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A simple MySQL monitor for detecting InnoDB X-Locks

To monitor blocking transactions and lock waits on MySQL I use the following simple

# MySQL Monitoring script
# Use me when you need to log MySQL txns and detect x-locs

while true
date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N' >> locks.txt
date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N' >> lock_waits.txt
date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N' >> tables.txt
echo "select * from information_schema.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS " | mysql -u root
-p$DBPASS >> lock_waits.txt
echo "select lock_id,Lock_trx_id,lock_mode,lock_table
from information_schema.INNODB_LOCKS where lock_mode='X'" | mysql -u root
-p$DBPASS >> tables.txt
echo "select r.trx_id waiting_trx_id,
r.trx_mysql_thread_id waiting_thread,
r.trx_query waiting_query,
b.trx_id blocking_trx_id,
b.trx_mysql_thread_id blocking_thread,
b.trx_query blocking_query
from information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w
inner join information_schema.innodb_trx b on
b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id
inner join information_schema.innodb_trx r on
r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id;" | mysql -u root -p$DBPASS >> locks.txt
sleep 1 ;

This script creates three files and updates them with a timestamp every second.
Those files are:

locks.txt : shows which locs occurred by showing the transaction ID, thread ID from
the blocked transaction and transaction ID, thread ID from the blocking

tables.txt Shows which transactions have placed an exclusive lock

lock_waits.txt: Shows transactions waiting for a lock over a table

Use it as follows:

root@my-db-master:~[1402]#./ &
[1] 23184
root@my-db-master:~[1396]#ls -l
total 60
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 216 Nov 5 20:39 locks.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 216 Nov 5 20:39 lock_waits.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 1230 Nov 5 20:38
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 216 Nov 5 20:39 tables.txt

Posted by Michael Mountrakis at 19:44 2 comments:

Labels: exclusive, innoDB, INNODB_LOCKS, INNODB_TRX, mountrakis, MySQL,

processlist, transactions, x-locks, xlocks

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Digging into MySQL InnoDB Transactions

A week ago I faced a really difficult situation: one of our MySQL innodb databases
was slowing down in response times really a lot. With a bit of debugging, I figure
out that there were some X-locks (eXclusive locks) that did not allowed some of
the later transactions to finish. Here is the procedure I followed:

1. Use MySQL processlist to find out slow operations. The first one show us the
slow queries on a specific database:

select * from information_schema.processlist

where db='alfresco' and command='Query' order by 'time' desc;

Since I understood that the specific slow queries are utilizing two tables I also

select * from information_schema.processlist

where db='alfresco' and info like '%alf_%_assoc%'
2. Now since we have one idea about heavy MySQL threads, lets take a look to the
First of all see all transactions that have placed an exclusive lock on one of the
Second find the lock wait transactions

select * from information_schema.INNODB_TRX

where trx_id in (
select Lock_trx_id from information_schema.INNODB_LOCKS where
lock_mode='X' )

select * from information_schema.INNODB_TRX where trx_id in (

select distinct blocking_trx_id
from information_schema.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS )

3. Finally find the threads along with conflicting transactions with the following

SELECT r.trx_id waiting_trx_id,

r.trx_mysql_thread_id waiting_thread,
r.trx_query waiting_query,
b.trx_id blocking_trx_id,
b.trx_mysql_thread_id blocking_thread,
b.trx_query blocking_query
FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w
INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b ON
b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id
INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r ON
r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id;

Beware: The thread ID (waiting and blocking) is the ID in the


In this case, clearly the transaction with id 194D110F is the blocker!

To inspect the transaction use this query:

select * from information_schema.INNODB_TRX where trx_id='194D110F'

From what we see, there is a transaction running since 19:10:57 with id 194D110F.
The query or operation carried out of this transaction is null because it was
deleted from the transaction cache since it is very old. To retrieve the
information about the SQL statement carried from this transaction we have to use
the MySQL binlog.

The transaction 194D110F was observed during a load test performed on our system.
The lock was not released for 2 h.
The locking thread in MySQL was seen as follows from the slow.log:

---TRANSACTION 194D110F, ACTIVE 7431 sec

74 lock struct(s), heap size 14776, 101 row lock(s), undo log entries 64
MySQL thread id 7526, OS thread handle 0x7fd28ec38700, query id 10005877
application-host X.X.44.28 alfresco
Trx read view will not see trx with id >= 194D1110, sees < 194C03CD

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