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Conversion Tables

Enter amount to convert in gold box next to desired unit.

Convert Unit ounces grams pounds kilograms tons
67 ounces 67.0000 1,899.4500 4.1875 1.9034 0.0021
678 grams 23.9153 678.0000 1.4947 0.6794 0.0007
80 pounds 1,280.0000 36,288.0000 80.0000 36.3636 0.0400
4.5 kilograms 158.4000 4,500.0000 9.9000 4.5000 0.0050
15 tons 480,000.0000 13,605,000.0000 30,000.0000 13,636.3636 15.0000

Convert Unit milliliters liters pints quarts gallons
158 milliliters 158.0000 0.1580 0.3339 0.1670 0.0417
10.5 liters 10,500.0000 10.5000 22.1929 11.0964 2.7741
3.5 pints 1,655.9375 1.6559 3.5000 1.7500 0.4375
16 quarts 15,140.0000 15.1400 32.0000 16.0000 4.0000
6.7 gallons 25,359.5000 25.3595 53.6000 26.8000 6.7000
Fraction Conversions
Linear: 1/2" = 0.5 in.
Convert Unit inches centimeters feet yards meters 7/16" = 0.438 in.
56.5 inches 56.5000 143.5100 4.7083 1.5694 1.4351 3/8" = 0.375 in.
385 centimeters 151.5748 385.0000 12.6312 4.2104 3.8500 5/16" = 0.313 in.
480 feet 5,760.0000 14,630.4000 480.0000 40.0000 146.3040 1/4" = 0.25 in.
36 yards 1,296.0000 3,291.8400 108.0000 36.0000 32.9184 3/16" = 0.188 in.
1000 meters 39,370.0787 100,000.0000 3,280.8399 1,093.6133 1,000.0000 1/8" = 0.125 in.
1/16" = 0.063 in.
Square Measure: 1/32" = 0.031 in.
Convert Unit square inches square feet square yards sq. centimeters square meters
144 sq. inches 144.0000 1.0000 0.1111 929.0304 0.0929
10546 sq. feet 1,518,624.0000 10,546.0000 1,171.7778 9,797,554.5984 979.7555
1728 sq. yards 2,239,488.0000 15,552.0000 1,728.0000 14,448,280.7808 1,444.8281
8785 sq. centimeters 1,361.6777 9.4561 1,728.0000 8,785.0000 0.8785
1000 sq. meters 1,550,003.1000 10,763.9104 1,195.9900 10,000,000.0000 1,000.0000

Convert Unit cubic inches cubic feet cubic yards cubic centimeters cubic meters
700 cubic inches 700.0000 0.4051 0.0150 11,470.9700 0.0115
27 cubic feet 46,656.0000 27.0000 1.0000 301,005.8496 0.3010
35 cubic yards 544,320.0000 945.0000 35.0000 3,511,734.9120 3.5117
32567 cubic centimeters 5,047.8951 315.0000 11.6667 32,567.0000 0.0326
58 cubic meters 8,990,017.9800 5,202.5567 192.6873 58,000,000.0000 58.0000
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Run on 11/19/2007 9:27

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