environments
environments and the key and which do not. These graphic
roles they play in them. organizers will also help students
understand the impact animals have on
the environment and the roles they
Discourse Throughout the lesson Teacher will model listening, sharing
How members of a discipline students will have the and writing during the instruction and
talk, write, and participate in opportunity to complete the discussion portions of the lesson.
knowledge construction and graphic organizer with a Teacher will also guide students
communicate their
partner. through the 5-E model.
understanding of the concepts

Instructional Process Accommodations and/or

Modifications and/or Supports
Anticipatory Set/Motivator

1. Teacher will ask, “what is the environment?”

a. Students responses will include:
b. “outside, trees, plants and animals,”
2. Teacher will ask students “what do people to do adapt
(change our way of living to survive) in winter?”
a. Students will reply with:
b. “wear a thick coat”, “put boots, hats and gloves
on”, “use a heater”, “stay inside”

3. Teacher will ask students “do animals adapt to their

a. Students will reply with either “yes” or “no”

Instructional Procedures Teacher will conduct frequent check

for understanding by walking
1. Teacher will inform students that humans change their around to various groups and
environments to help meet their needs and that observing.
animals do the same
Visual organizers will be provided to
a. Provide the example of how we build houses of
stone and wood to keep us warm and animals
build nests or dig holes to stay warm. Teacher will elicit responses with
2. Teacher will inform students that animals are very student knows answer
important to nature and the preservation of nature.
a. Provide the example of bees. Teacher will circulate class at groups
b. Teacher will say “bees fly around to flowers and are working to check progress and
collect pollen and nectar. As they fly they provide feedback within first few
spread that pollen to other flowers so they can minutes of assignment
grow and provide nectar. Without bees to do
Teacher will provide time frames for
this there would not be a lot of flowers”
work to be completed in order to
3. Teacher will mention to students that animals much
maintain consistent schedule
like humans need to adapt otherwise they won’t
survive. Point of similarities to previous
4. Teacher will inform students that there are two types learning and works
of adapting Physical adaptation and behavioral
adaptation. Teacher will provide play money to
a. Teacher will provide a description of both students who need a visual and
physical and behavioral adaptation. need to use manipulatives
b. Teacher will say “physical adaptation is when an
animal changes the way it looks in order to Teacher will Pre-teach/reteach
survive” to students to require it.
c. Teacher will say “behavioral adaptation is when
an animal changes how it behaves in nature” Anchor chart will be present and
5. Teacher will provide students with animal adaptations within view of students to
handout (Appendix A). Teacher will use document reference if they have difficulty.
camera to go through this activity sheet with students.
(provide three ways that animals protect themselves
from predators)

6. Teacher will handout sorting animal’s handout

(Appendix B). Teacher will instruct students to
complete this on their own.
7. Teacher will explain that students will cut out the
animals at the bottom and glue them under the
appropriate heading of Migrate, hibernate, or adapt.
a. Teacher will say “does the lion migrate,
hibernate or adapt in its environment?”
b. Students will respond with one of the three
c. Teacher will then show that the lion migrates.
8. When students have completed the handout the
teacher will take up the work.
9. Teacher will then continue on and do a brief review of
animal characteristics
a. Teacher will provide examples such as “some
animals have fur to keep them warm”
b. “some animals build nests”
10. Teacher will put students into pairs and assign them
two animals to conduct some research on.
a. Teacher will instruct students that they will be
required to compare two animals and how they
adapt to their environments. They also need to
find similarities which will be placed in the
middle circle.
b. Instruct students that they will have the
remainder of class time to complete the
assignment. (Appendix C)
11. Teacher will provide an example for students to view
using birds and geese
a. Teacher will instruct students that the facts for
birds go in the circle labeled “birds” and the
geese in the “geese” circle
b. Teacher will state that anything the two animals
have in common will go in the middle of where
the two circles overlap.
c. Teacher will say “for my example of birds and
geese in the middle I put they both migrate
south for the winter, because that’s is
something both animals do”
12. Throughout the independent work teacher will
circulate to the groups to ensure they are on the right
track and answer any questions that may arise.

13. Teacher will collect question handouts at the end of



Teacher will conclude the lesson by providing a review of what

they learned “Boys and girls today we talked about how
animals adapt to their environments in order to survive. We
also talked about how certain animals have very important
roles in nature and without them we are all affected. We
learned to separate animals based on whether they adapt,
migrate or hibernate and you conducted some research with
partners to learn about different animals which I will look at

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class
handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.

 Animal adaptations worksheet

 identifying if animals migrate, hibernate or adapt worksheet

 Venn Diagram comparing animal adaptations worksheet

Appendix A: Animal Adaptations Worksheet


Appendix B: Which Animals Migrate, Hibernate or Adapt Worksheet


Appendix C: Compare/Contrast Animals and their environment Assignment

Names: ______________________________________________________________

Animal 2:
Animal 1: ________________________

1. What are some of the adaptations these two animals might have to make in
order to survive in their environments?






2. What are the key roles your animals play in nature? What kind of impact do

they make on the environment?






3. If one or both of your animals went extinct what would the impact on the

ecosystem be? Explain







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