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Facial Nerve palsy in children

Incidence of neonatal facial nerve palsy: 0.25%

80% are caused by facial trauma during delivery


Mononeural agenesis
Congenital facial paralysis
Congenital unilateral lower lip palsy

Facial paralysis with other deficits

Möbius' syndrome (VI, VII, bilateral)
Hemifacial microsomia
Oculonuriculovertebral dysplasia
Poland's syndrome (agenesis pectoralis major muscle)

Secondary to teratogens
Dystrophic dystonia


Birth trauma
Forceps injury
Pressure from maternal sacrum
Pressure from fetal shoulder
Intracranial hemorrhage
Bell's pulsy
Systemic or infectious disease
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
Infectious mononucleosis
Acute otitis media

Few Notes:

Congenital unilateral lower lip palsy

 Absence of depressor labii inferioris muscle activity

 It is associated with a lesion of the brainstem
Mobis: may be also ass with EAC anomalies

Nerve palsy is due to underdevelopment of the nerve

Optimal rehabilitation by free muscle transposition

Melkersson's Syndrome

Triad of:

1. facial paralysis
2. orofacial swelling mainly upper lip (defining feature)
3. fissured tongue



Lip biopsy shows lymphatic edema and granulomatous dx with giant cells

May have elevated level of ACE during the attack

 Paralysis may be recurrent/ bilateral

 Treatment is the same as for Bell's palsy.

Osteopetrosis (albers-schoberg disease-marble bone disease)

 AR
 Conductive due to ossicles involvement/mixed hearing
 Sclerotic brittles bone due to failure to resorb calcified
 Increased incidence of osteomyelitis
 Choanal atresia
 Atresia of the para nasal sinus
 Optic atrophy
 Fluctuating facial nerve palsy
 Cranial nerve II,V,VII

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