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Chapter 5

Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conlcusion arrived based from the finding and

proposes some relevant recommendations.

Summary of findings

The finding of this study are summarized as follows:

Majority of the mothers who were as respondents of thi study were younger with ages 18- 49 years

old, most of them had an average monthly income of P1,000-10,000.00. A large number of the group

with 307 finished elementary and secondary education with few mothers reaching the college level

and majority of them reside near the Barangay Health Center.

The mothers were moderately aware of the health services povided by the Barangay Health Center.

Maternal and child health ranked first with a mean score of 2.75, followed by the health services on

nutrition with a mean score of 2.67. However, the mothers were least aware of the health services on

immunization as shown by a mean score of 2.35. Generally, the mothers were moderately aware on

the health services as revealed by a mean of means 2.60.

The extent of utilization of mothers on the health services provided by the Barangay Health Center

was MODERATELY EXTENT, except of the health services on the family planning which they

utilized LOW EXTENT.


From the findings, the conclusions arrived at are as follows:

the mothers are moderately aware of the health services provided by the Barangay Health Center and

they have utilized the health services provided by the Barangay Health Center particularly on primary

health care, maternal and health, immunization and nutrition to a low extent except on family


There are significant difference in the awareness of mothers on the health services provided by the

Barangay Health Center when they were grouped and compared according to age, economic status,

educational attainment and location of residence. There are also significant difference in the

utilization of mothers on the health services provided by the Barangay Health Center when they were

grouped and compared according to the same variables.

The awareness of the mothers on the health services provided by the Brangay Health Center is not

significantly related to their utilization of such services.


The finding of the study showed that generally, the mothers are only aware to moderate level and

therefore they utized to a low extent. It is therefore highly recommended that results of the study may

be revealed to the Barangay Health Center and to the Department of Health so that corrective

measure in providing active information dissemination to mothers of the different health services be


Educational campaign on the different health services be provided by the Barangay Health Center

should be provided.

Necessary fcilities and equipment as well as medicines and health personnel should be provided to

the barangay health center so that the community members may be encouraged to visit the health


It is recommended that more effort may be exerted by the local and national government especially in

the dissemination of proper health and nutrition. Helth personnel should give more emphasis and

improve the delivery of health services in the barangay level in order to meet the health needs and

promote the good health of th community members

Collaboration with other non-government agencies may be strengthened wich help in promoting the

good health of the community members.

Further studies are also recommended. Such as studies should consider other aspects or areas of the

study which are not covered like the consideration of others areas or variables.

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