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june exam 2011

By Emm Raz on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 3:12am

Questions from june2011 exam.

ACE inhibitor
Alpha blocker
Beta blocker
Alpha+beta blocker
Ca channel blocker,
Loop diuretics
Potassium sparing diuretics
1. Nifidipine
2. Labetalol
3. Captopril

Anxiety Induced Hyperventilation
Cystic fibrosis
Sever Kyphoscoliosis
Interstitial lung disease
1. A ten year old boy presents with the following readings.
PEFR 105
FVC 0.95
FEV1 0.62
FEV1/FVC 65%
MMEF 0.5
RV 0.70
RV/TLC 42%
TLC (don’t remember)
2. …………………………………………in 7yrs old
FVC 0.95
FEV1 0.62
MMEF 1.05
RV 0.45
RV/TLC 33%
TLC( don’t kno)
3. ……………………………..
PEFR 1.55
FEV1 0.88
FEV1/FVC 92%
MMEF 1.55
RV 0.35
RV/TLC 26%
TLC (dunt kno)

Vitamin E
Q: which deficiency would result in breast milk
1. Baby had poor suck n horase cry
2. Mother is pregnant and has goiter

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Genetic linkage
X linked dominant
X linked recessive

Disease given

7)3 ½ year old on 100mg inhaled fluticasone,asthma poorly controlled,wheezing

at night(BOF)
A. Increase dose of fluticasone to 200
B. Add long acting bronchodilator
C. Add leukotrine receptor antagonist
D. Add ipratropium bromide
E. Oral prednisolone

8)An 8 yr old boy presents with recurrent attacks of syncope. Cardiac

catheterization had the following readings(BOF)
Pressure O2 Saturation
Superior Vena Cava - 79
Right atrium 3 78
Right ventrical 40/3 79
Pulmonary Artery 40/10 80
Left Ventrical 140/60 97
Femoral artery 80/60 98
A. Aortic stenosis
B. Pulmonary stenosis
C. Coarctation of aorta
D. Vsd
E. Asd

9) A new born baby on neonatal examination has no abnormal finding,mother is

insiting to take the baby home, on discharge his mom is noted to have a bruise
around her eye,he is the second sibling of 2yrs old who is found to b on the child
protection register,
What will b ur next step?
A. Call the police
B. Contact the named midwife for baby protection
C. Call the health visitor and discuss her case
D. Let them go without intervention
E. (dun remember) but no option regarding social worker

10) 2year old boy seen by his gp and founfd to be malnourished and
odematous.his weight is >3SD weight for height.concious but miserable.he sends
him to emergency where he got admitted.urine dipstick was negative (BOF)
What will u do…
A. Feed orally with cows milk formula
B. Feed with soya milk formula
C. Give 1ml/kg furosmide
D. Give human albumin 4.5% 20ml/kg
E. 5ml/kg 10% dextrose

11)inguinal canal: (T/F)

A. Contains processus vaginalis in female
B. Conatains vas deference in male
C. Inguinal ligament forms the base
D. Femoral artery passes underneath it
E. Deep inguinal ring open in external oblique

12)what shifts O2 disociation curve to the left(t/f)

A. Iron deficiency
B. Decreased pH
C. Increased CO2
D. Decreased DEP
E. Hypothermia

13) A 7 yr old girl has umbliacted papules on face and hand ,her friends tease her
and don’t let her play with her her
Management (BOF)
A. Reassure
B. Refer to cryotherapy
C. Topical silver nitrate
D. …….(dun remember)

14) Theme:
PCR for the triple repeat
Gene linkage
1. 8 month old with parasternal thrill grade 4/6 murmur in 2nd intercoastal
2. Learning difficulties in 4yrs old, whose uncle also had learning difficulties
3. A baby with recurrent chest infections…..


Which vaccination to avoid??

1. A baby born to HIV +ive mother ….
2. Afghan boy with –ive mantoux but +ive smear, bcg vaccination given for 1 wk
3. 4 ½ year boy with nephritic syndrome finished prednisolone treatment recently.

16)HIV +ive mom on HARRT treatment what to give during delivery i/v that she
shud not transfer virus to baby.
A. Zidovudine
B. Interferon gemma
C. ………..

17) Theme
Cross over
Cross section
Case control
Double blind randmisoed control trial
Qias randomized control trial
A. Efficacy of the drug against erythromycin can select upto 300 ppl
B. A doctor wants to check bronchodilator response of two new bronchodilators
,he can only selct 30pts for this.
C. An authority wants to check the risk of something… after 2yrs in 15 teenagers
being tried for certain disease.

18)Effect of drugs used in pregnancy(T/F)

A. Carbamezipine -----cardiac abnormailities
B. Diethylstilbestrol -----clear cell Ca of the cervix
C. Progesterone -----fe minization of male
D. Thyroxin---- hyperthyroidism

19)croup (T/F)
A. Rarely recur
B. Relievd by oral prednisolone

Antistreptolysin o titer
Blood and stool culture
Thick film
Thin film
Blood culture
A. Malaria scenerion
B. Typhoid scenario
C. Strep throat infection scenario

21) question abt systemic review (T/f)

I/v epinephrine
Inhaled epinephrine
I/V hydrocortisone
Oral prednisolone
Oral antihistamin
Subcutaneous epinephrine
Inhaled hydrocortisone
A. Baby with asthma….eith swelling of face and eye,but normal breathing and
otherwise well,mom thinks after eating icecream
B. A 14yrs old on asthma medication on fluticasone n inhaled LABA came with
redness of tounge face n hands
C. A 4yrs old after eating peanut came with swelling of face n tounge….
(something like that)

23)SMA senerio (same as sample paper b)

24)A 6 wks old baby found unconcious in cot, mother says that she left a 4 yr old
told to have an eye on the baby when he fell of from the sofa earlier,
A. Ct brain
B. Skeletal survey
C. Mri brain
D. …..
25)sideffect of methyphenidate
A. Addiction
B. Growth retardation
C. …(dun remember)

26)A 15yrs old girl came with recurrent abdominal pain.on investigation she had
deranged lfts and HEP C.
At the age of 6 yrs she had Kawasaki disease and was give immunoglobulins. And
2 yrs back she had an accident with splenic rupture and was transfused with two
units of blood.
Her parents say she has a regular boyfriend and stays out till morning with her
friends.she dose not share her social life with her parents.
What is the cause of Hep C??
A. Blood transfusion
B. Immunoglobulins
C. I/vdrug abuse
D. Sexually transmitted

27)A child under palliative careis treated with Morphine infusion and morphine
patches intermittently having constipation has some abdominal pain with
sena..what will u give him to treat pain…
A. Increased fiber diet
B. Movicol
C. Fantanyl patches
D. Enema

28)27 weeks born baby girl ventilated for 4 days has been on breast feed well
tolerated after 10 days. She presents with bloody and mucoid stools with
abdominal pain and is unwell
A. Meckel’s diverticulitis
B. Intussception
D. Appendicitis

29)A child is diagnosed to have Nephrotic syndrome and started on prednisolone.

After 2 days he presents with swollen face and testies.
What is the likely explanation you will give to the mother?
A. He will have furosemide
B. He will have IV albumin
C. Its too early for prednisolone to act
D. Refer to nephrologist

30)Complication of Dibetes Mellitus in 16yrs old

A. Hypertension
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Chronic renal failure

31) Cataract is associated with

A. Myotonic dystrophy
B. Galactosemia
C. Marphan syndrome

32)Edema at birth is found in

A. Coarctation of aorta
B. Tumor
C. Trauma
D. …..

33)Phenylketonuria diagnosis
A. Plasma phenylalanine
B. Urine for phenylketones
C. ….
D. ….

34)A child on maintainence of ALL…her sister has vericella…what will u dofor the
ALL kid?
A. VZ immunoglobulin and vaccine
B. VZ immunoglobulin and acyclovir on the appearance of rash

35)A 3 year old child of a polished mother and italian father who run their own
restaurant 8 months of age lost follow up, now went to school and presented with
speech problem…what can be the cause of his speech delay

1. Inadequate language exposure

2. multi lingual parents
3. chronic otitis media

Occupational therapist
Speech tharipist

1. A child with achondroplasia had problem with using desk and chair at school
2. ………

37)A child with ADHD has problem that he is slowet ready for school,his friends
don’t want him play with himand even if he tries he cant write,what associated
problem he has??
1. Autistic spectrum disorder
2. dypraxia
3. dyslexia
4. asperger
5. ….?

38)An 11yrs old boy comes to u that his penil length is only 2.5cm and not like his
What will u tell him abt the first sign of onset of puberty??
1. enlargment of testis
2. increase in penil length
3. growth of pubic hair
4. growth of axilery hair

39)Scenerio of perthes disease

40)VSD (T/F)
1. antibiotic prophilaxis required regarding large vsd
2. …
3. …
4. ….

41)Theme :

Drug abuse

Alcohol intoxication

Insulin over dose

1. a 15 yrs old boy with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, and poorly
controlled,with HBA1C 6.5% is expelled from school for his behavior,stays out with
his friends late night,came home and was irritable,had abnormal smell from the
mouth, and was drowsy, and uttring inappropriate words.
2. A16 yrs old girl with good control of diabetes Mellitus came home from a party
and was sweaty and drowsy, with abnormal breath from her mouth and was
vomiting her blood glucose was 18mmol….
3. A 14yr old girl with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus,came home from party
quarlled with her mother, shut the door behind her, mother heard her vomiting in
the room, she was sweaty and had abnormal smell from the mouth, her diabetes
is poorly controlled with HBA1c 10%

42) A mother brought her child to u with recurrent tonsillitis , How will you acess
sleep aponea?
1. Overnight O2 saturation
2. overnight polysomnography
3. tonsils meeting in the midline

43)Parents deaf wants to know ether their child will b deaf or not?? How will u tell
1. Karyotyping
2. Check by muic the fetal movements
3. amniosentecis..
4. ……..

44)Theme : histological findings

Celiac disease
Cows milk protein intolerance
Ulcerative colitis
Intestinal lymphangectesia

1. Subtotal villous atrophy with intraepithelial lymphocytosis

2. patchy lesions….(dun rmember)

45)Developmental displasuia of the hip scenario

46)Theme :
Delayed bone age…

47)Causes of odema in the newq born…(T/F)

1. turnur syndrome…

48)Theme: refral for developmental delay

49)A premature born at 27 weeks baby with periventricular leukomalacia

presented to u at the age of 2 yrs, with tip toe walking, what can b the cause?
1. Spastic diplegia
2. developmental dysplasia of the hip
3. …

50)A baby 2yrs old developmentaly normal,born at full term, no past history of
note, presented with tip toe walking

1. Ideopathic
2. cerebral palsy
3. DDH
4. osteomylitis
Distraction test
Test for hearing impairment
School for hearing assessment
Refer to ENT
Speech and language therapist
Review in 6 months

1. 3yr old with no appropriate speech vocabulary of 20 words,otherwise well

loving play with age appropriate toys and is loving and v social, but sits very close
to television.
2. 3 yr old with 6 words vocublary , otherwise very loving boy , palys with his
friends, very social, paced neonatal screening test, has chronic otitis media with
dull tympanic membrane.
3. 5months old boy born at 32 wks , O2 dependent for 4 weeksin Nicu, passed his
secreenig test ,mothers feels that he dose not listen, what will u do?

52)Scenerio of reactive arthritis

53)A child at 6 months of age (t/f)

1. can roll from pron to supine
2. can hold a pencil

54)UTI investigation theme

55)A child who is recently diagnosed as a case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,

and parents are very tensed when the news is broken on them, they were told
that he wil b refred to some department which they forgot,what might the refral..

1. ophthalmology
2. physiotherapy
3. anesthesia
4. hematology

56)A child who is on his maintainence therapy for ALL.his younger sister
developed chicken pox..what will u do for the child?
1. Vericella imunoglbulin immediately and acyclovir when lesion develop
2. Vericella immunoglobulin and vericella vaccine
3. reassure that this is nothing

57)A child who missed his pertussis immunization and now 2 yrs old. There is
outbreak of pertussis now n the parents are worried. What will you tell them when
is pertussis vaccine not safe?
1. He had 2 convulsions previous week
2. he has 39 degree fever
3. family history of epilepsy

58)A 14 yr old boy with poor diabetes control, On rapid insulin before meal, and
ultra long acting insulin at night, his blood glucose 4.2
1. over dose of insulin ….(Don’t remember the exact question)
2. …….
59)Hypoglycemia in neonate,how will u resuscitate?
1. 10%dextrose
2. 10%dextrose+0.45 % NS
3. 0.9%NS
4. …

60)A 14 yr old girl discloses to her nurse that she missed her last cycle,n her hcg
was positive, she begs not to tell her parents n asks for abortion, what will u do?
1. respect her wish and refer for abortion
2. staraight tell her parents
3. send her for abortion and then tell her mother
4. persuade her to tell her mom

A 2 and haf yrs old girl …………………SCENERIO of Global DEVELOPMENTAL

DELAY(Mastercousre website same scenario)
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● 8 people like this.

Abo Almgdad where the answer ..dr. mustafa can discuss the answer for this exam ..
July 26, 2011 at 6:18pm · Like

Emm Raz badly need discussion on these questions
July 26, 2011 at 9:09pm · Like

Emm Raz Mostafa Elbaba sir can u please help us with these questions someday??
will be very thankful
July 28, 2011 at 10:28pm · Like

Mostafa Elbaba Indeed, I'm very busy but, I will try my best
July 29, 2011 at 4:36pm · Like · 3

Abo Almgdad thanks dr.elbaba..
July 29, 2011 at 5:09pm · Like · 1

Hosny Shaheen thanks to answer these question
November 11, 2011 at 1:04pm · Like

Tharwa Elkholi up
September 28, 2012 at 3:49pm · Like · 1

Yousef Hijazi Good effort thank you for good remembering
September 30, 2012 at 4:31am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 60.persuade her to tell her mum
September 30, 2012 at 4:32am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 59.d10percent
September 30, 2012 at 4:34am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 57.has2convulsions
September 30, 2012 at 4:38am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 56.varicella ig and acyclvir if rash develos
September 30, 2012 at 4:40am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 55.ophthalmology
September 30, 2012 at 4:42am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 51.1.reassurance.2.ent referal.3.hearing test
September 30, 2012 at 4:46am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 50.ideopathic
September 30, 2012 at 4:47am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 49.spastic diplesia
September 30, 2012 at 4:48am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 42.polysomnography
September 30, 2012 at 4:50am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 41.alcoho intoxication -dka-drug abuse
September 30, 2012 at 4:51am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 38.testis enlargement
September 30, 2012 at 4:53am · Like

Yousef Hijazi 37.dyspraxia
September 30, 2012 at 4:55am · Like

Wardah Tariq Malik 60. if she is 15 years old or older, then answer will be referral to
abortion clinic? Gillick competence

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