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Cite as: A. Diez, Science

10.1126/science.aau1829 (2018).

Liquid water on Mars

By Anja Diez
Norwegian Polar Institute, 9296 Tromso, Norway. Email:

A water body exists below the martian south polar ice cap

Without water, no form of life as we know it could exist. There than from a rock or sediment interface and therefore shows
is therefore great interest in detecting liquid water on other up as a relatively bright reflector in the radargram.
planets of our Solar System. Landforms such as dry river Orosei et al. now apply this method to data from Mars. The
valleys and lakes show that liquid water must have been Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sound-
present on Mars in the past (1). Nowadays, small amounts of ing (MARSIS) instrument on the Mars Express spacecraft col-
gaseous water exist in the martian atmosphere, and some lected radar measurements over the SPLD. Orosei et al.

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water ice is found on the planet’s surface. Water droplets were identify a distinct 20-km-wide bright reflector on multiple
seen condensing onto the Phoenix lander (2), and there may profiles collected over 3 years. They rule out a number of pos-
be reoccurring water activity on slopes during the martian sible explanations for this bright reflector, leaving the exist-
summer (3). However, stable bodies of liquid water have not ence of liquid water, either as a distinct water layer or as
been found on Mars. Published in Science’s First Release this saturated sediments, as the only explanation.
week, Orosei et al. (4) report an analysis of radar data from It is even colder on Mars than in Antarctica. Temperatures
the Mars Express mission that shows the existence of stable at the base of the SPLD are estimated to be around −68°C (7),
liquid water below 1.5 km of ice, close to the martian south and thus, pure liquid water could not exist there under 1.5 km
pole. of ice. However, liquid water may still exist because the freez-
Ice caps similar to those on Earth exist at the martian ing point of water is far lower if large amounts of salts are
north and south poles, known as the North and South Polar dissolved in the water. Such brine lakes have been found on
Layered Deposits (NPLD and SPLD, respectively). More than Earth, with salinities of up to 200 practical salinity units (psu)
30 years ago, Clifford hypothesized that liquid water might be in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (8). There, water re-
present below the martian polar ice caps (5). Despite mean mains liquid down to temperatures of −13°C. For comparison,
annual air temperatures of around −60°C, lakes exist below ocean water has a salinity between 32 and 37 psu and freezes
Earth’s Antarctic ice sheet (6). Glacier ice insulates the bed at about −2°C.
from the cold surface. Thus, temperatures at the base of the Salts of sodium, magnesium, and calcium have been found
Antarctic ice sheet, which may be as thick as 4.8 km, can reach on the martian surface and can reduce the melting point of
the pressure melting point of water; the melting point is re- water to −74°C (7, 9); when in contact with ice, the salts can
duced owing to the pressure of the ice layer above. Water at suppress the freezing point enough for liquid water to form
the ice base reduces basal friction, leading to increased flow (7, 10). The droplets observed on the Phoenix lander and the
speeds. Finding liquid water below the martian ice caps might observed reoccurring water activity on slopes were explained
solve ongoing debates about whether the NPLD ice flow is due by the presence of such briny water (5, 10). Briny water can
to ice deformation, deformation of the bed, or gliding over the also explain Orosei et al.’s observation of a stable water body
bed or whether it is not flowing at all (7). below the SPLD.
Water below the Antarctic ice sheet has been detected and In the future, with higher-resolution data, smaller liquid
analyzed by using radar waves that are transmitted actively water bodies that influence the ice flow might be detectable
above the surface. As the electromagnetic radar waves pass below martian ice caps. Like Earth’s ice sheets, the martian
downward through the ice, they are reflected back at the in- ice caps are important climate archives. Depending on the cli-
terfaces between different materials, such as contacts be- mate, the ice caps grow and shrink as a result of depositional
tween ice and bedrock, sediment, or liquid water (see the and erosional events. This creates a unique stratigraphy
figure). Along a flight track, measurements are continuously within the ice caps, consisting of layers of equal age that sci-
carried out to form an image of the subsurface. Such a radar- entists can analyze to derive information about past climate.
gram shows reflectors from the surface and the base and often Changes in ice flow owing to water at the base can change the
multiple weaker reflections from within the ice body. The ra- appearance of these englacial layers; this needs to be consid-
dar wave reflection is stronger from a water interface ered when reconstructing their age. Analyzing these englacial

First release: 25 July 2018 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
reflectors, taking the new findings of liquid water below the
SPLD into account, can therefore help unravel the climate his-
tory of Mars.
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(2014). doi:10.1002/2014GL060302 Medline

Published online 25 July 2018


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Liquid water on Mars
Anja Diez

published online July 25, 2018


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