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Leon Battista Alberti, Mental Rotation, and

the Origins of Three-Dimensional
Computer Modeling

branko mitrovi
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

In memoriam Marco Frascari

uildings are three-dimensional objects, but architec- spatial disposition of objects (real or imaginary) that the
tural communication about them occurs primarily in drawing represents. Fifty years ago, architecture schools
the two-dimensional medium of drawings.1 The use taught descriptive geometry as the mathematical discipline
of drawings to communicate about buildings goes back to that enabled architects to achieve such systematic represen-
ancient times; however, the idea of basing a systematic rela- tations, resolve difficult spatial relationships between ele-
tionship between a building’s shape and its two-dimensional ments, and develop their ability to visualize the buildings
representations on quantification is much more recent. and  spaces they designed. Presumably, modern three-­
­Systematic here refers to the assumption that a complete dimensional computer modeling, which relies on the same
­two-dimensional visual representation (for instance, a set of assumption that quantification can guarantee the consistency
drawings) of a three-dimensional object can be formulated and completeness of two-dimensional representations of
by means of a clearly defined and consistently applied math- three-dimensional shapes, has made this training obsolete.
ematical procedure. This procedure may be, for instance, a In this article I will consider the first theoretical articula-
perspectival or orthogonal projection, but it must be consis- tion of the idea of a systematic and consistent representation
tently applicable: once the shape of the object is known, one of three-dimensional shapes in a two-dimensional medium
should be able to produce its two-dimensional representa- in the history of architecture. It should not be surprising that
tions from any given side. The procedure must also enable Leon Battista Alberti was the first to formulate the idea—or
one to depict the complete shape of the three-dimensional that his formulation cuts deep in some of the central assump-
object using a set of two-dimensional representations—the tions that architects necessarily make about space as the
way, for instance, modern three-dimensional computer mod- medium in which they operate.
eling enables one to “rotate” the shape of an object on a
computer screen. Finally, the procedure must not be mis-
leading. The resulting representations must not suggest the Mental Rotation 1
existence of things they are not meant to represent—all I will start by considering the best-known case of noncom-
points and lines in a drawing must be representations of their puter three-dimensional modeling, mental rotation. Being
spatial equivalents. There should be no point or line in a able to see an object on a computer screen from different
drawing that does not represent some point or line in the sides—to rotate the object—clearly parallels imagining an
object from different sides, the procedure that psychologists
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 74, no. 3 (September 2015), call “mental rotation.” In other words, a picture on a com-
312–322. ISSN 0037-9808, electronic ISSN 2150-5926. © 2015 by the Society puter screen can show an object only from a single side; one
of ­Architectural Histo­rians. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for
needs a series of images that show the object from different
permission to photocopy or reproduce ­article content through the University
of ­California Press’s Rights and Permissions website, http://www.ucpress- sides in order to be able to describe its three-dimensional DOI: 10.1525/jsah.2015.74.3.312.  properties—which is equivalent to imagining the object from

Thinking about the three-dimensional properties of
objects ultimately consists in imagining them visually from
various sides. The procedure fundamentally relies on the fact
that the limits of human visual imagination coincide with the
limits of Euclidean geometry. One can visually imagine a
centaur or a physically impossible event, but one cannot visu-
alize a geometrically impossible object, such as a pentagonal
square or two points connected with more than one
straight line. In this sense, too, mental and computer three-
dimensional modeling are similar: no three-dimensional
modeling software makes it possible to visualize on the
screen a sphere whose intersection with a plane is a hexagon.
There are good reasons for this. A non-Euclidean room may
have, for instance, an infinite number of ceilings, all parallel to
and equidistant from the floor. No builder could build it, and
the number of clients who would need a computer model of
such a room is unlikely to motivate commercial software firms.
It is much harder to explain why human visual imagina-
tion is subject to Euclidean geometry.3 Visual imagination
and mental rotation became serious topics of psychological
research in the 1970s. In an experiment that has become
famous, Roger Shepard presented subjects with images of
similar spatial figures (Figure 1).4 The subjects were asked to
determine in which cases the images showed different com-
positions of cubes and in which cases they showed the same
compositions rotated (seen at different angles). Most subjects
Figure 1  Roger Shepard used drawings like these to test mental solved these problems without difficulty, but for Shepard’s
rotation (technical preparation of drawing by Peter McPherson). team the important point was how much time the subjects
needed to respond. It turned out that the amount of time
needed was directly proportional to the angle of rotation.
different sides in one’s mind. Modern computers perform The subjects needed twice as much time to respond to an
this task faster and with greater accuracy than the human image rotated by 120 degrees as they did for one rotated by
brain, but the principle is the same: the shape of an object is 60 degrees. They also reported that they solved the problems
represented by means of two-dimensional visual images. by rotating the objects in their imaginations.5
These images show what the object looks like from different The important aspect of mental rotation—the one care-
sides. This information defines the object’s shape; one is able fully imitated by various computer programs for three-
to grasp a building’s spatial properties by considering the dimensional computer modeling—is that it cannot yield a
building’s appearance from different sides. It is assumed that geometrically impossible result. Ultimately, our implicit
the geometrical properties of the building can be conveyed knowledge of geometry enables us to imagine what a thing
fully and unequivocally by means of visual images—that the looks like from different sides; without our implicit assump-
geometry of visual perception can guarantee accurate tions about the geometrical properties of spatial objects we
­communication about the geometry of physical objects.2 would not be able to perform mental rotation. But is this
(Conveying the way a building smells from different sides knowledge acquired or inborn? In three-dimensional model-
will not get us very far; the same applies to other senses as ing programs it is built into the software. About four decades
well, and even the sense of touch is of little use when it comes ago, Stephen Kosslyn suggested that geometry is constitutive
to large or complex objects.) When considering an object’s of the medium in which human visual imagination operates.
shape, one does not think by means of scripts or the equa- He proposed treating visual imagination as equivalent to the
tions of analytic geometry that can be used to define the cathode-ray tube (CRT) display used in the television sets of
object’s shape. Rather, when such nonvisual representations that time.6 Obviously, Kosslyn was not suggesting that peo-
are involved, one has to think in terms of their visual inter- ple have TVs in their heads; rather, he was asserting that
pretation in order to establish what the object would be human visual imagination is comparable to a TV screen.
like spatially. In other words, when images represent spatial objects, the

L e o n B at t i s ta Alb e r t i , M e n ta l R o tat i o n , a n d t h e  O r i g i n s o f T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l C o m p u t e r   M o d e l i n g    313

spatial properties of such objects (such as their dimensions) Kosslyn and Pylyshyn both attempted to explain the
are encoded and represented in the same way as are the rep- results of Shepard’s experiments in the postbehaviorist era.
resentations underlying the experience of seeing during per- In their time, Shepard’s experiments contributed significantly
ception.7 This heuristic metaphor (the “CRT model”) to the demise of behaviorist psychology. Notoriously, in the
enabled Kosslyn’s team to formulate a series of hypotheses preceding decades, behaviorism in American psychology had
that they tested experimentally with success.8 Typical experi- dismissed research about visual imagination as unscientific.
ments involved measuring the time subjects needed to “scan” Shepard managed to show that quantifiable experimental
various images in their imaginations.9 Kosslyn endeavored research about human visual imagination is possible. It is
to show that visual imagination is a genuine mode of thinking therefore not surprising that in the popular media Shepard’s
and not a mere by-product of more abstract, nonpictorial experiments are sometimes celebrated as the “discovery” of
mental processing. (Arguably, the latter is the case with the mental rotation.11 This claim is certainly inappropriate, since
rotation of a spatial object on a computer screen: what we see architects have known about mental rotation for a very long
on the screen is but an external manifestation of the mathe- time. The discipline of descriptive geometry, which has
matical operations performed by the computer’s processor.) been in use for centuries to formalize relationships among
If Kosslyn is right and our incapacity to visualize geometri- plans, sections, and elevations, fundamentally relies on the
cally impossible spatial relationships derives from the visual human ability to visualize objects from different sides.
medium in which we think spatially, then this incapacity A drawing such as the one reproduced here from Andrea
could be inborn, hardwired. Palladio’s 1570 treatise I quattro libri dell’architettura
Kosslyn’s CRT model was criticized by Zenon Pylyshyn.10 would be incomprehensible if we were not able to under-
In Pylyshyn’s view, Kosslyn’s experiments seemed to confirm stand it as a representation of one architectural detail shown
the CRT model because the subjects’ responses followed from different sides (Figure 2). The assumption is that a set
their tacit knowledge about the way human vision functions, of drawings like this one provides the human mind with
not because the CRT model accurately described the nature information that is sufficient for the viewer to form a
of the (presumably hardwired) medium in which visual imag- three-dimensional mental model of the detail described,
ination occurs. “Tacit knowledge” consists of the assump- otherwise stonemasons would not be able to produce the
tions an individual implicitly makes when solving a problem; details of the Ionic order.
very often it is neither conscious nor explicitly articulated. Note the geometry that underlines the organization of
For instance, Pylyshyn argued, imagine a transparent yellow the drawing: the planes and lines that would coincide in
filter and a transparent blue filter side by side. Then imagine three-dimensional space are carefully aligned. The geo­
moving them slowly so that one crosses over the other. What metrical consistency of the spatial properties of objects is
color do you imagine you see through the two superimposed reflected in the consistent geometrical organization of
filters? The answer is green, but this is because we assume their depiction. The geometrical consistency of the three-
that green is seen when blue and yellow filters are superim- dimensional mental model (e.g., in the architect’s mind) is
posed on each other. Pylyshyn’s example suggests that we reflected in a consistent system of geometrical transforma-
acquire our tacit knowledge through experience and learn- tions that define the organization of the drawing. The fact
ing; it is unlikely that our knowledge of the physical laws that that our visual imagination (and the mental rotations that it
determine the colors seen through light filters is inborn. enables) necessarily operates according to Euclidean geometry
However, this argument is much more convincing in regard means that geometry must underlie our every attempt to use
to imagining physical processes than it is in the case of the imagination to think visually about the spatial properties
geometrical properties of things (such as three-dimensional of objects. Because it is impossible to achieve high levels
shapes). With physical events, our implicit beliefs indeed of geometrical precision in imagination, the architect is
determine what we imagine: in the example of light filters, forced to resolve and define on paper, using geometrical
it is possible to assume that the blue and yellow filters are construction, the specific relationships among various
some special kind that make one see red when they are super- shapes, sizes, and distances. Such geometrical resolutions
imposed—and then to imagine seeing red through them. are achievable because it is possible to articulate the prob-
When our tacit assumptions about physical processes change, lem mentally, in imagination. We still have to imagine
the way we imagine physical events changes as well. But this visually the dispositions of geometrical bodies in order to
does not apply to the geometrical properties of things: what- solve geometrically, with precision, problems pertaining
ever I know or believe, I cannot imagine two points con- to their spatial relationships.12 Ultimately, the capacity to
nected by more than one straight line. I cannot decide to think spatially using visual imagination enables us to
imagine a special kind of sphere whose intersection with a ­p roduce, understand, and use geometrically consistent
plane is a triangle. two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional

314    j s a h   |   7 4 . 3   |  S e p t e mb e r 2 0 1 5
Figure 2  Detail of the Ionic order (Andrea
Palladio, I quattro libri dell’architettura [Venice:
Domenico de Franceschi, 1570], 34; Collection
Centre Canadien d’Architecture/Canadian Centre
for Architecture, Montreal).

objects because the geometry of visual imagination is the ninety-three times in Alberti’s architectural treatise. In all its
same as the geometry of architectural space. The question occurrences, it can be translated into English as “shape,” and
is, when did the geometry of space start to guarantee it is generally clear that Alberti meant something like “shape
the  validity of visual representations in architectural as (geometrically) defined by lines.”15 In the opening of the
communication? first book of his treatise Alberti directly explained that linea-
ments are immaterial and that we perceive the same linea-
ments on different buildings when we perceive that individual
Alberti and the Geometry of Architectural Works parts, their placement, and their order mutually correspond
in all angles and lines.16 Similarly, in De statua Alberti
More than a century before Palladio published his drawing, described instruments that one can use to copy sculptures by
Leon Battista Alberti wrote that a work of architecture “con- measuring their shapes and reproducing “the lineaments and
sists of lineaments and matter.”13 Interpretive debates about the position and collocation of parts.”17
the meaning of Alberti’s technical term lineamenta started as Like the English word shape, lineamenta may refer to the
early as the sixteenth century. 14 The word occurs shape imagined in the mind of the architect, the shape

L e o n B at t i s ta Alb e r t i , M e n ta l R o tat i o n , a n d t h e  O r i g i n s o f T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l C o m p u t e r   M o d e l i n g    315

r­ epresented by means of drawings (models), or the shape of what-it-is-to-be-that-thing.27 For instance, the essence of a
a physical building.18 A well-known Aristotelian principle dog is the dogness that it shares with other dogs, not its
says that (the content of  ) knowledge is identical with its shape, which can vary. Aristotelian essence, morphe in
object; in this case, lineamenta would be the content of the Greek and forma in Latin, is instantiated in a thing as its
architect’s thoughts, a property of a physical building, nature; Albertian lineamentum is instantiated in a thing
and that which is communicated by means of drawings.19 as its shape. For Alberti, two buildings share the same lin-
A physical building, as mentioned, thus consists of linea- eaments if they have the same lines and angles. 28 The
ments and matter. Lineamenta are also purely mental, the instantiation of the shape conceived by the architect is
content of an architect’s idea. Alberti wrote that a lineament comparable to the instantiation of Aristotelian essence in
is a definite and constant description (perscriptio), conceived matter; it is achieved by the hand of the craftsman, and if
and perfected by the rational soul and the learned ingenium.20 collaboration between architect and craftsman is going to
Perscriptio is another of Alberti’s technical terms. The noun be possible, the mental capacities of both must enable it. It
and its related verb perscribere occur sixteen times in De re is therefore fair to ask about the way the mental processes
aedificatoria.21 Standard Latin dictionaries recommend trans- that enable such collaboration, thinking and communicat-
lating them as referring to verbal rather than visual descrip- ing about spatial objects, would have been conceived of in
tions; nevertheless, except for three occurrences, Alberti in Alberti’s time.
De re aedificatoria used the term to refer to visual descriptions
of formal properties. We thus read about perscriptiones of geo-
metrical figures, parts of buildings, and fossils as represen- Imagination in Aristotelian Psychology
tations of the shapes of animals.22 Out of eleven contexts in Alberti could not have read twentieth-century research on
which Alberti used perscriptio to refer to a visual description, visual mental imagery, but Aristotelian psychology of his
in seven he directly implied that this description was two- time would have provided him with ample support for a
dimensional, while the remaining four contexts allow for theory of perscriptiones as two-dimensional mental represen-
such interpretation (though they do not necessarily imply tations of three-dimensional objects. Renaissance psycho­
it). Alberti directly contrasted the perscriptio of a building logy was based almost exclusively on the interpretation of
with its model because of the former’s two-dimensionality.23 and commentary on Aristotle’s De anima. Aristotle’s treatise
The textual evidence thus suggests interpreting perscrip- not only had a huge circulation, additionally strengthened by
tiones as two-dimensional mental representations. the religious importance of questions about the immortality
­Alberti’s referring to perscriptiones as mental images is a of the soul, but it was also mandatory reading in almost all
quattrocento equivalent of Kosslyn’s CRT model, a men- European universities during the Renaissance.29 In fact, at
tal equivalent of representation on a two-dimensional the time there was no alternative description of human
TV screen. ­cognition and mental capacities. Aristotelians or not, Renais-
Ontologically, for Alberti, what an architect makes is sance thinkers had to rely on the classification of these capac-
mental content that is conveyed to workers by means of ities presented in Aristotle’s De anima.
drawings and materialized in executed buildings. Mario Imagination—and visual imagination in particular—plays
Carpo, who uses the modern English word design for this a central role in Aristotle’s description of human cognition.30
mental content, observes that “in Alberti’s theory, the design Contrary to some twentieth-century philosophers who
of a building is the original, and the buildings are its copy.” insisted that there can be no thinking without language,
He adds, “Alberti’s design process relies on a system of nota- ­Aristotle insisted that there can be no thinking without imag-
tion whereby all aspects of a building must be scripted by one ination.31 In De anima he describes the way the percepts
author and unambiguously understood by all builders.” 24 received by the external senses (seeing, hearing, and so on)
Alberti indeed assumed strong separation between the archi- are first assembled in common sense—“common” because it
tect as the author who determines the immaterial lineaments combines the information received from various external
or shapes of the building, a job that is performed in the mind, senses. Common sense formulates, for instance, the aware-
and the hand of the artisan that imposes these shapes on ness that the white substance I see is also sweet.32 Together
­matter.25 His statement in the preface to De re aedificatoria with memory, common sense enables imagination to form
that a building consists of lineaments and matter would have the representations of external objects called phantasms.33 It is
been immediately recognized by his contemporaries as a from the phantasm that the intellect subsequently extracts
departure from the fundamental Aristotelian thesis that a the essence of the object—that is, recognizes what the thing is.34
material object consists of form and matter.26 Forma in the The nature of phantasms is described in greater detail in
Latin Aristotelianism of his time is a rendering of Greek De memoria than in De anima, since the latter treatise is
eidos: it is not the shape of an object but its essence, the mainly concerned with differentiating between the imagination

316    j s a h   |   7 4 . 3   |  S e p t e mb e r 2 0 1 5
and other capacities of the soul.35 In De memoria Aristotle arrive from a position to the left of that from which the light
says that the affection produced by sensation in the soul rays from the table reach my eyes. For this explanation to
is a picture (zographema) and that it is like an image (typos) of work, one must postulate straight light rays traveling from
the thing perceived; perception is comparable to the impres- the object to the eye. But Aristotle’s explanation leaves no
sion of a signet ring into wax. 36 In the next paragraph space for light rays—and, as a result, Aristotelian optics de
he starts his explanation of the intentionality of mental visual facto cannot explain why things are perceived where they
representations by saying, “Assuming that there is in us are.41 There is nothing in Aristotle’s account that would
something like an image [typos] or a drawing [graphe].”37 ensure that I perceive the chair to the left of the table, if it is
Since the standard translation of zographema is “picture” and really there. Such a theory of vision is certainly unsatisfactory,
that of graphe is “drawing,” the implication is that phantasms especially for Alberti, who concentrated his efforts on defin-
are two-dimensional representations. It may be argued that ing a geometry-based pictorial account of the shapes and
the term typos, “imprint,” suggests three-dimensionality spatial distances between objects. In classical antiquity, we
because of the reference to the impression of a signet ring find a comprehensive mathematical treatment of human
into wax. (Alternatively, it is plausible that Aristotle is talking vision in Euclid’s Optics.42 Starting from the assumption that
about imprinting merely in order to describe how such light rays are straight lines, Euclid described how the
­representations come about.) But even if typos is understood ­perceived size of an object (the size of its visual angle)
three-dimensionally, as a kind of relief, when it comes to the depends on its distance from the viewer.43 This was basically
representation of architectural works, such reliefs would the geometrical version of the central problem that the early
function in the same way as two-dimensional representa- Renaissance theorists of perspective endeavored to resolve:
tions: a set of such representations, showing the object from the relationship between the distance of an object from the
different sides, would be needed to represent the three- viewer and the object’s perceived size. However, Euclid, as a
dimensional shape of a building. One would still encounter mathematician, never contemplated, and was probably not
the same problems that result from the need to define geo- interested in, the implications of his theorems for the visual
metrically the relationship between a three-dimensional depiction of objects by means of drawings. He mathemati-
shape and a set of drawings depicting it. De memoria would cally articulated the way the perceived size of an object
have been available to Alberti in a medieval translation by changes with distance, but he did not bother to ask how his
James of  Venice that also emphasizes the two-dimensionality mathematical description could be applied in drawing. 44
of phantasms.38 In the medieval Latin rendering it is figura In simple words, Aristotle talked about images but conceived
that is imprinted into wax, while the second sentence cited of them as independent of the geometry of light; Euclid
above discusses figura and pictura.39 Figura could be under- described the geometry of light but had no interest in images.
stood as three-dimensional, but, as mentioned, this three- The pictorial application of the geometry of human visu-
dimensionality is the three-dimensionality of a relief; pictura ality to visual representations is Alberti’s important topic in
is definitely two-dimensional. Alberti’s understanding of per- De pictura. The starting point of his account is the observa-
scriptiones as two-dimensional representations thus fits well tion that every surface can be defined through the specifica-
in the mainstream of Renaissance Aristotelian psychology. tion of the size, position, and length of lines.45 The statement
directly contradicts Aristotle’s view that we primarily
­perceive colors and, consequently, surfaces.46 For Alberti,
Geometrical Consistency of Two-Dimensional surfaces are defined by lines.47 He then proceeds by observ-
Representations ing that light rays travel in straight lines; since they connect
This is, however, also the point at which Alberti departs from the eye and the object, the perception of every line on the
Aristotle. Even in the writings that preceded De re aedificatoria object can be analyzed geometrically—it can be defined by
he followed the long tradition of Greek, Arab, and medieval means of a triangle whose base is the line mentioned and the
optical theorists rather than the Aristotelian account of opposing point of which is the human eye.48 Taken together,
human visuality. There were indeed good reasons to avoid such triangles make up the pyramid of sight.49 This reason-
Aristotle’s account of human vision. In Aristotle’s view, light ing implies that the totality of human visual experience can
is the actualization of the medium of vision—which pre- be described geometrically. A picture is a section through the
cludes the existence of light rays that travel in straight lines.40 pyramid of sight—it is a plane that shows what we would see
The problem with this view is that it makes it impossible to through a window located at the place of the picture plane.50
explain why we perceive things where they are, their relative In other words, there is the eye and there is the object
positions, and their spatial relationships to each other. For depicted in perspective; the light rays that reach the eye from
instance, if a chair is to the left of a table, I perceive it there the object travel in straight lines. One could place a window
because the light rays that reach my eyes from the chair between the object and the eye and draw on the glass the

L e o n B at t i s ta Alb e r t i , M e n ta l R o tat i o n , a n d t h e  O r i g i n s o f T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l C o m p u t e r   M o d e l i n g    317

object as one sees it through the glass. Perspective is the swiftly through the air.55 They are broken when they run into
procedure that generates the same drawing by geometric wood or rocks; they pass through glass and are reflected by
means. A perspectival drawing therefore delivers to the eye mirrors.56 The theory leaves unclear how we can perceive the
a bundle of light rays equivalent to the one that would reach distance between objects (which is immaterial and therefore
the eye from the depicted object. Thus understood, perspec- emits no image) and leaves no possibility for a quantified
tival geometry describes the totality of visuospatial percep- description of visual space, such as perspective. Alberti’s
tual experience. In the little essay Elementa picturae Alberti ­perscriptiones, however, are definable by means of the geom-
states that there is nothing in nature that can be perceived by etry of light rays—and since they are two-dimensional, we
the eyes and yet not represented in lines.51 At the same time, need more than one of them to depict a three-dimensional
the geometrical procedure for the construction of perspec- object from all its sides. To achieve this, we need to rotate the
tive drawings that he describes can represent any shape from object in our minds or using drawings, the way most archi-
any side, and it does not allow that there could be a part of a tects today would on a computer screen. So we are back to
drawing that would not geometrically define something in mental rotation.
the disposition of objects depicted. As Ernst Gombrich
has pointed out, “The first consequence of the [Albertian]
window idea is that we cannot conceive of any spot on the Mental Rotation 2
panel which is not significant, which does not represent The nature of the cognitive processes that enable mental
something.”52 This corresponds to the idea of systematic rotation was Alberti’s additional difficulty with Aristotelian
two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional psychology. On one hand, he had reason to endorse Aristotle’s
objects (whose completeness and consistency are enabled by account of the importance of visual imagination—his
the mathematical procedures that define them) described in ­perscriptiones are close approximations of Aristotle’s phantas-
the opening of this article. mata, and at the time there was no alternative cognitive
The central point of Alberti’s writings about the visual arts ­psychology to explain visual imagination anyway. We have
is the quantification of spatial relationships and visual experi- seen that for Aristotle, the lower, material, and perishable
ence; De pictura, De statua, Elementa picturae, and Descriptio strata of the human soul consisted of the five external senses
urbis Romae de facto all endeavor to show that there are (vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch) and the internal
no spatial relationships that cannot be arithmetically or senses (the common sense, imagination, and memory) that
­geometrically compared.53 According to De pictura, light processed the information received through the external
guarantees the geometrical nature of human vision: light senses. In the debate between Kosslyn and Pylyshyn, Aristot­
rays, which make human visual experience possible, are the ­le would side with Kosslyn, given that in De memoria he
equivalents of straight lines. Ultimately, those properties that explicitly states that the products of imagination, phantasms,
define lineaments are the same properties (the shapes of are stored in memory.57 In other words, our memory stores
buildings) that are depicted using light rays. The geometry two-dimensional images as two-dimensional images—it does
of physical shapes is translatable fully and without residue not encode them in some other way. For Aristotle, there is
into the geometry of two-dimensional visual representations, no thinking without imagination. Unlike Pylyshyn, he does
perscriptiones drawn or imagined. De pictura is mainly con- not conceive of imagination as a mere by-product of more
cerned with the geometrical construction of perspectival abstract, nonpictorial mental processing. It is from phan-
perscriptiones, but there is ultimately no reason plans, sections, tasms that the intellect extracts the essence of the thing, rec-
or elevations would be excluded. Alberti’s important point is ognizes what the thing is.
that all visible properties of objects are geometrically defin- On the other hand, any attempt to explain mental rotation
able as sets of lines; the sets of lines that define the shape of within the framework of Aristotelian cognitive psychology
an object are its lineaments, and a building consists of linea- must run into serious problems. Insofar as zographema is
ments and matter. The geometry of light rays guarantees the indeed a two-dimensional representation, its geometrical
geometry of two-dimensional representations of three- relationship to the (shape of the) objects it represents is
dimensional objects. We have seen that this would not work unclear in the Aristotelian account. For Aristotle, we have
with Aristotelian understanding of light—and one can simi- seen, the geometry of light does not provide a direct
larly compare Alberti’s understanding of human vision with ­(geometrical) connection between the object and its repre-
the theory presented in Lucretius’s De rerum natura, which sentation. Consequently, if no geometrical account of visuo-
became available in Florence as a result of Poggio Bracciolini’s spatial representation is possible, it is unclear how the
discovery in 1417.54 According to Lucretius, objects con- geometrical properties of objects can be preserved in the
stantly emit their own images (simulacra), which are like process of (mental) representation. And if they are not
membranes drawn from their outermost surfaces that move ­preserved in representation, it is even less clear how they can

318    j s a h   |   7 4 . 3   |  S e p t e mb e r 2 0 1 5
be articulated consistently in mental rotation. An even more content of every possible visual experience, seeing or imagin-
fundamental problem is that, according to Aristotle, math- ing a thing, is quantifiable and geometrically describable.
ematical thinking is, ultimately, a job of the intellect—a stratum The principle seems obvious enough to us today—but we
of the soul above the imagination. If mental rotation were to have seen that this was not necessarily always the case, and it
produce geometrically accurate results in the imagination, was certainly not the case with Aristotle. Alberti’s principle
the imagination would have to follow the instructions it that the totality of human visual experience is quantifiable is
received from the intellect. In Aristotle’s cognitive scheme, the fundamental assumption of architectural practice. This
however, the intellect extracts the essence of the thing from principle makes three-dimensional computer modeling soft-
the phantasm, but there is no account of any (mathematical) ware possible. One can only try to imagine what architectural
feedback that it may provide to the imagination. It is conse- work would be like today if it were impossible to describe by
quently not clear how imagination can solve the geometrical means of geometry the shapes of buildings as one perceives
problems that arise from imagining a three-dimensional them.
object from different sides in a series of two-dimensional In other words, without Alberti’s principle, there would
phantasms. be no modern architectural practice. It should be noted,
Alberti does not have a solution for this problem, and, however, that the principle comes prepackaged with a strong
arguably, he does not need to have one. His treatises pertain claim on universality: everywhere where light rays are
to visual arts and architecture, not cognitive psychology. But straight lines the geometry of human vision is going to be
his use of specific terms (and avoidance of others) shows that the same. As Alberti himself put it, parts of a sculpture can
he was aware of the problem. The standard Aristotelian tech- be reproduced at different places and subsequently put
nical terms that could lead to the articulation of the problem, together as long as the system of measurement used is the
such as intellectus or imaginatio, do not appear once in the same across the locations.63 Alberti’s theory of visual repre-
De re aedificatoria. Three crucial psychological terms, or sentation relies on assumptions about space that Ernst
mental capacities, are mentioned in this work: mens, animus, ­Cassirer and Erwin Panofsky have called homogeneity: it is
and ingenium.58 The last of these is the capacity for invention, a space in which geometry functions the same everywhere
the ability to create new things.59 Spatial thinking, including and in which it is possible to draw identical geometrical
the ability to interpret two-dimensional perscriptiones three- ­figures in every direction.64 Since Panofsky suggested, almost
dimensionally, happens, Alberti says, in animo et mente.60 The a century ago, that the early Renaissance understanding of
two terms seem to be interchangeable in his writing.61 In space as homogeneous enabled the discovery of the geo-
the Aristotelian psychological tradition, animus and mens are metrical construction of perspective, it has often been
the most general names for the rational capacities of the soul asserted that space was not conceived as homogeneous
and pertain to the totality of the human rational soul. In the before the quattrocento. Some more radical authors have
context of Alberti’s architectural treatise, animus refers to the even suggested that we do not inhabit homogeneous space
cognitive soul in general—it is not limited to the intellect but and that we are merely culturally conditioned to think that
also includes imagination, common sense, and memory. It we do.65 Considering Cassirer’s and Panofsky’s definition of
thus comprises both the intellect and the lower, perishable, homogeneous space, such theses are hard to defend: in a non-
strata of the rational soul. Mens is used the same way, but not homogeneous space it is not possible to draw the same figure
so often. The two terms are often used conjointly: Alberti from every point in every direction. A figure can be a simple
says that we imagine buildings in animo et mente and that we line (or a rectangle whose width is zero), and claiming that
can contemplate forms independent of matter in animo et the people of the past could not have conceived of space as
mente.62 Alberti, one may surmise, was aware of the problem, homogeneous boils down to saying that they did not assume
and he avoided it by using the most general Aristotelian that they could draw the same line from point A to point B
terms that refer to the rational soul, without committing and from B to A. Had architects started understanding space
himself to the particularities of the Aristotelian psychological as homogeneous only in the Renaissance, before the Renais-
account. sance they would not have known that the length of a wall
must be the same regardless of the end of the wall from which
it is measured. This was not the case. What changed at the
Epilogue beginning of the Renaissance was not the understanding of
A discussion of the possibilities (or limits) of the use of geom- space. Rather, the Italian urban environments of the era were
etry in the representation of architectural works is ultimately characterized by close social interactions between artisans
a discussion about the nature of space and the nature of and intellectuals that made it possible for them to articulate
architectural works. Alberti articulated first (most directly in dilemmas pertaining to visual representation as mathemati-
Elementa picturae, as mentioned) the important thesis that the cal problems and resolve them in ways that were consistent

L e o n B at t i s ta Alb e r t i , M e n ta l R o tat i o n , a n d t h e  O r i g i n s o f T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l C o m p u t e r   M o d e l i n g    319

with geometrical knowledge available from many centuries Image Scanning,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
earlier. Alberti’s and Brunelleschi’s great innovation was not Performance 4, no. 1 (1978), 47.
8. See Kosslyn, Ghosts in the Mind’s Machine. See also the philosophical dis-
the introduction of the assumption of the homogeneity of
cussion of the ways in which Kosslyn’s model can be defended in Michael
space but the systematic application of the geometrical Tye, The Imagery Debate (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press), 1991.
nature of space to the problem of two-dimensional represen- 9. See Kosslyn, “On the Demystification,” 134–46.
tation of three-dimensional objects. And it was an immensely 10. Zenon W. Pylyshyn, “The Imagery Debate: Analog Media versus Tacit
influential innovation, judging by the way it dominates modern Knowledge,” in Block, Imagery, 151–204.
11. See, for instance, the Wikipedia article about mental rotation, http://
architectural practice. (accessed 31 July 2011).
12. For instance, in order to define geometrically the intersection line of
two prisms, we have to imagine how these prisms would intersect with
Notes specific planes from different sides.
13. “Nam aedificium quidem corpus quoddam esse animadvertimus, quod
1. My special gratitude to Mario Carpo for stimulating my interest in the
lineamentis veluti alia corpora constaret et materia.” Leon Battista Alberti,
problems discussed in this article during our conversation at the SAH
De re aedificatoria, 15 (3.28), cited according to the Latin-Italian edi-
­conference in Richmond, Virginia, in 2002. The article reconstructs the
tion, Leon Battista Alberti, L’architettura, ed. and Italian trans. Giovanni
Renaissance Aristotelian perspective on those aspects of Alberti’s theo-
Orlandi (Milan: Polifilo, 1966), followed by page and line information for
retical views that, as Carpo has described, have significant parallels with
the editio princeps in parentheses.
modern architectural practice. I would also like to express my gratitude to
14. For a survey of these debates, see Branko Mitrovi , Serene Greed of
Victor Caston, Peter Lautner, Mark Gage, Peter McPherson, and Bojan
the Eye: Leon Battista Alberti and the Philosophical Foundations of Renaissance
Tepav evi for help and advice in the preparation of the article and to Cam-
Architectural Theory (Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2005), 29–47.
eron Moore for help with the written English of the article.
15. See ibid., 177–83, for a complete survey of all the contexts in which this
2. On “visual perception” in the sense of proximal perception, see ­Maurice
term appears in De re aedificatoria.
Hershenson, Visual Space Perception: A Primer (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1999), 118. 16. “Neque habet lineamentum in se, ut materiam sequatur, sed est huius-
3. This is not necessarily the case with perception—in psychology there modi, ut eadem plurimis in aedificiis esse lineamenta sentiamus, ubi una
exists an extensive debate about the non-Euclidian aspects of human atque eadem in illis spectetur forma, hoc est, ubi eorum partes et partium
­visual experience. The debate about non-Euclidian organization of human singularum situs atque ordines inter se conveniant totis angulis totisque
visual perception started with Rudolf Luneburg’s Mathematical Analysis of lineis.” Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 19–21 (4.30–4v.10).
­Binocular Vision (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1947); see 17. “Lineamenta et partium situs et collocationes.” Leon Battista Alberti,
also Rudolf Luneburg, “The Metric of Binocular Visual Space,” Journal of De statua, 6. Citations from De pictura, De statua, and Elementa picturae are
the Optical Society of America 40 (1950), 627–42. For a summary of subse- according to the Latin-German edition, Leon Battista Alberti, Das Standbild,
quent debates, see Robert French, The Geometry of Vision (New York: Peter Die Malerei, Grundlagen der Malerei, ed. Oskar Bätschmann and ­German
Lang, 1987); Mark Wagner, The Geometries of Visual Space (Mahwah, N.J.: trans. Christoph Schäublin (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,
Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006). On such debates in relation to architecture, see 2000). In citations from De pictura the first number indicates the book and
Branko Mitrovi , Visuality for Architects: Architectural Creativity and Modern the second the paragraph. In citations from De statua and Elementa picturae
Theories of Perception and Imagination (Charlottesville: University of Virginia numbers and capital letters indicate the corresponding paragraphs. For the
Press, 2013). Italian version of De pictura see Opere volgari, 6–107. For Elementa ­picturae
4. The classic article about these experiments is Roger Shepard and see also the English translation by Kim ­Williams and Richard Schofield
­Jacqueline Metzler, “Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects,” as well as the commentary by Stephen Wassell in Leon Battista Alberti,
Science 141 (1971), 701–3. A good introduction to this body of psychologi- The  Mathematical Works of Leon Battista Alberti, ed. Kim Williams, Lionel
cal research is provided in Michael W. Eysenck and Mark T. Keane, Cogni- March, and Stephen R. Wassell (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2010), 142–70.
tive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook, 3rd ed. (Hove, England: Psychology 18. Alberti also says that lineamenta are constitutive of the discipline of
Press, 1995), 203–32. For a comprehensive collection of articles about the architecture, the res aedificatoria: “Tota res aedificatoria lineamentis et
imagery debate, see Ned Block, ed., Imagery (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT structura constituta est.” Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 19 (4.30).
Press, 1981); in particular, see Roger Brown and Richard J. Herrnstein, 19. See, for instance, Aristotle, De anima, 430a5–6, 430a19–20, 431a1–2.
“Icons and Images” in Block, Imagery, 19–28. Citations from De anima, De memoria, and De sensu are according to the
5. Subsequent experiments have shown that pigeons can be trained to parallel Greek-English edition, Aristotle, On the Soul; Parva naturalia; On
solve the same problems as successfully as humans, but in the pigeons’ case Breath, English trans. W. S. Hett (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University
there is no correlation between the angle of rotation and the time needed Press, 1995). For an explanation of this section in Alberti, see Mitrovi ,
for response. This has led researchers to conclude that pigeons do not Serene Greed, 63–68.
employ mental rotation when solving such problems. Valerie D. Hollard 20. “Haec cum ita sint, erit ergo lineamentum certa constansque perscrip-
and Juan D. Delius, “Rotational Invariance in Visual Pattern Recognition tio concepta animo, facta lineis et angulis perfectaque animo et ingenio
by Pigeons and Humans,” Science 218 (1982), 804–6. erudito.” Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 21 (4v.13–14). Insofar as perscriptiones
6. Stephen M. Kosslyn, “On the Demystification of Mental Imagery,” are two-dimensional (as argued later in this article), this sentence may seem
in Block, Imagery, 131–50; Stephen M. Kosslyn, “The Medium and the to contradict the understanding of lineamenta as three-dimensional shapes.
­Message in Mental Imagery,” in Block, Imagery, 207–44; Stephen M. In fact, Alberti’s “haec cum ita sunt” pertains to the previous sentence,
­Kosslyn, Ghosts in the Mind’s Machine: Creating and Using Images in the where he explains, “Et licebit integras formas praescribere animo et mente
Brain (New York: W. W. Norton, 1983). seclusa omni materia.” Ibid., 21 (4v.10–11). Lineaments thus can be con-
7. Stephen M. Kosslyn, Brian J. Reiser, and Thomas M. Ball, “Visual templated in the mind independent of the matter that instantiates them,
Images Preserve Metric Spatial Information: Evidence from Studies of and when they are contemplated in the mind, they are represented in the

320    j s a h   |   7 4 . 3   |  S e p t e mb e r 2 0 1 5
form of two-dimensional perscriptiones. Similar understanding is proposed 32. Aristotle, De anima, 426b8–427a17.
by the Russian commentator Vasily Pavlovich Zubov, who translates this 33. Ibid., 429a10–430a10.
section as “ 34. Ibid., 429a10–431b14.
35. Ibid., 427a17–429a9; Aristotle, De memoria, 449b4–451a18.
36. “ .” Aristotle, De memoria, 450a29. “
.” Leon Battista Alberti, .” Ibid., 450a30.
(Desyat knig o zodchestve) (De re aedificatoria), 37. “ .” Ibid., 450b16.
2 vols., trans. (vol. 1) and commentary (vol. 2) by Vasily Pavlovich Zubov (Note that “ ” is not merely “if” in this context; it introduces the clause
(Moscow: Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya Arhitekturi 1935-37 ), 1:12. Zubov thus that explains the argument.)
translates perscriptio as “plan” ( ) and therefore understands it as two- 38. For the history of Latin medieval translations of De anima, see Pieter
dimensional, while in the commentary (2:279) he warns that lineamenta are De Leemans, “Parva naturalia, Commentaries on Aristotle’s,” in Encyclo-
three-dimensional. pedia of Medieval Philosophy, ed. Henrik Lagerlund (Dordrecht: Springer,
21. See the systematic survey of Alberti’s use of these terms in Mitrovi , 2011), 917–23. See also S. D. Wingate, The Mediaeval Latin Versions of the
Serene Greed, 37–38, 183–85. Aristotelian Scientific Corpus (London: Courier Press, 1931), 46–47.
22. Ibid., 183–85. 39. The translation by James of Venice states at 450a29 “passionem factam
23. Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 97 (20v), 861 (174v.29). per sensum in anima . . . velut picturam quadam,” at 450a30 “factus enim
24. Mario Carpo, The Alphabet and the Algorithm (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT motus imprimit velut figuram quandam sensibilis sicut sigillantes annulis,”
Press, 2011), 26, 28. and at 450b16 “si est simile sicut figura aut pictura in nobis huius ipsius
25. Lineament, as he points out, is immaterial: “Neque habet lineamentum sensus.” Cited according to Thomas Aquinas, In Aristotelis libros De sensu
in se, ut materiam sequatur.” Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 17–19 (4v.5). It is et sensato De memoria et reminiscentia commentarium, ed. Raymund Spiazzi
conceived by the mind: “Erit ergo lineamentum certa constansque per- (Turin: Marietti 1973), 95. See also Aristoteli libri omnes ad animalium cog-
scriptio concepta animo facta lineis et angulis perfectaque animo et ingenio nitionem attinentes cum Averrois Cordubiensis variis in eosdem commentariis
erudito.” Ibid., 21 (4v.13–14). At the same time, it is “periti artificis manus, (Venice: Apud Iunctas, 1562), vol. 6, part 2, 18v and 18r.
quae lineamentis materiam conformaret.” Ibid., 15 (3v.31–32). 40. Aristotle’s main account of human vision is in De anima, 418a27–419b3.
26. “Nam aedificium . . . lineamentis veluti alia corpora constaret et materia.” Aristotle bases his account on the existence of the transparent medium
Ibid., 15 (3v.29). For a discussion of the relationship between Alberti’s (“ ”; ibid., 418b3). Light is then the actualization of the
­lineamenta and Aristotelian form (essence), see Mitrovi , Serene Greed, 52–57. transparent medium as transparent (“
27. See Mitrovi , Serene Greed, 52–56. ”; ibid., 418b9). It would be wrong to say that
28. “[Lineamentum] est huiusmodi, ut eadem plurimis in aedificiis esse light travels, Aristotle says; such movements could escape our observa-
­lineamenta sentiamus, ubi . . . eorum partium singularum situs atque tion in a small intervening space, but not at such great distances as the
ordines se conveniant totis angulis totisque lineis.” Alberti, De re aedificatoria, ultimate points in the East and West. Ibid., 418b21–26. See also Aristo-
21 (4v.9–10). I have shown that the word translates as “shape” in all the tle, De sensu, 438a27, 446b27. However, there are sections in Aristotle
contexts in which Alberti used it; Mitrovi , Serene Greed, 177–83. that contradict this account of visual perception; see David Lindberg,
29. On the wide influence of Aristotle’s De anima during the Middle Ages, Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler (Chicago: Chicago University
see F. Edwards Cranz, “The Renaissance Reading of De anima,” in Platon Press, 1976), 217n39.
et Aristote a la renaissance (Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1976), 41. As Lindberg points out, “For example, how, on the Aristotelian theory,
360; Katharine Park and Eckhard Kessler, “The Concept of Psychology,” can individual parts of the visual field be distinguished? If colored bodies
in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Charles Schmitt and produce qualitative changes in all parts of a transparent medium to which
Quentin Skinner (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 458; Peter they have rectilinear access, how do we see one object here and another
Lautner, “Status and Method of Psychology according to the Late Neopla- object over there? What is the nature or source of the directional capabili-
tonists and Their Influence during the Sixteenth Century,” in The Dynam- ties of sight? Aristotle’s theory of vision provides no answer to these ques-
ics of ­Aristotelian Natural Philosophy from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century, tions.” Lindberg, Theories of Vision, 58–59.
ed. Cees Leijenhorst, Christoph Lüthy, and Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen 42. As C. D. Brownson notes, “The Optics is primarily associated with the
­(Leiden: Brill, 2002), 81–108. On De anima as required reading in European concern to find a mathematical formulation of the laws of sight, while lin-
universities, see Park and Kessler, “Concept of ­Psychology,” 457. ear perspective has been employed only for the construction of pictures.”
30. Aristotle’s crucial treatment of the imagination is in De anima, 427a17– The important difference is that “Euclid’s Optics studies the apparent size,
429a9; see also Aristotle, De memoria, 449b31–451a18. J. Freudenthal’s shape, and position of objects from a point of observation, while the central
Begriff des Wortes bei Aristoteles (Göttingen: Universitäts-Druckerei, problem for linear perspective is determining the relative size, shape, and
1863) is still considered to be an important summary of the topic. See also placement of objects in a scene as they appear at a picture plane.” C. D.
D. A. Rees, “Aristotle’s Treatment of Phantasia,” in Essays in Ancient Greek Brownson, “Euclid’s Optics and Its Compatibility with Linear Perspective,”
Philosophy, ed. John P. Anton with George L. Kustas (Albany: State Uni- Archive for History of Exact Sciences 26 (1982), 188, 165.
versity of New York Press, 1971), 491–504; Malcolm Schofield, ­“Aristotle 43. (Pseudo?)-Euclid, Optics, theorem 8, cited according to Euclid, Optics,
on Imagination,” in Articles on Aristotle, ed. Jonathan Barnes, Malcolm in Euclidis opera omnia, vol. 7, ed. Johann Ludwig Heiberg (Leipzig: Taubner,
Schofield, and Richard Sorabji (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978), 1973). See also Euclid, Optics of Euclid, trans. Harry Edwin Burton, Journal
103–31; Victor Caston, “Why Aristotle Needs Imagination,” Phronesis 61 of the Optical Society of America 35 (1945), 357–71.
(1996), 20–55; Victor Caston, “Aristotle and the Problem of Intentional- 44. This is what psychologists call proximal perception. See Hershenson,
ity,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1998), 249–98. Visual Space Perception, 118.
31. Aristotle, De anima, 431a17, 431b3, 432a8; Aristotle, De memoria, 45. “Lineae plures quasi fila in tela aducta si cohaereant, superficiem
449b49. For a survey of the view that thinking is inseparable from language, ducent.” Alberti, De pictura, 1.2.
see Michael Losonsky, Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: 46. Aristotle, De anima, 418a28, 419a1.
Cambridge University Press, 2006). 47. Alberti, De pictura, 1.2.

L e o n B at t i s ta Alb e r t i , M e n ta l R o tat i o n , a n d t h e  O r i g i n s o f T h r e e - D i m e n s i o n a l C o m p u t e r   M o d e l i n g    321

48. “Visum per triangula fieri cuius basis visa quantitas cuiusve latera sunt 62. Ibid., 11 (3.18), 21 (4v.10). Alberti says that one often cannot refrain
iidem ipsi radii qui a punctis quantitatis ad oculum protenduntur.” Alberti, “quin mente et animo aliquas aedificationes commentemur.”
De pictura, 1.6. 63. Alberti, De statua, 6, 16.
49. Ibid., 1.7. 64. Such geometrical homogeneity does not preclude the possibility that
50. Ibid., 1.19. space may not be homogeneous in some other sense—for example, that
51. “Ex his quae sequentur, omnis ratio et via perscribendi componendique heavy bodies strive to move in one direction and light bodies in another.
lineas et angulos et superficies explicabitur notaque reddetur adeo ut For Panofsky’s definition of the homogeneity of space, see Erwin Panofsky,
nihil in rerum natura sit, quod ipsum oculis possit perspici, quin id hinc Die Perspektive als symbolische Form, in Deutschsprachige Aufsätze, ed. Karen
instructus perfacile possit lineis perfinire atque exprimere.” What follows Michels and Martin Warnke (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1998), 2: 664–757,
(“quae sequentur”) is a list of twenty-five simple geometrical constructions. 2:667–68. For a history of the debate about the homogeneity of space, see
Alberti, Elementa picturae, E. Branko Mitrovi , “Leon Battista Alberti and the Homogeneity of Space,”
52. Ernst Gombrich, “Meditations on a Hobby Horse,” in Meditations on a JSAH 63, no. 4 (2004), 424–39.
Hobby Horse, and Other Essays on the Theory of Art, 3rd ed. (London: Phaidon, 65. Panofsky argued that perspective as a method of visual communication
1978), 10. is merely a social convention that arose in the Renaissance and that space
53. For wider discussion of Alberti’s program of quantification, see Mario was not understood as homogeneous before the Renaissance. He noted,
Carpo, “How Do You Imitate a Building That You Have Never Seen? first, that the human retina is semispherical while the laws of perspective
Printed Images, Ancient Models, and Handmade Drawings in Renaissance are defined for a plane—ergo, these laws cannot describe the real image
Architectural Theory,” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 64 (2001), 223–33; that light creates on the retina. However, the geometrical construction of
Mario Carpo, “Drawing with Numbers: Geometry and Numeracy in Early a perspectival drawing is not meant to replicate the retinal image; rather,
Modern Architectural Design,” JSAH 62, no. 4 (2003), 448–69. See also as Alberti himself described in De pictura, it is meant to generate the same
Joan Gadol, Leon Battista Alberti: Universal Man of the Early Renaissance drawing as the one that would be drawn on a glass plane placed between
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969), 28. –the eye and the object depicted. The form of the retina is ultimately irrel-
54. Lucretius, De rerum natura, book 4, in the parallel Latin-English edition, evant; the aim of a perspectival drawing is to deliver a bundle of light rays
On the Nature of Things, English trans. W. H. D. Rose (Cambridge, Mass.: equivalent to the one that would reach the eye from the depicted object.
Harvard University Press, 2002). Second, Panofsky argued that the ancient Greeks perceived differently
55. Ibid., 4.26–44, 4.143–45. from modern men, since the geometrical postulates of Euclid’s Optics dif-
56. Ibid., 4.98, 4.150–54. fer from those necessary for the geometrical construction of perspective.
57. Aristotle, De memoria, 451a2–12. In other words, Panofsky claimed that the geometry of sight that was
58. For a survey and discussion of the use of these terms in De re aedificatoria, described by Euclid was particular to ancient Greeks and was incompat-
see Mitrovi , Serene Greed, 153–57, 201–8. ible with modern visuality that arose in the Renaissance. C. D. Brownson
59. For the history of this concept in the quattrocento, see Martin Kemp, has shown that this claim was based on Panofsky’s misunderstanding of
“From ‘Mimesis’ to ‘Fantasia’: The Quattrocento Vocabulary of Creation, Euclid’s Greek terminology. Brownson, “Euclid’s Optics,” 181–85. The
Inspiration and Genius in the Visual Arts,” Viator 8 (1977), 347–99. For an eighth theorem of Euclid’s Optics states, “
analysis of its use in the quattrocento, see Christine Smith, Architecture in
the Culture of Early Humanism: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Eloquence, 1400–1470 .” Panofsky failed to understand the mathematical, technical meaning
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 30–32. of Euclid’s . As Brownson points out, the mathematical meaning
60. See Mitrovi , Serene Greed, 147–64, 201–8. is “having the same or constant ratio,” while Panofsky understood it simply
61. Alberti, De re aedificatoria, 855 (173v.7–9), 859 (174.16), 861 (174v.25). as a relationship in which one quantity has a dependent relation to another.

322    j s a h   |   7 4 . 3   |  S e p t e mb e r 2 0 1 5

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