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Name: _____________________________________ Date : ___________

Activity 1

Look at the mind-map about the endangered animals below. Fill in the blanks with
the names of the animals that you are going to watch in a video clip entitled
“ENDANGERED ANIMAL: Have you Forgotten?”

1. ________________
2. Polar bear
3. ________________
4. Puma

5. ________________
6. Racoon
7. ________________
8. Rhinoceros
Activity 2
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Do you know what tigers, tapirs, rhinoceroses and turtles have in

common? Well, they are all Malaysian animals that are endangered.

What are the threats that these animals face? Firstly, these
animals are killed for their meat. Others, like rhinoceros and tiger,
are killed for their body parts that are widely used as medicine.

Another danger is the clearing of the jungle to build houses,

farms and roads. This leaves the animals with a smaller area to live
and hunt in.

Malaysian wildlife is also being trapped and sold as pets. A good

example is the Malaysian pangolin.

Our wildlife is unique and rare. We need to guard it against

extinction so that our future generations will be able to see these
amazing animals.

1. What are the four endangered Malaysian animals mentioned in the text?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________

2. State two reasons why those animals are killed by man?

a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
3. What will happen if we do not protect our wildlife from extinction?

4. Which of these statements is not true?

A. The clearing of the jungle will destroy the animals’ habitat.
B. Some people buy Malaysian pangolin and keep it as pets.
C. Rhinoceros cannot be found in Malaysia.
D. A development of a new housing area can harm the wildlife.

5. Suggest one thing that we can do to protect our wildlife.

Activity 3

Let’s play a game!

-Get into groups of seven.

1. This game is called “WHO AM I” game.

2. There are two rounds:

-Round 1: each group will get their own chance to guess from the clues
that will be read by teacher. If the group failed to guess the correct
animal, the chance will be given to the other groups.
-Round 2: teacher will read the clues and the fastest group that raise
their hand will get the chance to guess the animal. If the group failed
to guess the correct animal, the chance will be given to the other

3. 2 points will be awarded for each correct answer.

4. 1 point will be deducted from each group that makes noise.

5. 2 bonus points will be rewarded for each group that shows teamwork or

6. The group with the highest points wins the reward!

ENJOY!!! 
I live in lakes and rivers.
I eat fish and birds. I ‘m the great ape.
I have four legs and a long tail. I'm very smart and have long arms.
I have lots of pretty teeth. I have reddish-brown hair.
I am a...crocodile I live in the rainforest of Borneo.
I am ... an orang-utan.
I have four legs and a tail.
I have no teeth. I'm very, very big.
I can swim and dive underwater. I like to eat peanuts and hay.
I carry my house around with me. I have four legs and two big ears.
I am a...turtle My long nose is called a trunk.
I am an... elephant
I live in the ocean.
I swim wherever I want. My skin thick and dark
I sing to my family. I have such a poor eye sight.
I can breathe through a hole in the top of
I’m on herbivorous diet.
my head.
I have horn on my nose.
I am a...whale
I am a...rhinoceros.
I live in the Arctic Circle.
I'm the largest land carnivore I live in the forest.
I can adapt in cold temperature. I’m pig-like shape.
I can swim and run. I have prehensile snout.
I have white fur.
I am a... tapir.
I am a... polar bear.

I have mane. I am black and white.

I am from the feline family. I love to eat bamboo.
I live in a pride. I live in the rainforest in China.
I am the king of the jungle. I have black patches around my eyes.
I am a...lion.
I am a...panda bear.

I'm from the big cat family.

I am an obligate carnivore. I am an intelligent animal.
I have sharp teeth and claws. I eat fish and squids.
I have dark vertical stripes on my body. I am friendly to human.
I am a...tiger. I live in the ocean.
I am a...dolphin.

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